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中国小煤炱目生态及区系成分分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对中国小煤炱目的的种类组成、生态分布及寄主和区系地理成分进行了研究。中国小煤炱目有7属,341种和变种,占世界的15%;优势属是小煤炱属(239种和变种,占70.1%),小光壳炱属(54种和变种,占15.8%)和附丝壳属(22种和变种,6.4%)。中国小煤炱目主要分布在热带亚热带地区,76.8%的寄主植物属属于热带成分。种的分布型可分广布成分(0.3%)、泛热带成分(7.3%)、热带亚洲-热带美洲成分(9.1%)、旧世界热带成分(0.3%)、热带亚洲-热带大洋洲成分(2.1%)、热带亚洲-热带非洲成分(16.1%)、热带亚洲成分(34%)、北温带成分(0.6%)、东亚-北美洲成分(0.3%)、东亚成分(1.7%)、中国特有成分(28.2%)等11种类型;表现出明显的热带成分(68.9%)和中国特有成分;在分布上,与东亚、北温带区系相距较远。  相似文献   

元宝山冷杉群落3000m^2样方统计到107种,隶属52科,81属。种类组成中,单种科、少种属占的比例相当大,含单种的科有27科,占51.9%。单种的属有63属,占77.8%;含两种的属为12属,占14.8%,两者共占92.6%。乔木层种类除了南方铁杉外,其它优势种类都为稳定型种群。乔木层的优势区系成分相当稳定,表明该群落为一种顶极群落。71个种子植物属只有11个分布区类型和8个变型,仅占所有变型的26.7%,地理成分不复杂,其中热带分布27属,占39.7%,温带分布38属,占55.9%。热带分布以泛热带和热带亚洲为主,温带分布与东亚、东亚和北美洲间断分布密切相关。乔木层16个优势种中,属中亚热带地理分布类型的有13种,占81.3%,其中重要值排列前4位的种类均为中亚热带类型,所以元宝山冷杉群落为亚热带性质。元宝山冷杉不同群丛元宝山冷杉种群结构的差异反映了群落的演替过程。107种组成种类中,常绿成分占62.6%,落叶成分占37.4%,其中矮高位芽植物最多,占20.6%,叶级以小型叶为主,占57.9%,叶型以单叶比例最大,占81.6%。各样地的物种多样性水平均较高,表明元宝山冷杉群落是一个处于稳定地位的顶极群落。  相似文献   

广东蕨类植物区系的特点   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23  
广东蕨类植物区系共有56科139属464种,其中含有很多原始的类型及孑遗种.区系分析表明:①广东有3个单型科.9个单型属及4个木本属;②以热带至亚热带分布科为主,占39.3%,另泛热带科占33.9%,广布科占21.4%.温带科仅占7.1%;③单种属和少种属占绝对优势.共占77.0%.又以泛热带属(41属)和热带至亚热带(41属)占优势.共占59.0%,此外亚热带属(36属)亦占25.9%,而温带属(12属)和广布属(9属)较少;这种分布格局显示了热带区系成分向亚热带地区渗透和过渡的特点;④广东蕨类区系与广西(特别是东南部)最为相似,属相似性指标达0.84,种的相似性系数亦达0.62,广东与海南、湖南南部、福建、江西南部亦较相似,充分显示了华南蕨类植物区系的整体性.  相似文献   

广东潮州凤凰山的蕨类植物   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
经实地调查和标本研究,广东潮州凤凰山蕨类植物共有96种,隶属于31科58属。区系分析表明:该地蕨类植物具有较强的热带性质,科、属、种的分布区类型均以热带、亚热带分布型为主。热带、亚热带分布的科有13科,占41.94%,属有36属,占62.08%,其中泛热带分布属(22属,占37.93%)是最重要的分布类型;世界分布属占24.14%,温带分布属不明显,占13.79%,显示出该区蕨类植物区系从热带向亚热带的渗透和过渡性质;热带、亚热带分布的种所占比例最大(52种,占54.17%),其中以热带亚洲性质的占优势(38种,占39.58%);温带成分次之(36种,占37.5%),其中中国-日本分布性质的占优势(30种,占31.25%)。按生长基质的不同,将凤凰山蕨类植物划分为土生、石生、附生三种生态类型,其中以土生为主。按蕨类植物多样性的应用性,又可分为药用、观赏和食用蕨类植物等。  相似文献   

