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Plasma membranes from the mitogen-activated mouse Th2 cell clone D10.G4.1 have recently been shown to provide the cell contact-dependent signals necessary for the induction of small B cell proliferation. Together with the Th2-derived lymphokines IL-4 and IL-5, these membranes stimulate production of Ig isotypes identical to those produced when B cells were stimulated by intact Th2 cells. In contrast, Th1 clones are poor inducers of Ig production in vitro. This could be solely due to differences in the lymphokines released by Th1 and Th2 cells or to differences in the cell-cell contact signals delivered by activated Th1 and Th2 cells. We report that membranes from three different activated Th1 clones induced strong Ag-independent proliferation of small dense B cells. The level of B cell proliferation was enhanced approximately fourfold by the addition of lymphokine-containing supernatant from Con A-activated Th2 cells and was unaffected by any of the lymphokine-containing supernatants from Con A-activated Th1 clones. As with D10.G4.1 membranes, Th1 membranes alone induced B cell proliferation but not secretion of Ig. However, addition of supernatant from Con A-activated D10.G41 cells, but not any supernatants from Con A-activated Th1 cells, induced Ig secretion of all isotypes. These effects were shown to not simply result from increased B cell numbers after stimulation with Th2 lymphokines. Thus, Th1 cell clones seem to poorly induce antibody responses entirely because of their lymphokine repertoire and not because of differences or deficiencies in the ability of these cells to deliver cell contact-dependent signals to B cells.  相似文献   

Human gamma-globulin (HGG)-specific mouse Th1 clones exposed to tolerogenic signals provided by HGG-pulsed paraformaldehyde-fixed splenocytes (HGG-FAPC) were analyzed for antigen-induced progression through the early phases of the cell cycle. Exposure of Th1 clones to HGG-FAPC in primary cultures inhibits the ability of the clones to synthesize DNA in response to HGG and normal APC in secondary cultures. The Th1 clones in these secondary cultures were found to be blocked in G1a phase as evidenced by cell cycle analysis and by reduced numbers of cells expressing high levels of IL-2R and TfR. This cell cycle blockade of Th1 cells was not observed if the secondary cultures were stimulated with IL-2-containing Con A CM instead of antigen. These data suggest that in our system the inhibition in antigen-induced cell cycle progression associated with Th1 tolerance induction occurs at the G1a/G1b phase transition.  相似文献   

We used an adoptive transfer system and CD4+ T cell clones with defined lymphokine profiles to examine the role of CD4+ T cells and the types of lymphokines involved in the development of B cell memory and affinity maturation. Keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH)-specific CD4+ Th2 clones (which produce IL-4 and IL-5 but not IL-2 or IFN-gamma) were capable of inducing B cell memory and affinity maturation, after transfer into nude mice or after transfer with unprimed B cells into irradiated recipients and immunization with TNP-KLH. In addition, KLH-specific Th1 clones, which produce IL-2 and IFN-gamma but not IL-4 or IL-5, were also effective in inducing B cell memory and high affinity anti-TNP-specific antibody. The induction of affinity maturation by Th1 clones occurred in the absence of IL-4, as anti-IL-4 mAb had no effect on the affinity of the response whereas anti-IFN-gamma mAb completely blocked the response. Th1 clones induced predominantly IgG2a and IgG3 antibody, although Th2 clones induced predominantly IgG1 and IgE antibody. We thus demonstrated that some Th1 as well as some Th2 clones can function in vivo to induce Ig synthesis. These results also suggest that a single type of T cell with a restricted lymphokine profile can induce both the terminal differentiation of B cells into antibody secreting cells as well as induce B cell memory and affinity maturation. Moreover, these results suggest that B cell memory and affinity maturation can occur either in the presence of Th2 clones secreting IL-4 but not IFN-gamma, or alternatively in the presence of Th1 clones secreting IFN-gamma but not IL-4.  相似文献   

Lightly irradiated (950 R) splenic B cells were inefficient, in comparison to unseparated spleen cells, in stimulating antigen-specific proliferation of Th1 clones specific for human gamma globulin (HGG). This inefficiency was due to antigen-specific inactivation: Th1 clones preincubated with HGG and lightly irradiated B cells or mitomycin C-treated B cells were unable to proliferate to HGG in secondary cultures. In contrast to Th1 clones, Th2 clones proliferated well in response to B cell APC, and showed no decrease in their subsequent antigen-induced proliferative capacity after exposure to lightly irradiated B cells and HGG. However, preincubation of Th2 with lightly irradiated B cells and HGG did inactivate the capacity of Th2 to provide help for antibody production in secondary cultures. These results suggest that under certain conditions B cells may present antigen to Th1 and Th2 cells in a tolerogenic rather than an immunogenic manner.  相似文献   

