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Acute lung injury (ALI) is a devastating syndrome (usually associated with sepsis) that represents a major healthcare burden in the United States. We have focused our studies on unraveling the genetic underpinnings of this syndrome utilizing a candidate gene approach to identify novel genes for ALI susceptibility. Two novel genes identified by this approach include pre-B cell colony-enhancing factor (PBEF) and the gene for myosin light chain kinase (MLCK). PBEF protein levels were elevated in human bronchoalveolar lavage and serum samples from patients with ALI, and DNA sequencing identified two single nucleotide polymorphisms in the PBEF promoter (T-1001G, C-1543T) that were overrepresented in patients with sepsis-induced ALI. More recently, we found MLCK single polymorphisms and haplotypes to be associated with human ALI with unique variants observed in African-Americans with ALI. Thus genomic and genetic approaches represent powerful strategies in the identification of novel candidate genes and potential targets for ALI therapies.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is a mode of cell death currently thought to occur in the absence of inflammation. In contrast, inflammation follows unscheduled events such as acute tissue injury which results in necrosis, not apoptosis. We examined the relevance of this paradigm in three distinct models of acute lung injury; hyperoxia, oleic acid, and bacterial pneumonia. In every case, it was found that apoptosis is actually a prominent component of the acute and inflammatory phase of injury. Moreover, using strains of mice that are differentially sensitive to hyperoxic lung injury we observed that the percent of apoptotic cells was well correlated with the severity of lung injury. These observations suggest that apoptosis may be one of the biological consequences during acute injury and the failure to remove these apoptotic cells may also contribute to the inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Phosgene inhalation causes a severe noncardiogenic pulmonary edema characterized by an influx of neutrophils into the lung. To study the role of neutrophils in lung injury and mortality after phosgene, we investigated the effects of leukocyte depletion with cyclophosphamide, inhibiting the generation of the chemotaxin leukotriene B4 with the 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor AA861 and impairing neutrophil migration with the microtubular poison colchicine. Cyclophosphamide, AA861, and colchicine injected before exposure significantly reduced percent neutrophils, protein, and thiobarbituric acid-reactive products in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of rats exposed to phosgene (0.5 ppm X 60 min). Cyclophosphamide, AA861, and colchicine also significantly decreased mortality from phosgene (2.0 ppm X 90 min) in mice. Colchicine significantly reduced neutrophil influx, lung injury, and mortality even when given 30 min after phosgene exposure. We conclude that lung injury and mortality after phosgene exposure are associated with an influx of neutrophils into the lung. Prevention of neutrophil migration with colchicine may hold therapeutic potential in phosgene poisoning.  相似文献   

Regulatory effects of eotaxin on acute lung inflammatory injury   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Eotaxin, which is a major mediator for eosinophil recruitment into lung, has regulatory effects on neutrophil-dependent acute inflammatory injury triggered by intrapulmonary deposition of IgG immune complexes in rats. In this model, eotaxin mRNA and protein were up-regulated during the inflammatory response, resulting in eotaxin protein expression in alveolar macrophages and in alveolar epithelial cells. Ab-induced blockade of eotaxin in vivo caused enhanced NF-kappaB activation in lung, substantial increases in bronchoalveolar lavage levels of macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-2 and cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant (CINC), and increased MIP-2 and CINC mRNA expression in alveolar macrophages. In contrast, TNF-alpha levels were unaffected, and IL-10 levels fell. Under these experimental conditions, lung neutrophil accumulation was significantly increased, and vascular injury, as reflected by extravascular leak of (125)I-albumin, was enhanced. Conversely, when recombinant eotaxin was administered in the same inflammatory model of lung injury, bronchoalveolar lavage levels of MIP-2 were reduced, as was neutrophil accumulation and the intensity of lung injury. In vitro stimulation of rat alveolar macrophages with IgG immune complexes greatly increased expression of mRNA and protein for MIP-2, CINC, MIP-1alpha, MIP-1beta, TNF-alpha, and IL-1beta. In the copresence of eotaxin, the increased levels of MIP-2 and CINC mRNAs were markedly diminished, whereas MIP-1alpha, MIP-1beta, TNF-alpha, and IL-1beta expression of mRNA and protein was not affected. These data suggest that endogenous eotaxin, which is expressed during the acute lung inflammatory response, plays a regulatory role in neutrophil recruitment into lung and the ensuing inflammatory damage.  相似文献   

