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Liu Y  Scolari M  Im W  Woo HJ 《Proteins》2006,64(1):156-166
Detailed residue-wise interactions involved in the binding of myosin to actin in the rigor conformation without nucleotides have been examined using molecular dynamics simulations of the chicken skeletal myosin head complexed with two actin monomers, based on the cryo-microscopic model of Holmes et al. (Nature 2003;425:423-427). The overall interaction is largely electrostatic in nature, because of the charged residues in the four loops surrounding the central primary binding site. The 50k/20k loop, disordered in crystal structures and in simulations of free myosin in solution, was found to be in a conformation stabilized with 1 - 2 internal salt bridges. The cardiomyopathy loop forms 2 - 3 interprotein salt bridges with actin monomers upon binding, whereas its Arg405 residue, the mutation site associated with the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, forms a strong salt bridge with Glu605 in the neighboring helix away from actin in the actin-bound myosin. The myopathy loop of the R405Q mutant maintains a high degree of two-strand beta-sheet character when bound to actin with the corresponding salt bridges broken.  相似文献   

Actin and myosin are the two main proteins required for cell motility and muscle contraction. The structure of their strongly bound complex—rigor state—is a key for delineating the functional mechanism of actomyosin motor. Current knowledge of that complex is based on models obtained from the docking of known atomic structures of actin and myosin subfragment 1 (S1; the head and neck region of myosin) into low-resolution electron microscopy electron density maps, which precludes atomic- or side-chain-level information. Here, we use radiolytic protein footprinting for global mapping of sites across the actin molecules that are impacted directly or allosterically by myosin binding to actin filaments. Fluorescence and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopies and cysteine actin mutants are used for independent, residue-specific probing of S1 effects on two structural elements of actin. We identify actin residue candidates involved in S1 binding and provide experimental evidence to discriminate between the regions of hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. Focusing on the role of the DNase I binding loop (D-loop) and the W-loop residues of actin in their interactions with S1, we found that the emission properties of acrylodan and the mobility of electron paramagnetic resonance spin labels attached to cysteine mutants of these residues change strongly and in a residue-specific manner upon S1 binding, consistent with the recently proposed direct contacts of these loops with S1. As documented in this study, the direct and indirect changes on actin induced by myosin are more extensive than known until now and attest to the importance of actin dynamics to actomyosin function.  相似文献   

Export of protein into the periplasm of Escherichia coli via the general secretory system is achieved by action of a ternary complex comprising the polypeptide ligand, the chaperone SecB and SecA, a peripheral component of the membrane translocon, which is itself an ATPase. The unfolded ligand is captured initially by SecB and must be transferred to SecA and subsequently through the membrane translocon into the periplasm. We have taken the first steps in the elucidation of the mechanism of this dynamic transfer by determining the interface of interaction between SecB and SecA. Site-directed spin labeling and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy were combined to identify which of the residues on SecB showed changes in spectral line shape upon addition of SecA. In all, 43% of the surface of SecB was covered by the 41 positions examined. A model of docking between SecB and SecA is proposed based on the pattern of amino acid residues on SecB shown to make contacts when in complex with SecA. This model in combination with previously published biochemical data provides insight into the transfer of the unfolded polypeptide from the chaperone SecB to SecA.  相似文献   

We describe a simple experimental approach for the rapid determination of protein global folds. This strategy utilizes site-directed spin labeling (SDSL) in combination with isotope enrichment to determine long-range distance restraints between amide protons and the unpaired electron of a nitroxide spin label using the paramagnetic effect on relaxation rates. The precision and accuracy of calculating a protein global fold from only paramagnetic effects have been demonstrated on barnase, a well-characterized protein. Two monocysteine derivatives of barnase, (H102C) and (H102A/Q15C), were 15N enriched, and the paramagnetic nitroxide spin label, MTSSL, attached to the single Cys residue of each. Measurement of amide 1H longitudinal relaxation times, in both the oxidized and reduced states, allowed the determination of the paramagnetic contribution to the relaxation processes. Correlation times were obtained from the frequency dependence of these relaxation processes at 800, 600, and 500 MHz. Distances in the range of 8 to 35 A were calculated from the magnitude of the paramagnetic contribution to the relaxation processes and individual amide 1H correlation times. Distance restraints from the nitroxide spin to amide protons were used as restraints in structure calculations. Using nitroxide to amide 1H distances as long-range restraints and known secondary structure restraints, barnase global folds were calculated having backbone RMSDs <3 A from the crystal structure. This approach makes it possible to rapidly obtain the overall topology of a protein using a limited number of paramagnetic distance restraints.  相似文献   

