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G protein‐coupled receptors (GPCRs) constitute the largest family of cell surface receptors that mediate numerous cell signaling pathways, and are targets of more than one‐third of clinical drugs. Thanks to the advancement of novel structural biology technologies, high‐resolution structures of GPCRs in complex with their signaling transducers, including G‐protein and arrestin, have been determined. These 3D complex structures have significantly improved our understanding of the molecular mechanism of GPCR signaling and provided a structural basis for signaling‐biased drug discovery targeting GPCRs. Here we summarize structural studies of GPCR signaling complexes with G protein and arrestin using rhodopsin as a model system, and highlight the key features of GPCR conformational states in biased signaling including the sequence motifs of receptor TM6 that determine selective coupling of G proteins, and the phosphorylation codes of GPCRs for arrestin recruitment. We envision the future of GPCR structural biology not only to solve more high‐resolution complex structures but also to show stepwise GPCR signaling complex assembly and disassembly and dynamic process of GPCR signal transduction.  相似文献   

Structural characterization of membrane proteins is hampered by their instability in detergent solutions. We modified here a G protein‐coupled receptor, the BLT1 receptor of leukotriene B4, to stabilize it in vitro. For this, we introduced a metal‐binding site connecting the third and sixth transmembrane domains of the receptor. This modification was intended to restrain the activation‐associated relative movement of these helices that results in a less stable packing in the isolated receptor. The modified receptor binds its agonist with low‐affinity and can no longer trigger G protein activation, indicating that it is stabilized in its ground state conformation. Of importance, the modified BLT1 receptor displays an increased temperature‐, detergent‐, and time‐dependent stability compared with the wild‐type receptor. These data indicate that stabilizing the ground state of this GPCR by limiting the activation‐associated movements of the transmembrane helices is a way to increase its stability in detergent solutions; this could represent a forward step on the way of its crystallization.  相似文献   

G protein‐coupled receptors (GPCRs) modulate cell function over short‐ and long‐term timescales. GPCR signaling depends on biochemical parameters that define the what, when, and where of receptor function: what proteins mediate and regulate receptor signaling, where within the cell these interactions occur, and how long these interactions persist. These parameters can vary significantly depending on the activating ligand. Collectivity, differential agonist activity at a GPCR is called bias or functional selectivity. Here we review agonist bias at GPCRs with a focus on ligands that show dramatically different cellular responses from their unbiased counterparts.  相似文献   

We have recently developed a soluble mimic of the corticotropin‐releasing factor receptor type 1 (CRF1), a membrane‐spanning G protein‐coupled receptor, which allowed investigations on receptor–ligand interactions. The CRF1 mimic consists of the receptor N‐terminus and three synthetic extracellular loops (ECL1–3), which constitute the extracellular receptor domains (ECDs) of CRF1, coupled to a linear peptide template. Here, we report the synthesis of a modified CRF1 mimic, which is more similar to the native receptor possessing a cyclic template that displays the ECDs in a more physiological conformation compared with the initial linear design. In order to facilitate detailed biophysical investigations on CRF1 mimics, we have further established a cost‐efficient access to the CRF1 mimic, which is suitable for isotopic labeling for NMR spectroscopy. To this end, the loop‐mimicking cyclic peptide of the ECL2 of CRF1 was produced recombinantly and cyclized by expressed protein ligation. Cyclic ECL2 was obtained in milligram scale, and CRF1 mimics synthesized from this material displayed the same binding properties as synthetic CRF1 constructs. Copyright © 2014 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

G protein‐coupled receptors (GPCRs) physically connect extracellular information with intracellular signal propagation. Membrane trafficking plays a supportive role by “bookending” signaling events: movement through the secretory pathway delivers GPCRs to the cell surface where receptors can sample the extracellular environment, while endocytosis and endolysosomal membrane trafficking provide a versatile system to titrate cellular signaling potential and maintain homeostatic control. Recent evidence suggests that, in addition to these important effects, GPCR trafficking actively shapes the cellular signaling response by altering the location and timing of specific receptor‐mediated signaling reactions. Here, we review key experimental evidence underlying this expanding view, focused on GPCR signaling mediated through activation of heterotrimeric G proteins located in the cytoplasm. We then discuss lingering and emerging questions regarding the interface between GPCR signaling and trafficking.   相似文献   

