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Phylogenetic relationships of Genista and related genera (Teline, Chamaespartium, Pterospartum, Echinospartum, Ulex, Stauracanthus and Retama) were assessed by the analysis of sequences of the nrDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS region), and the cpDNA trnL-trnF intergenic spacer. The tree obtained by combining both sets of data indicates the existence of three lines of diversification within Genista, that correspond to three subgenera: Genista, Phyllobotrys and Spartocarpus, however, each of these lineages encompass also species of the related genera Echinospartum, Teline, Retama, Chamaespartium, Pterospartum, Ulex, Stauracanthus. The molecular data do not support division of these subgenera into taxonomical units at the sectional level; only sections Genista and Spartocarpus are monophyletic groups. The sequences of both regions are also informative at the specific level, grouping morphologically related species (e.g. the G. cinerea aggregate). The molecular data have also helped to clarify the position of taxa whose relationships were not well established (e.g. G. valdes-bermejoi). The relationships of related genera that belong to the Genista lines of diversification have also been investigated. Echinospartum splits into two separate clades matching the separation of two ecological and caryological differentiated groups. Teline also forms two groups, both placed near to Genista subgenus Genista, but that separated from the main core of the group. Retama, morphologically well differentiated from Genista, is close to Genista subgenus Spartocarpus. Chamaespartium and Pterospartum do not form a monophyletic group. Chamaespartium is closer to Genista subgenus Genista, whereas Pterospartum stands close to: 1) Genista subgenus Spartocarpus (particularly, sect. Cephalospartum); and 2) the Ulex-Stauracanthus clade (a terminal derivative of Genista subgenus Spartocarpus). Cases of incongruence (e.g. Echinospartum, Chamaespartium, Teline) between the trees obtained from the two molecular markers, may be indicating hybridisation and/or introgression between different lines of Genisteae.  相似文献   

 Phylogenetic relationships of Cytisus and allied genera (Argyrocytisus, Calicotome, Chamaecytisus, Cytisophyllum, and Spartocytisus) were assessed by analysis of sequences of the nrDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and the cpDNA trnL-trnF intergenic spacer. Genera of the Genista-group (Chamaespartium, Echinospartum, Genista, Pterospartum, Spartium, Teline and Ulex) were included to check the position of Cytisus species transferred to Teline. The tree obtained by combining both sets of data indicates that the Genista and Cytisus groups form two separate clades. Cytisus heterochrous and C. tribracteolatus are more closely related to the Cytisus-group, thus their transfer to Teline is not supported by molecular data. Cytisus fontanesii (syn. Chronanthos biflorus) groups with Cytisophyllum sessilifolium and Cytisus heterochrous within the Cytisus-group. Similarly, Argyrocytisus battandieri falls within the Cytisus-group as a well differentiated taxon. All these taxa seem to have early diverged from the Cytisus-group. Their taxonomic rank should be reconsidered to better reflect their phylogenetic separation from Cytisus. On the contrary, Chamaecytisus proliferus and Spartocytisus supranubius enter in the main core of Cytisus, and they should better be included in sections of Cytisus (sect. Tubocytisus and Oreosparton, respectively). Sect. Spartopsis is not monophyletic and the position of several species, currently included in this section, deserves reevaluation: C. arboreus aggregate is closely related to C. villosus (sect. Cytisus) and to Calicotome; C. striatus is closely related to Cytisus sect. Alburnoides; and the position of C. commutatus (incl. C. ingramii) remains unclear. The relationships and positioning of several minor taxa (C. transiens, C. megalanthus, and C. maurus) are also discussed. Received November 22, 2001; accepted March 16, 2002 Published online: October 14, 2002 Addresses of the authors: Paloma Cubas (e-mail: cubas@farm.ucm.es) and Cristina Pardo (e-mail: cpardo@farm.ucm.es), Departamento de Biología Vegetal II, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Complutense, E-28040 Madrid, Spain. Hikmat Tahiri Faculté des Sciences, Université Mohammed V, BP 1014 Rabat, Morocco (e-mail: tahiri@ fsr.ac.ma).  相似文献   

