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Many factors are known to influence the oligomerization, fibrillation, and amyloid formation of the Aβ peptide that is associated with Alzheimer disease. Other proteins that are present when Aβ peptides deposit in vivo are likely to have an effect on these aggregation processes. To separate specific versus broad spectrum effects of proteins on Aβ aggregation, we tested a series of proteins not reported to have chaperone activity: catalase, pyruvate kinase, albumin, lysozyme, α-lactalbumin, and β-lactoglobulin. All tested proteins suppressed the fibrillation of Alzheimer Aβ(1–40) peptide at substoichiometric ratios, albeit some more effectively than others. All proteins bound non-specifically to Aβ, stabilized its random coils, and reduced its cytotoxicity. Surprisingly, pyruvate kinase and catalase were at least as effective as known chaperones in inhibiting Aβ aggregation. We propose general mechanisms for the broad-spectrum inhibition Aβ fibrillation by proteins. The mechanisms we discuss are significant for prognostics and perhaps even for prevention and treatment of Alzheimer disease.  相似文献   

The inherent tendency of proteins to convert from their native states into amyloid aggregates is associated with a range of human disorders, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. In that sense, the use of small molecules as probes for the structural and toxic mechanism related to amyloid aggregation has become an active area of research. Compared with other compounds, the structural and molecular basis behind the inhibitory interaction of phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate (PcTS) with proteins such as αS and tau has been well established, contributing to a better understanding of the amyloid aggregation process in these proteins. We present here the structural characterization of the binding of PcTS and its Cu(II) and Zn(II)-loaded forms to the amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) and the impact of these interactions on the peptide amyloid fibril assembly. Elucidation of the PcTS binding modes to Aβ40 revealed the involvement of specific aromatic and hydrophobic interactions in the formation of the Aβ40-PcTS complex, ascribed to a binding mode in which the planarity and hydrophobicity of the aromatic ring system in the phthalocyanine act as main structural determinants for the interaction. Our results demonstrated that formation of the Aβ40-PcTS complex does not interfere with the progression of the peptide toward the formation of amyloid fibrils. On the other hand, conjugation of Zn(II) but not Cu(II) at the center of the PcTS macrocyclic ring modified substantially the binding profile of this phthalocyanine to Aβ40 and became crucial to reverse the effects of metal-free PcTS on the fibril assembly of the peptide. Overall, our results provide a firm basis to understand the structural rules directing phthalocyanine-protein interactions and their implications on the amyloid fibril assembly of the target proteins; in particular, our results contradict the hypothesis that PcTS might have similar mechanisms of action in slowing the formation of a variety of pathological aggregates.  相似文献   

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - Alzheimer’s disease is the main cause of dementia and the deposition of amyloid beta peptide (Aβ) in the brain is the key...  相似文献   