G protein‐coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) plays a central role in the cellular transduction network. In particular, during chronic heart failure GRK2 is upregulated and believed to contribute to disease progression. Thereby, its inhibition offers a potential therapeutic solution to several pathological conditions. In the present study, we performed a SAR study and a NMR conformational analysis of peptides derived from HJ loop of GRK2 and able to selectively inhibit GRK2. From Ala‐scan and d ‐Ala point replacement, we found that Arg residues don't affect the inhibitory properties, while a d ‐amino acid at position 5 is key to the activity. Conformational analysis identified two β‐turns that involve N‐terminal residues, followed by a short extended region. These information can help the design of peptides and peptido‐mimetics with enhanced GRK2 inhibition properties. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 121–128, 2014.  相似文献   

The human genome encodes ~750 G‐protein‐coupled receptors (GPCRs), including prokineticin receptor 2 (PROKR2) involved in the regulation of sexual maturation. Previously reported pathogenic gain‐of‐function mutations of GPCR genes invariably encoded aberrant receptors with excessive signal transduction activity. Although in vitro assays demonstrated that an artificially created inactive mutant of PROKR2 exerted paradoxical gain‐of‐function effects when co‐transfected with wild‐type proteins, such a phenomenon has not been observed in vivo. Here, we report a heterozygous frameshift mutation of PROKR2 identified in a 3.5‐year‐old girl with central precocious puberty. The mutant mRNA escaped nonsense‐mediated decay and generated a GPCR lacking two transmembrane domains and the carboxyl‐terminal tail. The mutant protein had no in vitro signal transduction activity; however, cells co‐expressing the mutant and wild‐type PROKR2 exhibited markedly exaggerated ligand‐induced Ca2+ responses. The results indicate that certain inactive PROKR2 mutants can cause early puberty by enhancing the functional property of coexisting wild‐type proteins. Considering the structural similarity among GPCRs, this paradoxical gain‐of‐function mechanism may underlie various human disorders.  相似文献   

The protein product of the ocular albinism type 1 gene, named OA1, is a pigment cell‐specific integral membrane glycoprotein, localized to melanosomes and lysosomes and possibly implicated in melanosome biogenesis. Although its function remains unknown, we previously showed that OA1 shares structural similarities with G protein‐coupled receptors (GPCRs). To ascertain the molecular function of OA1 and in particular its nature as a GPCR, we adopted a heterologous expression strategy commonly exploited to demonstrate GPCR‐mediated signaling in mammalian cells. Here we show that when expressed in COS7 cells OA1 displays a considerable and spontaneous capacity to activate heterotrimeric G proteins and the associated signaling cascade. In contrast, OA1 mutants carrying either a missense mutation or a small deletion in the third cytosolic loop lack this ability. Furthermore, OA1 is phosphorylated and interacts with arrestins, well‐established multifunctional adaptors of conformationally active GPCRs. In fact, OA1 colocalizes and coprecipitates with arrestins, which downregulate the signaling of OA1 by specifically reducing its expression levels. These findings indicate that heterologously expressed OA1 exhibits two fundamental properties of GPCRs, being capable to activate heterotrimeric G proteins and to functionally associate with arrestins, and provide proof of principle that OA1 can actually function as a canonical GPCR in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The G protein‐coupled receptor (GPCR) encoding family of genes constitutes more than 6% of genes in Caenorhabditis elegans genome. GPCRs control behavior, innate immunity, chemotaxis, and food search behavior. Here, we show that C. elegans longevity is regulated by a chemosensory GPCR STR‐2, expressed in AWC and ASI amphid sensory neurons. STR‐2 function is required at temperatures of 20°C and higher on standard Escherichia coli OP50 diet. Under these conditions, this neuronal receptor also controls health span parameters and lipid droplet (LD) homeostasis in the intestine. We show that STR‐2 regulates expression of delta‐9 desaturases, fat‐5, fat‐6 and fat‐7, and of diacylglycerol acyltransferase dgat‐2. Rescue of the STR‐2 function in either AWC and ASI, or ASI sensory neurons alone, restores expression of fat‐5, dgat‐2 and restores LD stores and longevity. Rescue of stored fat levels of GPCR mutant animals to wild‐type levels, with low concentration of glucose, rescues its lifespan phenotype. In all, we show that neuronal STR‐2 GPCR facilitates control of neutral lipid levels and longevity in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Crystallographic structures and experimental assays of human CXC chemokine receptor type 4 (CXCR4) provide strong evidence for the capacity to homodimerize, potentially as a means of allosteric regulation. Even so, how this homodimer forms and its biological significance has yet to be fully characterized. By applying principles from network analysis, sequence‐based approaches such as statistical coupling analysis to determine coevolutionary residues, can be used in conjunction with molecular dynamics simulations to identify residues relevant to dimerization. Here, the predominant coevolution sector lies along the observed dimer interface, suggesting functional relevance. Furthermore, coevolution scoring provides a basis for determining significant nodes, termed hubs, in the network formed by residues found along the interface of the homodimer. These node residues coincide with hotspots indicating potential druggability. Drug design efforts targeting such key residues could potentially result in modulation of binding and therapeutic benefits for disease states, such as lung cancers, lymphomas and latent HIV‐1 infection. Furthermore, this method may be applied to any protein–protein interaction.  相似文献   