The phylogenetic status of the monotypic genus Vavilovia was studied using nrDNA ITS and cpDNA trnL-F and trnS-G regions. The results from the analysis of each dataset and the combined dataset, revealed that Vavilovia is closely related to Pisum, forming a group that is sister to Lathyrus. The molecular data and some morphological and biological characteristics strongly indicate that Vavilovia should be subsumed under Pisum, as Pisum formosum.  相似文献   

 Phylogenetic relationships of the three genera of the family Altingiaceae, i.e., Altingia, Liquidambar and Semiliquidambar, based on matK sequences and the intergenic spacer between the psaA and ycf3 genes (PY-IGS) of cpDNA, and on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of nrDNA were studied. Phylogenetic trees based on the three data sets (matK, PY-IGS and ITS) were generated using Hamamelis japonica and Mytilaria laosensis (Hamamelidaceae), Cercidiphyllum japonicum (Cercidiphyllaceae), and Daphniphyllum calycinum (Daphniphyllaceae) as outgroups. The partition-homogeneity tests indicated that the three data sets and the combined data are homogeneous. A combined analysis also generated a strongly supported phylogeny. The phylogenetic trees show that the North American and western Asian species, L. styraciflua and L. orientalis, respectively, form a monophyletic group which is sister to the clade including all Asian species in the family. The genus Liquidambar is paraphyletic with Altingia and Semiliquidambar nested within. Phylogenetic analyses of the molecular data indicate that taxonomic reexamination of the generic delimitation in the Altingiaceae is needed. Received December 20, 2000 Accepted June 25, 2001  相似文献   

In this study 40 specimens from 8 representative Iranian populations of Onobrychis viciifolia SCOP. were collected from their natural habitats. The specimens were biometrically assessed using 43 quantitative and 15 qualitative morphological characters. At each sample site we recorded ecogeographical variables. In order to evaluate the difference between the variation due to phenotypic responses and genetic adaptation, we generated nucleotide sequence data from the internal transcribed spacer of the nuclear rDNA genes (ITS) and carried out genomic fingerprints using inter‐simple sequence repeat PCR (ISSR). Cluster analysis of morphological characters divided the eight populations into three major groups. Leaf length, leaflet length and width, calyx length, plant height, and stem length were introduced as diagnostic characters for three different morphological groups. Furthermore, canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) of ecogeographical data showed correlations between morphological variations and ecogeographical factors. Clay%, saturation percentage (SP), total neutralizing value (TNV%), texture, minimum temperature, and geographic separation were the main environmental variables associated with morphological groups of O. viciifolia. ISSR analysis revealed three main groups which are in correspondence with morphological groups, indicating that the three morphological groups have been shaped by genetic and phenotypic responses to environmental conditions. (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The Gesnerioideae includes most of the New World members of the Gesneriaceae family and is currently considered to include five tribes: Beslerieae, Episcieae, Gesnerieae, Gloxinieae, and Napeantheae. This study presents maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS), and the chloroplast DNA trnL intron, trnL-trnF intergenic spacer region, and trnE-trnT intergenic spacer region sequences. The ITS and cpDNA data sets strongly support the monophyly of a Beslerieae/Napeantheae clade; an Episcieae clade; a Gesnerieae clade; a Gloxinieae clade minus Sinningia, Sinningia relatives, and Gloxinia sarmentiana; and a Sinningia/Paliavana/Vanhouttea clade. This is the first study to provide strong statistical support for these tribes/clades. These analyses suggest that Sinningia and relatives should be considered as a separate tribe. Additionally, generic relationships are explored, including the apparent polyphyly of Gloxinia. Chromosome number changes are minimized on the proposed phylogeny, with the exception of the n = 11 taxa of the Gloxinieae. Scaly rhizomes appear to have been derived once in the Gloxinieae sensu stricto. The number of derivations of the inferior ovary is unclear: either there was one derivation with a reversal to a superior ovary in the Episcieae, or there were multiple independent derivations of the inferior ovary.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among the 22 genera of the palm subfamily Calamoideae were investigated using DNA sequence data from the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and the chloroplast rps16 intron. The rps16 intron displayed low levels of variation, corroborating previous reports that the chloroplast genome of palms is highly conserved. High levels of within-individual polymorphism were identified in the ITS region, indicating that concerted evolution is not effectively homogenizing the ITS repeats. In the majority of cases, multiple clones from individuals resolved as monophyletic. However, the high levels of homoplasy in the ITS dataset, along with generally poor jackknife support for many clades, led to concerns that topologies obtained from these data might be unreliable. Nevertheless, congruence between trees based on ITS data alone and those based on rps16 intron data was high. Simultaneous analyses of both datasets yielded well-resolved topologies with high levels of jackknife support. A number of exciting groups emerged from the analyses: the African rattan clade comprising the endemic African rattan genera Laccosperma, Eremospatha, and Oncocalamus; the Lepidocaryeae-Raphia clade comprising the fan-leaved New World tribe Lepidocaryeae and the African genus Raphia; and the Asian clade comprising all Asian genera except Eugeissona. The position of Eugeissona was variable, although it did not resolve inside any of the three major clades mentioned above.  相似文献   

