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Site‐directed spin labeling (SDSL) was used to investigate local structure and conformational exchange in two bacterial outer‐membrane TonB‐dependent transporters, BtuB and FecA. Protecting osmolytes, such as polyethylene glycols (PEGs) are known to modulate a substrate‐dependent conformational equilibrium in the energy coupling motif (Ton box) of BtuB. Here, we demonstrate that a segment that is N‐terminal to the Ton box in BtuB, is in conformational exchange between ordered and disordered states with or without substrate. Protecting osmolytes shift this equilibrium to favor the more ordered, folded state. However, a segment of BtuB that is C‐terminal to the Ton box that is not solvent exposed is insensitive to PEGs. Protecting osmolytes also modulate a conformational equilibrium in the Ton box of FecA, with larger molecular weight PEGs producing the largest shifts in the conformational free energy. These data indicate that solvent‐exposed regions of these transporters undergo conformational exchange and that regions of these transporters that are involved in protein–protein interactions sample multiple conformational substates. The sensitivity to solute provides an explanation for differences seen between two high‐resolution structures of BtuB, which each likely represent one conformation from a subset of states that are normally sampled by the protein. This work also illustrates how SDSL and osmolytes may be used to characterize and quantitate conformational equilibria in membrane proteins.  相似文献   

A disulfide-linked nitroxide side chain (R1) used in site-directed spin labeling of proteins often exhibits an EPR spectrum characteristic of a weakly ordered z-axis anisotropic motion at topographically diverse surface sites, including those on helices, loops and edge strands of β-sheets. To elucidate the origin of this motion, the first crystal structures of R1 that display simple z-axis anisotropic motion at solvent-exposed helical sites (131 and 151) and a loop site (82) in T4 lysozyme have been determined. Structures of 131R1 and 151R1 determined at cryogenic or ambient temperature reveal an intraresidue Cα—H···Sδ interaction that immobilizes the disulfide group, consistent with a model in which the internal motions of R1 are dominated by rotations about the two terminal bonds (Columbus, Kálai, Jeko, Hideg, and Hubbell, Biochemistry 2001;40:3828–3846). Remarkably, the 131R1 side chain populates two rotamers equally, but the EPR spectrum reflects a single dominant dynamic population, showing that the two rotamers have similar internal motion determined by the common disulfide-backbone interaction. The anisotropic motion for loop residue 82R1 is also accounted for by a common disulfide-backbone interaction, showing that the interaction does not require a specific secondary structure. If the above observations prove to be general, then significant variations in order and rate for R1 at noninteracting solvent-exposed helical and loop sites can be assigned to backbone motion because the internal motion is essentially constant.  相似文献   

Very little data have been reported that describe the structure of the tail domain of any cytoplasmic intermediate filament (IF) protein. We report here the results of studies using site directed spin labeling and electron paramagnetic resonance (SDSL‐EPR) to explore the structure and dynamics of the tail domain of human vimentin in tetramers (protofilaments) and filaments. The data demonstrate that in contrast to the vimentin head and rod domains, the tail domains are not closely apposed in protofilaments. However, upon assembly into intact IFs, several sites, including positions 445, 446, 451, and 452, the conserved “beta‐site,” become closely apposed, indicating dynamic changes in tail domain structure that accompany filament elongation. No evidence is seen for coiled‐coil structure within the region studied, in either protofilaments or assembled filaments. EPR analysis also establishes that more than half of the tail domain is very flexible in both the assembly intermediate and the intact IF. However, by positioning the spin label at distinct sites, EPR is able to identify both the rod proximal region and sites flanking the beta‐site motif as rigid locations within the tail. The rod proximal region is well assembled at the tetramer stage with only slight changes occurring during filament elongation. In contrast, at the beta site, the polypeptide backbone transitions from flexible in the assembly intermediate to much more rigid in the intact IF. These data support a model in which the distal tail domain structure undergoes significant conformational change during filament elongation and final assembly.  相似文献   