The selectins are cell adhesion molecules whose carbohydrate-bindingdomain (C-type lectin) is thought to be involved in leukocyteadhesion to activated vascular endothelium in the inflammatoryprocess. A series of peptides, based on a conserved region (48YYWIGIRK55-NH2)of the lectin domain of E-, L- and P-selectins, were analysedfor their ability to block selectin-mediated cell adhesion invitro, and neutrophil infiltration into sites of inflammationin vivo. The peptides inhibited the adhesion of myeloid cellsto recombinant forms of E- and P-selectin. The adhesion of myeloidcells to human endothelial cells, stimulated to express E-selectin,was also inhibited by the peptides. Finally, the peptides blockedthe adhesion of lymphocytes, expressing L-selectin, to highendothelial venules in lymph nodes which contain the ligandfor L-selectin. A clear structure-activity relationship wasestablished when peptides of different amino acid chain lengthswere tested in these assays. Peptides lacking tyrosine residues(e.g. WIGIR-NH2) at their amino terminus were poor inhibitorsof selectin-mediated cell adhesion in vitro. The peptides thatwere found to be inhibitors of cell adhesion in vitro were alsofound to inhibit (up to 70%) neutrophil infiltration into sitesof inflammation in a thioglycollate-induced peritonitis mousemodel system. They also significantly reduced (>50%) themigration of neutrophils into cytokine-treated skin. These resultsstrongly suggest that compounds based on these tyrosine-containing,selectin-derived peptides could be used as anti-inflammatorytherapeutic agents. inflammation neutrophils peptides selectins  相似文献   

Dietary n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) influence the inductive phase of inflammation but less is known about their effects on the resolution phase. This study examined the effects of dietary fish oil on induction and resolution of antigen-induced inflammation in mice. Mice were fed a control diet with or without 2.8% fish oil, immunized twice with methylated BSA (mBSA) and inflammation induced by intraperitoneal injection of mBSA. Prior to and at different time points after mBSA administration, peritoneal cells were analyzed and expression of surface molecules determined by flow cytometry. Concentration of chemokines, cytokines and soluble cytokine receptors was determined by ELISA. Mice fed the fish oil diet had fewer peritoneal neutrophils, shorter resolution interval and lower levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines than mice fed the control diet. In mice fed the fish oil diet there was an early peak in peritoneal levels of the immunosuppressive molecules sIL-6R and TGF-β, that was not seen in mice fed the control diet. In the resolution phase, peritoneal macrophages from mice fed the fish oil diet expressed more of the atypical chemokine receptor D6 and peritoneal TGF-β levels were higher than that in mice fed the control diet. Furthermore, in the late-resolution phase there were more peritoneal eosinophils and macrophages in mice fed the fish oil diet than in mice fed the control diet. These results demonstrate a suppressive effect of n-3 PUFA on the inductive phase of inflammation and indicate an enhancing effect of n-3 PUFA on resolution of inflammation.  相似文献   

Elastolytic activity in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in the lung with acute inflammatory injury and properties of different proteinase inhibitors for its correction was established. It was determined, that 4/5 of elastolytic activities are submitted to neutrophile serine proteinase (EC and 1/5 of elastolytic activities - metalloenzymes macrophages origin (EC Inhibition of elastase-like activity with the use of three proteinase inhibitors: contrycal, ingiprol and thermo- and acid-stable proteinase inhibitor from rabbit blood showed more intensive ability of thermo- and acid-stable proteinase inhibitor to inhibit pancreatic elastase and pull of neutrophil and macrophage elastase. Preventive use and treatment of proteinase inhibitors effectively suppressed activation of proteinases in the acute lung inflammatory injury.  相似文献   

Although great progress has been made in delineating lung dendritic cell and lymphocyte subpopulations, similar advances in lung macrophages (MΦs) have been hampered by their intrinsic autofluorescence, cell plasticity, and the complexities of monocyte-MΦ compartmentalization. Using spectral scanning, we define alveolar MΦ autofluorescence characteristics, which has allowed us to develop an alternative flow cytometry method. Using this methodology, we show that mouse lung MΦs form distinct subpopulations during acute inflammation after challenge with LPS or influenza virus, and in chronic inflammatory lung disease consequent to SHIP-1 deletion. These subpopulations are distinguished by differential Mac-1 and CD11c integrin expression rather than classical M1 or M2 markers, and display differential gene signatures ex vivo. Whereas the resolution of acute inflammation is characterized by restoration to a homogenous population of CD11c(high)Mac-1(neg/low) MΦs reflective of lung homeostasis, chronic inflammatory lung disease associated with SHIP-1 deficiency is accompanied by an additional subpopulation of CD11c(high)Mac-1(pos) MΦs that tracks with lung disease in susceptible genetic background SHIP-1(-/-) animals and disease induction in chimeric mice. These findings may help better understand the roles of MΦ subpopulations in lung homeostasis and disease.  相似文献   

Inflammatory lung injury is probably regulated by the balance between proteases and protease inhibitors together with oxidants and antioxidants, and proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Rat tissue inhibitor of metalloprotease-2 (TIMP-2) and secreted leukoprotease inhibitor (SLPI) were cloned, expressed, and shown to be up-regulated at the levels of mRNA and protein during lung inflammation in rats induced by deposition of IgG immune complexes. Using immunoaffinity techniques, endogenous TIMP-2 in the inflamed lung was shown to exist as a complex with 72- and 92-kDa metalloproteinases (MMP-2 and MMP-9). In inflamed lung both TIMP-2 and SLPI appeared to exist as enzyme inhibitor complexes. Lung expression of both TIMP-2 and SLPI appeared to involve endothelial and epithelial cells as well as macrophages. To assess how these endogenous inhibitors might affect the lung inflammatory response, animals were treated with polyclonal rabbit Abs to rat TIMP-2 or SLPI. This intervention resulted in significant intensification of lung injury (as revealed by extravascular leak of albumin) and substantially increased neutrophil accumulation, as determined by cell content in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluids. These events were correlated with increased levels of C5a-related chemotactic activity in BAL fluids, while BAL levels of TNF-alpha and chemokines were not affected by treatment with anti-TIMP-2 or anti-SLPI. The data suggest that endogenous TIMP-2 and SLPI dynamically regulate the intensity of lung inflammatory injury, doing so at least in part by affecting the generation of the inflammatory mediator, C5a.  相似文献   