Angelica is a taxonomically complex genus widespread throughout the North Temperate Zone. Previous phylogenetic studies of the genus have focused primarily on its East Asian species. The relationships among its North American members, the monophyly of these species, and the value of fruit morphology in circumscribing its taxa have yet to be examined. This study represents the most comprehensive sampling of Angelica to date (100 species) and includes all 26 species in North America. Relationships are inferred using Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood, and maximum parsimony analyses of ITS sequences and, for multiple accessions of each North American species, cpDNA ndhF-rpl32, rpl32-trnL, and psbM-psbD sequences. The fruit morphological characters examined were those considered phylogenetically important in East Asian Angelica. The results revealed that the North American species fell into three major clades: North American Angelica clade, Archangelica clade, and the Eurasian Angelica clade. Angelica dawsonii has affinities with Lomatium brandegeei. Fourteen species within the North American Angelica clade were strongly supported as monophyletic. Two paraphyletic species resulted in new combinations in A. lineariloba and A. venenosa. Conflict between the ITS-derived and cpDNA-derived phylogenies and the lack of resolution in portions of the trees may be due to chloroplast capture and rapid species radiation. Fruit morphology supported some interspecific relationships based on molecular data, and relationships revealed by ITS and cpDNA data were roughly in accordance with fruit classification type and geographic distribution region, respectively. A diagnostic key based on fruit morphology is provided for the identification of the North American Angelica taxa.  相似文献   

Doi K  Kaga A  Tomooka N  Vaughan DA 《Genetica》2002,114(2):129-145
The genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships among species in the genus Vigna subgenus Ceratotropis were investigated using sequence data from the ribosomal DNA ITS and atpB-rbcL intergenic spacer of chloroplast DNA regions. While both sets of sequences were of similar lengths about 700bp the rDNA-ITS was more informative than atpB-rbcL having 170% more polymorphic sites and five times as many parsimony-informative sites. The atpB-rbcL spacer may be appropriate for analysis of taxa above the species level in the genus Vigna. Results of analyzing rDNA-ITS revealed, with low level of statistical bias, separation of the subgenus into three groups that correspond to the three sections Aconitifoliae, Angulares, and Ceratotropis. The ancestral section is Aconitifoliae based on comparison with the outgroup species cowpea, Vigna unguiculata. The V. minima complex, V. minima, V. riukiuensis, and V. nakashimae, has a distinct evolutionary path within section Angulares. Other species in section Angulares are very closely related except V. trinervia. Vigna trinervia has an intermediate position between sections. Sequence data suggests one genome donor to V. reflexo-pilosa came from a lineage within section Angulares close to V. exilis, V. hirtella, and V. umbellata. Data presented supports the view that section Angulares is the most recently diversified section in the subgenus, as inferred by short terminal branch lengths among the species of this section.  相似文献   