广东裸子植物区系的特点   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
周云龙  廖文波   《广西植物》1995,15(4):319-322+223+324
广东省裸子植物共有8科18属34种,分别占中国同类的80.0%,52.9%和17.6%。其中泛热带分布2属,热带亚洲至热带大洋洲1属,热带亚洲1属,北温带5属,东亚和北美间断分布1属,东亚分布3属,中国特有分布5属,即热带成分共仅4属占22.2%,而亚热带至温带成分14属占77.8%为绝对优势。分析表明:广东裸子植物区系体现了东亚裸子植物区系的特点,其原始中心和现代分布中心都在中国亚热带。同时论文还将广东裸子植物种的分布区类型划分为20个亚型。  相似文献   

广西元宝山南方红豆杉群落特征的研究   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
苏宗明  黄玉清  李先琨   《广西植物》2000,20(1):1-10
根据 16 0 0 m2 样方统计 ,群落区系组成有 4 3科 6 4属的 80个种 ,平均 10 0 m2 5种 ,虽种类组成不复杂 ,其中 87.5%的属仅出现 1种 ,6 .3%的属含少数种。乔木层多数优势种为稳定型种群 ,所以乔木层优势区系成分相当稳定 ,表明该群落为一种顶极群落。 59个种子植物属只有 10个分布区类型和 4个变型 ,地理成分不复杂 ,其中热带分布 2 7属占 4 6 .6 % ,温带分布 31属占 53.4 % ;热带分布以泛热带和热带亚洲分布为主 ,分别占 52 .6 %和 4 7.4 % ,温带分布为北温带和东亚分布各占50 %。 2 5个乔木层树种中 ,中亚热带地理分布类型的占 76 % ,南亚热带地理分布类型的占 16 % ,北亚热带地理分布类型占 8% ,重要值指数排列前 6名的均为中亚热带地理分布类型 ,所以该群落为亚热带性质。已知 79种组成种类常绿成分占 595% ,落叶成分占 4 0 .5% ,其中以中高位芽植物最多 ,占 2 7.8% ,又以常绿阔叶中高位芽植物为多 ,占 15.2 %。 79种组成植物 ,小型叶多于中型叶 ,分别占 55.7%和 32 .9%。乔木层种类 6 0 0 m2 有 18种 ,16 0 0 m2 有 2 9种 ,均不多 ,但物种多样性指数接近亚热带地带性代表群落  相似文献   

广东种子植物区系地理成分研究   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:15  
廖文波  张宏达   《广西植物》1994,14(4):307-320
广东种子植物区系共有219科1434属4986种。其中:①热带区系成分占有较大的比例,约占非世界属的62.3%,表明广东区系受到热带区系的强烈渗透,次之为亚热带(至亚热带山地)成分约占32.2%,及中国特有分布占5.6%;②以单型属(72属),单种属(585属)和寡种属(562属)占绝对优势,共占85.0%,充分显示了广东区系的古老性和过渡性特点;③从区系组成和植被结构的特征成分来看,以华夏植物区系成分为主,包括:亚热带分布,亚热带山地分布,中国特有分布,东亚—北美间断分布,及一些亚洲热带分布中以亚热带为主的属:④在这些属中有东亚特有属132属,中国特有属75属以及华南—西南—中南半岛特有属68属等;这些属的存在毫无疑问地说明,广东区系是华夏植物区系的核心地区之一,同时也显示了热带区系与亚热带区系有着不可分隔的统一性。  相似文献   

