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Malate synthase (Mls), a key enzyme in the glyoxylate cycle, is required for virulence in microbial pathogens. In this study, we identified the AoMls gene from the nematode-trapping fungus Arthobotrys oligospora. The gene contains 4 introns and encodes a polypeptide of 540 amino acids. To characterize the function of AoMls in A. oligospora, we disrupted it by homologous recombination, and the ΔAoMls mutants were confirmed by PCR and Southern blot analyses. The growth rate and colony morphology of the ΔAoMls mutants showed no obvious difference from the wild-type strains on potato dextrose agar (PDA) plate. However, the disruption of gene AoMls led to a significant reduction in conidiation, failure to utilize fatty acids and sodium acetate for growth, and its conidia were unable to germinate on minimal medium supplemented with sodium oleate. In addition, the trap formation was retarded in the ΔAoMls mutants, which only produced immature traps containing one or two rings. Moreover, the nematicidal activity of the ΔAoMls mutants was significantly decreased. Our results suggest that the gene AoMls plays an important role in conidiation, trap formation and pathogenicity of A. oligospora.  相似文献   

Zhou  Duanxu  Zhu  Yingmei  Bai  Na  Yang  Le  Xie  Meihua  Yang  Jiangliu  Zhu  Meichen  Zhang  Ke-Qin  Yang  Jinkui 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2022,65(2):412-425
Science China Life Sciences - Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved process in eukaryotes, which is regulated by autophagy-related genes (ATGs). Arthrobotrys oligospora is a representative...  相似文献   

Wang  Ji-ai  Huang  Xiaowei  Niu  Shanzhuang  Hu  Zhihong  Li  Heng  Ji  Xinglai  Yu  Hua  Zeng  Weikun  Tao  Jian  Chen  Weiwei  Li  Jun  Li  Juan  Zhang  Ke-Qin 《Annals of microbiology》2019,69(12):1267-1274
Arthrobotrys oligospora, a model nematophagous fungus that produces specific adhesive networks to capture nematodes, has been proposed as a potentially effective biological agent to control harmful plant-parasitic nematodes. Although thioredoxin has been characterized as playing important roles in many cellular processes in other species, its function in nematophagous fungi has not been studied. Here, the function of a thioredoxin homolog, Aotrx1, was investigated in A. oligospora. The encoding gene of Aotrx1 in the nematophagous fungus A. oligospora was knocked out by homologous recombination; strain growth was assessed. The ΔAotrx1 strain of A. oligospora showed a significant decrease in growth rate on different media (PDA, CMY, and TG), a 70% decrease of conidia production, and a lower germination rate compared with the wild type. The mutant strain was unable to form traps to capture nematodes and was more sensitive to SDS and H2O2. Thioredoxin is involved in conidia development, trap formation, normal mycelial growth, and resistance to environmental stresses in the nematode-trapping fungus A. oligospora.  相似文献   

In the predacious fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora Fres., the number and distribution of traps formed after the addition of living nematodes to the colonies were determined. At 21°C the traps were formed periodically; the mean period was 42.3±0.8 h. The periodicity was independent of light-dark (LD) cycles of 24 h (10:14). Temperature influenced the hyphal elongation but did not affect the periodic trap formation; at lower temperatures the peaks of trap formation were close together, showing partial overlapping. Induction of rhythmic mycelial growth and conidiation by chemical means was effective only in LD-cycles. The latter diurnal rhythm was weakly correlated with the trap formation and did not affect the endogenous period of approximately 42 h.Abbreviations LD light-dark - DD continuous darkness - LNM low-nutrient medium - CMA corn meal agar  相似文献   

李烁烁  王达  房美玲  张颖 《菌物学报》2022,41(4):529-545
捕食线虫真菌少孢节丛孢Arthrobotrys oligospora是子囊菌中的一个食肉性丝状真菌,其菌丝体可变态为各种结构精巧的捕食器官用于捕食线虫,在生物防治和进化上极具研究潜力.线粒体基因细胞色素c氧化酶亚基Ⅰ基因(COX1)在真菌物种鉴定中的效果饱受争议.本研究对A.oligospora的不同单孢培养的菌株进行...  相似文献   

