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1. Cold water acted differently to delay and lengthen the pupation period for the larvae of two species of the zooplankton predator Chaoborus (Diptera: Chaoboridae). During Chaoborus pupation, the zooplankton community is released from predation, while the dark-coloured Chaoborus pupae are more susceptible to their own predators.
2. Fourth instar larvae of Chaoborus americanus and C. trivittatus , collected from an oligotrophic lake, were reared individually at 5 °C in the dark. Chaoborus americanus was also reared at 9 and 12 °C under spring photoperiod conditions (L : D, 16 : 8 h). Individuals were observed through pupation to emergence (ecdysis) or death.
3.  Chaoborus americanus pupated at 5, 9 and 12 °C with substantial emergence only at 12 °C. In comparison, C. trivittatus emerged at 5 °C. Light was not a necessary cue for pupation and ecdysis, contrary to previous reports. Cold water delayed the onset and lengthened and increased the variability of the duration of pupation.
4. In Shirley Lake, C. americanus pupated in late June–early July while C. trivittatus pupated first in April and again in June–July.
5.  Chaoborus americanus pupae needed a temperature cue to complete ecdysis. The ecdysis temperature threshold helps to explain the difference in pupation timing, and the geographical distribution, of C. americanus and its relatively inflexible life history contrasted with C. trivittatus . Delayed predator pupation in years with low spring temperature can affect the community dynamics of the prey.  相似文献   

1. Seasonal dynamics of the exotic Daphnia lumholtzii and native macro-zooplankton species were studied for 2 years in six inter-connected lakes in Florida, U.S.A. The lakes ranged widely in pH, colour and trophic status, and were dominated by copepods.
2. All six lakes contained both D. lumholtzii and the native D. ambigua , but the two species did not overlap in time. D. ambigua was dominant in autumn–spring, coinciding with lower water temperature, higher transparency and lower nutrient and chlorophyll a (Chl a ) concentrations than in summer, when D. lumholtzii was dominant.
3. Based on the field observations, temperature optima were 24 °C for D. ambigua and 29 °C for D. lumholtzii , suggesting that temperature plays a role in determining dominance among the daphnids of subtropical Florida lakes.
4.  D. lumholtzii has not displaced native cladocerans but occupies a 'vacant' seasonal niche, unexploited due to the inability of native taxa to tolerate high temperature. Furthermore, D. lumholtzii did not significantly alter algal–zooplankton interactions. There was evidence of top–down control by grazing, but it was primarily attributable to the native taxa.  相似文献   

1. From 1966 to 1995, dates were recorded when adult alder-flies, Sialis lutaria L., were first seen (30-year range: 23 April – 25 May), 50% of the maximum density occurred (4 May – 4 June), and maximum density occurred (11 May – 17 June) along 200 m of Windermere shore. These emergence dates occurred at similar temperatures, estimated by mean values for both the emergence date and the week prior to emergence. The latter was the least variable at 10.1 °C (95% CL ± 0.37) for start of emergence, 11.2 °C (± 0.49) for 50% maximum density, 14.2 °C (± 0.51) for maximum density.
2. Final-instar larvae pupated in damp soil just above the water line. As laboratory temperatures were increased slowly from an initial 5 °C, the cumulative number of larvae leaving the water to pupate increased. A quadratic equation described this relationship from a threshold temperature of 7.2 °C to completion at 14.0 °C (50% point, 9.3 °C). The relationship between successful pupations and constant temperatures in the laboratory was well described by a quadratic equation with an optimum 14.9 °C (over 90% success) and no success outside the range 7–23 °C. A negative power-function described the relationship between days required for pupation and temperature, ranging from c . 28 days at 8.2 °C to c . 4 days at 22.1 °C.
3. Dates for larvae leaving the lake to pupate were back-calculated from dates for adult emergence, using the power-function for pupation time. Mean temperatures for estimated dates on which larvae left the lake to pupate were less variable than those for adult emergence, being 7.5 °C (± 0.20) for the start of pupation, 9.4 °C (± 0.16) for 50% maximum density, 13.7 °C (± 0.16) for maximum density. These values are similar to those obtained in the laboratory and can be used to predict pupation and adult emergence for different temperature regimes.  相似文献   