We recently have devised a method for the derivation of OVA-specific Th1 and Th2 clones from the same primed lymph node cell preparation. Using a panel of such cells, we have examined the ability of distinct APC populations to stimulate proliferation of Th1 and Th2 clones. Both subsets proliferated well in response to OVA in the presence of whole spleen cells. However, purified B cells stimulated optimal proliferation of Th2 clones, whereas adherent cells stimulated optimal proliferation of Th1 clones. The proliferative response of Th2 cells stimulated with spleen cells irradiated with 3300 rad was dramatically less than that observed in response to spleen cells treated with 1000 rad; Th1 clones responded similarly to spleen cells exposed to either irradiation dose. Differential activation of Th1 and Th2 clones did not correlate with MHC-restricting element, or susceptibility to inhibition by mAb directed against CD4 or LFA-1. Lymphokine production by each subset still occurred under conditions of suboptimal proliferation, suggesting that the appropriate Ag processing and presentation events had transpired. The same pattern of response was observed using a specific OVA peptide that does not require processing, suggesting that differential responsiveness of Th1 and Th2 clones to different APC populations is not a result of defective Ag processing. Neither rIL-1 nor rIL-6 restored optimal proliferation of either subset. Our results suggest that unique cofactors are necessary for the optimal proliferation of Th1 and Th2 clones, and that these cofactors are produced by specialized APC populations.  相似文献   

Human gamma globulin-specific T helper cell (Th) clones, activated by HGG in the presence of antigen (Ag)-presenting cells, stimulated polyclonal B cell proliferation. Both Th1 and Th2 clones induced B cell proliferation, but Th1 clones were generally 5- to 10-fold less efficient than Th2 in this capacity. Th1 and Th2 each induced proliferation of both small and large B cells, although Th1 induced less B cell proliferation than Th2, regardless of B cell size. Th1-induced B cell proliferation was increased significantly by stimulating the Th1 clones with immobilized anti-CD3 mAb. The B cell response to Ag-activated Th1 clones was also increased by the addition of rIL-4 or culture supernatants from activated Th2 clones, and this enhancement was abolished by addition of anti-IL-4 mAb. The differential capacity of the Th subsets to stimulate B cells could not be attributed to differences in the degree of Ag-induced activation of the Th clones as reflected by Th proliferation or Th expression of activation markers, RL388 Ag, IL-2R, or TfR. Taken together the results suggest that even though Th1 and Th2 are similarly activated by Ag-presenting cells, Ag-activated Th2 interact more effectively with B cells than Ag-activated Th1. It is possible that inefficient interaction and subsequent intercellular signaling between Th1 and B cells results in inefficient Th1-induced B cell proliferation, and that this deficiency may be circumvented by signals (e.g., lymphokines) provided by Th2, or by the stimulation of Th1 with plate-bound anti-CD3 Ab rather than Ag.  相似文献   

The initiation of mitosis requires the activation of M-phase promoting factor (MPF). MPF activation and its subcellular localization are dependent on the phosphorylation state of its components, cdc2 and cyclin B1. In a two-hybrid screen using a bait protein to mimic phosphorylated cyclin B1, we identified a novel interaction between cyclin B1 and patched1 (ptc1), a tumor suppressor associated with basal cell carcinoma (BCC). Ptc1 interacted specifically with constitutively phosphorylated cyclin B1 derivatives and was able to alter their normal subcellular localization. Furthermore, addition of the ptc1 ligand, sonic hedgehog (shh), disrupts this interaction and allows cyclin B1 to localize to the nucleus. Expression of ptc1 in 293T cells was inhibitory to cell proliferation; this inhibition could be relieved by coexpression of a cyclin B1 derivative that constitutively localizes to the nucleus and that could not interact with ptc1 due to phosphorylation-site mutations to ALA: In addition, we demonstrate that endogenous ptc1 and endogenous cyclin B1 interact in vivo. The findings reported here demonstrate that ptc1 participates in determining the subcellular localization of cyclin B1 and suggest a link between the tumor suppressor activity of ptc1 and the regulation of cell division. Thus, we propose that ptc1 participates in a G(2)/M checkpoint by regulating the localization of MPF.  相似文献   

