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Lumen to bath J 12/C 1 and bath to lumen J 21/ C 2 fluxes per unit concentration of 19 probes with diameters (d m) ranging from 3.0–30.0 Å (water, urea, erythritol, mannitol, sucrose, raffinose and 13 dextrans with d m 9.1–30.0 Å) were measured during volume secretion (J v ) in the upper segment of the Malpighian Tubule of Rhodnius by perfusing lumen and bath with 14C or 3H-labeled probes. J net=(J 12/C 1J 21/C 2) was studied as a function of J v · J v was varied by using different concentrations of 5-hydroxy tryptamine. J net for 3H-water was not different from J v We found: (i) A strong correlation between J net and J v for 8 probes d m =3.0–11.8 Å (group a probes), indicating that the convective component of J net is more important than its diffusive component and than unstirred layers effects which are negligible. Therefore group a probes are solvent dragged as they cross the epithelium, (ii) There is no correlation between J net and J v for 11 probes with d m=11.8–30 Å (group b). Therefore these probes must cross the epithelium by diffusion and not by solvent drag, (iii) In a plot of J net/J v vs. d m group a probes show a steep linear relation with a slope = –0.111, while for group b probes the slope is –0.002. Thus there is a break between groups a and b in this plot. We tried to fit the data with models for restricted diffusion and convention through cylindrical or parallel slit pathways. We conclude that (i) group a probes are dragged by water through an 11.0 Å-wide slit, (ii) Most of J v must follow an extracellular noncytosolic pathway, (iii) Group b probes must diffuse through a 42 Å-wide slit, (iv) A cylindrical pathway does not fit the data.E.G. is a Visiting Scientist at IVIC. It is a pleasure to thank Drs. A.E. Hill and Bruria Shachar-Hill for their suggestion of the use of dextrans, their instruction and help with the dextran separation technique, and their extensive discussions. Dr. R. Apitz, Mr H. Rojas and Mrs. Fulvia Bartoli were most helpful with suggestions during the course of the experimental work. Mr. Jose Mora was fundamental help with the equipment. Mrs. Lelis Ochoa and Mr. Luis F. Alvarez helped with some of the drawings. This work was partially supported by CONICIT, Fundación Polar and CDCH of UCV. It is a pleasure to thank Dr. H. Passow and Dr. K.J. Ullrich at the Max Planck Institut für Biophysik (Frankfurt/Main) where this work was initiated.  相似文献   

In the last 15 years, remarkable progress has been realized in identifying the genes that encode the ion-transporting proteins involved in exocrine gland function, including salivary glands. Among these proteins, Ca2+-dependent K+ channels take part in key functions including membrane potential regulation, fluid movement and K+ secretion in exocrine glands. Two K+ channels have been identified in exocrine salivary glands: (1) a Ca2+-activated K+ channel of intermediate single channel conductance encoded by the KCNN4 gene, and (2) a voltage- and Ca2+-dependent K+ channel of large single channel conductance encoded by the KCNMA1 gene. This review focuses on the physiological roles of Ca2+-dependent K+ channels in exocrine salivary glands. We also discuss interesting recent findings on the regulation of Ca2+-dependent K+ channels by protein–protein interactions that may significantly impact exocrine gland physiology.  相似文献   