基于实地调查资料,对西藏境内怒江中游河谷的特殊荒漠型植被进行了研究。结果表明:(1)22个样方中有85种维管植物,其种子植物属的分布区类型以泛热带分布为主,占21.6%;种以中国特有分布中的西南特有成分为主,占53.2%;(2)生活型谱以矮高位芽植物为主,占41.2%,地面芽植物占40.0%;(3)采用Raunkiaer频度分析,出现在10个以上样方中的物种有白刺花、垫状卷柏、芸香草和阔盖中国蕨等,频度分别是68.2%、50.0%、50.0%、45.5%;(4)根据该河谷区域的气候特点、干旱程度、群落的生态外貌特征和生活型等,并结合《中国植被》对灌丛和荒漠的划分,认为该河谷区域的植被盖度极低,不属于灌丛类型,而是非地带性的干旱河谷型荒漠植被。  相似文献   

福建裸子植物区系研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过野外考察、查阅文献资料和应用植物区系分析方法对福建裸子植物进行研究,得出以下结论:(1)东南沿海的地理位置、显著的季风气候和占总面积50%以上的中山带山地使福建成为中国裸子植物重要的繁衍和保存地之一。(2)福建现代裸子植物有9科、24属、44种(其中含特有科1个为银杏科,特有属有水松、白豆杉、金钱松、杉木、银杏、台湾杉属等6属,拥有四川苏铁、银杏、油杉、华东黄杉、长苞铁杉、金钱松、黄山松、台湾杉、柳杉、水松、柏木、刺柏、三尖杉、粗榧、宽叶粗榧、白豆杉、穗花杉、榧树、罗浮买麻藤等26个特有种),分别占中国同类的90.0%、70.59%和19.13%,是中国裸子植物区系的重要组成部分。(3)古植物学资料和现存的古老、孑遗和特有成分说明福建裸子植物区系起源古老;福建裸子植物的属级分布区类型中泛热带成分占25.0%,亚热带至温带成分占75.0%(其中亚热带分布占41.67%);种的分布亚型中,亚热带分布的占67.10%;均表明福建裸子植物区系具有较为显著的亚热带山地性质。(4)长苞铁杉、杉木、柳杉、福建柏、黄山松、马尾松、油杉、江南油杉、红豆杉、南方红豆杉、粗榧、穗花杉、高山柏等树种分布于海拔800m以上的亚热带中山带。(5)种的分布亚型中,有35种分布在南岭,进一步证明南岭既为西南核心区的亚热带成分向华中、华东迁移提供通道,又为热带亚洲(中南半岛、云贵高原南部)成分向福建、浙江与台湾分布提供了途径。(6)福建裸子植物武夷山脉、闽台陆桥或东山陆桥与周边地区彼此密切交流,相似性系数分析也表明,福建裸子植物区系与华南、西南、华东、华中、台湾等区域联系广泛、关系密切。  相似文献   

中国常用的藏药植物(本文指野生的种子植物)约有1545种,隶属141科,540属。我们对540属进行了比较分析,粗略划分为七个分布类型,这些类型包括了北极、热带、亚热带、温带、北温带及地中海区等的各种成分。从其区系起源和生态地理特性来看,藏药植物所占成分具有明显的温带、北温带性质;其次为热带与亚热带的成分。因而,藏药不仅包括动物药、矿物药,而且在植物药中是寒、温、热带药兼具,而以温带和北温带药为主。  相似文献   


The family Alpheidae, composed by shrimps of relatively small size, popularly known as snapping shrimps, is the one of the most diverse decapod groups. These shrimps are found worldwide and occur in tropical and subtropical waters, from the intertidal zone to great depths. We investigated reproductive aspects of Alpheus armillatus, in order to gather information on egg production, aiming to enhance knowledge of its reproductive strategies in a population in an intertidal area of the South Atlantic. Ovigerous females were collected under rocks, in May and July 2006 (dry season) and in November 2006 and March 2007 (rainy season). Egg production and reproductive output were analyzed and compared seasonally and during the period of embryonic development. Females measured on average 11.28 mm CL, with a mean of 763 eggs and 0.10 mm3 egg volume. The egg volume of this population was smaller than previous estimates for other species of snapping shrimps, but the mean egg number was higher. The volume of eggs doubled during the incubation period, but despite this increase, no significant loss of eggs was observed. Alpheus armillatus invests on average about 12% of body weight in reproduction. The proportional investment in egg production is significantly higher in the rainy season when compared with the dry season (17.9% vs 4.8%), correlated with higher temperatures and increased food availability at this time. Our results corroborated the hypothesis of a pattern of egg production influenced by environmental conditions and intraspecific variability among the family Alpheidae, as a function of the biogeographic region.  相似文献   

