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Cell-matrix interactions are critical for tumor cell migration. Lutheran (Lu), also known as basal cell adhesion molecule (B-CAM), competes with integrins for binding to laminin α5, a subunit of LM-511, a major component of basement membranes. Here we show that the preferential binding of Lu/B-CAM to laminin α5 promotes tumor cell migration. The attachment of Lu/B-CAM transfectants to LM-511 was slightly weaker than that of control cells, and this was because Lu/B-CAM disturbed integrin binding to laminin α5. Lu/B-CAM induced a spindle cell shape with pseudopods and promoted cell migration on LM-511. In addition, blocking with an anti-Lu/B-CAM antibody led to a flat cell shape and inhibited migration on LM-511, similar to the effects of an activating integrin β1 antibody. We conclude that tumor cell migration on LM-511 requires that Lu/B-CAM competitively modulates cell attachment through integrins. We suggest that this competitive interaction is involved in a balance between static and migratory cell behaviors.  相似文献   

We have reported that laminin-10/11 strongly promotes migration of A549 human lung carcinoma cells by activating the alpha3beta1 integrin-dependent signaling pathway. To elucidate the mechanism involved, we investigated whether matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are involved in cell migration on laminin-10/11. Here, we demonstrate that laminin-10/11, but not fibronectin which does not greatly promote A549 cell movement, stimulated MMP-2 secretion approximately 3-fold. The cell migration-promoting activity of laminin-10/11 was down-regulated by an MMP inhibitor. In addition, cell motility was significantly increased when cells adhered to a mixture of fibronectin and laminin-10/11 with a concomitant decrease of focal contacts, compared with those adhering to fibronectin alone. The enhanced cell migration was partially suppressed by the MMP inhibitor. Furthermore, an anti-alpha3 integrin, but not an anti-alpha5 integrin, antibody induced the activated form of MMP-2. These data suggest that MMP-2 may play an important role in A549 cell migration on laminin-10/11 through an alpha3beta1 integrin-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

韩哲  杨雪松  耿建国  王丽京 《生命科学》2010,(10):1020-1024
分泌型糖蛋白Slit及其受体Roundabout(Robo)最初是作为一类重要的发育中神经元轴突导向分子而被发现的。目前为止对Slit/Robo信号对神经系统发育过程中轴突吸引或排斥的导向功能研究比较多,而对在发育中生长方式与其非常相似的血管发生过程中研究比较少。现有研究提示两者在发育过程中可能存在共同的信号调控机制,是Slit/Robo信号通路在血管新生中充当着重要的角色。该文就Slit/Robo信号对血管内皮细胞迁移的调节、对血管新生的作用及其可能介导的信号通路进行综述,以期进一步推动Slit/Robo信号通路在血管发生中的研究。  相似文献   



The extracellular matrix (ECM) is constituted by diverse composite structures, which determine the specific to each organ, histological architecture and provides cells with biological information, mechanical support and a scaffold for adhesion and migration. The pleiotropic effects of the ECM stem from the dynamic changes in its molecular composition and the ability to remodel in order to effectively regulate biological outcomes. Besides collagens, fibronectin and laminin are two major fiber-forming constituents of various ECM structures.

Scope of review

This review will focus on the properties and the biological functions of non-collagenous extracellular matrix especially on laminin and fibronectin that are currently emerging as important regulators of blood vessel formation and function in health and disease.

Major conclusions

The ECM is a fundamental component of the microenvironment of blood vessels, with activities extending beyond providing a vascular scaffold; extremely versatile it directly or indirectly modulates all essential cellular functions crucial for angiogenesis, including cell adhesion, migration, proliferation, differentiation and lumen formation. Specifically, fibronectin and laminins play decisive roles in blood vessel morphogenesis both during embryonic development and in pathological conditions, such as cancer.