Beta-arrestin1, which regulates many aspects of seven transmembrane receptor (7TMR) biology, has also been shown to serve as an adaptor, which brings Mdm2, an E3 ubiquitin ligase to the insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R), leading to its proteasome-dependent destruction. Here we demonstrate that IGF-1R stimulation also leads to ubiquitination of beta-arrestin1, which regulates vesicular trafficking and activation of ERK1/2. This beta-arrestin1-dependent ERK activity can occur even when the classical tyrosine kinase signaling is impaired. siRNA-mediated suppression of beta-arrestin1 in human melanoma cells ablates IGF-1-stimulated ERK and prolongs the G1 phase of the cell cycle. These data suggest that beta-arrestin-dependent ERK signaling by the IGF-1R regulates cell cycle progression and may thus be an important regulator of the growth of normal and malignant cells.  相似文献   

CD4+ T cells have been recently divided into two subsets. The functions of these subsets are thought to be distinct: one subset (Th1) is responsible for delayed type hypersensitivity responses and another (Th2) is primarily responsible for induction of antibody synthesis. To more precisely define the roles of both subsets in humoral immune responses, we examined the ability of a panel of nominal antigen specific Th1 and Th2 clones to induce anti-TNP specific antibody synthesis in TNP-primed or unprimed B cells. Four of nine Th1 clones induced little or no antibody synthesis with TNP-primed B cells. However, five other Th1 clones were very effective at inducing IgG anti-TNP plaque-forming cell (PFC) responses in primed B cells. One of these Th1 clones was analysed in detail and found to also provide helper function for unprimed B cells. Cognate B-T cell interaction was required for induction of both primary and secondary responses with this clone, indicating that a Th1 clone could function as a "classical" Th cell. The seven IL-4 producing Th2 clones examined were also heterogeneous in their ability to induce antibody secretion by TNP-primed B cells. Although four of the Th2 clones induced IgG and IgM anti-TNP PFC responses, two Th2 clones induced only IgM and no IgG antibody, and another clone failed to induce any anti-TNP PFC. All Th2 clones failed to induce any anti-TNP PFC. All Th2 clones produced high levels of IL-4, but "helper" Th2 clones produced significantly greater amounts of IL-5 than "non-helper" Th2 clones. These studies indicate that some IL-2- and some IL-4-producing T cell clones can induce TNP-specific antibody in cell clones can induce TNP-specific antibody in primed and unprimed B cells, and that Th1 and Th2 clones are heterogeneous in their ability to induce Ig synthesis. Therefore, although T cell clones can be classified as Th1 or Th2 types according to patterns of IL-2, IFN-gamma, or IL-4 synthesis, the functional capacity to induce antibody synthesis cannot be predicted solely by their ability to secrete these lymphokines.  相似文献   

Th1 and Th2 clones differ in their response to a tolerogenic signal.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Th1 and Th2 clones specific for human gamma globulin (HGG) were compared and shown to differ in terms of the effects of tolerance induction on Ag-induced proliferation and helper activity. In developing a method to induce tolerance, splenic APC that had been pulsed with HGG and then fixed with 0.15% paraformaldehyde (HGG-FAPC) were used as a means to present Ag to the Th clones in the absence of costimulatory signals. Both Th1 and Th2 clones recognized HGG-FAPC as evidenced by their ability to proliferate to HGG-FAPC. Unlike Th2, Th1 proliferated to HGG-FAPC only in the presence of T cell-depleted allogeneic spleen cells as a source of accessory cell signals. The inability of Th1 cells to proliferate in the absence of costimulatory signals was due to Ag-specific inactivation: Th1 clones preincubated with HGG-FAPC were unable to proliferate when recultured with HGG and irradiated APC. In contrast to Th1 clones, Th2 clones showed no decrease in their Ag-induced proliferative capacity after exposure to any concentration of HGG-FAPC. However, when examined by using a second assay system, that of providing help for anti-HGG antibody production by primed B cells, Th2 preincubated with HGG-FAPC were markedly inhibited (up to 90%) in their ability to provide help. Preincubation with HGG-FAPC also inhibited the helper activity of the one Th1 clone that was found to induce a significant secondary antibody response. Taken together, the results suggest that exposure of Th1 to tolerogen in the form of HGG-pulsed fixed APC inactivates Th1 proliferative capacity, and possibly Th1 helper activity as well. Exposure of Th2 cells to a tolerogen suppresses the mechanism by which the Th2 cells provide Ag-induced B cell help, but does not inhibit the mechanism by which they proliferate to HGG. Furthermore, the results define a model that incorporates Ag processing as well as Ag presentation in the induction of tolerance in vitro.  相似文献   

