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The typical multi‐host life cycle of many parasites, although conferring several advantages, presents the parasites with a highly hazardous transmission route. As a consequence, parasites have evolved various adaptations increasing their chances of transmission between the different hosts of the life cycle. Some trematode species like the opecoelid Coitocaecum parvum have adopted a more drastic alternative strategy whereby the definitive host is facultatively dropped from the cycle, resulting in a shorter, hence easier to complete, life cycle. Like other species capable of abbreviating their life cycle, C. parvum does so through progenetic development within its intermediate host. Laboratory‐reared C. parvum can modulate their developmental strategy inside the second intermediate host according to current transmission opportunities, though this ability is not apparent in natural C. parvum populations. Here we show that this difference is likely due to the time C. parvum individuals spend in their intermediate hosts in the natural environment. Although transmission opportunities, i.e. chemical cues of the presence of definitive hosts, promoted the adoption of a truncated life cycle in the early stages of infection, individuals that remained in their amphipod host for a relatively long time had a similar probability of adopting progenesis and the abbreviated cycle, regardless of the presence or absence of chemical cues from the predator definitive host. These results support the developmental time hypothesis which states that parasites capable of facultative life cycle abbreviation should eventually adopt progenesis regardless of transmission opportunities, and provide further evidence of the adaptive plasticity of parasite transmission strategies.  相似文献   

The complex life cycles of parasites are thought to have evolved from simple one-host cycles by incorporating new hosts. Nevertheless, complex developmental routes present parasites with a sequence of highly unlikely transmission events in order to complete their life cycles. Some trematodes like Coitocaecum parvum use facultative life cycle abbreviation to counter the odds of trophic transmission to the definitive host. Parasites adopting life cycle truncation possess the ability to reproduce within their intermediate host, using progenesis, without the need to reach the definitive host. Usually, both abbreviated and normal life cycles are observed in the same population of parasites. Here, we demonstrate experimentally that C. parvum can modulate its development in its amphipod intermediate host and adopt either the abbreviated or the normal life cycle depending on current transmission opportunities or the degree of intra-host competition among individual parasites. In the presence of cues from its predatory definitive host, the parasite is significantly less likely to adopt progenesis than in the absence of such cues. An intermediate response is obtained when the parasites are exposed to cues from non-host predators. The adoption of progenesis is less likely, however, when two parasites share the resource-limited intermediate host. These results show that parasites with complex developmental routes have transmission strategies and perception abilities that are more sophisticated than previously thought.  相似文献   

Perkins SL  Martinsen ES  Falk BG 《Parasitology》2011,138(13):1664-1674
Systematics involves resolving both the taxonomy and phylogenetic placement of organisms. We review the advantages and disadvantages of the two kinds of information commonly used for such inferences--morphological and molecular data--as applied to the systematics of metazoan parasites generally, with special attention to the malaria parasites. The problems that potentially confound the use of morphology in parasites include challenges to consistent specimen preservation, plasticity of features depending on hosts or other environmental factors, and morphological convergence. Molecular characters such as DNA sequences present an alternative data source and are particularly useful when not all the parasite's life stages are present or when parasitaemia is low. Nonetheless, molecular data can bring challenges that include troublesome DNA isolation, paralogous gene copies, difficulty in developing molecular markers, and preferential amplification in mixed species infections. Given the differential benefits and shortcomings of both molecular and morphological characters, both should be implemented in parasite taxonomy and phylogenetics.  相似文献   

The ATG genes are highly conserved in eukaryotes including yeasts, plants, and mammals. However, these genes appear to be only partially present in most protists. Recent studies demonstrated that, in the apicomplexan parasites Plasmodium (malaria parasites) and Toxoplasma, ATG8 localizes to the apicoplast, a unique nonphotosynthetic plastid with 4 limiting membranes. In contrast to this established localization, it remains unclear whether these parasites can induce canonical macroautophagy and if ATG8 localizes to autophagosomes. Furthermore, the molecular function of ATG8 in its novel workplace, the apicoplast, is totally unknown. Here, we review recent studies on ATG8 in Plasmodium and Toxoplasma, summarize both consensus and controversial findings, and discuss its potential role in these parasites.  相似文献   

Recent work has shown that the evolution of Drosophila melanogaster resistance to attack by the parasitoid Asobara tabida is constrained by a trade-off with larval competitive ability. However, there are two very important questions that need to be answered. First, is this a general cost, or is it parasitoid specific? Second, does a selected increase in immune response against one parasitoid species result in a correlated change in resistance to other parasitoid species? The answers to both questions will influence the coevolutionary dynamics of these species, and also may have a previously unconsidered, yet important, influence on community structure.  相似文献   