General significance

Emerging evidence demonstrates the importance of ECM function during embryonic development, organ formation and tissue homeostasis. A wealth of data also illustrates the crucial role of the ECM in several human pathophysiological processes, including fibrosis, skeletal diseases, vascular pathologies and cancer. Notably, several ECM components have been identified as potential therapeutic targets for various diseases, including cancer. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Matrix-mediated cell behaviour and properties.  相似文献   

Glioma cell infiltration of brain tissue often occurs along the basement membrane (BM) of blood vessels. In the present study we have investigated the role of laminins, major structural components of BMs and strong promoters of cell migration. Immunohistochemical studies of glioma tumor tissue demonstrated expression of alpha2-, alpha3-, alpha4- and alpha5-, but not alpha1-, laminins by the tumor vasculature. In functional assays, alpha3 (Lm-332/laminin-5)- and alpha5 (Lm-511/laminin-10)-laminins strongly promoted migration of all glioma cell lines tested. alpha1-Laminin (Lm-111/laminin-1) displayed lower activity, whereas alpha2 (Lm-211/laminin-2)- and alpha4 (Lm-411/laminin-8)-laminins were practically inactive. Global integrin phenotyping identified alpha3beta1 as the most abundant integrin in all the glioma cell lines, and this laminin-binding integrin exclusively or largely mediate the cell migration. Moreover, pretreatment of U251 glioma cells with blocking antibodies to alpha3beta1 integrin followed by intracerebral injection into nude mice inhibited invasion of the tumor cells into the brain tissue. The cell lines secreted Lm-211, Lm-411 and Lm-511, at different ratios. The results indicate that glioma cells secrete alpha2-, alpha4- and alpha5-laminins and that alpha3- and alpha5-laminins, found in brain vasculature, selectively promote glioma cell migration. They identify alpha3beta1 as the predominant integrin and laminin receptor in glioma cells, and as a brain invasion-mediating integrin.  相似文献   

Space-filling neurons extensively sample their receptive fields with fine dendritic branches. In this study we show that a member of the conserved Robo receptor family, Robo, and its ligand Slit regulate the dendritic differentiation of space-filling neurons. Loss of Robo or Slit function leads to faster elongating and less branched dendrites of the complex and space-filling class IV multi-dendritic dendrite-arborization (md-da) neurons in the Drosophila embryonic peripheral nervous system, but not of the simpler class I neurons. The total dendrite length of Class IV neurons is not modified in robo or slit mutant embryos. Robo mediates this process cell-autonomously. Upon Robo over-expression in md-da neurons the dendritic tree is simplified and time-lapse analysis during larval stages indicates that this is due to reduction in the number of newly formed branches. We propose that Slit, through Robo, provides an extrinsic signal to coordinate the growth rate and the branching level of space-filling neurons, thus allowing them to appropriately cover their target field.  相似文献   

The laminin α2 chain is specifically expressed in the basement membrane surrounding muscle and nerve. We screened biologically active sequences in the mouse laminin N-terminal region of α2 chain using 216 soluble peptides and three recombinant proteins (rec-a2LN, rec-a2LN+, and rec-a2N) by both the peptide- or protein-coated plate and the peptide-conjugated Sepharose bead assays. Ten peptides showed cell attachment activity in the plate assay, and 8 peptides were active in the bead assay. Seven peptides were active in the both assays. Five peptides promoted neurite outgrowth with PC12 cells. To clarify the cellular receptors, we examined the effects of heparin and EDTA on cell attachment to 11 active peptides. Heparin inhibited cell attachment to 10 peptides, and EDTA significantly affected only A2-8 peptide (YHYVTITLDLQQ, mouse laminin α2 chain, 117-128)-mediated cell attachment. Cell attachment to A2-8 was also specifically inhibited by anti-integrin β1 and anti-integrin α2β1 antibodies. These results suggest that A2-8 promotes an integrin α2β1-mediated cell attachment. The rec-a2LN protein, containing the A2-8 sequence, bound to integrin α2β1 and cell attachment to rec-a2LN was inhibited by A2-8 peptide. Further, alanine substitution analysis of both the A2-8 peptide and the rec-a2LN+ protein revealed that the amino acids Ile-122, Leu-124, and Asp-125 were involved in integrin α2β1-mediated cell attachment, suggesting that the A2-8 site plays a functional role as an integrin α2β1 binding site in the LN module. These active peptides may provide new insights on the molecular mechanism of laminin-receptor interactions.  相似文献   

