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An attempt to determine the locomotor activities of Mayulestes ferox (Borhyaenoidea) and Pucadelphys andinus (Didelphoidea) from the early Paleocene site of Tiupampa (Bolivia) is presented. The functional anatomy of the forelimbs of these South American marsupials is compared to that of some living didelphids: Caluromys philander, Micoureus demerarae, Marmosa murina, Didelphis marsupialis, Monodelphis brevicaudata and Metachirus nudicaudatus. Deductions from bone morphology to myology and locomotor behavior in the fossils are inferred from the comparisons with living forms. Some features of the postcranial skeleton, indicative of arboreal adaptations, are found in the extinct marsupials: anteriorly projected acromion, hemispherical head of the humerus, extended humeral lateral epicondylar ridge, medially protruding humeral entepicondyle, proximal ulnar posterior convexity, and deep flexor fossa on the medial side of the ulna. But other features are related to a more terrestrial pattern: the well-developed tubercles of the humeral head, the elongated olecranon process of the ulna, and the oval shape of the radial head. Mayulestes had clear arboreal abilities, but, as a predaceous mammal, probably hunted on the ground. Pucadelphys was less specialized, close to the living Monodelphis, a terrestrial insectivorous form with some skeletal features related to arboreal locomotion that are probably plesiomorphic for marsupials.  相似文献   

We analyzed body temperature (T(b)), basal metabolic rate (BMR), wet thermal conductance (C(wet)), and evaporative water loss (EWL) of marsupials by conventional and phylogenetically corrected regression. Allometric effects were substantial for BMR, C(wet), and EWL but not T(b). There was a strong phylogenetic signal for mass and all physiological traits. A significant phylogenetic signal remained for BMR, C(wet), and EWL even after accounting for the highly significant phylogenetic signal of mass. T(b), BMR, C(wet), and EWL allometric residuals were correlated with some diet, distribution, and climatic variables before and after correction for phylogeny. T(b) residuals were higher for marsupials from arid environments (high T(a) and more variable rainfall). The fossorial marsupial mole had a lower-than-expected T(b) residual. The allometric slope for BMR was 0.72-0.75. Residuals were consistently related to distribution aridity and rainfall variability, with species from arid and variable rainfall habitats having a low BMR, presumably to conserve energy in a low-productivity environment. The nectarivorous honey possum had a higher-than-expected BMR. For C(wet), the allometric slope was 0.55-0.62; residuals were related to diet, with folivores having low and insectivores high C(wet) residuals. The allometric slope for EWL was 0.68-0.73. EWL residuals were consistently correlated with rainfall variability, presumably facilitating maintenance of water balance during dry periods.  相似文献   

Primates display high forelimb compliance (increased elbow joint yield) compared to most other mammals. Forelimb compliance, which is especially marked among arboreal primates, moderates vertical oscillations of the body and peak vertical forces and may represent a basal adaptation of primates for locomotion on thin, flexible branches. However, Larney and Larson (Am J Phys Anthropol 125 [2004] 42–50) reported that marsupials have forelimb compliance comparable to or greater than that of most primates, but did not distinguish between arboreal and terrestrial marsupials. If forelimb compliance is functionally linked to locomotion on thin branches, then elbow yield should be highest in marsupials relying on arboreal substrates more often. To test this hypothesis, we compared forelimb compliance between two didelphid marsupials, Caluromys philander (an arboreal opossum relying heavily on thin branches) and Monodelphis domestica (an opossum that spends most of its time on the ground). Animals were videorecorded while walking on a runway or a horizontal 7‐mm pole. Caluromys showed higher elbow yield (greater changes in degrees of elbow flexion) on both substrates, similar to that reported for arboreal primates. Monodelphis was characterized by lower elbow yield that was intermediate between the values reported by Larney and Larson (Am J Phys Anthropol 125 [2004] 42–50) for more terrestrial primates and rodents. This finding adds evidence to a model suggesting a functional link between arboreality—particularly locomotion on thin, flexible branches—and forelimb compliance. These data add another convergent trait between arboreal primates, Caluromys, and other arboreal marsupials and support the argument that all primates evolved from a common ancestor that was a fine‐branch arborealist. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The New World family Didelphidae, the basal lineage within marsupials, is commonly viewed as morphologically conservative, yet includes aquatic, terrestrial, scansorial, and arboreal species. Here, I quantitatively estimated the existing variability in size and shape of the Didelphidae scapula (1076 specimens from 56 species) using geometric morphometrics, and compared size and shape differences to evolutionary and ecologic distances. I found considerable variation in the scapula morphology, most of it related to size differences between species. This results in morphologic divergence between different locomotor habits in larger species (resulting from increased mechanical loads), but most smaller species present similarly shaped scapulae. The only exceptions are the water opossum and the short-tailed opossums, and the functional explanations for these differences remain unclear. Scapula size and shape were mapped onto a molecular phylogeny for 32 selected taxa and ancestral size and shapes were reconstructed using squared-changed parsimony. Results indicate that the Didelphidae evolved from a medium- to small-sized ancestor with a generalized scapula, slightly more similar to arboreal ones, but strikingly different from big-bodied present arboreal species, suggesting that the ancestral Didelphidae was a small scansorial animal with no particular adaptations for arboreal or terrestrial habits, and these specializations evolved only in larger-bodied clades.  相似文献   

