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Australia sent a small, mostly naval, deployment to the 1991 Gulf War. When papers and media concerns arose about unexplained Gulf War illnesses in Gulf War troops from other countries, Australia decided to undertake its own study of Australian veterans. Undertaking a later study, more than 10 years after the Gulf War, allowed us to incorporate some methodological improvements on previous research, such as the inclusion of a face-to-face health assessment where more objective health data could be collected in addition to using a postal questionnaire. Despite the different Gulf War experience for the mostly naval Australian group, there were remarkable consistencies in the patterns of multiple symptom reporting found in overseas studies, including the fact that no unique symptom clusters were identified. In general, this excess symptom reporting was not found to occur with excesses in more objective measures of physical health. These objective physical measures included a wide range of haematological, biochemical and serological markers, a physical examination, spirometry and a step test of fatigability. In contrast, several psychological disorders, including anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and substance abuse, were found to occur in excess in the Australian Gulf War group and were associated with Gulf War psychological stressors. These findings have helped raise awareness in Australia of psychological health problems in deployed military personnel.  相似文献   

The authors conducted an extensive search for published works concerning healthcare utilization and mortality among Gulf War veterans of the Coalition forces who served during the 1990-1991 Gulf War. Reports concerning the health experience of US, UK, Canadian, Saudi and Australian veterans were reviewed. This report summarizes 15 years of observations and research in four categories: Gulf War veteran healthcare registry studies, hospitalization studies, outpatient studies and mortality studies. A total of 149728 (19.8%) of 756373 US, UK, Canadian and Australian Gulf War veterans received health registry evaluations revealing a vast number of symptoms and clinical conditions but no suggestion that a new unique illness was associated with service during the Gulf War. Additionally, no Gulf War exposure was uniquely implicated as a cause for post-war morbidity. Numerous large, controlled studies of US Gulf War veterans' hospitalizations, often involving more than a million veterans, have been conducted. They revealed an increased post-war risk for mental health diagnoses, multi-symptom conditions and musculoskeletal disorders. Again, these data failed to demonstrate that Gulf War veterans suffered from a unique Gulf War-related illness. The sparsely available ambulatory care reports documented that respiratory and gastrointestinal complaints were quite common during deployment. Using perhaps the most reliable data, controlled mortality studies have revealed that Gulf War veterans were at increased risk of injuries, especially those due to vehicular accidents. In general, healthcare utilization data are now exhausted. These findings have now been incorporated into preventive measures in support of current military forces. With a few diagnostic exceptions such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, mental disorders and cancer, it now seems time to cease examining Gulf War veteran morbidity and to direct future research efforts to preventing illness among current and future military personnel.  相似文献   

Concerns about unexplained illnesses among veterans of the 1991 Gulf War appeared soon after that conflict ended. Many environmental causes have been suggested, including possible exposure to depleted uranium munitions, vaccines and other drugs used to protect troops, deliberate or accidental exposure to chemical warfare agents and pesticides and smoke from oil-well fires. To help resolve these issues, US and UK governments have sought independent expert scientific advice from prestigious, independent scientific and public health experts, including the US National Academies of Science and the UK Royal Society and Medical Research Council. Their authoritative and independent scientific and medical reviews shed light on a wide range of Gulf War environmental hazards. However, they have added little to our understanding of Gulf War veterans' illnesses, because identified health effects have been previously well characterized, primarily in the occupational health literature. This effort has not identified any new health effects or unique syndromes associated with the evaluated environmental hazards. Nor do their findings provide an explanation for significant amounts of illnesses among veterans of the 1991 Gulf War. Nevertheless, these independent and highly credible scientific reviews have proven to be an effective means for evaluating potential health effects from deployment-related environmental hazards.  相似文献   

