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Environmental control of flowering time in Antirrhinum majus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of different environmental conditions on flowering time and the number of leaves produced before the first flower is formed has been investigated in Antirrhinum majus L. The effect of light quality has been tested by decreasing the red/far‐red ratio, generally resulting in a reduced flowering time and leaf number. Furthermore, it could be shown that photoperiod, temperature and light intensity are inversely correlated with flowering time and leaf number. However, lowering the temperature from 15 to 12°C resulted in a reduction of flowering time. This observation shows that Antirrhinum can be vernalised.
Using defined combinations of the four environmental factors we have been able to reduce flowering time to only 42 days or to delay flowering for at least 2 years. The results obtained allow an optimisation of the screening conditions for identifying flowering time mutants in Antirrhinum .  相似文献   

Hairy roots were produced following the co-cultivation of Agrobacteriumrhizogenes cells with hypocotyls of five varieties of Antirrhinummajus. The use of a strain containing a binary plasmid withT-DNA bearing the ß-glucuronidase reporter gene resultedin the co-transformation of some root clones. Regeneration ofshoots from hairy roots occurred only with variety Golden Monarch.Regenerated plants, some of which were GUS-positive, exhibitedthe abnormal morphology common among hairy root regenerants;they were dwarfed, had an altered leaf shape, a poor root systemand were very delayed in their flowering. Attempts to allowsegregation of the two introduced T-DNAs during crossing ofprimary co-transformants with wild-type plants were not successfulsince all GUS-positive progeny possessed the abnormal morphology.However, ‘semi-dwarf’ plants with morphology muchmore similar to wild-type were produced by the vegetative propagationof selected side-shoots from the transformants. Key words: Antirrhinum, Agrobacterium rhizogenes, transformation, hairy roots  相似文献   

Summary Up to now Antirrhinum was classified as a typical example for a uniparentalmaternal inheritance of the plastids. However, the findings reported here prove that also the male gametophyte of Antirrhinum may occasionally transmit plastids into the egg. This conclusion is based on genetic experiments involving a form of the plastom mutant prasinizans which is described as gelbgrüne prasinizans. In contrast to all other plastid mutations known in Antirrhinum majus this mutant originated in Sippe 50 is completely viable. In plants containing plastids of this mutant type only, the mutant character is manifested during early growth stages. Cotyledons and first foliage leaves which are initially white or white yellow, slowly turn green and become indistinguishable from normal Sippe 50. Reciprocal crosses of green Sippe 50 with gelbgrüne prasinizans gave few variegated descendants; the others were exclusively plants identical with the maternal parent as far as leaf colour is concerned (Table). The variegated individuals cannot be gene mutants since selfing and crossing experiments showed non-mendelian inheritance. Furthermore it could be ruled out that in the cross Sippe 50 x gelbgrüne prasinizans the three variegated descendants represent spontaneous new plastom mutants because the pale tissue in these plants turned green in the same way as the paternal parent. Because of the typical greening of this mutant and since plastid mutations could be ruled out we have to conclude that plastids were transmitted by the pollen parent into the egg. There these plastids multiplied together with the maternal plastids giving rise to the chimeras after sorting-out of the two plastid types. This interpretation is supported by the observation of mixed cells in tissues where the leaf variegation is finely mosaiced. The results were possible only because the plastids of the pollen parent can be unequivocally recognised.  相似文献   

The male gametophyte of higher plants represents an excellent system to study gene regulation, cell fate determination and cellular differentiation in plants because of its relative simplicity compared to the sporophyte and its accessibility for cytological and molecular analysis. Unicellular plant microspores are single haploid cells, which can be isolated in large amounts at a defined developmental stage. Microspores cultured in vitro in a rich medium develop into mature pollen grains, which are fertile upon pollination in vivo. It is reported here that isolated Antirrhinum majus microspores when cultured in an optimal medium develop to form mature, fertile pollen. Their development closely resembled that of pollen formed in vivo. Isolated microspores were bombarded with Aquorea victoria Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP), Discosoma Red Fluorescent Protein (dsRFP) and beta-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter genes under the control of various promoters and transient expression was observed throughout pollen development in vitro. Bombarded and not bombarded in vitro-matured pollen grains were able to germinate both in vitro and on receptive stigmas and to set seed. The protocol of maturation, transient transformation and germination of Antirrhinum majus pollen in vitro described here provides a valuable tool for basic and applied research.  相似文献   

