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Over the last decade, an increasing prevalence of peanut allergies was observed worldwide. Peanuts are meanwhile categorized among the most dangerous food allergens. This is particularly relevant since peanut‐derived ingredients are widely used in industrial food production. To minimize the problem of hidden food allergens causing severe anaphylactic reactions, pre‐packaged food containing peanut components needs to be classified according to European ruling since 2005. Food companies search for strategies to reduce the allergenicity of peanut‐derived food additives either by genetically altering the allergen content or by identifying peanut varieties with low levels of major allergens. In our study, we focused on peanut extracts from Indonesia that apparently contain lower levels of the major Arachis hypogaea allergen 1 (Ara h 1). Basic extracts of Virginia‐type and Indonesian peanuts were compared by 1‐ and 2‐DE. We identified more than hundred individual components in these extracts by MS and provide a high‐resolution allergen map that also includes so far unknown fragments of major peanut allergens. The reduced level of Ara h 1 associated with a significantly lower abundance of the most potent peanut allergen Ara h 2 in various Indonesian peanuts was also confirmed by Western blotting with monoclonal antibodies and sera of allergic patients.  相似文献   

The characterisation of fish blood proteomes is important for comparative studies of seminal and blood proteins as well as for the analysis of fish immune mechanisms and pathways. In this study, LC‐MS/MS and 2D‐DIGE were applied to compare rainbow trout seminal (SP) and blood plasma (BP) proteomes. The 54 differentially abundant proteins identified in SP are involved in a variety of signalling pathways, including protein ubiquitination, liver X receptor/retinoid X receptor (LXR/RXR) and farnesoid X receptor activation, cell cycle and acute phase signalling. These findings may indicate the prevalence of acute phase signalling pathways in trout SP, and its essential role in protecting spermatozoa and reproductive tissues. Our study provides the first in‐depth analysis of the trout BP proteome, with a total of 119 proteins identified. The major proteins of rainbow trout BP were recognised as acute phase proteins. Analysis of BP proteins indicated that acute phase response signalling, the complement system, liver X receptor/retinoid X receptor and farnesoid X receptor activation and the coagulation system are the top canonical pathways. This study enhances knowledge of the blood origin of trout SP proteins and understanding of fish reproductive biology. Our results provide new insight into blood proteins specifically important for fish physiology and innate immunity. The mass spectrometry data are available via ProteomeXchange with the identifier PXD005988 and https://doi.org/10.6019/PXD005988 .  相似文献   

HepG‐2 cells are widely used as a cell model to investigate hepatocellular carcinomas and the effect of anticancer drugs such as doxorubicin, an effective antineoplastic agent, which has broad antitumoral activity against many solid and hematological malignancies. To investigate the effect of doxorubicin on the protein pattern, we used complementary proteomic workflows including 2‐D gel‐based and gel‐free methods. The analysis of crude HepG2 cell extracts by 2‐D DIGE provided data on 1835 protein spots which was then complemented by MS‐centered analysis of stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture‐labeled cells. The monitoring of more than 1300 distinct proteins, including proteins of the membrane fraction provides the most comprehensive overview on the proteome of the widely used model cell line HepG2. Of the proteins monitored in total, 155 displayed doxorubicin‐induced changes in abundance. Functional analysis revealed major influences of doxorubicin on proteins involved in protein synthesis, DNA damage control, electron transport/mitochondrial function, and tumor growth. The strongest decrease in level was found for proteins involved in DNA replication and protein synthesis, whereas proteins with a function in DNA damage control and oxidative stress management displayed increased levels following treatment with doxorubicin compared with control cells. Furthermore, the doxorubicin‐associated increase in levels of multiple forms of keratins 8, 18, and 19 and other structural proteins revealed an influence on the cytoskeleton network.  相似文献   

Summary Oocytes of marine and estuarine teleosts often undergo pronounced volume increases during the maturation phase of development that precedes ovulation and fertilization. To examine the physiological correlates of these volume increases, prematuration follicles of the saltmarsh teleost, Fundulus heteroclitus, were cultured in vitro with a maturation-inducing steroid (17-hydroxy-20-dihydroprogesterone). Mean follicle volume rose significantly (75%) during a 40-h incubation period. Similar to the situation previously found in vivo, uptake of water by the maturing follicle was responsible for this volume increase in vitro, with the water content increasing from 62% to 78% of the total follicle mass. The follicle contents of two probable osmotic effectors-Na+ and K+-also rose, the increase in K+ being twice that of Na+. The influx of K+ even exceeded water uptake, resulting in a net increase in the concentration of this cation. It thus appears that the influx of these cations, in particular K+, is a major cause of the uptake of osmotically obligated water and subsequent volume increase experienced by maturing F. heteroclitus follicles. In a search for operant mechanisms, it was found that follicle hydration, but not maturation, was strictly dependent on external K+ in a concentration-dependent manner. The mechanism by which K+ accumulates in the follicle was insensitive to ouabain, so that a typical Na+, K+-ATPase mechanism does not appear to be involved. The ability of external K+ to promote follicle hydration was gradually lost during the maturation process as the oocyte dissociated from the surrounding granulosa cells in preparation for ovulation. Removal of all associated somatic cells prior to maturation prevented subsequent steroid-initiated hydration but not maturation. The results suggest that K+ may be translocated from surrounding granulosa cells to the oocyte via gap junctions during maturation.Abbreviations GVBD germinal vesicle breakdown  相似文献   

