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静脉注射雌二醇可使非发情期雌鼠蓝斑(LC)中去甲肾上腺素(NE)能神经元放电增加,发情期雌鼠LC中NE能神经元放电减少。非发情期雌鼠LC中NE能神经元自发放电频率与注射雌二醇后放电频率之间存在着正相关。摘除卵巢雌鼠LC中NE能神经元放电频率比发情期、非发情期雌鼠均显著减少,但对雌二醇的反应与非发情期雌鼠相似,仍为放电增加。结果提示:静脉注射雌二醇可改变LC中NE能神经元的放电。此效应可能反映了内源性雌激素水平及LC中NE能神经元兴奋性的密切关系。  相似文献   

Abstract— Superior cervical ganglia from young rats were cultured in the absence of serum. The effect of nerve growth factor on the level of tyrosine hydroxylase was studied. In the absence of nerve growth factor the specific activity of tyrosine hydroxylase fell by more than 50% within 48 h. In the presence of nerve growth factor the total and specific activities were maintained and even increased in the same period. Both the 2.5 S and the 7 S forms of nerve growth factor were effective. Oxidized nerve growth factor had no effect except when present in very high concentration. Purified antibody to nerve growth factor was inhibitory. Insulin had only a slight effect in this system, but dibutyryl CAMP elevated tyrosine hydroxylase activity substantially. Propranolol inhibited the action of nerve growth factor but its action appeared to be nonspecific and unrelated to its action on the β-adrenergic receptor. Changes in the activity of dihydropteridine reductase paralleled those seen in tyrosine hydroxylase.  相似文献   

利用在体记录大鼠蓝斑核神经元单位放电,研究了(-)SPD和(-)THP对其放电活动的影响。结果表明:(-)SPD通过去甲肾上腺素α2受体,以剂量依赖方式增强蓝斑核神经元放电,但较大剂量却对神经元放电有一定抑制。然而(-)THP可使蓝斑核去甲肾上腺素能神经元出现可逆性放电抑制。  相似文献   

Abstract— Three days following a single injection of reserpine (10 mg/kg, i.p.) the activity and amount of dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH) are increased nearly 2-fold in the noradrenergic cell bodies of the nucleus locus coeruleus of rat. To determine if this increased accumulation of DBH is due to an increased rate of enzyme synthesis, [3H]amino acids were infused into the IVth ventricle of reserpine-and saline-injected rats. This method was 35 times more effective than intracisternal infusion and 600 times more effective than intravenous infusion. DBH protein was isolated from the locus coeruleus by immunoprecipitation and SDS-electrophoresis. These steps proved crucial for the complete isolation of DBH from other labelled proteins. Indeed, only 10–15% of the immunoprecipitate was finally identified as labelled DBH protein. The rate of incorporation of [3H]leucine into DBH protein of locus coeruleus was increased to 181%, of control following reserpine, whereas that into TCA-precipitable protein was unchanged. A similar result was obtained using [3H]lysine. In contrast, the apparent half-life of the enzyme did not change following reserpine. The relative rate of synthesis of DBH ([3H]DBH/3H-total protein), denoting selectivity of response, was increased in the locus coeruleus of reserpine-treated rats to 154% of control ( P < 0.01). These findings indicate that increased synthesis accounts for the observed increase in DBH protein in the locus coeruleus following reserpine administration.  相似文献   

The levels of cyclic AMP in the rat brain were studied in vivo following destruction or stimulation of the noradrenergic pathway originating in the locus coeruleus. After chronic lesion of the locus coeruleus no alterations in cyclic AMP content were found. Electrical stimulation of the locus coeruleus produced an elevation of cyclic AMP in the cerebral cortex of chloral hydrate anaesthetized rats of 30%. Maximal increases were found after 15–60 s stimulation at a frequency of 30–100 Hz. This maximal response was slightly inhibited by phenoxybenzamine, an α-adrenergic blocking agent, and by the β-blocker propranolol. When the α and β blockers were administered together a highly significant decrease in cyclic AMP response was observed. Pretreatment of the rats with reserpinc +α methyl-p-tyrosine prevented the cyclic AMP response. In addition to the effect in the cerebral cortex, cyclic AMP-levels were also enhanced in the hippocampus, in the striatum and in the hypothalamus. These results suggest that the locus coeruleus regulates a small fraction of cerebral cyclic AMP levels, by both α- and β-adrenergic receptors.  相似文献   

