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Natural selection and post‐copulatory sexual selection, including sexual conflict, contribute to genital diversification. Fundamental first steps in understanding how these processes shape the evolution of specific genital traits are to determine their function experimentally and to understand the interactions between female and male genitalia during copulation. Our experimental manipulations of male and female genitalia in red‐sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) reveal that copulation duration and copulatory plug deposition, as well as total and oviductal/vaginal sperm counts, are influenced by the interaction between male and female genital traits and female behaviour during copulation. By mating females with anesthetized cloacae to males with spine‐ablated hemipenes using a fully factorial design, we identified significant female–male copulatory trait interactions and found that females prevent sperm from entering their oviducts by contracting their vaginal pouch. Furthermore, these muscular contractions limit copulatory plug size, whereas the basal spine of the male hemipene aids in sperm and plug transfer. Our results are consistent with a role of sexual conflict in mating interactions and highlight the evolutionary importance of female resistance to reproductive outcomes.  相似文献   

Red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) courtand mate in early spring around large communal overwinteringdens in central Manitoba. Emerging females are immediately coveredby dozens or hundreds of vigorously-courting males, potentiallyimposing significant costs to the female. By manipulating numbersof courting males (both directly and by applying anticourtshippheromones), we quantified the degree to which female dispersalfrom the den is hindered by courtship. Courted females dispersedonly about half as fast as did solitary females. Blood lactatelevels were higher in mating than in courting or noncourtingsnakes of both sexes; the high levels of lactate in mating femalessupport the idea that courtship is physiologically stressfulto these animals, perhaps via constraints to female respiration.In arena trials, females that were exercised to exhaustion beforecourtship mated with smaller males than did control females.The spatial distribution of snakes around the den exhibits substantialheterogeneity, with densities often varying markedly betweenadjacent areas. Arena trials mimicking this heterogeneity showedthat unmated females avoided parts of the enclosure containingscent cues from males. Our data support the hypothesis thatcourtship in T. s. parietalis confers significant costs to females,and that female behaviors have evolved to reduce those costs.  相似文献   

In most species with internal fertilization, male genitalia evolve faster than other morphological structures. This holds true for genital titillators, which are used exclusively during mating in several bushcricket subfamilies. Several theories have been proposed for the sexual selection forces driving the evolution of internal genitalia, especially sperm competition, sexually antagonistic coevolution (SAC), and cryptic female choice (CFC). However, it is unclear whether the evolution of genitalia can be described with a single hypothesis or a combination of them. The study of species‐specific genitalia action could contribute to the controversial debate about the underlying selective evolutionary forces. We studied female mating behaviors in response to experimentally modified titillators in a phylogenetically nested set of four bushcricket species: Roeseliana roeselii, Pholidoptera littoralis littoralis, Tettigonia viridissima (of the subfamily Tettigoniinae), and Letana inflata (Phaneropterinae). Bushcricket titillators have several potential functions; they stimulate females and suppress female resistance, ensure proper ampulla or spermatophore attachment, and facilitate male fixation. In R. roeselii, titillators stimulate females to accept copulations, supporting sexual selection by CFC. Conversely, titillator modification had no observable effect on the female's behavior in T. viridissima. The titillators of Ph. l. littoralis mechanically support the mating position and the spermatophore transfer, pointing to sexual selection by SAC. Mixed support was found in L. inflata, where manipulation resulted in increased female resistance (evidence for CFC) and mating failures by reduced spermatophore transfer success (evidence for SAC). Sexual selection is highly species‐specific with a mosaic support for either cryptic female choice or sexually antagonistic coevolution or a combination of both in the four species.  相似文献   

