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关帝山林区景观要素空间分布及其动态研究   总被引:42,自引:5,他引:37  
在ARC/INFO支持下,应用GIS技术结合景观生态学原理,从一个侧面对关帝册林森林景观空间分布格局进行了分析研究,提出了一套适用于森林景观空间格局分析方法和指标,揭示了研究地区森林景观空间分布动态的一些基本规律,研究结果表明,在GIS支持下,通过网格样方全景观取样,采用基准面积样方取值法确定样方观测值,分别景观要素计算Morisita指数或E-指标,可以对研究对象的空间分布特征做出客观的分析,并  相似文献   

应用地理信息系统(GIS),建立了青石山小流域农业生态信息系统(QWAEIS),该系统综合了土壤、土地利用、水资源及地形地貌等空间信息和气候、人口、农业生产等基本信息。该系统能对小流域农业生态信息进行有效地分析和管理,应用此系统,进行了小流域的土地适宜性评价,获得土地适宜性评价结果,为小流域规划提供了空间定位信息。  相似文献   

以黄河三角洲垦利县为例,对比分析了目视解译、机助分类等遥感土地利用信息提取方法,采用1981、1991和1995年3时相土地利用状信息,研究确定了统一的监测分类系统、提出了土地利用面积及其空间分布动态监测方法,在此基础上,分析了垦利县地类面积增减变化,在GIS支持下分析了1981-1995年土地利用空间动态变化,同时进行了实地监测点土地利用变分析,探明了该县土地利用动态变化规律。  相似文献   

东北地区农业土地资源潜力评价模型及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对一个地区的农业土地生产潜力进行估算,可以反映该地区的气候生产力水平和农业资源协调的程度及其地区差异.选择应用目前通用的土地潜力分析评价模型进行参数调整,在此基础上形成东北地区农业土地资源潜力评价模型,并在GIS的支持下,计算了东北地区主要作物-玉米和大豆的农业气候生产潜力,并分析了各地农业自然资源利用率的空间差异.结果表明,东北地区各地光合潜力差异不大;由于南北跨度大,各地光温潜力差异非常大,且从北到南呈带状增加趋势;由于各地作物生育期降水呈地带性分布,使得各地气候生产潜力具有较大差异,由西向东逐渐增加.各地主要作物农业自然资源利用率差别较大,东北西部地区资源利用率较低,增产潜力巨大.  相似文献   

基于GIS的福建省双季稻气候-土壤生产潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于GIS建立了福建省双季稻生产空间数据库和属性数据库,利用改进的农业生态区域法,计算了福建省各县市双季稻的光温、气候、气候-土壤生产潜力,通过分级统计和制图,分析了福建省双季稻生产潜力数值分布和空间分布特征及潜力开发优势区.结果表明:人为调节农田水分到最适状态时,可使全省双季晚稻气候生产潜力平均增加1 800 kg·hm-2;人为调节肥料到最优状态时,可使全省双季稻气候-土壤生产潜力平均增加4 000 kg·hm-2,潜力很大;各区双季稻气候-土壤生产潜力开发优势值南部大于北部,其中以闽西南为最大.根据各级生产潜力的变化特点,明确农业投入方向,提出福建省粮食安全的对策建议:严格限制非农业用地,稳定双季稻种植面积;采用适合的双季稻品种搭配,充分利用各地农业气候资源;建设旱涝保收田;增施有机肥、种植绿肥,提高土壤肥力;针对福建省双季稻潜力优势开发区,分批重点投入.  相似文献   

基于RS与GIS的海南西部土地沙化/土地退化动态趋势研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
遥感和地理信息系统技术的发展为研究沙化/土地退化动态趋势变化提供了有效手段,以1987年和1998年的TM遥感资料为信息源,综合GIS参与监督分类及目视读的方法,以GIS为工具提取土地沙化/土地退化动态信息。结果表明海南省西部研究区土地沙化面积在减少,严重沙化区已基本得到整治,但由于对部分地区生态环境的保护不力,使得这些地区继续沙化同;同时,该研究区土地 化区明显的向着逆转的方向发展,但季雨林面积  相似文献   