Amyloid β peptides appear to play a role in physiological processes; however, they are also involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease. Their actions under normal conditions are probably mediated by soluble monomeric l-isoforms at low concentrations, perhaps via highly specific interactions. On the contrary, toxic effects of aggregated natural l-isoforms/synthetic d-isoforms on membranes are very similar, but synthetic reverse/random l-isoforms without pronounced aggregation properties are not toxic. Our previous work reported interactions of non-aggregated/aggregated l-isoforms of amyloid β peptides 1–40/1–42 with racemic 24-hydroxycholesterol. In this study, stereospecificity in the interactions of natural 24(S)hydroxycholesterol (cerebrosterol) or synthetic 24(R)hydroxycholesterol with soluble fragment 1–40 was evaluated by means of an in vitro test based on increased vulnerability of the hemicholinium-3 sensitive high-affinity choline uptake system in rat hippocampal cholesterol-depleted synaptosomes to the actions of amyloid β; computational simulations were also performed. Our results suggest that: (1) 24(S)hydroxycholesterol interacts with l-peptide 1–40 but not with the reverse l-peptide 40–1, (2) 24(R)hydroxycholesterol does not interact with l-peptide 1–40 or reverse 40–1, and (3) both enantiomers can probably interact with d-peptide 1–40. Therefore, the binding of 24(S)hydroxycholesterol is not fully stereospecific and the interaction could not reflect a physiological mechanism. Data from the computational simulation indicate that the hydrophobic core of the amyloid β molecule interacts with the hydrophobic part of 24(S)hydroxycholesterol, but no hydrogen bonds with high stability were found. Using this procedure, globular amyloid β could retain 24(S)hydroxycholesterol and thus contribute to its pathological accumulation in the brains of patients with Alzheimer disease.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD)-associated amyloid β peptide (Aβ) is one of the main actors in AD pathogenesis. Aβ is characterized by its high tendency to self-associate, leading to the generation of oligomers and amyloid fibrils. The elucidation of pathways and intermediates is crucial for the understanding of protein assembly mechanisms in general and in conjunction with neurodegenerative diseases, e.g., for the identification of new therapeutic targets. Our study focused on Aβ42 and its oligomeric assemblies in the lag phase of amyloid formation, as studied by sedimentation velocity (SV) centrifugation. The assembly state of Aβ during the lag phase, the time required by an Aβ solution to reach the exponential growth phase of aggregation, was characterized by a dominant monomer fraction below 1 S and a population of oligomeric species between 4 and 16 S. From the oligomer population, two major species close to a 12-mer and an 18-mer with a globular shape were identified. The recurrence of these two species at different initial concentrations and experimental conditions as the smallest assemblies present in solution supports the existence of distinct, energetically favored assemblies in solution. The sizes of the two species suggest an Aβ42 aggregation pathway that is based on a basic hexameric building block. The study demonstrates the potential of SV analysis for the evaluation of protein aggregation pathways.  相似文献   

The amyloid β (Aβ) peptide, which is abundantly found in the brains of patients suffering from Alzheimer disease, is central in the pathogenesis of this disease. Therefore, to understand the processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) is of critical importance. Recently, we demonstrated that the metalloprotease meprin β cleaves APP and liberates soluble N-terminal APP (N-APP) fragments. In this work, we present evidence that meprin β can also process APP in a manner reminiscent of β-secretase. We identified cleavage sites of meprin β in the amyloid β sequence of the wild type and Swedish mutant of APP at positions p1 and p2, thereby generating Aβ variants starting at the first or second amino acid residue. We observed even higher kinetic values for meprin β than BACE1 for both the wild type and the Swedish mutant APP form. This enzymatic activity of meprin β on APP and Aβ generation was also observed in the absence of BACE1/2 activity using a β-secretase inhibitor and BACE knock-out cells, indicating that meprin β acts independently of β-secretase.  相似文献   


Several neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's dis-eases, are associated with amyloid fibrils formed by different polypeptides. Recently, the atomic structure of the amyloid-forming peptide GGVVIA from the C-terminal hydrophobic segment of amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide has been determined and revealed a dry, tightly self-com-plementing structure between two β-sheets, termed as “steric zipper”. In this study, several all-atom molecular dynamics simulations with explicit water were conducted to investigate the structural stability and aggregation behavior of the GGVVIA oligomers with various sizes. The results of our single-layer models suggested that the structural stability of the GGVVIA oligomers increases remarkably with increasing the numbers of β-strands. We fur-ther identified that SH2-ST2 may act as a stable seed in prompting amyloid fibril formations. Our results also demonstrated that hydrophobic interaction is the principle driving force to stabilize and associate the GGVVIA oligomers between β-strands; while the hydrophobic steric zipper formed via the side chains of V3, V4, and I5 plays a critical role in holding the two neighboring β-sheets together. Single glycine substitution at V3, V4, and I5 directly disrupted the hydrophobic steric zipper between these two β-sheets, resulting in the destabili-zation of the oligomers. Our simulation results provided detailed insights into understanding the aggregation behavior of the GGVVIA oligomers in the atomic level. It may also be help-ful for designing new inhibitors able to prevent the fibril formation of Aβ peptide.  相似文献   