The role of aquaporins in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) secretion was investigated in this study. Western analysis and immunocytochemistry were used to examine the expression of aquaporin 1 (AQP1) and aquaporin 4 (AQP4) in the rat choroid plexus epithelium. Western analyses were performed on a membrane fraction that was enriched in Na+/K+-ATPase and AE2, marker proteins for the apical and basolateral membranes of the choroid plexus epithelium, respectively. The AQP1 antibody detected peptides with molecular masses of 27 and 32 kDa in fourth and lateral ventricle choroid plexus. A single peptide of 29 kDa was identified by the AQP4 antibody in fourth and lateral ventricle choroid plexus. Immunocytochemistry demonstrated that AQP1 is expressed in the apical membrane of both lateral and fourth ventricle choroid plexus epithelial cells. The immunofluorescence signal with the AQP4 antibody was diffusely distributed throughout the cytoplasm, and there was no evidence for AQP4 expression in either the apical or basolateral membrane of the epithelial cells. The data suggest that AQP1 contributes to water transport across the apical membrane of the choroid plexus epithelium during CSF secretion. The route by which water crosses the basolateral membrane, however, remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane vesicles have been widely employed to understand the biophysics of water movements, especially when active aquaporins are present. In general, water permeability coefficients in these preparations outcome from the analysis of the osmotic response of the vesicles by means of light scattering. As from now, this is possible by following a theoretical approach that assumes that scattered light follows a single exponential function and that this behavior is the consequence of vesicle volume changes due to an osmotic challenge. However, some experimental data do not necessarily fit to single exponentials but to double ones. It is argued that the observed double exponential behavior has two possible causes: different vesicle population in terms of permeability or in terms of size distribution. As classical models cannot identify this source of heterogeneity, a mathematical modeling approach was developed based on phenomenological equations of water transport. In the three comparative models presented here, it was assumed that water moves according to an osmotic mechanism across the vesicles, and there is no solute movement across them. Interestingly, when tested in a well described plasma membrane vesicle preparation, the application of these models indicates that the source of heterogeneity in the osmotic response is vesicles having different permeability, clearly discarding the variable size effect. In conclusion, the mathematical approach presented here allows to identify the source of heterogeneity; this information being of particular interest, especially when studying gating mechanisms triggered in water channel activity.  相似文献   

The mechanism of proton exclusion in aquaporin channels is elucidated through free energy calculations of the pathway of proton transport. The second generation multistate empirical valence bond (MS-EVB2) model was applied to simulate the interaction of an excess proton with the channel environment. Jarzynski's equality was employed for rapid convergence of the free energy profile. A barrier sufficiently high to block proton transport is located near the channel center at the NPA motif-a site involved in bi-orientational ordering of the embedded water-wire in absence of the excess proton. A second and lower barrier is observed at the selectivity filter near the periplasmic outlet where the channel is narrowest. This secondary barrier may be essential in filtering other large solutes and cations.  相似文献   

Summary The previous finding that intracellular transport of secretory proteins in the rat exocrine pancreas is accelerated by in vivo stimulation with a pancreatic secretagogue has been further analyzed. Using a radioassay for discharge of newly synthesized proteins, the rate of release was compared in control and prestimulated lobules. In control preparations discharge occurred with an initial lag period of 30 minutes and a maximum after two hours of incubation. After in vivo infusion of 5 × 10-8 g/hr. caerulein for 24 h in vitro discharge started after 10 minutes of in vitro incubation and attained a maximal rate after one hour. Using the same radioassay and several inhibitors of intracellular transport and granule discharge, it could be demonstrated that both processes were reduced to the same extent in controls and in lobules with accelerated transport. To obtain direct evidence for the degree of acceleration of the different transport steps between rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex and zymogen granules, the respective subcellular fractions of these organelles prepared and characterized ultrastructurally and biochemically. The rate of disappearance of newly formed proteins from rough microsomes and the appearance in smooth microsomes and zymogen granules were significantly increased after in vivo stimulation. The data substantiate an acceleration of the regular transport steps by the secretagogue. There was no indication that a high level of secretory activity leads to a rerouting of secretory proteins or to an omission of one of the regular steps in intracellular transport.Supported by a grant from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Bonn-Bad Godesberg (Ke 113/10) The expert technical assistance of Miss Hiltraud Hosser and Miss Helga Hollerbach is gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