基于地理信息系统的稻纵卷叶螟的灾变动态显示系统   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
害虫所处的环境是很复杂的 ,受土壤、作物种植格局、地理、气象等诸多因素的影响。而在处理多因素、复杂的时空动态方面 ,传统手段显得很不适应 ,甚至无能为力。随着计算机技术的发展 ,近年来兴起的地理信息系统 ( geographicinformationsystem ,GIS)为我们研究害虫管理和监测开辟了新的途径。在国外 ,GIS已成功应用于害虫适宜生境的风险评估、害虫空间分布的动态监测以及发生趋势预测等方面[1,2 ] 。国内利用GIS也进行了多方面的研究 :南京农业大学植保系利用GIS研究了褐飞虱的动态变化 ,证实了该虫在我国东部因季风环流而作南北往返迁飞的学说[3] ;中国林业科学院将GIS与遥感结合 ,研究了松毛虫的监测系统[4 ] ;中国科学院动物研究所利用GIS对生物多样性进行了研究[5] 。稻纵卷叶螟是一种远距离、季节性迁飞的害虫。每年 5月份自中南半岛迁入我国大陆后 ,在我国各地自南向北经 3~ 4个世代的逐代繁殖为害和北迁后 ,又于 8月下旬开始向南回迁 ,直至 11月份完全迁出我国大陆[6,7] 。这种季节性时空变化过程的规律 ,对某一地区该虫的灾变危害至关重要 ,生产上也急需一种图文并茂的...  相似文献   

地理信息系统用于自然保护区的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从衫的目的出发,针对当前保护区的设计缺乏实际可操作性的不足,提出一套运用地理信息系统(GIS)进行物种保护区功能区划分的方法。主要探讨了核心区及缓冲区的设计方法。核心区的设计分为4个步骤:确定影响栖息的选择的因素,并分别形成反映其空间性的主题图;将主题图层输入计算机;用GIS进行空间数据分析,并通过回归模型确定物种适宜的栖息地;确定核心区的位置及面积。对于缓冲区的设计;本文考虑了5个方面的因素  相似文献   

为了探讨补肾益气活血方对胎儿宫内生长迟缓(IUGR)胎盘组织一氧化氮(NO)生成的影响,本文对正常孕妇、IUGR患者及补肾益气活血中药治疗后患者各12例,采用NADPH黄递酶法研究了一氧化氮合酶(NOS)在胎盘组织的分布,应用化学发光法测定胎盘组织NOS活性。结果表明:正常孕妇胎盘绒毛合体滋养层细胞NOS呈强阳性反应,绒毛干血管壁呈阳性反应,终末绒毛毛细血管壁呈阴性反应;IUGR患者绒毛合体滋养层细胞和绒毛干血管壁NOS染色明显变浅,而终末绒毛毛细血管壁呈阳性反应;中药治疗后合体滋养层细胞和绒毛干血管壁NOS染色明显加深。NOS活性测定中药组较IUGR未治疗组显著增高,与正常孕妇相比其差异无显著性。结果提示:NO参与IUGR的病理生理过程,补肾益气活血方通过增强NOS活性促进胎盘组织NO的产生  相似文献   

基于GIS的中国土地利用变化及其影响模型   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
通过GIS建模,分析了我国土地利用的变化与其影响因子之间的相互作用关系。研究发现,土地利用的变化主要是自然与经济因素综合作用的结果,并且区分不同的规模尺度与不同的区域类型,将对提高土地利用空间变化模型的精度有着重要的影响。  相似文献   