在64只麻醉及人工呼吸的猫,观察到电刺激蓝斑(LC)能引起血压升高、心率加快,左心室收缩压升高,左心室内压最大变化率增加及肾交感神经放电(RNA)显著地增加。去缓冲神经对电刺激 LC 所引起的上述指标的增加幅度无明显影响,但可明显延长血压反应升高相以及血压恢复期的时间。LC 内微量注射谷氨酸钠可使血压下降,心率减慢,左室收缩压和左室内压最大变化率亦降低。LC 内注射海人酸,也能引起减压反应。而注射海人酸3h 后,使LC 神经元发生变性或去极化阻断时,再电刺激 LC 仍能引起明显的升压反应。以上结果表明,电刺激 LC 可使血压升高、心肌收缩力及肾交感神经放电增加,而 LC 内微量注射胞体兴奋剂则可降低血压、心率及心肌收缩力,说明电刺激 LC 引起的加压反应可能主要是兴奋了过路纤维所致,而 LC 本身神经元的兴奋引起的是减压反应。  相似文献   

Surgical decentralization of the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) in rats and mice led to a fall in ganglionic tyrosine hydroxylase (T-OH) activity, and a loss of more than 90 per cent of the preganglionic neurone marker, choline acetyl transferase. T-OH activity was reduced by more than 50 per cent in mice SCG ten days after surgery, but fell by only 25 per cent in rat SCG after 21 days. The surgical procedure did not cause obvious histo-logical damage or loss of SCG cells in either species. Both T-OH and choline acetyl transferase activities in rat and mouse SCG recovered to normal three months after surgery. Reserpine treatment was more effective in rats in causing increased ganglionic T-OH activity than in mice. Neither decentralization nor reserpine treatment caused any changes in DOPA-decarboxylase or monoamine oxidase activities in rat SCG. These results demonstrate that T-OH activity in SCG is subject to trans-synaptic regulation in both rats and mice; this regulation does not apply to DOPA-decarboxylase or monoamine oxidase. Differences in basal sympathetic tone may explain the different results obtained in mice and rats.  相似文献   

The eighth cranial nerve ganglion consists of bipolar nerve cell bodies each occupying part of an internodal segment. The perikaryal sheaths range from a single layer of Schwann cell cytoplasm on the smallest cells to typical thick compact myelin on the largest. On most perikarya, the sheath displays an intermediate form, consisting of multiple layers of Schwann cell cytoplasm (loose myelin), or of loose and compact myelin continuous with each other. Internodes beyond the one containing the cell body bear only compact myelin. In loose myelin the thickness of each layer of Schwann cell cytoplasm is about 100 A. It may be much greater (~ 3000 A) particularly in the outermost layers of the sheath, or the cytoplasm may thin and even disappear with formation of a major dense line. The cytoplasmic layers are separated from each other by a light zone, 40 to 200 A wide, which in its broader portions may contain an intermediate line. Desmosomes sometimes occur between lamellae. In addition to the usual organelles, the perikaryal cytoplasm contains granular and membranous inclusions. Large cells covered by compact myelin have a consistently higher concentration of neurofilaments, and some of the largest cells, in addition, show a reduced concentration of ribosomes. The functional significance and possible origins of perikaryal myelin sheaths are discussed.  相似文献   

—The period during which trans-synaptic stimulation is required by the rat superior cervical ganglion for induction of tyrosine hydroxylase by reserpine has been studied. Ganglia were decentralized on one side at various times before or after an injection of reserpine. The tyrosine hydroxylase activity of the denervated and control ganglia was assayed 72 h after drug treatment. When decentralization was performed 8 h after an injection of reserpine the increase in tyrosine hydroxylase activity was blocked in the denervated ganglia. Decentralization 12 h after reserpine treatment or later had no effect on the enzyme induction. The actual increase in tyrosine hydroxylase activity occurred between 24 and 48 h after injection of reserpine.  相似文献   

Abstract— An immunoprecipitation technique has been employed to measure the rate of synthesis of tyrosine hydroxylase in organ cultures of rat superior cervical ganglia and the effect of nerve growth factor on that rate. Ganglia which have been maintained in culture for 16 h without nerve growth factor synthesize tyrosine hydroxylase; the hydroxylase comprises approx 0.2% of the newly synthesized soluble protein. While the total amount of tyrosine hydroxylase synthesized de novo increases in the presence of physiological levels of nerve growth factor, the differential rate of tyrosine hydroxylase synthesis is essentially unchanged. At higher levels of nerve growth factor (3–10 μg/ml) there is a small increase in the differential rate of tyrosine hydroxylase synthesis. The major action of nerve growth factor appears to be on the survival of the tissue, but a small effect on the induction of tyrosine hydroxylase is evident at high levels of nerve growth factor.  相似文献   

