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Melatonin, the major pineal hormone, modulates growth in poultry by influencing hormones involved in growth. We investigated the effects of dietary melatonin supplementation on performance, carcass characteristics, and excretion of nitrogen and some minerals in broiler Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) exposed to high-ambient-temperature stress (34°C). One hundred twenty Japanese quails (10 d old) were randomly assigned to 4 treatment groups, 3 replicates of 10 birds each. The birds were kept in either an environment-controlled room at a constant 22°C or were kept at 22°C for 16 h/d and at 34°C for 8 h/d (9:00 am to 5:00 pm). At both temperatures birds were fed either a basal diet or the basal diet supplemented with 40 mg of melatonin per kilogram of diet. The experiment lasted for 32 d. Melatonin improved feed efficiency in both temperatures groups compared with their corresponding controls. Although feed intake was similar in all groups, the improvement in feed efficiency was more noticable in melatonin-fed quails kept at high temperature (p<0.01). Supplemental melatonin significantly increased live weight gain and carcass characteristics under stress conditions (p<0.01) but did not show the same effect at thermoneutral conditions (p>0.05). Heat exposure increased excretion of N, Ca, P, Zn, Fe, and Cr and decreased retention rates for them. Dietary melatonin supplementation returned these values to normal (p<0.01). No interactions between melatonin and temperature were found in the parameters measured. The results of the study show that melatonin supplementation attenuated the retardation in performance as well as the excretion of minerals caused by heat stress in broiler quails. Our data suggest that melatonin might offer protection against heat-stress-related depression in the performance of broiler quails.  相似文献   

A joint growth-carcass analysis was conducted to develop equations for predicting carcass quality traits associated with variation in growth path of crossbred cattle. During a four-year period (1994-1997) of the Australian "Southern Crossbreeding Project", mature Hereford cows (r = 581) were mated to 97 sires of Jersey, Wagyu, Angus, Hereford, South Devon, Limousin, and Belgian Blue breeds, resulting in 1141 calves. Data included body weight measurements of steers and heifers from birth until slaughter and four carcass quality traits: hot standard carcass weight, rump fat depth, rib eye muscle area, and intramuscular fat content. The model provides nine outputs: median and mean of carcass quality traits, predicted means, and lower and upper confidence intervals, as well as predicted intervals of carcass quality traits (95%) and economic values for domestic market and export markets. Input to the model consists of sex, sire breeds, age (in days)-weight (kg) pairs and slaughter age (500 days for heifer and 700 days for steers). The prediction model is able to accommodate different sexes across seven sire breeds and various management groups at any slaughter age. Its strength lies in its simplicity and flexibility, desirable to accommodate producers with different management schemes. In general, fat depth and intramuscular fat were found to be more affected by differences in growth rate than hot carcass weight and eye muscle area. Also, export market value was more sensitive to growth rate modifications than domestic market value. This model provides a tool by which the producer can estimate the impact of management decisions.  相似文献   



A better understanding of non-additive variance could lead to increased knowledge on the genetic control and physiology of quantitative traits, and to improved prediction of the genetic value and phenotype of individuals. Genome-wide panels of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been mainly used to map additive effects for quantitative traits, but they can also be used to investigate non-additive effects. We estimated dominance and epistatic effects of SNPs on various traits in beef cattle and the variance explained by dominance, and quantified the increase in accuracy of phenotype prediction by including dominance deviations in its estimation.


Genotype data (729 068 real or imputed SNPs) and phenotypes on up to 16 traits of 10 191 individuals from Bos taurus, Bos indicus and composite breeds were used. A genome-wide association study was performed by fitting the additive and dominance effects of single SNPs. The dominance variance was estimated by fitting a dominance relationship matrix constructed from the 729 068 SNPs. The accuracy of predicted phenotypic values was evaluated by best linear unbiased prediction using the additive and dominance relationship matrices. Epistatic interactions (additive × additive) were tested between each of the 28 SNPs that are known to have additive effects on multiple traits, and each of the other remaining 729 067 SNPs.


The number of significant dominance effects was greater than expected by chance and most of them were in the direction that is presumed to increase fitness and in the opposite direction to inbreeding depression. Estimates of dominance variance explained by SNPs varied widely between traits, but had large standard errors. The median dominance variance across the 16 traits was equal to 5% of the phenotypic variance. Including a dominance deviation in the prediction did not significantly increase its accuracy for any of the phenotypes. The number of additive × additive epistatic effects that were statistically significant was greater than expected by chance.


