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High-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry has been used to examine the interaction of bee venom melittin with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine fused unilamellar vesicles. Experiments were performed under conditions for which melittin in solution is either monomeric (in low salt) or tetrameric (in high salt). It was found that under both sets of conditions melittin abolishes the pretransition at a relatively high lipid-to-protein molar incubation ratio, Ri (about 200) and that at intermediate values of Ri it broadens the main transition profile and reduces the transition enthalpy. This provides evidence which suggests that melittin is at least partially inserted into the apolar region of the bilayer. Evident at low values of Ri are two peaks in the lipid thermal transition profiles, which may arise from a heterogeneous population of lipid vesicles formed through fusion induced by melittin, or by lipid phase separation. For those profiles which exhibited only one peak, transition enthalpies, normalized to those of the lipid in the absence of the protein, are plotted vs. the bound protein-to-lipid molar ratios for the experiments performed under the conditions which give monomeric and tetrameric melittin in solution. These plots yield straight lines, the slopes of which give the number of lipid molecules each protein molecule excludes from participating in the phase transition. These were found to be 9.9 +/- 0.7 and 4.1 +/- 0.5 for monomeric and tetrameric melittin, respectively. The results are discussed in terms of possible models for the binding of melittin to phospholipid vesicles. For simple hexagonal packing of lipid molecules, incorporation as an aggregate is favored when melittin is tetrameric in solution, whereas incorporation as a monomer is favored when melittin is monomeric in solution. For low-salt solutions, evidence is obtained for the contribution of free melittin to lipid fusion, perhaps by the formation of protein bridges between apposed vesicles.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy was used to study the positional stability of thick filaments in isometrically contracting skinned rabbit psoas muscle as a function of sarcomere length at 7 degrees C. After calcium activation at a sarcomere length of 2.6 micron, where resting stiffness is low, sarcomeres become nonuniform in length. The dispersion in sarcomere length is complete by the time maximum tension is reached. A-bands generally move from their central position and continue moving toward one of the Z-discs after tension has reached a plateau at its maximum level. The lengths of the thick and thin filaments remain constant during this movement. The extent of A-band movement during contraction depends on the final length of the individual sarcomere. After prolonged activation, all sarcomeres between 1.9 and 2.5 micron long exhibit A-bands that are adjacent to a Z-disc, with no intervening I-band. Sarcomeres 2.6 or 2.7 micron long exhibit a partial movement of A-bands. At longer sarcomere lengths, where the resting stiffness exceeds the slope of the active tension-length relation, the A-bands remain perfectly centered during contraction. Sarcomere symmetry and length uniformity are restored upon relaxation. These results indicate that the central position of the thick filaments in the resting sarcomere becomes unstable upon activation. In addition, they provide evidence that the elastic titin filaments, which join thick filaments to Z-discs, produce almost all of the resting tension in skinned rabbit psoas fibers and act to resist the movement of thick filaments away from the center of the sarcomere during contraction.  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry was used to examine the effects of cofilin on the thermal unfolding of actin. Stoichiometric binding increases the thermal stability of both G- and F-actin but at sub-saturating concentrations cofilin destabilizes F-actin. At actin:cofilin molar ratios of 1.5-6 the peaks corresponding to stabilized (66-67 degrees C) and destabilized (56-57 degrees C) F-actin are observed simultaneously in the same thermogram. Destabilizing effects of sub-saturating cofilin are highly cooperative and are observed at actin:cofilin molar ratios as low as 100:1. These effects are abolished by the addition of phalloidin or aluminum fluoride. Conversely, at saturating concentrations, cofilin prevents the stabilizing effects of phalloidin and aluminum fluoride on the F-actin thermal unfolding. These results suggest that cofilin stabilizes those actin subunits to which it directly binds, but destabilizes F-actin with a high cooperativity in neighboring cofilin-free regions.  相似文献   