Experiments were performed with the perfused rat submandibular gland in vitro to investigate the nature of the coupling between transported salt and water by varying the osmolarity of the source bath and observing the changes in secretory volume flow. Glands were submitted to hypertonic step changes by changing the saline perfusate to one containing different levels of sucrose. The flow rate responded by falling to a lower value, establishing a new steady-state flow. The rate changes did not correspond to those expected from a system in which fluid production is due to simple osmotic equilibration, but were much larger. The changes were fitted to a model in which fluid production is largely paracellular, the rate of which is controlled by an osmosensor system in the basal membrane. The same experiments were done with glands from rats that had been bred to have very low levels of AQP5 (the principal aquaporin of the salivary acinar cell) in which little AQP5 is expressed at the basal membrane. In these rats, salivary secretion rates after hypertonic challenges were small and best modelled by simple osmotic equilibration. In rats which had intermediate AQP5 levels the changes in flow rate were similar to those of normal rats although their AQP5 levels were reduced. Finally, perfused normal glands were subject to retrograde ductal injection of salines containing different levels of Hg2+ ions (0, 10 and 100 μM) which would act as inhibitors of AQP5 at the apical acinar membrane. The overall flow rates were progressively diminished with rising Hg2+ concentration, but after hypertonic challenge the changes in flow rates were unchanged and similar to those of normal rats. All these results are difficult to explain by a cellular osmotic model but can be explained by a model in which paracellular flow is controlled by an osmosensor (presumably AQP5) present on the basal membrane.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on membrane hydraulic conductivity   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The objective of this study was to use the temperature dependence of water permeability to suggest the physical mechanisms of water transport across membranes of osmotically slowly responding cells and to demonstrate that insight into water transport mechanisms in these cells may be gained from easily performed experiments using an electronic particle counter. Osmotic responses of V-79W Chinese hamster fibroblast cells were measured in hypertonic solutions at various temperatures and the membrane hydraulic conductivity was determined. The results were fit with the general Arrhenius equation with two free parameters, and also fit with two specific membrane models each having only one free parameter. Data from the literature including that for human bone marrow stem cells, hamster pancreatic islets, and bovine articular cartilage chondrocytes were also examined. The results indicated that the membrane models could be used in conjunction with measured permeability data at different temperatures to investigate the method of water movement across various cell membranes. This approach for slower responding cells challenges the current concept that the presence of aqueous pores is always accompanied by an osmotic water permeability value, P(f)>0.01 cm/s. The possibility of water transport through aqueous pores in lower-permeability cells is proposed.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect of glucagon on exocrine pancreas has been the subject of controversial reports. On the other hand, oxyntomodulin (bioactive enteroglucagon or glucagon-37), a 37 amino acid peptide isolated from porcine lower intestine, has been shown to be 10–20 times more potent than glucagon in inhibiting gastric acid secretion in the rat. In view of this, the effect of glucagon and oxyntomodulin on basal and caerulein-stimulated pancreatic secretion has been studied, during re-introduction of pancreatic juice into duodenum, in the conscious rat provided with pancreatic and duodenal fistulas. A depression of pancreatic function was observed with both peptides on the three parameters studied: (volume of juice secreted, bicarbonate and protein output), either under basal conditions or during stimulation by caerulein. In all the experimental conditions used, oxyntomodulin was ca. ten times more potent than glucagon in its inhibitory effect. The fact that oxyntomodulin, as what is observed in the stomach, is one order of magnitude more potent than glucagon in inhibiting pancreatic secretion suggests that the biological mechanisms by which the peptides of the glucagon-family act on exocrine pancreas are similar, or related to that present at the gastric level.  相似文献   

Ion channels in beta cells regulate electrical and secretory activity in response to metabolic, pharmacologic, or neural signals by controlling the permeability to K+ and Ca2+. The ATP-sensitive K+ channels act as a switch that responds to fuel secretagogues or sulfonylureas to initiate depolarization. This depolarization opens voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCC) to increase the amplitude of free cytosolic Ca2+ levels ([Ca2+]i), which triggers exocytosis. Acetyl choline and vasopressin (VP) both potentiate the acute effects of glucose on insulin secretion by generating inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate to release intracellular Ca2+; VP also potentiates sustained insulin secretion by effects on depolarization. In contrast, inhibitors of insulin secretion decrease [Ca2+]i by either hyperpolarizing the beta cell or by receptor-mediated, G-protein-coupled effects to decrease VDCC activity. Repolarization is initiated by voltage- and Ca(2+)-activated K+ channels. A human insulinoma voltage-dependent K+ channel cDNA was recently cloned and two types of alpha 1 subunits of the VDCC have been identified in insulin-secreting cell lines. Determining how ion channels regulate insulin secretion in normal and diabetic beta cells should provide pathophysiologic insight into the beta cell signal transduction defect characteristic of non-insulin dependent diabetes (NIDDM).  相似文献   

