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The transformed phenotype is believed to be dominant in fusions between limited lifespan cells and transformed cells, based on heterokaryon experiments and on the isolation of transformed hybrids from mass cultures of fused cells. A series of fusions has been performed between limited lifespan Lesch-Nyhan fibroblast cells and a permanent HeLa cell line with a complementary genetic marker. The growth of independently isolated hybrid clones was followed in parallel with Lesch-Nyhan cells. In fusions involving Lesch-Nyhan cells which had completed about 50% of their lifespan, all hybrids initially show fibroblastic properties. Thirty-five hybrids had a limited lifespan slightly longer than Lesch-Nyhan controls. Three other hybrid clones, and all mass cultures of hybrids, showed the appearance of transformed colonies at a rate of approx. one transformant in 2 × 105 hybrid cells. These transformed cells showed anchorage independence, low serum requirement, chromosome loss, and have been maintained in culture for 50–100 population doublings with no signs of senescence. Fusions involving enucleated HeLa cells did not show transformation. Fusions with senescent Lesch-Nyhan cells yielded hybrids which grew beyond the normal Lesch-Nyhan cell lifespan, but which again showed limited lifespan and low frequency transformation. It is concluded that limited lifespan is expressed in a dominant manner in these fusions, and that transformation or “escape from senescence” is a low frequency event requiring the presence of the HeLa nucleus.  相似文献   

We have examined cell hybrids derived from L6J1 rat myoblasts and A9 mouse fibroblastic cells for expression of the myogenic phenotype. Initial results showed that hybrid cells were no longer able to form myotubes and hence showed extinction of the myogenic phenotype. We then proceeded to characterize the pattern of protein synthesis in these cells using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Although we did detect extinction of synthesis of a small number of myoblast polypeptides in the hybrids these did not appear to be rat myoblast specific. Instead they correlated well with polypeptides lost upon viral transformation in another rat cell line. Analysis of the ability of parental cells and hybrids to grow in soft agar confirmed that both A9 cells and hybrids were more transformed than the parental L6J1 cells. The results are consistent with the interpretation that extinction of the ability to form myotubes is due to either transformation and/or a disrupted cell organization but is unlikely to be due to specific extinction of myoblast specific polypeptides, at least at the level detectable by 2D gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

A method for culturing adult mammalian retinal neurons in serum-free N2 medium supplemented with nerve growth factor (NGF) is described. Identification of neurons in cultures of dispersed human retina was based upon morphology, immunocytochemical localization of bound tetanus toxin, and autoradiographic localization of 3H-neurotransmitter candidates (gamma-aminobutyric acid, glycine, dopamine) accumulated by high-affinity uptake mechanisms. Neurons would not attach to glass or plastic substrates, consequently the present studies were performed using neurons plated upon a feeder layer. Serum was required for the initial phase of attachment. The feeder layer was derived from retinal cells that had been plated on glass or plastic in the presence of serum and had later been passaged. Since these cells exhibited glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunoreactivity, they were tentatively identified as being glial in origin. Under these conditions, neuron- and glia-specific properties were retained up to 28 days. The presence of interstitial retinol-binding protein (IRBP) in medium of cultures of neuronal cells on feeder layers was demonstrated by an immunoblot technique using rabbit antibovine IRBP antibodies. No IRBP was detected in medium in which the feeder layers alone had been cultured. IRBP biosynthesis was demonstrated by incubation of the cultures with [35S]methionine. Immunoprecipitable [35S]IRBP was detected only in medium from cultures containing neurons; cells of the feeder layer did not synthesize and secrete this glycoprotein. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that IRBP, a 135K constituent of the interphotoreceptor matrix, is synthesized in vivo by a neuronal cell, specifically, the photoreceptors.  相似文献   