Isolation and composition of thick filaments from rabbit skeletal muscle   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A method has been developed for the isolation of thick filaments from rabbit skeletal muscle. We found that the thick filaments of this muscle are readily dispersed in the presence of a relaxing medium if the M and Z-line structures are first extracted in a low-salt solvent system. Thick filaments were separated from thin filaments by zone sedimentation in a 10% to 30% glycerol density gradient. The isolated filaments are homogeneous in length (1.5 to 1.6 μm) and retain the physical characteristics of these structures observed in sectioned muscle. Gel electrophoresis of thick filaments in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate showed a band of C-protein as well as bands with mobilities characteristic of the heavy and light chains of myosin. No other protein species was detected in these experiments. Thus our results provide evidence against the presence of a special protein component which would serve as the core of the skeletal thick filament structure. From the relative stain density of bands, the molar ratio of C-protein to myosin was estimated to be 1 to 5.8.  相似文献   

Native thick filaments isolated from freshly prepared rabbit psoas muscle were found to be resistant to pressure-induced dissociation. With increasing pressure application and release, a bimodal distribution of filament lengths was observed. The shorter filament length is associated with filament breakage at the center of the bare zone, while the longer length is associated with relatively intact filaments. Intact filaments and filament halves decrease in length by no more than 20% after exposure to and release of 14,000 psi. Bimodal distributions were not observed in equivalent experiments performed on filaments isolated from muscle glycerinated and stored at -20 degrees C for 6 months. Instead, filament dissociation proceeds linearly as a function of increasing pressure. Filaments prepared from muscle glycerinated and stored for 2 and 4 months exhibited pressure-induced behavior intermediate between the filaments prepared from fresh muscle and filaments prepared from muscle stored for 6 months. Since there appears to be no difference in the protein profiles of the various muscle samples, it is possible that stabilization of the native thick filament against hydrostatic pressure arises from trapped ions that are leached out over time.  相似文献   

The use of low ionic strength buffers to dissociate separated thick filaments into three subfilaments is described. When the dissociation is performed in solution, rather than on an electron microscope grid, structures called end-filaments are observed where the subfilaments terminate. The end-filaments, only one of which is seen for every three subfilaments, are about 850 Å long, 50 Å wide and show transverse striations with a periodicity of 42 Å.  相似文献   

Rabbit psoas muscle filaments, isolated in relaxing buffer from non-glycerinated muscle, have been applied to hydrophilic carbon films and stained with uranyl acetate. Electron micrographs were obtained under low-dose conditions to minimize specimen damage. Surrounding the filament backbone, except in the bare zone, is a fringe of clearly identifiable myosin heads. Frequently, both heads of individual myosin molecules are seen, and sometimes a section of the tail can be seen connecting the heads to the backbone. About half the expected number of heads can be counted, and they are uniformly distributed along the filament. The majority of heads appear curved. The remainder could be curved heads viewed from another aspect. Three times as many heads curve in a clockwise sense than in an anticlockwise sense, suggesting a preferential binding of one side of the head to the carbon film. The two heads of myosin molecules exhibit all the possible combinations of clockwise, anticlockwise and straight heads, and analysis of their relative frequencies suggests that the heads rotate freely and independently. The heads also adopt a wide range of angles of attachment to the tail. The lengths of heads cover a range of 14 to 26 nm, with a peak at 19 nm. The average maximum width is 6.5 nm. Both measurements are in excellent agreement with values for shadowed molecules. Since our data are from heads adsorbed to the film in relaxing conditions and the shadowed molecules were free of nucleotide, gross shape changes are not likely to be produced by nucleotide binding. The length of the link between the heads and the backbone was found to vary between 10 nm and 52 nm, with a broad peak at about 25 nm. Thus, the hinge point detected in the tail of isolated molecules was not usually the point from which the crossbridges swung out from the filament surface. The angle made by the link to the filament axis was between 20 degrees and 80 degrees, with a broad maximum around 45 degrees. These lengths and angles concur with our observation of an average limit of the crossbridges from the filament surface of 30 nm. This is sufficient to enable heads in the myofibril lattice to reach out beyond the nearest thin filament and should allow considerable flexibility for stereospecific binding to actin in active muscle.  相似文献   

