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Influenza virus neuraminidase (NA) is a homotetrameric surface protein that, in contrast to other non-influenza NAs, requires a quaternary assembly to exhibit enzymatic activity, suggesting that the oligomeric state significantly impacts the active site of influenza NA. Nevertheless, most structure-based drug design studies have been reported by employing the monomeric state in the closed or open-loop due to the computational cost of employing the tetrameric NA. In this work, we present MD simulations coupled to the MMGBSA approach of avian N1 type NA in its monomeric and tetrameric closed and open-loop state both with and without the inhibitor oseltamivir and its natural substrate, sialic acid. Structural and energetic analyses revealed that the tetrameric state impacts flexibility as well as the map of interactions participating in stabilizing the protein–ligand complexes with respect to the monomeric state. It was observed that the tetrameric state exerts dissimilar effects in binding affinity, characteristic of positive and negative cooperativity for oseltamivir and sialic acid, respectively. Based on our results, to perform a confident structure-based drug design, as well as to evaluate the impact of key mutations through MD simulations, it is important to consider the tetrameric state closed-loop state.  相似文献   

The recent occurrence of 2009 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic as well as others has raised concern of a far more dangerous outcome should this virus becomes resistant to current drug therapies. The number of clinical cases that are resistant to oseltamivir (Tamiflu®) is larger than the limited number of neuraminidase (NA) mutations (H275Y, N295S, and I223R) that have been identified at the active site and that are associated to oseltamivir resistance. In this study, we have performed a comparative analysis between a set of NAs that have the most representative mutations located outside the active site. The recently crystallized NA‐oseltamivir complex (PDB ID: 3NSS) was used as a wild‐type structure. After selecting the target NA sequences, their three‐dimensional (3D) structure was built using 3NSS as a template by homology modeling. The 3D NA models were refined by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The refined models were used to perform a docking study, using oseltamivir as a ligand. Furthermore, the docking results were refined by free‐energy analysis using the MM‐PBSA method. The analysis of the MD simulation results showed that the NA models reached convergence during the first 10 ns. Visual inspection and structural measures showed that the mutated NA active sites show structural variations. The docking and MM‐PBSA results from the complexes showed different binding modes and free energy values. These results suggest that distant mutations located outside the active site of NA affect its structure and could be considered to be a new source of resistance to oseltamivir, which agrees with reports in the clinical literature. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The outbreak of avian influenza virus H5N1 has raised a global concern because of its high virulence and mutation rate. Although two classes of antiviral drugs, M2 ion channel protein inhibitors and neuraminidase inhibitors, are expected to be important in controlling the early stages of a potential pandemic. Different strains of influenza viruses have differing degrees of resistance against the antivirals. In order to analyze the detailed information on the viral resistance, molecular dynamics simulations were carried out for the neuraminidase (NA) complex with oseltamivir. The carboxylate of Glu276 of H252Y NA faces toward the O-ethyl-propyl group of oesltamivir, Glu276 of wild-type NA adopts a conformation pointing away from the oesltamivir. τ2 and τ3 torsional angles fluctuation of the oesltamivir are relatively high for the H252Y mutant NA complex. In addition, there are fewer hydrogen bonds between the oesltamivir and H252Y mutation NA. The results show that H252Y mutation NA has high resistance against the drug.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations were carried out for the mutant oseltamivir-NA complex, to provide detailed information on the oseltamivir-resistance resulting from the H274Y mutation in neuraminidase (NA) of avian influenza H5N1 viruses. In contrast with a previous proposal, the H274Y mutation does not prevent E276 and R224 from forming the hydrophobic pocket for the oseltamivir bulky group. Instead, reduction of the hydrophobicity and size of pocket in the area around an ethyl moiety at this bulky group were found to be the source of the oseltamivir-resistance. These changes were primarily due to the dramatic rotation of the hydrophilic –COO group of E276 toward the ethyl moiety. In addition, hydrogen-bonding interactions with N1 residues at the -NH3 + and -NHAc groups of oseltamivir were replaced by a water molecule. The calculated binding affinity of oseltamivir to NA was significantly reduced from −14.6 kcal mol−1 in the wild-type to −9.9 kcal mol−1 in the mutant-type.  相似文献   