Incarvillea is a herbaceous and temperate member of Bignoniaceae, previously divided into four subgenera, Niedzwedzkia, Amphicome, Incarvillea, and Pteroscleris. Niedzwedzkia and Amphicome have in the past been treated as independent genera. Different relationships have been proposed for the four subgenera. Here, maximum parsimony analysis using ITS and trnL-F sequences resulted in similar trees and showed that the genus is monophyletic. Analysis of the combined data resulted in a single tree with five major clades highly supported and well resolved. The relationships of the five major clades are (subgenus Niedzwedzkia (Incarvillea olgae (subgenus Amphicome (subgenus Incarvillea, subgenus Pteroscleris)))). All four subgenera are well supported for monophyly, with the exception of subgenus Incarvillea, represented here by I. sinensis and I. olgae. Incarvillea olgae is not closely related to I. sinensis, a conclusion supported by morphology. The two basal monotypic subgenera are found in Central Asia. The most species-rich subgenus, Pteroscleris, has 10 species in the Himalaya-Hengduan Mountains and may have dispersed early from central Asia to eastern Asia. Short branch lengths on the molecular trees within Pteroscleris suggest a recent and rapid radiation of this rosette-forming subgenus, perhaps connected with the uplift of the Himalaya-Hengduan massif.  相似文献   

The present study is the first comprehensive phylogeny of the class of the Phaeophyceae. For 67 species representing all orders of the class, the sequences of the 3'-end of the small and the 5'-end of the large subunit nrRNA genes were aligned and analysed. A further analysis based on sequences of the 3'-end of the small and of the complete sequences of the 28S gene of the large subunits was also performed, but for only eight taxa. In both analyses, Tribonema marinum (Xanthophyceae) was used as outgroup. The analyses showed the Dictyotales as diverging first, followed by the Sphacelariales, then the Syringodermatales. Most of the orders currently accepted were confirmed as monophyletic groups but the Laminariales and Tilopteridales remained polyphyletic. The relationships of the remaining orders to each other were not resolved with the present data set. Ascoseira, included for the first time in a molecular study, appeared as a separate lineage without any clear relationship with other algae possessing conceptacles (Splachnidium and Fucales). Algae with stellate plastids, never studied in a global context, were polyphyletic; this result is consistent with their plastid ultrastructure and is discussed in detail. As further result of the present study, the South African genus Bifurcariopsis appeared as the sister taxon of the North Atlantic genus Himanthalia, and Xiphophora appeared as the sister taxon of Hormosira rather than as a member of the Fucaceae; the taxonomic position of these genera is discussed.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of the Poaceae subfamily, Pooideae, were estimated from the sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA. The entire ITS region of 25 species belonging to 19 genera representing seven tribes was directly sequenced from polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified DNA fragments. The published sequence of rice, Oryza saliva, was used as the outgroup. Sequences of these taxa were analyzed with maximum parsimony (PAUP) and the neighbor-joining distance method (NJ). Among the tribes, the Stipeae, Meliceae and Brachypodieae, all with small chromosomes and a basic number more than x=7, diverged in succession. The Poeae, Aveneae, Bromeae and Triticeae, with large chromosomes and a basic number of x=7, form a monophyletic clade. The Poeae and Aveneae are the sister group of the Bromeae and Triticeae. On the ITS tree, the Brachypodieae is distantly related to the Triticeae and Bromeae, which differs from the phylogenies based on restriction-site variation of cpDNA and morphological characters. The phylogenetic relationships of the seven pooid tribes inferred from the ITS sequences are highly concordant with the cytogenetic evidence that the reduction in chromosome number and the increase in chromosome size evolved only once in the pooids and pre-dated the divergence of the Poeae, Aveneae, Bromeae and Triticeae.This paper reports factually on available data; however, the USDA neither guarantees nor warrants the standard of the product, and the use of the name by USDA implies no approval of the product to the exclusion of others that may also be suitableThis paper is a cooperative investigation of USDA-ARS and the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station. Logan, Utah 84322. Journal Paper No. 4581  相似文献   