Intermediate filament systems of an established glioma cell line have been characterized by double immunofluorescence microscopy and by immunoelectron microscopy using two antibodies, one of which recognizes glial fibrillary acid protein (GFA) but not vimentin, and the second which recognizes vimentin but not GFA. The results show that glioma cells express two immunologically distinct IF polypeptides which are found in the same 10-nm filaments. Juxtanuclear caps formed after exposure of the cells to colcemid consisted of intermediate filaments composed of both GFA and vimentin. In immunoelectron microscopy both untreated cells and cells treated with colcemid show discontinuous labelling when only a single antibody is used, but continuous labelling when both antibodies are used simultaneously.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to determine the relationship between the presence of a G1 period in the mitotic cycle and a cell's ability to respond to density-dependent regulation of growth (DDR). Somatic hybrids were obtained between normal fibroblasts from newborn Chinese hamsters, which show a strong response to DDR, and V79-8 Chinese hamster cells, which are insensitive to DDR. Two variant V79-8 sublines were used, one reported to lack a G1 period (G1-) and the other with a G1 period (G1+). Fourteen hybrid clones were isolated in selective medium and analysed for growth properties and cell cycle parameters; their hybrid nature was supported by chromosome counts. All hybrid clones, irrespective of whether a V79-8 G1- or G1+ cell was one of the parents, showed pronounced DDR and had G1 periods of various lengths. Previous experiments had shown the absence of G1 to be dominant in somatic hybrids between V79-8 G1- and G1+ cell lines. Our results may mean that the G1- property provided by V79-8 is unable to overcome the very long G1 of normal fibroblasts, or in cells that can be arrested in G1 in response to DDR, some function prevents the dominant effect of the G1- cell on at least part of the G1 period.  相似文献   

The addition of retinoic acid to cultures of HeLa-S3 cells caused a reduction in cell proliferation rate which became apparent after 72 h and was linearly dependent on retinoic acid concentration in the range 10−9–10−5 M. After 72 h of exposure to retinoic acid, the cells assumed a flattened appearance and no longer formed multilayers. These changes were reversed within 48 h after removal of retinoic acid from the medium. Structural analogs of retinoic acid with a free ---COOH group at C-15 were usually more potent in growth inhibition than compounds with an alcohol, aldehyde, ether or ester group. A cellular retinoic acid-binding protein was detected in cell homogenates, and the binding of [3H]retinoic acid to the binding protein was inhibited by most, but not all, analogs possessing a free terminal ---COOH group. For example, the 4-oxo analog of retinoic acid, while capable of inhibiting cellular proliferation, failed to bind to the retinoic acid-binding protein. Analysis of cell surface and cellular glycoproteins by lactoperoxidase-catalysed 125I iodination and by metabolic labeling with [3H]glucosamine revealed that a 190000 D glycoprotein which was labeled by both methods and a 230000 D glycoprotein which was labeled only with [3H]glucosamine were labeled more intensely in retinoic acid-treated cells compared with untreated cells. The electrophoretic mobility of the 230000 D glycoprotein could be modified by treatment of intact cells with either neuraminidase or proteolytic enzymes, suggesting that this glycoprotein is also exposed on the cell surface. The cell surface alterations were detected much earlier than the onset of growth inhibition and appeared as early as 24 h after exposure to retinoic acid. The possible relationship between retinoic acid-induced changes in cell membrane structure, cell morphology, and cell proliferation is discussed.  相似文献   

When exponentially growing NHIK 3025 cells were shifted from medium containing 30% serum to medium containing 0.03% serum the rate of net protein accumulation was reduced due to both a reduction in the rate of protein synthesis and an increase in the rate of protein degradation. This change in growth conditions increased the protein doubling time from 18 to 140 h. The cell cycle duration of cells synchronized by mitotic selection was, however, only increased from 17 to 26 h by this treatment. Therefore, when the cells divide by the end of the first cell cycle following synchronization, the cells shifted to 0.03% serum contained far less protein than those growing continuously in 30% serum. Hence, the attainment of a critical cell mass is probably not controlling cell division for cells growing in a balanced state.  相似文献   

