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The nuclear matrix attachment DNA (MAR) binding protein SATB1 is a sequence context-specific binding protein that binds in the minor groove, making virtually no contact with the DNA bases. The SATB1 binding sites consist of a special AT-rich sequence context in which one strand is well-mixed A's, T's, and C's, excluding G's (ATC sequences), which is typically found in clusters within different MARs. To determine the extent of conservation of the SATB1 gene among different species, we cloned a mouse homolog of the human STAB1 cDNA from a cDNA expression library of the mouse thymus, the tissue in which this protein is predominantly expressed. This mouse cDNA encodes a 764-amino-acid protein with a 98% homology in amino acid sequence to the human SATB1 originally cloned from testis. To characterize the DNA binding domain of this novel class of protein, we used the mouse SATB1 cDNA and delineated a 150-amino-acid polypeptide as the binding domain. This region confers full DNA binding activity, recognizes the specific sequence context, and makes direct contact with DNA at the same nucleotides as the whole protein. This DNA binding domain contains a novel DNA binding motif: when no more than 21 amino acids at either the N- or C-terminal end of the binding domain are deleted, the majority of the DNA binding activity is lost. The concomitant presence of both terminal sequences is mandatory for binding. These two terminal regions consist of hydrophilic amino acids and share homologous sequences that are different from those of any known DNA binding motifs. We propose that the DNA binding region of SATB1 extends its two terminal regions toward DNA to make direct contact with DNA.  相似文献   

Gp91(phox) is a key component of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase. Mutations of its promoter found in patients with chronic granulomatous disease cause deficient binding of PU.1 and HAF-1. Because the two factors bind to the same site (Pu box) of the promoter, we attempted to clarify their relative in vivo contributions to activation of the gp91(phox) promoter in monocytically differentiated PLB-985 cells using a dual luciferase reporter assay and a gel shift competition assay. We found that the activity of a series of single-point-mutated promoters increases or decreases according to an increase or decrease, respectively, in the affinity of the promoters to PU.1 but not to HAF-1. Two of 7 mutants showing weak binding affinity to PU.1 exhibited moderate promoter activity and normal binding affinity for HAF-1. These results suggest PU.1 is the dominant activator and HAF-1 is supplementary. The increased promoter activity of single-, double-, and triple-point-mutated constructs with sequences closer to that of the Ets-binding element correlates with their binding affinity to PU.1 but not to HAF-1, supporting that PU.1 is a more efficient activator than HAF-1. In contrast to co-expressed wild-type PU.1, dominant-negative PU.1 significantly inhibited the activity of a PU.1-optimised gp91(phox) promoter construct. Therefore, we conclude that PU.1 and HAF-1 binding to the Pu box is dominant and supplementary, respectively, for activation of the gp91(phox) promoter in human monocytic cells.  相似文献   

The NR1 gene undergoes induction in neurogenesis mainly via promoter de-repression, and up-regulation during neuronal differentiation by undefined mechanism(s). Here, we show that in the distal region the NR1 promoter has an active NF-kappaB site sharing the consensus with the immunoglobulin (Ig)/human immunodeficiency virus NF-kappaB site. Mutation of this site significantly reduced NR1 promoter up-regulation during neuronal differentiation of P19 cells. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed that P19 nuclei constitutively contained p50 and that neuronal differentiation not only increased nuclear p50 but also induced p65 nuclear translocation. Responding to this change was an up-regulation of NF-kappaB-dependent promoter activity. However, inhibition of NF-kappaB nuclear translocation by an IkappaBalpha super-repressor or decoy DNA only moderately inhibited NR1 promoter up-regulation. Interestingly, the NR1 NF-kappaB site strongly interacted with Sp3/Sp1, instead of NF-kappaB factors, in P19 nuclear extracts. This interaction was reduced for Sp3 following neuronal differentiation, accompanied by dynamic expression of Sp factors. Cotransfection of Sp factors (Sp1, 3, or 4) upregulated the NR1 NF-kappaB site dramatically in differentiated neurons, but only moderately in undifferentiated P19 cells. This up-regulation was strong for Sp1 in differentiated cells and for Sp3 in undifferentiated cells. Chromatin-immunoprecipitation assays further demonstrated that Sp1 and Sp3 interacted with the NR1 NF-kappaB site in situ, and Sp3 lost its interaction after neuronal differentiation. We conclude that the NF-kappaB site positively regulates the NR1 promoter during neuronal differentiation via interacting mainly with Sp factors and neuronal differentiation reduces the effect of Sp3 factor on this site.  相似文献   