We investigated possible interactions between melatonin and corticosterone in modulating the reproductive behavior of male red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) following spring emergence. We also examined whether melatonin's modulatory actions could be explained by its potential properties as a serotonin receptor antagonist. Exogenous corticosterone significantly reduced courtship behavior of male snakes in a dose-dependent manner. Melatonin also significantly reduced courtship behavior of male garter snakes. Pretreatment with melatonin before administering corticosterone treatments further suppressed courtship behavior of red-sided garter snakes. These results indicate additive inhibitory effects of melatonin and corticosterone in modulating reproductive behavior. Snakes receiving ketanserin, a serotonergic type 2A receptor antagonist, followed by corticosterone also showed reduced courtship behavior; this serotonin receptor antagonist followed by treatment with vehicle did not significantly influence courtship behavior of male snakes. Neither melatonin nor corticosterone treatments significantly influenced testosterone + 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone concentrations of male garter snakes, supporting a direct effect of melatonin and corticosterone on courtship behavior that is independent of any effect on androgen concentrations. We propose that a serotonin system is involved in the modulation of male courtship behavior by melatonin and corticosterone. In addition, our data support the hypothesis that melatonin may function as a serotonin receptor antagonist. Further research is necessary to discern whether the actions of melatonin and corticosterone are converging on the same pathway or if their effects on different pathways are having additive inhibitory effects on courtship behavior.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict has been predicted to drive reproductive isolation by generating arbitrary but rapid coevolutionary changes in reproductive traits among allopatric populations. A testable prediction of this proposal is that allopatric populations experiencing different levels of sexual conflict should exhibit different levels of reproductive isolation. We tested this prediction using experimentally evolved populations of the promiscuous Drosophila pseudoobscura. We manipulated sexual conflict by enforcing either monogamy, maintaining natural levels of promiscuity, or elevating promiscuity. Within each treatment, we carried out sympatric and allopatric crosses using replicated populations and examined pre-zygotic (number of mating pairs, mating speed and copulation duration) and post-zygotic (hybrid inviability and sterility) indicators of reproductive isolation. After 50 generations of selection, none of the measures conformed to predictions of sexual conflict driving reproductive isolation. Our results cannot be explained by lack of genetic variation or weak selection and suggest that sexual conflict may not be a widespread engine of speciation.  相似文献   

1. The red-sided garter snake hibernates for about six months each year in Manitoba, Canada, where winter temperatures are often as low as -40 degrees C. Mammalian hibernators typically undergo profound changes in preparation for hibernation, but little is known about corresponding changes in reptiles. 2. We tested the importance of seasonal changes in the ability of red-sided garter snakes to hibernate successfully by exposing them to winter conditions at different times of year. 3. Animals that began hibernation in the fall were more likely to survive hibernation than animals that began hibernation in either early or late summer, despite the fact that the animals were kept on seasonally constant conditions prior to hibernation. 4. We suggest that these changes are derived from endogenous components of the yearly hibernation cycle of red-sided garter snakes but that only part of the cycle proceeds endogenously, i.e. it is not a completely endogenous circannual cycle.  相似文献   

Rapid evolution has led to a large diversity in the sizes and morphology of male genitals across taxa, but the mechanisms driving this evolution remain controversial. In this study, we investigated the function of male genital sclerites in the adzuki bean beetle (Callosobruchus chinensis) and compared the length and morphology of genital sclerites between two populations that vary in their degree of polyandry. We found that the length of male genital sclerites was negatively correlated with copulation duration but positively correlated with the speed of matings with multiple females. Additionally, we found that the average length and number of genital sclerite spines of males from the more polyandrous population were larger than those from the less polyandrous population. We suggest that the genital sclerite of male adzuki bean beetles evolved by sexual selection, and a larger genital sclerite has a selective advantage because it allows for rapid copulations with multiple females.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict over mating occurrence, timing, or durationis common in animals. This explains conspicuous female materejection behavior in many species, often involving shaking,fighting, and occasional forced copulations. We present a simplemodel that generates predictions about whether and when copulationoccurs in such conflict situations and how much female rejectionbehavior should be observed. Predictions depend on 2 underlyingparameters affecting female resistance and male persistence.We supply 2 qualitative tests of the model using the yellowdung fly Scathophaga stercoraria (Diptera: Scathophagidae).We manipulated adult age, body size (large and small), and adultfood availability (low and high), independently in males andfemales, staging replicate pairings of all treatment combinations.In agreement with predictions of our model, shaking durationfirst increased to a maximum at intermediate age, when the averagefemale copulated, and then decreased again. Contrary to expectation,body size did not affect copulation timing, female resistance,or male persistence. As predicted, adult food limitation delayedsexual maturity and hence prolonged female resistance, resultingin later copulations after more shaking. However, although foodlimitation equally delayed the increase in male persistencewith age, copulation also occurred later after more shaking,opposite to the model prediction. We conclude that shaking isdriven primarily by female age and male responses to it. Althoughfemale shaking can initially successfully deter males in S.stercoraria, this behavior is subtle and has apparently shiftedfunction from an effective means of mate choice to a signalof nonreceptivity, though its importance in nature remains unclear.  相似文献   

