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Cell contact during early morphogenesis in the chick embryo   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  

A comparative study of the cell cycle and its parameters, and of limb pattern development, was carried out in normal and talpid3 wing buds. The relative duration of the G2 + M phase is the least variable. The change in the length of the G1 phase and the S phase is associated with the appearance of mucopolysaccharides in chondrogenic zones and of myosin in myogenic zones. The effect of the ta3 gene is failure of chondrogenesis-induced lengthening of the G1 phase to appear in the chondrogenic condensation in the limb mesenchyme. The data also raise the question of the possible role of the apical ectodermal ridge in control of the cell division rate in the sub-ridge region.  相似文献   

When chick lens epithelium is cultured in vitro, differentiation into lens fiber cells is accompanied by DNA degradation. This phenomenom of terminal differentiation was studied in the epithelium from embryos at the 6th and 11th days of development. DNA size and the ability of the cells to repair DNA damage induced by X-rays were analysed in alkaline sucrose gradients. In the 6-day epithelium a rapid degradation and complete lack of DNA repair were recorded. Similar observations have been made in previous studies on the 11-day sample, but here degradation is progressive and occurs after a lag of several days. In the younger epithelium, internal irradiation by [3H]thymidine also had a drastic effect resembling that caused by X-rays. In order to assess the process of differentiation in our experimental system the synthesis of delta- and alpha-crystallins was monitored. Stage-related modifications in the rates of synthesis were recorded. The results confirm that the DNA repair system is impaired during terminal differentiation. The differences observed between the two stages may reflect either a developmental modification in DNA repair mechanisms or a change in the relative proportions of differentiating cells. An hypothesis is proposed in support of the latter case.  相似文献   

Summary The localization of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), a key enzyme in polyamine biosynthesis and thus in cell growth, was determined in the 4.5-day-old chick embryo, using two independent methods of analysis. ODC protein was identified by indirect immunofluorescence with a monospecific ODC antibody, and catalytically active ODC was identified by autoradiography with -(5-3H) difluoromethylornithine. Both methods revealed a basically similar distribution of ODC within the embryo. Among the organs, the brain exhibited the highest ODC levels. ODC levels were also high in spinal cord, mesonephric tubules and heart. Similar levels, but confined to limited areas, were found in liver tissue, head mesenchyme, and the oral and pharyngeal regions. Organs that exhibited high ODC levels are all engaged in rapid growth, as well as in extensive tissue remodeling and differentiation.  相似文献   

Increasing specialization for δ-crystallin synthesis is a prominent feature of the differentiation of chick lens epithelial cells into lens fiber cells and can be studied in cultured embryonic lens epithelia. Quantitation of δ-crystallin mRNA by molecular hybridizaton to a [3H]DNA complementary to δ-crystallin mRNA demonstrates that differentiation, both in ovo and in tissue culture, is associated with the accumulation of δ-crystallin mRNA. In the cultures, there is an overall stimulation of protein synthesis, including δ-crystallin mRNA during the first 5 hr in vitro. Between 5 and 24 hr in vitro there is a differential stimulation of δ-crystallin synthesis and an accumulation of δ-crystallin mRNA that can quantitatively account for this stimulation.  相似文献   

The presence of "embryonic" acetylcholinesterase activity, as described by Drews (1975) was investigated during early chick embryonic development, mainly in the following systems: a) primitive streak and Hensen's node during gastrulation movements; b) area opaca during blood islets and vessels differentiation; c) mesoderma of lateral laminae, during delamination movements. The demonstration of enzymic activity was performed with slightly modified histochemical methods. The enzyme was thus localized around the nuclei, in the cytoplasm and associated to plasma membrane of cells engaged in morphogenetic movements. The enzyme activity localized at the plasma membrane was supposed to be involved in the regulation of membrane functions concerning intercellular communications, such as inductive message, perhaps mediated by ion fluxes.  相似文献   

The mechanism of interaction of hyaluronate with the surface of cells from embryonic chick limbs was studied using cell cultures of mesoderm from various developmental stages. The mode of interaction of hyaluronate with the cell surface changed at the onset of mesodermal cell condensation prior to differentiation of cartilage and muscle. At this time hyaluronate binding sites appeared on the cells and continued to be present on differentiated chondrocytes but not on myotubes. Direct measurement of hyaluronate binding was made using stage 24 mesodermal cells and membranes isolated from cells derived from various limb stages. The stage 24 cells and membranes from stage 22, 24, and 26 cells exhibited hyaluronate binding, but not membranes from stage 19 mesoderm cultures. At stage 38, membranes from chondrocyte cultures exhibited the highest hyaluronate binding, and membranes from myoblasts and fibroblasts intermediate binding, whereas membranes from myotube-enriched cultures lacked binding activity. No significant competition of hyaluronate binding by chondroitin sulfate was observed. Occupied hyaluronate binding sites were measured by the displacement of radiolabeled cell surface hyaluronate with exogenous, unlabeled hyaluronate. Very little hyaluronate was displaced from mesodermal cells derived from the youngest embryos, namely, stage 19 or stage 20-21. However, greater than 50% of cell surface hyaluronate was displaced from stage 22 and 24 mesodermal cells. The addition of exogenous hyaluronate to stage 26 mesoderm, the stage of onset of cartilage differentiation, and to stage 38 chondrocytes resulted in displacement of large proportions of both hyaluronate and chondroitin sulfate. Addition of exogenous chondroitin sulfate did not cause displacement of significant amounts of cell surface hyaluronate or chondroitin sulfate. These results indicate the presence and developmental modulation of specific binding sites for hyaluronate on limb cells during their differentiation.  相似文献   

Expression of specific differentiation markers was investigated by histochemistry, immunofluorescence, and biosynthetic studies in osteoblasts outgrown from chips derived from tibia diaphyses of 18-day-old chick embryos. The starting osteoblast population expressed type I collagen and alkaline phosphatase in addition to other bone and cartilage markers as the lipocalin Ch21; the extracellular matrix deposited by these cells was not stainable for cartilage proteoglycans, and mineralization was observed when the culture was maintained in the presence of ascorbic acid, calcium and beta-glycerophosphate. During culture, clones of cells presenting a polygonal chondrocyte morphology and surrounded by an Alcian-positive matrix appeared in the cell population. Type II collagen and type X collagen were synthesized in these areas of chondrogenesis. In addition, chondrocytes isolated from these cultures expressed Ch21 and alkaline phosphatase. Chondrocytes were generated also from homogeneous osteoblast populations derived from a single cloned cell. The coexistence of chondrocytes and osteoblasts was observed during amplification of primary clones as well as in subclones. The data show the existence, within embryonic bone, of cells capable in vitro of both osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation.  相似文献   

The vascular limb mesoderm probably plays a prominent role in limb pattern formation in both normal and talpid chick embryos. The differential vascularization, or its consequences, is a factor controlling the initial stages of differentiation in the developing bud. The axial artery runs from the subclavian artery to the distal region of the normal limb bud, whereas in the talpid3 only secondary blood vessels develop. In the talpid, the gene permits the chondrogenic regions to grow and at the same time keeps the peripheral regions to a certain size. The mesenchyme tissue lies within the effective range of a metabolic gradient extending from either the ectodermal surface or the peripheral vessels to the limb axis.  相似文献   

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