We describe two novel ways in which changes in gene expression in Antirrhinum majus may arise as a consequence of the Tam3 transposition mechanism. One involves excision of Tam3 from the nivea gene promoter and insertion of two new Tam3 copies 3.4 kb and 2.1 kb away, on either side of the excision site. One of the new insertions is in the nivea coding region and completely blocks production of an active gene product. This allele probably arose by a symmetrical double transposition, following chromosome replication. The second case involves a small deletion at one end of Tam3 in the pallida gene, flanked by a sequence typical of a Tam3 excision footprint. This suggests that the end of Tam3 was cleaved at an early step in an attempted transposition and re-ligated back to its original flanking sequence. The alteration restores some expression to the pallida gene, suggesting that the ends of the intact Tam3 element contain components which can actively inhibit gene expression. The implications of these findings for the mechanism of Tam3 transposition and for the effects of Tam3 on host gene expression are discussed.  相似文献   

Molecular cytogenetic characterization of the Antirrhinum majus genome   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Zhang D  Yang Q  Bao W  Zhang Y  Han B  Xue Y  Cheng Z 《Genetics》2005,169(1):325-335
As a model system in classical plant genetics, the genus Antirrhinum has been well studied, especially in gametophytic self-incompatibility, flower development biology, and transposon-induced mutation. In contrast to the advances in genetic and molecular studies, little is known about Antirrhinum cytogenetics. In this study, we isolated two tandem repetitive sequences, CentA1 and CentA2, from the centromeric regions of Antirrhinum chromosomes. A standard karyotype has been established by anchoring these centromeric repeats on meiotic pachytene chromosome using FISH. An ideogram based on the DAPI-staining pattern of pachytene chromosomes was developed to depict the distribution of heterochromatin in the Antirrhinum majus genome. To integrate the genetic and chromosomal maps, we selected one or two molecular markers from each linkage group to screen an Antirrhinum transformation-competent artificial chromosome (TAC) library. These genetically anchored TAC clones were labeled as FISH probes to hybridize to pachytene chromosomes of A. majus. As a result, the relationship between chromosomes and the linkage groups (LGs) in Antirrhinum has been established.  相似文献   

New pigmentation mutants were generated by transposon mutagenesis in Antirrhinum majus, in three previously described loci, nivea, delila and incolorata, and two new loci, daphne and olive. The wild-type olive gene is required for the production of dark-green leaves, and the daphne gene for the synthesis of flavones. Five out of the six mutants were both germinally and somatically unstable, indicating that they resulted from transposon insertions. Molecular analysis of the mutant at nivea (niv-600) showed that it was caused by insertion of a new transposon, Tam4. The sequence of Tam4 suggests that it is unable to transpose autonomously and that it is related to Tam1 and Tam2. All three of these transposons have identical inverted repeats, produce 3 bp target duplications, leave similar excision footprints and share at one end a 600-700 bp region containing many palindromic copies of a motif sequence, possibly required in cis for transposition. The somatic excision of Tam4 in niv-600 is at a very low rate compared to germinal excision but it can be activated by crossing to lines carrying derivative alleles of a Tam1 insertion at niv. Molecular analysis of four different pigmentation mutants has shown that insertions of Tam1, Tam2, Tam3 and Tam4 have been obtained, illustrating the potential of general transposon mutagenesis for trapping and isolating new transposons as well as for tagging genes.  相似文献   

金鱼草下胚轴不同部位切段形态发生能力的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金鱼草(AntirhinummajusL.)下胚轴不同部位切段的形态发生能力有很大差异。在外源添加BA,NAA的情况下,金鱼草下胚轴近基部切段培养物的芽、根发生明显高于其上各部位切段,以近基部切段为外植体培养时,其形态发生能力以BA和NAA配合为好,最适剂量为BA10mg/L+NAA015mg/L。  相似文献   