Several studies have indicated that the capture of nematodes by the nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora is mediated by a lectin on the fungal surface. One of the major surface proteins of this fungus showed haemagglutinating activity and was isolated by affinity chromatography using a mucin Sepharose column. Biochemical analysis showed that the protein was a dimeric glycoprotein with a molecular mass of 36 kDa and an isoelectric point of pH 6.5, and contained no sulphur amino acids. The protein was N-terminally blocked; four internal peptides were sequenced, and showed no significant similarity to sequences in the Swiss-Prot or PIR databases. The haemagglutinating activity of the isolated protein was not inhibited by any of the mono- or disaccharides tested, but it was inhibited by the glycoproteins fetuin and mucin. The haemagglutinating activity changed after incubating the protein in buffers of different pH, with maximal activity at pH 11.0 and no activity at pH 2.8. The lectin was tested for different enzymic activities but none were detected. Analysis of the haemagglutinating activity in various cell fractions indicated that the protein was associated with extracellular polymer layers and with the cell wall of the fungus. About the same amount of the haemagglutinating protein was recovered from samples of vegetative mycelium and of mycelium containing nematode-trapping cells.  相似文献   

An improved DNA-mediated transformation system for nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora based on hygromycin B resistance was developed. The transformation frequency varied between 34 and 175 transformants per μg linearized DNA and 93% of the transformants were stable for drug resistance when tested 100 randomly selected transformants. More than 2000 transformants were obtained by transformation of the fungus with pBChygro in the presence of HindIII and among them, one, YMF1.00110, which lost its ability of forming predacious structure, was isolated. Southern analysis showed that the plasmid DNA had integrated into the genome of all tested transformants (including YMF 1.00110) except one. The transformant tagged with hph gene could be re-isolated and quantified from dung samples based on the resistance of hygromycin B. All the results suggested that the method of restriction enzyme mediated integration (REMI) should facilitate not only the insertional mutagenesis for tagging and analysis genes of interest but also the ecological investigation of tagged fungi in a given environment.  相似文献   

Minglian Z  Minghe M  Keqin Z 《Mycologia》2004,96(1):16-22
A neutral serine protease (designated Aoz1) was purified to homogeneity from a strain of Arthrobotrys oligospora, obtained from soil in Yunnan Province. The purified protein showed a molecular mass of approximately 38?000 Dalton, pI 4.9 and displayed optimal activity at 45 C and pH 6-8. The protein could hydrolyze gelatin, casein and the chromogenic substrate azocoll, and it could immobilize nematodes in vitro (Panagrellus redivivus L. [Goodey]). The level of activity in culture medium was found to increase with increasing gelatin concentration. Scanning electron micrographs demonstrated dramatic structural changes in nematode cuticle treated with the purified protease. A partial peptide sequence obtained by N-terminal sequence analysis was used to design degenerate primers for the isolation of a cDNA gene encoding the mature protease. Analysis of the cDNA and corresponding genomic sequence revealed 97% identity with PII, a gene previously described from A. oligospora, and we conclude that this gene is likely a PII ortholog.  相似文献   

We have studied the fate of electron dense microbodies in nematode-trapping organs (traps) of the fungus A. oligospora during the initial hours following nematode capture. The interaction studies were performed with isolated traps which had captured a nematode under conditions where the fungal cells had no access to external energy sources. Video enhanced contrast microscopy showed that under these conditions the number of dense bodies present in the trap cell that formed the penetration tube, rapidly decreased. During subsequent penetration and development of the infection bulb this decrease continued while at this time common cell organelles such as mitochondria and vacuoles were formed. This was confirmed by electron microscopy which also revealed that the dense bodies were degraded by means of an autophagic process. The organelles were degraded individually and finally turned into compartments which, based on ultrastructural criteria, were considered vacuoles. Fusion of such vacuoles into larger organelles frequently occurred. The degradation process was initiated early in the interaction since initial stages were already evident within 15 min after capture. Generally it took 1–2 h before the infection bulb had fully developed and trophic hyphae formation started. During this time the original trap cell, characterized by numerous dense bodies, was transformed into an active vegetative hyphal cell containing typical cell organelles such as nuclei, mitochondria, a strongly proliferated endoplasmic reticulum, vacuoles and normal microbodies but lacked dense bodies. This disappearance of dense bodies was confined to the cell that penetrated the nematode and—less frequently—its two neighbouring cells in the hyphal loop. In the other cells, constituting the trap, the dense bodies remained unaffected. As will be discussed, the present results support our current view that traps of A. oligospora contribute to the survival of the organism in its natural environment.  相似文献   

