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Two small genes named sscA (previously yhzE) and orf-62, located in the prsA-yhaK intergenic region of the Bacillus subtilis genome, were transcribed by SigK and GerE in the mother cells during the later stages of sporulation. The SscA-FLAG fusion protein was produced from T(5) of sporulation and incorporated into mature spores. sscA mutant spores exhibited poor germination, and Tricine-SDS-PAGE analysis showed that the coat protein profile of the mutant differed from that of the wild type. Bands corresponding to proteins at 59, 36, 5, and 3 kDa were reduced in the sscA null mutant. Western blot analysis of anti-CotB and anti-CotG antibodies showed reductions of the proteins at 59 kDa and 36 kDa in the sscA mutant spores. These proteins correspond to CotB and CotG. By immunoblot analysis of an anti-CotH antibody, we also observed that CotH was markedly reduced in the sscA mutant spores. It appears that SscA is a novel spore protein involved in the assembly of several components of the spore coat, including CotB, CotG, and CotH, and is associated with spore germination.  相似文献   

Spores produced by a mutant of Bacillus subtilis were slow to develop their resistance properties during sporulation, and were slower to germinate than were wild-type spores. The coat protein composition of the mutant spores, as analysed by SDS-PAGE, was similar to that of the wild-type spores. However, one of the proteins (mol. wt 12000) which is normally present in the outer-most layers of mature wild-type spores and which is surface-exposed, was assembled abnormally into the coat of the mutant spores and not surface-exposed. The mutation responsible for this phenotype (spo-520) has been mapped between pheA and leuB on the B. subtilis chromosome, and was 47% cotransformable with leuB16. This mutation, and three others closely linked to it, define a new sporulation locus, spoVIB, which is involved in spore coat assembly. The phenotype of the mutant(s) supports the contention that spore germination and resistance properties may be determined by the assembly of the coat.  相似文献   

Properties of the Bacillus subtilis spore coat.   总被引:15,自引:10,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
About 70% of the protein in isolated Bacillus subtilis spore coats was solubilized by treatment with a combination of reducing and denaturing agents at alkaline pH. The residue, consisting primarily of protein, was insoluble in a variety of reagents. The soluble proteins were resolved into at least seven bands by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. About one-half of the total was four proteins of 8,000 to 12,000 daltons. These were relatively tyrosine rich, and one was a glycoprotein. There was also a cluster of proteins of about 40,000 daltons and two or three in the 20,000- to 25,000-dalton range. The insoluble fraction had an amino acid composition and N-terminal pattern of amino acids very similar to those of the soluble coat proteins. A major difference was the presence of considerable dityrosine in performic acid-oxidized preparations of insoluble coats. Coat antigen including a 60,000-dalton protein not present in extracts of mature spores was detected in extracts of sporulating cells by immunoprecipitation. This large antigen turned over in a pulse-chase experiment. Antibodies to either the array of 8,000- to 12,000-dalton coat polypeptides or to the larger coat proteins reacted with this 60,000-dalton species, suggesting a common precursor for many of the mature coat polypeptides. Spore coats seem to be assembled by processing of proteins and by secondary modifications including perhaps dityrosine formation for cross-linking.  相似文献   

Mutations in the spoIVA locus of Bacillus subtilis abolish cortex synthesis and interfere with the synthesis and assembly of the spore coat. We have characterized the cloned spoIVA locus in terms of its physical structure and regulation during sporulation. The locus contains a single gene capable of encoding an acidic protein of 492 amino acids (molecular weight, 55,174). The gene is transcribed from a sigma E-dependent promoter soon after the formation of the spore septum. A genetic test indicated that expression of spoIVA is only necessary in the mother cell compartment for the formation of a mature spore. This, together with the phenotypic properties of spoIVA mutations, would be in accord with the hypothesis that sigma E is only active after septation and in the mother cell compartment.  相似文献   

Assembly of the Bacillus subtilis spore coat involves over 80 proteins which self-organize into a basal layer, a lamellar inner coat, a striated electrodense outer coat and a more external crust. CotB is an abundant component of the outer coat. The C-terminal moiety of CotB, SKRB, formed by serine-rich repeats, is polyphosphorylated by the Ser/Thr kinase CotH. We show that another coat protein, CotG, with a central serine-repeat region, SKRG, interacts with the C-terminal moiety of CotB and promotes its phosphorylation by CotH in vivo and in a heterologous system. CotG itself is phosphorylated by CotH but phosphorylation is enhanced in the absence of CotB. Spores of a strain producing an inactive form of CotH, like those formed by a cotG deletion mutant, lack the pattern of electrondense outer coat striations, but retain the crust. In contrast, deletion of the SKRB region, has no major impact on outer coat structure. Thus, phosphorylation of CotG by CotH is a key factor establishing the structure of the outer coat. The presence of the cotB/cotH/cotG cluster in several species closely related to B. subtilis hints at the importance of this protein phosphorylation module in the morphogenesis of the spore surface layers.  相似文献   

