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Conformational energy maps for the four combinations of two consecutive torsional angles of the backbone structure of polydeoxyribonucleotides are presented. Both the C(2′)-endo and the C(3′)-endo conformation of sugar rings were considered. The energies were evaluated with an analytical expression representing the best fit to ab initio energies computed in the Hartree-Fock approximation, and consisting of a contribution from nonbonded interactions of the Lennard-Jones 6-12 type and an intrinsic torsional potential. It is shown that the minima of these maps are in excellent agreement with the most stable conformations as obtained from x-ray crystallographic analysis of nucleic acids and polynucleotides.  相似文献   

Wilma K. Olson 《Biopolymers》1978,17(4):1015-1040
Semiempirical potential energy functional used previously to account successfully for the mean-square unperturbed dimensions and nmr coupling constants of randomly coiling polynucleotides are used, after modifications, to account for base stacking and interstrand hydrogen bonding, and to evaluate the conformational energies of single- and double-stranded polynucleotide helices. Attention is focused upon the variety of A-genus helices with local backbone conformations resembling the known double-helical structures of RNA. Distinct structural differences between single- and double-stranded helices are predicted from the energy calculations. A second point of interest is the apparent failure of two conformationally identical left-handed polynucleotide chains to form a left-handed duplex. The third major observation of the study is the wide morphological variety of theoreticaly allowed right-handed polynucleotide duplexes. In addition to the familiar double helix stabilized by horizontal base stacking and hydrogen bonding, an unusual vertical double helix is predicted to form between complementary bases fixed in the unusual but not energetically forbidden high anti glycosyl conformation. Experimental results bearing upon the theoretical predictions are discussed.  相似文献   

The sugar–phosphate–sugar complex C10H18O8P, a unit of the polynucleotide chains, was analyzed, making use of 100 conformational energies computed in the Hartree-Fock approximation with a small basis set of Gaussian type orbitals. The geometry of the conformations [which corresponds to the C(2′)-endo deoxy system], the basis set, and the computed total energies are reported in this work. In addition, a number of attempts are presented where we searched for a computationally very simple analytical expression apt to fit, with reasonable accuracy, the computed energies. Lennard-Jones type potential seems to offer an appropriate form capable of reproducing the positions of the maxima and the minima resulting from ab initio computations, but neither the 6-12 nor other similar forms seem to be able to correctly reproduce the intensity of the barriers. Form a details analysis of the barriers to rotation about the bonds O(5′)—C(5′) and C(5′)—C(4′) in terms of nonboned interactions, we found that a substantial improvement in the fit of analytical to ab initio energies may be obtained by distinguishing between atoms characterized by the same atomic number but having different chemical characteristics, like the oxygen atoms of the phosphate group, on one hand, and the oxygen atoms of the sugar rings and the hydroxyl groups, on the other.  相似文献   

Consistent force field (CFF) calculations were performed for the sugar–phosphate–sugar fragment, taken as a model of the polynucleotide backbone. The potential-energy-function is the sum of four contributions, accounting for bond and angle deformation, torsional motions, and nonbonded interactions. Both deoxyribose and ribose systems, with either C(2′)-endo or C(3′)-endo puckering in the starting geometry of ribose rings, were considered. A fair number of minima of the conformational-energy hypersurface were found. Although the numerical method employed in the CFF context cannot solve the problem of finding the global minimum in a definite way, one of the final conformations has a total energy much more attractive than the others, and may be regarded as the most stable conformation attainable with our potential-energy function. The energy-minimization affects the puckering of the first ribose ring differently from that of the second: in general, for the C(2′)-endo system the second ring retains its starting conformation (Ψ′ = 152°), while in the first the Ψ′ is modified by up to 70°; the opposite occurs for the C(3′)-endo system. This is explained by the different positions of the two rings relative to the phosphate group.  相似文献   

The effects of polyamines on the breakdown of synthetic polynucleotides [poly(A), poly(C), and poly(U)] by polynucleotide phosphorylase [polyribonucleotide: orthophosphate nucleotidyltransferase, EC] from Micrococcus luteus have been studied. Although the breakdown of all the synthetic polynucleotides tested was stimulated by polyamines, the degree of stimulation by polyamines was in the order poly(C) greater than poly(A) greater than poly(U) at pH 7.5. However, the difference in degree of stimulation among polynucleotides decreased as the pH or monovalent cation concentration was increased. In the presence of heparin, an inhibitor of polynucleotide phosphorylase hydrolysis of polynucleotides, spermidine clearly stimulated the breakdown of poly(C) and poly(A), while the breakdown of poly(U) was stimulated only slightly by the addition of spermidine. Although binding of [14C]spermine to polynucleotide phosphorylase was observed by gel filtration, the amount of spermine bound to the enzyme was much less than that to RNA.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence analysis was done on a human lambda Bence Jones protein NIG-64 with the major objective of determining the sequence of the variable region. Nineteen tryptic peptides covering 216 residues were isolated from the completely reduced and aminoethylated protein, and 17 of these were completely sequenced. These comprised the entire variable region and 11 from the constant region. For the remaining peptides covering the rest of the constant region, only partial sequences or the amino acid compositions were determined. All the tryptic peptides could be arranged in order on the basis of the above results and homology with other human lambda light chains of the same isotype. The sequence of the variable region of the protein is highly homologous with that of protein New of subgroup V lambda I as compared with other proteins of the same subgroup, suggesting that subgroup V lambda I may be further divided into subsubgroups, namely subsubgroups V lambda I-1 and V lambda I-2.  相似文献   

The virtual bond scheme set forth in preceding papers for treating the average properties of polyriboadenylic acid (poly rA) is here applied to the calculation of the unperturbed mean-square end-to-end distance of polydeoxyriboadenylic acid (poly dA). The modifications in structure and in charge distribution resulting from the replacement of the hydroxyl group at C2′ in the ribose residue by hydrogen in deoxyribose produce only minor modifications in the conformational energies associated with the poly dA chain as compared to those found for poly rA. The main difference is manifested in the energy associated with rotations about the C3′–O3′ bond of the deoxyribose residue in the C2′-endo conformation; accessible rotations are confined to the range between 0° and 30° relative to the trans conformation, whereas in the ribose unit the accessible regions comprise two ranges centered at approximately 35° and 85°. The characteristic ratio 〈r2〉0/nl2 calculated on the basis of the conformational energy estimates is ≈9 for the poly dA chain with all deoxyribose residues in the C3′-endo conformation and ≈21 with all residues in the C2′-endo form. Satisfactory agreement is achieved between the theoretical values and experimental results on apurinic acid by treating the poly dA chain as a random copolymer of C3′-endo and C2′-endo conformational isomers present in a ratio of ~1 to 9.  相似文献   

Quantum chemical calculations using the CNDO/2 method, have been carried out to determine the energetically favoured ranges of the torsional angles (φ′, ω′, ω, φ, ψ) which fix the conformational structure of nucleic acid backbone. The two dimensional isoenergy maps have been constructed in the (ω′, ω) and (φ, ψ) hyperspaces. The variation of total energy with respect to φ′ has also been studied. The results show that the non-bonding interactions play a major role in the conformational stability of nucleic acids and polynucleotides. The theoretical predictions show good correspondence with the experimental data (X-ray and 13C NMR) as well as the other reported theoretical calculations (EHT, PCILO and classical potential functions). The most favoured structure has the conformational angles close to 240, 290, 290, 180 and 60° and these values lead to a helical structure with a pitch of 34 Å and about ten nucleotide units per turn of the helix. The proposed models of Watson &; Crick, DNA-B and DNA-C lie in high energy regions.  相似文献   

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