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A 36-kDa antigen of axenically grown pathogenic Entamoeba histolytica (HM1-IMSS) was eluted from the sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)-resolved crude amoebic extract antigens. The immunoreactivity of this partially purified 36-kDa antigen with monoclonal antibody (MoAb) 3D(10) altered significantly (P<0.01) after heat and trypsin treatment but remained unaltered after treatment with sodium metaperiodate (P0.5), thereby indicating the protein nature of the epitope recognized by MoAb 3D(10). The epitope was found to be localized on the surface as well as in the cytoplasm of the E. histolytica trophozoites with the majority of it in the cytoplasm. In addition, this epitope was also found to be present on the cyst form of the parasite. The 36-kDa molecule was recognized by the sera from 29 (85%) of the 34 patients with amoebic liver abscess and five (83%) of the six patients with amoebic colitis. No serum samples from asymptomatic cyst passers, from patients with non-amoebic hepatic or intestinal disorders and apparently healthy subjects had antibodies that reacted with this 36-kDa molecule. The immune responses in man to this 36-kDa amoebic molecule indicate a potential specific role for this molecule in invasive amoebiasis.  相似文献   

Cysteine plays a major role in the antioxidative defense mechanisms of the human parasite Entameoba histolytica. The major route of cysteine biosynthesis in this parasite is the condensation of O-acetylserine with sulfide by the de novo cysteine biosynthetic pathway involving two key enzymes O-acetyl-L-serine sulfhydrylase (OASS) and serine acetyl transferase (SAT). The crystal structure of native OASS from Entameoba histolytica (EhOASS) has been determined at 1.86 A resolution and in complex with its product cysteine at 2.4 A resolution. In comparison with other known OASS structures, insertion in the N-terminal region and C-terminal helix reveal critical differences, which may influence the protein-protein interactions. In spite of lacking chloride binding site at the dimeric interface, the N-terminal extension compared with other known cysteine synthases, participates in dimeric interactions in an interesting domain swapping manner, enabling it to form a stronger dimer. Sulfate is bound in the active site of the native structure, which is replaced by cysteine in the cysteine bound form causing reorientation of the small N-terminal domain and thus closure of the active site. Ligand binding constants of OAS, Cys, and Met with EhOASS are comparable with other known OASS indicating similar active site arrangement and dynamics. The cysteine complexed structure represents the snapshot of the enzyme just before releasing the final product with a closed active site. The C-terminal helix positioning in the EhOASS may effect its interactions with EhSAT and thus influencing the formation of the cysteine synthase complex in this organism.  相似文献   

Summary Oligonucleotide fingerprinting was applied to investigate the relatedness of several cell lines that were established between 1973 and 1977 from a teratocarcinoma. We were able to distinguish cell lines derived at different times. In addition, sublines from one cell line (PYS-2) could be discriminated by using a combination of different probes. Therefore multilocus fingerprinting with oligonucleotides is a useful method for monitoring changes in cell lines kept in culture for many generations. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (OB 66/2-1) and by the VW-Stiftung.  相似文献   

The effect of preincubation with cortisol on estrogen and androgen metabolism was investigated in human fibroblast monolayers grown from biopsies of genital and non-genital skin of the same person. The activity in the cells of aromatase, 5 alpha-reductase, 17 beta-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase and 3 alpha-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase was investigated by isolating estrone, estradiol, estriol, dihydrotestosterone, androstanedione, androsterone, 3 alpha-androstanediol, testosterone and androstenedione after incubation of the cells with [14C]testosterone or [14C]androstenedione. For experiments with 14C-labeled substrate the cells were incubated in medium, charcoal stripped of steroids without Phenol Red. Preincubation from 6 to 36 h with cortisol in concentrations of 10(-8) - 10(-6) M showed maximal stimulation of aromatase activity after 12 h preincubation with cortisol in concentrations of 0.5-1.0 x 10(-6) M in both cell lines. When preincubation with cortisol was omitted no estrogen synthesis was detected. The formation of androgen was not altered after preincubation with cortisol. Pronounced differences were found in estrogen and in androgen metabolism in the two cell lines suggesting a local regulation of the hormonal environment. The aromatase activity, which is low in many tissues could be stimulated by cortisol without altering the androgen metabolism was found to be a suitable system for investigations of the cellular interconversion of androgens and estrogens and for investigations of the in vitro regulation of the enzymes involved.  相似文献   

