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Maternal effects are widespread and can have dramatic influences on evolutionary dynamics, but their genetic basis has been measured rarely in natural populations. We used cross-fostering techniques and a long-term study of a natural population of red squirrels, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, to estimate both direct (heritability) and indirect (maternal) influences on the potential for evolution. Juvenile growth in both body mass and size had significant amounts of genetic variation (mass h(2) = 0.10; size h(2) = 0.33), but experienced large, heritable maternal effects. Growth in body mass also had a large positive covariance between direct and maternal genetic effects. The consideration of these indirect genetic effects revealed a greater than three-fold increase in the potential for evolution of growth in body mass (h(2)t = 0.36) relative to that predicted by heritability alone. Simple heritabilities, therefore, may severely underestimate or overestimate the potential for evolution in natural populations of animals.  相似文献   

Quantitative genetic theory predicts that when populations diverge by drift the interspecific divergence (D matrix), calculated from species means, will be proportional to the average value of the additive genetic variance-covariance matrix, or G matrix. Most empirical studies in which this hypothesis has been investigated have ignored phylogenetic nonindependence among included taxa. Baker and Wilkinson (2003; also Revell et al. 2007) used a test for constraint in which the D matrix is calculated from phylogenetically independent contrasts (Felsenstein 1985) instead of directly from the species means. I use computer simulations to show that, on average, when the process of evolution is genetic drift, the divergence matrix calculated from independent contrasts (D(IC)) is more highly correlated with G than is the divergence matrix calculated ignoring phylogenetic nonindependence (D). This effect is more pronounced when speciation is initially slow but increases over time than when speciation decreases over time. Finally, when evolution is primarily by drift but phenotype space is bounded (as if by functional constraint) the average correlation is decreased between both G and D or D(IC), however the correlation between G and D(IC) is much larger than between G and D. Although limited in scope, to my knowledge this is the first study to use individual-based quantitative genetic simulations in a phylogenetic context.  相似文献   

There are a number of ways in which a host can respond in evolutionary time to reductions in survival and reproduction due to a virulent parasite. These include evolving physiological morphological, or behavioural mechanisms of resistance to infection (or to proliferation, once infection has occurred). But a more unexpected tactic is also possible. This is for hosts to reproduce (slightly) sooner when in the presence of a virulent parasite as compared to when the parasite is less virulent or absent. As such, hosts which reproduce younger may be at a selective advantage, since they can both evade parasitism in time and, even when parasitised, can reduce the likely impact of the parasite on survival and reproductive success. We employ a simple mathematical model to propose that parasites and pathogens can act as important agents in the evolution of the timing of reproduction and associated life-history characters (e.g. body size). Once established in a semelparous host population, evolutionary increases in parasite virulence should result in the evolution of shorter lived hosts; whereas the evolution of less virulent forms of the parasite should be accompanied by the evolution of longer lived hosts. We argue that in the presence of a sufficiently virulent parasite the evolution of longer pre-reproductive life-spans should require the previous or concomitant evolution of morphological, behavioural or physiological resistance to parasitic infection and proliferation.  相似文献   

Viviparity as a constraint on sex-ratio evolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract In polytocous mammals, the sex ratio during gestation can influence a variety of morphological, physiological, and life-history traits because of steroid leakage between fetuses. Similar phenomena have also recently been described for a viviparous lizard. Some of these effects have important fitness consequences by influencing reproductive success later in life. Thus, biasing the sex ratio toward one sex may lead to a decreased fitness for the other sex, and therefore constrain the evolution of skewed sex ratios. By incorporating effects of sex ratio on offspring fitness in a simple sex-allocation model, I show that, under some circumstances (1) skewed sex ratios are predicted to evolve, and (2) this cost can constrain the evolution of skewed sex ratios.  相似文献   