Daily injections of 100 μg/kg of d -lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) for 14 days produced a significant decrease in the dopamine level in rat brain corpus striatum which was still apparent 15 days after the last LSD treatment. Further LSD injections did not change the amount of dopamine depletion. In cerebral cortex, 14 days of LSD injections produced a significant decrease in the norepinephrine level and a significant increase in tyrosine hydroxylase activity. The elevated tyrosine hydroxylase activity was still present 15 days after the final LSD injection but only in those animals receiving daily vehicle injections during this period. Pre-treatment of rats with daily saline injections for 2 weeks before the 2 week period of LSD treatment prevented both the reduced norepinephrine content and elevated tyrosine hydroxylase activity usually found 24 h after the last LSD injection.  相似文献   

刺激蓝斑及电针对大鼠脊髓背角神经元伤害性反应的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以往的工作表明,蓝斑(LC)-去甲肾上腺素能神经元系统在痛觉调制和针刺镇痛中起着重要作用,本文用电生理学方法研究刺激LC和电针对大鼠脊髓背角神经元伤害性反应的影响,其主要结果如下:1、刺激LC或电针有明显抑制脊髓背角神经元伤害性反应的作用。2、损毁中缝大核和腹腔注射纳洛酮并不明显影响刺激LC的抑制效应。3、α2受体激动剂氯压啶能加强刺激LC或电针的抑制效应,而α受体阻断剂酚妥拉明在一定程度上能削弱这种抑制效应,这些实验结果提示,刺激LC和电针可激活LC神经元,通过其下行纤维,在脊髓水平释放NE,通过α2受体,阻断伤害性信息的传递。  相似文献   

实验在72只乌拉坦,氯醛醣麻醉兔上进行,用三碘季铵酚制动,由人工呼吸机维持通气。用电刺激下丘脑近中线区的方法诱发室性期前收缩(HVE)。在蓝斑复合核区(Lc-Sc)微量注射吗啡(4μg溶于2μl中)可抑制 HVE;而微量注射乙酰胆碱(ACh)(50μg溶于2μl中)则可易化HVE。ACh 对 HVE 的这种易化效应可被中脑中央灰质(CG)或延髓中线区内微量注射心得安(20μg溶于2μl中)消除,但在 CG 或延髓中线区内微量注射酚妥拉明(10μg溶于1μl中)后仍存在。在 Ic-Sc 区微量注射纳洛酮(4μg溶于2μl中)或 ACh(50μg溶于2μl中),或用弱电流刺激一侧 Ic-Sc 区,均可阻断刺激腓深神经对 HVE 的抑制作用。电介损毁双侧 Lc-Sc 区后,刺激腓深神经对 HVE 的抑制效应有所增强。上述结果提示,吗啡和 ACh 对 Lc-Sc 区活动发生相互拮抗的影响。在 Lc-Sc 区微量注射 ACh,可能经 CG 及延髓中线区而发挥对 HVE 的易化作用。腓深神经对 HVE 的抑制效应并不依赖于 Lc-Sc 区的结构完整性。但 Lc-Sc 区的活动能抑制腓深神经的抑制效应。  相似文献   

Acid azo dyes, most of them naphtholdisulfonic acid derivatives, were given intraperitoneally to rats and their effect on "alkaline" ribonuclease activity was studied in total homogenates of kidney cortex and liver. Acid treatment was used to release bound enzyme activity. Several of the dyes, including trypan blue, increased RNase activity in both organs 3 days after administration of single doses, while others, like Evans blue, were inactive. Activity was apparently bound to the sulfonic substitution in the 3, 6 positions in the naphthalene rings, substitutions in the benzidine rings being not critical. All of the active and most of the inactive compounds were taken up by tubule cells of kidney cortex and by reticular and parenchymal cells of liver. While the effect on both liver and kidney was obtained 1 day after trypan blue administration, RNase remained increased for only about 3 days in the first organ, and for at least a month in the second. However, repeated trypan blue doses increased liver enzyme activity for at least 9 days. Serum RNase activity was decreased after trypan blue administration. Ethionine administration together with trypan blue markedly blocked the effect of the dye on liver RNase activity; simultaneously given methionine partially reversed the action of the antimetabolite. This suggests that de novo synthesis of RNase is induced in liver by trypan blue. The action of ethionine on the kidney RNase response to trypan blue was less marked although significant; in view of the possible kidney uptake of the plasma enzyme, interpretation of this finding must be postponed. Results are discussed with reference to the mechanism of the structural specificity of the compounds used, cytological localization of the dyes and their mechanism of action on liver and kidney RNase.  相似文献   