Bacteria assemble complex structures by targeting proteins to specific subcellular locations. The protein coat that encases Bacillus subtilis spores is an example of a structure that requires coordinated targeting and assembly of more than 24 polypeptides. The earliest stages of coat assembly require the action of three morphogenetic proteins: SpoIVA, CotE, and SpoVID. In the first steps, a basement layer of SpoIVA forms around the surface of the forespore, guiding the subsequent positioning of a ring of CotE protein about 75 nm from the forespore surface. SpoVID localizes near the forespore membrane where it functions to maintain the integrity of the CotE ring and to anchor the nascent coat to the underlying spore structures. However, it is not known which spore coat proteins interact directly with SpoVID. In this study we examined the interaction between SpoVID and another spore coat protein, SafA, in vivo using the yeast two-hybrid system and in vitro. We found evidence that SpoVID and SafA directly interact and that SafA interacts with itself. Immunofluorescence microscopy showed that SafA localized around the forespore early during coat assembly and that this localization of SafA was dependent on SpoVID. Moreover, targeting of SafA to the forespore was also dependent on SpoIVA, as was targeting of SpoVID to the forespore. We suggest that the localization of SafA to the spore coat requires direct interaction with SpoVID.  相似文献   

Endospores formed by Bacillus subtilis are encased in a tough protein shell known as the coat, which consists of at least 70 different proteins. We investigated the process of spore coat morphogenesis using a library of 40 coat proteins fused to green fluorescent protein and demonstrate that two successive steps can be distinguished in coat assembly. The first step, initial localization of proteins to the spore surface, is dependent on the coat morphogenetic proteins SpoIVA and SpoVM. The second step, spore encasement, requires a third protein, SpoVID. We show that in spoVID mutant cells, most coat proteins assembled into a cap at one side of the developing spore but failed to migrate around and encase it. We also found that SpoIVA directly interacts with SpoVID. A domain analysis revealed that the N-terminus of SpoVID is required for encasement and is a structural homologue of a virion protein, whereas the C-terminus is necessary for the interaction with SpoIVA. Thus, SpoVM, SpoIVA and SpoVID are recruited to the spore surface in a concerted manner and form a tripartite machine that drives coat formation and spore encasement.  相似文献   

Bacillus spores are protected by a structurally and biochemically complex protein shell composed of over 50 polypeptide species, called the coat. Coat assembly in Bacillus subtilis serves as a relatively tractable model for the study of the formation of more complex macromolecular structures and organelles. It is also a critical model for the discovery of strategies to decontaminate B. anthracis spores. In B. subtilis, a subset of coat proteins is known to have important roles in assembly. Here we show that the recently identified B. subtilis coat protein CotO (YjbX) has an especially important morphogenetic role. We used electron and atomic force microscopy to show that CotO controls assembly of the coat layers and coat surface topography as well as biochemical and cell-biological analyses to identify coat proteins whose assembly is CotO dependent. cotO spores are defective in germination and partially sensitive to lysozyme. As a whole, these phenotypes resemble those resulting from a mutation in the coat protein gene cotH. Nonetheless, the roles of CotH and CotO and the proteins whose assembly they direct are not identical. Based on fluorescence and electron microscopy, we suggest that CotO resides in the outer coat (although not on the coat surface). We propose that CotO and CotH participate in a late phase of coat assembly. We further speculate that an important role of these proteins is ensuring that polymerization of the outer coat layers occurs in such a manner that contiguous shells, and not unproductive aggregates, are formed.  相似文献   

We report evidence that CotC and CotU, two previously identified components of the Bacillus subtilis spore coat, are produced concurrently in the mother cell chamber of the sporulating cell under the control of σK and GerE and immediately assembled around the forming spore. In the coat, the two proteins interact to form a coat component of 23 kDa. The CotU-CotC interaction was not detected in two heterologous hosts, suggesting that it occurs only in B. subtilis. Monomeric forms of both CotU and CotC failed to be assembled at the surface of the developing spore and accumulated in the mother cell compartment of cells mutant for cotE. In contrast, neither CotU nor CotC accumulated in the mother cell compartment of cells mutant for cotH. These results suggest that CotH is required to protect both CotU and CotC in the mother cell compartment of the sporangium and that CotE is needed to allow their assembly and subsequent interaction at the spore surface.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis sleB gene, which codes for the enzyme homologous to the germination-specific amidase from Bacillus cereus, was cloned and its nucleotide sequence was determined. Sequence analysis showed that it had an open reading frame of 918 bp, coding for a polypeptide of 305 amino acids with a putative signal sequence of 29 residues. Enzyme activity was not found in germination exudate of B. subtilis spores, which differs from the case of B. cereus enzyme. A B. subtilis mutant with an insertionally inactivated sleB gene revealed normal behavior in growth and sporulation. However, the sleB mutant was unable to complete germination mediated by L-alanine.  相似文献   

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