Summary The experiment described in this paper was designed to measure some of the genotype-environment interactions in Antirrhinum majus and the emphasis has been upon characters which are of economic importance. — Seven F1 hybrids were grown in 27 different environmental conditions, consisting of 3 levels of nitrogen and 9 sowing dates. Analysis of variance followed by regression analysis and the partitioning of the variation into its genetic, environmental and interacting components were employed. — The practical applications of these methods by the grower and plant breeder, are discussed.On postdoctoral leave from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  相似文献   

Summary Abnormal segregation of the recessive character squamosa in the progeny of an X-rayed pure line is due to the action of a specific suppressor and besides that a lethal factor, both linked to the squa-locus, the order being approximately squa-20%-let-24%-sup squa . As a consequence in X3 and X4 squamosa-individuals sometimes produce about 25% normal plants, if the lethal is absent, and about 31%, if it is present, while normal individuals may produce about 25% squamosa or 31% respectively. By crossing over 9 genotypes may arise, each giving a specific segregation-ratio.As the original order of the genes in X1 was established to have been Squa+s/squa let S, only squa may have originated by X-radiation, while the suppressor sup squa is assumed to have been present in the untreated egg-cell. A combination of mutant genes closely linked to a lethal and a suppressor is liable to detected for some time. This model gives a good heterozygeous condition without being detected for some time. This model gives a good explantation for the specific mutation spectra formerly established in different sub-lines of Antirrhinum majus. As Sippe 50 containes a series of suppressors and mutator genes as well, some attention should be directed to its RNS-metabolism.  相似文献   

植物萜烯类化合物合成主要通过MVA和MEP途径,这些萜烯类化合物在植物生长、发育过程发挥着重要作用,萜烯类化合物在植物花香挥发成分中占有大比率.3-羟基-3-甲基戊二酰辅酶A合成酶基因(HMGS)是MVA途径中的关键酶基因,该酶作用主要是催化底物乙酰辅酶A和乙酰乙酰辅酶A生成3-羟基-3-甲基戊二酰辅酶A(HMG-CoA),是合成萜烯类化合物的前体限速酶.本研究以'马里兰'金鱼草(Antirrhinum majus'Maryland')为材料,克隆AmHMGS,基因全长1 383 bp,编码460个氨基酸,时空和组织特异性RT-qPCR表达分析表明,AmHMGS基因在花中表达量显著高于根茎叶;初开期的表达量最高;在盛花期的不同花器官中,AmHMGS基因在雄蕊和上瓣中表达量最高,与其它花器官中的表达量差异显著.用茉莉酸抑制剂不同浓度的菲尼酮处理盛开期金鱼草花瓣,RT-qPCR分析HMGS基因表达量结果表明,菲尼酮处理后能抑制该基因的表达.本研究的结果为明确AmHMGS基因在金鱼草中的表达模式,为今后研究该基因的功能及其在金鱼草花香释放中的信号作用奠定基础.  相似文献   

A broadly applicable method for the successful induction of root systems in a number of cultivars of A. majus has been determined. This involves a double filter-paper bridge with a liquid medium for root induction and allows the transfer of culture-grown plantlets to a glasshouse environment with minimal disturbance to the plant as a whole. 100% survival of transferred plantlets has been achieved with the inclusion of a few simple precautions upon shoot transfer and during the initial stages of plant establishment in vivo.  相似文献   

Nine varieties of Antirrhinum majus L. have been used in a study of in vitro multiplication of plants using shoot-tip culture. Acceptable multiplication rates were obtained in several media with only variety Victory showing significantly lower rates of shoot production. Wounded shoots of this variety produced callus in the absence of added auxin and some of this callus produced prolific roots.  相似文献   

Somaclone production in Antirrhinum majus plants by regeneration of plants from callus cultures has been achieved using three types of explant tissue. Regeneration from mature stem internode-derived callus was extremely poor. Callus derived from seedling shoot tips could be induced to form new shoots in six of seven cultivars tested. Regeneration was achieved in all seven cultivars when callus was produced from segments of hypocotyl and was most effective using agar-solidified medium containing 0.25 mgl-1 naphthoxyacetic acid + 10% coconut milk. In this case, five of the cultivars produced shoots directly, one produced leaves from the petioles of which new shoots emerged, and one regenerated plants chiefly through the production of embryoids.  相似文献   

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