Proteins exist as conformational ensembles, exchanging between substates to perform their function. Advances in experimental techniques yield unprecedented access to structural snapshots of their conformational landscape. However, computationally modeling how proteins use collective motions to transition between substates is challenging owing to a rugged landscape and large energy barriers. Here, we present a new, robotics‐inspired motion planning procedure called dCC‐RRT that navigates the rugged landscape between substates by introducing dynamic, interatomic constraints to modulate frustration. The constraints balance non‐native contacts and flexibility, and instantaneously redirect the motion towards sterically favorable conformations. On a test set of eight proteins determined in two conformations separated by, on average, 7.5 Å root mean square deviation (RMSD), our pathways reduced the Cα atom RMSD to the goal conformation by 78%, outperforming peer methods. We then applied dCC‐RRT to examine how collective, small‐scale motions of four side‐chains in the active site of cyclophilin A propagate through the protein. dCC‐RRT uncovered a spatially contiguous network of residues linked by steric interactions and collective motion connecting the active site to a recently proposed, non‐canonical capsid binding site 25 Å away, rationalizing NMR and multi‐temperature crystallography experiments. In all, dCC‐RRT can reveal detailed, all‐atom molecular mechanisms for small and large amplitude motions. Source code and binaries are freely available at https://github.com/ExcitedStates/KGS/ .  相似文献   

Osmolytes are small molecules that play a central role in cellular homeostasis and the stress response by maintaining protein thermodynamic stability at controlled levels. The underlying physical chemistry that describes how different osmolytes impact folding free energy is well understood, however little is known about their influence on other crucial aspects of protein behavior, such as native‐state conformational changes. Here we investigate this issue with the Hsp90 molecular chaperone, a large dimeric protein that populates a complex conformational equilibrium. Using small angle X‐ray scattering we observe dramatic osmolyte‐dependent structural changes within the native ensemble. The degree to which different osmolytes affect the Hsp90 conformation strongly correlates with thermodynamic metrics of their influence on stability. This observation suggests that the well‐established osmolyte principles that govern stability also apply to large‐scale conformational changes, a proposition that is corroborated by structure‐based fitting of the scattering data, surface area comparisons and m‐value analysis. This approach shows how osmolytes affect a highly cooperative open/closed structural transition between two conformations that differ by a domain‐domain interaction. Hsp90 adopts an additional ligand‐specific conformation in the presence of ATP and we find that osmolytes do not significantly affect this conformational change. Together, these results extend the scope of osmolytes by suggesting that they can maintain protein conformational heterogeneity at controlled levels using similar underlying principles that allow them to maintain protein stability; however the relative impact of osmolytes on different structural states can vary significantly.  相似文献   

The influenza A M2 protein is a 97‐residue integral membrane protein involved in viral budding and proton conductance. Although crystal and NMR structures exist of truncated constructs of the protein, there is disagreement between models and only limited structural data are available for the full‐length protein. Here, the structure of the C‐terminal juxtamembrane region (sites 50–60) is investigated in the full‐length M2 protein using site‐directed spin‐labeling electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy in lipid bilayers. Sites 50–60 were chosen for study because this region has been shown to be critical to the role the M2 protein plays in viral budding. Continuous wave EPR spectra and power saturation data in the presence of paramagnetic membrane soluble oxygen are consistent with a membrane surface associated amphipathic helix. Comparison between data from the C‐terminal juxtamembrane region in full‐length M2 protein with data from a truncated M2 construct demonstrates that the line shapes and oxygen accessibilities are remarkably similar between the full‐length and truncated form of the protein.  相似文献   

A G Anderson  J Hermans 《Proteins》1988,3(4):262-265
A direct attack on the protein-folding problem has been initiated with the free energy perturbation methods of molecular dynamics. The complete conformational probability map for the alanine dipeptide is presented. This work uses the SPC model for the explicit hydration of the dipeptide. Free energy differences for the four observed minima (beta, alpha R, alpha L, C7ax) are given, and the free energy barriers between minima are outlined.  相似文献   