Significant dominance and epistatic effects occur for growth, carcass and fertility traits in beef cattle but they are difficult to estimate precisely and including them in phenotype prediction does not increase its accuracy.  相似文献   

An experiment of a 2×2 full diallelic cross between two contemporary Iberian pig strains (Retinto: RR, and Torbiscal: TT) was conducted to estimate the crossbreeding effects for growth and carcass traits. Phenotypic records were obtained under intensive management and consisted of two different data sets. The first set comprised growth traits until weaning and was collected at two different farms (6236 and 1208 records, respectively). Specific data included individual piglet weight at birth and at weaning at 28 days and average daily gain from birth to weaning at 28 days (ADG28) for both RR and TT and their reciprocal crosses. The second set comprised growth data from birth to slaughter (~340 days and ~160 kg) and carcass traits from 349 individuals (randomly) sampled at weaning from the first dataset. Data were analyzed through a Bayesian analysis by using a reparameterization of Dickerson’s model that allowed estimation of the posterior distributions of the following crossbreeding effects: average maternal breed effect (gM), average paternal breed effect (gP) and individual heterosis (hI). Results showed that the relative magnitude of crossbreeding effects depends on the trait analyzed. Crosses where Torbiscal strain was used as mother (RT and TT) achieved the greatest performance for all growth traits at weaning, leading to remarkable gM effects. The most outstanding example is the case of ADG28 where the probability of relevance was one. In contrast, TR cross showed the greatest differences from RR cross for all growth at slaughter and carcass traits. These differences were mainly due to hI and gP crossbreeding parameters. In particular, the posterior mean of hI was more noticeable for live weight at slaughter, average daily gain at slaughter and carcass length, while gP was more relevant for hams (kg) and loins (kg) representing from 3% to10% of average performance of traits. Hence, growth traits at weaning did not reveal any notable advantage of the crossbreeding scheme because of the superiority of the Torbiscal strain with respect to its mothering ability and the small hI. However, results from growth and carcass traits at slaughter would support the implementation of a TR crossbred system. It would allow exploitation of both the gP of the Torbiscal strain and the hI between these two Iberian pig strains. Additionally, gP estimates and phenotypic differences between reciprocal crosses might suggest signs of the presence of paternal genetic imprinting in primal cuts traits.  相似文献   

The chicken growth hormone (cGH) gene plays a crucial role in controlling growth and metabolism, leading to potential correlations between cGH polymorphisms and economic traits. In this study, DNA from four divergent chicken breeds were screened for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the cGH gene using denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography and sequencing. A total of 46 SNPs were identified, of which 4 were in the 5' untranslated region, 1 in the 3' untranslated region, 5 in exons (two of which are nonsynonymous), with the remaining 36 in introns. The nucleotide diversity in the cGH gene ( theta = 2.7 x 10(-3)) was higher than that reported for other chicken genes, even within the same breeds. The associations of five of these SNPs and their haplotypes with chicken growth and carcass traits were determined using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis in a F2 resource population cross of two of the four chicken breeds (White Recessive Rock and Xinghua). This analysis shows that, among other correlations, G+1705A was significantly associated with body weight at all ages measured, shank length at three of four ages measured, and average daily gain within weeks 0 to 4. Thus, this cGH polymorphism, or another polymorphism that is in linkage disequilibrium with G+1705A, appears to correspond to a significant growth-related quantitative trait locus difference between the two breeds used to construct the resource population.  相似文献   

