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Levels of p21, a cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor, are controlled in part at the post-translational level by protein degradation. Although the signaling pathways leading to p21 degradation have not yet been fully elucidated, it is evident that p21 ubiquitination is an essential factor in its degradation. We discuss that, with the only notable exception of ornithine decarboxylase, ubiquitination appears to be a prerequisite for proteasomal degradation rather than an unnecessary byproduct of such proteolysis.  相似文献   

Toxin–antitoxin (TA) systems are widespread in bacteria and archaea and play important roles in a diverse range of cellular activities. TA systems have been broadly classified into 5 types and the targets of the toxins are diverse, but the most frequently used cellular target is mRNA. Toxins that target mRNA to inhibit translation can be classified as ribosome-dependent or ribosome-independent RNA interferases. These RNA interferases are sequence-specific endoribonucleases that cleave RNA at specific sequences. Despite limited sequence similarity, ribosome-independent RNA interferases belong to a limited number of structural classes. The MazF structural family includes MazF, Kid, ParE and CcdB toxins. MazF members cleave mRNA at 3-, 5- or 7-base recognition sequences in different bacteria and have been implicated in controlling cell death (programmed) and cell growth, and cellular responses to nutrient starvation, antibiotics, heat and oxidative stress. VapC endoribonucleases belong to the PIN-domain family and inhibit translation by either cleaving tRNAfMet in the anticodon stem loop, cleaving mRNA at -AUA(U/A)-hairpin-G- sequences or by sequence-specific RNA binding. VapC has been implicated in controlling bacterial growth in the intracellular environment and in microbial adaptation to nutrient limitation (nitrogen, carbon) and heat shock. ToxN shows structural homology to MazF and is also a sequence-specific endoribonuclease. ToxN confers phage resistance by causing cell death upon phage infection by cleaving cellular and phage RNAs, thereby interfering with bacterial and phage growth. Notwithstanding our recent progress in understanding ribonuclease action and function in TA systems, the environmental triggers that cause release of the toxin from its cognate antitoxin and the precise cellular function of these systems in many bacteria remain to be discovered. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: RNA Decay mechanisms.  相似文献   

Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology - Bacterial toxin–antitoxin (TA) systems play important roles in diverse cellular regulatory processes. Here, we characterize three...  相似文献   

Toxin–antitoxin (TA) systems are commonly found on bacterial plasmids. The antitoxin inhibits toxin activity unless the system is lost from the cell. Then the shorter lived antitoxin degrades and the cell becomes susceptible to the toxin. Selection for plasmid-encoded TA systems was initially thought to result from their reducing the number of plasmid-free cells arising during growth in monoculture. However, modelling and experiments have shown that this mechanism can only explain the success of plasmid TA systems under a restricted set of conditions. Previously, we have proposed and tested an alternative model explaining the success of plasmid TA systems as a consequence of competition occurring between plasmids during co-infection of bacterial hosts. Here, we test a further prediction of this model, that competition between plasmids will lead to the biased accumulation of TA systems on plasmids relative to chromosomes. Transposon-encoded TA systems were added to populations of plasmid-containing cells, such that TA systems could insert into either plasmids or chromosomes. These populations were enriched for transposon-containing cells and then incubated in environments that did, or did not, allow effective within-host plasmid competition to occur. Changes in the ratio of plasmid- to chromosome-encoded TA systems were monitored. In agreement with our model, we found that plasmid-encoded TA systems had a competitive advantage, but only when host cells were sensitive to the effect of TA systems. This result demonstrates that within-host competition between plasmids can select for TA systems.  相似文献   

Cooperation based in mutual benefit provides a perfect scenario to start selfish behaviors aimed to obtain greater benefit at the expense of the partner. Here we investigate if mutual benefit cooperation can be stable between individuals that cooperate with kindness (good partners) or if they will be displaced by other individuals that try to obtain more benefit with less cost (bad partners). Our model assumes an asymmetry between partners in such a way that one of them (actor) proposes the cooperation whereas the other (receiver) always accepts the offer. It also assumes that actors can choose the partner on the basis of their past experiences with the potential partners. With the help of a simple two-locus mathematical model we show that not only the gene that conditions the actor preference to choose good partners can increase in frequency but also the gene responsible of the good partner behavior.  相似文献   

