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Study of stem cells may reveal promising treatment for diseases. The fate and function of transplanted stem cells remain poorly defined. Recent studies demonstrate that reporter genes can monitor real-time survival of transplanted stem cells in living subjects. We examined the effects of a novel and versatile triple fusion (TF) reporter gene construction on embryonic stem (ES) cell function by proteomic analysis. Murine ES cells were stably transduced with a self-inactivating lentiviral vector containing fluorescence (firefly luciferase; Fluc), bioluminescence (monomeric red fluorescence protein; mRFP), and positron emission tomography (herpes simplex virus type 1 truncated thymidine kinase; tTK) reporter genes. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis isolated stably transduced populations. TF reporter gene effects on cellular function were evaluated by quantitative proteomic profiling of control ES cells versus ES cells stably expressing the TF construct (ES-TF). Overall, no significant changes in protein quantity were observed. TF reporter gene expression had no effect on ES cell viability, proliferation, and differentiation capability. Molecular imaging studies tracked ES-TF cell survival and proliferation in living animals. In summary, this is the first proteomic study, demonstrating the unique potential of reporter gene imaging for tracking ES cell transplantation non-invasively, repetitively, and quantitatively.  相似文献   

Avian pluripotent stem cells   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Pluripotent embryonic stem cells are undifferentiated cells capable of proliferation and self-renewal and have the capacity to differentiate into all somatic cell types and the germ line. They provide an in vitro model of early embryonic differentiation and are a useful means for targeted manipulation of the genome. Pluripotent stem cells in the chick have been derived from stage X blastoderms and 5.5 day gonadal primordial germ cells (PGCs). Blastoderm-derived embryonic stem cells (ESCs) have the capacity for in vitro differentiation into embryoid bodies and derivatives of the three primary germ layers. When grafted onto the chorioallantoic membrane, the ESCs formed a variety of differentiated cell types and attempted to organize into complex structures. In addition, when injected into the unincubated stage X blastoderm, the ESCs can be found in numerous somatic tissues and the germ line. The potential give rise to somatic and germ line chimeras is highly dependent upon the culture conditions and decreases with passage. Likewise, PGC-derived embryonic germ cells (EGCs) can give rise to simple embryoid bodies and can undergo some differentiation in vitro. Interestingly, chicken EG cells contribute to somatic lineages when injected into the stage X blastoderm, but only germ line chimeras have resulted from EGCs injected into the vasculature of the stage 16 embryo. To date, no lines of transgenic chickens have been generated using ESCs or EGCs. Nevertheless, progress towards the culture of avian pluripotent stem cells has been significant. In the future, the answers to fundamental questions regarding segregation of the avian germ line and the molecular basis of pluripotency should foster the full use of avian pluripotent stem cells.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells are omnipotent; they can differentiate into every cell type of the body. The development of culture conditions that allow their differentiation has made it conceivable to produce large numbers of cells with lineage-specific characteristics in vitro. Here, we describe a method by which murine ES cells can be differentiated into cells with characteristics of epidermal keratinocytes. Keratinocyte-like cells were isolated from embryoid bodies and grown in culture. Potential applications of this method are the in vitro differentiation of cells of interest from ES cells of mice with lethal phenotypes during embryonic development and the production of genetically modified epidermal keratinocytes that could be used as temporary wound dressing or as carriers of genes of interest in gene therapeutic treatments.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells have the ability to differentiate into all germ layers, holding great promise not only for a model of early embryonic development but also for a robust cell source for cell-replacement therapies and for drug screening. Embryoid body (EB) formation from ES cells is a common method for producing different cell lineages for further applications. However, conventional techniques such as hanging drop or static suspension culture are either inherently incapable of large scale production or exhibit limited control over cell aggregation during EB formation and subsequent EB aggregation. For standardized mass EB production, a well defined scale-up platform is necessary. Recently, novel scenario methods of EB formation in hydrodynamic conditions created by bioreactor culture systems using stirred suspension systems (spinner flasks), rotating cell culture system and rotary orbital culture have allowed large-scale EB formation. Their use allows for continuous monitoring and control of the physical and chemical environment which is difficult to achieve by traditional methods. This review summarizes the current state of production of EBs derived from pluripotent cells in various culture systems. Furthermore, an overview of high quality EB formation strategies coupled with systems for in vitro differentiation into various cell types to be applied in cell replacement therapy is provided in this review. Recently, new insights in induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell technology showed that differentiation and lineage commitment are not irreversible processes and this has opened new avenues in stem cell research. These cells are equivalent to ES cells in terms of both self-renewal and differentiation capacity. Hence, culture systems for expansion and differentiation of iPS cells can also apply methodologies developed with ES cells, although direct evidence of their use for iPS cells is still limited.  相似文献   