The first matrix attachment region (MAR)-binding protein sequenced in plants, MFP1, has been characterised in two dicot species. Based on their antigenic relationship, we report here the conservation of MFP1-like proteins in proliferating root cells of onion (Allium cepa L). Two MFP1-like proteins with different molecular masses and solubilities were detected. The most abundant was a 90-kDa basic protein, presenting several separate spots in two-dimensional blots. The MFP1 was partially soluble and, similar to the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)-labelled replication factories in the nucleus and nuclear matrix, was localised at discrete foci as detected by confocal microscopy. High-resolution immunolocalisation of MFP1 by electron microscopy identified the foci as nuclear structures, some of them containing PCNA, which are ultrastructurally similar to the replication factories described in animal cells. Our data provide the first report on MFP1-like proteins in the Alliaceae. In addition, we present evidence of the presence of AcMFP1 in the putative replication factories. Received: 12 May 2000 / Accepted: 13 September 2000  相似文献   

Proteins binding to the PEA3 enhancer motif (AGGAAG) activate the polyomavirus early promoter and help comprise the viral late mRNA initiator element (W. Yoo, M. E. Martin, and W. R. Folk, J. Virol. 65:5391-5400, 1991). Because many developmentally regulated cellular genes have PEA3 motifs near their promoter sequences, and because Ets family gene products activate the PEA3 motif, we have studied the expression of PEA3-binding proteins and Ets-related proteins during differentiation of F9 embryonal carcinoma cells. An approximately 91-kDa protein (PEA3-91) was identified in F9 cell nuclear extracts by UV cross-linking to a radiolabeled PEA3 oligonucleotide probe, and expression of PEA3-91 was down-regulated after differentiation of F9 cells to parietal endoderm. The c-ets-1 gene product binds to a sequence in the murine sarcoma virus long terminal repeat that is similar to the PEA3 motif (cGGAAG), but PEA3-91 was not cross-linked to this Ets-1-binding motif, nor did antiserum which recognizes murine c-ets-1 and c-ets-2 proteins have any effect on PEA3-binding activity in mobility shift assays. Furthermore, c-ets-1 mRNA was not detected in undifferentiated or differentiated F9 cells, and c-ets-2 mRNA levels remained high after differentiation. Antiserum against the Drosophila Ets-related E74A protein, however, recognized an approximately 92-kDa protein in F9 cells whose expression during differentiation varied in a manner identical to that of PEA3-91. These data suggest that PEA3-91 is not the product of the ets-1 or ets-2 genes but is likely to be the product of a murine homolog of the Drosophila E74 gene.  相似文献   

MFP1 (matrix attachment region-binding filament-like protein 1) is a conserved nuclear and chloroplast DNA-binding protein encoded by a nuclear gene, well characterized in dicot species. In monocots, only a 90 kDa MFP1-related protein had been characterized in the nucleus and nuclear matrix of Allium cepa proliferating cells. We report here a novel MFP1-related nuclear protein of 80 kDa in A. cepa roots, with M(r) and pI values similar to those of MFP1 proteins in dicot species, and which also displays a dual location, in the nucleus and chloroplasts of leaf cells. However, this novel protein is not a nuclear matrix component. It shows a spotted intranuclear distribution in small foci differing from the nuclear bodies containing the 90 kDa protein. In electron microscopy analysis, the intranuclear foci containing the 80 kDa MFP1 appeared as small loose structures at the periphery of condensed chromatin patches. This protein was also located in the nucleolus. It was abundant in meristematic cells, but its level fell when proliferation stopped. This different expression and distribution, and its preferential location at the boundaries between heterochromatin and euchromatin, suggest that the novel 80 kDa protein might be associated with decondensed DNA and could play a role in chromatin organization.  相似文献   

High molecular weight homologues of gp91phox, the superoxide-generating subunit of phagocyte nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-oxidase, have been identified in human (h) and Caenorhabditis elegans (Ce), and are termed Duox for "dual oxidase" because they have both a peroxidase homology domain and a gp91phox domain. A topology model predicts that the enzyme will utilize cytosolic NADPH to generate reactive oxygen, but the function of the ecto peroxidase domain was unknown. Ce-Duox1 is expressed in hypodermal cells underlying the cuticle of larval animals. To investigate function, RNA interference (RNAi) was carried out in C. elegans. RNAi animals showed complex phenotypes similar to those described previously in mutations in collagen biosynthesis that are known to affect the cuticle, an extracellular matrix. Electron micrographs showed gross abnormalities in the cuticle of RNAi animals. In cuticle, collagen and other proteins are cross-linked via di- and trityrosine linkages, and these linkages were absent in RNAi animals. The expressed peroxidase domains of both Ce-Duox1 and h-Duox showed peroxidase activity and catalyzed cross-linking of free tyrosine ethyl ester. Thus, Ce-Duox catalyzes the cross-linking of tyrosine residues involved in the stabilization of cuticular extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Nisimoto Y  Ogawa H  Miyano K  Tamura M 《Biochemistry》2004,43(29):9567-9575
A series of truncated forms of His(6)-tagged gp91phox were expressed, solubilized, and purified in the presence of 30 microM FAD. The truncated gp91phox with the longest sequence in the C-terminal region (221-570) (gp91C) showed the highest activity (turnover rate, 0.92) for NADPH diaphorase in the presence of either 0.3% Triton X-100 or 0.5% Genapol X-80. Activity was not inhibited by superoxide dismutase but was blocked by an inhibitor of the respiratory burst oxidase, diphenylene iodonium. The flavinated gp91C contained approximately 0.9 mol of FAD/mol of protein (MW 46 kDa) and 12% alpha-helix content. In the absence of p47phox, p67phox showed considerable activation of gp91C in the presence of Rac. Carboxyl-terminal truncated p67phox (1-210) (p67N), which is the minimal active fragment, was fused with Rac or Q61LRac. The fusion protein p67N-Rac (or p67N-Q61LRac) showed a 2-fold higher stimulatory effect on NBT reductase activity of gp91C than the combination of the individual cytosolic p67N and Rac proteins. In contrast, Rac-p67N, a fusion with the opposite orientation, showed a smaller significant effect on the enzyme activity. The EC(50) values for p67phox, p67N, p67N-Rac, and Rac-p67N were 8.00. 4.35, 2.56, and 15.2 microM, respectively, while the K(m) value for NADPH in the presence and absence of the cytosolic components was almost the same (40-55 microM). In the presence of Rac, p67N or p67phox bound to gp91C with a molar ratio of approximately 1:1 but neither p67N nor Rac alone showed significant binding.  相似文献   