The binding of P1 variants of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) to trypsin has been investigated by means of molecular dynamics simulations. The specific interaction formed between the amino acid at the primary binding (P1) position of the binding loop of BPTI and the specificity pocket of trypsin was estimated by use of the linear interaction energy (LIE) method. Calculations for 13 of the naturally occurring amino acids at the P1 position were carried out, and the results obtained were found to correlate well with the experimental binding free energies. The LIE calculations rank the majority of the 13 variants correctly according to the experimental association energies and the mean error between calculated and experimental binding free energies is only 0.38 kcal/mole, excluding the Glu and Asp variants, which are associated with some uncertainties regarding protonation and the possible presence of counter-ions. The three-dimensional structures of the complex with three of the P1 variants (Asn, Tyr, and Ser) included in this study have not at present been solved by any experimental techniques and, therefore, were modeled on the basis of experimental data from P1 variants of similar size. Average structures were calculated from the MD simulations, from which specific interactions explaining the broad variation in association energies were identified. The present study also shows that explicit treatment of the complex water-mediated hydrogen bonding network at the protein-protein interface is of crucial importance for obtaining reliable binding free energies. The successful reproduction of relative binding energies shows that this type of methodology can be very useful as an aid in rational design and redesign of biologically active macromolecules.  相似文献   

Mutations in HIV-1 drug targets lead to resistance and consequent therapeutic failure of antiretroviral drugs. Phenotypic resistance assays are time-consuming and costly, and genotypic rules-based interpretations may fail to predict the effects of multiple mutations. We have developed a computational procedure that rapidly evaluates changes in the binding energy of inhibitors to mutant HIV-1 PR variants. Models of WT complexes were produced from crystal structures. Mutant complexes were built by amino acid substitutions in the WT complexes with subsequent energy minimization of the ligand and PR binding site residues. Accuracy of the models was confirmed by comparison with available crystal structures and by prediction of known resistance-related mutations. PR variants from clinical isolates were modeled in complex with six FDA-approved PIs, and changes in the binding energy (DeltaE(bind)) of mutant versus WT complexes were correlated with the ratios of phenotypic 50% inhibitory concentration (IC(50)) values. The calculated DeltaE(bind) of five PIs showed significant correlations (R(2) = 0.7-0.8) with IC(50) ratios from the Virco Antivirogram assay, and the DeltaE(bind) of six PIs showed good correlation (R(2) = 0.76-0.85) with IC(50) ratios from the Virologic PhenoSense assay. DeltaE(bind) cutoffs corresponding to a four-fold increase in IC(50) were used to define the structure-based phenotype as susceptible, resistant, or equivocal. Blind predictions for 78 PR variants gave overall agreement of 92% (kappa = 0.756) and 86% (kappa = 0.666) with PhenoSense and Antivirogram phenotypes, respectively. The structural phenotyping predicted drug resistance of clinical HIV-1 PR variants with an accuracy approaching that of frequently used cell-based phenotypic assays.  相似文献   

The neuraminidase (NA) genes of A(H1N1)pdm09 influenza virus isolates from 306 infected patients were analysed. The circulation of oseltamivir-resistant viruses in Brazil has not been reported previously. Clinical samples were collected in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) from 2009-2011 and two NA inhibitor-resistant mutants were identified, one in 2009 (H275Y) and the other in 2011 (S247N). This study revealed a low prevalence of resistant viruses (0.8%) with no spread of the resistant mutants throughout RS.  相似文献   

The highly pathogenic influenza strains H5N1 and H1N1 are currently treated with inhibitors of the viral surface protein neuraminidase (N1). Crystal structures of N1 indicate a conserved, high affinity calcium binding site located near the active site. The specific role of this calcium in the enzyme mechanism is unknown, though it has been shown to be important for enzymatic activity and thermostability. We report molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of calcium‐bound and calcium‐free N1 complexes with the inhibitor oseltamivir (marketed as the drug Tamiflu), independently using both the AMBER FF99SB and GROMOS96 force fields, to give structural insight into calcium stabilization of key framework residues. Y347, which demonstrates similar sampling patterns in the simulations of both force fields, is implicated as an important N1 residue that can “clamp” the ligand into a favorable binding pose. Free energy perturbation and thermodynamic integration calculations, using two different force fields, support the importance of Y347 and indicate a +3 to +5 kcal/mol change in the binding free energy of oseltamivir in the absence of calcium. With the important role of structure‐based drug design for neuraminidase inhibitors and the growing literature on emerging strains and subtypes, inclusion of this calcium for active site stability is particularly crucial for computational efforts such as homology modeling, virtual screening, and free energy methods. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) is the most accepted antiviral drug that targets the neuraminidase (NA) protein to inhibit the viral release from the host cell. Few H1N1 influenza strains with the H274Y mutation creates drug resistance to oseltamivir. In this study, we report that flavonoid cyanidin-3-sambubiocide (C3S) compound acts as a potential inhibitor against H274Y mutation. The drug resistance mechanism and inhibitory activity of C3S and oseltamivir against wild-type (WT) and H274Y mutant-type (MT) have been studied and compared based on the results of molecular docking, molecular dynamics, and quantum chemical methods. Oseltamivir has been found less binding affinity with MT. C3S has more binding affinity with WT and MT proteins. From the dynamical study, the 150th loop of the MT protein has found more deformation than WT. A single H274Y mutation induces the conformational changes in the 150th loop which leads to produce more resistance to oseltamivir. The 150th cavity is more attractive target for C3S to stop the conformational changes in the MT, than 430th cavity of NA protein. The C3S is stabilized with MT by more number of hydrogen bonds than oseltamivir. The electrostatic interaction energy shows a stronger C3S binding with MT and this compound may be more effective against oseltamivir-resistant virus strains.  相似文献   