Some of the most prevalent neurodegenerative diseases are characterized by the accumulation of amyloid fibrils in organs and tissues. Although the pathogenic role of these fibrils has not been completely established, increasing evidence suggests off-pathway aggregation as a source of toxic/detoxicating deposits that still remains to be targeted. The present work is a step toward the development of off-pathway modulators using the same amyloid-specific dyes as those conventionally employed to screen amyloid inhibitors. We identified a series of kinetic signatures revealing the quantitative importance of off-pathway aggregation relative to amyloid fibrillization; these include non-linear semilog plots of amyloid progress curves, highly variable end point signals, and half-life coordinates weakly influenced by concentration. Molecules that attenuate/intensify the magnitude of these signals are considered promising off-pathway inhibitors/promoters. An illustrative example shows that amyloid deposits of lysozyme are only the tip of an iceberg hiding a crowd of insoluble aggregates. Thoroughly validated using advanced microscopy techniques and complementary measurements of dynamic light scattering, CD, and soluble protein depletion, the new analytical tools are compatible with the high-throughput methods currently employed in drug discovery.  相似文献   

Since the soluble oligomers of 42-residue amyloid β (Aβ42) might be neurotoxins at an early stage of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), inhibition of soluble Aβ42 oligomerization should be effective in the treatment of AD. We have found by phage display that a 7-residue peptide, SRPGLRR, exhibited inhibitory activity against soluble 37/48 kDa oligomers of Aβ42. In the present study, we newly prepared 3- and 4-residue random peptides libraries and performed pannings of them against soluble Aβ42 to search for important factors in the inhibition of Aβ42 oligomerization. After the fifth round, arginine-containing peptides were enriched in both libraries. SDS–PAGE and size-exclusion chromatography indicated that the inhibitory activities of 4-residue peptides against the soluble 37/48 kDa oligomers of Aβ42 were higher than those of the 3-residue peptides, and RFRK exhibited strong inhibitory activity as well as SRPGLRR. These short peptides should be useful for the suppression of soluble Aβ42 oligomer formation.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by the accumulation of amyloid-beta (Abeta) peptides. Although the disease undoubtedly reflects the interaction of complex multifactorial processes, Abeta itself is toxic to neurons in vitro and the load of Abeta in vivo correlates well with the degree of cognitive impairment. There has therefore been considerable interest in the mechanism(s) of Abeta neurotoxicity. We here review the basic biology of Abeta processing and consider some of the major areas of focus of this research. It is clear that both AD and Abeta toxicity are characterized by oxidative stress, alterations in the activity of enzymes of intermediary metabolism, and mitochondrial dysfunction, especially impaired activity of cytochrome c oxidase. Studies in vitro also show alterations in cellular calcium signaling. We consider the mechanisms proposed to mediate cell injury and explore evidence to indicate which of these many changes in function are primary and which secondary.  相似文献   

In Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the amyloid β (Aβ) peptide aggregates in the brain to form progressively larger oligomers, fibrils, and plaques. The aggregation process is strongly influenced by the presence of other macromolecular species, called crowders, that can exert forces on the proteins. One very common attribute of macromolecular crowders is their hydrophobicity. We examined the effect of hydrophobic crowders on protein aggregation by using discontinuous molecular dynamics (DMD) simulations in combination with an intermediate resolution protein model, PRIME20. The systems considered contained 48 Aβ (16–22) peptides and crowders with diameters of 5 Å, 20 Å, and 40 Å, represented by hard spheres or spheres with square-well/square-shoulder interactions, at a crowder volume fraction of ϕ = 0.10. Results show that low levels of crowder hydrophobicity are capable of increasing the fibrillation lag time and high levels of crowder hydrophobicity can fully prevent the formation of fibrils. The types of structures that remain during the final stages of the simulations are summarized in a global phase diagram that shows fibril, disordered oligomer, or β-sheet phases in the space spanned by crowder size and crowder hydrophobicity. In particular, at high levels of hydrophobicity, simulations with 5 Å crowders result in only disordered oligomers and simulations with 40 Å crowders result in only β-sheets. The presence of hydrophobic crowders reduces the antiparallel β-sheet content of fibrils, whereas hard sphere crowders increase it. Finally, strong hydrophobic crowders alter the secondary structure of the Aβ (16–22) monomers, bending them into a shape that is incapable of forming ordered β-sheets or fibrils. These results qualitatively agree with previous theoretical and experimental work.  相似文献   