Genetically engineered stem cells aid in dissecting basic cell function and are valuable tools for drug discovery, in vivo cell tracking, and gene therapy. Gene transfer into pluripotent stem cells has been a challenge due to their intrinsic feature of growing in clusters and hence not amenable to common gene delivery methods. Several advances have been made in the rapid assembly of DNA elements, optimization of culture conditions, and DNA delivery methods. This has lead to the development of viral and non-viral methods for transient or stable modification of cells, albeit with varying efficiencies. Most methods require selection and clonal expansion that demand prolonged culture and are not suited for cells with limited proliferative potential.  相似文献   

Several solid tumors are characterized by poor prognosis and few effective treatment options, other than palliative chemotherapy in the recurrent/metastatic setting. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) has been considered an important anticancer target because it is involved in the development and progression of several solid tumors; however, only a subset of patients show a clinically meaningful response to EGFR inhibition, particularly to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors such as gefitinib. We have recently demonstrated synergistic antitumor effect of the histone deacetylase inhibitor vorinostat combined with gefitinib. To further characterize the interaction between these two agents, cellular extracts from Hep‐2 cancer cells that were untreated or treated for 24 h with either vorinostat or gefitinib alone or with a vorinostat/gefitinib combination were analyzed using 2‐D DIGE. Software analysis using DeCyder was performed, and numerous differentially expressed protein spots were visualized between the four examined settings. Using MALDI‐TOF MS and ESI‐Ion trap MS/MS, several differentially expressed proteins were identified; some of these were validated by Western blotting. Finally, a pathway analysis of experimental data performed using MetaCore highlighted a relevant relationship between the identified proteins and additional potential effectors. In conclusion, we performed a comprehensive analysis of proteins regulated by vorinostat and gefitinib, alone and in combination, providing a useful insight into their mechanisms of action as well as their synergistic interaction.  相似文献   

Pluripotent embryonic stem cells (line BLC6), when cultivated in vitro as embryoid bodies and injected subcutaneously into syngeneic mice, form teratocarcinomas consisting of embryonal carcinoma cells and differentiated tissues of all three primary germ layers. In order to study the possible effects of the mammary-derived growth inhibitor (MDGI) on the differentiation pattern of the tumors developing in the mice, BLC6 cell-derived embryoid bodies were treated in vitro for 4 days with either MDGI or a synthetic peptide composed of the C-terminal 11 amino acids of MDGI. In those tumors, significantly more differentiated neural tissue and lesser proportions of undifferentiated embryonic carcinoma cells (ECC) were found in the MDGI-and peptide-treated groups, compared with controls. The results are discussed with respect to a possible differentiation-promoting capacity of MDGI.  相似文献   

视网膜退行性病变影响着全世界数百万人。然而,视网膜是人体再生能力很差的一类组织,成年机体无法自我更新那些病变中丢失的视网膜细胞,导致视网膜退行性病变的不可逆性。因此,恢复患者视觉将依赖于引入外源细胞替代丢失的视网膜神经元。胚胎干细胞(ES细胞)具有无限的自我更新能力和形成机体所有类型细胞的巨大分化潜力。这两个特性使得ES细胞成为细胞替代疗法的理想供体细胞。近年来,人们在探索将ES和诱导多能干细胞(iPS细胞)体外定向诱导分化为视网膜神经元,甚至整个视网膜方面已取得多项进展,并且体外形成的视网膜细胞可以与宿主视网膜整合。在此篇综述中,首先简要概括哺乳动物视网膜的组织结构、发育过程和调控机制,然后,重点阐述近年来科研工作者探索ES/iPS细胞体外诱导分化为视网膜细胞和组织的研究进展。  相似文献   