To provide detailed information and insight into the drug-target interaction, structure, solvation, and dynamic and thermodynamic properties, the three known-neuraminidase inhibitors-oseltamivir (OTV), zanamivir (ZNV), and peramivir (PRV)-embedded in the catalytic site of neuraminidase (NA) subtype N1 were studied using molecular dynamics simulations. In terms of ligand conformation, there were major differences in the structures of the guanidinium and the bulky groups. The atoms of the guanidinium group of PRV were observed to form many more hydrogen bonds with the surrounded residues and were much less solvated by water molecules, in comparison with the other two inhibitors. Consequently, D151 lying on the 150-loop (residues 147-152) of group-1 neuraminidase (N1, N4, N5, and N8) was considerably shifted to form direct hydrogen bonds with the --OH group of the PRV, which was located rather far from the 150-loop. For the bulky group, direct hydrogen bonds were detected only between the hydrophilic side chain of ZNV and residues R224, E276, and E277 of N1 with rather weak binding, 20-70% occupation. This is not the case for OTV and PRV, in which flexibility and steric effects due to the hydrophobic side chain lead to the rearrangement of the surrounded residues, that is, the negatively charged side chain of E276 was shifted and rotated to form hydrogen bonds with the positively charged moiety of R224. Taking into account all the ligand-enzyme interaction data, the gas phase MM interaction energy of -282.2 kcal/mol as well as the binding free energy (DeltaG(binding)) of -227.4 kcal/mol for the PRV-N1 are significantly lower than those of the other inhibitors. The ordering of DeltaG(binding) of PRV < ZNV < OTV agrees well with the ordering of experimental IC(50) value.  相似文献   

Analysis of inhibitor binding in influenza virus neuraminidase   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
2,3-didehydro-2-deoxy-N:-acetylneuraminic acid (DANA) is a transition state analog inhibitor of influenza virus neuraminidase (NA). Replacement of the hydroxyl at the C9 position in DANA and 4-amino-DANA with an amine group, with the intention of taking advantage of an increased electrostatic interaction with a conserved acidic group in the active site to improve inhibitor binding, significantly reduces the inhibitor activity of both compounds. The three-dimensional X-ray structure of the complexes of these ligands and NA was obtained to 1.4 A resolution and showed that both ligands bind isosterically to DANA. Analysis of the geometry of the ammonium at the C4 position indicates that Glu119 may be neutral when these ligands bind. A computational analysis of the binding energies indicates that the substitution is successful in increasing the energy of interaction; however, the gains that are made are not sufficient to overcome the energy that is required to desolvate that part of the ligand that comes in contact with the protein.  相似文献   