Misfolding and aggregation of proteins are characteristics of a range of increasingly prevalent neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. In Parkinson's disease and several closely related syndromes, the protein α-synuclein (AS) aggregates and forms amyloid-like deposits in specific regions of the brain. Fluorescence microscopy using fluorescent proteins, for instance the yellow fluorescent protein (YFP), is the method of choice to image molecular events such as protein aggregation in living organisms. The presence of a bulky fluorescent protein tag, however, may potentially affect significantly the properties of the protein of interest; for AS in particular, its relative small size and, as an intrinsically unfolded protein, its lack of defined secondary structure could challenge the usefulness of fluorescent-protein-based derivatives. Here, we subject a YFP fusion of AS to exhaustive studies in vitro designed to determine its potential as a means of probing amyloid formation in vivo. By employing a combination of biophysical and biochemical studies, we demonstrate that the conjugation of YFP does not significantly perturb the structure of AS in solution and find that the AS-YFP protein forms amyloid deposits in vitro that are essentially identical with those observed for wild-type AS, except that they are fluorescent. Of the several fluorescent properties of the YFP chimera that were assayed, we find that fluorescence anisotropy is a particularly useful parameter to follow the aggregation of AS-YFP, because of energy migration Förster resonance energy transfer (emFRET or homoFRET) between closely positioned YFP moieties occurring as a result of the high density of the fluorophore within the amyloid species. Fluorescence anisotropy imaging microscopy further demonstrates the ability of homoFRET to distinguish between soluble, pre-fibrillar aggregates and amyloid fibrils of AS-YFP. Our results validate the use of fluorescent protein chimeras of AS as representative models for studying protein aggregation and offer new opportunities for the investigation of amyloid aggregation in vivo using YFP-tagged proteins.  相似文献   

《Journal of molecular biology》2019,431(17):3229-3245
α-Synuclein (αSyn) is an intrinsically disordered protein that can form amyloid fibrils. Fibrils of αSyn are implicated with the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease and other synucleinopathies. Elucidating the mechanism of fibril formation of αSyn is therefore important for understanding the mechanism of the pathogenesis of these diseases. Fibril formation of αSyn is sensitive to solution conditions, suggesting that fibril formation of αSyn arises from the changes in its inherent physico-chemical properties, particularly its dynamic properties because intrinsically disordered proteins such as αSyn utilize their inherent flexibility to function. Characterizing these properties under various conditions should provide insights into the mechanism of fibril formation. Here, using the quasielastic neutron scattering and small-angle x-ray scattering techniques, we investigated the dynamic and structural properties of αSyn under the conditions, where mature fibrils are formed (pH 7.4 with a high salt concentration), where clumping of short fibrils occurs (pH 4.0), and where fibril formation is not completed (pH 7.4). The small-angle x-ray scattering measurements showed that the extended structures at pH 7.4 with a high salt concentration become compact at pH 4.0 and 7.4. The quasielastic neutron scattering measurements showed that both intra-molecular segmental motions and local motions such as side-chain motions are enhanced at pH 7.4 with a high salt concentration, compared to those at pH 7.4 without salt, whereas only the local motions are enhanced at pH 4.0. These results imply that fibril formation of αSyn requires not only the enhanced local motions but also the segmental motions such that proper inter-molecular interactions are possible.  相似文献   

There have been many reports suggesting that soluble oligomers of amyloid β (Aβ) are neurotoxins causing Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Although inhibition of the soluble oligomerization of Aβ is considered to be effective in the treatment of AD, almost all peptide inhibitors have been designed from the β-sheet structure (H14-D23) of Aβ1-42. To obtain more potent peptides than the known inhibitors of the soluble-oligomer formation of Aβ1-42, we performed random screening by phage display. After fifth-round panning of a hepta-peptide library against soluble Aβ1-42, novel peptides containing arginine residues were enriched. These peptides were found to suppress specifically 37/48 kDa oligomer formation and to keep the monomeric form of Aβ1-42 even after 24 h of incubation, as disclosed by SDS–PAGE and size-exclusion chromatography. Thus we succeeded in acquiring novel efficient peptides for inhibition of soluble 37/48 kDa oligomer formation of Aβ1-42.  相似文献   