Cytochrome b562 is a four-helix-bundle protein containing a non-covalently bound b-type heme prosthetic group. In the absence of heme, cytochrome b562 remains highly structured under native conditions. Here we report thermodynamic data for the thermal denaturation of the holo- and apoproteins as determined by differential scanning calorimetry. Thermal denaturation of holocytochrome b562 is a highly reversible process, and unexpectedly does not involve dissociation of the heme prosthetic group. Thermal denaturation of the corresponding apoprotein, with the heme group chemically removed, remains a cooperative, reversible process. Apocytochrome b562 is substantially destabilized relative to the holoprotein: the t1/2 is more than ten degrees lower, and enthalpy and heat capacity changes are about one-half of the holoprotein values. However, the energetic parameters of apocytochrome b562 denaturation are within the range of observed values for small proteins.  相似文献   

The kinetics of dissociation from both ends of thick filaments in a muscle fiber was investigated by an optical diffraction method. The dissociation velocity of thick filaments at a sarcomere length of 2.75 microns increased with increasing the KCl concentration (from 60 mM to 0.5 M), increasing the pH value (from 6.2 to 8.0) or decreasing the temperature (from 25 to 5 degrees C) in the presence of 10 mM pyrophosphate and 5 mM MgCl2. Micromolar concentrations of Ca2+ suppressed the dissociation velocity markedly at shorter sarcomere lengths. The dissociation velocity, v, decreased as thick filaments became shorter, and v = -db/dt = vo exp (alpha b), where b is the length of the thick filament at time t and vo and alpha are constants. The vo value was largely dependent on the KCl concentration but the alpha value was not. The stiffness of a muscle fiber decreased nearly in proportion to the decrease of overlap between thick and thin filaments induced by the dissociation of thick filaments. This indicates that cross-bridges are uniformly distributed and contribute independently to the stiffness of a muscle fiber during the dissociation of thick filaments.  相似文献   

A differential scanning calorimetric study of the bovine lens crystallins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Differential scanning calorimetry was performed on the five major lens crystallin fractions [HM-alpha, alpha, beta H, beta L, and (beta s + gamma)] of the bovine lens as well as on more purified forms of alpha- and gamma-crystallins. All were found to be relatively thermally stable although the alpha-crystallin were found to at least partially unfold at an approximately 10 degrees C lower temperature than the beta and gamma fractions. Increasing protein concentration had little effect on gamma-crystallin thermograms but had marked effects on those of the alpha- and beta-crystallins. Increases in the thermal stability with increasing protein concentration for the beta-crystallins can be explained most simply by the known beta L/beta H equilibrium, but, in the case of the alpha-crystallins, excluded volume effects may be an important factor. In both cases, the increased stability at high concentrations could be of physiological relevance. As well as the expected endothermic unfolding transitions, all of the lens crystallins revealed exothermic peaks that correlate with protein precipitation. Interestingly, this phenomenon occurs only after extensive structural alteration in the case of the alpha-crystallins but is present very early in the initial stages of structural perturbation of the beta- and gamma-crystallins.  相似文献   

Conventional fixation with glutaraldehyde fixatives at pH 7.4 did not preserve/promote thick filaments in Bufo smooth muscle. However, if pH was lowered to 6.0, thick filaments were present and addition of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) led to a greater number of thick filaments. Stretch alone had little effect on the presence of thiber seen. Calcium had little effect on the numbers of thick filaments, but it affected the appearance of the thick filaments. Low calcium (10(-7) M) caused a higher proportion of rod-shaped filaments, while in high calcium (10(-3) M) most thick filaments were ribbons. The great lability of the thick filaments in amphibian smooth muscles makes them ideal for studying factors which affect the appearance of thick filaments in smooth muscle, but it also raises the question of the degree of aggregation of myosin in the living cell.  相似文献   

We have used differential scanning calorimetry to study the effects of phalloidin on F and G actin stability. For F actin, saturating concentrations of phalloidin induced an important shift on the transition temperature, Tm, from 69.5 degrees C to 83.5 degrees C. However, the calorimetric enthalpy remained unchanged. Using lower phalloidin concentrations, monomers linked to phalloidin, as well as neighboring unlinked monomers, were both stabilized. Contrary to previous reports, phalloidin was also shown to affect G actin, shifting its Tm from 59.5 degrees C to 75 degrees C. Two mechanisms are proposed to explain this finding: first, it could indicate a real interaction of phalloidin with G actin, and second, heating of the specimen during the scan could have induced polymerization of some G actin to the F form. The resulting F polymer would then interact with phalloidin, thus shifting the equilibrium between G and F actin towards the polymeric form.  相似文献   

