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Seasonal changes in climate and plant diversity are known to affect the population dynamics of both pests and natural enemies within agroecosystems. In Brazil, spontaneous plants are usually tolerated in small-scale physic nut plantations over the year, which in turn may mediate interactions between pests and natural enemies within this agroecosystem. Here, we aimed to access the influence of seasonal variation of abiotic (temperature, relative humidity and rainfall) and biotic (diversity of spontaneous plants, overall richness and density of mites) factors on the communities of phytophagous and predatory mites found in a physic nut plantation and its associated spontaneous plants. Mite sampling was monthly conducted in dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous leaves of spontaneous plants as well as in physic nut shrubs over an entire year. In the dry season there was a higher abundance of phytophagous mites (Tenuipalpidae, Tarsonemidae and Tetranychidae) on spontaneous plants than on physic nut shrubs, while predatory mites (Phytoseiidae) showed the opposite pattern. The overall density of mites on spontaneous plants increased with relative humidity and diversity of spontaneous plants. Rainfall was the variable that most influenced the density of mites inhabiting physic nut shrubs. Agroecosystems comprising spontaneous plants associated with crops harbour a rich mite community including species of different trophic levels which potentially benefit natural pest control due to increased diversity and abundance of natural enemies.  相似文献   

山东部分地区小兽类寄生恙螨的群落结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用鼠笼捕捉活鼠,收集体外恙螨,分类计数,定量分析小兽类体外寄生恙螨的群落结构。探讨山东小兽类体外寄生恙螨群落结构及其与疾病的关系。结果表明,当地5种小兽类体外共有6种寄生恙螨。黑线姬鼠、大仓鼠体外寄生螨种较丰富,各有5种寄生螨。小盾纤恙螨宿主范围广,在4种小兽的体外均有发现。大仓鼠体外太平洋无前恙螨的带螨率和带螨指数最高(72.73%、52.00),临淮岗纤恙螨、泰山纤恙螨、须纤恙螨普遍寄生于黑线姬鼠、大仓鼠体外。黑线姬鼠与大仓鼠寄生螨群落多样性指数相对较高。黑线姬鼠寄生螨群落与大仓鼠的相似系数最大(39.2)。黑线姬鼠体外恙螨群落结构随季节变化而发生变化,恙螨群落的丰富度和多样性指数以冬季(12~2月)最低,春、秋季较高。  相似文献   

Leaf domatia are small plant structures in vein axials on the undersides of leaves that are often inhabited by mites of several species. The mites are presumed to benefit the plant because they are predatory or fungivorous. The domatia are thought to provide the mites shelter from predators and changes in relative humidity, and in exchange, the mites protect the plant from small herbivores and fungal spores. Differences in relative humidity can affect food availability, changing the interaction between plants and mites. We examined domatium morphology of the shrub Psychotria horizontalis (Rubiaceae) and its associated mite diversity at three sites along the rainfall gradient of the Isthmus of Panama, during the dry and wet seasons. The dry forest had a domatium morphology consistent with providing greater desiccation protection, with trichomes and a smaller domatium opening relative to domatium size (size/opening ratio). Additionally, this size/opening ratio was significantly higher in the dry season than in the wet season at all three sites. Mite diversity was highest at the intermediate rainfall site with a large degree of overlap with the other sites, whereas the dry site and wet site shared few mite species. More fungivorous mites were present in the moist forests and more facultative feeders on fungal spores and small mites in the dry forest. The average mite size at each site matched the average domatium size at each site. The dry forest had small mites in small domatia, whereas the moist forests had larger mites in larger domatia. While these data are primarily observational, the site and seasonal differences in domatium morphology and mite diversity are consistent with two main hypotheses: (1) that protection from changes in humidity would be particularly important when humidity was low, such as in the dry forest and during the dry season (2) more fungivorous mites would be found in domatia of the moist forests. The data presented here further highlight the close adaptive relationship between leaf domatia on plants and the mites that inhabit them.  相似文献   