Many snake venoms are known for their antithrombotic activity. They contain components that specifically target different platelet-activating receptors such as the collagen-binding integrin α2β1 and the von Willebrand factor receptor GPIb. In a search for an α2β1 integrin-blocking component from the venom of the habu snake (Trimeresurus flavoviridis), we employed two independent purification protocols. First, we used the integrin α2A domain, a major collagen-binding domain, as bait for affinity purification of an α2β1 integrin-binding toxin from the crude venom. Second, in parallel, we used classical protein separation protocols and tested for α2β1 integrin-inhibiting capabilities by ELISA. Using both approaches, we identified flavocetin-A as an inhibitor of α2β1 integrin. Hitherto, flavocetin-A has been reported as a GPIb inhibitor. However, flavocetin-A inhibited collagen-induced platelet aggregation even after GPIb was blocked with other inhibitors. Moreover, flavocetin-A antagonized α2β1 integrin-mediated adhesion and migration of HT1080 human fibrosarcoma cells, which lack any GPIb, on collagen. Protein chemical analyses proved that flavocetin-A binds to α2β1 integrin and its α2A domain with high affinity and in a cooperative manner, which most likely is due to its quaternary structure. Kinetic measurements confirmed the formation of a strong complex between integrin and flavocetin-A, which dissociates very slowly. This study proves that flavocetin-A, which has long been known as a GPIb inhibitor, efficiently targets α2β1 integrin and thus blocks collagen-induced platelet activation. Moreover, our findings suggest that the separation of GPIb- and α2β1 integrin-blocking members within the C-type lectin-related protein family is less strict than previously assumed.  相似文献   

Laminin-binding integrins form a complex with CD151, a member of the tetraspanin family suggested to be involved in the regulation of cell migration. In the epidermis, CD151 is localized with alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta4 integrins at cell-cell and cell-matrix contacts, respectively, characteristic structures of non-migrating cells. Taking advantage of a monoclonal antibody against CD151, TS151r, which epitope overlaps with the tetraspanin integrin-binding site, we have investigated the role of CD151 in epithelial cell migration. Under standard culture conditions, the migratory capacity of epithelial HaCaT cells on laminins is low, apparently due to endogenous laminin 5. However, challenging HaCaT cells with TS151r allows a re-arrangement of the actin cytoskeleton, dismantling of cell-cell and beta4 integrin-mediated cell-matrix contacts and cell migration. In vivo, free CD151 is absent in resting epithelial cells of interfollicular epidermis, and all CD151 is bound to integrins in intercellular and cell-matrix contacts. By contrast, free CD151 is present at intercellular contacts in the epithelial sheet lining the deeper region of anagen hair follicles, which is considered to contain migrating cells. Together, these results strongly suggest that dissociation of the CD151-integrin complex permits remodeling of epithelial cell interactions with the extracellular matrix and cell migration.  相似文献   

