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Visual acuity of the cat estimated from evoked cerebral potentials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A method is presented for serial recording of corticomotor evoked potentials (CMEPs), brainstem-derived motor evoked potentials (BMEPs), and somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) via permanently implanted cranial screws. One screw was positioned posterior to lambda (posterior screw), and two screws were positioned over the cortical hind limb areas (cortical screws). SEPs were elicited by stimulation of the hind paw and recorded from the contralateral cortex. BMEPs were stimulated via the posterior screw and recorded from both hind limbs, whereas CMEPs were elicited by repeated bipolar stimulation of the cortex and recorded from the contralateral hind limb. BMEPs and CMEPs differed in several points and can be considered as completely separate motor evoked potentials. While BMEPs consisted of a prominent negative peak with short latency (5–7.5 ms), CMEPs were represented by polyphasic signals with long latencies (17–22 ms). The cortical origin of the CMEPs was confirmed by transecting the corticospinal tracts, which abolished the CMEPs but spared the BMEPs. SEPs consisted of three consecutive peaks with mean latencies of the initial peak ranging between 15 and 17 ms. Dorsal column transection also abolished SEPs. In healthy rats, all three signals were recorded for six consecutive weeks. Signal parameters did not change significantly within this observation period. Rats tolerated the screws and the repeated measurements very well and no negative affect on animal behavior was noted. Thus, this method allows serial recording of SEPs, CMEPs, and BMEPs in chronic rat models.  相似文献   

Cortical evoked potentials resulting from stimulation of the dorsal nerve of the penis (DNP) provide a unique opportunity to document the cortical localization of sexual sensory representation in man. The DNP supplies sensory axons to the major portion of the human phallus, including the penile shaft and glans. Animal and human studies indicate that this nerve plays a crucial role in erection and ejaculation. Direct cortical evoked responses to DNP electrical stimulation were recorded in patients undergoing preoperative evaluation for resection of epileptic foci. These studies provided evidence that the primary sensory cortex contains a large area of cortex devoted to the afferent fibers of the DNP and that the sensory field is in a different location than previously described. The location and distribution of this response indicated the need for revision of the traditional concept of the sensory cortical homunculus.  相似文献   

Using intra- and extracellular recording methods, we studied the activity of pheromone-responsive projection neurons in the antennal lobe of the moth Manduca sexta. Intracellularly recorded responses of neurons to antennal stimulation with the pheromone blend characteristically included both inhibitory and excitatory stages of various strengths. To observe the activity of larger groups of neurons, we recorded responses extracellularly in the macroglomerular complex of the antennal lobe. The macroglomerular complex is part of a specialized olfactory subsystem and the site of first-order central processing of sex-pheromonal information. Odors such as the pheromone blend and host-plant (tobacco) volatiles gave rise to evoked potentials that were reproducible upon repeated antennal stimulation. Evoked potentials showed overriding high-frequency oscillations when the antenna was stimulated with the pheromone blend or with either one of the two key pheromone components. The frequency of the oscillations was in the range of 30–50 Hz. Amplitude and frequency of the oscillations varied during the response to pheromonal stimulation. Recording intracellular and extracellular activity simultaneously revealed phase-locking of action potentials to potential oscillations. The results suggest that the activity of neurons of the macroglomerular complex was temporally synchronized, potentially to strengthen the pheromone signal and to improve olfactory perception. Accepted: 19 December 1997  相似文献   

Video records of swimming water snakes show that during moderate to rapid swimming, the rear half to two-thirds of the trunk is compressed laterally, approaching the body form of some sea snakes. Body form of swimming snakes differed significantly from their shape when resting on a flat surface or when anesthetized and suspended in water. The extent of lateral flattening is positively correlated with swimming speed, a relationship generally supported by tests of trunk models in a flow tank. In Nerodia, the ability to temporarily flatten the trunk depends on kinetic costovertebral joints, a large compressible body cavity, and the absence of ventral skeletal support - features found in most snakes. Histological studies and manipulations of partially dissected preserved specimens showed that the resting angle of the ribs is maintained by localized elastic hypertrophy of the costovertebral capsular ligament. Trunk form during swimming in Nerodia is proposed to arise from anteromedial movement of the distal rib powered by deep muscles acting in concert with those proposed to generate undulation of the vertebral column.  相似文献   