Multifrequency electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), combined with site-directed spin labeling, is a powerful spectroscopic tool to characterize protein dynamics. The lineshape of an EPR spectrum reflects combined rotational dynamics of the spin probe's local motion within a protein, reorientations of protein domains, and overall protein tumbling. All these motions can be restricted and anisotropic, and separation of these motions is important for thorough characterization of protein dynamics. Multifrequency EPR distinguishes between different motions of a spin-labeled protein, due to the frequency dependence of EPR resolution to fast and slow motion of a spin probe. This gives multifrequency EPR its unique capability to characterize protein dynamics in great detail. In this review, we analyze what makes multifrequency EPR sensitive to different rates of spin probe motion and discuss several examples of its usage to separate spin probe dynamics and overall protein dynamics, to characterize protein backbone dynamics, and to resolve protein conformational states.  相似文献   

Site-directed spin labeling provides a means for exploring structure and dynamics in proteins. To interpret the complex EPR spectra that often arise, it is necessary to characterize the rotamers of the spin-labeled side chain and the interactions they make with the local environment in proteins of known structure. For this purpose, crystal structures have been determined for T4 lysozyme bearing a nitroxide side chain (R1) at the solvent-exposed helical sites 41 and 44 in the B helix. These sites are of particular interest in that the corresponding EPR spectra reveal two dynamic states of R1, one of which is relatively immobilized suggesting interactions of the nitroxide with the environment. The crystal structures together with the effect of mutagenesis of nearest neighbors on the motion of R1 suggest intrahelical interactions of 41R1 with the i + 4 residue and of 44R1 with the i + 1 residue. Such interactions appear to be specific to particular rotamers of the R1 side chain.  相似文献   

Myosin VI has been implicated in various steps of organelle dynamics. However, the molecular mechanism by which this myosin contributes to membrane traffic is poorly understood. Here, we report that myosin VI is associated with a lysosome-related organelle, the melanosome. Using an actin-based motility assay and video microscopy, we observed that myosin VI does not contribute to melanosome movements. Myosin VI expression regulates instead the organization of actin networks in the cytoplasm. Using a cell-free assay, we showed that myosin VI recruited actin at the surface of isolated melanosomes. Myosin VI is involved in the endocytic-recycling pathway, and this pathway contributes to the transport of a melanogenic enzyme to maturing melanosomes. We showed that depletion of myosin VI accumulated a melanogenic enzyme in enlarged melanosomes and increased their melanin content. We confirmed the requirement of myosin VI to regulate melanosome biogenesis by analysing the morphology of melanosomes in choroid cells from of the Snell's waltzer mice that do not express myosin VI. Together, our results provide new evidence that myosin VI regulates the organization of actin dynamics at the surface of a specialized organelle and unravel a novel function of this myosin in regulating the biogenesis of this organelle.  相似文献   

氨基甲酸乙酯(Ethyl carbamate,EC)是一种存在于发酵食品和酿造酒精饮料中的潜在致癌物质。利用生物酶法去除食品饮料中的EC是一种较为安全有效的方法。本研究以来源于赖氨酸芽孢杆菌Lysinibacillus fusiformis SC02的氨基甲酸乙酯水解酶为研究对象,采用计算机辅助设计突变位点,构建了其不稳定区域Q328位点的饱和突变体。通过酶学性质分析发现,突变体Q328C和Q328V在40℃下的半衰期分别提高了7.46和1.99倍,Q328R在高温下也有比原酶更好的耐受性。此外,突变体Q328C对乙醇的耐受性和酸耐受性也有所提高。对氨基甲酸乙酯水解酶分子改造的结果表明,通过改造其不稳定区域Q328位点,可以提高酶的热稳定性及对酸和乙醇的耐受性。  相似文献   