应用免疫组化方法观察鞘内注射毒蕈碱型乙酰胆碱(muscarinic acetylcholine receptor,M) 受体和胶质细胞源性神经营养因子(glial cell derived neurotrophic factor,GDNF)反义寡脱氧核苷酸对吗啡戒断大鼠蓝斑(locus coeruleus,LC)区内Fos表达的影响。结果显示,鞘内注射M_2受体和GDNF反义寡脱氧核苷酸明显减少大鼠吗啡戒断症状评分值(n=6,P<0.05)。正常大鼠LC区神经元Fos基础表达较低,吗啡依赖大鼠LC区神经元Fos表达增加,吗啡依赖大鼠纳酪酮(4mg/Kg,ip)催促戒断后,Fos表达进一步增加;鞘内注射M_2受体和GDNF反义寡脱氧核苷酸处理后均减少吗啡戒断大鼠LC区神经元Fos表达(n=5,P<0.05)。而鞘内注射M_1受体反义寡脱氧核苷酸处理组LC 区神经元Fos表达较吗啡戒断组没有显著差异(n=5,P>O.05)。结果提示:脊髓M_2受体调节吗啡戒断时LC区的神经元激活,而这种神经上行性激活涉及神经元与胶质细胞之间的适应性调节。  相似文献   

在45只切断双侧缓冲神经的SpragueDawley大鼠,应用细胞外记录方法,观察了颈动脉内注射腺苷对76个最后区(AP)神经元自发放电活动的影响。所得结果如下:(1)在记录到的42个自发放电单位中,颈动脉内注射腺苷(25μg/kg)引起其中29个单位的放电频率由626±075下降至474±076spikes/s(P<001),6个单位放电频率由413±077增加至472±083spikes/s(P<005),另外7个单位放电频率无明显变化,而血压和心率在实验中无变化;(2)在应用非选择性腺苷受体拮抗剂8苯茶碱(8phenyltheophylline,15μg/kg)的10个单位,腺苷对放电的抑制效应可被完全阻断;(3)应用选择性腺苷A1受体拮抗剂8环戊1,3二丙基黄嘌呤(8cyclopentyl1,3dipropylxanthine,50μg/kg)亦可有效地阻断腺苷对12个单位的抑制效应;(4)应用ATP敏感性钾通道阻断剂格列苯脲(500μg/kg)的12个单位,腺苷的上述效应也被消除。以上结果提示,腺苷对AP区神经元自发放电有抑制作用,而此作用与A1受体介导的ATP敏感性钾通道开放有关。  相似文献   

Synthesis of RNA in neurons of the hypoglossal nerve nucleus after axonal section was studied by means of [5-3H]uridine administration and radioautographic counting techniques in mice. The results of the experiments were evaluated by counts of silver grains over the nucleoplasm and cytoplasm of the neurons. RNA synthesis was greater in neurons after axonal section, and this increase was evident from 12 hr after the operation. The greatest increases in the operated side were observed in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd days after operation. In the 7th and 14th days RNA synthesis was still greater in the hypoglossal nucleus of the sectioned nerve but the difference in the control nucleus was not so striking. In the 30th day synthesis of RNA in left and right hypoglossal nuclei was comparable.  相似文献   

用玻璃微电极细胞外记录大鼠室旁核(PVH)神经元的单位放电,观察它对电刺激蓝斑(LC)和中缝背核(DR)的反应。 在435个被试验单位中,5个单位对LC电刺激呈现逆行反应,75个单位呈现顺行反应。在这75个顺行反应单位中,27个对单刺激发生反应,48个对串刺激发生反应。对电刺激DR发生反应的有74个单位,其中15个对单刺激发生反应,59个对串刺激发生反应而对单刺激不反应。值得注意的是有23个PVH神经元既对LG刺激又对DR刺激发生顺行反应。实验结果提示,PVH与LC、DR之间存在神经联系。  相似文献   

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