Many intraerythrocytic hemoparasites survive the host immune system through rapid antigenic variation. Among babesial parasites antigenic variation has been demonstrated convincingly only for Babesia bovis and Babesia rodhaini. The molecular basis for antigenic variation in babesial parasites and its possible connection with cytoadherence and sequestration are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The unprecedented rate of depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer will likely lead to appreciable increases in the amount of ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B, 280–320 nm) reaching the earth's surface. In plants, photosynthetic reactions and nucleic acids in the mesophyll of leaves are deleteriously affected by UV-B. We used a fiber-optic microprobe to make direct measurements of the amount of UV-B reaching these potential targets in the mesophyll of intact foliage. A comparison of foliage from a diverse group of Rocky Mountain plants enabled us to assess whether the foliage of some plant life forms appeared more effective at screening UV-B radiation. The leaf epidermis of herbaceous dicots was particularly ineffective at attenuating UV-B; epidermal transmittance ranged from 18–41% and UV-B reached 40–145 m into the mesophyll or photosynthetic tissue. In contrast to herbaceous dicots, the epidermis of 1-year old conifer needles attenuated essentially all incident UV-B and virtually none of this radiation reached the mesophyll. Although the epidermal layer was appreciably thinner in older needles (7 y) at high elevations (Krumholtz), essentially all incident UV-B was attenuated by the epidermis in these needles. The same epidermal screening effectiveness was observed after removal of epicuticular waxes with chloroform. Leaves of woody dicots and grasses appeared intermediate between herbaceous dicots and conifers in their UV-B screening abilities with 3–12% of the incident UV-B reaching the mesophyll. These large differences in UV-B screening effectiveness suggest that certain plant life forms may be more predisposed than others to meet the challenge of higher UV-B levels resulting from stratospheric ozone depletion.  相似文献   

Foraging honeybees are likely to learn visual and chemical cues associated with many different food sources. Here, we explore how many such sources can be memorized and recalled. Marked bees were trained to visit two (or three) sugar feeders, each placed at a different outdoor location and carrying a different scent. We then tested the ability of the bees to recall these locations and fly to them, when the training scents were blown into the hive, and the scents and food at the feeders were removed. When trained on two feeder locations, each associated with a different scent, the bees could correctly recall the location associated with each scent. However, this ability broke down when the number of scents and feeder locations was increased to three. Performance was partially restored when each of the three training feeders was endowed with an additional cue, namely, a distinct colour. Our results suggest that bees can recall a maximum of two locations when each is associated with a different scent. However, this number can be increased if the scent cues are augmented by visual cues. These findings have implications for the ways in which associations are established and laid down in honeybee memory.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variability in parasite life cycle complexity (number of hosts and species of hosts in the life cycle) may have an impact how parasite genetic variation is partitioned among individual parasites, host individuals or host species within a given area. Among digenean trematodes, a three-host life cycle is common. However, a few species are precocious and may reach sexual maturity in what is typically regarded as the second intermediate host. The objective of this study was to determine whether a precocious life cycle predisposes digeneans to possible inbreeding or genetic subdivision among host species. As a study system, we used the digenean Proctoeces cf. lintoni whose metacercariae precociously mature (facultative) without a cyst wall in the gonads of multiple sympatric species of keyhole limpets (Fissurella spp.), typically regarded as the second intermediate hosts. Genotyped parasites were collected from four species of limpets and the clingfish Sicyases sanguineus, the third and final host where sexual maturity occurs. We found very high microsatellite diversity, Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium over all genotyped individuals, and little to no genetic structuring among parasites collected from the different host species. The fact that metacercariae do not encyst in the keyhole limpets, coupled with the high mixing potential of an aquatic environment, likely promote panmixia in local populations of P. cf. lintoni.  相似文献   



Cultures are increasingly recognised for their inherent value, yet, despite political and societal concern, culture is widely unrecognised in assessment techniques. Life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA), a technique encompassing environmental, social and economic aspects, is growing in popularity. However, cultural values are rarely considered in LCSA. This paper reviews the meaning of culture; current efforts to include culture in environmental life cycle assessment (LCA), social LCA (S-LCA) and LCSA; and aspects to address when investigating integration of culture in LCA, S-LCA and LCSA.


A literature review was undertaken on definitions of culture, recognition of culture in policy and decision making, and how culture is incorporated into assessment techniques. The potential for integrating culture in LCSA was evaluated in terms of the potential benefits and challenges.


Culture is often intangible and inaccessible, which may then lead to a lack of recognition in decision-making processes, or if it is recognised, then it is relegated as an afterthought. Explicitly including consideration of culture within LCSA will allow its representation alongside other sustainability aspects. The challenges of representing culture within LCSA include recognising when ‘culture’ should be distinguished from ‘social’; culture’s dynamic nature; the data collection process; and the diversity of cultures between stakeholders and at different scales from community through to nation. The potential benefits of representing culture within LCSA include greater resonance of LCSA results with stakeholders; a more comprehensive decision support tool which appropriately accounts for values; and an assessment technique which may help protect communities and their diversity of cultures.