以农田土壤动物长期监测样地为平台, 阐明土壤动物物种和功能多样性空间分布格局, 是揭示农田土壤动物多样性维持机制、提高农田土壤质量的重要基础。本试验于2020年10月, 对河南商丘农田土壤动物大型固定样地(9 ha)的210个采样点进行土壤样品野外采集和室内分离, 将土壤螨样品鉴定到种并测量其体长体宽数据, 以说明小麦-玉米轮作农田土壤螨多样性及其体长体宽的空间分布格局。结果表明: (1)共捕获成螨个体17,256头, 其中甲螨亚目为优势类群, 其个体数占总捕获量的94.67%; MGP分析表明样地甲螨群落属于P型, 说明受人为因素影响强烈; 生态位宽度和重叠度分析表明, 进化程度越高甲螨的生态位宽度越宽, 进化程度越相近甲螨之间的竞争越激烈。(2) Moran’s I分析显示, 在20-100 m的空间尺度上, 土壤螨群落、优势种的个体数和体长体宽多为显著正相关; 在220-300 m的空间尺度上, 部分为显著负的空间自相关。半方差函数结果表明, 甲螨群落物种数、个体数和体长体宽的空间变异主要受确定性过程影响, 中气门螨群落的空间变异由确定性和随机性过程共同影响。(3)土壤螨个体数与体长体宽存在显著弱的负相关关系, 这种关系普遍存在于土壤螨各群落与优势种中。本研究建议同时开展物种多样性和以体长体宽为代表的功能多样性空间格局研究, 对揭示土壤螨群落维持机制、保护土壤螨多样性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

中国云南洱海周边小兽体表革螨多样性(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董文鸽  郭宪国  门兴元  钱体军  吴滇 《昆虫学报》2008,51(11):1177-1186
云南大理洱海周边是我国流行性出血热的流行地区之一。本文目的是运用Shannon-Wiener、系统聚类分析方法(SPSS 13.0软件)和Levins'niche等对该区3 303只小兽体表寄生革螨的物种多样性、群落结构、相似性、分布和生态位进行研究。选择的洱海周边三个不同方位恰好处于东部无量山、南部哀老山和西部苍山,由于洱海的天然隔离使这三个方位形成了同地域异生境的地理景观。在调查点共捕获小兽宿主3 303只属4目(啮齿目、食虫目、攀鼩目和食肉目)7科15属21种,收集到的小兽体表寄生虫革螨23 196只被鉴定为6科16属43种。研究结果表明革螨群落结构复杂,物种多样性高。在不同方位革螨和它们相对应宿主的分布是不均匀的,但是洱海周边不同方位同样优势小兽上寄生的优势革螨种是一致的。结果暗示:生境影响着革螨和它们相对应小兽的物种构成和分布,如果小兽宿主的分类地位和生境相似,那么相对应的小兽宿主上的革螨群落就相似; 不同方位小兽体表寄生虫革螨的丰富度和物种多样性主要由宿主本身和宿主所栖息的生境决定;这可能是小兽和革螨之间协同进化在生态学上的一个佐证。但通过使用革螨的生态位宽度分析,革螨的宿主特异性很低,这又可能暗示着小兽和革螨之间有协同进化,但协同进化程度不高。  相似文献   

Soil biodiversity has been recognized as a key feature of ecosystem functioning and stability. However, soil biodiversity is strongly impaired by agriculture and relatively little is known on how and at what spatial and temporal scales soil biodiversity is restored after the human disturbances have come to an end. Here, a multi-scale approach was used to compare diversity patterns of soil mites and nematodes at four stages (early, mid, late, reference site) along a secondary succession chronosequence from abandoned arable land to heath land. In each field four soil samples were taken during four successive seasons. We determined soil diversity within samples (α-diversity), between samples (β-diversity) and within field sites (γ-diversity). The patterns of α- and γ-diversity developed similarly along the chronosequence for oribatid mites, but not for nematodes. Nematode α-diversity was highest in mid- and late-successional sites, while γ-diversity was constant along the chronosequence. Oribatid mite β-diversity was initially high, but decreased thereafter, whereas nematode β-diversity increased when succession proceeded; indicating that patterns of within-site heterogeneity diverged for oribatid mites and nematodes. The spatio-temporal diversity patterns after land abandonment suggest that oribatid mite community development depends predominantly on colonization of new taxa, whereas nematode community development depends on shifts in dominance patterns. This would imply that at old fields diversity patterns of oribatid mites are mainly controlled by dispersal, whereas diversity patterns of nematodes are mainly controlled by changing abiotic or biotic soil conditions. Our study shows that the restoration of soil biodiversity along secondary successional gradients can be both scale- and phylum-dependent.  相似文献   

从安徽省15个城市居民储藏物中采集了48种样本,采用水膜镜检法和电热集螨法进行粉螨的分离,并进行螨种的鉴定及计数。检获粉螨27种,隶属于7科19属。其平均孳生密度为28.65±7.6只/g,物种丰富度指数为2.70,物种多样性指数为2.62,物种均匀度指数为0.89。其群落组成较为多样化,粉螨污染储藏物的情况严重。  相似文献   