Epidemiologic studies can play a central role in risk assessments. They are used in all risk assessment phases: hazard identification, dose-response, and exposure assessment. Epidemiologic studies have often been the first to show that a particular environmental exposure is a hazard to health. They have numerous advantages with respect to other sources of data which are used in risk assessments, the most important being that they do not require the assumption that they are generalizable to humans. For this reason, fewer and lower uncertainty factors may be appropriate in risk characterization based on epidemiologic studies. Unfortunately, epidemiologic studies have numerous problems, the most important being that the exposures are often not precisely measured. This article presents in detail the advantages of and problems with epidemiologic studies. It discusses two approaches to ensure their usefulness, biomarkers and an ordinance which requires baseline and subsequent surveillance of possible exposures and health effects from newly sited potentially polluting facilities. Biomarkers are biochemical measures of exposure, susceptibility factors, or preclinical pathological changes. Biomarkers are a way of dealing with the problems of poor measures, differential susceptibility and lack of early measures of disease occurrence that inherent in many environmental epidemiologic studies. The advantages of biomarkers is they can provide objective information on exposure days, months or even years later and evidence of pathology perhaps years earlier. The ordinance makes possible the use of a powerful epidemiologic study design, the prospective cohort study, where confounder(s) are best measured, and exposures, pathological changes, and health effects can be detected as soon as possible.  相似文献   

Human exposure to environmental contaminants occurs via air, water, soil, dust, food, and other environmental media. Given this multitude of sources, environmental exposure assessment is moving away from single route exposure assessment to more integrated measures of exposure. Biological markers are frequently advocated as appropriate exposure assessment tools since they provide a measure of internal dose integrated over all routes of exposure. However, contributing sources may be difficult to identify through use of biological markers, and thus, have had limited utility in the regulatory community. To explore the different perspectives on the use and application of biological markers for exposure assessors, epidemiologists, and regulatory personnel, we have developed a biological marker conceptual framework. This framework is developed as a paradigm for the interpretation of biological markers for environmental exposure assessment linking the exposure assessment and the health effects assessment perspectives regarding biological markers. Further, it incorporates issues of source-specific exposures, aggregate exposure assessment, route-specific contributions, and biological variation in response to exposure. This structure provides an approach to explore the current constraints in using biological markers to evaluate source-specific exposures. This framework is discussed in the context of currently available biological markers for lead, carbon monoxide, and toluene. Biological markers represent a complex tool to assess human exposures to environmental contaminants; the biological marker framework presents a structure for their interpretation recognizing that many of the determinants of exposure, bioavailablity, and toxicokinetics are still being evaluated. The conceptual framework presented here provides another tool for the researcher in assessing the utility of biological markers in exposure assessment and epidemiology.  相似文献   

The relationship between occupational exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields and adult leukaemia has been studied extensively during the last decade. The first studies were based on crude exposure assessments, estimated through job titles, with no or only limited control of confounding factors. The results were often inconsistent, indicating no effects in about 50% of the studies, while the other half showed only small to moderate effects. Concern has been raised that crude exposure-assessment methods might have diluted the effect estimates, and that improvement of the methods used for exposure assessment would result in more consistent associations. The present review emphasises the latest studies with considerably improved exposure assessments, as well as the control of confounding factors. Results from studies where exposure was assessed through measurements of the magnetic fields at the workplace are still inconsistent. These studies provide some support for the hypothesis of an association between magnetic field exposure and adult leukaemia, especially for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, but inconsistencies between and within studies weaken the evidence. The lack of consistency regarding the type of leukaemia associated with magnetic field exposure might be explained by differences between the study designs or the populations studied, but based on the existing evidence, no firm conclusions can be drawn. Received: 23 February 1996 / Accepted in revised form: 21 June 1996  相似文献   

