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Pollinator‐mediated interactions between plants can play an important role for the dynamics of plant communities. Pollination services depend on the abundance and the foraging behaviour of pollinators, which in turn respond to the availability and distribution of floral resources (notably nectar sugar). However, it is still insufficiently understood how the ‘sugar landscapes’ provided by flowering plant communities shape pollinator‐mediated interactions between multiple plant species and across different spatial scales. A better understanding of pollinator‐mediated interactions requires an integrative approach that quantifies different aspects of sugar landscapes and investigates their relative importance for pollinator behaviour and plant reproductive success. In this study, we quantified such sugar landscapes from individual‐based maps of Protea shrub communities in the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. The 27 study sites of 4 ha each jointly comprise 127 993 individuals of 19 species. We analysed how rates of visitation by key bird pollinators and the seed set of plants respond to different aspects of sugar landscapes: the distribution of nectar sugar amounts, as well as their quality, taxonomic purity and phenology. We found that pollinator visitation rates strongly depended on phenological variation of site‐scale sugar amounts. The seed set of focal plants increased with nectar sugar amounts of conspecific neighbours and with site‐scale sugar amounts. Seed set increased particularly strongly if site‐scale sugar amounts were provided by plants that offer less sugar per inflorescence. These combined effects of the amount, quality, purity and phenological variation of nectar sugar show that nectar sugar is a common interaction currency that determines how multiple plant species interact via shared pollinators. The responses of pollinator‐mediated interactions to different aspects of this interaction currency alter conditions for species coexistence in Protea communities and may cause community‐level Allee effects that promote extinction cascades.  相似文献   

A general question in biology is how processes at one scale, for example that of individual organisms, influence patterns at larger scales, for example communities of interacting individuals. Here we ask how changing the size‐dependence of the foraging behaviour of individuals can influence the structure of food webs. We assembled communities using a model in which species interactions are determined by allometric foraging rules of (1) handling time and (2) attack rates, and also (3) the distribution of body sizes. We systematically varied these three factors and examined their effects on three community level, food web allometries: the generality ‐ mass correlation, the vulnerability ‐ mass correlation and the trophic height ‐ mass correlation. The results demonstrate how allometries of individual foraging behaviour (handling time and attack rates) are linked across scales of organisation: different community level allometries are influenced by different individual level allometries. For example, generality allometries in the community are most affected by the individual allometric relationships of the attack rate, whereas trophic level allometries in the community are more strongly influenced by variation in individual handling time allometries. Importantly, we also find that the shape of the body size distribution from which species are drawn has a substantial influence on how these links between scales operate. This study suggests that understanding the variation of size structure among ecological networks requires knowledge about the causes of variation in individual foraging behaviour and determinants of the regional body size distribution.  相似文献   

Pollination systems are recognized as critical for the maintenance of biodiversity in terrestrial ecosystems. Therefore, the understanding of mechanisms that promote the integrity of those mutualistic assemblages is an important issue for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem function. In this study we present a new population dynamics model for plant–pollinator interactions that is based on the consumer–resource approach and incorporates a few essential features of pollination ecology. The model was used to project the temporal dynamics of three empirical pollination network, in order to analyze how adaptive foraging of pollinators (AF) shapes the outcome of community dynamics in terms of biodiversity and network robustness to species loss. We found that the incorporation of AF into the dynamics of the pollination networks increased the persistence and diversity of its constituent species, and reduced secondary extinctions of both plants and animals. These findings were best explained by the following underlying processes: 1) AF increased the amount of floral resources extracted by specialist pollinators, and 2) AF raised the visitation rates received by specialist plants. We propose that the main mechanism by which AF enhanced those processes is (trophic) niche partitioning among animals, which in turn generates (pollen vector) niche partitioning among plants. Our results suggest that pollination networks can maintain their stability and diversity by the adaptive foraging of generalist pollinators.  相似文献   

