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Clones of cells resistant to 2,6-diaminopurine were detected in skin fibroblast cultures derived from 13 of 21 normal humans of both sexes from 17 unrelated families. Almost all of the cultures that yielded mutants were chosen for further study from among a total of 83 surveyed because they displayed a slight resistance to low concentrations of diaminopurine. The incidences of mutant colonies ranged between about 10(-5) and 10(-4) per cell surviving prior mutagenic treatment with MNNG. The incidences of spontaneous mutants were about 10(-7) to 10(-5) in three unrelated cultures. Most independent mutants had distinctly reduced activity of adenine phosphoribosyltransferase but some had apparently normal amounts of activity. Two mutants from unrelated boys had little or no detectable enzyme activity and were unable to effectively use exogenous adenine for growth when purine biosynthesis was blocked with azaserine. Most mutants could utilize exogenous adenine, just as most azaguanine-resistant fibroblast mutants can utilize exogenous hypoxanthine, even when their hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase activity is reduced. Diverse genetic changes conferred diaminopurine resistance but their specific natures are still undefined. Gross numerical or structural chromosome abnormalities were not observed in the mutants examined so far. Since at least one gene responsible for adenine phosphoribosyltransferase activity is on autosome No. 16 our results suggest that at least some of the cultures yielding mutants were heterozygous and that alleles conferring diaminopurine resistance may be frequent enough to comprise a polymorphism.  相似文献   

为研究人胸苷激酶 (humanthymidinekinase ,hTK)基因在复制衰老细胞及早衰细胞中表达下调的分子机制 ,构建了含hTK启动子的荧光素酶报告基因载体 .转染结果显示 ,复制衰老细胞与早衰细胞中hTK启动子的转录活性比年轻细胞中下降了近 3倍 ,表明转录水平的调控是hTK在衰老细胞中表达下降的主要调控机制 .定点突变的结果显示 ,转录因子Sp1、NF Y结合位点的突变可使hTK启动子活性降低近 5 0 % ,而E2F结合位点的突变可使其活性升高 2倍多 ,提示Sp1和NF Y是hTK基因的转录活化因子 ,而E2F为转录抑制因子 .电泳迁移率变更实验发现 ,与年轻细胞相比 ,Sp1、NF Y与hTK启动子的DNA结合活性在复制衰老细胞和早衰细胞中无明显改变 ,提示转录活化因子Sp1、NF Y并非hTK在衰老细胞中下调的主要因素 .染色质免疫共沉淀结果显示 ,在细胞内Rb结合在hTK启动子上 ,且同年轻细胞相比 ,复制衰老细胞及早衰细胞中的hTK启动子结合着更多的Rb ,这提示细胞衰老过程中Rb的去磷酸化可能与hTK基因在衰老过程中的下调有关 .  相似文献   

Dickkopf家族蛋白DKK4是经典Wnt信号通路的抑制因子.为研究其在人胚肺二倍体成纤维细胞(2BS)复制性衰老过程中的作用机制及生理学意义,使用Wnt/β-联蛋白通路的激活剂氯化锂(LiCl)和抑制剂DKK1作用于2BS,同时利用免疫荧光技术分析衰老过程中细胞因子的定位.结果显示,在2BS复制性衰老的过程中,DKK4表达水平下降,而这种下降是β-联蛋白/TCF介导完成的.而在衰老过程或较高的过氧化物水平下,细胞核内转录因子FoxO4增多.由此得出结论:在衰老过程中,β-联蛋白/TCF下游靶基因DKK4表达下调,降低了对经典Wnt通路的抑制,使胞内β-联蛋白处于较高水平.较高水平的β-联蛋白在高过氧化物的微环境中,与FOXO家族转录因子相互作用,激活其下游靶基因,促进了衰老的发生发展.  相似文献   

