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In this paper on the ontogenesis and evolutionary biology of odontocete cetaceans (toothed whales), we investigate the head morphology of three perinatal pantropical spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata) with the following methods: computer-assisted tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, conventional X-ray imaging, cryo-sectioning as well as gross dissection. Comparison of these anatomical methods reveals that for a complete structural analysis, a combination of modern imaging techniques and conventional morphological methods is needed. In addition to the perinatal dolphins, we include series of microslides of fetal odontocetes (S. attenuata, common dolphin Delphinus delphis, narwhal Monodon monoceros). In contrast to other mammals, newborn cetaceans represent an extremely precocial state of development correlated to the fact that they have to swim and surface immediately after birth. Accordingly, the morphology of the perinatal dolphin head is very similar to that of the adult. Comparison with early fetal stages of dolphins shows that the ontogenetic change from the general mammalian bauplan to cetacean organization was characterized by profound morphological transformations of the relevant organ systems and roughly seems to parallel the phylogenetic transition from terrestrial ancestors to modern odontocetes.  相似文献   

In the rat hypothalamus, antibodies to ovine CRF41 stain neurons of a paraventriculoinfundibular neuroglandular pathway. CRF like immunoreactivity (CLI)-containing perikarya are mostly packed in the parvocellular division of the paraventricular nucleus. Their morphology and topography differ from that of other peptidergic neurons. However a few CLI perikarya are also stained with vasopressin antibodies. CLI neurons project massively to the external layer of the median eminence (ELME). Adrenalectomy induced a total depletion of ELME CLI 12 to 24 h after surgery, followed by a secondary accumulation already conspicuous 5 days later. This biphasic evolution, identical to that of ELME vasopressin, is totally prevented by a replacement therapy with dexamethasone. Reserpine also induces an acute depletion of ELME CLI and vasopressin, that can be prevented by a monoamine oxidase inhibitor pretreatment. These results indicate the involvement of CLI neurons in the corticotropic axis, suggesting that they are indeed corticoliberin neurons. Among the extrahypothalamic locations of CLI neurons their abundance in the amygdala central nucleus is of interest since it is involved in the corticotropic axis. A similar pattern of CLI was noticed in several mammalian brains and also in lower vertebrates (birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes). Species adaptations of CLI neurons were observed: CLI neurons are of the cerebrospinal fluid contacting type in the turtle. CLI fibres terminate close to corticotrophs in the fish pituitary. This suggests a direct excitosecretory role of CRF on these cells and concurs with a CRF function of CLI peptide even in fishes. CLI processes and terminals appear in the human fetal ELME at the 16th week of development and increase in number during the following weeks. Perikarya are seen at 19 weeks. In the rat CLI fibers and perikarya were detected as early as the 18th day of fetal development. Thus, paraventriculo-infundibular CLI system develops later than corticotrophs. This chronology perfectly concurs with the results of previous physiological and experimental studies.  相似文献   

Paul C. Sereno 《ZooKeys》2012,(226):1-225
Heterodontosaurids comprise an important early radiation of small-bodied herbivores that persisted for approximately 100 My from Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous time. Review of available fossils unequivocally establishes Echinodon as a very small-bodied, late-surviving northern heterodontosaurid similar to the other northern genera Fruitadens and Tianyulong. Tianyulong from northern China has unusual skeletal proportions, including a relatively large skull, short forelimb, and long manual digit II. The southern African heterodontosaurid genus Lycorhinus is established as valid, and a new taxon from the same formation is named Pegomastax africanusgen. n., sp. n. Tooth replacement and tooth-to-tooth wear is more common than previously thought among heterodontosaurids, and in Heterodontosaurus the angle of tooth-to-tooth shear is shown to increase markedly during maturation. Long-axis rotation of the lower jaw during occlusion is identified here as the most likely functional mechanism underlying marked tooth wear in mature specimens of Heterodontosaurus. Extensive tooth wear and other evidence suggests that all heterodontosaurids were predominantly or exclusively herbivores. Basal genera such as Echinodon, Fruitadens and Tianyulong with primitive, subtriangular crowns currently are known only from northern landmasses. All other genera except the enigmatic Pisanosaurus have deeper crown proportions and currently are known only from southern landmasses.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that in primates, as in rodents, the hippocampus shows a developmental continuum that affects memory abilities from infancy to adulthood. In primates relatively few hippocampal-dependent abilities (e.g. some aspects of recognition memory) are present in early infancy, whereas others (e.g. relational memory) begin to show adult-like characteristics around 2 years of age in monkeys and 5-7 years in humans. Profound and persistent memory loss resulting from insult to the hippocampus in infancy becomes evident in everyday behavior only later in childhood. This pattern of results suggests a maturational gradient within the medial temporal lobe memory system, with most abilities crucially dependent upon the hippocampus emerging in later stages of development, supporting a model of hierarchical organization of memory within the medial temporal lobe.  相似文献   