目的调查安徽省阜阳地区居室环境中粉螨的群落组成和多样性。方法于2009年7月,选择100户家庭进行样本采集,每居室环境中取4个采样点,对采集到的地面灰尘、床面灰尘、家具灰尘及衣物灰尘进行粉螨的分离、鉴定、计数和数据分析。结果共检获粉螨3609只,隶属于6科15属,共19种。对4类居室灰尘中粉螨群落多样性分析表明:它们的丰富度指数为0.89~2.09,多样性指数为1.28~1.83,均匀度指数为0.65~0.71。结论粉螨群落的结构及多样性与其生境条件直接相关;阜阳地区人居环境粉螨孳生密度较高(48.5%),应加强防螨措施。  相似文献   

Demodex mites are a group of hair follicle and sebaceous gland-dwelling species. The species of these mites found on humans are arguably the animals with which we have the most intimate interactions. Yet, their prevalence and diversity have been poorly explored. Here we use a new molecular method to assess the occurrence of Demodex mites on humans. In addition, we use the 18S rRNA gene (18S rDNA) to assess the genetic diversity and evolutionary history of Demodex lineages. Within our samples, 100% of people over 18 years of age appear to host at least one Demodex species, suggesting that Demodex mites may be universal associates of adult humans. A phylogenetic analysis of 18S rDNA reveals intraspecific structure within one of the two named human-associated Demodex species, D. brevis. The D. brevis clade is geographically structured, suggesting that new lineages are likely to be discovered as humans from additional geographic regions are sampled.  相似文献   

Phoretic mites are likely the most abundant arthropods found on carcases and corpses. They outnumber their scavenger carriers in both number and diversity. Many phoretic mites travel on scavenger insects and are highly specific; they will arrive on a particular species of host and no other. Because of this, they may be useful as trace indicators of their carriers even when their carriers are absent. Phoretic mites can be valuable markers of time. They are usually found in a specialised transitional transport or dispersal stage, often moulting and transforming to adults shortly after arrival on a carcase or corpse. Many are characterised by faster development and generation cycles than their carriers. Humans are normally unaware, but we too carry mites; they are skin mites that are present in our clothes. More than 212 phoretic mite species associated with carcases have been reported in the literature. Among these, mites belonging to the Mesostigmata form the dominant group, represented by 127 species with 25 phoretic mite species belonging to the family Parasitidae and 48 to the Macrochelidae. Most of these mesostigmatids are associated with particular species of flies or carrion beetles, though some are associated with small mammals arriving during the early stages of decomposition. During dry decay, members of the Astigmata are more frequently found; 52 species are phoretic on scavengers, and the majority of these travel on late-arriving scavengers such as hide beetles, skin beetles and moths. Several species of carrion beetles can visit a corpse simultaneously, and each may carry 1–10 species of phoretic mites. An informative diversity of phoretic mites may be found on a decaying carcass at any given time. The composition of the phoretic mite assemblage on a carcass might provide valuable information about the conditions of and time elapsed since death.  相似文献   

The high incidence of asexuality in oribatid mites presents an unusual opportunity for examining hypotheses for the maintenance of sex. There is a presumed range in age of asexual species: many oribatid species are phylogenetically clustered, occurring in speciose early-derivative families or genera without sexual species, while others are phylogenetically isolated from other asexual species, occurring in later derivative taxa with sexual congeners. We examined the distribution of oribatid mite reproductive mode in soil of corn fields, grassy and shrub fields, and forests in central New York State (three replicate plots of each type, with 25 samples per plot), to test three ecological predictions from current theory. (1) If overall biotic uncertainty, as generated by competitors and predators, mediates the ecological distribution of oribatid mites, then the proportion of asexual oribatid mites should be negatively correlated with biological diversity; we examine this prediction using literature data as well. (2) If Muller’s Ratchet (the stochastic loss of best genotypes, which is independent of environment), mediates the success of asexuality, then no ecological pattern should exist. (3) If general purpose genotypes are characteristic of asexual oribatid mites, their habitat distribution should be broader than that of sexual species. For each plot the level of asexuality was compared to indices of overall biotic diversity, as calculated from the pooled oribatid mite (competitors) and mesostigmatid mite (predator) communities. We found no negative correlation in this relationship in our own data or in the literature analysis of 290 faunal surveys from 50 literature sources, so we reject biotic uncertainty as an important determinant of reproductive mode distribution. When only data on phylogenetically clustered asexuals are considered, there is instead a positive correlation between asexuality and diversity that is not explained. Because of the latter pattern we tentatively reject Muller’s Ratchet as the primary factor maintaining reproductive mode in these mites, but cannot reject it for isolated asexual species. Niche breadth in sexual and asexual oribatid mites provides no support for widespread general purpose genotypes but broad patterns in the literature suggest that the idea needs further investigation. Possible complicating or unknown factors that are discussed include historical disturbance in the study area, the relationship between parasitism and general biotic diversity, and the level and source of genetic diversity in asexual oribatid mites.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the diversity of Phytoseiidae in the Atlantic Forest of São Paulo State, Brazil, and to estimate the possible role of this ecosystem as a reservoir for mites of this family. Samples were taken from 187 plant species belonging to 73 plant families in three vegetation types of the Atlantic Forest, from February 2001 to October 2002. In total, 1102 specimens of 54 species belonging to 20 genera of the three phytoseiid subfamilies were found. Most specimens (93%) and species (91%) belonged to the Amblyseiinae. The majority of species found belong to taxonomic groups largely composed of generalist predators (especially Amblyseius and Euseius). In general, the more abundant mites were found on a diversity of plant species, but a few of the abundant species were found on only a small number of plant species. Only nine of the mites encountered during this study are of known agricultural importance. The results obtained suggest the importance of the wide plant diversity in the region to sustain a wide diversity of phytoseiids. The extensive clearance of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest is a threat to the diversity of these mites, important predators of mite pests.  相似文献   