The effect of the cytomegalovirus on the cell cycle was studied autoradiographically in an asynchronous culture of human diploid fibroblasts. The analysis of labeled mitosis showed that some cells infected in the S phase ceased to progress through the cell cycle at one of its phases (S, G 2, or M); at the same time, at least part of the infected cells remained capable of entering mitosis. Beginning from day 2 after infection by cytomegalovirus, the accumulation of pathological mitotic cells blocked at metaphase was observed in the culture. Approximately 50% of these cells contained 3H-thymidine label above chromosomes. This suggested the possibility of pathological mitosis in cells that were infected both at the S and other phases of the cell cycle. The detailed morphological analysis of chromosomes at different stages of infection demonstrated that the degree of their morphological changes increases from slight (stronger condensation) to severe pathology (fragmentation). In the aggregate, the results of the study suggested that abnormal chromosome morphology resulted from irreversible cell division arrest under the effect of the cytomegalovirus.  相似文献   

It has long been known that human cells are more refractory than rodent cells against oncogenic transformation in vitro. Recent success to make normal human cells susceptible to oncogene-mediated transformation by the ectopic expression of the telomerase catalytic subunit (hTERT) raises the possibility that the difference in the regulation of telomerase expression can explain the different susceptibility to transformation between human and rodent cells. In the recent study, however, we demonstrated that normal human fibroblasts are still more resistant than normal rodent fibroblasts to oncogenic transformation even with the ectopic expression of hTERT. Our results clearly indicate that a difference in telomere biology can not fully account for the species difference in transformability, and that normal human cells have still undefined intrinsic mechanisms rendering them resistant to oncogenic transformation.  相似文献   

Retardation of Leaf Senescence by Ascorbic Acid   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Leaf discs of Solatium melongena were floated on various concentrationsof ascorbic acid (AA), gibberellic acid (GA3), and kinetin inorder to study their effect on senescence. AA was highly effectivein retarding senescence as shown by the arrest of the fall inlevels of chlorophyll, DNA, RNA, and proteins. AA was effectiveat a lower concentration than that of GA3 or kinetin.  相似文献   

衰老细胞中热休克转录因子1的异常调节和定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为评估人热休克转录因子1(HSF1)在衰老细胞中呈现年龄依赖功能失调机制, 通过凝胶电泳迁移率改变实验(EMSA)和RNA酶保护实验等了解低总体倍增水平(PDLs)的年轻和高PDLs的衰老IMR90双倍体人肺纤维母细胞的HSF1 DNA 结合活性、HSF1蛋白质及其编码转录子mRNA水平和亚细胞分布.使用H2O2诱导年轻IMR90细胞成为“应激诱导早熟性老化(SIPS)” 细胞,并与复制性衰老细胞比较HSF1 DNA 结合活性、HSF1亚细胞分布和细胞内过氧化物含量.在不同年龄的IMR90细胞中,无论体内或体外,HSF1激活能力与细胞年龄呈反相关,但细胞内HSF1蛋白质与其mRNA水平并无改变.HSF1的亚细胞定位分析显示,HSF1主要存在于年轻细胞胞质中,热刺激促使三体形成和核转移;而在衰老细胞中,37℃时HSF1大部分存在于细胞核内,热刺激后形成三体,与DNA结合能力明显比年轻细胞弱;用H2O2诱导的应激成熟前老化细胞内,HSF1功能和亚细胞分布都与复制性衰老细胞相似.结果显示,细胞年龄与HSF1的激活和定位相关,而与HSF1含量无关,这些变化可能是通过氧化修饰所致.  相似文献   

To establish a strategy to generate N-acylated proteins modified with fatty acids having a specific chain length, tGelsolin-streptag, an epitope-tagged model protein having an N-myristoylation motif, was synthesized using an insect cell-free protein synthesis system in the presence of acyl-CoA with various fatty acid chain lengths. It was found that the fatty acid species attached to the N-termini fully depended on the acyl-CoA species added to the reaction mixture. N-Acylated proteins with fatty acid chain lengths of 8, 10, 12, and 14 were generated successfully.  相似文献   

人皮肤成纤维细胞在不同培养系统中的生长代谢特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大面积烧伤病人及多种皮肤溃疡病人很难用自体皮肤移植来进行治疗.早期治疗方法采用尸体来源的皮肤移植,但由于来源有限、且有传播疾病的危险,因此应用组织工程技术构建生物活性人工皮肤已成为近十几年来在组织工程和创伤治疗领域的研究热点,目前已有几种人工皮肤成功地走向临床[1].然而,在构建大面积皮肤组织过程中,如何大量制备皮肤种子细胞仍然是一大棘手的难题,成为人体皮肤组织工程迫切需要解决的技术关键.获得大量扩增的皮肤细胞,解决种子细胞的供应问题,是构建人工皮肤的一个关键.  相似文献   



Although fibroblast-to-myocyte electrical coupling is experimentally suggested, electrophysiology of cardiac fibroblasts is not as well established as contractile cardiac myocytes. The present study was therefore designed to characterize ion channels in cultured human cardiac fibroblasts.