Basal metabolic rate (MR), body temperature (T(b)) and wet thermal conductance (C(wet)) of three tropical species of fruit-doves were investigated at ambient temperatures (T(a)) of 11-33 degrees C in activity (alpha) and rest (rho) phases to investigate the possible effect of obligate frugivory on the physiology of columbids. The basal metabolic rates of Ptilinopus melanospila (black-naped fruit-dove, 94 g), Drepanoptila holosericea (cloven-feathered dove, 198 g) and Ducula pinon (Pinon's imperial pigeon, 748 g) are 20-38% lower than predicted for all birds, including granivorous columbid species from temperate and tropical regions. The MR was minimal at a T(a) value of approximately 30 degrees C (=lower critical temperature, T(lc)) for all three species, indicating that these rainforest birds are not able to withstand high ambient temperatures as well as arid-adapted members of the pigeon family. Minimal wet-thermal conductance was, on average, higher than expected, indicating poor insulation in these tropical birds. Body temperatures were as expected; however, below T(lc) the body temperatures decreased to levels of 35-36 degrees C (T(a)=12 degrees C).  相似文献   

Most primates typically use a diagonal-sequence footfall pattern during walking. This footfall pattern, which is unusual for mammals, is believed to have originated in ancestral primates in association with the use of grasping extremities for movement and foraging on thin, flexible branches. This theory was tested by comparing gait parameters between the grey short-tailed opossum Monodelphis domestica and the woolly opossum Caluromys philander , two didelphid marsupials that are strongly differentiated in grasping morphology of the extremities and in their reliance on foraging strategies involving thin branches. One hundred and thirty gait cycles were analysed quantitatively from videotapes of subjects moving quadrupedally on a runway and on poles of different diameters (7 and 28 mm). Duty factor (i.e. duration of the stance phase as a percentage of the stride period) for the forelimb and hindlimb, as well as diagonality (i.e. phase relationship between the forelimb and hindlimb cycles), were calculated for each of these symmetrical gait cycles. We found that the highly terrestrial Monodelphis , like most other non-primate mammals, relies primarily on lateral-sequence walking gaits on both runway and poles, and has relatively higher forelimb duty factors. Like primates, the highly arboreal Caluromys uses primarily diagonal-sequence walking gaits on the runway and pole, with relatively higher hindlimb duty factors and diagonality. The fact that the woolly opossum, a marsupial with primate-like feet that moves and forages mainly on thin branches, uses primarily diagonal-sequence gaits when walking supports the view that primate gaits evolved to meet the demands of locomotion on narrow supports. This also demonstrates the functional role of a grasping foot, in association with relatively higher hindlimb duty factors, protraction, and substrate reaction forces, in the production of such walking gaits.  相似文献   