The distribution of nitric oxide synthase in both neuronal and non-neuronal pancreatic tissues and the role of nitric oxide in the control of exocrine pancreatic secretion are reviewed in this article. Earlier reports based on in vivo studies suggested that nitric oxide can affect the secretory activity of the exocrine pancreas through changes in pancreatic blood flow. More recently, the employment of either nitric oxide synthase inhibitors or nitric oxide donors in in vitro preparations has provided evidence that nitric oxide can exert a direct action on this gland independently on its vascular effects. Most research in this area seems to indicate that modulation of exocrine pancreatic function by nitric oxide is exerted via activation of guanylate cyclase and generation of cGMP, although other pathways cannot be excluded. Experiments performed over the last year in our laboratory reveal a novel and interesting mechanism based on the ability of nitric oxide to control the release of endogenous neurotransmitter in the pancreas and, subsequently, the nerve-mediated enzyme secretion.  相似文献   

Summary The size, number and volume per cell of secretion granules in rat exocrine pancreas have been measured using stereological techniques. The changes which occur as a result of feeding starved animals (90 min) or stimulating lobular fragments in vitro with carbachol are documented. In fasted animals mean acinar cell volume was estimated as 1670 m3 and the cells contained an average of around 450 secretion granules with a corrected mean diameter of 0.70 m. They occupied around 7% of cell volume. After feeding mean cell volume was about 1300 m3 and the cells contained an average of about 190 granules per cell with a mean diameter of 0.58 m. They occupied 3% of cell volume. A shift in the size frequency distribution of granule diameters occurred as a result of feeding. In vitro experiments in which lobules were induced to secrete with carbachol (10M, 3 h, 37° C) had a similar effect. Mean cell volume was reduced from around 1760 m3 to 1360 m3, mean granule number from around 420 per cell to 180 per cell and the volume density of granules was reduced from about 8% to 3% of cell volume. There was no significant change in mean granule diameter or shift in the size-frequency distribution of granule diameters. Incubation of tissues with cycloheximide (1 mM, 3 h, 37° C) did not prevent secretion by carbachol but it prevented replacement of granules. As a consequence, depletion by carbachol was greater in the presence of cycloheximide, the granules being reduced to around 110 per cell and to only 2.5% of cell volume. We conclude that feeding causes a preferential loss of larger granules and that during secretion replacement of granules occurs. Some of these granules are smaller than those evident in the glands of starved animals.  相似文献   

Amphibians are known to spend part of their life on land and return to water to reproduce. However, some urodeles spend their entire life in water, while others succeed in completely avoiding water even during reproduction. Osmoregulatory mechanisms must therefore be different in the diverse environmental conditions of their respective life histories. The architecture of the kidney is similar in all amphibians; as a consequence the ion-water equilibrium must be regulated in the different environmental conditions. We investigated the immunolocalisation of Na(+)/K(+)/Cl(-) cotransport proteins, sodium pump and water-channel proteins (aquaporins) in aquatic Amphiuma means means, Rana dalmatina, a species that returns to water to reproduce, and Speleomantes genei, a completely terrestrial species. The investigation was carried out with immunohistochemical methods using antibodies to Na(+)/K(+)/Cl(-) cotransport protein NKCC1 T4, Na(+)/K(+)ATPase alpha-subunit, water-channel aquaporin 3 and the inner mitochondrial membrane (AMA). Cotransport proteins and sodium pump, involved in ion reabsorption, are widely distributed in A. means and R. dalmatina and confined to the distal segment in S. genei; conversely water channels, involved in water reabsorption, are limited to the collecting duct in A. means and R. dalmatina and distributed in the proximal and collecting ducts in S. genei.  相似文献   