In this review we summarize the scientific literature on reproductive health following deployment to the first Gulf war by armed service personnel. All the studies examined had methodological limitations, making interpretation difficult. Nonetheless we conclude that for male veterans there is no strong or consistent evidence to date for an effect of service in the first Gulf war on the risk of major, clearly defined, birth defects or stillbirth in offspring conceived after deployment. Effects on specific rare defects cannot be excluded at this stage since none of the studies had the statistical power to examine them. For miscarriage and infertility, there is some evidence of small increased risks associated with service, but the role of bias is likely to be strong. For female veterans, there is insufficient information to make robust conclusions, although the weight of evidence to date does not indicate any major problem associated specifically with deployment to the Gulf. None of the studies have been able to examine risk according particular exposures, and so possible associations with specific exposures for smaller groups of exposed veterans cannot be excluded.We suggest that the way forward to address the question of veterans' reproductive health with confidence in the future is prospective surveillance following deployment. Anything less will result in further problems of interpretation and continued anxiety for parents, as well as prospective parents, in the armed forces.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Industrial hygienists' assessments of prenatal occupational exposures based on parental job histories is a promising approach for population-based case-control studies of birth defects and other perinatal outcomes. However, evaluations of inter-rater agreement of such assessments have been limited. METHODS: We examined inter-rater agreement of occupational lead exposure assessments of maternal job reports by industrial hygienists in a population-based case-control study of parental occupational lead exposure and low birth weight. A total of 178 jobs with potential exposure to lead during the 6 months before pregnancy to the end of pregnancy were examined. Three industrial hygienists evaluated these jobs independently for exposure to lead including probability of exposure, type of exposure, route of entry, exposure frequency, duration, and intensity. Inter-rater agreement of these assessments beyond chance was evaluated using the kappa statistic (kappa). RESULTS: In general, inter-rater agreement was greater for assessment of direct exposures than assessment of indirect exposures. However, inter-rater agreement varied with the lead exposure metric under consideration, being: 1) fair to good for type of direct exposure (i.e., inorganic or organic), respiratory exposure and frequency of exposure to direct inorganic lead, hours per day of direct (i.e., inorganic or organic), and intensity of direct inorganic exposure; 2) poor for probability and type of indirect exposure (inorganic or organic); and 3) indeterminate for frequency of direct organic exposure, frequency of indirect exposures (organic or inorganic), and intensity of direct exposures (organic or inorganic). CONCLUSION: Retrospective assessment of maternal prenatal exposures to lead by industrial hygienists can provide some reliable metrics of exposure for studies of perinatal outcomes. Reliability studies of such exposure assessments may be useful for: quantifying the reliability of derived exposure metrics; identifying exposure metrics for exposure-outcome analyses; and determining the reliability of prenatal occupational exposures to other agents of interest.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Gulf War veterans (GWVs) have expressed concern about possible teratogenic exposures. However, epidemiologic studies on birth defects prevalence among their progeny have been limited to military hospitals, anomalies diagnosed among newborns, or self-reported data. To measure the prevalence of selected birth defects among infants of GWVs and nondeployed veterans (NDVs) in Hawaii, using birth defects surveillance records. METHODS: Personal identifiers of 684,645 GWVs and 1,587,102 NDVs and their families were matched against birth certificate records of 99,545 live births reported to the State of Hawaii Department of Health between 1989 and 1993 to identify births to military personnel. These births were matched with records from the Hawaii Birth Defects Program. RESULTS: A total of 17,182 military infants (3,717 GWV infants and 13,465 NDV infants) were identified. Of these, 367 infants (2.14/100 live births) were identified with one or more of 48 major birth defects diagnoses. The prevalence of the 48 birth defects were similar for GWV and NDV infants during the prewar and postwar periods, and among GWV infants who were conceived before and after the Gulf war. CONCLUSIONS: The results must be interpreted with caution because of the small number of affected infants in each birth defects category. This study demonstrated the feasibility of measuring birth defects prevalence among military infants through multiple data linkage. Further, it included live births to parents who had separated from the military, births in civilian hospitals, and birth defects diagnosed through the first year of life.  相似文献   