A set of analogues of the 14‐residue peptaibol tylopeptin B, containing the stable free‐radical 4‐amino‐1‐oxyl‐2,2,6,6,‐tetramethylpiperidine‐4‐carboxylic acid (TOAC) at one or two selected positions, was synthesized by the solid‐phase methodology. A solution conformational analysis performed by FTIR absorption and CD suggests that, in membrane‐mimicking solvents, the labeled tylopeptin B analogues preserve the helical propensity of the parent peptide, with a preference for the α‐helix or the 310‐helix type depending upon the nature of the solvent. In aqueous environment, the spin‐labeled analogues present a higher content of helical conformation as a consequence of the strong helix promoter effect of the conformationally constrained TOAC residue. We observed a progressive increase of the quenching effect of the nitroxyl radical on the fluorescence of the N‐terminal tryptophan as TOAC replaces the Aib residue at positions 13, 8, and 4, respectively. A membrane permeabilization assay performed on two selected analogues, TOAC8‐ and TOAC13‐tylopeptin B, showed that the labeled peptides exhibit membrane‐modifying properties comparable with those of the natural peptaibiotic. We conclude that our TOAC paramagnetic analogues of tylopeptin B are good models for a detailed ESR investigation of the mechanism of membrane permeabilization induced by medium‐length peptaibiotics. Copyright © 2011 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Protein spin labeling to yield the nitroxide‐based R1 side chain is a powerful method to measure protein dynamics and structure by electron spin resonance. However, R1 measurements are complicated by the flexibility of the side chain. While analysis approaches for solvent‐exposed α‐helical environment have been developed to partially account for flexibility, similar work in β‐sheets is lacking. The goal of this study is to provide the first essential steps for understanding the conformational preferences of R1 within edge β‐strands using X‐ray crystallography and double electron electron resonance (DEER) distance measurements. Crystal structures yielded seven rotamers for a non‐hydrogen‐bonded site and three rotamers for a hydrogen‐bonded site. The observed rotamers indicate contextual differences in R1 conformational preferences compared to other solvent‐exposed environments. For the DEER measurements, each strand site was paired with the same α‐helical site elsewhere on the protein. The most probable distance observed by DEER is rationalized based on the rotamers observed in the crystal structure. Additionally, the appropriateness of common molecular modeling methods that account for R1 conformational preferences are assessed for the β‐sheet environment. These results show that interpretation of R1 behavior in β‐sheets is difficult and indicate further development is needed for these computational methods to correctly relate DEER distances to protein structure at edge β‐strand sites.  相似文献   

Cardiac troponin C (cTnC) is the calcium binding subunit of the troponin complex that triggers the thin filament response to calcium influx into the sarcomere. cTnC consists of two globular EF-hand domains (termed the N- and C-domains) connected by a flexible linker. While the conformation of each domain of cTnC has been thoroughly characterized through NMR studies involving either the isolated N-domain (N-cTnC) or C-domain (C-cTnC), little attention has been paid to the range of interdomain orientations possible in full-length cTnC that arises as a consequence of the flexibility of the domain linker. Flexibility in the domain linker of cTnC is essential for effective regulatory function of troponin. We have therefore utilized paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE) NMR to assess the interdomain orientation of cTnC. Ensemble fitting of our interdomain PRE measurements reveals that isolated cTnC has considerable interdomain flexibility and preferentially adopts a bent conformation in solution, with a defined range of relative domain orientations.  相似文献   

Previously published 3‐D structures of a prototypic ATP‐binding cassette (ABC) transporter, MsbA, have been recently corrected revealing large rigid‐body motions possibly linked to its catalytic cycle. Here, a closely related multidrug bacterial ABC transporter, BmrA, was studied using site‐directed spin labeling by focusing on a region connecting the transmembrane domain and the nucleotide‐binding domain (NBD). Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of single spin‐labeled cysteine mutants suggests that, in the resting state, this sub‐domain essentially adopts a partially extended conformation, which is consistent with the crystal structures of MsbA and Sav1866. Interestingly, one of the single point mutants (Q333C) yielded an immobilized EPR spectrum that could arise from a direct interaction with a vicinal tyrosine residue. Inspection of different BmrA models pointed to Y408, within the NBD, as the putative interacting partner, and its mutation to a Phe residue indeed dramatically modified the EPR spectra of the spin labeled Q333C. Moreover, unlike the Y408F mutation, the Y408A mutation abolished both ATPase activity and drug transport of BmrA, suggesting that a nonpolar bulky residue is required at this position. The spatial proximity of Q333 and Y408 was also confirmed by formation of a disulfide bond when both Q333 and T407 (or S409) were replaced jointly by a cysteine residue. Overall, these results indicate that the two regions surrounding Q333 and Y408 are close together in the 3‐D structure of BmrA and that residues within these two sub‐domains are essential for proper functioning of this transporter.  相似文献   

Sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+‐ATPase transports two Ca2+ per ATP‐hydrolyzed across biological membranes against a large concentration gradient by undergoing large conformational changes. Structural studies with X‐ray crystallography revealed functional roles of coupled motions between the cytoplasmic domains and the transmembrane helices in individual reaction steps. Here, we employed “Motion Tree (MT),” a tree diagram that describes a conformational change between two structures, and applied it to representative Ca2+‐ATPase structures. MT provides information of coupled rigid‐body motions of the ATPase in individual reaction steps. Fourteen rigid structural units, “common rigid domains (CRDs)” are identified from seven MTs throughout the whole enzymatic reaction cycle. CRDs likely act as not only the structural units, but also the functional units. Some of the functional importance has been newly revealed by the analysis. Stability of each CRD is examined on the morphing trajectories that cover seven conformational transitions. We confirmed that the large conformational changes are realized by the motions only in the flexible regions that connect CRDs. The Ca2+‐ATPase efficiently utilizes its intrinsic flexibility and rigidity to response different switches like ligand binding/dissociation or ATP hydrolysis. The analysis detects functional motions without extensive biological knowledge of experts, suggesting its general applicability to domain movements in other membrane proteins to deepen the understanding of protein structure and function. Proteins 2015; 83:746–756. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Using multiplexed quantitative proteomics, we analyzed cell cycle‐dependent changes of the human proteome. We identified >4,400 proteins, each with a six‐point abundance profile across the cell cycle. Hypothesizing that proteins with similar abundance profiles are co‐regulated, we clustered the proteins with abundance profiles most similar to known Anaphase‐Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C) substrates to identify additional putative APC/C substrates. This protein profile similarity screening (PPSS) analysis resulted in a shortlist enriched in kinases and kinesins. Biochemical studies on the kinesins confirmed KIFC1, KIF18A, KIF2C, and KIF4A as APC/C substrates. Furthermore, we showed that the APC/CCDH1‐dependent degradation of KIFC1 regulates the bipolar spindle formation and proper cell division. A targeted quantitative proteomics experiment showed that KIFC1 degradation is modulated by a stabilizing CDK1‐dependent phosphorylation site within the degradation motif of KIFC1. The regulation of KIFC1 (de‐)phosphorylation and degradation provides insights into the fidelity and proper ordering of substrate degradation by the APC/C during mitosis.  相似文献   

Electron paramagnetic resonance using site‐directed spin labeling can be used as an approach for determination of protein structures that are difficult to solve by other methods. One important aspect of this approach is the measurement of interlabel distances using the double electron–electron resonance (DEER) method. Interpretation of experimental data could be facilitated by a computational approach to calculation of interlabel distances. We describe an algorithm, PRONOX, for rapid computation of interlabel distances based on calculation of spin label conformer distributions at any site of a protein. The program incorporates features of the label distribution established experimentally, including weighting of favorable conformers of the label. Distances calculated by PRONOX were compared with new DEER distances for amphiphysin and annexin B12 and with published data for FCHo2 (F‐BAR), endophilin, and α‐synuclein, a total of 44 interlabel distances. The program reproduced these distances accurately (r2 = 0.94, slope = 0.98). For 9 of the 11 distances for amphiphysin, PRONOX reproduced the experimental data to within 2.5 Å. The speed and accuracy of PRONOX suggest that the algorithm can be used for fitting to DEER data for determination of protein tertiary structure. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 97: 35–44, 2012.  相似文献   

ATP‐citrate lyase (ACLY) catalyzes production of acetyl‐CoA and oxaloacetate from CoA and citrate using ATP. In humans, this cytoplasmic enzyme connects energy metabolism from carbohydrates to the production of lipids. In certain bacteria, ACLY is used to fix carbon in the reductive tricarboxylic acid cycle. The carboxy(C)‐terminal portion of ACLY shows sequence similarity to citrate synthase of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. To investigate the roles of residues of ACLY equivalent to active site residues of citrate synthase, these residues in ACLY from Chlorobium limicola were mutated, and the proteins were investigated using kinetics assays and biophysical techniques. To obtain the crystal structure of the C‐terminal portion of ACLY, full‐length C. limicola ACLY was cleaved, first non‐specifically with chymotrypsin and subsequently with Tobacco Etch Virus protease. Crystals of the C‐terminal portion diffracted to high resolution, providing structures that show the positions of active site residues and how ACLY tetramerizes.  相似文献   