To better understand the germination ecophysiology of the genus Lonicera , the dormancy class, temperature requirements for embryo growth and radicle emergence and phenology of seedling emergence were determined for Lonicera caerulea var. emphyllocalyx . At maturity, seeds have an underdeveloped embryo (approximately 28% of the length of full-grown embryos). Embryos in fresh seeds grew to full length at 15, 20, 20/10 and 25/15°C within 3 weeks, but failed to grow at ≤ 10°C and at 30°C. Radicles emerged from 86–100% of freshly matured seeds in light at 15, 20, 20/10 and 25/15°C within 28 days, but failed to emerge at 10°C. Radicles emerged equally well in a 12 h photoperiod and in continuous darkness at 25/15°C. Rapid embryo growth and germination over a range of conditions indicate that seeds of this taxon have morphological dormancy (MD); this is the first report of MD in a species of Lonicera . Seeds are dispersed in summer, at which time high temperatures promote embryo growth. Embryos grow to the critical length for germination in approximately 1 month; the peak of seedling emergence occurs in early autumn. Radicles emerged within 2 months from 98% of seeds buried at soil depths of 2 cm and 10 cm in the field in August in Sapporo, Japan; thus, seeds have no potential to form a persistent soil seed bank. However, seeds sown too late in autumn for embryos to grow remained viable and germinated the following summer when temperatures were high enough to promote embryo growth.  相似文献   

1. The role of seasonal phenology in the emergence of zooplankton from diapause in patterns of seasonal abundance in the water column was investigated in Oneida Lake, New York. Replicate emergence traps, placed in contact with the lake sediments at two locations (one at a shallow site and one at a deep site), were monitored between May and August.
2. Although six rotifer taxa showed a clear seasonal succession in the water column throughout the study period, all but one taxon emerged exclusively in spring. Three cladoceran and three calanoid copepod species, also present in the water column throughout the study period, again showed predominantly spring emergence. In contrast, three cyclopoid copepod species had distinct seasonal periods of emergence that corresponded, at least in part, to the timing of abundance peaks in the plankton.
3. These results for a single lake are largely consistent with patterns observed or inferred by other investigators for other lakes: variable dependence of abundance in the plankton on diapause emergence for species with long-lived diapausing eggs (i.e. rotifers, cladocerans and calanoid copepods), and much closer dependence for species with short-lived diapausing immature stages (i.e. cyclopoid copepods).  相似文献   

The effects of water temperature on the timing of spawning of perch Perca fluviatilis in Lake Geneva were assessed in a 20 year survey (1984–2003). Spawning started at the end of April or at the beginning of May, when the water temperature rose to >10° C, but most of the spawns were laid when water temperature exceeded 12° C. This led to a positive correlation between the date of the mid-spawning period and the date when the water temperature rose to >12° C. Large perch had a tendency to spawn later than the small ones, which led to a positive correlation between the date of mid-spawning period and the yearly mean width of perch egg-ribbons. The coefficient of multiple determination between the date of mid-spawning period and the mean width of the ribbon of spawn, combined with the date when the water temperature rose to >12° C was r 2= 0·77. The perch generally chose deeper spawning places (12 m) at the end of the spawning period than at the beginning (4 m), which was related to water temperature.  相似文献   