Auditory sensitivity based on auditory brain stem response (ABR), whole nerve action potential (AP), and cochlear microphonics (CM) to tone bursts of 0.5-8 kHz were compared with behavioral audiometry in the Japanese monkeys. Although sensitivity loss at 4-6 kHz was observed in these potentials, an increase in sensitivity at 8 kHz was obtained only in the ABR. Thus the sensitivity loss at 4-6 kHz originates at the peripheral system and the increased sensitivity at 8 kHz originates at the central.  相似文献   

Snake venoms are cocktails comprising combinations of different proteins, peptides, enzymes and toxins. Snake toxins have diverse characteristics having different molecular configuration, structure and mode of action. Many toxins derived from snake venom have distinct pharmacological activities. Venom from Bungarus fasciatus (commonly known as banded krait) is a species of elapid snake found on the South East Asia and Indian sub-continent, mainly contains neurotoxins. Beta bungartotoxin is the major fraction of Bungarus venom and particularly act pre-synaptically by obstructing neurotransmitter release. This toxin in other snake species functionally forms a heterodimer containing two different subunits (A and B). Dimerization of these two chains is a pre-requisite for the proper functionality of this protein. However, B. fasciatus bungartotoxin contains only B chain and their structural orientation in yet to be resolved. Therefore, it is of interest to describe the predicted structure model of the toxin for functional insights. In this work we analyzed the neurotoxic nature, their alignments, secondary and three dimensional structures, functions, active sites and stability with the help of different bioinformatical tools. A comprehensive analysis of the predicted model provides approaching to the functional interpretation of its molecular action.  相似文献   

This work describes classification, functions, location, inhibition, activation, and therapeutic applications of proteases from snake venoms and vegetables. Snake venoms and vegetables can present toxins that unchain necrosis or proteolysis due to the direct cytotoxic action of venom proteases. These proteases are potential tools in the development of drugs for the prevention and treatment of several illnesses. We report herein mainly fibrinogenolytic metallo proteases and serine proteases (“thrombin-like”). These enzymes are extensively used in the treatment and prevention of thrombotic disorders, since they serve as defibrinogenating agents. The therapeutic uses of fibrin(ogen)olytic metallo proteases hold promise for clinical application due to potential in reversing the effects of thrombosis; this has been shown to be an alternative approach to the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disorders, which are among the most prominent causes of mortality around the world. Plant proteases can be utilized for many cellular and molecular activities, in antibacterial and anticancer therapies, and in the treatment of snakebites, inhibiting snake venom activities such as blood-clotting, defibrinogenation, and fibrin(ogen)olytic and hemorrhagic actions. These toxins also display potential for clinical use in the treatment of hemostatic disorders.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of two different types of segmental/extra-segmental conditioning stimuli (tonic muscle pain and non-painful vibration) on the subjective experience (perceived pain intensity) and on the cortical evoked potentials to standardized test stimuli (cutaneous electrical stimuli). Twelve subjects participated in two separate sessions to investigate the effects of tonic muscle pain or cutaneous vibration on experimental test stimuli. The experimental protocol contained a baseline registration (test stimuli only), a registration with the test stimuli in combination with the conditioning stimuli, followed by a registration with the test stimuli only. In addition, the effects of the conditioning stimuli were examined at two anatomically separated locations (segmental and extra-segmental). Compared with the test stimulus alone, the perceived pain intensity and peak-to-peak amplitudes of the evoked potentials were unchanged in the presence of non-painful conditioning stimuli at either location. In contrast, a significant decrease of the perceived pain intensity and peak-to-peak amplitudes was found in the presence of painful conditioning stimuli at the extra-segmental sites. Moreover, the topographic maps of the 32-channel recordings suggested that the distribution of the scalp evoked potentials was almost symmetrical around the vertex Cz in the baseline registration. The evoked potentials were generally decreased during hypertonic saline infusion at the extra-segmental sites, but the distribution of the topographic maps did not appear to change. Vibration has previously been shown to inhibit pain, but in the present study the perceived intensity of phasic painful electrical stimuli was unchanged. The reduced perceived pain intensity and the smaller peak-to-peak amplitude of the evoked potential in the presence of extra-segmental conditioning pain are in accordance with the concept of diffuse noxious inhibitory control.  相似文献   