Histidine (His)‐tag is widely used for affinity purification of recombinant proteins, but the yield and purity of expressed proteins are quite different. Little information is available about quantitative evaluation of this procedure. The objective of this study was to evaluate His‐tag procedure quantitatively and to compare it with immunoprecipitation using radiolabeled tristetraprolin (TTP), a zinc finger protein with anti‐inflammatory property. Human embryonic kidney 293 cells were transfected with wild‐type and nine mutant plasmids with single or multiple phosphorylation site mutation(s) in His‐TTP. These proteins were expressed and mainly localized in the cytosol of transfected cells by immunocytochemistry and confocal microscopy. His‐TTP proteins were purified by Ni‐NTA beads with imidazole elution or precipitated by TTP antibodies from transfected cells after being labeled with [32P]‐orthophosphate. The results showed that (1) His‐tag purification was more effective than immunoprecipitation for TTP purification; (2) mutations in TTP increased the yield of His‐TTP by both purification procedures; and (3) mutations in TTP increased the binding affinity of mutant proteins for Ni‐NTA beads. These findings suggest that bioengineering phosphorylation sites in proteins can increase the production of recombinant proteins. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

Succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase (SSADH) converts succinic semialdehyde (SSA) to succinic acid in the mitochondrial matrix and is involved in the metabolism of the inhibitory neurotransmitter γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA). The molecular structure of human SSADH revealed the intrinsic regulatory mechanism—redox‐switch modulation—by which large conformational changes are brought about in the catalytic loop through disulfide bonding. The crystal structures revealed two SSADH conformations, and computational modeling of transformation between them can provide substantial insights into detailed dynamic redox modulation. On the basis of these two clear crystal structures, we modeled the conformational motion between these structures in silico. For that purpose, we proposed and used a geometry‐based coarse‐grained mathematical model of long‐range protein motion and the related modeling algorithm. The algorithm is based on solving the special optimization problem, which is similar to the classical Monge–Kantorovich mass transportation problem. The modeled transformation was supported by another morphing method based on a completely different framework. The result of the modeling facilitates better interpretation and understanding of the SSADH biological role. Proteins 2015; 83:2217–2229. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In the study of rabbit muscle pyruvate kinase (M1‐PYK), proline has previously been used as an osmolyte in an attempt to determine a role for preexisting conformational equilibria in allosteric regulation. In this context, osmolytes are small molecules assumed to have no direct interaction with the protein. In contrast to proline's proposed role as an osmolyte, the structure of M1PYK‐Mn‐pyruvate‐proline complex reported herein demonstrates that proline binds specifically to the allosteric site of M1‐PYK. Therefore, this amino acid is an allosteric effector rather than a benign osmolyte. Other compounds often used as osmolytes (polyethyleneglycol and glycerol) are also present in the structure, suggesting an interaction with the protein that would, in turn, prevent the usefulness of these compounds in the study of this and most likely other proteins. These findings highlight the need to verify that compounds used as osmolytes to perturb preexisting conformational equilibrium do not directly interact with the protein, a consideration not commonly addressed in the past.  相似文献   

Sensitive differential proteomic analysis is challenging and often limited by distinct labeling or tagging strategies. In this study, we have examined the sensitivity, linearity, and photophysical properties of novel protein labeling DY‐maleimide dyes (DY‐505‐MAL, DY‐555‐MAL and DY‐635‐MAL). All MS compatible DY‐maleimide dyes exhibited excellent emission spectra, high sensitivity, and high linearity, when applied to standard 1‐DE protein analysis. Correspondingly, 2‐DE analysis of DY‐635‐MAL or DY‐505‐MAL maximal‐labeled human keratinocyte proteins displayed remarkably high sensitivity. Compared with a standard fluorescent protein stain, DY‐635‐MAL or DY‐505‐MAL 2‐DE analysis demonstrated equally high spot quality with an overall increase in the number of spots detectable (up to threefold higher;>1000 spots/gel). However, as determined with a FLA‐5100 imaging system, comparative MultiGauge, and Delta2D analysis, not all DY‐maleimide dyes possessed DIGE compatible fluorescent emission properties. However, DY‐505‐MAL and DY‐635‐MAL were found to be suitable for more complex, time and gel intensive, focused multiplexing analyses. Notably – as demonstrated with allergen‐stimulated human skin proteins – defined, singular DY‐maleimide dye protein labeling (SDPL) allows high quality, time saving, simple, and reliable differential proteomic examination.  相似文献   

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