Pathogenic properties of the natural isolate of Shewanella algae from the coelomic fluid of the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan) were investigated. The isolate had oxydative metabolism, was positive for ornithine decarboxylase, cytochrome oxidase, catalase, DNase and gelatinase, hemolytically active, did not produce acid from carbohydrates, and did not hydrolyze urea and esculin. The strain was resistant to penicillin, amoxicillin, and ampicillin and susceptible to tetracycline and carbenicillin. Among cellular fatty acids, 13:0-i, 15:0-i, 16:0, 16:1(n-7), 17:0-i, and 17:0-ai dominated. These biochemical properties made it possible to attribute the isolated bacteria to the genus Shewanella and identified as S. algae. The cells of this bacterium were introduced into the coelomic cavity of another echinoderm, the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus nudus. As a result, in about 24 h the animals became slow and 3-8 days after the inoculation died. Dividing bacteria were being found during the experiment in the coelomic fluid as well as in the phagosomes of amoebocytes, i.e. cells acting as phagocytes in the coelomic fluid. The studies of the invasive properties of strain 156 showed that bacterial cells entered the subcuticular space of S. nudus and A. japonicus through the cuticle and stayed there for a long time without penetrating epithelium and exerting toxic effect upon the organisms of the laboratory animals. Pathogenic effect of S. algae can be manifested only if the cutaneous epithelium is destroyed permitting it to penetrate the lower tissue layers. The toxicity of S. algae is confirmed by in vitro experiments. The inoculation of the embryonic cells of S. nudus with samples of this bacterium caused the death of 10% of cells within an hour and 100% of cells within 12 h after inoculation. The results of the investigations demonstrate that S. algae could produce opportunistic infection in the sea cucumber A. japonicus and the sea urchin S. nudus, which may be natural reservoirs of this human pathogen.  相似文献   

Abstract In the present study, we compared four macrophage (Mφ) cell lines from different anatomical origins for functional and secretory activities against the two morphogenetic forms of the fungus Candida albicans . We show that all the cell lines actively phagocytize the yeast and exert antimicrobial activity against both forms o3 Candida , although Mφ of microglial origin are the most effective. When assessed for secretory properties, microglial Mφ exhibit a peculiar patten with respect to other Mφ populations under either basal or stimulated conditions. In particular, only microglial Mφ fail to respond to the hyphal form of the fungus (H- Candida ), which instead acts as a potent tumor necrosis factor inducer in the other Mφ cell lines. When exposed to H- Candida , microglial Mφ are indistinguishable from other Mφ in their ability to modulate specific surface adhesion molecules. In addition to strengthening the knowledge on functional heterogeneity among Mφ, our data provide evidence on the peculiar behavior of microglial Mφ. To what extent Mφ heterogeneity may be related to tissue homeostasis is discussed.  相似文献   

We have identified in organic solvent extracts of whole cells of the gram-positive pathogen Rhodococcus equi two channel-forming proteins with different and complementary properties. The isolated proteins were able to increase the specific conductance of artificial lipid bilayer membranes made from phosphatidylcholine-phosphatidylserine mixtures by the formation of channels able to be permeated by ions. The channel-forming protein PorA(Req) (R. equi pore A) is characterized by the formation of cation-selective channels, which are voltage gated. PorA(Req) has a single-channel conductance of 4 nS in 1 M KCl and shows high permeability for positively charged solutes because of the presence of negative point charges. According to the results of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), the protein has an apparent molecular mass of about 67 kDa. The analysis (using the effect of negative charges on channel conductance) of the concentration dependence of the single-channel conductance suggested that the diameter of the cell wall channel is about 2.0 nm. The second channel (formed by PorB(Req) [R. equi pore B]) shows a preferred movement of anions through the channel and is not voltage gated. This channel shows a single-channel conductance of 300 pS in 1 M KCl and is characterized by the presence of positive point charges in or near the channel mouth. Based on SDS-PAGE, the apparent molecular mass of the channel-forming protein is about 11 kDa. Channel-forming properties of the investigated cell wall porins were compared with those of others isolated from mycolic acid-containing actinomycetes. We present here the first report of a fully characterized anion-selective cell wall channel from a member of the order Actinomycetales.  相似文献   