Fixed and diffusible calcium (Ca) buffers shape the spatial and temporal distribution of free Ca following Ca entry through voltage-gated ion channels. This modeling study explores intracellular Ca levels achieved near the membrane and in deeper locations following typical Ca currents obtained with patch clamp experiments. Ca ion diffusion sets an upper limit on the maximal average Ca concentration achieved near the membrane. Fixed buffers restrict Ca elevation spatially to the outermost areas of the cell and slow Ca equilibration. Fixed buffer bound with Ca near the membrane can act as Ca source after termination of Ca influx. The relative contribution of fixed versus diffusible buffers to shaping the Ca transient is determined to a large extent by the binding rate of each buffer, with diffusible buffer dominating at equal binding rates. In the presence of fixed buffers, diffusible buffers speed Ca equilibration throughout the cell. The concentration profile of Ca-bound diffusible buffer differs from the concentration profile of free Ca, reflecting theoretical limits on the temporal resolution which can be achieved with commonly used diffusible Ca indicators. A Ca indicator which is fixed to an intracellular component might more accurately report local Ca concentrations.  相似文献   

Acute, uncontrollable stress increases norepinephrine (NE) turnover in the rat's brain (depleting NE) and diminishes the animal's subsequent tendency to explore a novel environment. Pre-treatment with tyrosine can reverse these adverse effects of stress, presumably by preventing the depletion of NE in the hypothalamus. Numerous studies suggest that NE inhibits the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) by suppressing corticotropic releasing factor (CRF) secretion in the hypothalamus. In the present study, we found that pre-treatment with supplemental tyrosine not only prevented the behavioral depression and hypothalamic NE depletion observed after an acute stress, but also suppressed the rise in plasma corticosterone. These results support a role for brain NE in stress-induced corticosterone secretion and demonstrate that supplemental tyrosine can protect against several adverse consequences of such stress.  相似文献   

Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS; endotoxin) is a potent immunostimulant that can induce an acute inflammatory response comparable to a bacterial infection. Experimental observations demonstrate that this biological response can be either blunted (tolerance) or augmented (potentiation) with repeated administration of endotoxin. Both phenomena are of clinical relevance. We show that a four-dimensional differential equation model of this response reproduces many scenarios involving repeated endotoxin administration. In particular, the model can display both tolerance and potentiation from a single parameter set, under different administration scenarios. The key determinants of the outcome of our simulations are the relative time-scales of model components. These findings support the hypothesis that endotoxin tolerance and other related phenomena can be considered as dynamic manifestations of a unified acute inflammatory response, and offer specific predictions related to the dynamics of this response to endotoxin.  相似文献   

Small cell lung cancer presenting as acute leukaemia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We have investigated gene and protein expression of ST2/ST2L in a murine alveolar macrophage (AM) cell line, MH-S, reacting to inflammatory stimuli in vitro and in the lung tissue of an acute lung injury model in vivo. We have also analyzed the effect of soluble ST2 protein on inflammatory response of MH-S cells. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha induced ST2 mRNA expression in MH-S cells. In an acute lung injury model, protein and mRNA expression levels of ST2 increased to the maximal level at 24-72h after the LPS challenge. Furthermore, pretreatment with ST2 protein significantly reduced the protein production and gene expression of IL-1alpha, IL-6, and TNF-alpha in LPS-stimulated MH-S cells in vitro. These results suggest that increases in endogenous ST2 protein in AM, which is induced by inflammatory stimuli, such as LPS and proinflammatory cytokines, may modulate acute lung inflammation.  相似文献   

In the study of the biological properties of 175 H. influenzae strains isolated from patients with acute and chronic inflammatory lung diseases (ILD) and from donors, a wide spread of biovars I, II and III (according to Kilian) was revealed; these biovars constituted 80% of the cultures under study. In donors, H. influenzae strains were characterized by a wide spectrum of biovars, but biovars I, II and VI constituted more than a half (64.2%) of the strains obtained in the course of these investigations. In acute ILD, only H. influenzae biovars I, II and III were isolated with the prevalence of biovar II (56.4%). In chronic ILD, all H. influenzae biovars were represented, but biovars II and III prevailed (58.7%). The four-fold difference in the occurrence of H. influenzae strains belonging to undetermined biovars was established in donors in comparison with ILD patients (46.7 +/- 9.8% and 12.0 +/- 2.5%; p less than 0.001).  相似文献   

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