With a view to obtaining a more complete view of the composition and structure of the thick filaments of vertebrate skeletal muscle, we have isolated and characterized two new myofibrillar components, H-protein and X-protein. These were purified by hydroxyapatite column chromatography of an impure C-protein preparation itself made from impure myosin extracted from rabbit back and leg muscles. H-protein is the protein responsible for band H on sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of crude myosin. X-protein, although present in such preparations in significant quantities, was not detected previously since it is difficult to resolve from C-protein by sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Physical-chemical parameters have been determined for the new proteins and compared with those of C-protein. The apparent chain weight of H-protein estimated by sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is 69,000, whereas that of X-protein (152,000) is only slightly greater than that of C-protein (140,000). The molecular weights of H- and X-proteins determined by sedimentation equilibrium centrifugation show that the molecules contain only a single polypeptide chain. The circular dichroism spectra indicate that the proteins have low alpha-helical contents. Both proteins, particularly H-protein, have a high proline content. Although X-protein is of similar chain weight to C-protein, the two show distinct differences in other properties. The sedimentation coefficient of X-protein is markedly lower than that of C-protein, suggesting X-protein is a more asymmetrical molecule. The amino acid compositions, although broadly similar, also show clear differences. Antibodies to H-protein, X-protein and C-protein have been raised in goats and shown not to cross-react.  相似文献   

Bovine alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-LA) has been studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), fluorescence spectroscopy and viscometry with various concentrations of Cu2+ and DTAB to elucidate the effect of these ligands on its thermal properties. The DSC profile of dialyzed form of alpha-lactalbumin (m-alpha-LA) contrary to the undialyzed form (holo-form, h-alpha-LA) shows two temperature induced heat absorption peaks. The m-alpha-LA is not a new form of alpha-LA. It contains mixture of the apo (a-alpha-LA) and holo (h-alpha-LA) forms of alpha-LA at low and high temperatures, respectively. Therefore, these two states of alpha-LA (apo and holo) are equilibrating with together after dialyze experiment. The Cu2+ as a metal ion and DTAB as a non metal ion alter the two heat-absorption peaks, in such a manner that, the addition of Cu2+ to the m-alpha-LA increases partial molar heat capacity and enthalpy change values of the h-alpha-LA form at high temperature because the molecular population of the a-alpha-LA form changes into the h-like-alpha-LA. On the contrary, the interaction between the DTAB and the m-alpha-LA increases these thermodynamic values for the a-alpha-LA at low temperature. However, DTAB bound to m-alpha-LA prevents from Ca2+ binding to protein, because there are positive charges repulsion between them. The high temperature peak occurs at the same temperature as the unfolding of the h-alpha-LA, while the low temperature peak lies within the temperature range associated with the unfolding of the a-alpha-LA. The R(s) values of m-alpha-LA, h-alpha-LA and a-alpha-LA forms confirmed the folding and unfolding of the m-alpha-LA during the addition of Cu2+ and DTAB at different concentration, respectively.  相似文献   

J E Ladbury  C Q Hu  J M Sturtevant 《Biochemistry》1992,31(44):10699-10702
In continuation of our earlier work on the effects of amino acid replacements on the thermodynamics of the thermal unfolding of T4 lysozyme [Kitamura, S., & Sturtevant, J. M. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 3788-3792; Connelly, P., Ghosaini, L., Hu, C.-Q., Kitamura, S., Tanaka, A., & Sturtevant, J. M. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 1887-1891; Hu, C.-Q., Kitamura, S., Tanaka, A., & Sturtevant, J. M. (1992) Biochemistry 31, 1643-1647], we report here a study by differential scanning calorimetry of the effects of five replacements at Ile3. Four of these replacements, those with Glu, Phe, Pro, and Thr, caused apparent destabilizations, while the replacement by Leu led to a small apparent stabilization. The largest observed destabilization (Ile3Pro) amounted to -3.0 kcal mol-1 in free energy at pH 2.00 and 38.8 degrees C (the denaturational temperature of the wild-type protein at this pH), and the largest stabilization amounted to +1.2 kcal mol-1 at pH 3.00 and 53.6 degrees C.  相似文献   