To investigate the distribution of the tau and HMW microtubule-associated proteins (MAPS) and their relationship to microtubules in vivo, we have examined a wide variety of avian and mammalian cell types by immunofluorescence with antisera to these two proteins. Anti-HMW serum stains cytoplasmic microtubules in all mammalian cell types so far examined. However, anti-tau serum did not stain cytoplasmic microtubules in rat glial cells or in pig kidney cells. In mammalian neurons, fibroblasts and neuroblastoma cells, the staining of microtubules with both sera was similar. Anti-HMW serum did not stain primary cilia or cilia on isolated tracheal epithelial cells, whereas anti-tau serum did stain these ciliary microtubules. We believe these results indicate that some types of microtubules may be associated with only the tau or the HMW protein, whereas others may be associated with both tau and HMW protein. With respect to avian cells, anti-HMW serum did not stain microtubules in any of the three cell types examined, whereas the anti-tau serum stained them in two cell types. Furthermore, double diffusion tests indicated that anti-pig tau serum will precipitate both pig brain tau and tau protein isolated from chick brain, whereas anti-HMW serum will precipitate only pig brain and not chick brain HMW protein. We believe tau protein is antigenically similar in both avian and mammalian cells, whereas the HMW protein from these two sources is antigenically distinct.  相似文献   

Interspecific cell hybrids were constructed by fusion of an antimycin-resistant, thymidine kinase- (TK-) Chinese hamster cell line with a chloramphenicol-resistant, hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase- (HPRT-) mouse cell line. Hybrids were selected in HAT medium alone, or HAT supplemented with chloramphenicol, antimycin, or both antibiotics. Analysis of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of these hybrids indicates that antibiotic selection directed at the mitochondrial populations results in retention of the resistant parental genome and loss of the sensitive parental genome.  相似文献   

A cyanine dye, diS-C3-(5) was used to determine the effects of prostaglandins on the membrane potential in neuroblastoma X glioma cells (NG 108-15). The largest depolarization was seen with prostaglandin D2 (ED50 = 1.5 μM), and relative potencies of various prostaglandins (3 μM) were: D2, 100; I2, 41; E1, 17; E2, 7; and F, 7. 5-Hydroxytryptamine in a dose over 100 μM also depolarized the membrane. The effect of prostaglandin D2 was observed in a Na+-free medium or when Ca2+ was replaced by Sr2+. The addition of 3 mM ethylene-glycol-bis (β-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid or 5 mM Co2+ partially inhibited the effects. These observations suggest that the depolarization of membrane by prostaglandin D2 may primarily be related to alteration of Ca2+ permeability in the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Cyclosporin A (CsA) is a cyclic endecapeptide of fungal origin displaying strong immunosuppressive properties. CsA and another active member of the cyclosporin (Cs) family, but not an inactive one, can interfere with the proliferation of some, but not all, T-lymphoid cell lines. Cells from Cs-sensitive lines accumulate in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. No effect is detected on the cycle of Cs-resistant lines. Both Cs-sensitive and Cs-resistant lines are arrested by another G1 blocker (actinomycin D) and DNA synthesis inhibitors (cytosine arabinoside, hydroxyurea), become multinucleated/polyploid when exposed to cytochalasin B (CB), are arrested in mitosis by colchicine and accumulate in G2 phase in the presence of Taxol. The effect of Cs is best evidenced when the drug is applied to cells which were already delayed in G1 by saturation density cultivation or serum deprivation. By the combined use of Cs and of other drugs working at a later phase of the cycle, results were obtained which suggest that the effect of Cs is either to delay very much the cells throughout the G1 phase or to arrest them at that G1 phase or at the following one. A correlation of the G1-blocking property of Cs with their immunosuppressive properties may be possible but is still speculative.  相似文献   

The ccl mutation in Paramecium tetraurelia reversibly and rapidly blocks cell cycle progression and DNA synthesis at the restrictive temperature. Progression through the cell cycle is blocked during both the G1 and S portions of the cell cycle, while at the restrictive temperature there is neither residual cell cycle progression nor induction of excess delay of subsequent cell cycle events. DNA synthesis activity is reduced to 50% of the normal level in about 5 min and is completely blocked at 30 min after a shift to restrictive temperature. On return to permissive conditions, DNA synthesis is reactivated with similar kinetics.  相似文献   