Much research debates whether properties of ecological networks such as nestedness and connectance stabilise biological communities while ignoring key behavioural aspects of organisms within these networks. Here, we computationally assess how adaptive foraging (AF) behaviour interacts with network architecture to determine the stability of plant–pollinator networks. We find that AF reverses negative effects of nestedness and positive effects of connectance on the stability of the networks by partitioning the niches among species within guilds. This behaviour enables generalist pollinators to preferentially forage on the most specialised of their plant partners which increases the pollination services to specialist plants and cedes the resources of generalist plants to specialist pollinators. We corroborate these behavioural preferences with intensive field observations of bee foraging. Our results show that incorporating key organismal behaviours with well‐known biological mechanisms such as consumer‐resource interactions into the analysis of ecological networks may greatly improve our understanding of complex ecosystems.  相似文献   

Understanding how urbanization alters functional interactions among pollinators and plants is critically important given increasing anthropogenic land use and declines in pollinator populations. Pollinators often exhibit short‐term specialization and visit plants of the same species during one foraging trip. This facilitates plant receipt of conspecific pollen—pollen on a pollinator that is the same species as the plant on which the pollinator was foraging. Conspecific pollen receipt facilitates plant reproductive success and is thus important to plant and pollinator persistence. We investigated how urbanization affects short‐term specialization of insect pollinators by examining pollen loads on insects’ bodies and identifying the number and species of pollen grains on insects caught in urban habitat fragments and natural areas. We assessed possible drivers of differences between urban and natural areas, including frequency dependence in foraging, species richness and diversity of the plant and pollinator communities, floral abundance, and the presence of invasive plant species. Pollinators were more specialized in urban fragments than in natural areas, despite no differences in the species richness of plant communities across site types. These differences were likely driven by higher specialization of common pollinators, which were more abundant in urban sites. In addition, pollinators preferred to forage on invasive plants at urban sites and native plants at natural sites. Our findings reveal indirect effects of urbanization on pollinator fidelity to individual plant species and have implications for the maintenance of plant species diversity in small habitat fragments. Higher preference of pollinators for invasive plants at urban sites suggests that native species may receive fewer visits by pollinators. Therefore, native plant species diversity may decline in urban sites without continued augmentation of urban flora or removal of invasive species.  相似文献   

Interactions with pollinators underlie the structure and function of plant communities. Network analysis is a valuable tool for studying plant-pollinator interactions, but these networks are most frequently built by aggregating interactions at the species level. Interactions are between individuals and an advantage of individual-based networks is the ability to integrate inter-individual variation in traits and environmental context within complex ecological networks. We studied the influence of inter-individual variation on pollinator sharing among foundation shrubs and cactus in a desert ecosystem using plant individual-based pollinator visitation networks. We hypothesized that the traits that alter attractiveness of plants to pollinators will also influence an individual plant's role within the visitation network. Foundation plants growing with higher densities of nearby blooming shrubs had higher pollinator visitation rates and had greater access to the conspecific mating pool, suggesting widespread and diffuse pollination facilitation within this community. Further, shrub density influenced the role of betweenness centrality and the effective number of partners (eH). Floral display size also influenced the effective number of interaction partners but did not directly influence the centrality measures for individual plants or other measures of network structure despite increasing visitation rates. The individual-based visitation networks were significantly modular and module membership was predicted by species identity and pollinator visitation rates. Ecological and individual context mediate the outcome of pollinator-mediated interactions and are fundamental drivers of whole community structure. This study shows that the density of immediate neighbours can influence the overall structure of plant-pollinator interaction networks. Exploring the contribution of intraspecific variation to community interaction networks will improve our understanding of drivers of community-level ecological dynamics.  相似文献   