1. We report patterns of temporal variation in the recruitment of roach ( Rutilus rutilus ). The data consist of the annual abundance of the first 2 year-classes, 0+ and 1+ fish, at four sites in the Rhône River (France) between 1987 and 1997. Over this 11-year period both 0+ and 1+ fish fluctuated strongly.
2. Cross-correlation indicated high spatial synchrony in 0+ dynamics, although correlations among sites in 1+ dynamics were weaker. No clear pattern was apparent in the relationship between the level of synchrony and distance between pairs of sites.
3. The spatial synchrony in 0+ fish could be attributable to large-scale variations in weather, influencing water temperature. Total body length of 0+ roach was correlated with water temperature (expressed in degree-days over 12 °C), and water temperature was the main factor explaining inter-annual variation in 0+ cohort size. Monthly variation in abiotic factors (measured by standard deviation in water temperature and discharge) did not influence 0+ fluctuations. Correlations with June water temperature suggest that year-class strength was mainly determined by abiotic factors during the first few months of life.
4. The absence of spatial synchrony in 1+ fluctuations suggests little correlation between survival and abiotic conditions during the first year of life, other factors influencing survival.
5. Survival in the first year was density-dependent. Intraspecific competition within the 0+ cohort could thus influence the fluctuations in recruitment to older age-classes.
6. The implications of age- or stage-dependent synchrony in temporal variation for species with complex life histories are discussed. Studying spatial synchrony for the different life history stages could enhance our understanding of the population dynamics of spatially structured species.  相似文献   

Emergence pattern and developmental status at emergence of Baltic salmon fry from the Umeälven hatchery stock (63°50'N, 20°25'E) were studied at 6, 10 and 12°C in the laboratory. The number of days and degree days from hatching to 50% emergence decreased exponentially with increasing temperature. Synchronization of emergence increased with temperature. Optimal temperature for incubation of yolk-sac alevins was 10°C, which resulted in the largest fry at emergence and the lowest death rate. Fry kept at 6°C had the lowest mean weight and at 12°C the highest death rate. The fry emerged at an earlier developmental state with more yolk at 12°C than at 6°C. The Baltic salmon had a faster developmental rate during the gravel-phase, as compared to more southern Atlantic salmon populations.  相似文献   

Schooling chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta were biased towards the water surface (median position <1 m) under isothermal conditions (10° C) in a water column simulator (WCS). Thermal stratification (24/10° C) inhibited upward movement with fish congregating at the thermocline and displaying a clear avoidance of potentially lethal surface waters. A tri-phase model based on piece-wise nonlinear regression was used to describe the distribution shifts of chum salmon during a change from isothermal to thermally stratified conditions. Fish distribution was consistent with thermoregulatory behaviour and exhibited 'attraction', 'preference' and 'avoidance' phases. The thermal preference of 50% of the fish lay between 12·2 and 20·2° C, however, >83·5% of the fish occupied a 'preferred' temperature range of 13·7–17·9° C. The mean temperature at which 50% of chum salmon avoided rising temperature by shifting deeper in the water column and using the cooler thermocline was 20·2° C, and 90% avoidance occurred at 22·9° C. Behavioural responses to thermal stratification were consistent amongst underyearling fish of differing size and age.  相似文献   

1. The chief objectives were to determine the daily optimum energy intake ( C OPT cal day−1) for growth and the gross efficiency ( K G%) for converting energy intake into growth for brown trout, Salmo trutta . Energy budgets for individual fish were obtained from experiments with 292 trout (initial live weight 1–318 g) bred from wild parents, and kept at five constant temperatures (5, 10, 13, 15, 18 °C) and 100% oxygen saturation. Most trout (252) were fed over a period of 42 days on a fixed ration of shrimps, Gammarus pulex , the ration levels varying between zero and maximum, but 40 of the larger trout were fed to satiation on freshly-killed sticklebacks ( Gasterosteus aculeatus ).
2. Energetics models developed in earlier studies on the same data were summarized briefly and were used to predict the relationship between the change in the total energy content of a trout ( C G cal day−1) and its energy intake ( C IN cal day−1), and hence to estimate C OPT. The models were also used to predict the relationship between K G and C IN. In both comparisons, there was good agreement between observed values from the experiments and expected mean values predicted from the models. For trout feeding on invertebrates, C OPT lay closer to the maximum, rather than the maintenance, energy intake. When the diet changed from invertebrates to fish, there was a marked increase in C IN, C G and K G.
3. For trout feeding on invertebrates, K G exceeded 30% within 7–11 °C, with a maximum K G of 31.8% at 8.9 °C. For piscivorous trout, K G exceeded 30% within 4–16 °C and 40% within 6.5–12 °C, with a maximum K G of 41.8% at 9.3 °C. These differences were discussed in relation to the results of previous workers, and the models used in the present study provided a method of exploring the limitations of the ' K -line' hypothesis for the relationship between K G and C IN.  相似文献   