A joint growth-carcass model using random regression was used to estimate the (co)variance components of beef cattle body weights and carcass quality traits and correlations between them. During a four-year period (1994-1997) of the Australian "southern crossbreeding project", mature Hereford cows (N = 581) were mated to 97 sires of Jersey, Wagyu, Angus, Hereford, South Devon, Limousin, and Belgian Blue breeds, resulting in 1141 calves. Data included 13 (for steers) and 8 (for heifers) body weight measurements approximately every 50 days from birth until slaughter and four carcass quality traits: hot standard carcass weight, rump fat depth, rib eye muscle area, and intramuscular fat content. The mixed model included fixed effects of sex, sire breed, age (linear, quadratic and cubic), and their interactions between sex and sire breed with age. Random effects were sire, dam, management (birth location, year, post-weaning groups), and permanent environmental effects, and their interactions with linear, quadratic and cubic growth, when possible. Phenotypic, sire and dam correlations between body weights and hot standard carcass weight and rib eye muscle area were positive and moderate to high from birth to feedlot period. Management variation accounted for the largest proportion of total variation in both growth and carcass traits. Management correlations between carcass traits were high, except between rump fat depth and intramuscular fat (r = 0.26). Management correlations between body weight and carcass traits during the pre-weaning period were positive except for intramuscular fat. The correlations were low from birth to weaning, then increased dramatically and were high during the feedlot period.  相似文献   

Heat stress in Bos taurus cattle is a problem that affects many regions of the world. Numerous studies have focused on heat stress in feedlots or environmental chambers; but few have looked at undisturbed cattle on pasture. The present study followed two Bos taurus cattle breeds throughout a mid-Missouri summer to determine thermoregulatory responses to fluctuating summer air temperature (Ta), as well as differences in adaptation to heat. Heat-sensitive Angus steers (ANG; n=22; 480±7.15 kg BW), and heat-tolerant Romosinuano steers (RO; n=11; 352±6 kg BW) were monitored on 12 day from June through August of 2009 in an endophyte free tall fescue pasture. Data were grouped into two, six-day periods representing peak (Period 1) and late (Period 2) summer for determination of adaptation. Respiration rate (RR) was measured via flank counting and telemetric temperature transmitters in the rumen of each animal monitored core temperature (Trum). Romosinuano sustained a lower (P<0.05) RR and Trum compared to ANG during both periods. Linear relationships for RR and Trum, compared against Ta for both Periods were determined. Slopes of RR to Ta from Period 1 to Period 2 decreased (P<0.05) from 2.63 to 1.08 bpm/°C and 2.25 to 0.49 bpm/°C for ANG and RO, respectively. Slopes of Trum to Ta also decreased (P<0.05) from Periods 1 to 2 from 0.12 to 0.02 °C Trum/°C Ta for ANG; however, RO showed no differences between periods. Although Romosinuano have a lower respiration rate and ruminal temperature than Angus, they share a similar pattern of respiration rate adaptation from early to late summer periods.  相似文献   

Validation of economic indexes under a controlled experimental environment, can aid in their acceptance and use as breeding tools to increase herd profitability. The objective of this study was to compare intake, growth and carcass traits in bull and steer progeny of high and low ranking sires, for genetic merit in an economic index. The Beef Carcass Index (BCI; expressed in euro (€) and based on weaning weight, feed intake, carcass weight, carcass conformation and fat scores) was generated by the Irish Cattle Breeding Federation as a tool to compare animals on genetic merit for the expected profitability of their progeny at slaughter. A total of 107 male suckler herd progeny, from 22 late-maturing 'continental' beef sires of high (n = 11) or low (n = 11) BCI were compared under either a bull or steer production system, and slaughtered at approximately 16 and 24 months of age, respectively. All progeny were purchased after weaning at approximately 6 to 8 months of age. Dry matter (DM) intake and live-weight gain in steer progeny offered grazed grass or grass silage alone, did not differ between the two genetic groups. Similarly, DM intake and feed efficiency did not differ between genetic groups during an ad libitum concentrate-finishing period on either production system. Carcasses of progeny of high BCI sires were 14 kg heavier (P < 0.05) than those of low BCI sires. In a series of regression analyses, increasing sire BCI resulted in increases in carcass weight (P < 0.01) and carcass conformation (P = 0.051) scores, and decreases in carcass fat (P < 0.001) scores, but had no effect on weaning weight or DM intake of the progeny. Each unit increase in sire expected progeny difference led to an increase in progeny weaning weight, DM intake, carcass weight, carcass conformation score and carcass fat score of 1.0 (s.e. = 0.53) kg, 1.1 (s.e. = 0.32) kg, 1.3 (s.e. = 0.31) kg, 0.9 (s.e. = 0.32; scale 1 to 15) and 1.0 (s.e. = 0.25; scale 1 to 15), respectively, none of which differed from the theoretical expectation of unity. The expected difference in profitability at slaughter between progeny of the high and low BCI sires was €42, whereas the observed phenotypic profit differential of the progeny was €53 in favour of the high BCI sires. Results from this study indicate that the BCI is a useful tool in the selection of genetically superior sires, and that actual progeny performance under the conditions of this study is within expectations for both bull and steer beef production systems.  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factors 1 and 2 (IGF1 and IGF2) and their associated binding proteins and transmembrane receptors (GHR, IGF1R and IGF2R) play an important role in the physiology of mammalian growth. The objectives of the present study were to estimate the allele and genotype frequencies of microsatellite markers located in the 5'-regulatory region of the IGF1 and GHR genes in beef cattle belonging to different genetic groups and to determine effects of these markers on growth and carcass traits in these animals under an intensive production system. For this purpose, genotyping was performed on 384 bulls including 79 Nellore, 30 Canchim (5/8 Charolais + 3/8 Zebu) and 275 crossbred animals originating from crosses of Simmental (1/2 Simmental, n = 30) and Angus (1/2 Angus, n = 245) sires with Nellore females. The effects of substituting L allele for S allele of GHR microsatellite across Nellore, Canchim and 1/2 Angus were significant for weight gain and body weight (P < 0.05). The IGF1 microsatellite allele substitutions of 229 for 225 within Nellore group and of 225 for 229 within 1/2 Angus were not significant for any of the traits.  相似文献   