Antibody producing B‐cells are an essential component of the immune system. In contrast to human and mice where B‐cells develop in the bone marrow, chicken B‐cells develop in defined stages in the bursa of Fabricius, a gut associated lymphoid tissue. In order to gain a better understanding of critical biological processes like immigration of B‐cell precursors into the bursa anlage, their differentiation and final emigration from the bursa we analyzed the proteome dynamics of this organ during embryonic and posthatch development. Samples were taken from four representative developmental stages (embryonic day (ED) 10, ED18, day 2, and day 28) and compared in an extensive 2D DIGE approach comprising six biological replicates per time point. Cluster analysis and PCA demonstrated high reliability and reproducibility of the obtained data set and revealed distinctive proteome profiles for the selected time points, which precisely reflect the differentiation processes. One hundred fifty three protein spots with significantly different intensities were identified by MS. We detected alterations in the abundance of several proteins assigned to retinoic acid metabolism (e.g. retinal‐binding protein 5) and the actin‐cytoskeleton (e.g. vinculin and gelsolin). By immunohistochemistry, desmin was identified as stromal cell protein associated with the maturation of B‐cell follicles. Strongest protein expression difference (10.8‐fold) was observed for chloride intracellular channel 2. This protein was thus far not associated with B‐cell biology but our data suggest an important function in bursa B‐cell development.  相似文献   

Kinesin‐2 motors power anterograde intraflagellar transport (IFT), a highly ordered process that assembles and maintains cilia. However, it remains elusive how kinesin‐2 motors are regulated in vivo. Here, we performed forward genetic screens to isolate suppressors that rescue the ciliary defects of OSM‐3‐kinesin (homolog of mammalian homodimeric kinesin‐2 KIF17) mutants in Caenorhabditis elegans. We identified the C. elegans dyf‐5 and dyf‐18, which encode the homologs of mammalian male germ cell‐associated kinase and cell cycle‐related kinase, respectively. Using time‐lapse fluorescence microscopy, we show that DYF‐5 and DYF‐18 are IFT cargo molecules and are enriched at the distal segments of sensory cilia. Mutations of dyf‐5 and dyf‐18 generate elongated cilia and ectopic localization of the heterotrimeric kinesin‐2 (kinesin‐II) at the ciliary distal segments. Genetic analyses reveal that dyf‐5 and dyf‐18 are important for stabilizing the interaction between IFT particles and OSM‐3‐kinesin. Our data suggest that DYF‐5 and DYF‐18 act in the same pathway to promote handover between kinesin‐II and OSM‐3 in sensory cilia.   相似文献   

Apolipoprotein‐D is a glycosylated tetrameric lipocalin that binds and transports small hydrophobic molecules such as progesterone and arachidonic acid. Like other lipocalins, apolipoprotein‐D adopts an eight‐stranded β‐barrel fold stabilized by two intramolecular disulphide bonds, with an adjacent α‐helix. Crystallography studies of recombinant apolipoprotein‐D demonstrated no major conformational changes upon progesterone binding. Amide hydrogen‐deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX‐MS) reports structural changes of proteins in solution by monitoring exchange of amide hydrogens in the protein backbone with deuterium. HDX‐MS detects changes in conformation and structural dynamics in response to protein function such as ligand binding that may go undetected in X‐ray crystallography, making HDX‐MS an invaluable orthogonal technique. Here, we report an HDX‐MS protocol for apolipoprotein‐D that solved challenges of high protein rigidity and low pepsin cleavage using rigorous quenching conditions and longer deuteration times, yielding 85% sequence coverage and 50% deuterium exchange. The relative fractional deuterium exchange of ligand‐free apolipoprotein‐D revealed apolipoprotein‐D to be a highly structured protein. Progesterone binding was detected by significant reduction in deuterium exchange in eight peptides. Stabilization of apolipoprotein‐D dynamics can be interpreted as a combined orthosteric effect in the ligand binding pocket and allosteric effect at the N‐terminus and C‐terminus. Together, our experiments provide insight into apolipoprotein‐D structural dynamics and map the effects of progesterone binding that are relayed to distal parts of the protein. The observed stabilization of apolipoprotein‐D dynamics upon progesterone binding demonstrates a common behaviour in the lipocalin family and may have implications for interactions of apolipoprotein‐D with receptors or lipoprotein particles. Statement: We reveal for the first time how apolipoprotein‐D, which is protective in Alzheimer's disease, becomes more ordered when bound to a molecule of steroid hormone. These results significantly extend the understanding of apolipoprotein‐D structure from X‐ray crystallography studies by incorporating information on how protein motion changes over time. To achieve these results an improved protocol was developed, suitable for proteins similar to apolipoprotein‐D, to elucidate how proteins change flexibility when binding to small molecules.  相似文献   

