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Eva Keller 《Ethnos》2013,78(1):89-112
The article discusses daily religious practice among Seventh-day Adventists in Madagascar in- and outside the formal context of church services. Two points, which make a contribution to the ongoing discussions concerned with the nature of religious belief, are stressed. The first is that Adventist practice is of a distinctly intellectual nature, in particular through its use of a Socratic type of Bible study. The second, related to the first, is that church members view religious knowledge as, above all, providing clarity about empirical truth concerning the universe. This implies the lack of a distinction between the world one knows through one's senses and another, transcendental world one believes in. Given that framework, knowledge is more meaningful than faith.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms of sister-chromatid exchange   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) is the process whereby, during DNA replication, two sister chromatids break and rejoin with one another, physically exchanging regions of the parental strands in the duplicated chromosomes. This process is considered to be conservative and error-free, since no information is generally altered during reciprocal interchange by homologous recombination. Upon the advent of non-radiolabel detection methods for SCE, such events were used as genetic indicators for potential genotoxins/mutagens in laboratory toxicology tests, since, as we now know, most forms of DNA damage induce chromatid exchange upon replication fork collapse. Much of our present understanding of the mechanisms of SCE stems from studies involving nonhuman vertebrate cell lines that are defective in processes of DNA repair and/or recombination. In this article, we present a historical perspective of studies spearheaded by Dr. Anthony V. Carrano and colleagues focusing on SCE as a genetic outcome, and the role of the single-strand break DNA repair protein XRCC1 in suppressing SCE. A more general overview of the cellular processes and key protein "effectors" that regulate the manifestation of SCE is also presented.  相似文献   

A model for the production of sister-chromatid exchanges is presented, based on the idea that double-strand breaks are generated at junctions between a completely duplicated replicon cluster and a partially duplicated replicon cluster. Agents that induce absolute blocks to DNA fork displacement will cause this condition to persist longer than normal, whereas agents that inhibit initiation of whole clusters will rarely cause it at all. During the blunt-end repair of the double-strand breaks, sister-chromatid exchange would be initiated when daughter strands of a duplicated cluster recombine with the parental strands of the partially replicated cluster. When the latter finishes replication, sister-chromatid exchange would be completed.  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerases and models of sister-chromatid exchange   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Pommier et al. (1985) suggested that sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) results from exchange of topoisomerase II subunits. "Homologous displacement", an alternative mechanism, is proposed in which strand switching occurs during removal of parental helical turns by topoisomerases. The steps in the SCE model proposed by Ishii and Bender (1980) for SCE occurring at a blocked replication fork could occur by this mechanism and would require the action of both topoisomerases I and II. Homologous displacement involving topoisomerase II alone provides a mechanism for the strand switching required in the models of Kato (1977) and Cleaver (1981) in which SCE occur between replicated double strands. These mechanisms and models are discussed in relation to current knowledge of the locations and functions of topoisomerases during DNA replication.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to study the genotoxic potential of fluoride (in the form of sodium fluoride, NaF) using in vitro and in vivo sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) assays with Chinese hamster cells. The NaF concentrations used in cultures of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells ranged from 0 to 6.3 mM, both with and without S9 activation. Fluoride analysis of the culture medium demonstrated that it contained little indigenous fluoride, and the concentration of added fluoride was not affected by the components of the medium or the S9 mix. The CHO cells cultured in 6.3 mM NaF almost vanished, and at the concentration of 5.3 mM NaF in cultures without S9 microsome, only M1 cells were observed. In in vivo studies, Chinese hamsters were intubated with NaF dosages of 0, 0.1, 1.0, 10, 60 and 130 mg/kg, and the bone marrow (CHBM) cells were examined for SCE frequencies. Bone fluoride data showed that the intubated NaF was effectively absorbed. Death occurred in 3 of the 8 animals given 130 mg NaF/kg. The results indicated that NaF, in dosages up to 5.3 mM in CHO cell cultures and 130 mg/kg in in vivo CHBM cells, did not significantly increase the SCE frequencies over those observed in the negative (distilled water) controls. However, examination of the cell cycle revealed an inhibitory effect of NaF on cell proliferation with doses of NaF at or greater than 1.0 mM in cultured CHO cells and at or greater than 60 mg NaF/kg in in vivo CHMB cells. The results of the present study indicated an inhibition of the cell cycle and death of the cells with increasing concentrations of fluoride but not effect of fluoride on SCE frequency in CHO and CHBM cells.  相似文献   