An effective DNA marker for authenticating the genus Salvia was screened using seven DNA regions (rbcL, matK, trnL–F, and psbA–trnH from the chloroplast genome, and ITS, ITS1, and ITS2 from the nuclear genome) and three combinations (rbcL + matK, psbA–trnH + ITS1, and trnL–F + ITS1). The present study collected 232 sequences from 27 Salvia species through DNA sequencing and 77 sequences within the same taxa from the GenBank. The discriminatory capabilities of these regions were evaluated in terms of PCR amplification success, intraspecific and interspecific divergence, DNA barcoding gaps, and identification efficiency via a tree-based method. ITS1 was superior to the other marker for discriminating between species, with an accuracy of 81.48%. The three combinations did not increase species discrimination. Finally, we found that ITS1 is a powerful barcode for identifying Salvia species, especially Salvia miltiorrhiza.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among five cockroach families (Cryptocercidae, Polyphagidae, Blattidae, Blattellidae and Blaberidae) using seventeen species, were estimated based on the DNA sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COII) gene. A cladogram inferred using the neighbour‐joining method indicated that Polyphagidae and Cryptocercidae are closely related to each other, and that these two groups are a sister group to the remaining cockroach families. The monophyly of this clade, however, was not strongly supported in terms of bootstrap percentages. Blaberidae and Blattellidae were shown to be sister groups as previously proposed, with Blattidae as a sister group to that clade. Non‐weighted and weighted parsimony analyses were also performed following analyses of nucleotide substitution patterns that indicated saturation of the COII gene among these taxa had occurred. These parsimonious cladograms suggested that Polyphagidae was the basal family, and Polyphaginae, including Cryptocercus as proposed by Grandcolas 1994a ), was not monophyletic. The inferred relationships among cockroach families (Polyphagidae, Cryptocercidae + (Blattidae + (Blattellidae + Blaberidae))) is partly in agreement with some previously published analyses. Additionally, based on molecular data, Asian and American Cryptocercus are suggested to have diverged from one another before the Oligocene (~20 mya).  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of 31 Japanese Catocala species were analyzed based on the partial nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 (ND5) gene (762 bp). When several non-Catocala Noctuidae moths were designated as the outgroup, these Catocala species formed a monophyletic group. However, divergences between these Catocala species were very deep, and no close phylogenetic relationships were recognized among them except for that between the two recently separated species, C. xarippe and C. fulminea. The remote relationships implied for several pairs of species suggest that the color of the hindwings is a changeable characteristic, and does not reflect phylogenetic lineage. Continental specimens were analyzed in 20 of 31 Catocala species, and all of them showed a close relationship with their Japanese counterpart. However, the closeness of the nucleotide sequences between the Japanese and continental individuals of the same species varied from species to species, indicating that isolation between the Japanese and continental populations of these species occurred at many different times. The two analyzed species endemic to North America showed a close relationship with their morphologically inferred Japanese counterparts, indicating that the geographic separation and following speciation between these Eurasian and American species occurred much more recently compared with the speciation events among the Catocala species now found in Japan.  相似文献   

