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The intrinsically disordered, positively charged H4 histone tail is important for chromatin structure and function. We have explored conformational ensembles of human H4 tail in solution, with varying levels of charge neutralization via acetylation or amino-acid substitutions such as KQ. We have employed an explicit water model shown recently to be well suited for simulations of intrinsically disordered proteins.Upon progressive neutralization of the H4, its radius of gyration decreases linearly with the tail charge q, the trend is explained using a simple polymer model. While the wild type state (q=+8) is essentially a random coil, hyper-acetylated H4 (q=+3) is virtually as compact and stable as a globular protein of the same number of amino-acids.Conformational ensembles of acetylated H4 match the corresponding KX substitutions only approximately: based on the ensemble similarity, we propose KM as a possible alternative to the commonly used KQ.Possible effects of the H4 tail compaction on chromatin structure are discussed within a qualitative model in which the chromatin is highly heterogeneous, easily inter-converting between various structural forms. We predict that upon progressive charge neutralization of the H4 tail, the least compact sub-states of chromatin de-condense first, followed by de-condensation of more compact structures, e.g. those that harbor a high fraction of stacked di-nucleosomes. The predicted hierarchy of DNA accessibility increase upon progressive acetylation of H4 might be utilized by the cell for selective DNA accessibility control.  相似文献   

An expression‐uncoupled tandem affinity purification assay is introduced which differs from the standard TAP assay by uncoupling the expression of the TAP‐bait protein from the target cells. Here, the TAP‐tagged bait protein is expressed in Escherichia coli and purified. The two concatenated purification steps of the classical TAP are performed after addition of the purified bait to brain tissue homogenates, cell and nuclear extracts. Without prior genetic manipulation of the target, upscaling, free choice of cell compartments and avoidance of expression triggered heat shock responses could be achieved in one go. By the strategy of separating bait expression from the prey protein environment numerous established, mostly tissue‐specific binding partners of the protein kinase A catalytic subunit Cβ1 were identified, including interactions in binary, ternary and quaternary complexes. In addition, the previously unknown small molecule inhibitor‐dependent interaction of Cβ1 with the cell cycle and apoptosis regulatory protein‐1 was verified. The uncoupled tandem affinity purification procedure presented here expands the application range of the in vivo TAP assay and may serve as a simple strategy for identifying cell‐ and tissue‐specific protein complexes.  相似文献   

Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, a leading method for the quantification of biomolecules, is useful for the analysis of posttranslational modifications of proteins. Here we describe a mass spectrometric approach for determining levels of acetylation at individual lysine residues within the amino-terminal tail of histone H4. Because of the high density of acetylatable lysine residues within this short span of amino acids, collision-induced dissociation tandem mass spectrometry was required. In addition, it was necessary to develop an algorithm to determine the fraction of acetylation at specific lysine residues from fragment ions containing more than one lysine residue. This is the first report of direct measurement of endogeneous levels of acetylation at individual lysine residues within the amino-terminal tail of yeast histone H4 and is the first use of tandem mass spectrometry for quantification of peptides containing multiple sites of modification.  相似文献   

Mammalian spermiogenesis is of considerable biological interest especially due to the unique chromatin remodeling events that take place during spermatid maturation. Here, we have studied the expression of chromatin remodeling factors in different spermatogenic stages and narrowed it down to bromodomain, testis-specific (Brdt) as a key molecule participating in chromatin remodeling during rat spermiogenesis. Our immunocytochemistry experiments reveal that Brdt colocalizes with acetylated H4 in elongating spermatids. Remodeling assays showed an acetylation-dependent but ATP-independent chromatin reorganization property of Brdt in haploid round spermatids. Furthermore, Brdt interacts with Smarce1, a member of the SWI/SNF family. We have studied the genomic organization of smarce1 and identified that it has two splice variants expressed during spermatogenesis. The N terminus of Brdt is involved in the recognition of Smarce1 as well as in the reorganization of hyperacetylated round spermatid chromatin. Interestingly, the interaction between Smarce1 and Brdt increases dramatically upon histone hyperacetylation both in vitro and in vivo. Thus, our results indicate this interaction to be a vital step in the chromatin remodeling process during mammalian spermiogenesis.  相似文献   

Estrogen receptors α (ER-α) and β (ER-β) play distinct biological roles in onset and progression of hormone-responsive breast cancer, with ER-β exerting a modulatory activity on ER-α-mediated estrogen signaling and stimulation of cell proliferation by mechanisms still not fully understood. We stably expressed human ER-β fused to a tandem affinity purification-tag in estrogen-responsive MCF-7 cells and applied tandem affinity purification and nanoLC-MS/MS to identify the ER-β interactome of this cell type. Functional annotation by bioinformatics analyses of the 303 proteins that co-purify with ER-β from nuclear extracts identify several new molecular partners of this receptor subtype that represents nodal points of a large protein network controlling multiple processes and functions in breast cancer cells.  相似文献   