From a liver metastasis of a human pancreatic adenocarcinoma, we have established cell lines for studying the cell biology of this tumor. We obtained two cell lines with different morphological, chromosomal and functional properties. One of them, named PaTu 8988s, revealed a solid growth in nude mouse xenografts with cells exhibiting only occasional polar organisation of the cytoplasm. In general, no apical or basolateral plasma membrane domains could be distinguished and the sparse organelles were randomly distributed throughout the cytoplasm. Secretory products, such as mucin, were weakly stained histochemically or were completely absent. Transglutaminase (TGase) activity used as a marker for cellular differentiation was low in these cells. The other cell line, named PaTu 8988t, grew tumors composed of tubular structures when injected subcutaneously into nude mice. Cells were polarized with distinct apical and basolateral plasma membranes and the cytoplasmatic organelles were arranged with the nucleus in the lower part of the cell, while the apical cytoplasm contained the Golgi complex and numerous secretion granules. A high content of mucin was stained histochemically and transglutaminase activity was ten times higher than in PaTu 8988s. Comparing the chromosome number per metaphase plate, both cell lines showed a major peak, with 45-55 chromosomes per metaphase plate in PaTu 8988s and about 110-120 chromosomes per metaphase plate in PaTu 8988t. When the two cell lines were injected intravenously into the tail vein of nude mice, only PaTu 8988s developed metastases localized exclusively in the lung, whereas PaTu 8988t produced no metastases in any organ. We conclude, that two cell lines exhibiting different grades of differentiation as well as a different potency to metastasize can be established from the same primary tumor, and that these cell lines represent a suitable model for further study of the cell biology of human pancreatic adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   

The growth of human cancers is characterised by long and variable cell cycle times that are controlled by stochastic events prior to DNA replication and cell division. Treatment with radiotherapy or chemotherapy induces a complex chain of events involving reversible cell cycle arrest and cell death. In this paper we have developed a mathematical model that has the potential to describe the growth of human tumour cells and their responses to therapy. We have used the model to predict the response of cells to mitotic arrest, and have compared the results to experimental data using a human melanoma cell line exposed to the anticancer drug paclitaxel. Cells were analysed for DNA content at multiple time points by flow cytometry. An excellent correspondence was obtained between predicted and experimental data. We discuss possible extensions to the model to describe the behaviour of cell populations in vivo.  相似文献   

 Progressive tumor growth may be associated with suppression of the immune response. Many different mechanisms may contribute to immune evasion. We investigated some of these mechanisms in melanoma cells lines generated from two patients. These cell lines show a complex pattern of altered HLA expression; however, the resulting phenotype did not satisfactorily explain the simultaneous evasion of T and NK cell cytotoxicity. Two additional alterations have now been detected in these melanoma cell lines: (1) resistance to FAS-induced apoptosis caused by defective FAS gene expression, and (2) constitutive expression of immunosuppressive cytokines. Our results show that several of the major mechanisms for immune evasion may coexist in a single tumor. This suggests that tumor progression may give rise to an extremely resistant phenotype, which may be an impediment to some immunotherapeutic strategies. We hypothesize that the simultaneous presence of several mechanisms involved in tumor immune evasion must be the result of progressive selection of characteristics that are advantageous for tumor survival in a competent host. Our findings do not support the possibility that FASL expression is a common mechanism of evasion of immune response in melanoma cells. Received: 27 January 2000 / Accepted: 28 August 2000  相似文献   