DNA crosslinking, sister-chromatid exchange and specific-locus mutations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chinese hamster ovary cells were treated with the DNA-crosslinking chemicals, mitomycin C (MMC) and porfiromycin (POR), and their monofunctional derivative decarbamoyl mitomycin C (DCMMC). After exposure, the cells were studied for the induction of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) and mutations at the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase and adenine phosphoribosyltransferase loci. The frequency of SCEs varied significantly in successive sampling intervals, requiring the weighting of each interval by the percentage of second-division mitosis in that interval to obtain the mean SCE frequency for each dose. All 3 compounds were potent inducers of SCEs but weakly mutagenic. All 3 chemicals by concentration were approximately equally effective in inducing SCEs or mutations. When the induced SCEs and mutations were compared at equal levels of survival, DCMMC was slightly more effective than MMC or POR in inducing SCEs and somewhat less mutagenic. These results indicate that the DNA interstrand crosslink is not the major lesion responsible for the induction of SCE or mutation by these compounds.  相似文献   

Sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE), both spontaneous and chemically-induced [blomycin (BLM), mitomycin-C (MMC), streptonigrin (SN), and 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4NQO)], were studied in the lymphocytes of 24 normal individuals on 2 or 3 different occasions, separated by periods of up to 2 years. For all BLM-induced SCEs, the variation in SCE frequency among the samples from a single individual was significantly greater than the variation between replicate cultures on a given day. These results raise questions concerning the validity of conclusions based on a single observation of chemically-induced SCEs.  相似文献   

Peripheral venous blood lymphocytes from multiple sclerosis patients, cultured for 72 h in the presence of phytohemagglutinin, appeared to have a higher sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) rate than cells from matched controls. Prolongation of the incubation time to 9 days by adding interleukin-2 to the cultures, caused the cells from the MS patients to lose their increased SCE frequency, so that the mean rate no longer differed from that of the controls. The SCE rate of the controls did not change significantly on prolonged incubation.  相似文献   

Whole heparinized blood samples from normal human donors were grown in culture media containing 10 μg/ml of bromodeoxyuridine. Lymphocytes were harvested after 58, 70, 72 and 80 h and scored for sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) under a fluorescence microscope. SCEs which occured during the first and second cell cycles were counted in second or third generation cells selected on the basis of their chromosome fluorescence patterns. The results of a preliminary study showed the mean SCE frequency per cell at 72 h to be 9.0 for second generation cells and 7.8 in third generation cells (P < 0.01). A second study, using culture medium with heat-inactivated fetal-calf serum, gave similar results (9.4 vs. 7.8, P 0.001) at 70 h. Therefore, the difference in SCE frequency between second and third generation cells at 70 or 72 h cannot be attributed to heat-labile substances of serum origin. An additional finding in the second study was that SCE frequencies in third division cells at 70 and80 h were the samee as those of second division cells at 58 h but significantly less (P < 0.001) than the frequency in second division cells at 70 h. These data were interpreted as arising from at least two different lymphocyte populations; one group of cells that is either slower growing or slower in phytohemagglutinin stimulation, with a higher SCE frequency which does not reach second division until 70 or 80 h, and a more rapidly dividing (or more quickly stimulated by phytohemagglutinin) population with a lower SCE frequency which reaches second division at 58 h and third division by 70–80 h. Whether or not this hypothesis is correct, the data show that SCE frequency varies significantly with cell-cycle duration. Since some carcinogens have been shown to alter cell kinetics (Craig-Holmes and Shaw, Mutation Res. 46 (1977) 375), changes in SCE frequency which are caused by a change in cell kinetics must be considered a factor in determining the mutagenicity of an agent by its ability to increase SCE frequency.  相似文献   

The induction of sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) by triethylene melamine (TEM), a known animal carcinogen, was investigated in an in vivo exposure/in vitro culture murine lymphocyte assay. Dose-related increases in SCE were observed in B6D2F1 mice following a single i.p. injection of 0.5, 1 or 2 mg/kg TEM. SCE frequencies remained elevated over baseline levels at 24 h post exposure. It is hoped that studies of this nature can determine whether the in vivo/in vitro murine lymphocyte SCE assay is useful for predicting the carcinogenic potential of an agent.  相似文献   