Biomarkers are becoming increasingly important in toxicology and human health. Many research groups are carrying out studies to develop biomarkers of exposure to chemicals and apply these for human monitoring. There is considerable interest in the use and application of biomarkers to identify the nature and amounts of chemical exposures in occupational and environmental situations. Major research goals are to develop and validate biomarkers that reflect specific exposures and permit the prediction of the risk of disease in individuals and groups. One important objective is to prevent human cancer. This review presents a commentary and consensus views about the major developments on biomarkers for monitoring human exposure to chemicals. A particular emphasis is on monitoring exposures to carcinogens. Significant developments in the areas of new and existing biomarkers, analytical methodologies, validation studies and field trials together with auditing and quality assessment of data are discussed. New developments in the relatively young field of toxicogenomics possibly leading to the identification of individual susceptibility to both cancer and non-cancer endpoints are also considered. The construction and development of reliable databases that integrate information from genomic and proteomic research programmes should offer a promising future for the application of these technologies in the prediction of risks and prevention of diseases related to chemical exposures. Currently adducts of chemicals with macromolecules are important and useful biomarkers especially for certain individual chemicals where there are incidences of occupational exposure. For monitoring exposure to genotoxic compounds protein adducts, such as those formed with haemoglobin, are considered effective biomarkers for determining individual exposure doses of reactive chemicals. For other organic chemicals, the excreted urinary metabolites can also give a useful and complementary indication of exposure for acute exposures. These methods have revealed ‘backgrounds’ in people not knowingly exposed to chemicals and the sources and significance of these need to be determined, particularly in the context of their contribution to background health risks.  相似文献   

Biomarkers are becoming increasingly important in toxicology and human health. Many research groups are carrying out studies to develop biomarkers of exposure to chemicals and apply these for human monitoring. There is considerable interest in the use and application of biomarkers to identify the nature and amounts of chemical exposures in occupational and environmental situations. Major research goals are to develop and validate biomarkers that reflect specific exposures and permit the prediction of the risk of disease in individuals and groups. One important objective is to prevent human cancer. This review presents a commentary and consensus views about the major developments on biomarkers for monitoring human exposure to chemicals. A particular emphasis is on monitoring exposures to carcinogens. Significant developments in the areas of new and existing biomarkers, analytical methodologies, validation studies and field trials together with auditing and quality assessment of data are discussed. New developments in the relatively young field of toxicogenomics possibly leading to the identification of individual susceptibility to both cancer and non-cancer endpoints are also considered. The construction and development of reliable databases that integrate information from genomic and proteomic research programmes should offer a promising future for the application of these technologies in the prediction of risks and prevention of diseases related to chemical exposures. Currently adducts of chemicals with macromolecules are important and useful biomarkers especially for certain individual chemicals where there are incidences of occupational exposure. For monitoring exposure to genotoxic compounds protein adducts, such as those formed with haemoglobin, are considered effective biomarkers for determining individual exposure doses of reactive chemicals. For other organic chemicals, the excreted urinary metabolites can also give a useful and complementary indication of exposure for acute exposures. These methods have revealed 'backgrounds' in people not knowingly exposed to chemicals and the sources and significance of these need to be determined, particularly in the context of their contribution to background health risks.  相似文献   

The risk of cancer after diagnostic X-rays received as fetus or during early childhood has been investigated in many studies. The results of recent epidemiological studies are summarized in a present systematic review. The strategies for literature search, inclusion criteria, and items for study quality assessment were defined in the study protocol. All epidemiological case control and cohort studies published in English between 1990 and 2006 that reported at least the size of the study population and risk estimates were included. Results were summarized separately for pre- and postnatal exposure and for each cancer site. Nineteen case control studies and six cohort studies matched the inclusion criteria. No association of leukemia with prenatal exposures was observed in nine case control studies. Heterogeneous results were found for postnatal exposures and leukemia in four studies. No significant effect of pre- and postnatal X-ray exposure was observed for other cancer sites (non-Hodgkin lymphomas, solid tumors and brain tumors). Most studies have limitations in study design, study size, or exposure measurement, and involve very low exposures. These results thus do not contradict previous evidence accumulated since 1956 indicating risk increases associated with prenatal X-ray exposure. Computed tomography is not covered in the studies and needs to be investigated in the future.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Concerns have been raised that more infants with Goldenhar syndrome were born to U.S. Gulf War veterans than expected. Goldenhar syndrome is considered a variant of the malformation hemifacial microsomia (HFM). We used data collected from a case-control study of HFM to estimate risk in relation to parental military service and, in particular, Gulf War service. METHODS: Cases with HFM who were three years old or younger were identified at craniofacial clinics in 24 U.S. cities and matched to controls by age and pediatrician. The mothers of 232 cases and 832 controls were interviewed between April 1996 and November 2002 about pregnancy events and exposures, including military service before the child was born and Gulf War deployment five to 11 years before the child was born. Odds ratios were adjusted for family income, race, and body mass index in early pregnancy. RESULTS: Four (1.7%) case mothers and 10 (1.2%) control mothers served in the military. Among fathers, 30 (12.9%) cases and 100 (12.0%) controls served in the military. The parents of four (1.7%) cases and 23 (2.8%) controls served in the Gulf War (multivariate adjusted odds ratio [MVOR], 0.8; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.3-2.3). All four case parents with Gulf War service were in the Army compared to 9 of 23 control parents. The MVOR for parental Gulf War service in the Army was 2.8 (95% CI, 0.8-9.6). The corresponding MVOR for any parental service in the Army was 2.4 (95% CI, 1.4-4.2), based on 22 cases and 45 controls. CONCLUSIONS: The risk of HFM in offspring was not associated with parental service in the Gulf War five to 11 years before birth. The odds ratio for service in the Army was independent of Gulf War service and was associated with a modest increase in risk. Our findings for service in the Army may be confounded by unmeasured lifestyle factors.  相似文献   