An early Eocene skull of the paromomyid Phenacolemur, a plesiadapoid primate, is described with particular emphasis on the ear region. The auditory bulla is composed of the petrosal and of a large ectotympanic plate which is outside of the bulla. The preserved morphology of the middle ear is distinctly more primitive than that of the older Plesiadapis. It cannot be determined with certainty whether Phenacolemur had the carotid circulation enclosed in bony tubes or not. The auditory bulla of early primates and relevant living ones is discussed and it is suggested that an extrabullar ectotympanic, as seen in all non-lemuriform fossil and extant primates, was probably the primitive ordinal condition, rather than the intrabullar ring-like ectotympanic in the Lemuriformes. Aspects of the carotid circulation are discussed as they pertain to the relationship of early Tertiary primates, living Tarsiiformes, Lemuriformes and Lorisiformes.  相似文献   

A complicated, almost conflicting situation exists in contemporary biology, i.e., there are two scientific concepts in existence that solve some phylogenetic problems in a different way. These concepts are evolutionary morphology and molecular biology. Modern biology urgently needs these contradictions to be examined and removed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Australian Spermacoce species display various types of elaborate petals. Their precise morphology, ontogenetic origin, and function are hitherto unknown. The aim of the present paper is to unravel the development and nature of the diverse types of elaborate petals in Spermacoce through a floral ontogenetic study. METHODS: The floral ontogeny of six species characterized by different types of corolla appendages was studied by scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. In order to elucidate the possible functions of the elaborate petals, field observations were conducted as well. KEY RESULTS: Scanning electronmicrographs show that full-grown petals of Spermacoce lignosa, S. phaeosperma and S. redacta bear appendages on their ventral side. Despite their different appearance at anthesis, the appendages develop very similarly in all three species. They are initiated at the same developmental stage and are first visible as two arcs of primordia converging from the upper margins of the petal towards its midvein and downwards. In S. brevidens, S. caudata and S. erectiloba, the full-grown petals have two long, concave protuberances, which develop from the tissue at both sides of the petal's mid-vein. In these three species, initiation of appendages on the ventral side of the petals is also observed, but they are hardly visible on the mature petals. The two types of elaborate petals tightly enclose the anthers, both in bud and during most of the flowering period. CONCLUSIONS: Among Australian Spermacoce species, two types of elaborate petals can be distinguished. The former hypothesis that the two types of elaborate petals are essentially homologous is here rejected. Field investigations point out that the elaborate petals might play a role in the pollination biology of the species.  相似文献   

Polyclad flatworms have a troubled classification history, with two contradicting systems in use. They both rely on a ventral adhesive structure to define the suborders Acotylea and Cotylea, but superfamilies were defined according to eyespot arrangement (Prudhoe’s system) or prostatic vesicle characters (Faubel’s system). Molecular data available cover a very limited part of the known polyclad family diversity and have not allowed testing morphology-based classification systems on Polycladida yet. We thus sampled a suitable marker, partial 28S ribosomal DNA (rDNA), from Polycladida (19 families and 32 genera), generating 136 new sequences and the first comprehensive genetic dataset on polyclads. Our maximum likelihood (ML) analyses recovered Polycladida, but the traditional suborders were not monophyletic, as the supposedly acotyleans Cestoplana and Theama were nested within Cotylea; we suggest that these genera should be included in Cotylea. The partial 28S rDNA trees were generally well supported and robust but in conflict with both Faubel’s and Prudhoe’s superfamilies. Therefore, we compiled morphological and anatomical characters for all taxa used and examined their distribution on our molecular tree. Combining morphological and molecular evidence, we redefined polyclad superfamilies. Acotylea contain tentaculated and atentaculated groups and is now divided in three superfamilies. The suborder Cotylea can be divided in five superfamilies. In general, there is a trait of anteriorization of sensory structures, from the plesiomorphic acotylean body plan to the cotylean gross morphology. Traditionally used characters, such as prostatic vesicle, eyespot distribution, and type of pharynx, are all homoplastic and likely have misled polyclad systematics so far.  相似文献   