Methods and Findings

A whole-cell patch voltage clamp technique and RT-PCR were employed to determine ion channels expression and their molecular identities. We found that multiple ion channels were heterogeneously expressed in human cardiac fibroblasts. These include a big conductance Ca2+-activated K+ current (BKCa) in most (88%) human cardiac fibroblasts, a delayed rectifier K+ current (IKDR) and a transient outward K+ current (Ito) in a small population (15 and 14%, respectively) of cells, an inwardly-rectifying K+ current (IKir) in 24% of cells, and a chloride current (ICl) in 7% of cells under isotonic conditions. In addition, two types of voltage-gated Na+ currents (INa) with distinct properties were present in most (61%) human cardiac fibroblasts. One was a slowly inactivated current with a persistent component, sensitive to tetrodotoxin (TTX) inhibition (INa.TTX, IC50 = 7.8 nM), the other was a rapidly inactivated current, relatively resistant to TTX (INa.TTXR, IC50 = 1.8 µM). RT-PCR revealed the molecular identities (mRNAs) of these ion channels in human cardiac fibroblasts, including KCa.1.1 (responsible for BKCa), Kv1.5, Kv1.6 (responsible for IKDR), Kv4.2, Kv4.3 (responsible for Ito), Kir2.1, Kir2.3 (for IKir), Clnc3 (for ICl), NaV1.2, NaV1.3, NaV1.6, NaV1.7 (for INa.TTX), and NaV1.5 (for INa.TTXR).


These results provide the first information that multiple ion channels are present in cultured human cardiac fibroblasts, and suggest the potential contribution of these ion channels to fibroblast-myocytes electrical coupling.  相似文献   

Excess thymidine induced premature senescence in normal human fibroblasts (TIG-7), with induction of typical senescence markers. Nuclear swelling, as well as cell swelling, was clearly observed in these senescent cells. Simultaneous addition of MAP kinase inhibitors, U0126, SB203580, and SP60025, effectively suppressed induction of premature senescence and senescence markers.  相似文献   

The process of attachment of Mycoplasma hominis and M. orale to HAIN-55 cells, derived from normal embryonic human lung, was investigated quantitatively. The attachment reached its maximum within about 2–4 hr at 37 C and increased linearly as a function of the number of organisms present in the system. The relative attachment efficiency of M. hominis was approximately 1% under our experimental conditions. Trypsin and EDTA were effective in detaching particles of M. hominis and M. orale from the surfaces of HAIN-55 cells. Therefore it was suggested that some proteinaceous substance and salt bridges might be involved in the attachment of these mycoplasmas to HAIN-55 cells.  相似文献   

目的:研究羟基喜树碱(HCPT)对体外培养的人眼Tenon囊成纤维细胞(Human Tenon’s capsule fibroblasts,HTFs)增殖、移行的影响。方法:取正常供体新鲜的Tenon囊组织,采用组织块培养法,进行成纤维细胞的体外培养,并用光镜、免疫荧光法观察鉴定;MTT法、划痕法检测不同浓度的HCPT(0、0.031、0.062、0.125、0.25、0.5、1、2、4mg/l)对HTFs增殖、移行的影响,并与MMC对比。结果:HTFs体外生长良好,经光镜和免疫荧光法观察鉴定为成纤维细胞;与空白对照组比较,HCPT(0.031-4mg/l)、MMC(0.0031-0.4mg/l)均能有效抑制HTFs的增殖,且呈一定的剂量、时间依赖性,HCPT作用24h、48h、72h的IC50分别为2.24mg/l、0.76mg/l、0.39mg/l,MMC作用24h、48h、72h的IC50分别为0.34mg/l、0.24mg/l、0.07mg/l;与空白对照组比较,HCPT(0.031-4mg/1)、MMC(0.0031-0.4mg/l)均能抑制HTFs迁移,呈剂量依赖性,而与时间无显著相关。结论:HCPT、MMC均能有效抑制HTFs的增殖和移行,其效应MMC约为HCPT的10倍。  相似文献   