The capacity of cell for the adaptive response (AR) induction after gamma-irradiation using micronuclear test was investigated. Our model consists of the parental djungarian hamster embryonic fibroblast cell line DH-TK- and its radioresistant progeny (PIC-20). We demonstrated that AR for the more radiosensitive parental cell line was shifted to the lower adaptive and to the challenge doses. The maximal AR for DH-TK- cells was induced at 0.3 Gy adaptive dose and 1.5 Gy challenge dose (adaptive response coefficient (ARC) was 0.4+/- 0.1), whereas for PIC-20 cells these means were 0.5 Gy and 3.0 Gy correspondingly (ARC = 0.45+/-0.1). Using the method of anomalous viscosity time dependence (AVTD) we demonstrated the chromatin rearrangements in both cell lines during 3-5 h after adaptive dose application. The rearrangement degree evaluated by the relative maximal reduced viscosity was considerably higher in PIC-20 cell line than that in DH-TK cells (2.4+/-0.3 vs 1.4+/-0. 1). Interestingly, the time of chromatin rearrangement did not depend neither on the dose nor on the cell type and was similar in both cell lines after 5 h of adaptive dose application. It was also shown that during the AR chromatin relaxation was lower after exposure to both the adaptive and challenge doses than after challenge dose only. In contrast, in the degree of AR chromatin relaxation was higher for both cell lines.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that the growth of human tumours is driven by a small proportion of tumour stem cells with self-renewal properties. Multiplication of these cells leads to loss of self-renewal and after division for a finite number of times the cells undergo programmed cell death. Cell cycle times of human cancers have been measured in vivo and shown to vary in the range from two days to several weeks, depending on the individual. Cells cultured directly from tumours removed at surgery initially grow at a rate comparable to the in vivo rate but continued culture leads to the generation of cell lines that have shorter cycle times (1–3 days). It has been postulated that the more rapidly growing sub-population exhibits some of the properties of tumour stem cells and are the precursors of a slower growing sub-population that comprise the bulk of the tumour. We have previously developed a mathematical model to describe the behaviour of cell lines and we extend this model here to describe the behaviour of a system with two cell populations with different kinetic characteristics and a precursor–product relationship. The aim is to provide a framework for understanding the behaviour of cancer tissue that is sustained by a minor population of proliferating stem cells.  相似文献   

目的采用活体成像技术比较三株荧光素酶标记的小鼠乳腺癌细胞在小鼠体内生长及转移情况,为研究肿瘤转移提供理想的动物模型以及活体分析方法。方法以荧光素酶(luciferase,Luc)作为报告基因导入小鼠乳腺癌细胞4T1、66c14和4TO7中,经G418筛选获得稳定表达荧光素酶的细胞克隆并扩大培养。标记细胞稀释成1×107cells/mL,取0.1 mL进行乳腺原位及尾静脉接种BALB/c小鼠,制作小鼠乳腺原位和尾静脉移植瘤模型,比较三株细胞在小鼠体内生长及转移情况。结果获得稳定表达荧光素酶基因的细胞克隆,将Luc标记的4T1、66c14、4TO7细胞对BALB/c小鼠乳腺原位接种后7 d,均有肿瘤生长,接种后28 d,4T1细胞乳腺原位移植瘤最大,66c14细胞瘤体次之,4TO7细胞瘤体最小;接种后35 d,三株细胞乳腺原位移植瘤大小较一致,但4T1和66c14原位移植瘤均发生转移,其中4T1细胞较66c14细胞转移严重,而4TO7细胞未见转移;接种后42 d,三株细胞乳腺原位移植瘤大小无明显差别,而4T1和66c14细胞随天数的增加,移植瘤转移程度逐渐严重,4T1较66c14细胞转移更严重,呈广泛性转移,4TO7细胞仍未见转移。将Luc标记的4T1、66c14、4TO7细胞对BALB/c小鼠尾静脉接种后7 d,小动物活体成像发现小鼠肺部均能检测到荧光,其中4T1细胞接种的小鼠肺部荧光信号最强,且小鼠陆续死亡;4TO7细胞接种小鼠肺部荧光信号次之;66c14细胞接种小鼠肺部荧光信号最弱。尾静脉接种后14 d,4TO7和66c14细胞随着观察天数的增加,转移程度逐渐严重,4TO7细胞接种小鼠肺部荧光信号较66c14细胞强且小鼠陆续死亡。结论乳腺原位自发转移模型较尾静脉转移模型更真实反应了肿瘤细胞在体的转移特性,且能完整地呈现肿瘤转移的全过程,可作为研究肿瘤转移的最理想模型。  相似文献   