Seven subjects (1 woman) performed an incremental isotonic test on a Kin-Com isokinetic apparatus to determine their maximal oxygen consumption during bilateral knee extensions (Vo(2 sp)). A multisensor thermal probe was inserted into the left vastus medialis (middiaphysis) under ultrasound guidance. The deepest sensor (tip) was located approximately 10 mm from the femur and deep femoral artery (T(mu 10)), with additional sensors located 15 (T(mu 25)) and 30 mm (T(mu 40)) from the tip. Esophageal temperature (T(es)) was measured as an index of core temperature. Subjects rested in an upright seated position for 60 min in an ambient condition of 22 degrees C. They then performed 15 min of isolated bilateral knee extensions (60% of Vo(2 sp)) on a Kin-Com, followed by 60 min of recovery. Resting T(es) was 36.80 degrees C, whereas T(mu 10), T(mu 25), and T(mu 40) were 36.14, 35.86, and 35.01 degrees C, respectively. Exercise resulted in a T(es) increase of 0.55 degrees C above preexercise resting, whereas muscle temperature of the exercising leg increased by 2.00, 2.37, and 3.20 degrees C for T(mu 10), T(mu 25), and T(mu 40), respectively. Postexercise T(es) showed a rapid decrease followed by a prolonged sustained elevation approximately 0.3 degrees C above resting. Muscle temperature decreased gradually over the course of recovery, with values remaining significantly elevated by 0.92, 1.05, and 1.77 degrees C for T(mu 10), T(mu 25), and T(mu 40), respectively, at end of recovery (P < 0.05). These results suggest that the transfer of residual heat from previously active musculature may contribute to the sustained elevation in postexercise T(es).  相似文献   

Wet thermal conductance is an important thermoregulatory parameter for birds and mammals. It is generally calculated as C(wet) (ml O2 g(-1) h(-1) degrees C(-1)) = VO2/(T(b)-T(a)), where VO2 is metabolic rate measured in ml O2 g(-1) h(-1), T(b) is body and T(a) is ambient temperature measured in degrees C. Minimum C(wet) is measured at T(a) at or below the lower critical temperature (T(lc)) of the thermoneutral zone, and is strongly influenced by time of day (rest or activity phase) and body mass [J. Aschoff, Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 69A (1981) 611]. Allometric analyses indicate differences in C(wet) for passerine and non-passerine birds, in their rest and active phases (Aschoff, 1981). The allometric slope for non-passerine rest-phase (-0.583) is lower than that for non-passerine active-phase (-0.484), and passerine rest-phase (-0.461) and active-phase (-0.463), although none of these slopes are significantly different. This different-sloped relationship for non-passerine rest-phase C(wet) extrapolates to lower-than-expected values at high body mass, and so this allometric relationship may be inappropriate for predictive purposes. Consequently, we have reanalysed Aschoff's (1981) data, as well as more recent compilations, to determine a more useful allometric relationship for C(wet) of non-passerine rest-phase birds. Re-analyses of minimum thermal conductance data from Drent and Stonehouse [Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 40A (1971) 689], Aschoff (1981) and Gavrilov and Dolnik [Acta XVIII Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici Moscow (1982) 421] indicate that the most appropriate regressions for predicting C(wet) (ml O2 g(-1) h(-1) degrees C(-1)) of birds from body mass (M; g) are the pooled regressions for non-passerine and passerine birds, in the active (alpha) and resting (rho) phases, using data tabulated by Aschoff (1981): alpha, C(wet)=0.994M(-0.509); rho, C(wet)=0.702M(-0.519). C(wet) is approximately 40% higher in the active phase than the rest phase. Regressions of various data sets for C(wet) of birds and mammals indicate a similar slope of approximately -0.5 for the allometric relationship, but significantly higher elevations for mammals compared to birds. The approximately 50% higher C(wet) for mammals than birds indicates a better physical insulation for birds than mammals of the same body mass. The general scaling of C(wet) with M(-0.5) indicates that (T(b)-T(lc)) should scale with M(0.22), if mass-specific metabolic rate scales with M(-0.28) [Reynolds and Lee, Am. Nat. 147 (1996) 735]. The observed scaling for (T(b)-T(lc)) of M(0.183) (calculated from Gavrilov and Dolnik, 1985) is consistent with this expectation.  相似文献   