Evoked potentials are the transient electrical responses caused by changes in the brain following stimuli. This work uses a physiology-based continuum model of neuronal activity in the human brain to calculate theoretical cortical auditory evoked potentials (CAEPs) from the model’s linearized response. These are fitted to experimental data, allowing the fitted parameters to be related to brain physiology. This approach yields excellent fits to CAEP data, which can then be compared to fits of EEG spectra. It is shown that the differences between resting eyes-open EEG and standard CAEPs can be explained by changes in the physiology of populations of neurons in corticothalamic pathways, with notable similarities to certain aspects of slow-wave sleep. This pilot study demonstrates the ability of our model-based fitting method to provide information on the underlying physiology of the brain that is not available using standard methods.  相似文献   


Objective: We analysed the recovery function of somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) patients. We hypothesized that there may be disinhibition in the recovery of SEPs at 20–100?ms intervals in JME patients.

Methods: We recorded SEPs and SEP recovery in 19 consecutive patients with JME admitted for a routine follow-up examination, and in a control group composed of 13 healthy subjects who were similar to the patient group regarding age and sex. The recovery function of SEPs was examined using paired stimuli at 30, 40, 60, and 100?ms intervals.

Results: The amplitudes of N20-P25 and P25-N33 components were higher in patients with JME. Ten patients had high-amplitude SEPs. By paired stimulation, there was inhibition of SEPs in both groups. The mean recovery percentages of N20-P25 and P25-N33 components at 30, 40, 60, and 100?ms were not different between healthy subjects and patients with JME.

Conclusions: The recovery function of SEP is normal in JME even in the presence of high-amplitude SEPs.  相似文献   

We recorded visual evoked responses in eight patients with Parkinson's disease, using a depth electrode either at or below the stereotactic target in the ventral part of the globus pallidus internus (GPi), which is located immediately dorsal to the optic tract. Simultaneously, scalp visual evoked potentials (VEPs) were also recorded from a mid-occipital electrode with a mid-frontal reference electrode. A black-and-white checkerboard pattern was phase reversed at 1 Hz; check size was 50 min of arc. Pallidal VEPs to full field stimulation showed an initial positive deflection, with a latency of about 50 ms (P50), followed by a negativity with a mean latency of 80 ms (N80). The mean onset latency of P50 was about 30 ms. P50 and N80 were limited to the ventralmost of the GPi and the ansa lenticularis. Left half field stimulation evoked responses in the right ansa lenticularis region while right half field stimulation did not, and vice versa. These potentials thus seemed to originate posterior to the optic chiasm. The scalp VEPs showed typical triphasic wave forms consisting of N75, P100 and N145. The location of the recording electrode in the ansa lenticularis region did not modify the scalp VEP. These results suggest that P50 and N80 are near-field potentials reflecting the compound action potentials from the optic tract. Therefore, N75 of the scalp VEPs may represent an initial response of the striate cortex but not of the lateral geniculate nucleus.  相似文献   

In acute experiments on cats we investigated evoked potentials from the cingulate gyrus developed in response to stimulation of somatic and visceral nerves; also potentials from various parts of the hypothalamus, and midbrain reticular formation. We showed that the nonspecific afferent system influences electrical activity in the limbic cortex through hypothalamic pathways. We consider the limbic cortex to be part of the association area of the neocortex and that the associative responses of the cortex are more complex in nature than is usually thought to be the case, and that they are formed under the influence of impulses arriving at the cortex along many specific and nonspecific pathways. The hypothalamo—cingulate system is one of the main systems of cortico—subcortical integration. It plays an important part in regulation of autonomic, somatic, and emotional responses.L. A. Orbeli Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR, Erevan. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 451–459, September–October, 1970.  相似文献   