不同生长时期基因调控对南阳牛生长发育的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高雪  徐秀容  任红艳  张英汉  许尚忠 《遗传》2006,28(8):927-932
以南阳牛为试验动物,利用PCR-SSCP和PCR-RFLP技术研究了南阳牛生长激素(GH)基因,IGF-I基因以及IGF-IBP3基因的遗传多态,并分析了遗传多态位点对南阳牛0月龄、6月龄、12月龄、18月龄、24月龄以及36月龄不同生长时期生长发育性状的影响。结果表明: 在6月龄~18月龄,GH基因的GH-P5位点的BB基因型对南阳牛的体长、体高显著的正效应;在生长的后期(24月龄~36月龄),IGF-IBP3-P5基因位点对南阳牛的后躯发育起主要调控作用,BB基因型个体的尻宽显著高于AA型。这表明基因的正效应不是在所有的生长周期表现,而是在特定的时期表现对南阳牛生长发育的显著影响。  相似文献   

Heavy weight gilts commonly show signs of oestrus during the late finishing phase, which results in a period of reduced feed intake and growth rate. Immunization against gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) (IM, immunocastration) was developed for finishing boars and recently extrapolated to females. Immunocastration acts by suppressing reproductive activity and improving the growth potential. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of IM on growth performance, reproductive activity and carcass characteristics of late finishing gilts. Seventy-two gilts (63.49 ± 0.39 kg) were either injected with saline (Intact) or immunized against GnRH (Immunized). The study consisted of three experimental periods: between the first to second immunization (V1 to V2, 15 to 19 weeks of age), from the second immunization to the beginning of daily boar exposure (DBE) (V2 to DBE, 19 to 21 weeks of age) and from the beginning of DBE to slaughter (S) (DBE to S, 21 to 25 weeks of age). Immunized gilts showed an overall increase (from 15 to 25 weeks) of 3.90 kg (P < 0.05) of live weight, 56 g (P < 0.05) of average daily gain (ADG) and 250 g (P < 0.001) of average daily feed intake (ADFI). Immunized gilts had a greater ADFI (+240 g, P < 0.05) and worse feed conversion ratio (+0.26, P < 0.05) from 19 (V2) to 21 weeks of age (before DBE). Furthermore, those females had higher feed intake (+410 g; P < 0.001) plus greater daily weight gain (+92 g; P < 0.05) from V2 to S, and from DBE to S (+470 g of ADFI, P < 0.001; +129 g of ADG, P < 0.01, respectively). Immunocastration had no effect on backfat thickness, lean meat percentage and weight, cold carcass yield or loin depth (P > 0.05). Immunized gilts showed 4.4% increased cold carcass weight (P < 0.01) and 10.6% greater gross flank weight (P < 0.001). Immunization against GnRH did not influence shoulder, collar, loin, belly or ham weights. Nor did it influence belly fat thickness, or meat, skin plus fat and bones yields of cold ham (P > 0.05). Immunocastration reduced ovarian and uterine weights by 82% (P < 0.001) and 93% (P < 0.001), respectively, and suppressed oestrus manifestation in all gilts in the immunized group (P < 0.001). These results indicate that immunization against GnRH is a promising tool for stimulating growth performance with no detrimental effects on carcass quality of heavy weight finishing gilts, by means of oestrus suppression.  相似文献   