A review of the literature on the world fauna of lecithoepitheliata and Prolecithophora and extensive observations by the author on species of the Prorhynchidae, including cosmopolitan species as well as some endemic to Lake Baikal, and on endemic species of Baicalarctiinae (Prolecithophora) show that the Prorhynchidae and Gnosonesimidae are properly classified in the Neoophora. The morphological similarity of the Prorhynchidae and Prolecithophora proves these taxa are closely related. A hypothesis relating the Lecithoepitheliata Prorhynchidae to primitive prolecithophorans appears to be the only tenable hypothesis on the phylogeny of Lecithoepitheliata. The question of whether the Lecithoepitheliata is monophyletic still needs investigation; more evidence on the phylogeny of the Gnosonesimidae is needed.  相似文献   

Prothoracic legs of heliconian butterflies (Nymphalidae, Heliconiinae, Heliconiini) are reduced in size compared to mesothoracic and metathoracic legs. They have no apparent function in males, but are used by females for drumming on host plants, a behavior related to oviposition site selection. Here, taking into account all recognized lineages of heliconian butterflies, we described their tarsi using optical and scanning electron microscopy and searched for podite fusions and losses, and analyzed allometry at the static, ontogenetic and phylogenetic levels. Female tarsi were similar, club-shaped, showing from four to five tarsomeres, each bearing sensilla chaetica and trichodea. Male tarsi were cylindrical, formed from five (early diverging lineages) to one (descendant lineages) either partially or totally fused tarsomeres, all deprived of sensilla. Pretarsi were reduced in both sexes, in some species being either vestigial or absent. Tarsal lengths were smaller for males in almost all species. An abrupt decrease in size was detected for the prothoracic legs during molting to the last larval instar at both histological and morphometric levels. In both sexes, most allometric coefficients found at the population level for the prothoracic legs were negative compared to the mesothoracic leg and also to wings. Prothoracic tarsi decreased proportionally in size over evolutionary time; the largest and smallest values being found for nodes of the oldest and youngest lineages, respectively. Our results demonstrate that evolution of the prothoracic leg in heliconian butterflies has been based on losses and fusions of podites, in association with negative size allometry at static, ontogenetic and phylogenetic levels. These processes have been more pronounced in males. Our study provided further support to the hypothesis that evolution of these leg structures is driven by females, by changing their use from walking to drumming during oviposition site selection. In males the leg would have been selected against due to absence of function and thus progressively reduced in size, in association with podites fusions and lost.  相似文献   

X-chromosome inactivation: a hypothesis linking ontogeny and phylogeny   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In mammals, sex is determined by differential inheritance of a pair of dimorphic chromosomes: the gene-rich X chromosome and the gene-poor Y chromosome. To balance the unequal X-chromosome dosage between the XX female and XY male, mammals have adopted a unique form of dosage compensation in which one of the two X chromosomes is inactivated in the female. This mechanism involves a complex, highly coordinated sequence of events and is a very different strategy from those used by other organisms, such as the fruitfly and the worm. Why did mammals choose an inactivation mechanism when other, perhaps simpler, means could have been used? Recent data offer a compelling link between ontogeny and phylogeny. Here, we propose that X-chromosome inactivation and imprinting might have evolved from an ancient genome-defence mechanism that silences unpaired DNA.  相似文献   

In a series of specimens extending from fossil material through recent vertebrates including man there occurs a gradual phylogenetic increase in the degree of humeral torsion. A further (ontogenetic) torsion is superimposed upon the phylogenetic one in man which increases from birth until the proximal epiphysial cartilage of the humerus disappears and bony fusion occurs. There is a distinct correlation between the calculated strength of humeral rotator muscles inserting above and below the proximal epiphysis; this suggests that they provide the forces involved in the production of humeral torsion. It is shown that ontogenetic or secondary torsion occurs proximally and not along the shaft of the bone. Differences in the degree of humeral torsion in either sex of adult Whites and Negroes are given and discussed.  相似文献   

The frequency of an anterior buccal depression in the mandible (ABMD), or a mental fossa, is reported on 970 human mandibles of various groups and different ages, as well as in 38 mandibles of nonhuman primates. The ontogenetic and phylogenetic significance of the results relevant to development of a chin in Homo sapiens is discussed. The ABMD is also compared with the occurrence of a lingual mandibular depression.  相似文献   