Didelphid marsupials differ in their use of the forest strata, with corresponding differences in morphology and arboreal walking performances. Similar performances may be reached by different combinations of stride length and frequency, but it has been suggested that arboreal walkers increase velocity by longer strides. Our objective was to determine how stride length and frequency contribute to the velocity in the arboreal walking of seven species of didelphid marsupials of the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Animals were stimulated to cross five 3-m long horizontal supports of different diameters. The cycle of maximum velocity was chosen to measure relative stride length, frequency, and relative velocity. Except forCaluromys philander, the more arboreal species were faster than the terrestrial species, but maximum velocity of arboreal species was reached by two strategies, increasing stride frequency (Gracilinanus microtarsus, Micoureus demerarae, andDidelphis aurita), or reducing frequency and increasing stride length (Marmosops incanus andC. philander). Increasing velocity in arboreal walking by more frequent strides may reduce oscillations of the body, whereas longer strides may reduce branch swaying. Among the terrestrial species,Philander frenatus performed similarly to more arboreal species, suggesting a potential ability to use the canopy, undetected in field observations.  相似文献   

In order to determine whether different subpopulations of mast cells exist, mast cells of mandibular and axillary lymph nodes from five species (Didelphis aurita, Metachirus nudicaudatus, Philander opossum, Marmosops incanus and Gracilinanus agilis) of South American marsupials were studied. Our results showed that mast cells present in the connective tissue of the capsule and septa (CTMC) were similar to those described for eutherian mammals. However, a population of mast cells that was present in the lymphatic sinuses and bathed by the lymph, plus in direct contact with granulocytes, lymphocytes, macrophages, and reticular cells, were morphologically and histochemically different from the CTMC. In the five species studied, these cellular types, called lymphatic-sinus mast cells (LSMC), had a lower concentration of intragranular heparin and, in four of the five species, the cytoplasmic granules appeared to be larger than those in CTMC. Although LSMC have been rarely described in eutherian mammals, it was verified, in this study, that LSMC are nevertheless present in lymphatic sinuses of the five metatherian species studied. These observations suggest that the presence of LSMC may be a characteristic of the marsupials and important in the immune response and adaptive success of the Didelphidae.  相似文献   

Triatomine bug species such as Microtriatoma trinidadensis, Eratyrus mucronatus, Belminus herreri, Panstrongylus lignarius, and Triatoma tibiamaculata are exquisitely adapted to specialist niches. This suggests a long evolutionary history, as well as the recent dramatic spread a few eclectic, domiciliated triatomine species. Virtually all species of the genus Rhodnius are primarily associated with palms. The genus Panstrongylus is predominantly associated with burrows and tree cavities and the genus Triatoma with terrestrial rocky habitats or rodent burrows. Two major sub-divisions have been defined within the species Trypanosoma cruzi, as T. cruzi 1 (Z1) and T. cruzi 2 (Z2). The affinities of a third group (Z3) are uncertain. Host and habitat associations lead us to propose that T. cruzi 1 (Z1) has evolved in an arboreal, palm tree habitat with the triatomine tribe Rhodniini, in association with the opossum Didelphis. Similarly we propose that T. cruzi (Z2) and Z3 evolved in a terrestrial habitat in burrows and in rocky locations with the triatomine tribe Triatomini, in association with edentates, and/or possibly ground dwelling marsupials. Both sub-divisions of T. cruzi may have been contemporary in South America up to 65 million years ago. Alternatively, T. cruzi 2 (Z2) may have evolved more recently from T. cruzi 1 (Z1) by host transfers into rodents, edentates, and primates. We have constructed a molecular phylogeny of haematophagous vectors, including triatomine bugs, which suggests that faecal transmission of trypanosomes may be the ancestral route. A molecular clock phylogeny suggests that Rhodnius and Triatoma diverged before the arrival, about 40 million years ago, of bats and rodents into South America.  相似文献   