Influenza epidemics and pandemics are caused by influenza A virus. The cell surface protein of hemagglutinin and neuraminidase is responsible for viral infection and release of progeny virus on the host cell membrane. Now 18 hemagglutinin and 11 neuraminidase subtypes are identified. The avian influenza virus of H5N1 is an emergent threat to public health issues. To control the influenza viral infection it is necessary to develop antiviral inhibitors and vaccination. In the present investigation we carried out 50 ns Molecular Dynamics simulation on H5 hemagglutinin of Influenza A virus H5N1 complexed with fluorinated sialic acid by substituting fluorine atoms at any two hydroxyls of sialic acid by considering combinatorial combination. The binding affinity between the protein–ligand complex system is investigated by calculating pair interaction energy and MM-PBSA binding free energy. All the complex structures are stabilized by hydrogen bonding interactions between the H5 protein and the ligand fluorinated sialic acid. It is concluded from all the analyses that the fluorinated complexes enhance the inhibiting potency against H5 hemagglutinin and the order of inhibiting potency is SIA-F9 ? SIA-F2 ≈ SIA-F7 ≈ SIA-F2F4 ≈ SIA-F2F9 ≈ SIA-F7F9 > SIA-F7F8 ≈ SIA-F2F8 ≈ SIA-F8F9 > SIA-F4 ≈ SIA-F4F7 ≈ SIA-F4F8 ≈ SIA-F8 ≈ SIA-F2F7 ≈ SIA > SIA-F4F9. This study suggests that one can design the inhibitor by using the mono fluorinated models SIA-F9, SIA-F2 and SIA-F7 and difluorinated models SIA-F2F4, SIA-F2F9 and SIA-F7F9 to inhibit H5 of H5N1 to avoid Influenza A viral infection.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Ligand-induced dimer formation of calmodulin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Calmodulin (CaM) can bind to numerous proteins in several interaction modes. Recently a new mode of interaction was discovered, in which two CaM molecules form an X-shaped dimer and two binding sites to trap the CaM-binding domain (CBD) of calcineurin subunit A. However, the X-shaped CaM dimer alone without ligand has not been observed. We performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and used MM_PBSA approach to investigate the properties of this new binding mode using ligand-bound and -free dimer systems. MD trajectories show that two peptides of CBD play a critical role in stabilizing the X-shaped conformation of the CaM dimer which would otherwise be unstable, leading to dimer disassembly in the absence of the ligands. Furthermore, we have analyzed the interaction free energy of the complex by MM-PBSA method and provide further evidence to demonstrate that the CBD peptide ligands are responsible for the stabilization of the dimer. Comparing this new binding mode with the classical one represented by CaM in complex with smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase, we conclude that this new binding mode is induced by the CBD of calcineurin subunit A. Our results explain the fact that the X-shaped CaM dimer structure has never been observed in the absence of ligands.  相似文献   

Bromodomain-containing protein 9 (BRD9) has been employed as a potential target for anticancer drugs in recent years. In this work, molecular docking, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, binding free energy calculations, and per residue energy decomposition approaches were performed to elucidate the different binding modes between four pyridinone-like scaffold inhibitors and BRD9 bromodomain. Analysis results indicate that non-polar contribution mainly deriving from van der Waals energy is a critical impact on binding affinity of inhibitors against BRD9. Some key residues Phe44, Phe47, Val49, and Ile53 (at ZA loop) enhance the binding energy of inhibitors in BRD9 by means of providing hydrophobic interactions. Moreover, it is observed that BRD9 is anchored by the formation of a stable hydrogen bond between the carbonyl of the inhibitors and the residue Asn100 (at BC loop), and a strong π–π stacking interaction formed between the residue Tyr106 (at BC loop) and the inhibitors. The existence of dimethoxyphenyl structure and the aromatic ring merged to pyridinone scaffold are useful to enhance the BRD9 binding affinity. These findings should guide the rational design of more prospective inhibitors targeting BRD9.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

The use of antiviral drugs such as influenza neuraminidase (NA) inhibitors is a critical strategy to prevent and control flu pandemic, but this strategy faces the challenge of emerging drug-resistant strains. F or a highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus, biosafety restrictions have significantly limited the efforts to monitor its drug responses and mechanisms involved. In this study, a rapid and biosafe assay based on NA pseudovirus was developed to study the resistance of HPAI H5N1 virus to NA inhibitor drugs. The H5N1 NA pseudovirus was comprehensively tested using oseltamivir-sensitive strains and their resistant mutants. Results were consistent with those in previous studies, in which live H5N1 viruses were used. Several oseltamivir-resistant mutations reported in human H1N1 were also identifi ed to cause decreased oseltamivir sensitivity in H5N1 NA by using the H5N1 NA pseudovirus. Thus, H5N1 NA pseudoviruses could be used to monitor HPAI H5N1 drug resistance rapidly and safely.  相似文献   

The limited availability of approved influenza virus antivirals highlights the importance of studying the fitness and transmissibility of drug-resistant viruses. S247N is a novel, naturally occurring N1 neuraminidase mutation that reduces oseltamivir sensitivity and greatly potentiates oseltamivir resistance in the context of the H275Y mutation. Here we show that highly oseltamivir-resistant viruses containing both the S247N and H275Y mutations transmit efficiently in the guinea pig transmission model.  相似文献   