Studies have suggested that binding of the SATB1 protein to L2a, a matrix association region located 4.5 kb 5' to the mouse CD8alpha gene, positively affects CD8 expression in T cells. Therefore, experiments were performed to determine the effect on T cell development of reduced expression of SATB1. Because homozygous SATB1-null mice do not survive to adulthood due to non-thymus autonomous defects, mice were produced that were homozygous for a T cell-specific SATB1-antisense transgene and heterozygous for a SATB1-null allele. Thymic SATB1 protein was reduced significantly in these mice, and the major cellular phenotype observed was a significant reduction in the percentage of CD8SP T cells in thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes. Mice were smaller than wild type but generally healthy, and besides a general reduction in cellularity and a slight increase in surface CD3 expression on CD8SP thymocytes, the composition of the thymus was similar to wild type. The reduction in thymic SATB1 does not lead to the variegated expression of CD8-negative single positive thymocytes seen upon deletion of several regulatory elements and suggested by others to reflect failure to activate the CD8 locus. Thus, the present results point to an essential role for SATB1 late in the development and maturation of CD8SP T cells.  相似文献   

In our previous study, a 454 bp DNA fragment was isolated from rat genomic DNA as an element which interacts with nuclear matrix proteins, i.e. a Matrix Associated Region (MAR). Computer analyses revealed that the right half of this fragment, named RME (Rat MAR Element), possesses a high matrix association potential and is likely to be responsible for the matrix association of the whole sequence. RME was used as a probe in an electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA), and with the use of Southwestern blotting, a rat liver nuclear protein which binds specifically to it was identified. Its molecular mass was estimated by SDS-PAGE as 30 kDa (p30). Polyclonal antibodies raised against protein-RME complexes caused a super-shift of specific complexes in EMSA, and bound to p30 in nuclear extracts of rat liver in Western blotting. The immunofluorescence labelling of a rat embryonic fibroblast cell monolayer with anti-p30 antibody revealed a mainly intranuclear pattern of staining.  相似文献   

During the "respiratory burst," the NADPH oxidase complex of phagocytes produces reactive oxygen species that kill bacteria and other invaders (Babior, B. M. (1999) Blood 93, 1464-1476). Electron efflux through NADPH oxidase is electrogenic (Henderson, L. M., Chappell, J. B., and Jones, O. T. G. (1987) Biochem. J. 246, 325-329) and is compensated by H(+) efflux through proton channels that reportedly are contained within the gp91(phox) subunit of NADPH oxidase. To test whether gp91(phox) functions as a proton channel, we studied H(+) currents in granulocytes from X-linked chronic granulomatous disease patients lacking gp91(phox) (X-CGD), the human myelocytic PLB-985 cell line, PLB-985 cells in which gp91(phox) was knocked out by gene targeting (PLB(KO)), and PLB-985 knockout cells re-transfected with gp91(phox) (PLB(91)). H(+) currents in unstimulated PLB(KO) cells had amplitude and gating kinetics similar to PLB(91) cells. Furthermore, stimulation with the phorbol ester phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate increased H(+) currents to a similar extent in X-CGD, PLB(KO), and PLB(91) cells. Thus, gp91(phox) is not the proton channel in unstimulated phagocytes and does not directly mediate the increase of proton conductance during the respiratory burst. Changes in H(+) channel gating kinetics during NADPH oxidase activity are likely crucial to the activation of H(+) flux during the respiratory burst.  相似文献   

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