Soil mites were investigated under different land uses in Changchun metropolitan area (Jilin Province, China). The soil mites were extracted using modified Tullgren funnels and were identified to the genus level. A total of 8 703 soil mites belonging to 92 genera were found. The community characteristics of soil mites were analyzed using individual density, number of taxon, diversity, abundance, and evenness as well as MGP analysis and the MI index. Litter removal considerably decreased the numbers of soil mite taxon, abundance and diversity, and tillage changed the vertical distribution of soil mite individual density in the soil profile and accelerated their move to lower soil layers. The results suggest that the land-use types significantly affect the community structures of soil mites, and litter removal and conventional cultivation are the main factors in play. The studies also suggest that the type of vegetation above ground appears to have little influence on the ecological structures of the soil mite community.  相似文献   

Wu D H  Zhang B  Bu Z Y  Chen P 《农业工程》2006,26(1):16-25
Soil mites were investigated under different land uses in Changchun metropolitan area (Jilin Province, China). The soil mites were extracted using modified Tullgren funnels and were identified to the genus level. A total of 8 703 soil mites belonging to 92 genera were found. The community characteristics of soil mites were analyzed using individual density, number of taxon, diversity, abundance, and evenness as well as MGP analysis and the MI index. Litter removal considerably decreased the numbers of soil mite taxon, abundance and diversity, and tillage changed the vertical distribution of soil mite individual density in the soil profile and accelerated their move to lower soil layers. The results suggest that the land-use types significantly affect the community structures of soil mites, and litter removal and conventional cultivation are the main factors in play. The studies also suggest that the type of vegetation above ground appears to have little influence on the ecological structures of the soil mite community.  相似文献   

Investigations into different stages of secondary succession (from a wheat field to a beechwood on Threstone; Northern Germany) demonstrated the formation of a carbon rich top soil in later successional stages. Parallel to changes in plant species and soil formation, there were also changes in species composition and diversity of saprophagous macro-invertebrates (Lumbricidae, Diplopoda, Isopoda) and oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida). Diversity of diplopod and isopod species increased after cessation of cultivation, but in a late successional stage (ca 50 y-old fallow, ash-dominated wood) species number of diplopods and isopods declined strongly. In comparison with the other soil invertebrate groups, species composition of earthworms among the sites was more similar. Accumulation of soil C was assumed to be related to wood formation and occurrence of woody debris and recalcitrant leaf litter of beech trees. Incorporation of recalcitrant litter materials by earthworm species living in the upper mineral soil presumably contributed significantly to accumulation of soil C. Accumulation of soil C was accompanied by the development of an oribatid mite community rich in species. In early successional stages oribatids predominantly colonized the litter layer, while most oribatid mites of the beechwood inhabited the upper mineral soil. Maximum diversity of oribatid mites in the beechwood is assumed to be related to instability of the mineral soil caused by earthworm activity. Changes in species composition and diversity are discussed considering succession theory. Even soil invertebrates of similar trophic groups appear to respond very differently to successional changes. It is concluded that conservation strategies to maintain high diversity of soil invertebrates are most likely to be successful if a wide range of habitats of different successional stages is included.  相似文献   