Annett Hertel  Ernst Steudle 《Planta》1997,202(3):324-335
Using the cell pressure probe, the effects of temperature on hydraulic conductivity (Lp; osmotic water permeability), solute permeability (permeability coefficient, Ps), and reflection coefficients (σs) were measured on internodes of Chara corallina, Klein ex Willd., em R.D.W.. For the first time, complete sets of transport coefficients were obtained in the range between 10 and 35 °C which provided evidence about pathways of water and solutes as they move across the plasma membrane (water channel and bilayer arrays). Test solutes used to check for the selectivity of water channels were monohydric alcohols of different molecular size and shape (ethanol, n-propanol, iso-propanol, and tert-butanol) and heavy water (HDO). Within the limits of accuracy, Q10 values for Lp and for the diffusive water permeability (Pd) were identical (Q10 for Lp = 1.29 ± 0.17 (± SD; n = 15 cells) and Q10 for Pd = 1.25 ± 0.16 (n = 5 cells)). The Q10 values were equivalent to activation energies of Ea = 16.8 ± 6.4 and 16.6 ± 10.0 kJ · mol−1, respectively, which is similar to that of self-diffusion or of viscous flow of water. The Q10 values and activation energies for Ps of the alcohols were significantly larger (ethanol: Q10 = 1.68 ± 0.16, Ea = 37.1 ± 5.9 kJ · mol−1; n-propanol: Q10 =  1.75 ± 0.40, Ea = 43.1 ± 15.3 kJ · mol−1; iso-propanol: Q10 = 2.12 ± 0.42, Ea =  52.2 ± 14.6 kJ · mol−1; tert-butanol: Q10 = 2.13 ± 0.56, Ea = 51.6 ± 17.1 kJ · mol−1; ±SD; n = 5 to 6 cells). Effects of temperature on reflection coefficients were most pronounced. With increasing temperature, σs values of the alcohols decreased and those of HDO increased. The data indicate that water and solutes use different pathways when crossing the membrane. Ordinary and isotopic water use water channels and the other test solutes use the bilayer array (composite transport model of membrane). Changes in σs values with temperature were found to be a sensitive measure for the open/closed state of water channels. The decrease of σs with temperature was theoretically predicted from the temperature dependence of Ps and Lp. Differences between predicted and measured values of σs allowed estimation of the bypass flow (slippage) of solutes through water channels which did not completely exclude test solutes. The permeability of channels depended on the structure and size of test solutes. It is concluded that water channels are much less selective than is usually thought. Since water channels represent single-file or no-pass pores, solutes drag along considerable amounts of water as they diffuse across channels. This results in low overall values of σs. The σs of HDO was extremely low. Its response to temperature was opposite to that for the σs of the alcohols. This suggested a stronger effect of temperature on the hydraulic (osmotic) than on the diffusive water flow across individual water channels, i.e. a differential sensitivity of different mechanisms to temperature. Received: 10 October 1996 / Accepted: 2 December 1996  相似文献   

Several aquaporin-type water channels are expressed in mammalian airways and lung: AQP1 in microvascular endothelia, AQP3 in upper airway epithelia, AQP4 in upper and lower airway epithelia, and AQP5 in alveolar epithelia. Novel quantitative methods were developed to compare airway fluid transport-related functions in wild-type mice and knockout mice deficient in these aquaporins. Lower airway humidification, measured from the moisture content of expired air during mechanical ventilation with dry air through a tracheotomy, was 54-56% efficient in wild-type mice, and reduced by only 3-4% in AQP1/AQP5 or AQP3/AQP4 double knockout mice. Upper airway humidification, measured from the moisture gained by dry air passed through the upper airways in mice breathing through a tracheotomy, decreased from 91 to 50% with increasing ventilation from 20 to 220 ml/min, and reduced by 3-5% in AQP3/AQP4 knockout mice. The depth and salt concentration of the airway surface liquid in trachea was measured in vivo using fluorescent probes and confocal and ratio imaging microscopy. Airway surface liquid depth was 45 +/- 5 microm and [Na(+)] was 115 +/- 4 mM in wild-type mice, and not significantly different in AQP3/AQP4 knockout mice. Osmotic water permeability in upper airways, measured by an in vivo instillation/sample method, was reduced by approximately 40% by AQP3/AQP4 deletion. In doing these measurements, we discovered a novel amiloride-sensitive isosmolar fluid absorption process in upper airways (13% in 5 min) that was not affected by aquaporin deletion. These results establish the fluid transporting properties of mouse airways, and indicate that aquaporins play at most a minor role in airway humidification, ASL hydration, and isosmolar fluid absorption.  相似文献   