Methyl CpG binding protein 2 (MeCP2) is a basic protein that contains a DNA methyl binding domain. The mechanism by which the highly positive charge of MeCP2 and its ability to bind methylated DNA contribute to the specificity of its binding to chromatin has long remained elusive. In this paper, we show that MeCP2 binds to nucleosomes in a very similar way to linker histones both in vitro and in vivo. However, its binding specificity strongly depends on DNA methylation. We also observed that as with linker histones, this binding is independent of the core histone H3 N-terminal tail and is not affected by histone acetylation.  相似文献   

Estrogen receptor α (ER-α) is a key mediator of estrogen actions in breast cancer (BC) cells. Understanding the effects of ligand-activated ER-α in target cells requires identification of the molecular partners acting in concert with this nuclear receptor to transduce the hormonal signal. We applied tandem affinity purification (TAP), glycerol gradient centrifugation and MS analysis to isolate and identify proteins interacting with ligand-activated ER-α in MCF-7 cell nuclei. This led to the identification of 264 ER-associated proteins, whose functions highlight the hinge role of ER-α in the coordination of multiple hormone-regulated nuclear processes in BC cells.  相似文献   

Biochemical studies reveal that a conserved arginine residue (R37) at the centre of the 14 Å internal cavity of histone deacetylase (HDAC) 8 is important for catalysis and acetate affinity. Computational studies indicate that R37 forms multiple hydrogen bonding interactions with the backbone carbonyl oxygen atoms of two conserved glycine residues, G303 and G305, resulting in a ‘closed’ form of the channel. One possible rationale for these data is that water or product (acetate) transit through the catalytically crucial internal channel of HDAC8 is regulated by a gating interaction between G139 and G303 tethered in position by the conserved R37.  相似文献   

DNase I was used as a probe to detect conformational changes of the H4 histone gene of Physarum polycephalum during the cell cycle. The degradation of histone genes was followed by gel electrophoresis and hybridization with a probe for the H4 histone gene. It was found that even during mitosis when chromatin is condensed into chromosomes, the histone genes are preferentially degraded by DNase I. The histone genes retain a characteristic structure which is recognized by DNase I during all stages of the cell cycle and thus independently of the biosynthesis of histones.  相似文献   

Mayer D  Baginsky S  Schwemmle M 《Proteomics》2005,5(17):4483-4487
The biochemical purification and analysis of viral ribonucleoprotein complexes (RNPs) of negative-strand RNA viruses is hampered by the lack of suitable tags that facilitate specific enrichment of these complexes. We therefore tested whether fusion of the tandem-affinity-purification (TAP) tag to the main component of viral RNPs, the nucleoprotein, might allow the isolation of these RNPs from cells. We constitutively expressed TAP-tagged nucleoprotein of Borna disease virus (BDV) in cells persistently infected with this virus. The TAP-tagged bait was efficiently incorporated into viral RNPs, did not interfere with BDV replication and was also packaged into viral particles. Native purification of the tagged protein complexes from BDV-infected cells by two consecutive affinity columns resulted in the isolation of several viral proteins, which were identified by MS analysis as the matrix protein, the two forms of the nucleoprotein and the phosphoprotein. In addition to the viral proteins, RT-PCR analysis revealed the presence of viral genomic RNA. Introduction of further protease cleavage sites within the TAP-tag significantly increased the purification yield. These results demonstrate that purification of TAP-tagged viral RNPs is possible and efficient, and may therefore provide new avenues for biochemical and functional studies of these complexes.  相似文献   

The tachykinin, neurokinin 3 receptor (NK3R) is a g-protein coupled receptor that is broadly distributed in the nervous system and exerts its diverse physiological actions through multiple signaling pathways. Despite the role of the receptor system in a range of biological functions, the effects of NK3R activation on chromatin dynamics and gene expression have received limited attention. The present work determined the effects of senktide, a selective NK3R agonist, on chromatin organization, acetylation, and gene expression, using qRT-PCR, in a hypothalamic cell line (CLU 209) that expresses the NK3R. Senktide (1 nM, 10 nM) caused a relaxation of chromatin, an increase in global acetylation of histone H3 and H4, and an increase in the expression of a common set of genes involved in cell signaling, cell growth, and synaptic plasticity. Pretreatment with histone acetyltransferase (HAT) inhibitor (garcinol and 2-methylene y-butylactone), that inhibits p300, p300/CREB binding protein (CBP) associated factor (PCAF), and GCN 5, prevented the senktide-induced increase in expression of most, but not all, of the genes upregulated in response to 1 nM and 10 nM senktide. Treatment with 100 nM had the opposite effect: a reduction in chromatin relaxation and decreased acetylation. The expression of four genes was significantly decreased and the HAT inhibitor had a limited effect in blocking the upregulation of genes in response to 100 nM senktide. Activation of the NK3R appears to recruit multiple pathways, including acetylation, and possibly histone deactylases, histone methylases, or DNA methylases to affect chromatin structure and gene expression.  相似文献   

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