Abstract Patterns of co-occurrence were examined among the suite of species of arboreal marsupials that inhabit the montane ash forests of the Central Highlands of Victoria, southeastern Australia. The data used in our analyses were counts of different species of arboreal marsupials derived from stagwatching surveys of 152 sites throughout the Central Highlands region. Our work investigated both the number of species that tend to occur together, as well as identity of the taxa in such associations. A total of eight different species of arboreal marsupials were recorded from field surveys of montane ash forests: Leadbeater's Possum (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri), Sugar Glider (Petaurus breviceps), Yellow-bellied Glider (Petaurus australis), Greater Glider (Petauroides volans), Mountain Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus caninus), Feathertail Glider (Acrobates pygmaeus), Common Ringtail Possum (Pseudocheirusperegrinus), and Eastern Pygmy Possum (Cercartetus nanus). Large assemblages of taxa were rare and no sites supported the full array of species of arboreal marsupials– the maximum number of species recorded on a given 3 ha site was five. The results of our analyses indicated that if any one species of arboreal marsupials was present at a site, then on average 1. 5 other taxa will co-inhabit that site. The exception was the Common Ringtail Possum. When this species was detected, few other arboreal marsupial taxa tended to be recorded with it. Principal Co-ordinates Analysis showed that although combinations of animals comprised of either Mountain Brushtail Possum, Leadbeater's Possum, or Greater Glider were often recorded, there were no strong patterns in the identities of co-occurring taxa. This finding, together with the result that most taxa in these forests typically co-occurred with one or two other species, indicates that none of the arboreal marsupials inhabiting the montane ash forests of the Central Highlands of Victoria would be a good surrogate for (or ‘indicator’ of), the presence of the suite of other species in the assemblage.  相似文献   

Arboreal primates have distinctive intrinsic hand proportions compared with many other mammals. Within Euarchonta, platyrrhines and strepsirrhines have longer manual proximal phalanges relative to metacarpal length than colugos and terrestrial tree shrews. This trait is part of a complex of features allowing primates to grasp small-diameter arboreal substrates. In addition to many living and Eocene primates, relative elongation of proximal manual phalanges is also present in most plesiadapiforms. In order to evaluate the functional and evolutionary implications of manual similarities between crown primates and plesiadapiforms, we measured the lengths of the metacarpal, proximal phalanx, and intermediate phalanx of manual ray III for 132 extant mammal species (n=702 individuals). These data were compared with measurements of hands in six plesiadapiform species using ternary diagrams and phalangeal indices. Our analyses reveal that many arboreal mammals (including some tree shrews, rodents, marsupials, and carnivorans) have manual ray III proportions similar to those of various arboreal primates. By contrast, terrestrial tree shrews have hand proportions most similar to those of other terrestrial mammals, and colugos are highly derived in having relatively long intermediate phalanges. Phalangeal indices of arboreal species are significantly greater than those of the terrestrial species in our sample, reflecting the utility of having relatively long digits in an arboreal context. Although mammals known to be capable of prehensile grips demonstrate long digits relative to palm length, this feature is not uniquely associated with manual prehension and should be interpreted with caution in fossil taxa. Among plesiadapiforms, Carpolestes, Nannodectes, Ignacius, and Dryomomys have manual ray III proportions that are unlike those of most terrestrial species and most similar to those of various arboreal species of primates, tree shrews, and rodents. Within Euarchonta, Ignacius and Carpolestes have intrinsic hand proportions most comparable to those of living arboreal primates, while Nannodectes is very similar to the arboreal tree shrew Tupaia minor. These results provide additional evidence that plesiadapiforms were arboreal and support the hypothesis that Euarchonta originated in an arboreal milieu.  相似文献   