With the high cost of feed for animal production, genetic selection for animals that metabolize feed more efficiently could result in substantial cost savings for cattle producers. The purpose of this study was to identify DNA markers predictive for differences among cattle for traits associated with feed efficiency. Crossbred steers were fed a high‐corn diet for 140 days and average daily feed intake (ADFI), average daily gain (ADG), and residual feed intake (RFI) phenotypes were obtained. A region on chromosome 14 was previously associated with RFI in this population of animals. To develop markers with the highest utility for predicting an animal's genetic potential for RFI, we genotyped additional markers within this chromosomal region. These polymorphisms were genotyped on the same animals (n = 1066) and tested for association with ADFI, ADG and RFI. Six markers within this region were associated with RFI ( 0.05). After conservative correction for multiple testing, one marker at 25.09 Mb remained significant (= 0.02) and is responsible for 3.6% of the RFI phenotypic variation in this population of animals. Several of these markers were also significant for ADG, although none were significant after correction. Marker alleles with positive effects on ADG corresponded to lower RFI, suggesting an effect increasing growth without increasing feed intake. All markers were also assessed for their effects on meat quality and carcass traits. All of the markers associated with RFI were associated with adjusted fat thickness (AFT, 0.009) and three were also associated with hot carcass weight (HCW, 0.003). Marker alleles associated with lower RFI were also associated with reduced AFT, and if they were associated for HCW, the effect was an increase in weight. These markers may be useful as prediction tools for animals that utilize feed more efficiently; however, validation with additional populations of cattle is required.  相似文献   

In two separate studies, 60 beef heifers (379 kg BW) and 60 beef steers (348 kg BW) were randomly assigned to six treatments in 2×3 factorial arrangements. The treatments were with or without Synovex® implants combined with either a control diet or diets supplemented with 200 ppm Zn from ZnSO4 or zinc methionine (Zn-Met). Near the mid-point of the feeding periods, cattle were vaccinated with a modified live virus and subsequent titers and concentrations of immunoglobulin G (IgG) were measured. Liver and blood samples were obtained 1 week prior to the start of the experiments and at intervals during the experiments. In experiment 1, average daily gains of beef heifers were (P<0.05) affected by the interaction of implant and source of dietary Zn. Compared to control and ZnSO4 treatments, supplementation with Zn-Met increased (P<0.05) the concentration of Zn in serum. Antibody titers and concentrations of IgG in serum were highest (P<0.05) in heifers fed ZnSO4 compared to heifers fed the control or Zn-Met supplemented diets. The Synovex-H® implant reduced the concentrations of Zn and Cu in liver. In experiment 2, Synovex-S® implants improved (P<0.05) weight gains of steers supplemented with 200 ppm dietary Zn from ZnSO4 compared to non-implanted steers. However, the implant had no effect when Zn-Met was the dietary Zn source. The implant increased (P<0.05) concentrations of Zn in liver of steers supplemented with 200 ppm dietary Zn and reduced Zn in liver of steers fed the control diet. Implanted steers had higher (P<0.05) Cu status and IgG concentrations in serum than non-implanted steers. Steers supplemented with either ZnSO4 or Zn-Met had greater (P<0.05) concentrations of Zn in liver and plasma than steers fed the control diet. These results indicate both the level and source of Zn supplementation in diets of feedlot cattle affect their response to growth implants.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormones play an important role in regulating metabolism and can affect homeostasis of fat deposition. The gene encoding thyroglobulin (TG), producing the precursor for thyroid hormones, has been proposed as a positional and functional candidate gene for a QTL with an effect on fat deposition. In the present study, we identified 6 novel SNPs at the 3′ flanking region of the TG gene. The SNP marker association analysis indicated that the T354C, G392A, A430G and T433G SNP markers were significantly associated with marbling score (P < 0.05). Animals with the new homozygote genotype had higher marbling score than those with the other genotypes. Otherwise, the linkage disequilibrium analysis indicated that these four SNPs were completely linked (r 2 = 1). Results from this study suggest that TG gene-specific SNP may be a useful marker for meat quality traits in future marker assisted selection programs in beef cattle.  相似文献   