Abstract The influence of nutrient level, type of carbon source and nitrogen concentration on the parasitism of Arthrobotrys oligospora on Rhizoctonia solani were investigated by quantification of coiling frequency. Changes in coiling frequency were also compared with changes in hyphal density and colony radial growth rate. Increasing concentrations of corn meal agar gave increasing coiling frequency up to a concentration of half the recomended strength. At higher concentrations the coiling frequency was constant, although the hyphal density of both fungi increased over the whole concentration range. Coiling frequency was positively correlated with the probability of hyphal encounter, calculated as the product of the hyphal densities of the two fungi, except at high CMA concentrations. Amongst several carbohydrates tested, glucose resulted in the highest, and sucrose the lowest, coiling frequency. The effect of the different carbohydrates on coiling frequency was not correlated with the hyphal densities of the fungi. Addition of a nitrogen source, NaNO3, removed the differences in coiling frequency between glucose and sucrose and increased coiling frequencies on both sugars.  相似文献   

There is well-conserved PacC/Rim101 signaling among ascomycete fungi to mediate environmental pH sensing. For pathogenic fungi, this pathway not only enables fungi to grow over a wide pH range, but it also determines whether these fungi can successfully colonize and invade the targeted host. Within the pal/PacC pathway, palH is a putative ambient pH sensor with a seven-transmembrane domain. To characterize the function of a palH homolog, AopalH, in the nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora, we knocked out the encoding gene of AopalH through homologous recombination, and the transformants exhibited slower growth rates, greater sensitivities to cationic and hyperoxidation stresses, as well as reduced conidiation and reduced trap formation, suggesting that the pH regulatory system has critical functions in nematophagous fungi. Our results provide novel insights into the mechanisms of pH response and regulation in fungi.  相似文献   

Rab6A and Rab6A' GTPases play non-overlapping roles in membrane trafficking   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
The closely related Rab6 isoforms, Rab6A and Rab6A', have been shown to regulate vesicular trafficking within the Golgi and post-Golgi compartments, but studies using dominant active or negative mutant suggested conflicting models. Here, we report that reduction in the expression of Rab6 isoform using specific small interfering RNA reveals noticeable differences in the Rab6A and Rab6A' biological functions. Surprisingly, Rab6A seems to be largely dispensable in membrane trafficking events, whereas knocking down the expression of Rab6A' hampers the intracellular transport of the retrograde cargo marker, the Shiga Toxin B-subunit along the endocytic pathway, and causes defects in Golgi- associated protein recycling through the endoplasmic reticulum. We also showed that Rab6A' is required for cell cycle progression through mitosis and identify Ile(62) as a key residue for uncoupling Rab6A' functions in mitosis and retrograde trafficking. Thus, our work shows that Rab6A and Rab6A' perform different functions within the cell and suggests a novel role for Rab6A' as the major Rab6 isoform regulating previously described Rab6-dependent transport pathways.  相似文献   