In loosely-restrained adult conscious rats exposed to stepwise changes in ambient temperature (T(a)) from 25 to 5 degrees C or from 20 to 35 degrees C, we have recorded body and tail temperatures, metabolic rate (VO(2)), shivering and ventilation (V). It was found that VO(2) and V vary with T(a) and show a nadir for a T(a) of 30 degrees C whereas shivering starts at 20 degrees C and increases progressively with cold exposure. T(tail) follows changes in T(a) whereas T(body) decreases slightly in cold and increases markedly in warm exposure. These results suggest that the control of T(body) interacts with the control of breathing in order to increase VO(2) during cold exposure and to facilitate evaporative respiratory heat dissipation during warm exposure.  相似文献   

The parasite fauna of the gray four-eyed opossum, Philander opossum (Linnaeus, 1758), and the common opossum, Didelphis marsupialis Linnaeus, 1758, in Camp du Tigre, French Guiana, is characterized. Nine species from the gastrointestinal system were recovered from both species, which shared 80% of their parasites. The parasite fauna comprised several monoxenous species (63%) and was dominated by Aspidodera raillieti Travassos, 1914, which exhibited high levels of prevalence and abundance in both communities. Only 2 species (Moennigia sp. and Spirura guianensis) had been recorded in other species of mammals. Both species richness and taxonomic composition at the level of component communities from this locality were compared against 11 communities present in the Virginia ( Didelphis virginiana ), white-bellied (Didelphis albiventris), and common opossum from Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and the United States. Neither host phylogeny nor taxonomy accounted for statistical differences in species richness. There was no statistical difference among species richness values among the 9 localities studied. Taxonomic similarity was analyzed by means of the Jaccard's similarity index, including all, and only common species (occurring in prevalence >10%). The results suggest that sympatric species of marsupials share more species of parasites than parasite communities occurring in conspecific marsupials from different localities. As a consequence, taxonomic composition of these parasite communities varied depending on the locality. Probably, marsupials of the monophyletic Didelphini offer the same compatibility toward their parasites, by presenting them with similar habitats. Subtle differences in lifestyles of the marsupials may determine the chance of encounter between the symbionts and prevent some parasites from completing their life cycles. Further and more rigorous tests are necessary to determine the roles of encounter and compatibility filters, as well as the role of chance, in the structuring of parasite communities in marsupials.  相似文献   

Physiological studies often involve the repeated measurement of individuals over a range of ordered categorical conditions, for example, varying ambient temperature. We illustrate here the use of a priori contrasts for multivariate repeated-measures ANOVA by analyzing the thermal responses of various physiological variables for a small marsupial, the dibbler (Parantechinus apicalis). Our analyses showed that dibblers conform closely to the Scholander-Irving model of endothermy. Body temperature was constant at low air temperatures, was 36.3 ± 0.24°C at thermoneutrality (30°C), and increased at 35°C. Metabolic rate decreased with increasing ambient temperature to a basal rate of 0.619 ± 0.036 mL O(2) g(-1) h(-1) at 30°C; it extrapolated closely to thermoneutral body temperature. Increased oxygen demand at lower ambient temperature was met by increased respiratory minute volume, achieved by increased respiratory frequency and tidal volume; oxygen extraction was constant at about 19%. Evaporative water loss and wet and dry thermal conductance increased markedly at high ambient temperatures but not sufficiently to maintain constant body temperature. Relative water economy was similar to that of other small marsupials, increasing linearly at lower air temperatures with a point of relative water economy of 20.3°C. We conclude that a priori contrasts provide a statistically appropriate and powerful analysis that can be used routinely to statistically describe the pattern of response of physiological variables to a categorical factor and are especially useful for repeated-measures ANOVA designs common to many physiological studies.  相似文献   