Terrestricythere elisabethae sp. nov. is described from a semiterrestrial coastal habitat at two sites in Hampshire, southern England. It is the first record of a living population of the genus outside the Far East (north-west Pacific). Based on extensive collections and from observations of cultures, its morphology is described (including a formal definition of the unique 'visordont' hinge), as well as its ontogeny and lifestyle (encompassing habitat, life cycle, mode of life and locomotion). A further new species from Somerset, south-west England is also recorded on the basis of a single specimen but left in open nomenclature. The affinities of the Terrestricytheroidea are discussed in the context of a tentative phylogeny of podocopan Ostracoda. Both carapace and appendage characters are such as to warrant maintaining it as a separate superfamily, which is more closely related to the Cytheroidea and Darwinuloidea than to the Cypridoidea.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 142 , 253–288.  相似文献   

Complete coding regions of the 18S rRNA gene of an enteropneust hemichordate and an echinoid and ophiuroid echinoderm were obtained and aligned with 18S rRNA gene sequences of all major chordate clades and four outgroups. Gene sequences were analyzed to test morphological character phylogenies and to assess the strength of the signal. Maximum- parsimony analysis of the sequences fails to support a monophyletic Chordata; the urochordates form the sister taxon to the hemichordates, and together this clade plus the echinoderms forms the sister taxon to the cephalochordates plus craniates. Decay, bootstrap, and tree-length distribution analyses suggest that the signal for inference of dueterostome phylogeny is weak in this molecule. Parsimony analysis of morphological plus molecular characters supports both monophyly of echinoderms plus enteropneust hemichordates and a sister group relationship of this clade to chordates. Evolutionary parsimony does not support chordate monophyly. Neighbor-joining, Fitch-Margoliash, and maximum-likelihood analyses support a chordate lineage that is the sister group to an echinoderm-plus-hemichordate lineage. The results illustrate both the limitations of the 18S rRNA molecule alone for high- level phylogeny inference and the importance of considering both molecular and morphological data in phylogeny reconstruction.   相似文献   

An attempt was made to systematize theoretical and experimental epigenetic data in the framework of genetics as a science on laws of preservation, coding, transfer, and transformation of heritable information in the living systems. The structure of the total hereditary memory is discussed in context of the theory of epigenes, hereditary units of the next to genes level of complexity. In epigenes as cells of functional hereditary memory, part of the hereditary information is stored, coded, and transmitted to the progeny irrespective of the primary structure of the genomic DNA molecules. The principles of the structure and the general laws of functioning of cellular governing gene networks are presented. The ontogenetic and phylogenetic role of epigene networks as the second level of the hereditary system is considered. Arguments for inheritance of somatic epimutations are presented, as well as the results of in silico and in vivo experiments showing the possibility of an epigenetic mechanism of primary biochemical divergent determination (autodetermination). A network hypothesis on material carriers of the common heterotary memory is formulated.  相似文献   

Churaev RN 《Genetika》2006,42(9):1276-1296
An attempt was made to systematize theoretical and experimental epigenetic data in the framework of genetics as a science on laws of preservation, coding, transfer, and transformation of heritable information in the living systems. The structure of the total hereditary memory is discussed in context of the theory of epigenes, hereditary units of the next to genes level of complexity. In epigenes as cells of functional hereditary memory, part of the hereditary information is stored, coded, and transmitted to the progeny irrespective of the primary structure of the genomic DNA molecules. The principles of the structure and the general laws of functioning of cellular governing gene networks are presented. The ontogenetic and phylogenetic role of epigene networks as the second level of the hereditary system is considered. Arguments for inheritance of somatic epimutations are presented, as well as the results of in silico and in vivo experiments showing the possibility of an epigenetic mechanism of primary biochemical divergent determination (autodetermination). A network hypothesis on material carriers of the common heterotary memory is formulated.  相似文献   

Patterns of floral construction in ontogeny and phylogeny   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Among the flowering plants flowers are relatively closed systems of a considerable complexity and therefore more suitable for comparative developmental studies than other organs. They work with a few kinds of structural elements that occur in variable or fixed numbers and are arranged in patterns more or less constrained by developmental conditions. Diversity of floral structure occurs at different levels, with emphasis either on number and arrangement or on synorganization and form of the structural elements. The first level is shown here with examples of several representatives of the primitive subclasses Magnoliidae and Hamamelididae, the second with Asclepiadaceae representing the most advanced subclass of dicotyledons Asteridae. Although early ontogenetic patterns are fairly constant among larger groups, especially the sequence of initiation and position of the different classes of structural elements, there is no strict stability in any of the parameters studied.  相似文献   

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