Despite essential progress towards understanding the evolution of cooperative behaviour, we still lack detailed knowledge about its underlying molecular mechanisms, genetic basis, evolutionary dynamics and ontogeny. An international workshop “Genetics and Development of Cooperation,” organized by the University of Bern (Switzerland), aimed at discussing the current progress in this research field and suggesting avenues for future research. This review uses the major themes of the meeting as a springboard to synthesize the concepts of genetic and nongenetic inheritance of cooperation, and to review a quantitative genetic framework that allows for the inclusion of indirect genetic effects. Furthermore, we argue that including nongenetic inheritance, such as transgenerational epigenetic effects, parental effects, ecological and cultural inheritance, provides a more nuanced view of the evolution of cooperation. We summarize those genes and molecular pathways in a range of species that seem promising candidates for mechanisms underlying cooperative behaviours. Concerning the neurobiological substrate of cooperation, we suggest three cognitive skills necessary for the ability to cooperate: (i) event memory, (ii) synchrony with others and (iii) responsiveness to others. Taking a closer look at the developmental trajectories that lead to the expression of cooperative behaviours, we discuss the dichotomy between early morphological specialization in social insects and more flexible behavioural specialization in cooperatively breeding vertebrates. Finally, we provide recommendations for which biological systems and species may be particularly suitable, which specific traits and parameters should be measured, what type of approaches should be followed, and which methods should be employed in studies of cooperation to better understand how cooperation evolves and manifests in nature.  相似文献   

Community genetics is a synthesis of community ecology and evolutionary biology. It examines how genetic variation within a species affects interactions among species to change ecological community structure and diversity. The use of community genetics approaches has greatly expanded in recent years and the evidence for ecological effects of genetic diversity is growing. The goal of current community genetics research is to determine the circumstances in which, and the mechanisms by which community genetic effects occur and is the focus of the papers in this special issue. We bring a new group of researchers into the community genetics fold. Using a mixture of empirical research, literature reviews and theoretical development, we introduce novel concepts and methods that we hope will enable us to develop community genetics into the future.  相似文献   

动物生活史进化理论研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了生活史性状、生活史对策、权衡、适合度及进化种群统计学等动物生活史进化领域的进展。权衡是生活史性状之间相互联系的纽带,分为生理权衡与进化权衡。适合度是相对的,与个体所处的特定环境条件有关,性状进化与适合度之间关系紧密。适合度是生活史进化理论研究的焦点。探讨动物生活史对策的理论很多,影响最大的是MacArthur和Wilson提出的r对策及K对策理论。随年龄的增长,动物存活率及繁殖率逐步下降的过程,称为衰老;解释衰老的进化理论主要有突变-选择平衡假设和多效对抗假设。进化种群统计学将种群统计学应用于生活史进化研究,为探讨表型适合度的进化提供了有效的手段。将进化种群统计学、数量遗传学及特定种系效应理论进行整合,建立完整的动物生活史进化综合理论体系,是当代此领域的最大挑战。  相似文献   

The additive genetic variance–covariance matrix (G) summarizes themultivariate genetic relationships among a set of traits. The geometry of Gdescribes the distribution of multivariate genetic variance, and generates geneticconstraints that bias the direction of evolution. Determining if and how the multivariategenetic variance evolves has been limited by a number of analytical challenges incomparing G-matrices. Current methods for the comparison of G typically shareseveral drawbacks: metrics that lack a direct relationship to evolutionary theory, theinability to be applied in conjunction with complex experimental designs, difficultieswith determining statistical confidence in inferred differences and an inherentlypair-wise focus. Here, we present a cohesive and general analytical framework for thecomparative analysis of G that addresses these issues, and that incorporates andextends current methods with a strong geometrical basis. We describe the application ofrandom skewers, common subspace analysis, the 4th-order genetic covariance tensor and thedecomposition of the multivariate breeders equation, all within a Bayesian framework. Weillustrate these methods using data from an artificial selection experiment on eighttraits in Drosophila serrata, where a multi-generational pedigree was availableto estimate G in each of six populations. One method, the tensor, elegantlycaptures all of the variation in genetic variance among populations, and allows theidentification of the trait combinations that differ most in genetic variance. The tensorapproach is likely to be the most generally applicable method to the comparison ofG-matrices from any sampling or experimental design.  相似文献   