Solar energy, fodder energy, microclimate optimization energy as well as technological process energy were defined as energy flows entering an egg production ecotechnical system. Nutrition biomass, chemical bond energy (eggs) and dung energy were estimated. Two criteria for energy consumption assessment were introduced: energy (kJ) consumed per unit of product and energy (kJ) consumed per unit of energy. Five fowl breeds were investigated. Restructuring in poultry farming was viewed with respect to the introduction of high performance breeds with low values of energy consumption. Elimination of systematic stress (abrupt transition of light intensity) reduced energy consumption in egg production. Methane fermentation parameters were optimized experimentally under laboratory conditions using a mathematical model. Dung biogas introduced an average of 25.75–29.52 MJ per bird into the observed system.  相似文献   

There is a notable discrepancy between the FAS (fatty acid synthase) activity of four types of fowl (egg chicken, meat chicken, egg duck, and meat duck) with distinctively different body fat levels. There is a 14.8 fold difference per unit body weight between the maximum and minimum FAS activities. The three major factors affecting this discrepancy are liver weight per unit body weight, which is 2.3 times greater in meat ducks than in egg chickens, the amount of FAS protein per gram of liver, which is 1.85 times greater in meat ducks than in egg chickens, and the FAS specific activity in meat ducks, which is 3.5 times greater in meat ducks than in egg chickens. Within the same species of egg chickens, the abdomen fat per kg of body weight at 470 days after egg production is 66 times greater than 90 days before egg production and the liver FAS activity is increased 9.6 fold. The 9.6 fold FAS activity increase resulted from an increase in the specific activity, since the liver weight per kilogram of body weight remained constant at approx. 20 grams and the FAS weight per gram of liver also remained constant at approx. 4.5 mg. This shows that the control of the basic FAS activity level which is closely related to the level of body fat does not mainly arise from genetic control. For the same kind of fowl, the control of the basic FAS activity level occurs after gene expression. It is suggested that control may be imposed in the folding phase when new peptides give rise to functional proteins.  相似文献   

中国主要森林生态系统水文功能的比较研究(英文)   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:33       下载免费PDF全文
 基于中国不同区域生态站的观测资料,着重从降雨截留(林冠截留、枯枝落叶层截持和土壤蓄水)、调节径流和蒸散等3个方面对我国主要森林生态系统的水文生态功能进行了比较研究。各生态系统林冠年截留量在134~626 mm间变动,由大到小排列为:热带山地雨林,亚热带西部山地常绿针叶林,热带半落叶季雨林,温带山地落叶与常绿针叶林,寒温带、温带山地常绿针叶林,亚热带竹林,亚热带、热带东部山地常绿针叶林,寒温带、温带山地落叶针叶林,温带、亚热带落叶阔叶林,亚热带山区常绿阔叶林,亚热带、热带西南山地常绿针叶林,南亚热带常绿阔叶林,亚热带山地常绿阔叶林。枯落物持水量可以达到自身干重的2~5倍,但也因林型而异。土壤非毛管持水量变动在36~142 mm之间,平均89 mm。常绿阔叶林的非毛管持水量通常高于100 mm,而寒温带/温带落叶阔叶林和常绿针叶林通常低于100 mm. 土壤的非毛管持水量通常占生态系统中截持水量的90%,其次是枯落物和林冠层。这说明,森林土壤在调节降雨截留中占有重要地位,其水文功能的大小取决于土壤结构和空隙度,而这些恰恰又受枯落物和森林植被特征的影响。森林皆伐后,一般地表径流会显著地增加,而适当抚育措施则对地表径流影响不大。流域径流受诸多因素的影响,包括植被、土壤、气候、地形、地貌以及人类影响导致的流域景观变化,比较研究表明森林变化对流域径流的影响尚未得到一致的规律性的结果。通过对比研究不同森林的蒸散变化,发现随降雨量的增加,森林蒸散量略有增加,而相对蒸散率却在下降,相对蒸散率在40%~90%间变动。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate carotenoid and vitamin E distribution in egg and tissues of newly hatched chicks from wild mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), game pheasant (Phasianus colchicus), free-range guinea fowl (Numida meleagris), hen (Gallus domesticus) and domestic duck (Anas platyrhynchos) and intensively housed hens. Carotenoid concentrations in the egg yolk of free-range guinea fowl, pheasant and wild mallard were similar (61.3-79.2 microg/g). Egg yolks from ducks and intensively housed hens were characterised by the lowest carotenoid concentration comprising 11.2-14.8 microg/g. However, carotenoid concentration in eggs from free-range ducks and hens was less than half of that in free-range guinea fowl or pheasant. Depending on carotenoid concentration in the livers of species studied could be placed in the following descending order: free living pheasant>free-range guinea fowl>free-range hen>intensively housed hen>wild mallard>housed duck>free-range duck. The carotenoid concentrations in other tissues of free-range guinea fowl and pheasant were substantially higher than in the other species studied. Egg yolk of housed hens was characterised by the highest alpha- and gamma-tocopherol concentrations. In accordance with the alpha-tocopherol concentration in the egg yolk, the birds can be placed in the following descending order: intensively housed hen>wild mallard>free-living pheasant>free-range duck>free-range hen=free-range guinea fowl>housed duck. The main finding of this work is species- and tissue-specific differences in carotenoid and vitamin E distribution in the various avian species studied.  相似文献   