The storage of packed red blood cells (RBCs) is associated with the development of morphological and biochemical changes leading to a reduced posttransfusion functionality and viability of the cells. Within this study, 2D DIGE and high‐resolution/high‐accuracy Orbitrap MS were used to analyze the storage‐induced changes of the cytosolic RBC proteome and identify characteristic protein patterns and potential marker proteins for the assessment of RBC storage lesions. Leukodepleted RBC concentrates were stored according to standard blood bank conditions for 0, 7, 14, 28, and 42 days and analyzed by using a characterized and validated protocol. Following statistical evaluation, a total of 14 protein spots were found to be significantly altered after 42 days of ex vivo storage. Protein identification was accomplished by tryptic digestion and LC‐MS/MS and three proteins potentially useful as biomarkers for RBC aging comprising transglutaminase 2, beta actin, and copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase were selected and validated by western blot analysis. These can serve as a basis for the development of a screening assay to detect RBC storage lesions and autologous blood doping in sports.  相似文献   

The murine mouse lymphoblastic lymphoma cell line (EL4) tumor model is an established in vivo apoptosis model for the investigation of novel cancer imaging agents and immunological treatments due to the rapid and significant response of the EL4 tumors to cyclophosphamide and etoposide combination chemotherapy. Despite the utility of this model system in cancer research, little is known regarding the molecular details of in vivo tumor cell death. Here, we report the first in‐depth quantitative proteomic analysis of the changes that occur in these tumors upon cyclophosphamide and etoposide treatment in vivo. Using a label‐free quantitative proteomic approach a total of 5838 proteins were identified in the treated and untreated tumors, of which 875 were determined to change in abundance with statistical significance. Initial analysis of the data reveals changes that may have been predicted, such as the downregulation of ribosomes, but demonstrates the robustness of the dataset. Analysis of the dataset also reveals the unexpected downregulation of caspase‐3 and an upregulation of caspase‐6 in addition to a global upregulation of lysosomal proteins in the bulk of the tumor.  相似文献   

Wheat contains three different classes of proteinaceous xylanase inhibitors (XIs), i.e. Triticum aestivum xylanase inhibitors (TAXIs) xylanase‐inhibiting proteins (XIPs), and thaumatin‐like xylanase inhibitors (TLXIs) which are believed to act as a defensive barrier against phytopathogenic attack. In the absence of relevant data in wheat kernels, we here examined the response of the different members of the XI protein population to infection with a ΔTri5 mutant of Fusarium graminearum, the wild type of which is one of the most important wheat ear pathogens, in early developing wheat grain. Wheat ears were inoculated at anthesis, analyzed using 2‐D DIGE and multivariate analysis at 5, 15, and 25 days post anthesis (DPA), and compared with control samples. Distinct abundance patterns could be distinguished for different XI forms in response to infection with F. graminearum ΔTri5. Some (iso)forms were up‐regulated, whereas others were down‐regulated. This pathogen‐specific regulation of proteins was mostly visible at five DPA and levelled off in the samples situated further from the inoculation point. Furthermore, it was shown that most identified TAXI‐ and XIP‐type XI (iso)forms significantly increased in abundance from the milky (15 DPA) to the soft dough stages (25 DPA) on a per kernel basis, although the extent of increase differed greatly. Non‐glycosylated XIP forms increased more strongly than their glycosylated counterparts.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of hybrid vigor (heterosis) has long been harnessed by plant breeders to improve world food production. However, the changes that are essential for heterotic responses and the mechanisms responsible for heterosis remain undefined. Large increases in biomass and yield in high-heterosis hybrids suggest that alterations in bioenergetic processes may contribute to heterosis. Progeny from crosses between various inbred lines vary in the extent of vigor observed. Field-grown maize F(1) hybrids that consistently exhibited either low or high heterosis across a variety of environments were examined for changes in proteins that may be correlated with increased plant vigor and yield. Unpollinated ears at the time of flowering (ear shoots) were selected for the studies because they are metabolically active, rich in mitochondria, and the sizes of the ears are diagnostic of yield heterosis. Total protein and mitochondrial proteomes were compared among low- and higher-heterosis hybrids. Two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis was used to identify allelic and/or isoform differences linked to heterosis. Identification of differentially regulated spots by mass spectrometry revealed proteins involved in stress responses as well as primary carbon and protein metabolism. Many of these proteins were identified in multiple spots, but analysis of their abundances by label-free mass spectrometry suggested that most of the expression differences were due to isoform variation rather than overall protein amount. Thus, our proteomics studies suggest that expression of specific alleles and/or post-translational modification of specific proteins correlate with higher levels of heterosis.  相似文献   

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