Representing culture in LCSA is not straightforward and, to some extent, may be addressed through social indicators. However, developing LCSA to explicitly address cultural values has potential benefits. Future research should focus on opportunities for the development of (a) a culturally inclusive LCSA process and (b) additional cultural indicators and/or dimensions of existing LCSA indicators that represent cultural values.  相似文献   

The presence of native contacts in the denatured state of many proteins suggests that elements of the biologically active structure of these molecules are formed during the initial stage of the folding process. The rapidity with which these events take place makes it difficult to study them in vitro, but, by the same token, suitable for studies in silico. With the help of all-atom, explicit solvent, molecular dynamics simulations we have followed in time, starting from elongated structureless conformations, the early events in the folding of src-SH3 domain and of proteins G, L, and CI2. It is observed that within the first 50 ns two important events take place, essentially independent of each other: hydrophobic collapse and formation of a few selected native contacts. The same contacts are also found in simulations carried out in the presence of guanidinium chloride in order to reproduce the conditions used to characterize experimentally the denatured state and testify to the fact that these contacts are to be considered a resilient characterizing property of the denaturated state.  相似文献   

Eriksson et al (1980) hypothesized that the abundance of certain macroinvertebrate predators, such as larvae of the phantom midge Chaoborus , should increase in acidified lakes because of the elimination of fish. To examine the influence of pH and presence of fish on Chaoborus abundance, we surveyed Chaoborus populations in 33 lakes in Ontario, Canada which ranged in pH from 4.5 to 7.4. Chaoborus larvae were not more abundant in the acidified lakes that were devoid of fish than in the remaining lakes. Therefore, we concluded that pH and presence of fish are not prime determinants of total Chaoborus abundance in Canadian Shield lakes. We hypothesized that significant increases in Chaoborus abundance should only be anticipated when fish populations are eliminated by acidification of relatively nutrient rich lakes.  相似文献   

Pogun S 《Bio Systems》2001,63(1-3):101-114
Interesting and intriguing questions involve complex systems whose properties cannot be explained fully by reductionist approaches. Last century was dominated by physics, and applying the simple laws of physics to biology appeared to be a practical solution to understand living organisms. However, although some attributes of living organisms involve physico-chemical properties, the genetic program and evolutionary history of complex biological systems make them unique and unpredictable. Furthermore, there are and will be 'unobservable' phenomena in biology which have to be accounted for.  相似文献   

Several strands of evidence indicate the presence of marked similarities between human brain and testis. Understanding these similarities and their implications has become a topic of interest among the scientific community. Indeed, an association of intelligence with some semen quality parameters has been reported and a relation between dysfunctions of the human brain and testis has also been evident. Numerous common molecular features are evident when these tissues are compared, which is reflected in the huge number of common proteins. At the functional level, human neurons and sperm share a number of characteristics, including the importance of the exocytotic process and the presence of similar receptors and signalling pathways. The common proteins are mainly involved in exocytosis, tissue development and neuron/brain-associated biological processes. With this analysis, we conclude that human brain and testis share several biochemical characteristics which, in addition to their involvement in the speciation process, could, at least in part, be responsible for the expression of a huge number of common proteins. Nonetheless, this is an underexplored topic, and the connection between these tissues needs to be clarified, which could help to understand the dysfunctions affecting brain and testis, as well as to develop improved therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Brand AH  Livesey FJ 《Neuron》2011,70(4):719-729
Many of the regulatory mechanisms controlling neural stem cell behavior are proving to be conserved between organisms as diverse as worms and man. Common principles are emerging with respect to the regulation of neural stem cell division and the specification of distinct stem and progenitor cell types. Great progress has been made in recent years in identifying the cellular mechanisms underpinning these processes, thanks in large part to the cross-fertilization of research on different model systems. We review here recent findings that highlight hitherto unappreciated similarities in the cell and molecular biology of neural stem cell self-renewal and differentiation between invertebrates and vertebrates. As well as underscoring the possible conservation of stem cell mechanisms across phyla, these similarities are proving to be practically useful in studying neural stem cell biology in health and disease.  相似文献   

The typical three-host life cycle of most trematodes creates transmission challenges for which a variety of adaptations have evolved to increase the probability of transmission. Some species can abbreviate their life cycle via progenesis, the precocious maturation of the parasite in the second intermediate host resulting in the production of eggs through self-fertilisation without requiring a definitive host. Adoption of the progenetic life cycle may be a conditional strategy in response to different environmental cues related to low probability of transmission to the definitive host. Using high water temperature and/or limited diet as experimental stressors, we tested the effect of body condition and life span of the fish second intermediate host on facultative truncation of the typical three-host life cycle by progenesis in Stegodexamene anguillae. The results suggest that environmental cues, such as temperature and encystment site, may signal transmission opportunities to the parasite so that it may adjust its developmental strategy accordingly. Indeed, a greater proportion of worms became progenetic at higher temperatures, and progenesis was more common among worms encysted in the gonads or body cavity of their fish hosts than among those in other host tissues. These findings highlight the often unrecognised plasticity in parasite developmental and transmission strategies.  相似文献   

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