We performed quantitative trait locus (QTL) analyses for egg production traits, including age at first egg (AFE) and egg production rates (EPR) measured every 4 weeks from 22 to 62 weeks of hen age, in a population of 421 F2 hens derived from an intercross between the Oh‐Shamo (Japanese Large Game) and White Leghorn breeds of chickens. Simple interval mapping revealed a main‐effect QTL for AFE on chromosome 1 and four main‐effect QTL for EPR on chromosomes 1 and 11 (three on chromosome 1 and one on chromosome 11) at the genome‐wide 5% levels. Among the three EPR QTL on chromosome 1, two were identified at the early stage of egg laying (26–34 weeks of hen age) and the remaining one was discovered at the late stage (54–58 weeks). The alleles at the two EPR QTL derived from the Oh‐Shamo breed unexpectedly increased the trait values, irrespective of the Oh‐Shamo being inferior to the White Leghorn in the trait. This suggests that the Oh‐Shamo, one of the indigenous Japanese breeds, is an untapped resource that is important for further improvement of current elite commercial laying chickens. In addition, six epistatic QTL were identified on chromosomes 2, 4, 7, 8, 17 and 19, where none of the above main‐effect QTL were located. This is the first example of detection of epistatic QTL affecting egg production traits. The main and epistatic QTL identified accounted for 4–8% of the phenotypic variance. The total contribution of all QTL detected for each trait to the phenotypic and genetic variances ranged from 4.1% to 16.9% and from 11.5% to 58.5%, respectively.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2014,17(4):845-851
The White-backed Planthopper (WBPH), Sogatella furcifera (Horváth (Hemiptera: Delphacidae)) has been the most serious pest threatening rice production in Asia since the late 1970s. A series of field experiments using the same research protocol was carried out to compare the effects of main environmental factors on population development of WBPH in tropical (Philippines) and subtropical (China) areas in 2010–2012 and to provide further evidences of ecological mechanisms involved that cause frequent outbreak in subtropical rice. Outcomes showed that WBPH population in subtropical area could be characterized as the higher population growth rates and higher peak densities. The average growth rate (116.60 ± 46.16) in subtropical area was significantly higher than that in tropical area (24.02 ± 11.25). The higher realized fecundity in subtropical area indicated that the higher growth rates and higher peak densities were mainly related to the poor natural regulating forces in subtropical area. Our results showed that resistant variety could significantly reduce the peak density in subtropical areas, but not in tropical areas. We inferred that the reason for not detecting the effect of resistant variety in tropical area was due to the dominant controlling effects provided by natural enemies, which means that the natural regulating effect in tropical area was strong enough to disguise the effects of resistant variety. The significant interactions between plant resistance and location demonstrated that integration of natural enemies and use of plant resistance could play important roles for reducing outbreak frequency of WBPH effectively in subtropical rice.  相似文献   