1. Size variations in pollinator populations may modify competitive interactions among foragers. Competition among pollinators has been shown to lead to one of two contrasting behaviours: either specialisation to the most profitable plant species or generalisation to several species. When foraging, pollinators are also confronted with heterogeneity in the spatial distribution of plant resources. Because variations in both the forager density and plant spatial distribution can affect pollinator behaviour, focus was on the interactive effect of these two factors. 2. Bumble bee (Bombus terrestris L.) individuals were trained on a focal species (Lotus corniculatus L.) and experimentally tested whether variations in the forager density (two or six bumble bees foraging together), plant community spatial distribution (two plant species: L. corniculatus and Medicago sativa, which were either patchily or randomly distributed), and their interaction modified bumble bee foraging behaviour. 3. It was shown that when confronted with a high forager density, bumble bees focused their visits towards the most familiar species, especially when foraging under a random plant distribution. These modifications affected the fruiting of the focal plant species, with a significantly lower reproductive success under low density/patchy conditions. 4. This study demonstrates that the foraging decisions of bumble bees are influenced by variations in both the conspecific density and plant spatial distribution. Given the increasing impact of human activities on plant‐pollinator communities, this raises the question of the potential implications of these results for plant communities in natural conditions when confronted with variations in the pollinator density and spatial distribution of plants.  相似文献   

Resource availability largely determines the distribution and behaviour of organisms. In plant–pollinator communities, availability of floral resources may change so rapidly that pollinator individuals can benefit from switching between multiple resources, i.e. different flowering plant species. Insect pollinator individuals of a given generation often occur in different time windows during the reproductive season. This temporal variation in individual occurrences, together with the rapidly changing resource availability, may lead individuals of the same population to encounter and use different resources, resulting in an apparent individual specialisation. We hypothesized, that 1) individual pollinators change their resource use (flower visitation) during their lifetime according to the changing availability of floral resources, and that 2) temporal variation in individual occurrences of pollinators and in resource availability will partly explain individual specialisation. To test these hypotheses, we observed flower visitations of individually marked clouded Apollo butterflies Parnassius mnemosyne during one reproductive season. We found temporal changes in lifetime individual resource use that followed the changes in resource availability, indicating that butterflies can adjust foraging to varying resource availability. Individuals differed considerably in their resource use. This variation was partly explained by temporal variation in both floral resource availability and temporal occurrence of individual butterflies. We suggest the butterfly as a sequential specialist, i.e. short‐term specialist and long‐term generalist. This foraging plasticity can be essential for short‐living insect pollinators in rapidly changing environments. Although flowering dynamics do not fully explain the variability in foraging, our results highlight the importance of temporal dimension in resource use studies. Ultimately, the relative pace of environmental change compared to individual lifespan may be a key factor in resource use plasticity.  相似文献   

Patterns of resource use observed at the species level emerge from the way individuals exploit the range of available resources. Hence, accounting for interindividual differences in resource use, such as pollinator use by plants, is essential to advance our understanding of community assembly and persistence. By using finely resolved data on plant–pollinator interactions, we evaluated how interindividual plant variation in pollinator use scales up to affect community structure and dynamics. All co-occurring plant species comprised specialists interacting with proper subsets of pollinators that visited generalists, and differences in interaction patterns were driven by among-individual trait variation. Furthermore, the nested structure and feasibility of plant–pollinator communities were maximised at higher levels of interindividual plant variation in traits and pollinator use. Our study sheds light on how pervasive properties of community structure arise from individual-level processes and contributes to elucidate the importance of preserving intraspecific variation in traits and resource use within populations.  相似文献   

