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In spite of the advances in our knowledge of cancer biology, most cancers remain not curable with present therapies. Current treatments consider cancer as resulting from uncontrolled proliferation and are non-specific. Although they can reduce tumour burden, relapse occurs in most cases. This was long attributed to incomplete tumour elimination, but recent developments indicate that different types of cells contribute to the tumour structure, and that the tumour's cellular organization would be analogous to that of a normal tissue, with a main mass of differentiating cells sensitive to anti proliferative agents, together with a small percentage of quiescent, resistant stem cells responsible for replenishing the tumour: the Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs). Anti-CSCs targeted therapeutic agents would prevent tumour regeneration. New mouse models tailored to exploit this novel concept will be critical to develop CSC-based anti-cancer therapies. Here we review the biological basis and the therapeutic implications of the stem-cell model of cancer.  相似文献   

The problems associated with biofilm infections in humans result from the distinct characteristics of biofilms, in particular their high level of resistance to antibiotics. One of the hypotheses that have been advanced to explain this resistance to antimicrobials is the phenotypic differentiation of biofilm cells. Although many studies on biofilms have highlighted physiological alterations following the attachment of bacteria to a surface, no studies have explicitly demonstrated a "biofilm" physiology. To contribute to this topical debate, we used principal component analysis to interpret spot quantity variations observed on electropherograms obtained by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of crude protein extracts from planktonic and sessile Pseudomonas aeruginosa cells. These analyses showed that the proteome of attached P. aeruginosa cells differs from that of their planktonic counterparts. Furthermore, we found that the proteome of sessile P. aeruginosa is strongly dependent on the nature of the biofilm substratum.  相似文献   

Positive relationships between species richness and sampling area are perhaps the most pervasive patterns in nature. However, the shape of species–area relationships is often highly variable, for reasons that are poorly understood. One such source of variability is the "small-island effect", which refers to a decrease in the capacity of sampling area to predict species richness on small islands. Small-island effects have been attributed to a variety of processes, including spatial subsidies, habitat characteristics and ocean-born disturbances. Here, we show that small-island effects can be generated by logarithmic data transformations, which are commonly applied to both axes of species–area relationships. To overcome this problem, we derive several null models to test for non-random variability in the capacity of island area to predict species richness and apply them to data sets on island plant communities in Canada and New Zealand. Both archipelagos showed evidence for small-island effects using traditional breakpoint regression techniques on log-log axes. However, null model analyses revealed different results. The capacity of sampling area to predict species richness in the Canadian archipelago was actually lowest at intermediate island size classes. In the New Zealand archipelago, island area was similarly capable of predicting species richness across the full range of island sizes, indicating the small-island effect detected by breakpoint regression is an artifact of logarithm data transformation. Overall results show that commonly used regression techniques can generate spurious small-island effects and that alternative analytic procedures are needed to detect non-random patterns in species richness on small islands.  相似文献   

The authors review the evidence for the evolution of the apes and their geographical expansion out of Africa during the Miocene. The ecological background is discussed at each period.From this it is concluded that Dryopithecines in either Africa or Eurasia could have given rise to early Hominidae and that the ecological conditions in both continents were suitable for the appearance of Hominid adaptations.The evidence for early Hominids is at present more impressive in Eurasia than in Africa, though the African find from Fort Ternan, Kenya, is the earliest. On present evidence, neither continent can be precluded as the place of origin of the Hominidae and it appears to be a possibility that Hominidae evolved in both continents with intermittent gene exchange.  相似文献   

Determining the relative importance of niche‐ and dispersal‐based processes in the structuring of animal communities is central in ecology. Freshwater fish and crustacean communities of small tropical islands can bring new insights for understanding these processes as all their species present a pelagic larval stage which gives them important dispersal capacities. Consequently, we hypothesized that dispersal‐based process may be preponderant for structuring these communities from the regional to the local, that is, survey site, scales. Gradient forest analyses allowed us to model the effect of 12 environmental variables on freshwater taxa abundances in two southwestern Indian Ocean islands: Mayotte (26 taxa) and Reunion (21). A total of 153 surveys in Mayotte and 266 in Reunion were used for building the models. Despite the strong heterogeneity of environmental conditions between the two islands, the main factors structuring freshwater fish and crustacean communities in both islands were the elevation and the slope of the sites. The observed structure appeared more pronounced for predatory species than for primary consumers and omnivores. As predators generally have limited locomotor capacities, it is concluded that dispersal‐based process structures these communities not only at large geographical scales but also at the intra‐watershed scale, by limiting the inland penetration (or dispersion) of species in relation to their locomotor capacities. However, more knowledge concerning ecological traits and taxonomic status of many species is needed to confirm this assumption. Abstract in French is available with online material  相似文献   