To identify the structural basis for the observed physiological effects of myosin regulatory light chain phosphorylation in skinned rabbit skeletal muscle fibers (potentiation of force development at low calcium), thick filaments separated from the muscle in the relaxed state, with unphoshorylated light chains, were incubated with specific, intact, myosin light chain kinase at moderate (pCa 5.0) and low (pCa 5.8) calcium and with calcium-independent enzyme in the absence of calcium, then examined as negatively stained preparations, by electron microscopy and optical diffraction. All such experimental filaments became disordered (lost the near-helical array of surface myosin heads typical of the relaxed state). Filaments incubated in control media, including intact enzyme in the absence of calcium, moderate calcium (pCa 5.0) without enzyme, and bovine serum albumin substituting for calcium-independent myosin light chain kinase, all retained their relaxed structure. Finally, filaments disordered by phosphorylation regained their relaxed structure after incubation with a protein phosphatase catalytic subunit. We suggest that the observed disorder is due to phosphorylation-induced increased mobility and/or changed conformation of myosin heads, which places an increased population of them close to thin filaments, thereby potentiating actin-myosin interaction at low calcium levels.  相似文献   

alpha-Trypsin is a serine-protease with a polypeptide chain of 223 amino acid residues and six disulfide bridges. It is a globular protein with predominance of antiparallel ss-sheet secondary structure and it has two domains with similar structures. In the present work, a stability study of alpha-trypsin in the acid pH range was performed and some physical-chemical denaturation parameters were measured by using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The alpha-trypsin has a shelf-life (t(95%)) of about 10 months at pH 3.0 and 4 degrees C and its hydrolysis into the psi-trypsin isoform is negligible during 6 months. The observed ratio DeltaH(cal)/DeltaH(vH) is close to unity, which suggests the occurrence of a two-state transition. At pH 3.0, alpha-trypsin unfolded with T(m) = 325.9 K and DeltaH = 99.10 kcal mol(-1), and the change in heat capacity between the native and unfolded forms of the protein was estimated to be 1.96+/-0.18 kcal mol(-1)K(-1). The stability of alpha-trypsin calculated at 298 K was DeltaG(U)=6.10 kcal mol(-1) at pH 3.0. These values are in the range expected for a small globular protein. These results show that the thermodynamic parameters of unfolding of beta-trypsin do not change substantially after its conversion to alpha-trypsin.  相似文献   

We examined the function of beta-actinin as a pointed end capping protein of thin filaments in skeletal muscle. An improvement in preparing beta-actinin yielded purified beta-actinin which retained its activity for more than a week. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed that the two subunits, beta I and beta II, of beta-actinin are, respectively, split into two to three components (isoforms) with different isoelectric points. Polyclonal antibody was raised by injecting such purified and undenatured chicken breast muscle beta-actinin composed of several components into a rabbit. Immuno-gold labeling examination with electron microscopy of an F-actin-beta-actinin complex decorated with HMM showed that 85% of bound gold particles was on the pointed end of actin filaments, while the remaining 15% was on the barbed end. This suggests that in beta-actinin preparation pointed end and barbed end capping proteins inevitably coexist. Immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy directly showed that beta-actinin is located at the pointed end of thin filaments in myofibrils; it was also suggested that a capping protein having common antigenic determinants to beta-actinin is located at Z-line. Thus, the physiological function of beta-actinin as a pointed end capping protein was examined as follows: When beta-actinin was dissociated from the pointed end of thin filaments in an I-Z-I brush by using a high salt solution, thin filaments could be disassembled at the pointed ends at concentrations of exogenous actin lower than a critical value. At a physiological ionic strength, these salt-washed thin filaments gradually shortened at a constant rate of about 45 nm/h. Both the association and dissociation of monomeric actin at the pointed end were suppressed by the rebinding of exogenous beta-actinin. The main physiological role of beta-actinin is therefore to stabilize thin filaments in the sarcomere by preventing addition and removal of actin monomers at the pointed filament end.  相似文献   

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