Absolute constraints are limitations on genetic variation that preclude evolutionary change in some aspect of the phenotype. Absolute constraints may reflect complete absence of variation, lack of genetic variation that extends the range of phenotypes beyond some limit, or lack of additive genetic variation. This last type of absolute constraint is bidirectional, because the mean cannot evolve to be larger or smaller. Most traits do possess genetic variation, so bidirectional absolute constraints are most likely to be detected in a multivariate context, where they would reflect combinations of traits, or dimensions in phenotype space that cannot evolve. A bidirectional absolute constraint will cause the additive genetic covariance matrix (G) to have a rank less than the number of traits studied. In this study, we estimate the rank of the G-matrix for 20 aspects of wing shape in Drosophila melanogaster. Our best estimates of matrix rank are 20 in both sexes. Lower 95% confidence intervals of rank are 17 for females and 18 for males. We therefore find little evidence of bidirectional absolute constraints. We discuss the importance of this result for resolving the relative roles of selection and drift processes versus constraints in the evolution of wing shape in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Interspecific competition (or facilitation) between herbivores sharing a host plant species can result in negative (or positive) correlations in damage levels, independent of a plant’s genetic covariance in resistance to the herbivores. Just like genetic correlations in resistance to herbivory, these “environmental correlations” in damage may affect the evolution of resistance in the host plant. In a field study of 960 ramets and 40 genets of the herbaceous plant Solanum carolinense, I looked for evidence of such environmental correlations in damage caused by 11 species of herbivores, including 10 insects and 1 mammal. There were 28 significant correlations in damage levels between species (21 negative and 7 positive) after plant genetic influences on resistance were statistically removed. Negative environmental correlations were more likely between species that fed upon the same type of plant organs than between those that fed on different types of organs, and the magnitudes of the correlations were inversely proportional to the abundance of the organ types. Taken together, these results offer strong evidence that competition is largely responsible for the pattern of environmental correlations in damage. Environmental correlations were just as common as genetic correlations in resistance, but the environmental correlations tended to be lower in magnitude, were more likely to be negative, and were more evenly spread out among the herbivore community than the genetic correlations. Damage levels by all 11 species were negatively correlated with damage by at least one other species. Thus the selective advantage a plant would receive from increased resistance any of these herbivores would be partially negated by increased damage by competing herbivores. As a result, competition has the potential to be an important constraint on the evolution of resistance in S. carolinense.  相似文献   

To trace the evolution of host-plant choice in bees of the genus Chelostoma (Megachilidae), we assessed the host plants of 35 Palearctic, North American and Indomalayan species by microscopically analyzing the pollen loads of 634 females and reconstructed their phylogenetic history based on four genes and a morphological dataset, applying both parsimony and Bayesian methods. All species except two were found to be strict pollen specialists at the level of plant family or genus. These oligolectic species together exploit the flowers of eight different plant orders that are distributed among all major angiosperm lineages. Based on ancestral state reconstruction, we found that oligolecty is the ancestral state in Chelostoma and that the two pollen generalists evolved from oligolectic ancestors. The distinct pattern of host broadening in these two polylectic species, the highly conserved floral specializations within the different clades, the exploitation of unrelated hosts with a striking floral similarity as well as a recent report on larval performance on nonhost pollen in two Chelostoma species clearly suggest that floral host choice is physiologically or neurologically constrained in bees of the genus Chelostoma. Based on this finding, we propose a new hypothesis on the evolution of host range in bees.  相似文献   

Nonconvergence in the evolution of primate life history and socio-ecology   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The goal of this study was to investigate the extent of convergence in four basic life history and socio-ecological traits among the primates of Africa, Asia, South America and Madagascar. The convergence hypothesis predicts that similar abiotic conditions should result in similar adaptations in independent taxa. Because primates offer a unique opportunity among mammals to examine adaptations of independent groups to tropical environments, we collected information on body mass, activity pattern, diet and group size from all genera for quantitative tests of this hypothesis. We revealed a number of qualitative and quantitative differences among the four primate groups, indicating a lack of convergence in these basic aspects of life history and socio-ecology. Our analyses demonstrated that New World primates are on average significantly smaller than primates in other regions and characterized by a lack of species larger than about 10 kg. Madagascar harbours significantly more nocturnal species than the other regions and is home to all but one of the primates with irregular bursts of activity. Asia is the only region with strictly faunivorous primates, but lacks primarily gummivorous ones. The Neotropics are characterized by the absence of primarily folivorous primates. Solitary species are not represented in the New World, whereas solitary and pair-living species make up the majority of Malagasy primates. Lemurs live in significantly smaller groups than other primates, even after controlling for differences in body size. The lack of convergence among the major primate groups is neither primarily due to phylogenetic constraints as a result of founder effects, nor can it be sufficiently explained as a passive consequence of body size differences. However, because the role of adaptive forces, such as interspecific competition, predation or phenology in shaping the observed differences is largely unexplored, we conclude that it is premature to discard the convergence hypothesis without further tests.  相似文献   