The role of Na+ in fluid secretion by the isolated rabbit pancreas was investigated. The fluid secretion rate is reduced upon replacement of Na+ in the bathing medium by Li+, K+ or choline. The inhibition depends on the nature of the substituting cation, and is largest with choline. Upon replacement, the substituent cation appears in the secreted fluid, and the Na+ concentration in the secreted fluid is decreased in a mirror-like fashion. When Na+ is replaced by Li+ or choline, the secretory Na+ concentration is decreased, although less than in the bathing medium, and the K+ concentration is increased. When Na+ is replaced by K+, the Na+ and the K+ concentration in the secreted fluid are approximately equal to their bathing medium concentrations. In the Li+ and choline medium, stimulation of the pancreas by carbachol or CCK-8 increases the fluid secretion rate. In addition, it increases the Li+ or choline concentration, and decreases the Na+ and K+ concentrations in the secreted fluid. In normal and K+ medium, stimulation causes only a slight increase in fluid secretion rate, with no change in the secretory Na+ concentration. In normal medium, stimulation leads to a decrease in the secretory K+ concentration. The effects of replacing Na+ appear to be the result of a direct inhibition of the active HCO3- transport underlying secretion, and an indirect inhibition related to the permeability of the pancreas for the various cations. The stimulants are likely to act by increasing the permeability of the tight junctions.  相似文献   

T Matsumoto  T Kanno 《Peptides》1984,5(2):285-289
In the anaesthetized guinea pig, the secretory responses (pancreatic juice flow and protein output) induced by electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve were not blocked by atropine but by hexamethonium. Excitation of the left vagus nerve induced by electrical stimulation significantly potentiated the C-terminal octapeptide of cholecystokinin (CCK-OP)-induced secretory responses. In the isolated perfused pancreas of guinea pig, the secretory responses induced by CCK-OP at concentrations in the physiological range were markedly potentiated by simultaneous stimulation with vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). However, the secretory responses induced by CCK-OP at higher concentrations were not potentiated but inhibited by simultaneous stimulation of VIP. The secretory responses induced by carbachol (CCh) at any concentrations were not potentiated but inhibited by simultaneous stimulation of VIP. These results support the view that VIP released from the nerve endings can potentiate the hormonal action of CCK-OP.  相似文献   

Ca2 channelsandamylasesecreti0ninAR4-2Jce1lsAR4-2Jisacelllineoriginallyderivedfr0matransp1antable,azaserine-inducedmurinetumour[1,2],whichc0ntainssignificantamount0famylaseandotherdiges-tiveenzymes'Thiscelllinecontainsanumberofreceptorsystems:substanceP[3…  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of magnesium (Mg2+) on the secretory responses and the mobilization of calcium (Ca2+) and Mg2+ evoked by cholecystokinin-octapeptide (CCK-8) in the exocrine rat pancreas. In the isolated intact perfused pancreas CCK-8 (10–10 M) produced marked increases in juice flow and total protein output in zero and normal (1.1 mM) extracellular Mg2+ [Mg2+]o compared to a much reduced secretory response in elevated (5 mM and 10 mM) [Mg2+]o Similar effects of perturbation of [Mg2+]o on amylase secretion and 45Ca2+ uptake (influx) were obtained in isolated pancreatic segments. In pancreatic acinar cells loaded with the fluorescent bioprobe fura-2 acetomethylester (AM), CCK-8 evoked marked increases in cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+]i in zero and normal [Mg2+]o compared to a much reduced response in elevated [Mg2+]o Pretreatment of acinar cells with either dibutyryl cyclic AMP (DB2 cAMP) or forskolin had no effect on the CCK-8 induced changes in [Ca2+]i. In magfura-2-loaded acinar cells CCK-8 (10–8 M) stimulated an initial transient rise in intracellular free Mg2+ concentration [Mg2+]i followed by a more prolonged and sustained decrease. This response was abolished when sodium Na+ was replaced with N-methyl-D-glucamine (NMDG). Incubation of acinar cells with 10 mM Mg2+ resulted in an elevation in [Mg2+]i. Upon stimulation with CCK-8, [Mg2+]i. decreased only slightly compared with the response obtained in normal [Mg2+]o. CCK-8 caused a net efflux of Mg2+ in pancreatic segments; this effect was abolished when extracellular sodium [Na+]o was replaced with either NMDG or choline. The results indicate that Mg2+ can regulate CCK-8-evoked secretory responses in the exocrine pancreas possibly via Ca2+ mobilization. Moreover, the movement of Mg2+ in pancreatic acinar cells is dependent upon extracellular Na+.  相似文献   

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