The extent to which proteins aggregate into distinct structures ranging from prefibrillar oligomers to amyloid fibrils is key to the pathogenesis of many age-related degenerative diseases. We describe here for the Alzheimer's disease-related amyloid β peptide (Aβ) an investigation of the sequence-based determinants of the balance between the formation of prefibrillar aggregates and amyloid fibrils. We show that by introducing single-point mutations, it is possible to convert the normally harmless Aβ40 peptide into a pathogenic species by increasing its relative propensity to form prefibrillar but not fibrillar aggregates, and, conversely, to abolish the pathogenicity of the highly neurotoxic E22G Aβ42 peptide by reducing its relative propensity to form prefibrillar species rather than mature fibrillar ones. This observation can be rationalized by the demonstration that whereas regions of the sequence of high aggregation propensity dominate the overall tendency to aggregate, regions with low intrinsic aggregation propensities exert significant control over the balance of the prefibrillar and fibrillar species formed, and therefore play a major role in determining the neurotoxicity of the Aβ peptide.  相似文献   

Increased processing of amyloid precursor protein (APP) and accumulation of neurotoxic amyloid β peptide (Aβ) in the brain is central to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer''s disease (AD). Therefore, the identification of molecules that regulate Aβ generation is crucial for future therapeutic approaches for AD. We demonstrated previously that RanBP9 regulates Aβ generation in a number of cell lines and primary neuronal cultures by forming tripartite protein complexes with APP, low-density lipoprotein-related protein, and BACE1, consequently leading to increased amyloid plaque burden in the brain. RanBP9 is a scaffold protein that exists and functions in multiprotein complexes. To identify other proteins that may bind RanBP9 and regulate Aβ levels, we used a two-hybrid analysis against a human brain cDNA library and identified COPS5 as a novel RanBP9-interacting protein. This interaction was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation experiments in both neuronal and non-neuronal cells and mouse brain. Colocalization of COPS5 and RanBP9 in the same subcellular compartments further supported the interaction of both proteins. Furthermore, like RanBP9, COPS5 robustly increased Aβ generation, followed by increased soluble APP-β (sAPP-β) and decreased soluble-APP-α (sAPP-α) levels. Most importantly, down-regulation of COPS5 by siRNAs reduced Aβ generation, implying that endogenous COPS5 regulates Aβ generation. Finally, COPS5 levels were increased significantly in AD brains and APΔE9 transgenic mice, and overexpression of COPS5 strongly increased RanBP9 protein levels by increasing its half-life. Taken together, these results suggest that COPS5 increases Aβ generation by increasing RanBP9 levels. Thus, COPS5 is a novel RanBP9-binding protein that increases APP processing and Aβ generation by stabilizing RanBP9 protein levels.  相似文献   

Insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) is a neutral Zn2+ peptidase that degrades short peptides based on substrate conformation, size and charge. Some of these substrates, including amyloid β (Aβ) are capable of self-assembling into cytotoxic oligomers. Based on IDE recognition mechanism and our previous report of the formation of a stable complex between IDE and intact Aβ in vitro and in vivo, we analyzed the possibility of a chaperone-like function of IDE. A proteolytically inactive recombinant IDE with Glu111 replaced by Gln (IDEQ) was used. IDEQ blocked the amyloidogenic pathway of Aβ yielding non-fibrillar structures as assessed by electron microscopy. Measurements of the kinetics of Aβ aggregation by light scattering showed that 1) IDEQ effect was promoted by ATP independent of its hydrolysis, 2) end products of Aβ-IDEQ co-incubation were incapable of “seeding” the assembly of monomeric Aβ and 3) IDEQ was ineffective in reversing Aβ aggregation. Moreover, Aβ aggregates formed in the presence of IDEQ were non-neurotoxic. IDEQ had no conformational effects upon insulin (a non-amyloidogenic protein under physiological conditions) and did not disturb insulin receptor activation in cultured cells. Our results suggest that IDE has a chaperone-like activity upon amyloid-forming peptides. It remains to be explored whether other highly conserved metallopeptidases have a dual protease-chaperone function to prevent the formation of toxic peptide oligomers from bacteria to mammals.  相似文献   

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