The circadian clock can regulate the metabolic process of xenobiotics, but little is known as to circadian rhythms can be perturbed by xenobiotics. Styrene is a organic chemical widely used in occupational settings. The effects of styrene on the circadian genes of HuDE cells were evaluated after serum-shocking synchronization. A subtoxic dose of 100 µM of styrene altered the expression of clock genes BMAL1, PER2, PER3, CRY1, CRY2, and REV-ERB-α.  相似文献   

Surfaces of human embryo fibroblasts in vitro were reacted with stain and lectin probes for carbohydrate moeities either after or in the absence of treatment with low concentrations of surface-active enzymes and EDTA. Only testicular hyaluronidase significantly suppressed affinity-binding of all three agents, suggesting that acidic glycosaminoglycans are principle components of the cell's exterior.  相似文献   

目的:探讨烹调油烟挥发性有机物对人胚肺成纤维细胞(HELF)的氧化应激效应。方法:用活性炭采集烹调油烟挥发性有机物(COF VOCs),通过MTT实验确定COF VOCs暴露对HELF细胞的半数抑制浓度(IC50);取对数生长期HELF细胞,使其暴露于剂量分别为20、4、0.8μg/mL的COF VOCs,分别于12、24、48h后进行活性氧(ROS)分析、丙二醛(MDA)检测和Comet试验。结果:COF VOCs刺激HELF细胞12、24、48h的IC50分别为104.9、111.9和127.2μg/mL;流式细胞术检测发现细胞胞质和线粒体内ROS平均荧光强度随COF VOCs剂量增加而增高;剂量组MDA水平与阴性对照组相比无统计学差异;剂量组DNA断裂水平与阴性对照组相比,差异有统计学意义;各剂量组引起的细胞ROS、MDA升高和DNA断裂在不同暴露时间之间差别均无统计学意义。结论:在实验剂量水平和暴露时间内,COF VOCs暴露可引起HELF细胞胞质和线粒体内ROS升高、DNA断裂,但并不能引起脂质过氧化损伤。  相似文献   

下调c—erbB—2对细胞DNA修复和凋亡的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将有义和反义c-erbB-2逆转录病毒体分别经脂质体包裹后转染入人胚肺二倍体成纤维细胞(2BS)。Southern印迹杂交表明,外源c-erbB-2 cDNA在转染细胞中已成功整合入基因组中。Northern印迹杂交显示,有义转染细胞的erbB-2表达上升57%,反义转染细胞erbB-2表达下降48%。与对照和空载体转染细胞相比,反义转染细胞的DNA损伤修理能力显著下降,凋亡可诱导性降低。这和我们观察到的反义转染细胞提早出现衰老表型相一致。  相似文献   

Variation in the lifespan of mass cultures and clones of human diploid fibroblasts can be explained on the basis of variation in the length of the mitotic cycle. This variation is of biological significance; the intrinsic standard deviation of culture lifespan is equal to about 10% of the mean. We constructed a two-parameter stochastic model based on the following assumptions: the time between successive divisions of a given cell is of random duration; cells divide or lose the ability to divide independently of one another; the probability that a cell can undergo further division is constant up to some maximum number of divisions and zero thereafter. We determined numerically the proportion of nondividing cells and the distribution of cell generations. Samples taken by Monte Carlo means from a hypothetical in vitro population were compared with clonal survival data obtained experimentally. The fit between experimental and theoretical findings was within the range of sampling variation. If we accept our model as being applicable to human diploid cell culture, we can draw the following conclusions: the proportion of dividing cells is an inadequate index of a population's age; even in populations in which almost all cells are still capable of division, a majority of the cells have less than eight generations remaining to them. At each subcultivation the ultimate fate of a culture is determined by the disposition of a relatively small number of “young” cells.  相似文献   

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