During the spring emergence of red‐sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) in Manitoba, Canada, the operational sex ratio is strongly skewed towards males, who scramble to locate and court newly emerged females. A high frequency of multiple paternity litters suggests that the females are promiscuous; the gelatinous copulatory plugs (CPs) deposited by males may confer fitness benefits via passive mate guarding. Because precopulatory female choice is limited in large mating aggregations, sexual conflict may place a premium on preventing females from ejecting male sperm. In snakes, sperm are produced in the testes and delivered through the ductus deferens, and the CP is thought to be produced by the renal sexual segment and conveyed through the ureter. We manipulated the delivery of the two fluids separately by surgically ligating the ducts. Ureter‐ligated males did not produce a CP, causing their sperm to leak out of the female's cloaca immediately after copulation. Contrary to previous suggestions, histology revealed sperm distributed throughout the CP. Thus, the CP may function as a spermatophore: the protein matrix contains the sperm, which are liberated gradually as the plug dissolves. The likelihood of a male depositing a CP fell significantly after his second mating, perhaps limiting his reproductive success. These results challenge the hypothesis that passive mate guarding is the primary function of the CP in T. sirtalis parietalis. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 893–907.  相似文献   

Ovarian recrudescence in female garter snakes, Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis, follows spring emergence from hibernation and mating. In the laboratory, courtship and mating stimuli significantly increased the proportion of female garter snakes becoming pregnant, although some noncourted nonmated controls also became pregnant. Females given artificial mating stimuli under anesthetic, without courtship stimuli, were no more likely than either noncourted, nonmated or anesthetized controls to become pregnant. Hormonal changes and yolk synthesis rapidly followed mating in both laboratory and field females; serum estradiol increased more than 10-fold in 2 days and serum calcium, a measure of yolk precursor lipoprotein (vitellogenin) concentration, increased more than two times in 10 days. Administration of exogenous estradiol stimulated yolk synthesis, but did not result in yolk deposition into ovarian follicles. However, administration of ovine follicle-stimulating hormone induced both hepatic yolk synthesis and yolk deposition. Our results are consistent with the hypotheses that courtship and copulation are facilitatory to ovarian recrudescence but neither alone nor in combination is necessary nor sufficient, and in this species yolk synthesis and yolk deposition are separately regulated.  相似文献   

Activation of courtship behavior in male red-sided garter snakes, Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis, is independent of the presence of sex steroids. The only consistent treatment that stimulates courtship behavior in males is prolonged exposure to low temperature followed by subsequent warming, mimicking the emergence from hibernation. We investigated whether attractivity and receptivity in female red-sided garter snakes is similarly steroid independent.Female red-sided garter snakes are attractive when they emerge from hibernation and are courted by males; most mate within an hour of emergence. In a series of experiments, groups of females were either ovariectomized (OVEX) in the late spring, fall or while in hibernation. They were tested for attractivity and receptivity upon emergence from hibernation. Females OVEX in the spring were unattractive whereas those OVEX in fall or while in hibernation were attractive. Thus, attractivity appears determined the year before emergence and is dependent on the presence of the ovaries. All OVEX females were unreceptive upon emergence. OVEX females were also given replacement estradiol (E) treatment (either in Silastic capsules or single injections) at various points of their annual cycle. The only treatment that resulted in reinstating receptivity in OVEX females was the injection of E (20 g) one hour prior to emergence. The effectiveness of E in reinstating receptivity was time dependent: the longer the period between emergence and injection, the less effective the same dosage was in stimulating receptive behavior.These experiments suggest that sexual behavior in female red-sided garter snakes is, unlike males, dependent on the presence sex steroid hormones. Although E is naturally at its lowest seasonal level upon emergence, the concentration is sufficient to stimulate receptivity. However, it appears that temperature regulates a time-limited window of sensitivity to E.  相似文献   

Transduction of environmental cues into endocrine signals that synchronize physiology and behavior with optimal environmental conditions is central to an animal's timekeeping system. Using a common garden approach, we investigated possible geographic variation in timekeeping systems by comparing 24-h melatonin and corticosterone rhythms and reproductive behavior among three populations of garter snakes with very different life histories: red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) from Manitoba, Canada; red-spotted garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis concinnus) from western Oregon; and eastern garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis) from southern Florida. Melatonin and corticosterone cycles differed significantly among the three snake populations in a majority of the sampling periods. Population differences were observed across a wide range of acclimatization conditions and were themselves plastic (i.e., one snake population was not consistently different from the others). Changes in courtship behavior during emergence also varied significantly among populations. Our data support the hypothesis that endogenous timekeeping systems have evolved in the presence of unique environmental conditions. Further research is necessary to determine whether this geographic variation results from inherent genetic differences or whether it is a product of development. These studies provide insight into the evolution of timekeeping systems and may aid in understanding the potential effects of environmental perturbations on seasonal physiology and behavior.  相似文献   

