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The plenary session of the Publications Committee of the Human Proteome Organisation at the 7th annual HUPO world congress examined the relationship between journals, proteomics standardization initiatives, such as the work of the HUPO‐PSI, and the public domain data repositories. Delegates from industry, academia and the publishing houses discussed how best to bring these bodies closer to together and facilitate the publication process for the bench scientist.  相似文献   

The annual Spring Workshop of the HUPO‐PSI took place in Korea, where the Mass Spectrometry and Protein Separations groups joined forces to tackle the issue of the consistent reporting of quantitative proteomic data generated by mass‐spectrometry‐based technologies. A preliminary mzQuantML schema was drafted which, when completed and tested, will complement the existing mzIdentML schema for reporting protein identifications. The Molecular Interactions group concentrated on the implementations of the PSICQUIC (PSI Common Query InterfaCe) service that allows users to simultaneously query interaction data across multiple participating resources. Work was also undertaken to update the MIAPE guidelines, in response to feedback from the editors of a number of proteomic journals.  相似文献   

The Human Proteome Organisation Proteomics Standards Initiative (HUPO-PSI) was established in 2002 with the aim of defining community standards for data representation in proteomics and facilitating data comparison, exchange and verification. Over the last 10 years significant advances have been made, with common data standards now published and implemented in the field of both mass spectrometry and molecular interactions. The 2012 meeting further advanced this work, with the mass spectrometry groups finalising approaches to capturing the output from recent developments in the field, such as quantitative proteomics and SRM. The molecular interaction group focused on improving the integration of data from multiple resources. Both groups united with a guest work track, organized by the HUPO Technology/Standards Committee, to formulate proposals for data submissions from the HUPO Human Proteome Project and to start an initiative to collect standard experimental protocols.  相似文献   

The plenary session of the Proteomics Standards Initiative of the Human Proteome Organisation at the 8th Annual HUPO World Congress updated the delegates on the current status of the ongoing work of this group. The mass spectrometry group reviewed the progress of mzML since its release last year and detailed new work on providing a common format for SRM/MRM transition lists (TraML). The implementation of mzIdentML, for describing the output of proteomics search engines, was outlined and the release of a new web service PSICQUIC, which allows users to simultaneously search multiple interaction databases, was announced. Finally, the audience participated in a lively debate, discussing both the benefits of these standard formats and issues with their adoption and use in a research environment.  相似文献   

ProDaC (Proteomics Data Collection), a “Coordination Action” within the 6th EU framework programme, was created to support the collection, distribution and public availability of data from proteomics experiments. Within the consortium standards are created and maintained enabling an extensive data collection within the proteomics community. Important elements of ProDaC are workshops held twice a year to allow communication between the ProDaC partners and to report the ongoing progress. The most recent assembly was the 4th ProDaC workshop on August 15th, 2008, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It took place directly before the 7th HUPO Annual World Congress (Human Proteome Organisation). Work package coordinators and partners presented the progress achieved since the last meeting. Additionally, an EU official presented funding opportunities for proteomics in the next EU framework programme and five external speakers presented talks about their work in relation to ProDaC.  相似文献   

The spring workshop of the HUPO-PSI convened in Siena to further progress the data standards which are already making an impact on data exchange and deposition in the field of proteomics. Separate work groups pushed forward existing XML standards for the exchange of Molecular Interaction data (PSI-MI, MIF) and Mass Spectrometry data (PSI-MS, mzData) whilst significant progress was made on PSI-MS' mzIdent, which will allow the capture of data from analytical tools such as peak list search engines. A new focus for PSI (GPS, gel electrophoresis) was explored; as was the need for a common representation of protein modifications by all workers in the field of proteomics and beyond. All these efforts are contextualised by the work of the General Proteomics Standards workgroup; which in addition to the MIAPE reporting guidelines, is continually evolving an object model (PSI-OM) from which will be derived the general standard XML format for exchanging data between researchers, and for submission to repositories or journals.  相似文献   

The plenary session of the Proteomics Standards Initiative (PSI) of the Human Proteome Organization at the Tenth annual HUPO World Congress updated the delegates on the ongoing activities of this group. The Molecular Interactions workgroup described the success of the PSICQUIC web service, which enables users to access multiple interaction resources with a single query. One user instance is the IMEx Consortium, which uses the service to enable users to access a non-redundant set of protein-protein interaction records. The mass spectrometry data formats, mzML for mass spectrometer output files and mzIdentML for the output of search engines, are now successfully established with increasing numbers of implementations. A format for the output of quantitative proteomics data, mzQuantML, and also TraML, for SRM/MRM transition lists, are both currently nearing completion. The corresponding MIAPE documents are being updated in line with advances in the field, as is the shared controlled vocabulary PSI-MS. In addition, the mzTab format was introduced, as a simpler way to report MS proteomics and metabolomics results. Finally, the ProteomeXchange Consortium, which will supply a single entry point for the submission of MS proteomics data to multiple data resources including PRIDE and PeptideAtlas, is currently being established.  相似文献   

The Annual Spring workshop of the HUPO-PSI was this year held at the EMBL International Centre for Advanced Training (EICAT) in Heidelberg, Germany. Delegates briefly reviewed the successes of the group to date. These include the wide spread implementation of the molecular interaction data exchange formats, PSI-MI XML2.5 and MITAB, and also of mzML, the standard output format for mass spectrometer output data. These successes have resulted in enhanced accessibility to published data, for example the development of the PSICQUIC common query interface for interaction data and the development of databases such as PRIDE to act as public repositories for proteomics data and increased biosharing, through the development of consortia, for example IMEx and ProteomeXchange which will both share the burden of curating the increasing amounts of data being published and work together to make this more accessible to the bench scientist. Work then started over the three days of the workshop, with a focus on advancing the draft format for handling quantitative mass spectrometry data (mzQuantML) and further developing TraML, a standardized format for the exchange and transmission of transition lists for SRM experiments.  相似文献   