Recent findings necessitate revision of the traditional view of G protein‐coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling and expand the diversity of mechanisms by which receptor signaling influences cell behavior in general. GPCRs elicit signals at the plasma membrane and are then rapidly removed from the cell surface by endocytosis. Internalization of GPCRs has long been thought to serve as a mechanism to terminate the production of second messengers such as cAMP. However, recent studies show that internalized GPCRs can continue to either stimulate or inhibit cAMP production in a sustained manner. They do so by remaining associated with their cognate G protein subunit and adenylyl cyclase at endosomal compartments. Once internalized, the GPCRs produce cellular responses distinct from those elicited at the cell surface.  相似文献   

The trafficking of G protein coupled‐receptors (GPCRs) is one of the most exciting areas in cell biology because of recent advances demonstrating that GPCR signaling is spatially encoded. GPCRs, acting in a diverse array of physiological systems, can have differential signaling consequences depending on their subcellular localization. At the plasma membrane, GPCR organization could fine‐tune the initial stages of receptor signaling by determining the magnitude of signaling and the type of effectors to which receptors can couple. This organization is mediated by the lipid composition of the plasma membrane, receptor‐receptor interactions, and receptor interactions with intracellular scaffolding proteins. GPCR organization is subsequently changed by ligand binding and the regulated endocytosis of these receptors. Activated GPCRs can modulate the dynamics of their own endocytosis through changing clathrin‐coated pit dynamics, and through the scaffolding adaptor protein β‐arrestin. This endocytic regulation has signaling consequences, predominantly through modulation of the MAPK cascade. This review explores what is known about receptor sorting at the plasma membrane, protein partners that control receptor endocytosis, and the ways in which receptor sorting at the plasma membrane regulates downstream trafficking and signaling.   相似文献   

Seven‐transmembrane receptors (7TMRs) are involved in nearly all aspects of chemical communications and represent major drug targets. 7TMRs transmit their signals not only via heterotrimeric G proteins but also through β‐arrestins, whose recruitment to the activated receptor is regulated by G protein‐coupled receptor kinases (GRKs). In this paper, we combined experimental approaches with computational modeling to decipher the molecular mechanisms as well as the hidden dynamics governing extracellular signal‐regulated kinase (ERK) activation by the angiotensin II type 1A receptor (AT1AR) in human embryonic kidney (HEK)293 cells. We built an abstracted ordinary differential equations (ODE)‐based model that captured the available knowledge and experimental data. We inferred the unknown parameters by simultaneously fitting experimental data generated in both control and perturbed conditions. We demonstrate that, in addition to its well‐established function in the desensitization of G‐protein activation, GRK2 exerts a strong negative effect on β‐arrestin‐dependent signaling through its competition with GRK5 and 6 for receptor phosphorylation. Importantly, we experimentally confirmed the validity of this novel GRK2‐dependent mechanism in both primary vascular smooth muscle cells naturally expressing the AT1AR, and HEK293 cells expressing other 7TMRs.  相似文献   