西双版纳热带雨林和哀牢山亚热带常绿阔叶林雾特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张晶  宋清海  张一平  邓云  武传胜 《生态学报》2018,38(24):8758-8765
以西双版纳热带雨林和哀牢山亚热带常绿阔叶林为研究对象,利用PWS100天气现象仪获取两种森林类型的能见度数据。基于2014年西双版纳热带雨林和哀牢山亚热带常绿阔叶林的能见度数据,对两种森林类型雾的特征进行定量研究。研究结果表明:(1)西双版纳热带雨林全年雾日数为196 d,占全年的53.7%,哀牢山亚热带常绿阔叶林全年雾日数为100 d,占全年的27.4%,热带雨林全年雾日数几乎为亚热带常绿阔叶林雾日数的两倍;(2)热带雨林雨季和干季各占28.06%和71.94%,而亚热带常绿阔叶林雨季和干季各占72%和28%;(3)热带雨林一日内雾持续的最长时间为10.5 h,而亚热带常绿阔叶林雾生成和消散时间不定,一日内雾最长持续时间可达24 h,但雾发生的频率低于西双版纳热带雨林。两种森林类型全年雾日特征有明显的差异性,通过定量评价地处过渡带上的两种多雾森林生态系统雾特征,可为未来气候变化对不同森林生态系统碳水交换影响提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

Egg production features viz. weekly hen day and egg weight together with some stress markers were studied in RIR birds reared under backyard in different agroclimatic zones of West Bengal. Overall, weekly hen day average and egg weight in summer was 3.39 ± 0.09 and 45.13 ± 0.24 g, respectively. But the pattern of egg production in various zones is not same, as significant egg production difference (P ≤ 0.01) among zones was noticed in summer, from 26th to 37th week. There was significant (P ≤ 0.01) correlation between weekly hen day average and egg weight on 26th, 35th and 37th week (P ≤ 0.05). The observed overall level of antioxidant enzymes viz. SOD (U/g of Hb), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) (μmol/L), TAS (mmol/L) and LDH (IU/L) were 0.56 ± 0.61, 565.15 ± 0.61, 1.43 ± 0.61 and 203.05 ± 0.61, respectively, irrespective of zones. It was observed that mean concentration of SOD, GHS-Px, TAS and LDH of RIR birds reared at backyard have positive association with weekly hen day average and average egg weight throughout summer stress. The current findings showed that RIR birds reared at backyard had better adaptation ability to summer stress in different agroclimatic zones of West Bengal.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD), i.e. the difference in sizes of males and females, is a key evolutionary feature that is related to ecology, behaviour and life histories of organisms. Although the basic patterns of SSD are well documented for several major taxa, the processes generating SSD are poorly understood. Domesticated animals offer excellent opportunities for testing predictions of functional explanations of SSD theory because domestic stocks were often selected by humans for particular desirable traits. Here, we analyse SSD in 139 breeds of domestic chickens Gallus gallus domesticus and compare them to their wild relatives (pheasants, partridges and grouse; Phasianidae, 53 species). SSD was male-biased in all chicken breeds, because males were 21.5 ± 0.55% (mean ± SE) heavier than females. The extent of SSD did not differ among breed categories (cock fighting, ornamental and breeds selected for egg and meat production). SSD of chicken breeds was not different from wild pheasants and allies (23.5 ± 3.43%), although the wild ancestor of chickens, the red jungle fowl G. gallus, had more extreme SSD (male 68.8% heavier) than any domesticated breed. Male mass and female mass exhibited positive allometry among pheasants and allies, consistently with the Rensch's rule reported from various taxa. However, body mass scaled isometrically across chicken breeds. The latter results suggest that sex-specific selection on males vs. females is necessary to generate positive allometry, i.e. the Rensch's rule, in wild populations.  相似文献   

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