A study of geographic variation in three subspecies of garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis, T. s. parietalis, T. s. semifasciata) in the north-central United States indicates patterns of irregular non-clinal microgeographic variation for 40 characters of coloration, scalation, and internal anatomy. Multivariate analyses show that geographically close populations are not always phenetically close and that overall differentiation of the phenotype is greater in males than in females. Univariate and multivariate studies indicate that T. s. semifasciata Cope 1892, restricted to the Chicago area, is not uniform within its small range and that it has no constant distinguishing features: it is shown to be taxonomically invalid.  相似文献   

Huge breeding aggregations of red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) at overwintering dens in Manitoba provide a unique opportunity to identify sources of mortality and to clarify factors that influence a snake's vulnerability to these factors. Comparisons of sexes, body sizes, and body condition of more than 1000 dead snakes versus live animals sampled at the same time reveal significant biases. Three primary sources of mortality were identified. Predation by crows, Corvus brachyrhynchos (590 snakes killed), was focussed mostly on small snakes of both sexes. Crows generally removed the snake's liver and left the carcass, but very small snakes were sometimes brought back to the nest. Suffocation beneath massive piles of other snakes within the den (301 dead animals) involved mostly small males and (to a lesser extent) large females; snakes in poor body condition were particularly vulnerable. Many emaciated snakes (n = 142, mostly females) also died without overt injuries, probably due to depleted energy reserves. These biases in vulnerability are readily interpretable from information on behavioral ecology of the snakes. For example, sex biases in mortality reflect differences in postemergence behavior and locomotor capacity, the greater attractiveness of larger females to males, and the high energy costs of reproduction for females.  相似文献   

Complete ND2 and partial ND4 and cytochrome b mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences were analysed to evaluate the phylogeographic patterns of common garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) in western North America. This species is widely distributed throughout North America, and exhibits extensive phenotypic variation in the westernmost part of its range. The overall phylogeographic pattern based on mtDNA sequences is concordant with results from studies of other species in this region, implicating historical vicariant processes during the Pleistocene and indicating bottleneck effects of recent dispersal into postglacial habitat. Indeed, the topology is statistically consistent with the hypothesis of both southern (Great Basin and California) and northern (Haida Gwaii) refugia. Specifically, we identified genetic breaks among three major clades: Northwest Coastal populations, Intermountain populations, and all California populations. The California clade contained the only other well-supported branching patterns detected; relationships among populations within the two northern clades were indistinguishable. These molecular splits contrast sharply with all prior geographical analyses of phenotypic variation in T. sirtalis in this region. Our results suggest that the extensive phenotypic variation in western T. sirtalis has been shaped more by local evolutionary forces than by shared common ancestry. Consequently, we consider all morphologically based subspecies designations of T. sirtalis in this region invalid because they do not reflect reciprocal monophyly of the mtDNA sequences.  相似文献   

Sexual selection requires social interactions, particularly between the sexes. When trait expression is influenced by social interactions, such traits are called interacting phenotypes and only recently have the evolutionary consequences of interacting phenotypes been considered. Here we investigated how variation in relative fitness, or the opportunity for sexual selection, affected the evolutionary trajectories of interacting phenotypes. We used experimentally evolved populations of the naturally promiscuous Drosophila pseudoobscura , in which the numbers of potential interactions between the sexes, and therefore relative fitness, were manipulated by altering natural levels of female promiscuity. We considered two different mating interactions between the sexes: mating speed and copulation duration. We investigated the evolutionary trajectories of means and (co)variances ( P ) and also the influence of genetic drift on the evolutionary response of these interactions. Our sexual selection treatments did not affect the means of either mating speed or copulation duration, but they did affect P . We found that the means of both traits differed among replicates within each selection treatment whereas the P s did not. Changes as a consequence of genetic drift were excluded. Our results show that although variable potential strengths of sexual interactions influence the evolution of interacting phenotypes, the influence may be nonlinear.  相似文献   

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