Soil erosion by water is considered as one of the most significant forms of land degradation that affects sustained productivity of agricultural land use and water quality. It is influenced by a considerable number of factors (including climate, soil, topography, land use and types of land management), so that the information on the spatial distribution of soil erosion rate and its related effects can be effectively employed as a baseline data for land use development and water protection. The principal aim of this study is three-fold: (i) to map existing land use; (ii) to assess and map the spatial distribution of average annual rate of soil losses in the study area; (iii) to evaluate spatial matching between existing and proposed land use including a distance analysis from the water body (the Bili-Bili Dam). An analytical procedures used, respectively, include supervised classification of satellite imagery, application of RUSLE (Revised USLE), and overlay analysis in a raster GIS environment, utilising available information in the region covering some parts of Jeneberang catchment, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The results suggest that the outputs of this study can be used for the identification of land units on a cell-basis with different land use types, rate of soil loss, inconsistency between proposed and planned land use, as well as the threat of land degradation to the main river and the dam. The analytical procedures developed in this research may be useful in other areas, particularly in the studies related to the assessment and mapping of land use and erosion for the importance of sustainable land use at a relatively large area.  相似文献   

方斌  吴金凤  倪绍祥 《生态学报》2012,32(20):6489-6500
尝试以作物种植前、后土壤N的空间变化为基础与农户调查数据相结合,以GIS技术为手段,辅以地统计分析,探讨县域作物土壤环境空间变化特征及其与农户土地管理行为,特别是N投入行为间关系。其结果对更深入揭示农田碱解氮的演化规律,指导农民合理N投入,减少投入成本,提升生态环境,具有十分重要的作用。通过对Moran’s I指数分析,结果表明:农业N投入普遍偏高,过剩量大;不同区域作物N投入存在较大差异,且农户各自惯性投入依然较强。平原区变异系数大的主要原因在于种植规模化品种少,粮食作物和经济作物N投入差距大;山区和半山区的变异系数小的原因是由于规模化经营尚未形成,种植作物的多样性和N投入的不稳定性综合形成的。此外,研究还表明,GIS空间分析技术与经典试验相结合能有效分析不同农户间的作物种植前后土壤N的变化差异,对建立针对性的、差异化农地利用对策具有十分重要的作用。下一步研究可结合土地利用与覆盖变化、土壤物质循环作更深入探讨。  相似文献   

Land suitability classification is a useful management practice to ensure planned and sustainable use of agricultural lands according to their potentials. The main purposes of this study were to analyze land suitability for bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivation and generate a land suitability map for wheat by integrating the analytical hierarchy (AHP)-fuzzy algorithm with the Geographical Information System (GIS) in the Tozanl? sub-basin located in the upper part of Ye?il?rmak Basin, Turkey. Topographic (elevation, slope, aspect) characteristics of the basin and some of physical and chemical properties of soils (texture, pH, electrical conductivity, lime, organic matter, and soil depth) were used as criteria in determining the suitability classes. Ninety-two disturbed soil samples were collected from 0 to 20 cm depth in October 2017 using random sampling method. Weighted overlay spatial analysis in GIS was used to combine different thematic layers to identify areas suitable for wheat production. The fuzzy-AHP suitability assessment model was adapted to determine the weights for topographic and soil properties. The highest specific weights were obtained for soil depth (0.232) and elevation (0.218), while the lowest weight was calculated for aspect (0.042). Highly, moderately, and marginally suitable lands for wheat cultivation cover 2.63, 9.85 and 32.59% of the study area, respectively. In addition, the results indicated that 54.92% of the total area is permanently unsuitable for wheat cultivation. The results revealed that integration of AHP-fuzzy algorithm and GIS techniques is a useful method for accurate evaluation of land suitability in planning for specific crop production and decreasing the negative environmental impacts of agricultural practices.  相似文献   