Potentially, pathogenic bacteria are one of the main infective agents against which a battery of chemical and physical barriers has evolved in animals. Among these are the secretions by the exocrine uropygial gland in birds. The antimicrobial properties of uropygial secretions may prevent colonization and growth of microorganisms on feathers, skin and eggshells. However, uropygial gland secretions also favour the proliferation of feather mites that feed on secretions and microorganisms living on feathers that would otherwise reach eggshells during incubation if not consumed by feather mites. Therefore, at the interspecific level, uropygial gland size (as an index of volume of uropygial secretion) should be positively related to eggshell bacterial load (i.e. the risk of egg infection), whereas eggshell bacterial loads may be negatively related to abundance of feather mites eating bacteria. Here, we explore these previously untested predictions in a comparative framework using information on eggshell bacterial loads, uropygial gland size, diversity and abundance of feather mites and hatching success of 22 species of birds. The size of the uropygial gland was positively related to eggshell bacterial loads (mesophilic bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae), and bird species with higher diversity and abundance of feather mites harboured lower bacterial density on their eggshells (Enterococcus and Staphylococcus), in accordance with the hypothesis. Importantly, eggshell bacterial loads of mesophilic bacteria, Enterococcus and Enterobacteriaceae were negatively associated with hatching success, allowing us to interpret these interspecific relationships in a functional scenario, where both uropygial glands and mutualistic feather mites independently reduce the negative effects of pathogenic bacteria on avian fitness.  相似文献   

目的调查安徽省粉螨的物种组成多样性。方法对每个城市选取储藏环境中的储粮、经济作物和干果等进行粉螨标本的采集、鉴定、计数及数据分析。结果共检获粉螨31种,隶属于7科20属。自北而南的淮北平原、江淮丘陵、皖中平原、皖南山地中,皖南山地平均孳生密度最高为46只/g,物种丰富度指数为1.38,物种多样性指数为2.7,物种均匀度指数为0.92。结论安徽省粉螨污染储藏物的情况较为严重,粉螨群落组成较为多样化,应采取有效防螨措施。  相似文献   

The species diversity and habitat relations of gamasid mites from nests of the field vole (Microtus agrestis L.) were studied in the middle taiga subzone of the Republic of Karelia. The fauna of gamasid mites on the field vole, in its nests, and in the forest litter is very diverse, comprising 49 species with a complex taxonomic structure (22 genera, 12 families) and a variety of life strategies (necrophages, zoophages, and hematophages). The fauna of gamasid mites is most diverse in the nests of M. agrestis and includes both primitive free-living forms and specialized obligatory (epizoic) parasites. The group with the highest diversity of mite species is that from the nest of M. agrestis, with the diversity index amounting to 2.65 (30 species, 18 genera, 11 families).  相似文献   

Carrion is an ephemeral and nutrient-rich resource that attracts a diverse array of arthropods as it decomposes. Carrion-associated mites often disperse between animal carcasses using phoresy, the transport of one species by another. Yet few studies have contrasted the dynamics of mite assemblages with other insect taxa present at carrion. We examined and compared the changes in abundance, species richness and composition of mite and beetle assemblages sampled at kangaroo carcasses in a grassy eucalypt woodland at four different times over a 6-month period. We found that the majority of mites were phoretic, with the mesostigmatid genera Uroseius (Uropodidae), Macrocheles (Macrochelidae) and Parasitus (Parasitidae) the most abundant taxa (excluding astigmatid mites). Abundance and richness patterns of mites and beetles were very different, with mites reaching peak abundance and richness at weeks 6 and 12, and beetles at weeks 1 and 6. Both mites and beetles showed clear successional patterns via changes in species presence and relative abundance. Our study shows that mesostigmatid mite assemblages have a delay in peak abundance and richness relative to beetle assemblages. This suggests that differences in dispersal and reproductive traits of arthropods may contribute to the contrasting diversity dynamics of carrion arthropod communities, and further highlights the role of carrion as a driver of diversity and heterogeneity in ecosystems.  相似文献   

Among arthropod pests, mites are responsible for considerable damage to crops, humans and other animals. However, detailed physiological data on these organisms remain sparse, mainly because of their small size but possibly also because of their extreme diversity. Focusing on intestinal proteases, we draw together information from three distinct mite species that all feed on skin but have separately adapted to a free-living, a strictly ecto-parasitic and a parasitic lifestyle. A wide range of studies involving immunohistology, molecular biology, X-ray crystallography and enzyme biochemistry of mite gut proteases suggests that these creatures have diverged considerably as house dust mites, sheep scab mites and scabies mites. Each species has evolved a particular variation of a presumably ancestral repertoire of digestive enzymes that have become specifically adapted to their individual environmental requirements.  相似文献   

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