W. D. Hamilton famously suggested that the inflated relatedness of full sisters under haplodiploidy explains why all workers in the social hymenoptera are female. This suggestion has not stood up to further theoretical scrutiny and is not empirically supported. Rather, it appears that altruistic sib‐rearing in the social hymenoptera is performed exclusively by females because this behaviour has its origins in parental care, which was performed exclusively by females in the ancestors of this insect group. However, haplodiploidy might still explain the sex of workers if this mode of inheritance has itself been responsible for the rarity of paternal care in this group. Here, we perform a theoretical kin selection analysis to investigate the evolution of paternal care in diploid and haplodiploid populations. We find that haplodiploidy may either inhibit or promote paternal care depending on model assumptions, but that under the most plausible scenarios it promotes – rather than inhibits – paternal care. Our analysis casts further doubt upon there being a causal link between haplodiploidy and eusociality.  相似文献   

Several hypotheses have been proposed for the evolution of sexual cannibalism by females. Newman and Elgar (1991) suggested that sexual cannibalism prior to mating by virgin female spiders may have evolved as a result of female foraging considerations. According to this model, an adult female's decision to mate or cannibalize a courting male should be based on an assessment of the male's value as a meal versus his value as a mate. The current study provides an empirical test of the assumptions and predictions of this model in the sexually cannibalistic fishing spider. Adult females were subjected to different food treatments, and exposed to adult males in the laboratory. However, only one of the assumptions of the model and none of its five predictions were upheld. We failed to find any effects of female foraging, female mating status, female size, male size or time of the season on females' behaviour towards courting males. Females behaved stereotypically, and many females were left unmated despite numerous mating opportunities. We also demonstrate costs of sexual cannibalism in a natural population. We propose that the act of sexual cannibalism in the fishing spider is non-adaptive, and develop a model for the evolution of premating sexual cannibalism in spiders based on genetic constraints. According to this hypothesis, sexual cannibalism by adult females may have evolved as an indirect result of selection for high and non-discriminate aggression during previous ontogenetic stages. Genetic covariance between different components of aggressive behaviour may constrain the degree to which (1) juvenile and adult aggression and/or (2) aggression towards conspecifics and heterospecifics can vary independently. We briefly review the support for our model, and suggest several critical tests that may be used to assess the assumptions and predictions of the model.  相似文献   

Competition in natural populations of Daphnia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Maarten Boersma 《Oecologia》1995,103(3):309-318
I investigated the competitive relationships between two species of Daphnia, D. galeata and D. cucullata, and their interspecific hybrid. The term hemispecific competition was introduced to describe competition between parental species and hybrids. In eutrophic Tjeukemeer both parental species were found to compete with the hybrid, whereas competition between D. galeata and D. cucullata seemed limited. Although the effect of competition on life history traits of daphnids may be profound, the influence of the competitors on the seasonal dynamics of the Daphnia species seems limited.  相似文献   

Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) were collected from 17 reservoirs on three islands in Hawaii, USA. Genetic and life history traits for adult females from these populations were used to evaluate hypotheses concerning short-term evolutionary divergence of populations recently established from a common ancestral source. The effects of founder events and drift on genetic variability and population differentiation were also examined. Significant differences in life history characteristics, allele frequencies, and multi-locus heterozygosities (H) were found among fish populations collected from different reservoirs and between reservoirs classified as stable or fluctuating on the basis of temporal fluctuation in water level. Females from stable reservoirs exhibited greater standard length (35.1 vs 32.8 mm), lower fecundity (11.9 vs 15.2 embryos), lower reproductive allocation (18.2% vs 22.8%), but larger mean embryo size (1.95 vs 1.67 mg) than females from fluctuating reservoirs. Consistency in means among replicates of each reservoir class and concordance in direction and magnitude of differences reported here and results of sampling conducted from these same locations 10 years previously (Stearns, 1983a) suggest that ecological factors intrinsic to these two environments are important in determing population life history traits. Females from stable reservoirs exhibited lower heterozygosity than females from fluctuating reservoirs (0.134 vs 0.158, respectively). Levels and direction od differences in heterozygosity, the high proportion of polymorphic loci and lack of fixation of alternative alleles argue against a purely stochastic explanation for genetic and life history variation among reservoir populations. Levels of genetic variability and interpopulation differentiation were similar to those observed in mainland populations of this species. A high proportion of the genetic diversity was apportioned between populations and within populations due to differences between juveniles and adults. Significant genotypic differences between adult and juvenile age classes suggest that the genetic divergence of local populations may occur over short periods of time.  相似文献   