Pigeons and doves (Columbidae) are an interesting group to examine for physiological adaptations to climate and diet because this cosmopolitan family comprises more than 300 species that are mostly granivores, although some are specialized frugivores. We determined allometric and phylogenetic effects on body temperature (T(b)), basal metabolic rate (BMR; J h(-1)), and wet thermal conductance (C(wet); J h(-1) C(-1)), and we examined mass (M) and phylogenetically corrected residuals for further effects of climate, diet, and landmass size (mainland or island). Independent contrasts, correlograms, autoregression, and phylogenetic eigenvector regression (PVR) were used to examine phylogenetically related effects. We found a small but significant phylogenetic pattern for body mass of columbids. For T(b), there was no significant effect of mass or phylogeny. There was a significant effect of climate on T(b) and no significant effects of diet or landmass without mass or phylogenetic correction, but after mass and phylogenetic correction, there were no effects of climate, diet, or landmass. For BMR, there was a strong allometric effect, and residuals were significantly lower for arid and tropical species but not for temperate species, compared to predictions for nonpasserine birds. There was a nearly significant autoregressive phylogenetic relationship for BMR parl0;r=0.44), and the strong allometry of BMR remained for independent contrasts (slope=0.731), autoregressive residuals (0.698), and PVR (0.705). Residuals, from regression of autoregression and PVR residuals of M and BMR, were significantly associated with climate: arid pigeons had a lower BMR residual than tropical and temperate pigeons. PVR residuals were significantly affected by landmass (island columbids had a smaller residual than mainland columbids), but autoregression residuals were not. There was no association of autoregression or PVR residuals with diet. For C(wet), there was a strong allometric effect, and residuals for columbids were significantly higher compared to other birds. There was no significant relationship for C(wet) of columbids to climate, diet, or landmass. There was no significant autoregressive or PVR relationship for C(wet), and the strong allometry remained after phylogenetic analysis by independent contrasts (slope=0.501), autoregression (0.509), and PVR (0.514). Residuals from autoregression and PVR were not significantly correlated with climate, diet, or landmass (mainland/island).  相似文献   

Amazonian lowland rain forests are complex three-dimensional formations consisting of a variety of arboreal and terrestrial habitats. The small mammal faunas, particularly of arboreal habitats, are poorly studied, and field research generally has been limited to a few faunal inventories. We sampled the terrestrial and arboreal small mammal fauna in two floodplain forest study zones at Reserva Cuzco Amazonico, southeastern Peru, by removal trapping for 12 consecutive days in dry (June-July 1989) and rainy seasons (January-February 1990). Nineteen taxa of marsupials and rodents were captured. Small mammals were more abundant in the rainy season than in the dry season, but the relative proportions of the 11 most abundant species remained stable between seasons and study zones. Most species showed no decline in capture rates through the 12-day period, indicating that either population densities were high or animals were quite mobile. The small mammal fauna exhibited strong vertical stratification; among the 11 most abundant species, four exhibited strong biases toward terrestrial and five toward above-ground captures. The distinct arboreal small mammal community is grossly underrepresented if traps are placed only at ground level.  相似文献   

The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) regulates the circadian rhythms of body temperature (T(b)) and vigilance states in mammals. We studied rats in which circadian rhythmicity was abolished after SCN lesions (SCNx rats) to investigate the association between the ultradian rhythms of sleep-wake states and brain temperature (T(br)), which are exposed after lesions. Ultradian rhythms of T(br) (mean period: 3.6 h) and sleep were closely associated in SCNx rats. Within each ultradian cycle, nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep was initiated 5 +/- 1 min after T(br) peaks, after which temperature continued a slow decline (0.02 +/- 0.006 degrees C/min) until it reached a minimum. Sleep and slow wave activity (SWA), an index of sleep intensity, were associated with declining temperature. Cross-correlation analysis revealed that the rhythm of T(br) preceded that of SWA by 2-10 min. We also investigated the thermoregulatory and sleep-wake responses of SCNx rats and controls to mild ambient cooling (18 degrees C) and warming (30 degrees C) over 24-h periods. SCNx rats and controls responded similarly to changes in ambient temperature. Cooling decreased REM sleep and increased wake. Warming increased T(br), blunted the amplitude of ultradian T(br) rhythms, and increased the number of transitions into NREM sleep. SCNx rats and controls had similar percentages of NREM sleep, REM sleep, and wake, as well as the same average T(b) within each 24-h period. Our results suggest that, in rats, the SCN modulates the timing but not the amount of sleep or the homeostatic control of sleep-wake states or T(b) during deviations in ambient temperature.  相似文献   

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