Maspin has been identified as a potent angiogenesis inhibitor. However, the molecular mechanism responsible for its anti-angiogenic property is unclear. In this study, we examined the effect of maspin on endothelial cell (EC) adhesion and migration in a cell culture system. We found that maspin was expressed in blood vessels ECs and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Maspin significantly enhanced HUVEC cell adhesion to various matrix proteins. This effect was dependent on the activation of integrin β1, which subsequently led to distribution pattern changes of vinculin and F-actin. These results indicated that maspin affects cell adhesion and cytoskeleton reorganization through an integrin signal transduction pathway. Analysis of HUVECs following maspin treatment revealed increased integrin-linked kinase activities and phosphorylated FAK levels, consistent with increased cell adhesion. Interestingly, when HUVECs were induced to migrate by migration stimulatory factor bFGF, active Rac1 and cdc42 small GTPase levels were decreased dramatically at 30 min following maspin treatment. Using phosphorylated FAK at Tyr397 as an indicator of focal adhesion disassembly, maspin-treated HUVECs had elevated FAK phosphorylation compared with the mock treated control. The results were a reduction in focal adhesion disassembly and the retardation in EC migration. This study uncovers a mechanism by which maspin exerts its effect on EC adhesion and migration through an integrin signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

Integrins in effector T cells are highly expressed and important for trafficking of these cells and for their effector functions. However, how integrins are regulated in effector T cells remains poorly characterized. Here, we have investigated effector T cell leukocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1) regulation in primary murine effector T cells. These cells have high LFA-1 integrin expression and display high spontaneous binding to intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) ligand under static conditions. In addition, these cells are able to migrate spontaneously on ICAM-1. Atomic force microscopy measurements showed that the force required for unbinding of integrin-ligand interactions increases over time (0.5–20-s contact time). The maximum unbinding force for this interaction was ∼140 piconewtons at 0.5-s contact time, increasing to 580 piconewtons at 20-s contact time. Also, the total work required to disrupt the interaction increased over the 20-s contact time, indicating LFA-1-mediated adhesion strengthening in primary effector T cells over a very quick time frame. Effector T cells adhered spontaneously to ICAM-1 under conditions of shear flow, in the absence of chemokine stimulation, and this binding was independent of protein kinase B/Akt and protein kinase C kinase activity, but dependent on calcium/calmodulin signaling and an intact actin cytoskeleton. These results indicate that effector T cell integrins are highly expressed and spontaneously adhesive in the absence of inside-out integrin signaling but that LFA-1-mediated firm adhesion under conditions of shear flow requires downstream integrin signaling, which is dependent on calcium/calmodulin and the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

During muscle development, precursor cells fuse to form myofibers. Following injury in adult muscle, quiescent satellite cells become activated to regenerate muscle in a fashion similar to fetal development. Recent studies indicate that murine skeletal myoblasts can differentiate along multiple cell lineages including the osteoblastic pathway. However, little is known about the multipotency of human myogenic cells. Here, we isolate myogenic precursor cells from human fetal and adult muscle by sorting for the laminin-binding alpha7 integrin and demonstrate their differentiation potential and alteration in adhesive behavior. The alpha7-positive human fetal progenitors were efficient at forming myotubes and a majority expressed known muscle markers including M-cadherin and c-Met, but were heterogeneous for desmin and MyoD expression. To test their pluripotent differentiation potential, enriched populations of alpha7-positive fetal cells were subjected to inductive protocols. Although the myoblasts appeared committed to a muscle lineage, they could be converted to differentiate along the osteoblastic pathway in the presence of BMP-2. Interestingly, osteogenic cells showed altered adhesion and migratory activity that reflected growth factor-induced changes in integrin expression. These results indicate that alpha7-expressing fetal myoblasts are capable of differentiation to osteoblast lineage with a coordinated switch in integrin profiles and may represent a mechanism that promotes homing and recruitment of myogenic stem cells for tissue repair and remodeling.  相似文献   

Syndecan-1 is a cell surface proteoglycan that can organize co-receptors into a multimeric complex to transduce intracellular signals. The syndecan-1 core protein has multiple domains that confer distinct cell- and tissue-specific functions. Indeed, the extracellular, transmembrane, and cytoplasmic domains have all been found to regulate specific cellular processes. Our previous work demonstrated that syndecan-1 controls lung epithelial migration and adhesion. Here, we identified the necessary domains of the syndecan-1 core protein that modulate its function in lung epithelial repair. We found that the syndecan-1 transmembrane domain has a regulatory function in controlling focal adhesion disassembly, which in turn controls cell migration speed. In contrast, the extracellular domain facilitates cell adhesion through affinity modulation of α2β1 integrin. These findings highlight the fact that syndecan-1 is a multidimensional cell surface receptor that has several regulatory domains to control various biological processes. In particular, the lung epithelium requires the syndecan-1 transmembrane domain to govern cell migration and is independent from its ability to control cell adhesion via the extracellular domain.  相似文献   