We investigated four predictions about how temperature, photoperiod and sex affect the life history plasticity and foraging activity of a damselfly. (i) As predicted, increased temperatures increased foraging activity and growth rates, but in contrast with the prediction, late photoperiod (high time stress) did not affect foraging activity and growth rate. (ii) Unexpectedly, the increase in growth rate at increasing temperatures was not larger under high time stress. (iii) As predicted, age and size at emergence decreased at higher temperatures and at the late photoperiod. Temperature-induced life history shifts were direct or the result of behavioural growth mediation depending on the temperature range. Photoperiod-induced life history shifts were direct. (iv) As predicted, males emerged before females but at a smaller size. The degree of sexual size dimorphism was influenced by the joint effects of temperature and photoperiod. We could only detect genetic variation in size plasticity to photoperiod. The match between the sex-specific life history responses to temperature and photoperiod and predictions by relevant optimality models suggests adaptive life history plasticity to these variables.  相似文献   

Most studies of behaviour examine traits whose proximate causes include sensory input and neural decision-making, but conflict and collaboration in biological systems began long before brains or sensory systems evolved. Many behaviours result from non-neural mechanisms such as direct physical contact between recognition proteins or modifications of development that coincide with altered behaviour. These simple molecular mechanisms form the basis of important biological functions and can enact organismal interactions that are as subtle, strategic and interesting as any. The genetic changes that underlie divergent molecular behaviours are often targets of selection, indicating that their functional variation has important fitness consequences. These behaviours evolve by discrete units of quantifiable phenotypic effect (amino acid and regulatory mutations, often by successive mutations of the same gene), so the role of selection in shaping evolutionary change can be evaluated on the scale at which heritable phenotypic variation originates. We describe experimental strategies for finding genes that underlie biochemical and developmental alterations of behaviour, survey the existing literature highlighting cases where the simplicity of molecular behaviours has allowed insight to the evolutionary process and discuss the utility of a genetic knowledge of the sources and spectrum of phenotypic variation for a deeper understanding of how genetic and phenotypic architectures evolve.  相似文献   

Rates of climatic niche evolution vary widely across the tree of life and are strongly associated with rates of diversification among clades. However, why the climatic niche evolves more rapidly in some clades than others remains unclear. Variation in life history traits often plays a key role in determining the environmental conditions under which species can survive, and therefore, could impact the rate at which lineages can expand in available climatic niche space. Here, we explore the relationships among life-history variation, climatic niche breadth, and rates of climatic niche evolution. We reconstruct a phylogeny for the genus Desmognathus, an adaptive radiation of salamanders distributed across eastern North America, based on nuclear and mitochondrial genes. Using this phylogeny, we estimate rates of climatic niche evolution for species with long, short, and no aquatic larval stage. Rates of climatic niche evolution are unrelated to the mean climatic niche breadth of species with different life histories. Instead, we find that the evolution of a short larval period promotes greater exploration of climatic space, leading to increased rates of climatic niche evolution across species having this trait. We propose that morphological and physiological differences associated with variation in larval stage length underlie the heterogeneous ability of lineages to explore climatic niche space. Rapid rates of climatic niche evolution among species with short larval periods were an important dimension of the clade's adaptive radiation and likely contributed to the rapid rate of lineage accumulation following the evolution of an aquatic life history in this clade. Our results show how variation in a key life-history trait can constrain or promote divergence of the climatic niche, leading to variation in rates of climatic niche evolution among species.  相似文献   

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