We report the construction of subunit interface mutants of rabbit muscle aldolase A with altered quaternary structure. A mutation has been described that causes nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia and produces a thermolabile aldolase (Kishi H et al., 1987, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 84:8623-8627). The disease arises from substitution of Gly for Asp-128, a residue at the subunit interface of human aldolase A. To elucidate the role of this residue in the highly homologous rabbit aldolase A, site-directed mutagenesis is used to replace Asp-128 with Gly, Ala, Asn, Gln, or Val. Rabbit aldolase D128G purified from Escherichia coli is found to be similar to human D128G by kinetic analysis, CD, and thermal inactivation assays. All of the mutant rabbit aldolases are similar to the wild-type rabbit enzyme in secondary structure and kinetic properties. In contrast, whereas the wild-type enzyme is a tetramer, chemical crosslinking and gel filtration indicate that a new dimeric species exists for the mutants. In sedimentation velocity experiments, the mutant enzymes as mixtures of dimer and tetramer at 4 degrees C. Sedimentation at 20 degrees C shows that the mutant enzymes are > 99.5% dimeric and, in the presence of substrate, that the dimeric species is active. Differential scanning calorimetry demonstrates that Tm values of the mutant enzymes are decreased by 12 degrees C compared to wild-type enzyme. The results indicate that Asp-128 is important for interface stability and suggest that 1 role of the quaternary structure of aldolase is to provide thermostability.  相似文献   

A nitroxide side chain (R1) has been substituted at single sites along a helix-turn-helix motif in T4 lysozyme (residues 114-135). Together with previously published data, the new sites reported complete a continuous scan through the motif. Mutants with R1 at sites 115 and 118 were selected for crystallographic analysis to identify the structural origins of the corresponding two-component EPR spectra. At 115, R1 is shown to occupy two rotamers in the room temperature crystal structure, one of which has not been previously reported. The two components in the EPR spectrum apparently arise from differential interactions of the two rotamers with the surrounding structure, the most important of which is a hydrophobic interaction of the nitroxide ring. Interestingly, the crystal structure at 100 K reveals a single rotamer, emphasizing the possibility of rotamer selection in low-temperature crystal structures. Residue 118 is at a solvent-inaccessible site in the protein core, and the structure of 118R1, the first reported for the R1 side chain at a buried site, reveals how the side chain is accommodated in an overpacked core.  相似文献   

Summary Trichosanthin (TCS) is a type I ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP) possessing multiple pharmacological properties. One of its interesting properties is to inhibit human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) replication but its strong immunogenicity has limited the repeated clinical administration. To map the antigenic determinants and reduce the immunogenicity of TCS, two potential antigenic sites (YFF81–83 and KR173–174) were identified by computer modeling, and then three TCS mutants namely TCSYFF81–83ACS, TCSKR173–174CG, and TCSYFF-KR were constructed by site-directed mutagenesis. The RI activity and DNase-like activity of the three constructed TCS mutants were similar to natural TCS but with much lower immunogenicity. Results suggested that the two selected sites are all located at or near the antigenic determinants of TCS. In toxicity studies, the LD50 of the three TCS mutants was not different from natural TCS. These findings would be useful in designing a better therapeutic agent for AIDS.Qunxing An and Sanhua Wei equally contribute to this work.  相似文献   

Actin is a major structural protein of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton and enables cell motility. Here, we present a model of the actin filament (F-actin) that not only incorporates the global structure of the recently published model by Oda et al. but also conserves internal stereochemistry. A comparison is made using molecular dynamics simulation of the model with other recent F-actin models. A number of structural determents such as the protomer propeller angle, the number of hydrogen bonds, and the structural variation among the protomers are analyzed. The MD comparison is found to reflect the evolution in quality of actin models over the last 6 years. In addition, simulations of the model are carried out in states with both ADP or ATP bound and local hydrogen-bonding differences characterized.  相似文献   