We are trying to understand individual differences in susceptibility to chromate toxicity by comparing three different lymphoblastic cell lines derived from three different individuals. We have compared the uptake of CrO 4 2− , the release of LDH from cells, the proliferation ability of the cells, and the DNA-protein crosslinks in these lymphoblastic cell lines exposed to chromate. We report here that one lymphoblastic cell line, GM0922B, appears to be considerably less sensitive than the other two cells lines to the cytotoxic effects of hexavalent chromium. The diminished sensitivity is almost twofold and can be accounted for by the decreased uptake of hexavalent chromium, which results in less lactate dehydrogenase release, and greater tolerance to chromate inhibition of cell proliferation and less DNA-protein crosslinking. This lower uptake of chromate combined with interindividual differences in extracellular Cr(VI) reducing capacity are probably the two most important determinants of genetic susceptibility to chromate toxicity.  相似文献   

Summary Two fibroblast-like cell lines were obtained from fins of adults of the medaka,Oryzias latipes, and serially cultured at 27° C. One cell line, which was derived from a fish of the orange-red variety, reached to population doubling level (PDL) 434 on Day 840 by 120 passages. The other, which was derived from a fish of the inbred strain HB32C, reached to PDL 294 on Day 551 by 80 passages. Any symptom of crisis was not detected. The cell lines were named OL-17 and OL-32, respectively. Population doubling time was 29 h for OL-17 cells, and 32 h for OL-32 cells. Density-dependent inhibition of growth was clear in OL-32 cells, but not so obvious in OL-17 cells. Modal chromosome number of OL-17 cells was 50, and that of OL-32 cells was 47 (2N=48). Plating efficiency of OL-17 cells was about 10%, whereas that of OL-32 cells was about 5%. The use of conditioned medium (80% concentration) increased the plating efficiency of OL-32 cells to more than 25%.  相似文献   

Patients with the autosomal recessive disorder Fanconi anemia (FA) present with progressive pancytopenia, skeletal abnormalities and a predisposition to leukemia. In addition to elevated rates of spontaneous chromosome aberrations occurring in cultured fibroblasts and lymphoblastoid cell lines, an increased susceptibility to DNA cross-linking agents and oxygen has been found. To explain this hypersensitivity to clastogenic agents a defective function of DNA topoisomerase I or II could be invoked, a suggestion which is supported by the co-localization of the DNA topoisomerase I gene and a putative FA gene to chromosome 20q. In order to investigate the function of DNA topoisomerases in FA, the sensitivity of lymphoid B-cell lines derived from FA patients and control cell lines to inhibitors of DNA topoisomerases I and II was compared using continuous bromodeoxyuridine labeling and bivariate Hoechst/ethidium bromide flow cytometry. Both agents inhibited cell proliferation mainly by arresting cells in the G2 phase of the cell cycle. However, no difference was found in sensitivity towards both DNA topoisomerase inhibitors between control and FA cell lines.  相似文献   

Despite the involvement of the elongation factors eEF1A (eEF1A1 and eEF1A2) in the development of different cancers no information is available on their possible contribution to the biology of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We investigated the expression of both forms of eEF1A in HepG2 and JHH6 cell lines considered to be a good in vitro model of HCC at different stage of differentiation. Our data indicate that the mRNA amount of eEF1A1 is increased in both cell lines as compared to normal liver tissue, but eEF1A2 mRNA level is markedly increased only in JHH6. Moreover, the less differentiated cell line JHH6 displays higher EEF1A1 and EEF1A2 mRNAs levels and an higher nuclear-enriched/cytoplasm ratio of EEF1A protein compared to the better differentiated HepG2 cell line. Over-expression depends only partially on gene amplification. The more abundant mRNA levels and the higher nuclear-enriched/cytoplasm ratio of eEF1A in JHH6 neither correlate with apoptosis resistance nor with proliferation rate in sub-confluent cells. However, in confluent cells, a clear tendency to maintain JHH6 into the cell cycle was observed. In conclusion, we document the increased mRNA levels of EEF1A genes in HCC cell lines compared to normal liver. Additionally, we show the increased nuclear-enriched/cytoplasmic protein ratio of eEF1A and the marked raise of the expression of both eEF1A forms in JHH6 compared to HepG2, suggesting the possibility that eEF1A forms might become a relevant markers related to HCC tumor phenotype.  相似文献   

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