The basement membrane protein laminin-332 (laminin-5) mediates both stable cell adhesion and rapid cell migration and thus has the potential to either restrain or promote tumor cell metastasis. The major cellular receptors for laminin-332 are integrin α3β1, which mediates rapid tumor cell migration, and integrin α6β4, which often mediates stable cell attachment. Tetraspanin protein CD151 interacts directly with both α3β1 and α6β4 integrins and with other tetraspanins, thereby promoting α3β1 and α6β4 association with tetraspanin-enriched microdomains on the cell surface. To explore the possibility of selectively modulating tumor cell responses to laminin-332, we re-expressed a series of CD151 mutants in epidermoid carcinoma cells with near total, RNAi-mediated silencing of endogenous CD151. The interactions of CD151 with its integrin partners or its interactions with other tetraspanins were selectively disrupted by specific mutations in the CD151 large extracellular loop (EC2 domain) or in intracellular CD151 palmitoylation sites, respectively. CD151-integrin association and CD151-tetraspanin association were both important for α3β1 integrin-dependent initial adhesion and rapid migration on laminin-332. Remarkably, however, only CD151-integrin association was required for stable, α6β4 integrin-dependent cell attachment on laminin-332. In addition, we found that a QRD amino acid motif in the CD151 EC2 domain, which had been thought to be crucial for CD151-integrin interaction, is not essential for CD151-integrin association or for the ability of CD151 to promote several different integrin functions. These new data suggest potential strategies for selectively modulating migratory cell responses to laminin-332, while leaving stable cell attachment on laminin-332 intact.  相似文献   

Growth cone guidance is driven by attractive and repulsive signaling cues. Until recently, repulsive signaling by semaphorins was thought to be mediated through Plexin receptors, whereas Slits-induced repulsion was solely mediated through Robo receptors. In a recent report published in Nature Neuroscience, Celine Delloye-Bourgeois and colleagues (2015) combined phenotypic analyses of transgenic mouse lines and in vitro biochemical experiments to identify PlexinA1 as a novel receptor for Slits. Strikingly, they uncovered for the very first time that the Slit2C-terminal fragment possesses some unique biological activity as binding partner for PlexinA1. Even more excitingly, the signaling cascade triggered by SlitC binding to PlexinA1 mediates growth cone collapse of commissural axons both in vivo and ex vivo and nicely complements Robo-Slit signaling in the developing spinal cord midline to prevent midline recrossing.  相似文献   

整合素与其胞外基质配体间的相互作用对调节细胞的粘附和运动起着重要的作用.肝癌细胞的胞外基质减少,而整合素β1的表达却增高,其比例失衡影响肝癌细胞的粘附与运动行为.作者通过细胞形态学观察、图像分析,微管吸吮和流式细胞仪等手段,对肝癌细胞、正常肝细胞的整合素表达水平、裱衬Fn前后肝癌细胞的运动能力及粘附力进行检测和定量分析,发现肝癌细胞的整合素表达量高于正常肝细胞;肝癌细胞粘附力较正常肝细胞低,迁移速度增快,补充适当浓度胞外配体Fn可使胞外受配体比例恢复到正常肝细胞的整合素表达水平,裱衬Fn后肝癌细胞的粘附力增强,细胞运动能力减弱.这些结果说明胞外配体Fn对肝癌细胞整合素表达有下调作用,肝癌细胞的受.配体比例是影响其粘附和运动的因素之一.  相似文献   