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) were first generated from mouse embryonic fibroblasts in the year 2006. These cells resemble the typical morphology of embryonic stem cells, express pluripotency markers, and are able to transmit through germlines. To date, iPSCs of many species have been generated, whereas generation of bat iPSCs (biPSCs) has not been reported. To facilitate in-depth study of bats at the molecular and cellular levels, we describe the successful derivation of biPSCs with a piggyBac (PB) vector that contains eight reprogramming factors Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, Nanog, cMyc, Lin28, Nr5a2, and miR302/367. These biPSCs were cultured in media containing leukemia inhibitory factor and three small molecule inhibitors (CHIR99021, PD0325901, and A8301). They retained normal karyotype, displayed alkaline phosphatase activity, and expressed pluripotency markers Oct4, Sox2, Nanog, TBX3, and TRA-1-60. They could differentiate in vitro to form embryoid bodies and in vivo to form teratomas that contained tissue cells of all three germ layers. Generation of biPSCs will facilitate future studies on the mechanisms of antiviral immunity and longevity of bats at the cellular level.  相似文献   

Pluripotency of embryonic stem cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Conventional culture systems are often limited in their ability to regulate the growth and differentiation of pluripotent stem cells. Microfluidic systems can overcome some of these limitations by providing defined growth conditions with user-controlled spatiotemporal cues. Microfluidic systems allow researchers to modulate pluripotent stem cell renewal and differentiation through biochemical and mechanical stimulation, as well as through microscale patterning and organization of cells and extracellular materials. Essentially, microfluidic tools are reducing the gap between in vitro cell culture environments and the complex and dynamic features of the in vivo stem cell niche. These microfluidic culture systems can also be integrated with microanalytical tools to assess the health and molecular status of pluripotent stem cells. The ability to control biochemical and mechanical input to cells, as well as rapidly and efficiently analyze the biological output from cells, will further our understanding of stem cells and help translate them into clinical use. This review provides a comprehensive insignt into the implications of microfluidics on pluripotent stem cell research.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells are pluripotent cells that are capable of giving rise to any type of cells in the body and possess unlimited self-renewal potential. However, the exact regulatory mechanisms that govern the self-renewal ability of ES cells remain elusive. To understand the immediate early events during ES cell differentiation, we performed a proteomics study and analyzed the proteomic difference in murine ES cells before and after a 6-h spontaneous differentiation. We found that the expression level of glutathione peroxidase-1 (GPx-1), an antioxidant enzyme, is dramatically decreased upon the differentiation. Both knockdown of GPx-1 expression with shRNA and inhibiting GPx-1 activity by inhibitor led to the differentiation of ES cells. Furthermore, we showed that during early differentiation, the quick degradation of GPx-1 was mediated by proteasome. Thus, our data indicated that GPx-1 is a key regulator of self-renewal of murine embryonic stem cells.  相似文献   

The formation of embryoid bodies (EBs) is the principal step in the differentiation of embryonic stem (ES) cells. In this study, the morphological characteristics and gene expression patterns of EBs related to the sequential stages of embryonic development were well defined in four distinct developmental groups over 112 days of culture: early-stage EBs groups (1–7 days of differentiation), mid-stage EBs groups (9–15 days of differentiation), maturing EBs groups (17–45 days of differentiation) and matured EBs groups (50 days of differentiation). We first determined definite histological location of apoptosis within EBs and the sequential expression of molecular markers representing stem cells (Oct4, SSEA-1, Sox-2 and AKP), germ cells (Fragilis, Dazl, c-kit, StellaR, Mvh and Stra8), ectoderm (Neurod, Nestin and Neurofilament), mesoderm (Gata-1, Flk-1 and Hbb) and endoderm (AFP and Transthyretin). Our results revealed that developing EBs possess either pluripotent stem cell or germ cell states and that three-dimensional aggregates of EBs initiate mES cell differentiation during prolonged culture in vitro. Therefore, we suggest that this EB system to some extent recapitulates the early developmental processes occurring in vivo.  相似文献   

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