3-Aminobenzamide (3AB), an inhibitor of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, is a potent inducer of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs). Because of the possible relation between SCEs and DNA synthesis, the effects of 3AB on DNA synthesis and cell cycle progression in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were examined. Unlike all other SCE-inducing agents whose effects on DNA synthesis have been studied, short term exposures (30–120 min) of 3AB did not inhibit the overall rate of DNA synthesis and this result was independent of the amount of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) in the DNA. Longer exposure times (>24 h) did result in an extended S phase, but this was not due to an effect on the rate of DNA chain elongation. 3AB also delayed the entry of cells into S phase. The overall cell cycle delay was dose dependent, approaching 9 h after a 54 h exposure to 10 mM 3AB. Earlier reports that 3AB is neither mutagenic nor cytotoxic were confirmed. Thus 3AB acts to increase SCE frequency by a mechanism distinct from that which causes cytotoxicity and mutagenicity, and does not involve any inhibition in the rate of DNA chain growth.  相似文献   

In the presence of 1–5 mM n-butyrate, murine leukemic L1210 cells cease proliferation and become arrested in the G1A compartment of the G1 phase. Cells in this compartment, in comparison with the remaining cells of the G1 phase (G1B), are characterized by low RNA content and more condensed chromatin. During unperturbed growth the cell residence times in G1A are of indeterminate duration (exponentially distributed); the half-time of L1210 cell residence in G1A is about 1.4 h. The effect of n-butyrate in arresting cells in G1A was concentration-dependent. However, the sensitivity of L1210 cells to this drug was markedly enhanced when cells were treated for longer than one generation (12 h). Cells arrested in G1A remained viable and when n-butyrate was removed, after a lag period, they resumed progression through the cycle.The effect of n-butyrate on cell progression through various parts of the cycle was studied in a stathmokinetic experiment. The rate of cell entrance into mitosis was decreased by 30, 60 and 110%, in the presence of 1, 2.5 and 5 mM n-butyrate respectively, thus indicating a slowdown in cell progression through G2 and S. The duration of G2 was prolonged by 20, 70 and 140% at 1, 2.5 and 5 mM n-butyrate respectively. The half-time of cell residence in G1A was increased by as much as 1.5-, 6.3- and 15.6-fold by 1, 2.5 and 5 mM n-butyrate. Progression through late G1 (G1B) was not affected at 1 mM, and could not be estimated at higher drug concentrations. The effects on cell cycle progression were evident 1 h after addition of n-butyrate.DNA in situ in nuclei of n-butyrate-treated cells had lowered (by 2–8 °C) stability to thermal denaturation and increased (by 15%) accessibility to DNase I. The decrease in DNA stability to heat was more pronounced when permealized cells were heated in the presence of 1 mM MgCl2 rather than EDTA. DNA in situ in the nuclei of n-butyrate-treated cells also showed decreased sensitivity to acid-induced denaturation. Changes in chromatin were seen in all cells, regardless of cell cycle phase, within the first hours after addition of n-butyrate. Mitotic cells, however, reacted to n-butyrate more rapidly than interphase cells. The observed changes in L1210 cells are most likely a consequence of histone modifications (acetylation of inner histones, dephosphorylation of histone H1) induced by n-butyrate.  相似文献   

Hemin and sodium nitroprusside, which strongly activate purified rat brain guanylate cyclase in vitro, were also found to stimulate glioma C6 and neuroblastoma M1 and N1E-115 cells to divide in serum-free medium. Hemin and sodium nitroprusside each stimulate C6 cell growth to a comparable extent. Sodium nitroprusside was less potent than hemin for inducing growth of neuroblastoma cells. Moreover, both agents when added together caused a synergic cell growth enhancement which is comparable to the synergism observed in their guanylate cyclase stimulation in vitro. These results suggest that activation of guanylate cyclase may play a role in the proliferative response to these compounds.  相似文献   