High Cu contamination in agricultural soil can cause toxicity, leading to ecological damages. Thus, we need to understand the concentration level, contaminated area, and spatial distribution of Cu in agricultural soils on a regional or national scale. This paper reviewed the studies on Cu concentrations throughout Chinese agricultural soils, based on relevant 482 published papers from 2004 to 2017. The results showed that the average Cu concentration was 29.85 mg/kg, higher than its background of 22.60 mg/kg, indicating that Cu has been introduced into soil from exterior sources. A large high spatial cluster was observed in southern China, including Hunan, Fujian, Guangdong, and Guangxi provinces, while low spatial clusters were mainly found in Chongqing and Shandong provinces. About 3.08% of the agricultural areas faced a high Cu risk, higher than the pollution rates of the whole land uses, based on the spatial distribution of Cu concentrations throughout China. The remaining areas were within the ranges of moderate and low Cu risks.  相似文献   

王丽霞  邹长新  王燕  林乃峰  吴丹  姜宏  徐德琳 《生态学报》2017,37(18):6176-6185
生态保护红线是中国生态保护的一项重要创新,已被列为国家监管生态环境的重要政策。国家环境保护部于2015年发布了《生态保护红线划定技术指南》,确定了生态保护红线的划定方法,但是在识别生态保护红线边界时还存在一些技术难点。针对这一问题,本文探索了生态保护红线边界的优化方法。提出了生态保护红线边界优化遵循基本原则。以北京市昌平区为例,阐明了如何利用Arc GIS软件将划定生态保护红线的技术流程,包括评价各类生态功能区和敏感区,识别生态保护红线范围,准确定位生态红线边界3个主要步骤。最后通过对比优化前后的生态保护红线划定方案,阐明了该方法的可行性和存在的问题。  相似文献   

The spatial variability of soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (STN) levels is important in both global carbon-nitrogen cycle and climate change research. There has been little research on the spatial distribution of SOC and STN at the watershed scale based on geographic information systems (GIS) and geostatistics. Ninety-seven soil samples taken at depths of 0–20 cm were collected during October 2010 and 2011 from the Matiyu small watershed (4.2 km2) of a hilly area in Shandong Province, northern China. The impacts of different land use types, elevation, vegetation coverage and other factors on SOC and STN spatial distributions were examined using GIS and a geostatistical method, regression-kriging. The results show that the concentration variations of SOC and STN in the Matiyu small watershed were moderate variation based on the mean, median, minimum and maximum, and the coefficients of variation (CV). Residual values of SOC and STN had moderate spatial autocorrelations, and the Nugget/Sill were 0.2% and 0.1%, respectively. Distribution maps of regression-kriging revealed that both SOC and STN concentrations in the Matiyu watershed decreased from southeast to northwest. This result was similar to the watershed DEM trend and significantly correlated with land use type, elevation and aspect. SOC and STN predictions with the regression-kriging method were more accurate than those obtained using ordinary kriging. This research indicates that geostatistical characteristics of SOC and STN concentrations in the watershed were closely related to both land-use type and spatial topographic structure and that regression-kriging is suitable for investigating the spatial distributions of SOC and STN in the complex topography of the watershed.  相似文献   

1 引  言要制订不会危及环境的土地资源开发和保护计划 ,必须首先掌握可靠的、较新的有关土地资源的时空信息[3 ] .近年来 ,以GIS和遥感技术为主的现代信息科学技术在土地覆盖/利用调查与填图[2 ,6] 、土地资源动态变化监测[13 ] 、土地质量退化与土壤侵蚀监测[5,8] 、土地资源评价[12 ] 与管理[10 ] 中得到了广泛应用 .这些技术可以较好地解决以往传统方法在获取、分析和处理大量、复杂土地信息中的众多限制 ,使我们得以动态地、综合地分析土地资源环境信息[4,7] .贵州省安顺市地处我国西南岩溶山区 ,生态环境脆弱 ,土地资源相对不足…  相似文献   

多熟种植是我国现代农业中一种重要的农作制度,对于我国实现农业可持续发展及确保国家粮食安全具有重要作用.中国南方红壤丘陵区地处热带、亚热带湿润气候区,光、温、水资源充足,自然条件十分优越,适宜发展多熟种植模式.文章从南方红壤丘陵区概况、种植模式的多样化及投入产出高效化等方面,对目前我国南方丘陵区旱地多熟种植模式的研究现状...  相似文献   

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