Equine satellite cell clone SE-11 and ovine satellite cell clone I(1)were evaluated for expression of myosin heavy chain, myogenin, desmin, and muscle-specific actin over a 240 h period in culture. An enzyme-linked immunoculture assay (ELICA) was capable of detecting these proteins at all time points evaluated. A linear relationship was demonstrated between the natural logarithm of the absorbance values (corrected for cell number) from the ELICA and percent fusion in both SE-11 and I(1)cultures. The r(2)values for SE-11 cultures were: desmin 0.82, muscle actin 0.81, myogenin 0.78, and myosin 0.70. The r(2)values for I(1)cultures were: desmin 0.77, muscle actin 0.72, myogenin 0.70, and myosin 0.61. Our confocal results support the idea that differences exist between species in the differentiation dynamics of satellite cells. Further, these data suggest that the ELICA may be applied to previously conducted experiments, enabling additional data to be obtained with relation to muscle protein expression.  相似文献   

精氨酸脱亚胺酶(ADI)是一种针对精氨酸缺陷型癌症(如:肝癌、黑素瘤)的新药,目前处于临床三期试验。文中通过定点突变技术分析了精氨酸脱亚胺酶的特定氨基酸位点对酶活力的影响机制。针对已报道的关键氨基酸残基A128、H404、I410,采用QuikChange法进行定点突变,获得ADI突变株M1(A128T)、M2(H404R)、M3(I410L)和M4(A128T/H404R)。将突变株在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中进行重组表达,并对纯化获得的突变蛋白进行酶学性质研究。结果表明,突变位点A128T和H404R对ADI最适pH的提高,生理中性(pH 7.4)条件下的酶活力和稳定性的提高,以及Km值的降低均具有显著的作用。研究结果为阐明ADI的酶活力影响机制和蛋白质的理性改造提供了一定的依据。  相似文献   

Based on selective labeling by ATP analogues, Lys68 of the Calvin Cycle enzyme phosphoribulokinase (PRK) from spinach has been assigned to the active-site region [Miziorkoet al. (1990),J. Biol. Chem. 265, 3642–3647]. The equivalent position is occupied by lysyl or arginyl residues in the PRK from both prokaryotic and eukaryotic sources, suggesting a requirement for a basic residue at this location. To examine this possibility, we have replaced Lys68 of the spinach enzyme with arginyl, glutaminyl, alanyl, or glutamyl residues by site-directed mutagenesis. All of the mutant enzymes retain substantial kinase activity; and even in the case of the radical substitution by glutamate, theK m values for ATP and ribulose 5-phosphate are not perturbed significantly. Glutamate at position-68 may destabilize tertiary structure, because the yield of this mutant protein from transformedE. coli is quite low compared to that of the other proteins in this series. Despite the active-site proximity of Lys68, our results show that this residue does not play a key role in catalysis or substrate binding.  相似文献   

嗜热菌中,蛋白质存在Ala替换Gly以及Arg替换Lys的趋势。为了提高紫色色杆菌来源的苯丙氨酸羟化酶的热稳定性,将该酶中所有Gly突变成Ala,Lys突变成Arg,筛选获得热稳定性提高的突变体,并进行组合突变,对突变酶的酶学性质进行研究。结果表明,突变酶K94R和G221A在50℃的半衰期分别为26.2 min、16.8 min,比原始酶(9.0 min)分别提高了1.9倍、0.9倍,同时组合突变酶K94R/G221A在50℃处理1 h后仍保留65.6%的酶活,比原始酶(8.6%)高出6.6倍。圆二色谱结果显示原始酶和突变酶K94R、G221A及K94R/G221A的T_m值分别为51.5℃、53.8℃、53.1℃和54.8℃。蛋白三维结构模拟推测突变体热稳定性提高机理为:突变体K94R中Arg94与Ile95之间形成额外氢键,稳定其所在的柔性区域;突变体G221A中Ala221与Leu281产生疏水作用,稳定酶分子C-端柔性区。该研究结果为蛋白质热稳定性改造提供了参考,也为苯丙氨酸羟化酶在功能性食品领域的应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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