A long‐standing question in ecology is how species interactions are structured within communities. Although evolutionary theory predicts close size matching between floral nectar tube depth and pollinator proboscis length of interacting species, such size matching has seldom been shown and explained in multispecies assemblages. Here, we investigated the degree of size matching among Asteraceae and their pollinators and its relationship with foraging efficiency. The majority of pollinators, especially Hymenoptera, choose plant species on which they had high foraging efficiencies. When proboscides were shorter than nectar tubes, foraging efficiency rapidly decreased because of increased handling time. When proboscides were longer than nectar tubes, a decreased nectar reward rather than an increased handling time made shallow flowers more inefficient to visit. Altogether, this led to close size matching. Overall, our results show the importance of nectar reward and handling time as drivers of plant–pollinator network structure.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined how the number and identity of species in the neighbouring community influences the reproductive success of particular focal species. Pollen delivery, an important component of fitness of sexual plants, is a function of not just the floral traits of any particular individual, but of features of the population and community as it depends on pollinator abundance and preferences. Many pollinators in flowering communities will prefer patches with high floral abundance or diversity yet may exhibit lower floral constancy when more flowering species are present. Thus, pollination efficiency could increase or decrease with increased species richness and this will alter the selection pressures placed upon the floral traits (such as floral colour or reward) of any member of a particular community. Moreover, recent studies have indicated that plant-pollinator networks are phylogenetically structured (pollinators visit related plant species more than expected by chance) and this may be an important factor structuring flowering plant communities. Thus, the sheer number of species within a patch may be less important than the number of closely-related species. We investigate whether species richness or phylogenetic proximity of coflowering species influences the amount and proportion of conspecific pollen delivered to nodding onion, Allium cernuum, in fragment patches of Garry Oak meadows in South Western British Columbia, Canada. We find that pollen delivery depended upon the presence of close relatives far more than on species richness or population density, indicating a central role of the community structure on pollination in flowering plant communities. Insofar as pollen delivery relates to the relative number of seeds produced by members of the community, pollination may in turn determine the community structure of the next generation.  相似文献   

Intra- and interspecific density dependence has profound consequences for plant population and community dynamics. In long-lived plants, however, lifetime patterns and mechanisms of density dependence are difficult to study. Here, we examine effects of intraspecific and community density on the lifetime fecundity of two long-lived shrub species from South African Fynbos: Protea repens (animal-pollinated, hermaphroditic) and Leucadendron rubrum (wind-pollinated, dioecious). Both species are serotinous, retaining seeds in cones until fire kills the mother plant. We measured lifetime fecundity as the product of cone number, proportion of cones that are not damaged by predation and seed set (fertile seeds per intact cone). Intraspecific and community densities were quantified by counting individuals of target species and all Proteaceae in small- and large-scale neighbourhoods (10 m and 50 m radius) around each focal individual. Additionally, we determined the age and size of focal individuals. We found that lifetime fecundity of the wind-pollinated L. rubrum is density independent. In contrast, the lifetime fecundity of the animal-pollinated P. repens increases with large-scale intraspecific density and shows a hump-shaped relationship to large-scale community density. Community density has a hump-shaped effect on seed set (probably through partial absence of generalized pollinators at low and competition for pollinators at high densities) and negatively affects cone number per individual. For both species, plant age decreases seed set while increasing lifetime fecundity. The qualitative differences in the density dependence of lifetime fecundity may arise from differences between animal and wind pollination. In particular, interactions with generalized animal pollinators may cause community-level Allee effects with profound consequences for the future dynamics of long-lived plant populations and communities.  相似文献   

Indirect interactions play an essential role in governing population, community and coevolutionary dynamics across a diverse range of ecological communities. Such communities are widely represented as bipartite networks: graphs depicting interactions between two groups of species, such as plants and pollinators or hosts and parasites. For over thirty years, studies have used indices, such as connectance and species degree, to characterise the structure of these networks and the roles of their constituent species. However, compressing a complex network into a single metric necessarily discards large amounts of information about indirect interactions. Given the large literature demonstrating the importance and ubiquity of indirect effects, many studies of network structure are likely missing a substantial piece of the ecological puzzle. Here we use the emerging concept of bipartite motifs to outline a new framework for bipartite networks that incorporates indirect interactions. While this framework is a significant departure from the current way of thinking about bipartite ecological networks, we show that this shift is supported by analyses of simulated and empirical data. We use simulations to show how consideration of indirect interactions can highlight differences missed by the current index paradigm that may be ecologically important. We extend this finding to empirical plant–pollinator communities, showing how two bee species, with similar direct interactions, differ in how specialised their competitors are. These examples underscore the need to not rely solely on network‐ and species‐level indices for characterising the structure of bipartite ecological networks.  相似文献   