Accessory cell function of Th2 clones   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have investigated the ability of T helper clones to serve as accessory cells and in the presence of mitogen activate freshly-isolated, splenic T cells. In this type of costimulatory assay, the Th cells that secrete IL-4 but not the Th cells that secrete IL-2 function as AC to induce T cell proliferation in the presence of various T cell mitogens (Con A, anti-CD3 mAb, anti-TCR mAb, and anti-Thy-1 mAb). The signal provided by the accessory Th2 cells occurred independently of MHC restriction, and the analysis of dose-response curves showed the involvement of a single stimulator cell. CD4, as well as CD8 expressing splenic T cells were induced to proliferate by the Th2 clones and mitogen, but mAb specific for CD4 or CD8 failed to affect the response. These findings indicate that cloned Th2 cells functioned as accessory cells and induced naive T cells to proliferate in the presence of mitogen.  相似文献   

Culture of murine T cells with immobilized (platebound) anti-CD3 antibody results in autocrine growth factor secretion in both Th1 (IL-2 producing) and Th2 (IL-4 producing) cells. Using a panel of murine T cell clones, we demonstrate that the IL-2-induced proliferation of Th1 clones is dramatically inhibited by immobilized anti-CD3 antibody, whereas that of Th2 clones is not. This unresponsiveness of Th1 clones to IL-2 is not due to decreases in IL-2R expression. Supernatants from Th1 or Th2 cell cultures fail to alter the effects of anti-CD3 on the two types of clones, suggesting that unresponsiveness induced in Th1 clones or the lack thereof in Th2 clones is not mediated by a stable cytokine(s). Accessory cells enhance the proliferation of Th1 cells exposed to low concentrations of anti-CD3, but the unresponsiveness induced by high concentrations of anti-CD3 is not prevented by accessory cells. Finally, soluble anti-CD4 antibody prevents the induction of the unresponsive state even at high concentrations of anti-CD3. These experiments demonstrate that two subsets of cloned CD4+ T cells differ in their responses to anti-CD3, and that CD4 molecules may play a critical role in regulating the outcome of receptor-mediated stimulation.  相似文献   

Anti-immunoglobulin antibodies (anti-Ig) can stimulate a majority of resting B cells via their receptor Ig. Evidence suggests that the signals generated after this ligand-receptor interaction may be transduced via hydrolysis of inositol phospholipids. In other systems, the ability of inositol phospholipid hydrolysis to link receptor-ligand interactions to subsequent activational events has been suggested to relate to the ability of metabolic intermediates of this hydrolytic process to facilitate activation of protein kinase C and mobilization of Ca+2. In this study, we investigated the importance of protein kinase C and Ca+2 mobilization in the signaling mechanism by which anti-Ig drives B cells to undergo G0 to G1 transition. Our results show that pharmacologic inhibition of either protein kinase C activity or channel-mediated Ca+2 influx completely abrogates the increase in RNA synthesis associated with B cell activation after stimulation by anti-Ig. This suggests that pathways leading to both protein kinase C activation and elevation of intracellular Ca+2 are critical for receptor Ig-mediated G0 to G1 transition. Furthermore, studies in which anti-Ig-induced signaling could be bypassed by directly facilitating Ca+2 mobilization and protein kinase C activation using Ca+2 ionophore and phorbol diester show that these events are sufficient to drive the majority of resting B cells into G1 in the absence of additional signaling from accessory cells or extra-cellular factors. However, like anti-Ig-induced stimulation, Ca+2 ionophore and phorbol diester are relatively inefficient in driving B cells that have entered G1 into S phase. We discuss the relevance of these results towards the transduction mechanism linking B cell membrane-associated Ig-generated signals with subsequent activation events.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis of microorganisms by macrophages is an important host defense mechanism. While studying the phagocytosis of the human pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans, we noted that macrophage-like J774 cells with ingested fungal cells had frequent mitotic figures. By analyzing the relative proportion of phagocytic cells as a function of cell cycle phase, we observed an increase in S phase cells after Fc-mediated phagocytosis of polystyrene beads, live or heat-killed C. neoformans. This result was confirmed by increased nuclear BrdU incorporation after Fc-mediated phagocytosis. The induced progression to S phase was observed after both Fc- and complement-mediated phagocytosis of live yeasts. Fc-mediated stimulation of cell division did not require ingestion, because it could be triggered by incubating cells in IgG1-coated plates. Phagocytosis-mediated stimulation of replication was confirmed in vitro using primary bone marrow macrophages and in vivo for peritoneal macrophages. We conclude that phagocytosis of microbes or inert particles can stimulate macrophages to enter S phase and commence cell division. This observation suggests a potential mechanism for increasing the number of effector cells after microbial ingestion, but can also promote the spread of infection.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that resting and previously activated B lymphocytes differ in their proliferative and differentiative responses to various Th cell-derived stimuli, we have examined the interactions of purified small (resting) and large (activated) murine B cells with rabbit Ig-specific Th1 and Th2 clones in the presence of the Ag analogue, rabbit anti-mouse Ig antibody. Small numbers of Th2 cells induce strong Ag-dependent proliferation of and Ig secretion by both resting and activated B lymphocytes. In contrast, Th1 clones stimulate lower responses of activated B cells and fail to stimulate small resting B cells. An interaction with Th1 clones does make small B cells responsive to the Th2-derived cytokine, IL-4, indicating that Th1 clones are capable of delivering some but not all the stimuli necessary for the induction of humoral immunity. Finally, in order to compare the responses of small and large B cells to cognate interactions and secreted cytokines, we used an autoreactive I-Ak-specific Th2 line. This line induces proliferation of and Ig secretion by I-Ak expressing but not H-2d resting and activated B cells as a result of cognate interactions. However, when the H-2d B cells are bystanders in the presence of cytokine secretion by this Th2 line, or are directly exposed to Th2-derived cytokines, both small and large B cells are induced to proliferate but only the large B cells secrete antibody. These results indicate that the magnitude and nature of antibody responses depend on three principal factors: the cytokines produced by Th cells, the state of activation of the responding B lymphocytes, and whether the B cells are recipients of cognate help or are bystanders at the site of T cell stimulation. Our findings also confirm the view that cognate T-B interactions are most efficient for initiating B cell responses and may allow B cells to subsequently respond to a variety of T cell-derived cytokines.  相似文献   