The effects of butyrate upon the extents of phosphorylation of histones H1 and H1(0) during cell-cycle progression have been investigated. Chinese hamster (line CHO) cells were synchronized in early S phase and released into medium containing 0 or 15 mM butyrate to resume cell-cycle traverse into G1 of the next cell cycle. Cells were also mechanically selected from monolayer cultures grown in the presence of colcemid and 0 or 15 mM butyrate to obtain greater than 98% pure populations of metaphase cells. Although cell cycle progression is altered by butyrate, electrophoretic patterns of histones H1, H1(0), H3, and H4 indicate that butyrate has little, if any, effect on the extents of H1 and H1(0) phosphorylation during the cell cycle or the mitotic-specific phosphorylation of histone H3. Butyrate does, however, inhibit removal of extraordinary levels of histone H4 acetylation (hyperacetylation) during metaphase, and it appears to cause an increase in the content of H1(0) in chromatin during the S or G2 phases of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Anti-tubulin immunofluorescence microscopy is used here to demonstrate that eggs of Lytechinus variegatus are induced to assemble cytoplasmic microtubules upon artificial activation. These microtubules progress through three distinct configurations followed by cycles of abortive division. The first of these is a configuration in which microtubules are found in a disordered network near the egg cortex; the progressive thickening of the microtubule-containing layer appears to be responsible for the centripetal movement of the egg nucleus that occurs shortly after activation. These microtubules are replaced at about 40 min by a population of long, radially arrayed microtubules, which are restructured by about 70 min to form the apolar mitotic apparatus. Each of the microtubule configurations characteristic of activated eggs becomes more prominent when eggs are treated at the appropriate times after activation with the microtubule-stabilizing drug taxol. Any microtubule organizing centers within the activated egg must have very limited authority, since aster-like structures are not seen, and microtubules are not observed to be closely associated with the nucleus or egg cortex. Activation of eggs with ammonia in Ca2+-free sea water (a treatment that bypasses the cortical reaction and the Ca2+ transient) induces the appearance of microtubules as readily and in the same patterns as does treatment with ionophore A23187 or butyric acid, both of which activate by inducing an intracellular calcium release and the cortical reaction.  相似文献   

A cloned population of mouse C3H/He keratinocytes was obtained from the 14th passage of an epidermal cell line. A two-step cloning procedure using Petriperm dishes was performed. The cloned population, grown at 34 °C, was subcultured more than 30 times over a one year period. By day 14, three cell layers were formed; the ultrastructural morphology and immunofluorescence characterization of these layers showed numerous tonofilament bundles and well organized desmosome tonofilament structures. They thereby resemble the proliferative compartment of the epidermis. High resolution acrylamide gel electrophoresis of the keratins extracted from the cloned cells showed the presence of many keratin subunits. The tonofilaments extracted from the cell layers, as well as from the supernatant cells, contained a small quantity of high MW keratins (rel. MW 63 000; apparent isoelectric point 5.5–6.2). These results indicate that the cloned keratinocyte cell line had retained a certain maturation capacity in culture.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factors are known to induce anchorage-independent growth of non-transformed cells, and are released by a variety of cells, including MSV-transformed cells. This study demonstrates that the differentiated cells derived from F9 and PC-13 embryonal carcinoma cells, but not the parental cells themselves, respond by increased growth to several factors released by MSV-transformed cells, including partially purified sarcoma growth factor. The chemical properties of the growth-promoting activity are shown to match the chemical properties of the transforming growth factors released by MSV-transformed cells. Furthermore, F9 and PC-13 embryonal carcinoma cells, which do not respond to factors released by MSV-transformed cells, are shown to release factors with transforming growth factor activity. Based on the close relationship between mouse embryonal carcinoma cells and cells of early mouse embryos, it is suggested that molecules with transforming growth factor activity may play a role during the early stages of mammalian development.  相似文献   

When the subridge mesoderm of the embryonic chick limb bud is cultured in the absence of the apical ectodermal ridge and adjacent ectoderm, the cells rapidly progress through the various stages of chondrogenesis. During the first day of culture, the cells initiate condensation, and during subsequent days, deposit a cartilage matrix. In the present study, we show that early in the first day there is a progressive 2-fold increase in cell surface galactosyltransferase activity towards endogenous acceptors. Later in the first day, although the cells are still in condensation, endogenous galactosyltransferase activity has decreased, suggesting in situ galactosylation of surface acceptors. During subsequent development, when cartilage matrix is being deposited, surface galactosyltransferase activity remains low. All controls have been performed to insure cell surface localization of enzyme activity. Two other surface glycosyltransferases show very low levels of activity, which do not change significantly during culture. We suggest that during cellular condensation, an interaction between surface galactosyltransferases and acceptors on adjacent cells occurs, and this interaction may be causally related to subsequent chondrogenic differentiation.  相似文献   

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