This study focuses on design, synthesis and in vitro evaluation of inhibitory potency of two series of sialylmimetic that target an exosite (“150-cavity”) adjacent to the active site of influenza neuraminidases from A/California/07/2009 (H1N1) pandemic strain and A/chicken/Nakorn-Patom/Thailand/CU-K2-2004 (H5N1). The structure-activity analysis as well as 3-D structure of the complex of parental compound with the pandemic neuraminidase p09N1 revealed high flexibility of the 150-cavity towards various modification of the neuraminidase inhibitors. Furthermore, our comparison of two methods for inhibition constant determination performed at slightly different pH values suggest that the experimental conditions of the measurement could dramatically influence the outcome of the analysis in the compound-dependent manner. Therefore, previously reported Ki values determined at non-physiological pH should be carefully scrutinized.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to study the binding properties of two pandemic influenza A virus 1918 H1N1 (SC1918) and 2009 H1N1 (CA09) hemagglutinin (HA) with avian and human receptors. The quantum chemical calculations have been performed to analyze the interactions of 130 loop, 190 helix, 220 loop region, and conserved residues 95,145,153–155, of pandemic viruses’ HA with sialo-trisaccharide receptor of avian and human using density functional theory. The HA’s residues Tyr 95, Ala 138, Gln 191, Arg 220, and Asp 225 from the above regions have stronger interaction with avian receptor. The residues Thr 136, Trp 153, His 183, and Asp 190 of HA are important and play a significant role to bind with human receptor. The residues Tyr 95, Ala 138, Lys 145, Trp 153, Gln 192, and Gln 226 of HA of CA09 virus have found more interaction energies with human than avian receptors. Due to mutations in the active residues of HA of CA09 virus comparing with SC1918, the binding capabilities of HA with human have been increased. The molecular dynamics simulation was made to understand the different dynamical properties of HA and molecular interactions between HA of these two viruses with sialo-trisaccharide receptors of avian and human receptors. The interaction energy of HA of CA09 virus with human receptor decreases due to the human receptor far away from conserved residue region of HA protein. This reveals that the conserved residues particularly Lys 145 play major contribution to interaction with human receptor in HA of CA09 virus.  相似文献   

We report molecular dynamics calculations of neuraminidase in complex with an inhibitor, 4-amino-2-deoxy-2,3-didehydro-N-acetylneuraminic acid (N-DANA), with subsequent free energy analysis of binding by using a combined molecular mechanics/continuum solvent model approach. A dynamical model of the complex containing an ionized Glu119 amino acid residue is found to be consistent with experimental data. Computational analysis indicates a major van der Waals component to the inhibitor-neuraminidase binding free energy. Based on the N-DANA/neuraminidase molecular dynamics trajectory, a perturbation methodology was used to predict the binding affinity of related neuraminidase inhibitors by using a force field/Poisson-Boltzmann potential. This approach, incorporating conformational search/local minimization schemes with distance-dependent dielectric or generalized Born solvent models, correctly identifies the most potent neuraminidase inhibitor. Mutation of the key ligand four-substituent to a hydrogen atom indicates no favorable binding free energy contribution of a hydroxyl group; conversely, cationic substituents form favorable electrostatic interactions with neuraminidase. Prospects for further development of the method as an analysis and rational design tool are discussed.  相似文献   

Owing to its unique function to release the progeny virus particles from the surface of an infected cell, neuraminidase has drawn special attention for developing new drugs to treat influenza viruses. The 150-cavity that is adjacent to the active pocket of the group-1 neuraminidase (N1) renders the conformational change from ‘open’ form to ‘closed’ form when enzyme is binding with a ligand. Consequently, it would be a better strategy to design multi-binding-site inhibitors including X and R groups with proper shapes, sizes and electronic charges fitting into the active site. The NCI and ZINC fragment databases were screened for finding the optimal fragments with de novo design technique. By doing so, 24 derivatives of oseltamivir were obtained by linking the fragments at two different sites of the scaffold of oseltamivir. Molecular docking and dynamics showed that these compounds not only adopt more favourable conformation but also have stronger binding interaction with receptor. Most importantly, all compounds skilfully pass through the cleft (formed by Glu119 and Arg156) and fit into 150-cavity. Therefore, the selected 24 derivatives may become promising candidates for treating influenza virus; in addition, the findings reported here may at least provide useful insights and stimulate new strategy in this area.  相似文献   

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