Toxin–antitoxin systems are genetic modules usually consisting of two genes encoding a stable toxin and labile antidote (antitoxin). These systems are localized on plasmids, phages, and chromosomes and are widespread in bacteria and archaea. The review summarizes recent data regarding the classifications of toxin–antitoxin systems, their mechanisms of action and toxin targets, as well as their functional significance for bacterial cells and possibility of use.  相似文献   

The transition between planktonic growth and biofilm formation represents a tightly regulated developmental shift that has substantial impact on cell fate. Here, we highlight different mechanisms through which bacteria limit their own biofilm development. The mechanisms involved in these self‐inhibition processes include: (i) regulation by secreted small molecules, which govern intricate signalling cascades that eventually decrease biofilm development, (ii) extracellular polysaccharides capable of modifying the physicochemical properties of the substratum and (iii) extracellular DNA that masks an adhesive structure. These mechanisms, which rely on substances produced by the bacterium and released into the extracellular milieu, suggest regulation at the communal level. In addition, we provide specific examples of environmental cues (e.g. blue light or glucose level) that trigger a cellular response reducing biofilm development. All together, we describe a diverse array of mechanisms underlying self‐inhibition of biofilm development in different bacteria and discuss possible advantages of these processes.  相似文献   

Small, hydrophobic proteins whose synthesis is repressed by small RNAs (sRNAs), denoted type I toxin–antitoxin modules, were first discovered on plasmids where they regulate plasmid stability, but were subsequently found on a few bacterial chromosomes. We used exhaustive PSI-BLAST and TBLASTN searches across 774 bacterial genomes to identify homologs of known type I toxins. These searches substantially expanded the collection of predicted type I toxins, revealed homology of the Ldr and Fst toxins, and suggested that type I toxin–antitoxin loci are not spread by horizontal gene transfer. To discover novel type I toxin–antitoxin systems, we developed a set of search parameters based on characteristics of known loci including the presence of tandem repeats and clusters of charged and bulky amino acids at the C-termini of short proteins containing predicted transmembrane regions. We detected sRNAs for three predicted toxins from enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis, and showed that two of the respective proteins indeed are toxic when overexpressed. We also demonstrated that the local free-energy minima of RNA folding can be used to detect the positions of the sRNA genes. Our results suggest that type I toxin–antitoxin modules are much more widely distributed among bacteria than previously appreciated.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis designates the formation of new vessels from preexisting ones, and occurs mainly during development. Tight control of this process is a prerequisite to avoid excess/defect in angiogenesis that are the underlying causes of several diseases conditions. Growing lines of evidences have indicated that some guidance cues are involved in regulation of vascular system elaboration, in addition to their role during nervous system development. In this way, netrin-1 has been involved in control of angiogenesis. However, a controversy has emerged regarding its action, since it was concluded from different studies that this protein was either a pro or an anti-angiogenic factor. Thus, netrin-1 role is still unclear. The aim of this review is to propose clues to explain previously reported discrepancies, in light of the dependence receptors model. Indeed, netrin-1 could likely favor angiogenesis, notably by blocking apoptosis induced by its unbound UNC5B receptor.  相似文献   

The bacterial toxin–antitoxin (TA) system is a module that may play a role in cell survival under stress conditions. Generally, toxin molecules act as negative regulators in cell survival and antitoxin molecules as positive regulators. Thus, the expression levels and interactions between toxins and antitoxins should be systematically harmonized so that bacteria can escape such harmful conditions. Since TA systems are able to control the fate of bacteria, they are considered potent targets for the development of new antimicrobial agents. TA systems are widely prevalent with a variety of systems existing in bacteria: there are three types of bacterial TA systems depending on the property of the antitoxin which binds either the protein toxin or mRNA coding the toxin protein. Moreover, the multiplicity of TA genes has been observed even in species of bacteria. Therefore, knowledge on TA systems such as the individual characteristics of TA systems, integrative working mechanisms of various TA systems in bacteria, interactions between toxin molecules and cellular targets, and so on is currently limited due to their complexity. In this regard, it would be helpful to know the structural characteristics of TA modules for understanding TA systems in bacteria. Until now, 85 out of the total structures deposited in PDB have been bacterial TA system proteins including TA complexes or isolated toxins/antitoxins. Here, we summarized the structural information of TA systems and analyzed the structural characteristics of known TA modules from several bacteria, especially focusing on the TA modules of several infectious bacteria.  相似文献   