Foraging by consumers acts as a biotic filtering mechanism for biodiversity at the trophic level of resources. Variation in foraging behaviour has cascading effects on abundance, diversity, and functional trait composition of the community of resource species. Here we propose diversity at giving-up density (DivGUD), i.e. when foragers quit exploiting a patch, as a novel concept and simple measure quantifying cascading effects at multiple spatial scales. In experimental landscapes with an assemblage of plant seeds, patch residency of wild rodents decreased local α-DivGUD (via elevated mortality of species with large seeds) and regional γ-DivGUD, while dissimilarity among patches in a landscape (ß-DivGUD) increased. By linking theories of adaptive foraging behaviour with community ecology, DivGUD allows to investigate cascading indirect predation effects, e.g. the ecology-of-fear framework, feedbacks between functional trait composition of resource species and consumer communities, and effects of inter-individual differences among foragers on the biodiversity of resource communities.  相似文献   

Andrew Wilby  Moshe Shachak 《Oikos》2004,106(2):209-216
Compensatory population dynamics among species stabilise aggregate community variables. Inter-specific competition is thought to be stabilising as it promotes asynchrony among populations. However, we know little about other inter-specific interactions, such as facilitation and granivory. Such interactions are also likely to influence population synchrony and community stability, especially in harsh environments where they are thought to have relatively strong effects in plant communities. We use a manipulative experiment to test the effects of granivores (harvester ants) and nurse plants (dwarf shrubs) on annual plant community dynamics in the Negev desert, Israel. We present evidence for weak and inconsistent effects of harvester ants on plant abundance and on population and community stability. By contrast, we show that annual communities under shrubs were more species rich, had higher plant density and were temporally less variable than communities in the inter-shrub matrix. Species richness and plant abundance were also more resistant to drought in the shrub under-storey compared with the inter-shrub matrix, although population dynamics in both patch types were synchronised. Hence, we show that inter-specific interactions other than competition affect community stability, and that hypothesised mechanisms linking compensatory dynamics and community stability may not operate to the same extent in arid plant communities.  相似文献   

The number of pollinators of a plant species is considered a measure of its ecological generalization and may have important evolutionary and ecological implications. Many pollination studies report inter‐annual fluctuations in the composition of pollinators to particular species. However, the factors causing such variation are still poorly understood. Here we investigate how flowering duration and plant and pollinator assemblages influenced the inter‐annual changes in the functional generalization level of the 20 most common plant species of a semi‐natural meadow in southern Norway. We also studied the extent to which changes in generalization levels were controlled by flower‐shape and flowering time. Large inter‐annual changes in generalization levels were common and there was no relationship between the generalization level one year and the following. Generalization level of particular plant species increased with flowering duration, sampling effort, and the abundance of managed honeybees in the community. Generalization level decreased with the flowering synchrony between the focal plant species and the rest of the plant community and with the focal species’ own abundance, which we attribute to inter‐specific competition for pollinator attraction and foraging decisions made by pollinators. Plants with different flower‐shapes and flowering times did not differ in the extent of inter‐annual variation in generalization levels. Most studies do not consider the effect of the plant community on the generalization level of particular plant species. We show here that both pollinator and plant assemblages can affect the inter‐annual variation in generalization levels of plant species. Studies like ours will help to understand how pollination interactions are structured at the community level, and the ecological and evolutionary consequences that these inter‐annual changes in generalization levels may have.  相似文献   

Recent studies into community level dynamics are revealing processes and patterns that underpin the biodiversity and complexity of natural ecosystems. Theoretical food webs have suggested that species‐rich and highly complex communities are inherently unstable, but incorporating certain characteristics of empirical communities, such as allometric body size scaling and non‐random interaction distributions, have been shown to enhance stability and facilitate species coexistence. Incorporating individual level traits and variability into food web theory is seen as a future pathway for this research and our growing knowledge of individual behaviours, in the form of temperament (or personality) traits, can inform the direction of this research. Temperament traits are consistent differences in behaviour between individuals, which are repeatable across time and/or across ecological contexts, such as aggressive or boldness behaviours that commonly differ between individuals of the same species. These traits, under the framework of behavioural reaction norms, show both individual consistency as well as contextual and phenotypic plasticity. This is likely to contribute significantly to the effects of individual trait variability and adaptive trophic behaviour on the structure and dynamics of food webs, which are apparently stabilizing. Exploring the role of temperament in the context of community ecology is a unique opportunity for cross‐pollination between ecological fields, and can provide new insights into community stability and biodiversity.  相似文献   