The State of Kuwait oil fires and military operations associated with the 1991 Gulf War resulted in substantially increased levels of airborne particulate matter (PM) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) during 1991 and 1992. Using quantitative risk assessment methodology, this article estimates the increase in premature deaths in citizens of the KSA associated with the Gulf War–related increase in PM air pollution levels. Meta-analysis of daily time-series studies of non-accidental mortality associated with increased PM10 levels using two alternative methodologies yielded exposure-response relative risk functions of 2.7% and 3.5% per 50 μ g/m3 increase in PM10 concentration. Combining these exposure-response functions with estimates of the magnitude and duration of the increased PM10 exposure, the size of the exposed population and baseline mortality rates provided an estimate of approximately 1,080 to 1,370 excess non-accidental deaths of Saudi citizens during 1991–1992 associated with the Gulf War–related increase in PM levels.  相似文献   

The assessment of risk from environmental and occupational exposures incorporates and synthesizes data from a variety of scientific disciplines including toxicology and epidemiology. Epidemiological data have offered valuable contributions to the identification of human health hazards, estimation of human exposures, quantification of the exposure–response relation, and characterization of risks to specific target populations including sensitive populations. As with any scientific discipline, there are some uncertainties inherent in these data; however, the best human health risk assessments utilize all available information, characterizing strengths and limitations as appropriate. Human health risk assessors evaluating environmental and occupational exposures have raised concerns about the validity of using epidemiological data for risk assessment due to actual or perceived study limitations. This article highlights three concerns commonly raised during the development of human health risk assessments of environmental and occupational exposures: (a) error in the measurement of exposure, (b) potential confounding, and (c) the interpretation of non-linear or non-monotonic exposure–response data. These issues are often the content of scientific disagreement and debate among the human health risk assessment community, and we explore how these concerns may be contextualized, addressed, and often ameliorated.  相似文献   

Explanatory models for the increased prevalence of ill health in Gulf veterans compared to those not deployed to the Gulf War 1990-1991 remain elusive. This article addresses whether multi-symptom reporting in Gulf veterans are types of medically unexplained symptoms and whether the alleged Gulf War Syndrome is best understood as a medically unexplained syndrome. A review of the epidemiological studies, overwhelmingly cross-sectional, describing ill health was conducted including those that used factor analysis to search for underlying or latent clinical constructs. The overwhelming evidence was that symptoms in Gulf veterans were either in keeping with currently defined psychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety or were medically unexplained. The application of factor analysis methods had varied widely with a risk of over interpretation in some studies and limiting the validity of their findings. We concluded that ill health in Gulf veterans and the alleged Gulf War Syndrome is best understood within the medically unexplained symptoms and syndromes constructs. The cause of increased reporting in Gulf veterans are still not clear and requires further inquiry into the interaction between sociological factors and symptomatic distress.  相似文献   