Based on field research and experimental treatments of trees, we investigated the formation of the brush-like shape of digging sticks used by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes). Evidence obtained in the field consisted of digging sticks found in Mboete, Equatorial Guinea, which is a newly reported locality for this type of tool, and Campo, Cameroon. Digging sticks used by chimpanzees in these areas had a brush-like shape at one end, which was quite different from the other end that was probably used for digging. In our tree-breaking experiment, 8 out of 17 species acquired a typical brush-like shape without human modification when broken off, and the shapes of the stumps were similar to those found in the field. Other species did not acquire the brush-like shape naturally or even after human modifications, and the stumps had different shapes from those found in the field. Our findings suggest that the brush-like shapes of digging sticks are often naturally formed when broken off from trees, depending on the nature of the fibre structure, and that the brush-like end is not used as the digging tool. We conclude that the vegetation surrounding termite mounds might influence how chimpanzees combine different types of tools, i.e., digging stick, brush-stick and fishing tool, for obtaining termites.  相似文献   

The current Northern Hemisphere migration systems are believed to have arisen since the last glaciation. In many cases, birds do not migrate strait from breeding to non‐breeding areas but fly via a detour. All western European populations of red‐backed shrikes Lanius collurio are assumed to reach their southern African wintering grounds detouring via southeast Europe. Based on theoretical considerations under an optimality framework this detour is apparently optimal. Here, we use individual geolocator data on red‐backed shrikes breeding in Spain to show that these birds do indeed detour via southeast Europe en route to southern Africa where they join other European populations of red‐backed shrikes and return via a similar route in spring. Disregarding potential wind assistance, the routes taken for the tracked birds in autumn were not optimal compared to crossing the barrier directly. For spring migration the situation was quite different with the detour apparently being optimal. However, when considering potential wind assistance estimated total air distances during autumn migration were overall similar and the barrier crossing shorter along the observed routes. We conclude that considering the potential benefit of wind assistance makes the route via southeast Europe likely to be less risky in autumn. However, it cannot be ruled out that other factors, such as following a historical colonisation route could still be important.  相似文献   

The content and organization of mental health care have been heavily influenced by the view that mental difficulties come as diagnosable disorders that can be treated by specialist practitioners who apply evidence‐based practice (EBP) guidelines of symptom reduction at the group level. However, the EBP symptom‐reduction model is under pressure, as it may be disconnected from what patients need, ignores evidence of the trans‐syndromal nature of mental difficulties, overestimates the contribution of the technical aspects of treatment compared to the relational and ritual components of care, and underestimates the lack of EBP group‐to‐individual generalizability. A growing body of knowledge indicates that mental illnesses are seldom “cured” and are better framed as vulnerabilities. Important gains in well‐being can be achieved when individuals learn to live with mental vulnerabilities through a slow process of strengthening resilience in the social and existential domains. In this paper, we examine what a mental health service would look like if the above factors were taken into account. The mental health service of the 21st century may be best conceived of as a small‐scale healing community fostering connectedness and strengthening resilience in learning to live with mental vulnerability, complemented by a limited number of regional facilities. Peer support, organized at the level of a recovery college, may form the backbone of the community. Treatments should be aimed at trans‐syndromal symptom reduction, tailored to serve the higher‐order process of existential recovery and social participation, and applied by professionals who have been trained to collaborate, embrace idiography and maximize effects mediated by therapeutic relationship and the healing effects of ritualized care interactions. Finally, integration with a public mental health system of e‐communities providing information, peer and citizen support and a range of user‐rated self‐management tools may help bridge the gap between the high prevalence of common mental disorder and the relatively low capacity of any mental health service.  相似文献   

Co‐evolutionary arms races have provided clear evidence for evolutionary change, especially in host–parasite systems. The evolution of host‐specific races in the common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus), however, is also an example where sexual conflict influences the outcome. Cuckoo females benefit from better adaptation to overcome host defences, whereas cuckoo males face a trade‐off between the benefits of better adaptation to a host and the benefits of multiple mating with females from other host‐races. The outcome of this trade‐off might be genetic differentiation or prevention of it by genetic swamping. We use a simulation model to test which outcome is more likely with three sympatric cuckoo host‐races. We assume a cost for cuckoo chicks that express a host adaptation allele not suited to their foster host species and that cuckoo males that switch to another host‐race experience either a fitness benefit or cost. Over most of the parameter space, cuckoo male host‐race fidelity increases significantly with time, and gene flow between host‐races ceases within a few thousand to a hundred thousand generations. Our results hence support the idea that common cuckoo host‐races might be in the incipient stages of speciation.  相似文献   