Yang J  Wang L  Ji X  Feng Y  Li X  Zou C  Xu J  Ren Y  Mi Q  Wu J  Liu S  Liu Y  Huang X  Wang H  Niu X  Li J  Liang L  Luo Y  Ji K  Zhou W  Yu Z  Li G  Liu Y  Li L  Qiao M  Feng L  Zhang KQ 《PLoS pathogens》2011,7(9):e1002179
Nematode-trapping fungi are "carnivorous" and attack their hosts using specialized trapping devices. The morphological development of these traps is the key indicator of their switch from saprophytic to predacious lifestyles. Here, the genome of the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora Fres. (ATCC24927) was reported. The genome contains 40.07 Mb assembled sequence with 11,479 predicted genes. Comparative analysis showed that A. oligospora shared many more genes with pathogenic fungi than with non-pathogenic fungi. Specifically, compared to several sequenced ascomycete fungi, the A. oligospora genome has a larger number of pathogenicity-related genes in the subtilisin, cellulase, cellobiohydrolase, and pectinesterase gene families. Searching against the pathogen-host interaction gene database identified 398 homologous genes involved in pathogenicity in other fungi. The analysis of repetitive sequences provided evidence for repeat-induced point mutations in A. oligospora. Proteomic and quantitative PCR (qPCR) analyses revealed that 90 genes were significantly up-regulated at the early stage of trap-formation by nematode extracts and most of these genes were involved in translation, amino acid metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, cell wall and membrane biogenesis. Based on the combined genomic, proteomic and qPCR data, a model for the formation of nematode trapping device in this fungus was proposed. In this model, multiple fungal signal transduction pathways are activated by its nematode prey to further regulate downstream genes associated with diverse cellular processes such as energy metabolism, biosynthesis of the cell wall and adhesive proteins, cell division, glycerol accumulation and peroxisome biogenesis. This study will facilitate the identification of pathogenicity-related genes and provide a broad foundation for understanding the molecular and evolutionary mechanisms underlying fungi-nematodes interactions.  相似文献   

Chen TH  Hsu CS  Tsai PJ  Ho YF  Lin NS 《Planta》2001,212(5-6):858-863
The fungus Arthrobotrys dactyloides produces specialized constricting rings to trap and then consume nematodes. The signal transduction pathway involved in the nematode-trapping process was examined. Mastoparan, an activator of G-protein, had a stimulatory effect on the inflation of ring cells, whereas a G-protein inhibitor, pertussis toxin, prevented ring-cell expansion. The 40-kDa Gα of heterotrimeric G-proteins was specifically ADP-ribosylated by pertussis toxin. Using an antibody specific to the 35-kDa subunit Gβ, we showed that immunogold-labeled Gβ was more concentrated in ring cells than in the hyphae. In the absence of nematodes, the rings could be inflated by either pressurizing the culture in a syringe, raising intracellular Ca2+ concentrations, or adding warm water. We used these methods to reveal differences in responses to antagonists. The results support a model in which the pressure exerted by a nematode on the ring activates G-proteins in the ring cells. The activation leads to an increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+, activation of calmodulin, and finally the opening of water channels. The ring cells expand to constrict the ring and thus immobilize the nematode. Received: 13 April 2000 / Accepted: 22 June 2000  相似文献   

Abstract The occurrence of microbodies in different cells of the nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora has been investigated. In the predacious phase this organism forms complex 3-dimensional network traps. Mature trap cells generally were crowded with "special" microbodies which possessed an electron dense matrix and were surrounded by a membrane of approx. 9 nm. These organelles developed during the early stages of trap formation and were derived from specialized regions of the endoplasmic reticulum. Cytochemical staining experiments revealed that the electron-dense microbodies contained catalase and d -amino acid oxidase and thus must be considered peroxisomal in nature. Electron-dense bodies were absent in normal vegetative cells of the fungus. These cells contained "normal" microbodies which developed from each other by the separation of small organelles from mature ones. As in yeasts, the metabolic function of these latter organelles was dependent upon environmental conditions.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of an ultrastructural study on the subcellular events occurring in nematode-infecting (trophic) hyphae of the nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora. In early stages of the infection process (30 min-4 h), the infection bulb and developing trophic hyphae are characterized by a highly proliferated endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Its membranes often appeared vesiculated and occur in close association with the cell membrane of the cells. Upon further invasion of the nematode, lipid droplets developed in the trophic hyphae; these droplets were first observed 4–5 h after the infection but were abundantly present after 24–36 h. Along with the formation of lipid droplets proliferation of microbodies was observed. These organeles were characterized by the presence of catalase and thiolase and were frequently observed in close association with the lipid droplets. Later on the lipid droplets disappeared. During this period new vegetative mycelium developed from the trap that had originally captured the nematode. Our results suggest that part of the nutrients released from the nematode are first converted into lipids by the fungus which in turn are degraded via the -oxidation pathway and further metabolized to support growth of new vegetative hyphae.  相似文献   

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