Measles virus infection of unstimulated B lymphocytes suppresses both proliferation and differentiation into immunoglobulin-secreting cells. However, mitogenic stimulation of these infected cells results in cell volume enlargement, rapid RNA synthesis, and the expression of cell surface activation antigens 4F2, HLA-DS, and transferrin receptor. The cellular genes c-myc and histone 2B are induced during early G1 and S phase of the cell cycle, respectively, and viral RNA synthesis can be detected during this interval. However, total RNA synthesis is decreased at 48 h after stimulation, and the histone 2B RNA steady-state level at 48 h is fivefold less than that in uninfected cells. This sequence of events defines an arrest in the G1 phase of the cell cycle in measles virus-infected B cells.  相似文献   

Leflunomide, an inhibitor of de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis, has recently been introduced as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis in an attempt to ameliorate inflammation by inhibiting lymphocyte activation. Although the immunosuppressive ability of leflunomide has been well described in several experimental animal models, the precise effects of a limited pyrimidine supply on T cell differentiation and effector functions have not been elucidated. We investigated the impact of restricted pyrimidine biosynthesis on the activation and differentiation of CD4 T cells in vivo and in vitro. Decreased activation of memory CD4 T cells in the presence of leflunomide resulted in impaired generation and outgrowth of Th1 effectors without an alteration of Th2 cell activation. Moreover, priming of naive T cells in the presence of leflunomide promoted Th2 differentiation from uncommitted precursors in vitro and enhanced Th2 effector functions in vivo, as indicated by an increase in Ag-specific Th2 cells and in the Th2-dependent Ag-specific Ig responses (IgG1) in immunized mice. The effects of leflunomide on T cell proliferation and differentiation could be antagonized by exogenous UTP, suggesting that they were related to a profound inhibition of de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis. These results indicate that leflunomide might exert its anti-inflammatory activities in the treatment of autoimmune diseases by preventing the generation of proinflammatory Th1 effectors and promoting Th2 cell differentiation. Moreover, the results further suggest that differentiation of CD4 T cells can be regulated at the level of nucleotide biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Carrier (KLH)-specific type 1 T cell clones (Th1), which are defined by secretion of IL-2 and IFN-gamma but not IL-4, and type 2 (Th2) clones, which secrete IL-4, but not IL-2 or IFN-gamma, have been isolated and analyzed for their ability to collaborate in providing help for B cells to secrete phosphorylcholine-specific IgM antibodies. The resulting antibody responses exhibited a characteristic pattern suggesting two distinct regulatory interactions among the Th1, Th2, and B cells. At low doses of antigen, Th1 cells enhanced the helper function of the Th2 cells, an effect due primarily to IL-2. At high doses of antigen, Th1 cells or IFN-gamma inhibited Th2-dependent antibody responses. The inhibitory effect of Th1 or IFN-gamma affected primarily the hapten-carrier-linked portion of the response. The overall effect was a modulation of the antigen dose-response curve for antibody production, eliminating the sharp increases in dose response mediated by isolated T cell clones. The data suggest that collaborative interactions of Th1 and Th2 cells in antibody production may have important physiological consequences.  相似文献   

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