The synaptic protein Neuroligin 1 (NLGN1), a cell adhesion molecule, is critical for the formation and consolidation of synaptic connectivity and is involved in vascular development. The mechanism through which NLGN1 acts, especially in vascular cells, is unknown. Here, we aimed at deepening our knowledge on the cellular activities and molecular pathways exploited by endothelial NLGN1 both in vitro and in vivo. We analyzed the phenotypic consequences of NLGN1 expression modulation in endothelial cells through in vitro angiogenesis assays and the mouse postnatal retinal angiogenesis model. We demonstrate that NLGN1, whereas not affecting endothelial cell proliferation or migration, modulates cell adhesion to the vessel stabilizing protein laminin through cooperation with the α6 integrin, a specific laminin receptor. Finally, we show that in vivo, NLGN1 and α6 integrin preferentially colocalize in the mature retinal vessels, whereas NLGN1 deletion causes an aberrant VE-cadherin, laminin and α6 integrin distribution in vessels, along with significant structural defects in the vascular tree.  相似文献   

Growth cone guidance is driven by attractive and repulsive signaling cues. Until recently, repulsive signaling by semaphorins was thought to be mediated through Plexin receptors, whereas Slits-induced repulsion was solely mediated through Robo receptors. In a recent report published in Nature Neuroscience, Celine Delloye-Bourgeois and colleagues (2015) combined phenotypic analyses of transgenic mouse lines and in vitro biochemical experiments to identify PlexinA1 as a novel receptor for Slits. Strikingly, they uncovered for the very first time that the Slit2C-terminal fragment possesses some unique biological activity as binding partner for PlexinA1. Even more excitingly, the signaling cascade triggered by SlitC binding to PlexinA1 mediates growth cone collapse of commissural axons both in vivo and ex vivo and nicely complements Robo-Slit signaling in the developing spinal cord midline to prevent midline recrossing.  相似文献   

Metastasis involves the invasion of cancer cells across both the extracellular matrix and cellular barriers, and an evolving theme is that epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) may mediate invasive cellular behavior. Previously, we isolated and analyzed a subpopulation of PC-3 prostate cancer cells, TEM4-18, and found that these cells both invaded an endothelial barrier more efficiently and exhibited enhanced metastatic colonization in vivo. Transendothelial migration of these cells depended on expression of ZEB1, a known regulator of EMT. Surprisingly, these cells were much less invasive than parental PC-3 cells in assays that involve matrix barriers. Here, we report that TEM4-18 cells express significantly reduced levels of two subunits of laminin-332 (β3 and γ2) and that exogenous laminin-332, or co-culture with laminin-332-expressing cells, rescues the in vitro invasion phenotype in these cells. Stable knockdown of ZEB1 in prostate cancer cells up-regulated LAMC2 and ITGB4 mRNA and protein and resulted in a concomitant increase in Transwell migration. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), we show that ZEB1 directly interacts with the promoters of LAMC2 and ITGB4. These results provide a novel molecular basis for reduced laminin-332 observed in clinical prostate cancer specimens and demonstrate a context-dependent role for EMT in invasive cellular behavior.  相似文献   

Fibronectin and its major receptor, integrin α5β1 are required for embryogenesis. These mutants have similar phenotypes, although, defects in integrin α5-deficient mice are milder. In this paper, we examined heart development in those mutants, in which the heart is formed, and discovered that both fibronectin and integrin α5 were required for cardiac morphogenesis, and in particular, for the formation of the cardiac outflow tract. We found that Isl1+ precursors are specified and migrate into the heart in fibronectin- or integrin α5-mutant embryos, however, the hearts in these mutants are of aberrant shape, and the cardiac outflow tracts are short and malformed. We show that these defects are likely due to the requirement for cell adhesion to fibronectin for proliferation of myocardial progenitors and for Fgf8 signaling in the pharyngeal region.  相似文献   

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