A whole-genome scan for carcass traits [average daily gain during the pre-weaning, growth and finishing periods; birth weight; hot carcass weight and longissimus muscle area (LMA)] was performed on 328 F(2) progeny produced from Wagyu x Limousin-cross parents derived from eight founder Wagyu bulls. Nine significant (P 相似文献   

  • 1 In nature, the internal body temperature of Chorthippus brunneus Thunberg is found to be raised substantially under the influence of direct insolation.
  • 2 In the laboratory, similarly raised body temperatures, resulting from the radiant heat of a light bulb, lead to a 5.6-fold increase in the rate of development, and a similar or even higher increase in the rate of adult maturation. The rate of egg-production is even more greatly affected, being negligible in the absence of a radiant-heat source.
  • 3 These physiological results provide an explanation for the frequently found correlation between grasshopper abundance and hot and/or dry weather.
  • 4 The results are also discussed in terms of the problems they pose for the derivation of a physiological time-scale for basking insects, and the evolutionary forces and constraints that might give rise to them.

Improving feed efficiency in dairy cattle could result in more profitable and environmentally sustainable dairy production through lowering feed costs and emissions from dairy farming. In addition, beef production based on dairy herds generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions per unit of meat output than beef production from suckler cow systems. Different scenarios were used to assess the profitability of adding traits, excluded from the current selection index for Finnish Ayrshire, to the breeding goal for combined dairy and beef production systems. The additional breeding goal traits were growth traits (average daily gain of animals in the fattening and rearing periods), carcass traits (fat covering, fleshiness and dressing percentage), mature live weight (LW) of cows and residual feed intake (RFI) traits. A breeding scheme was modeled for Finnish Ayrshire under the current market situation in Finland using the deterministic simulation software ZPLAN+. With the economic values derived for the current production system, the inclusion of growth and carcass traits, while preventing LW increase generated the highest improvement in the discounted profit of the breeding program (3.7%), followed by the scenario where all additional traits were included simultaneously (5.1%). The use of a selection index that included growth and carcass traits excluding LW, increased the profit (0.8%), but reduced the benefits resulted from breeding for beef traits together with LW. A moderate decrease in the profit of the breeding program was obtained when adding only LW to the breeding goal (−3.1%), whereas, adding only RFI traits to the breeding goal resulted in a minor increase in the profit (1.4%). Including beef traits with LW in the breeding goal showed to be the most potential option to improve the profitability of the combined dairy and beef production systems and would also enable a higher rate of self-sufficiency in beef. When considering feed efficiency related traits, the inclusion of LW traits in the breeding goal that includes growth and carcass traits could be more profitable than the inclusion of RFI, because the marginal costs of measuring LW can be expected to be lower than for RFI and it is readily available for selection. In addition, before RFI can be implemented as a breeding objective, the genetic correlations between RFI and other breeding goal traits estimated for the studied population as well as information on the most suitable indicator traits for RFI are needed to assess more carefully the consequences of selecting for RFI.  相似文献   

Demographic effects of extreme winter weather in the barn owl   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Extreme weather events can lead to immediate catastrophic mortality. Due to their rare occurrence, however, the long-term impacts of such events for ecological processes are unclear. We examined the effect of extreme winters on barn owl (Tyto alba) survival and reproduction in Switzerland over a 68-year period (∼20 generations). This long-term data set allowed us to compare events that occurred only once in several decades to more frequent events. Winter harshness explained 17 and 49% of the variance in juvenile and adult survival, respectively, and the two harshest winters were associated with major population crashes caused by simultaneous low juvenile and adult survival. These two winters increased the correlation between juvenile and adult survival from 0.63 to 0.69. Overall, survival decreased non-linearly with increasing winter harshness in adults, and linearly in juveniles. In contrast, brood size was not related to the harshness of the preceding winter. Our results thus reveal complex interactions between climate and demography. The relationship between weather and survival observed during regular years is likely to underestimate the importance of climate variation for population dynamics.  相似文献   

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