Snakebites are a problem due to the increasing number of deaths and permanent disabilities. There is currently a shortage of antidotes for snakebite. The existing antibody antidote, produced from horse/sheep plasma/sera is expensive, species-dependent, and causes fatal side effects. Therefore, it is of interest use of natural flavonoid named gedunin from the Azadirachta indica (Neem) plant species to combat snakebites. Thus, we show the molecular docking analysis of gedunin (C26H31N2O6F) with enzymes (common in snake species) such as 5-nucleotidase, acetyl cholinesterase, L-aao, metalloproteinase, serine, thrombin and phospholipase A2. The modified gedunin in the enzyme pocket showed improved pharmacological properties for further consideration in combating snakebites.  相似文献   

The reprolysin subfamily of metalloproteinases includes snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMP) and mammalian disintegrin/metalloproteinase. These proteins are synthesized as zymogens and undergo proteolytic processing resulting in a variety of multifunctional proteins. Jararhagin is a P-III SVMP isolated from the venom of Bothrops jararaca. In crude venom, two forms of jararhagin are typically found, full-length jararhagin and jararhagin-C, a proteolytically processed form of jararhagin that is composed of the disintegrin-like and cysteine-rich domains of jararhagin. To better understand the structural and mechanistic bases for these forms of jararhagin in the venom of B. jararaca and the source of venom complexity in general, we have examined the jararhagin forms isolated from venom and the autolysis of isolated jararhagin under the conditions of varying pH, calcium ion concentration, and reducing agents. From our results, jararhagin isolated from venom appears as two forms: a predominant form that is stable to in vitro autolysis and a minor form that is susceptible to autolysis under a variety of conditions including alkaline pH, low calcium ion concentrations, or reducing agent. The autolysis site for production of jararhagin-C from isolated jararhagin was different from that observed for jararhagin-C as isolated from crude venom. Taken together, these data lead us to the conclusion that during the biosynthesis of jararhagin in the venom gland at least three forms are present: one form which is rapidly processed to give rise to jararhagin-C, one form which is resistant to processing in the venom and autolysis in vitro, and one minor form which is susceptible to autolysis under conditions that promote destabilization of its structure. The presence of these different forms of jararhagin contributes to greater structural and functional complexity of the venom and may be a common feature among all snake venoms. The biological and biochemical features in the venom gland responsible for these jararhagin isoforms are currently under investigation.  相似文献   

Recent developments in water status measurement techniques using the psychrometer, the pressure probe, the osmometer and pressure chamber are reviewed, and the process of cell elongation from the viewpoint of plant-water relations is discussed for plants subjected to various environmental stress conditions. Under water-deficient conditions, cell elongation of higher plants can be inhibited by interruption of water flow from the xylem to the surrounding elongating cells. The process of growth inhibition at low water potentials could be reversed by increasing the xylem water potential by means of pressure application in the root region, allowing water to flow from the xylem to the surrounding cells. This finding confirmed that a water potential field associated with growth process,i.e., the growth-induced water potential, is an important regulating factor for cell elongation other than metabolic factors. The concept of the growth-induced water potential was found to be applicable for growth retardation caused by cold stress, heat stress, nutrient deficiency and salinity stress conditions. In the present review, the fact that the cell elongation rate is primarily associated with how much water can be absorbed by elongating cells under water-deficiency, nutrient deficiency, salt stress, cold stress and heat stress conditions is suggested.  相似文献   

Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) fromBungarus multicinctus snake venom was subjected to Lys modification with 4-chloro-3,5-dinitrobenzoate and trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid, and one major carboxydinitrophenylated (CDNP) PLA2 and two trinitrophenylated (TNP) derivatives (TNP-1 and TNP-2) were separated by high-performance liquid chromatography. The results of amino acid analysis and sequence determination revealed that CDNP-PLA2 and TNP-1 contained one modified Lys residue at position 6, and both Lys-6 and Lys-62 were modified in TNP-2. It seemed that the Lys-6 was more accessible to modified reagents than other Lys residues in PLA2. Modification of Lys-6 caused a 94% drop in enzymatic activity as observed with CDNP-PLA2 and TNP-1. Alternatively, the enzyme modified on both Lys-6 and Lys-62 retained little PLA2 activity. Either carboxydinitrophenylation or trinitrophenylation did not significantly affect the secondary structure of the enzyme molecule as revealed by the CD spectra, and Ca2+ binding and antigenicity of Lys-6-modified PLA2 were unaffected. Conversion of nitro groups to amino groups resulted in a partial restoration of enzymatic activity of CDNP-PLA2 to 32% of that of PLA2. It reflected that the positively charged side chain of Lys-6 might play an exclusive role in PLA2 activity. The TNP derivatives could be regenerated with hydrazine hydrochloride. The biological activity of the regenerated PLA2 is almost the same as that of native PLA2. These results suggest that the intact Lys-6 is essential for the enzymatic activity of PLA2, and that incorporation of a bulky CDNP or TNP group on Lys-6 might give rise to a distortion of the interaction between substrate and the enzyme molecule, and the active conformation of PLA2.  相似文献   

Electromyography and cinematography were used to determine the activity of epaxial muscles of colubrid snakes during terrestrial and aquatic lateral undulatory locomotion. In both types of lateral undulation, at a given longitudinal position, segments of three muscles (Mm. semispinalis-spinalis, longissimus dorsi, and iliocostalis) usually show synchronous activity. Muscle activity propagates posteriorly and generally is unilateral. With each muscle, large numbers of adjacent segments (30 to 100) show simultaneous activity. Terrestrial and aquatic undulation differ in two major respects. (1) During terrestrial undulation, muscle activity in a particular region begins when that portion of the body has reached maximal convex flexion and ends when it is maximally concave; this phase relation is uniform along the entire snake. During swimming, however, muscle activity passes posteriorly faster than the wave of vertebral flexion, causing the relation of muscle activity to flexion to change along the length of the snake. (2) In the terrestrial mode, the block of active muscle segments remains approximately constant in size as it passes down the snake, whereas during swimming the number of adjacent active muscle segments increases posteriorly. Despite the fact that Elaphe obsoleta has nearly twice as many body vertebrate as Nerodia fasciata (240 vs. 125), the only difference observed in the swimming of these two species is that a larger number of adjacent muscle segments is simultaneously active in comparable regions of Elaphe obsoleta than in Nerodia fasciata.  相似文献   

We have developed a method to estimate foveal visual acuity (VA) through analysis of VEPs. It consists in determining the smallest check size in a pattern reversal that elicits a significant cortical response. The VEP is regarded as significant if the P 100 amplitude reaches a pre-established level in the signal to noise ratio. A valid criterion to determine normal VEP-VA emerges from the testing of 84 emmetropic and ametropic eyes: within our stimulation and recording conditions, a significant VEP response to the reversal of seven minutes checks corresponds to normal foveal acuity. This criterion has also proved pertinent to discriminate between normal VAs of 20/20 and decreased VAs (20/40 or less) with four other groups of subjects: 14 adult eyes whose VAs of 20/20 are decreased through Bangerter occlusives, 32 emmetropic and ametropic eyes belonging to five-years-olds children, 28 emmetropic and ametropic eyes of twelve-years-olds. In order to guarantee the validity of our results we carried out a double-blind study with ophthalmologists. The relevance of the method we suggest is related to that of the method which consists in extrapolating the regression line between VEP amplitudes and the pattern element sizes. At least we have aimed at establishing VEP norms for the maturation of VA. We have collected data from the following subjects: 5 infants tested monthly between 1 and 6 months, 31 infants ranging in age from 1 to 16 months, 10 five-year-old children, 13 twelve-year-olds, and 11 subjects aged 20. Within our stimulation and recording conditions a significant evoked response to the reversal of seven minute checks can be observed from 8 months onward. With an eight-month-old infant this response to the reversal of seven minute checks cannot be identified to the same response with an adult. There are two major differences: the latency of the major positive component is longer, and the structure of the evoked response consists of fewer components.  相似文献   

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