Although both niche‐based and neutral processes are involved in community assembly, most models on the effects of habitat loss are stochastic, assuming neutral communities mainly affected by ecological drift and random extinction. Given that habitat loss is considered the most important driver of the current biodiversity crisis, unraveling the processes underlying the effects of habitat loss is critical from both a theoretical and an applied perspective. Here we unveil the importance of niche‐based and neutral processes to species extinction and community assembly across a gradient of habitat loss, challenging the predictions of neutral models. We draw on a large dataset containing the distribution of 3653 individuals of 42 species, representing 35% of the small mammal species of the Atlantic Forest hotspot, obtained in 68 sites across three continuously‐forested landscapes and three adjacent 10 000‐ha fragmented landscapes differing in the amount of remaining forest (50%, 30% and 10%). By applying a null‐model approach, we investigated β‐diversity patterns by detecting deviations of observed community similarity from the similarity between randomly assembled communities. Species extinction following habitat loss was decidedly non‐random, in contrast to the notion that fragmented communities are mainly driven by ecological drift. Instead, habitat loss led to a strong biotic homogenization. Moreover, species composition changed abruptly at the same level of landscape‐scale habitat loss that has already been associated with a drastic decline in species richness. Habitat loss, as other anthropogenic disturbances, can thus be seen as a strong ecological filter that increases (rather than decreases) the importance of deterministic processes in community assembly. As such, critical advances for the development of conservation science lie on the incorporation of the relevant niche traits associated with extinction proneness into models of habitat loss. The results also underscore the fundamental importance of pro‐active measures to prevent human‐modified landscapes surpassing critical ecological thresholds.  相似文献   

Microfossils belonging to the 1.88‐billion‐year‐old ‘Gunflint‐biota’ are preserved as carbonaceous and hematitic filaments and spheres that are believed to represent ancient chemolithoautotrophic Fe(II) oxidizing bacteria that grew above a chemocline where ferruginous seawater upwelled into shallow, oxygenated waters. This ‘biological’ model posits that hematite formed during burial from dewatering of the precursor ferric oxyhydroxides that encrusted Fe(II)‐oxidizing bacteria. Here, we present an alternate ‘taphonomic’ model in which iron‐rich groundwaters discharged into buried stromatolites; thus, the mineralization reactions are more informative of diagenetic processes than they are for primary marine conditions. We sampled centimeter‐scale columnar stromatolites from both the lower and upper stromatolite horizons of the Biwabik and Gunflint formations, across a range of metamorphic gradients including unaltered to prehnite‐pumpellyite taconite, supergene altered ore, and amphibolite‐pyroxene grade contact‐metamorphic zones. Fossils are rare to very rare and comprise curved filaments that exist in clusters with similar orientations. The filaments from throughout the Biwabik are similar to well‐preserved carbonaceous Gunflintia from Ontario. Spheres of Huroniospora are also found in both formations. Microfossils from the least altered sections are preserved as carbon. Prehnite‐pumpellyite samples are composed of either carbon or hematite (Fe2O3). Within the contact aureole, filaments are densely coated by magnetite (Fe3O4); the highest grade samples are secondarily oxidized to martite. The consistency in stromatolite microstructure and lithofacies throughout the metamorphic grades suggests they formed under similar environmental conditions. Post‐depositional alteration led to replacement of the carbon by iron oxide. The facies association, filament distribution, and lack of branching and attached spherical cells argue against Gunflintia being a direct analogue to common marine, chemolithoautotrophic Fe(II)‐oxidizing bacteria. Instead, we propose that the presence of hematite‐coated microfossils is a reflection of taphonomic processes and does not necessarily reflect the byproduct of an original microbial ecosystem.  相似文献   

Male genes: X‐pelled or X‐cluded?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Two recent studies by Parisi et al. and Ranz et al., catalogue sex differences in gene expression across the whole genome of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Both report striking associations of sex-biased gene expression with the X chromosome. Genes with male-biased expression are depauperate on the X chromosome, whereas genes with female-biased expression show weaker evidence of being in excess. A number of evolutionary hypotheses for the expulsion or exclusion of male-biased genes from the X chromosome have been suggested. None is entirely consistent with the available evidence.  相似文献   

Adenosine deaminases acting on RNA (ADARs) are enzymes that convert adenosine (A) to inosine (I) in nuclear‐encoded RNAs and viral RNAs. The activity of ADARs has been demonstrated to be essential in mammals and serves to fine‐tune different proteins and modulate many molecular pathways. Recent findings have shown that ADAR activity is altered in many pathological tissues. Moreover, it has been shown that modulation of RNA editing is important for cell proliferation and migration, and has a protective effect on ischaemic insults. This review summarises available recent knowledge on A‐to‐I RNA editing and ADAR enzymes, with particular attention given to the emerging role played by these enzymes in cancer, some infectious diseases and immune‐mediated disorders.  相似文献   

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