Land-use changes can alter the spatial population structure of plant species, which may in turn affect the attractiveness of flower aggregations to different groups of pollinators at different spatial scales. To assess how pollinators respond to spatial heterogeneity of plant distributions and whether honeybees affect visitation by other pollinators we used an extensive data set comprising ten plant species and their flower visitors from five European countries. In particular we tested the hypothesis that the composition of the flower visitor community in terms of visitation frequencies by different pollinator groups were affected by the spatial plant population structure, viz. area and density measures, at a within-population (‘patch’) and among-population (‘population’) scale. We found that patch area and population density were the spatial variables that best explained the variation in visitation frequencies within the pollinator community. Honeybees had higher visitation frequencies in larger patches, while bumblebees and hoverflies had higher visitation frequencies in sparser populations. Solitary bees had higher visitation frequencies in sparser populations and smaller patches. We also tested the hypothesis that honeybees affect the composition of the pollinator community by altering the visitation frequencies of other groups of pollinators. There was a positive relationship between visitation frequencies of honeybees and bumblebees, while the relationship with hoverflies and solitary bees varied (positive, negative and no relationship) depending on the plant species under study. The overall conclusion is that the spatial structure of plant populations affects different groups of pollinators in contrasting ways at both the local (‘patch’) and the larger (‘population’) scales and, that honeybees affect the flower visitation by other pollinator groups in various ways, depending on the plant species under study. These contrasting responses emphasize the need to investigate the entire pollinator community when the effects of landscape change on plant–pollinator interactions are studied.  相似文献   

Different mechanisms, including equilibrium and non-equilibrium processes, have been taken into account as possible theoretical explanations of species coexistence. Despite the ample evidence on the existence of negative plant–soil feedback in both agriculture and natural vegetation, the role of these processes in the organization and dynamics of plant communities has so far been neglected. In this study, simulations by an individual-based competition model show how the intensity of negative feedback on individual plant performance can produce faster successional dynamics and allow species coexistence in two- and multi-species systems. The results show that even low levels of negative plant–soil feedback can enable species coexistence and often produce cyclic population dynamics. Moreover, the model highlights how negative feedback can generate positive reciprocal interspecific interactions at the population level, despite the fact that only competitive interactions is present between individual plants. In fact, competitive effects occur on a short-term scale, but positive reciprocal species interactions emerge only if negative feedback affects all species and if longer periods of simulation, more than the species life span, are considered. An important outcome of the model is the evidence that the effects at population level are timescale-dependent, thus showing the limitation of short-term species removal experiments used in traditional competition studies.  相似文献   

Kate P. Maia  Ian P. Vaughan  Jane Memmott 《Oikos》2019,128(10):1446-1457
Pollination is an important ecosystem service threatened by current pollinator declines, making flower planting schemes an important strategy to recover pollination function. However, ecologists rarely test the attractiveness of chosen plants to pollinators in the field. Here, we experimentally test whether plant species roles in pollination networks can be used to identify species with the most potential to recover plant–pollinator communities. Using published pollination networks, we calculated each plant's centrality and chose five central and five peripheral plant species for introduction into replicate experimental plots. Flower visitation by pollinators was recorded in each plot and we tested the impact of introduced central and peripheral plant species on the pollinator and resident plant communities and on network structure. We found that the introduction of central plant species attracted a higher richness and abundance of pollinators than the introduction of peripheral species, and that the introduced central plant species occupied the most important network roles. The high attractiveness of central species to pollinators, however, did not negatively affect visitation to resident plant species by pollinators. We also found that the introduction of central plant species did not affect network structure, while networks with introduced peripheral species had lower centralisation and interaction evenness than networks with introduced central species. To our knowledge, this is the first time species network roles have been tested in a field experiment. Given that most restoration projects start at the plant community, being able to identify the plants with the highest potential to restore community structure and functioning should be a key goal for ecological restoration.  相似文献   

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