Neuropeptides related to vertebrate tachykinins have been identified in Drosophila. Two Drosophila G‐protein‐coupled receptors (GPCRs), designated NKD (CG6515) and DTKR (CG7887), cloned earlier, display sequence similarities to mammalian tachykinin receptors. However, they were not characterized with the endogenous Drosophila tachykinins (DTKs). The present study characterizes one of these receptors, DTKR. We determined that HEK‐293 cells transfected with DTKR displayed dose‐dependent increases in both intracellular calcium and cyclic AMP levels in response to the different DTK peptides. DTK peptides also induced internalization of DTKR‐green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion constructs in HEK‐293 cells. We generated specific antireceptor antisera and showed that DTKR is widely distributed in the adult brain and more scarcely in the larval CNS. The distribution of the receptor in brain neuropils corresponds well with the distribution of its ligands, the DTKs. Our findings suggest that DTKR is a DTK receptor in Drosophila and that this ligand‐receptor system plays multiple functional roles. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2006  相似文献   

The first crystal structure of a G protein‐coupled receptor (GPCR) was that of the bovine rhodopsin, solved in 2000, and is a light receptor within retina rode cells that enables vision by transducing a conformational signal from the light‐induced isomerization of retinal covalently bound to the receptor. More than 7 years after this initial discovery and following more than 20 years of technological developments in GPCR expression, stabilization, and crystallography, the high‐resolution structure of the adrenaline binding β2‐adrenergic receptor, a ligand diffusible receptor, was discovered. Since then, high‐resolution structures of more than 53 unique GPCRs have been determined leading to a significant improvement in our understanding of the basic mechanisms of ligand‐binding and ligand‐mediated receptor activation that revolutionized the field of structural molecular pharmacology of GPCRs. Recently, several structures of eight unique lipid‐binding receptors, one of the most difficult GPCR families to study, have been reported. This review presents the outstanding structural and pharmacological features that have emerged from these new lipid receptor structures. The impact of these findings goes beyond mechanistic insights, providing evidence of the fundamental role of GPCRs in the physiological integration of the lipid signaling system, and highlighting the importance of sustained research into the structural biology of GPCRs for the development of new therapeutics targeting lipid receptors.  相似文献   

The biochemical analysis of human cell membrane proteins remains a challenging task due to the difficulties in producing sufficient quantities of functional protein. G protein‐coupled receptors (GPCRs) represent a main class of membrane proteins and drug targets, which are responsible for a huge number of signaling processes regulating various physiological functions in living cells. To circumvent the current bottlenecks in GPCR studies, we propose the synthesis of GPCRs in eukaryotic cell‐free systems based on extracts generated from insect (Sf21) cells. Insect cell lysates harbor the fully active translational and translocational machinery allowing posttranslational modifications, such as glycosylation and phosphorylation of de novo synthesized proteins. Here, we demonstrate the production of several GPCRs in a eukaryotic cell‐free system, performed within a short time and in a cost‐effective manner. We were able to synthesize a variety of GPCRs ranging from 40 to 133 kDa in an insect‐based cell‐free system. Moreover, we have chosen the μ opioid receptor (MOR) as a model protein to analyze the ligand binding affinities of cell‐free synthesized MOR in comparison to MOR expressed in a human cell line by “one‐point” radioligand binding experiments. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2017;114: 2328–2338. © 2017 The Authors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

G Protein‐Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) are integral membrane proteins that play important role in regulating key physiological functions, and are targets of about 50% of all recently launched drugs. High‐resolution experimental structures are available only for very few GPCRs. As a result, structure‐based drug design efforts for GPCRs continue to rely on in silico modeling, which is considered to be an extremely difficult task especially for these receptors. Here, we describe Gmodel, a novel approach for building 3D atomic models of GPCRs using a normal mode‐based refinement of homology models. Gmodel uses a small set of relevant low‐frequency vibrational modes derived from Random Elastic Network model to efficiently sample the large‐scale receptor conformation changes and generate an ensemble of alternative models. These are used to assemble receptor–ligand complexes by docking a known active into each of the alternative models. Each of these is next filtered using restraints derived from known mutation and binding affinity data and is refined in the presence of the active ligand. In this study, Gmodel was applied to generate models of the antagonist form of histamine 3 (H3) receptor. The validity of this novel modeling approach is demonstrated by performing virtual screening (using the refined models) that consistently produces highly enriched hit lists. The models are further validated by analyzing the available SAR related to classical H3 antagonists, and are found to be in good agreement with the available experimental data, thus providing novel insights into the receptor–ligand interactions. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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