The theme of the third annual Spring workshop of the HUPO-PSI was "proteomics and beyond" and its underlying goal was to reach beyond the boundaries of the proteomics community to interact with groups working on the similar issues of developing interchange standards and minimal reporting requirements. Significant developments in many of the HUPO-PSI XML interchange formats, minimal reporting requirements and accompanying controlled vocabularies were reported, with many of these now feeding into the broader efforts of the Functional Genomics Experiment (FuGE) data model and Functional Genomics Ontology (FuGO) ontologies.  相似文献   

The Human Proteome Organisation Proteomics Standards Initiative (HUPO‐PSI) was established in 2002 with the aim of defining community standards for data representation in proteomics and facilitating data comparison, exchange and verification. The 2013 annual spring workshop was hosted by the University of Liverpool, UK and concentrated on updating and refining the existing standards in the light of new methodologies and technologies. To control the inflation of file sizes, strategies for file compression, particularly for mzML files, were explored. Best practices for encoding information such as protein grouping and PTM localisation were refined and documented. Additional example files for the mzQuantML format were designed to provide support for selected reaction monitoring techniques. Enhancements to the PSI Common Query Interface (PSICQUIC) and PSI‐MI XML were discussed. Finally, the group engaged in discussion on how the existing work of the HUPO‐PSI can be leveraged by the Metabolomics Standards Initiative to improve the capture of metabolite data.  相似文献   

The role of the Human Proteome Organisation Proteomics Standards Initiative (HUPO-PSI) is to produce and release community-accepted reporting requirements, interchange formats and controlled vocabularies for mass spectrometry proteomics and related technologies such as gel electrophoresis, column chromatography and molecular interactions. A number of significant advances were made at this workshop, with the new MS standard, mzML, being finalised prior to release on 1(st) June 2008 and analysisXML, which will allow protein and peptide identifications and post-translational modifications to be captured, being prepared to enter the review process this summer. The accompanying controlled vocabularies are continuing to evolve and a number of standards papers are now being finalised prior to publication.  相似文献   

The increasing volume of proteomics data currently being generated by increasingly high-throughput methodologies has led to an increasing need for methods by which such data can be accurately described, stored and exchanged between experimental researchers and data repositories. Work by the Proteomics Standards Initiative of the Human Proteome Organisation has laid the foundation for the development of standards by which experimental design can be described and data exchange facilitated. The progress of these efforts, and the direct benefits already accruing from them, were described at a plenary session of the 3(rd) Annual HUPO congress. Parallel sessions allowed the three work groups to present their progress to interested parties and to collect feedback from groups already implementing the available formats.  相似文献   

Since its conception in April 2002, the Human Proteome Organisation Proteomics Standards Initiative has contributed to the development of community standards for proteomics in a collaborative and very dynamic manner, resulting in the publication and increasing adoption of a number of interchange formats and controlled vocabularies. Repositories supporting these formats are being established or are already operational. In parallel with this, minimum reporting requirement have been developed and are now maturing to the point where they have been submitted for journal publication after prolonged exposure to community-input via the PSI website.  相似文献   

Orchard S  Jones AR  Stephan C  Binz PA 《Proteomics》2007,7(7):1006-1008
The plenary session of the Proteomics Standards Initiative of the Human Proteome Organisation provided an opportunity to update delegates on the progress of the work of the Human Proteome Organisation's Proteomics Standards Initiative (HUPO-PSI) to develop and implement standards in the field of proteomics. Significant advances have been made since the previous congress, with several of the interchange standards and minimal requirements documents being submitted for publication in the literature and being more widely adopted by both manufacturers and data repositories. An exciting development over the interim twelve months is the ongoing merger of the two existing mass spectrometry standards, the PSI mzData and Institute for Systems Biology mzXML, into a single product. This should be achieved by early in 2007.  相似文献   

Orchard S  Heck A  Uhlen M  Ping P 《Proteomics》2007,7(7):1009-1011
This meeting brought together delegates from industry, academia and the publishing houses to facilitate discussions on the level of support from the journals for the use of standardised data formats and their interest in the creation of a network of proteomics repositories collaborating on a coordinated data curation effort. Discussions centred on how best to structure interactions between journals, databases and researchers to improve accessibility to data, and facilitate comparisons between datasets.  相似文献   

The Human Proteome Organization Proteomics Standards Initiative has produced reporting requirements and data interchange formats for the proteomics community. The implementation of these increasingly mature formats was the main focus of this meeting, with extensions being made to many schema to enable encoding of new data types. The endorsement of the proteomics standards initiative standards by an increasing number of journals is a main driving force behind tool development and a recognized need to ease the process of data deposition into the public domain for the bench scientist.  相似文献   

Zheng J  Gao X  Mato J  Beretta L  He F 《Proteomics》2008,8(17):3420-3423
The Human Liver Proteome Project is one of the Human Proteome Initiatives launched by Human Proteome Organization (HUPO). Major achievements of the project have been obtained under the efforts of international collaboration with all the participants since it was formally proposed in 2002. Its updated progresses were presented in the latest workshop held in conjunction with the sixth HUPO World Congress in October, 2007, Seoul, Korea. Furthermore, four topics related to the project as well as other initiatives were lively discussed among all the attendees.  相似文献   

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