《Biotechnology advances》2017,35(2):251-266
Oxidation of the primary OH groups in cellulose is a pivotal reaction both at lab and industrial scale, leading to the value-added products, i.e. oxidized cellulose which have tremendous applications in medicine, pharmacy and hi-tech industry. Moreover, the introduction of carboxyl moieties creates prerequisites for further cellulose functionalization through covalent attachment or electrostatic interactions, being an essential achievement designed to boost the area of cellulose-based nanomaterials fabrication. Various methods for the cellulose oxidation have been developed in the course of time, aiming the selective conversion of the OH groups. These methods use: nitrogen dioxide in chloroform, alkali metal nitrites and nitrates, strong acids alone or in combination with permanganates or sodium nitrite, ozone, and sodium periodate or lead (IV) tetraacetate. In the case of the last two reagents, cellulose dialdehydes derivatives are formed, which are further oxidized by sodium chlorite or hydrogen peroxide to form dicarboxyl groups. A major improvement in the cellulose oxidation was represented by the introduction of the stable nitroxyl radicals, such as 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO). However, a major impediment for the researchers working in this area is related with the severe depolymerisation occurred during the TEMPO-mediated conversion of CH2OH into COOH groups. On the other hand, the cellulose depolymerisation represent the key step, in the general effort of searching for alternative strategies to develop new renewable, carbon-neutral energy sources. In this connection, exploiting the biomass feed stocks to produce biofuel and other low molecular organic compounds, involves a high amount of research to improve the overall reaction conditions, limit the energy consumption, and to use benign reagents. This work is therefore focused on the parallelism between these two apparently antagonist processes involving cellulose, building a necessary bridge between them, thinking how the reported drawbacks of the TEMPO-mediated oxidation of cellulose are heading towards to the biomass valorisation, presenting why the apparently undesired side reactions could be turned into beneficial processes if they are correlated with the existing achievements of particular significance in the field of cellulose conversion into small organic compounds, aiming the general goal of pursuing for alternatives to replace the petroleum-based products in human life.  相似文献   


Circadian clocks are endogenous time keeping mechanisms that drive near 24-h behavioural, physiological and metabolic rhythms in organisms. It is thought that organisms possess circadian clocks to facilitate coordination of essential biological events to the external day and night (extrinsic advantage) so as to enhance Darwinian fitness. However, on Earth, there are a number of habitats that are not subject to such robust daily cycling of geo-physical factors. Do organisms living under such conditions exhibit rhythmic behaviours that are driven by endogenous circadian clocks? We attempt to critically survey studies of rhythms (or the lack of them) in organisms living in a range of constant environments. Many such organisms do show rhythms in behaviour and/or physiological variables. We suggest that such presence of rhythms may be indicative of an underlying clock that facilitates, (a) internal synchrony among rhythms, and (b) temporal partitioning of incompatible cellular processes (intrinsic advantage). We then highlight reasons that limit our interpretations about the presence (or absence) of clocks in such organisms living under constant conditions, and suggest possible methods to conclusively test whether or not rhythms in these organisms are driven by endogenous circadian clocks with the hope that it may enhance our understanding of circadian clocks in organisms under constant environments.  相似文献   

The lack of ordered structure in “natively unfolded” proteins raises a general question: Are there intrinsic properties of amino acid residues that are responsible for the absence of fixed structure at physiological conditions? In this article, we demonstrate that the competence of a protein to be folded or to be unfolded may be determined by the property of amino acid residues to form a sufficient number of contacts in a globular state. The expected average number of contacts per residue calculated from the amino acid sequence alone (using the average number of contacts for 20 amino acid residues in globular proteins) can be used as one of the simple indicators of natively unfolded proteins. The prediction accuracy for the sets of 80 folded and 90 natively unfolded proteins reaches 89% if the expected average number of contacts is used as a parameter and 83% in the case of hydrophobicity. An optimal set of artificial parameters for 20 amino acid residues obtained by Monte Carlo algorithm to maximally separate the sets of 90 natively unfolded and 80 folded proteins demonstrates the upper limit for prediction accuracy, which is 95%.  相似文献   

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