Epidemiologic studies have been effective in identifying human environmental and occupational hazards. However, most epidemiologic data has been difficult to use in quantitative risk assessments because of the vague specification of exposure and dose. Toxicologic animal studies have used applied doses (quantities administered, or exposures with fixed duration) and well characterized end points to determine effects. However, direct use of animal data in human risk assessment has been limited by uncertainties in the extrapolation. The applied dose paradigm of toxicology is not suited for cross species extrapolation, nor for use in epidemiology as a dose metric because of the complexity of human exposures. Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling can estimate the time course of tissue concentrations in humans, given an exposure-time profile, and it has been used for extrapolating findings from animals to humans. It is proposed that human PBPK modeling can be used in appropriately designed epidemiologic studies to estimate tissue concentrations. Secondly, tissue time courses can be used to form dose metrics based on the type and time course of adverse effects. These dose metrics will strengthen the determination of epidemiologic dose-response relationships by reducing misclassification. Findings from this approach can be readily integrated into quantitative risk assessment.  相似文献   

Conflicting results have recently emerged from human provocation studies that addressed the possible health hazards of radio frequency (RF) field exposure from mobile phones. Different findings may have resulted from exposures that are poorly defined and difficult to compare. The aim of this study was to develop guidelines to facilitate the development of exposure systems for human volunteer studies which lead to reproducible results and which provide maximum relevance with respect to the assessment of the safety of mobile technology. The most important exposure parameters are discussed such as the signal, field distribution, and field strength, as well as the minimum requirements for the setup and dosimetry.  相似文献   

One candidate cause of Gulf War illness is vaccination against infectious diseases including medical counter-measures against biological weapons. One influential theory has suggested that such mass-vaccination caused a shift in immune response to a Type 2 cytokine pattern (Th2), which it was suggested was accompanied by a chronic fatigue syndrome-like illness. This article critically appraises this theory. We start by examining epidemiological evidence, which indicates that single vaccines are unlikely to be a substantial cause of Gulf War illness, but that there was a modest relationship with multiple vaccines, which was strongest in those vaccinated while deployed to the Gulf. These relationships may be affected by recall bias. We conclude by examining the results of immunological studies carried out in veterans or in a relevant setting in vitro. The balance of evidence from immunological studies on veterans returning from the War, including those developing multi-symptom illness, is that the immune response has not become polarized towards Th2. In summary, the epidemiological evidence for a multiple vaccine effect on Gulf War-related illness remains a potentially important aetiological lead, but mechanistic studies available at this stage do not identify any immunological basis for it.  相似文献   

The classification of jobs or workers by exposure is an important undertaking in any occupational epidemiological study. Hitherto, the exposure classification designs have been strongly motivated by a desire to generate a sufficient number of exposure classes for the determination of a potential exposure-response relationship. Thus, the partitioning of exposures has been more or less arbitrary. The misclassification problems created by the selection of an arbitrary number of exposure assignment classes have not been addressed. In any quantitative exposure classification scheme, specific job titles may be indistinguishable in existing employment records; therefore, between worker variability must be addressed when characterizing worker exposures. Also, industrial hygiene exposure measurements frequently used to characterize worker exposures are often treated as valid representations of exposures; but they are neither random nor systematic evaluations of worker exposures. As a result they do not represent sampling from the proper exposure stratification of workers. These observations suggest that the selection of exposure groups should be based on a more rigorous examination of the data and its limitations. Considering the probability of any given worker being placed into the proper class as the probability of finding the mean exposure for that worker within the class boundary, the general equations to quantify the misclassification rates for any classification design as well as the exposure class limits and their width for any acceptable misclassification rate are developed. If between worker variability could not be calculated from the available exposure measurements, then it might be estimated from the proper data compiled from the literature. By considering an acceptable level of exposure misclassification, it is possible to calculate the allowable number of exposure classes and the proper partitioning ratio for these classes. Thus, the trade-off between misclassification and number of exposure classes might be a satisfactory solution to this difficulty encountered in occupational epidemiology.  相似文献   

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