Sequence data from a portion of the external transcribed spacer (ETS) and from the internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) of 18S-26S nuclear ribosomal DNA were used together with chloroplast DNA PCR-RFLP data to unravel patterns of allotetraploid speciation within the Western European Dactylorhiza polyploid complex. A maximum likelihood tree based on combined ETS and ITS sequences suggests that the Western European Dactylorhiza allotetraploids have evolved by hybridization between four main diploid lineages. Cloned sequences and the topology of the ITS plus ETS tree indicate that the allotetraploid species D. elata, D. brennensis, and D. sphagnicola have originated from the autotetraploid D. maculata together with the diploid D. incarnata, while D. majalis, D. traunsteineri, and D. angustata seem to have evolved by hybridization between the D. fuchsii s.str and D. incarnata lineages. Finally, the diploid D. saccifera lineage seems to have been involved together with the D. incarnata lineage in the formation of the allotetraploid D. praetermissa. The observed congruence between the chloroplast tree and the ITS/ETS tree suggests a directional evolution of the nrDNA after polyploidization in favor of the maternal genome. Considered together with morphological, biogeographical, and ecological evidence, the molecular analysis leads us to recognize four species within the investigated allotetraploid complex, namely D. majalis, D. praetermissa, D. elata, and D. sphagnicola.  相似文献   

Cheirogaleidae currently comprises five genera whose relationships remain contentious. The taxonomic status and phylogenetic position of both Mirza coquereli and Allocebus trichotis are still unclear. The taxonomic status of the recently discovered Microcebus ravelobensis (a sympatric sibling species of Microcebus murinus) and its phylogenetic position also require further examination. A approximately 2.4-kb mitochondrial DNA sequence including part of the COIII gene, complete ND3, ND4L, and ND4 genes, and 5 tRNAs was used to clarify relationships among cheirogaleids. Mirza and Microcebus form a clade representing the sister group of Allocebus, with a clade containing Cheirogaleus major and Cheirogaleus medius diverging first. M. ravelobensis and Microcebus rufus form a subclade within Microcebus, with M. murinus as its sister group. The molecular data support the generic status of Mirza coquereli and species-level divergence of M. ravelobensis. Furthermore, "M. rufus" may well represent more than one species.  相似文献   

 The genus Hippophae comprises 7 species and 8 subspecies according to the latest classification, and has shown enormous ecological, nutrient and medicinal values. Here we analyzed the phylogenetic relationships among 15 taxa of the genus by comparing sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA). ITS sequences in Hippophae varied in length from 651 bp to 666 bp. The aligned sequences were 690 bp in length and 269 (39.0%) were variable sites with 150 being parsimony-informative. The amount of polymorphism observed within a taxon was extremely low in most taxa except for two putative hybrid species. The aligned sequences were analyzed by maximum parsimony (MP) and neighbor-joining (NJ) methods. In the strict consensus trees of parsimony analysis, the monophyly of Hippophae was supported by 100% bootstrap value. H. tibetana was at the basal position of the genus, and the remaining taxa formed two clades with high bootstrap support. The first clade included subspecies of H.␣rhamnoides and the other one consisted of remaining species. Parsimony analysis also suggested that the species H. tibetana, H. neurocarpa and H.␣salicifolia were all distinct. Although the sequence divergence among subspecies of H. rhamnoides was also remarkably high, the molecular data supported the monophyly of H. rhamnoides when H. rhamnoides subsp. gyantsensis Rousi was excxluded. The NJ trees showed essentially the same topology. The taxonomical arrangement that divided the genus into two sections was not supported based on the ITS sequences. However, the hybrid origin of H. goniocarpa and H. litangensis proposed previously was supported by the present ITS data. Received January 7, 2002; accepted May 10, 2002 Published online: November 22, 2002 Addresses of the authors: Kun Sun, Xuelin Chen, Ruijun Ma, Qin Wang, Institute of Botany, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China. Changbao Li, Song Ge (e-mail: gesong@ns.ibcas.ac.cn or song_ge@hotmail.com), Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China.  相似文献   

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