L Elbling  M Colot 《Mutation research》1985,147(1-2):23-28
Analysis of sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) has been shown to be a sensitive and reproducible method for detecting the action of mutagens and carcinogens. We have succeeded in establishing a reliable technique which allows to perform SCE in preimplantation embryos in order to make the pre-uterine stages of development accessible to routine detection of DNA damage. Using the mouse strain and technique described, approximately 30-40% of mice will mate successfully after synchronization and spontaneous ovulation. From 3 pregnant females, about 30 four- to eight-cell embryos will be obtained, representing one experimental group providing approximately 50-80 two-S-phase labelled metaphases with a SCE frequency baseline below 6 exchanges.  相似文献   

K Miller 《Mutation research》1988,202(1):97-101
Human peripheral blood B and T lymphocytes, highly purified by immunologic methods, were supplemented with gamma-irradiated unseparated autologous mononuclear cells to restore helper functions and stimulated with pokeweed mitogen and phytohemagglutinin, respectively. Spontaneous sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) frequencies were investigated in proliferating B and T lymphocyte cultures labeled with the cell-type-specific borderline concentrations of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) for sister-chromatid differentiation (SCD). B lymphocytes from 6 different donors showed mean values of 3.28-3.72 SCE events/cell. In T lymphocytes, mean values of 6.30-7.28 SCEs/cell were observed. The differences between the SCE distributions of the cell populations are highly significant. The results show that the differences in the spontaneous SCE frequencies between human B and T lymphocytes were not due to a difference in the uptake of BrdU.  相似文献   

Frequencies of both sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) and chromosomal breakage (CB) were studied in the lymphocytes of normal individuals (10 and 7 individuals respectively). The cells were exposed in vitro to 3 different concentrations of theophylline (1, 10 and 100 micrograms/ml). A significant concentration effect of the drug was demonstrated for both SCEs and CB. Utilizing a Dunnett's test for individual comparisons, the 10 and 100 micrograms/ml concentrations both demonstrated a significant elevation of SCEs and CB compared to the untreated control cultures. This study suggests that in vitro concentrations of theophylline equal to or greater than 10 micrograms/ml, corresponding to serum levels attained during therapy, increase the frequency of SCEs and chromosome breakage in human lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE), both spontaneous and chemically-induced [bleomycin (BLM), mitomycin-C (MMC), streptonigrin (SN), and 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4NQO)], were studied in the lymphocytes of 24 normal individuals on 2 or 3 different occasions, separated by periods of up to 2 years. For all BLM-induced SCEs, the variation in SCE frequency among the samples from a single individual was significantly greater than the variation between replicate cultures on a given day. These results raise questions concerning the validity of conclusions based on a single observation of chemically-induced SCEs.  相似文献   

T Nagaya 《Mutation research》1986,170(3):129-132
To detect mutagenic effects of hexavalent chromium (Cr) in vivo, sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) frequency was analyzed in lymphocytes of 24 Cr platers occupationally exposed to hexavalent Cr and 24 matched controls. There were no significant differences in SCE frequency between the two groups. Smokers, both Cr platers and controls, had a significantly higher SCE frequency than non-smokers.  相似文献   

Women using an estrogen-progestogen combination contraceptive exhibited an increased frequency of sister-chromatid exchange (SCE), supporting our previous observation. These elevated SCE frequencies tended to decline 3 months after the discontinuation of the pill. Women using a progestogen injectable contraceptive, on the other hand, had unaltered SCE rates. The analysis, in vitro; of mitomycin-C-induced SCE frequencies in women using either the combination or the progestogen injectable contraceptives showed significantly higher rates of induced SCE.  相似文献   

H Yuan  Z Zhang 《Mutation research》1992,272(2):125-131
A study of some factors affecting sister-chromatid differentiation (SCD) and sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE) in Hordeum vulgare is reported. After we studied the influence of 5-fluorodeoxyuridine (FdU) and growth temperature on SCE in barley cells, and the effect of FdU, growth temperature, the growth time of plant cells in 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) solution on SCD, we found an experimental condition under which the frequency of SCE is lower, but the percentage of SCD is higher. Our data show that ascorbic acid, mitomycin C, adriamycin, and maleic hydrazide induce SCEs in cells of Hordeum vulgare by means of free radicals. This can be shown from the two observations: (1) sulfhydryl compounds such as cysteine and glutathione can completely or partially inhibit the SCEs induced by ascorbic acid, mitomycin C, adriamycin and maleic hydrazide; (2) the amounts of free radicals in root tips correlate with the frequencies of SCE in root tip cells.  相似文献   

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