1. Generalized additive models (GAMs) were used to predict macroinvertebrate taxonomic richness and individual taxon diversity at the reach level across seven European glacier-fed river sites from a set of 11 environmental variables. Maximum water temperature and channel stability were found to explain the most deviance in these models.
2. Using this information, and data from other recent studies of glacier-fed rivers, a modified conceptual model based on Milner & Petts (1994) is presented which predicts the occurrence of macroinvertebrate families and subfamilies as determined by maximum water temperature ( T max) and channel stability. This deterministic model only applies to the summer meltwater period when abiotic variables drive community structure.
3. Where maximum water temperature is below 2 °C, Diamesinae chironomids are typically the sole inhabitants, but where T max >2 °C but <4 °C Orthocladiinae are found and, where channels are more stable, Tipulidae and Oligochaeta also occur. Above 4 °C Perlodidae, Taeniopterygidae, Baetidae, Simuliidae and Empididae can be expected to be part of the glacier-fed river community, particularly in Europe.
4. At other times of the year when environmental conditions ameloriate, glacial rivers support higher macroinvertebrate abundance and diversity, with a number of taxa present that are not found during the summer melt period.
5. Dispersal constraints influence macroinvertebrate assemblages of many glacier-fed rivers located on islands and in some alpine areas.  相似文献   

The seeds of Fraxinus excelsior L. are dormant after harvest, since they need a period of chilling for germination. Moist treatment at 20°C for 2–3 months followed by stratification at 4°C for 7 months breaks dormancy. We observed that germination occurred during stratification and was spread over a period of 3 months. Germination at low temperature was temporarily inhibited by a moderate reduction of the seed water content initiated after the third month of stratification. This allowed the afterripening process to continue.
The following procedure was developed to suppress dormancy and to induce uniform germination:
  • 1. 

    Imbibition of the seeds and moist treatment at 20°C for 2–3 months;

  • 2. 

    stratification for 3 months;

  • 3. 

    treatment at low temperature and low water potential for at least 4 months, this treatment should not exceed 6 months;

  • 4. 

    complete rehydration of the seeds at 16°C.


Portulaca oleracea , a C4 species, is reported to be a serious weed in 45 crops in 81 countries. Experiments were conducted in the laboratory, the screenhouse and the field to determine the influence of environmental factors on seed germination and seedling emergence of P. oleracea . In the laboratory, germination in the dark was low and was not influenced by the tested temperatures (35/25°C, 30/20°C and 25/15°C alternating day/night temperatures). In the light/dark regime, however, germination was lower at 25/15°C and 35/25°C than at 30/20°C (70%, 75% and 81% germination, respectively). In conditions of 106 mM sodium chloride or −0.34 MPa osmotic potential, seeds germinated to only 50% of maximum germination of the control. Germination was not influenced by buffered pH solutions ranging from 5 to 9. In the screenhouse, germination was greatest for seeds placed on the soil surface, but emergence declined with increasing seed burial depth in soil; no seedlings emerged from the depth of 2 cm. Seedling emergence and seedling dry matter were markedly reduced by the addition of rice residue to the soil surface at rates equivalent to 4 to 6 t ha−1. In the field, seedling emergence of P. oleracea was greater under zero till (ZT) (17–20%) than under minimum tillage (6–10%), a likely reflection of low seed burial and exposure of seeds to light with a ZT system. This study identifies some of the factors enabling P. oleracea to be a widespread weed in the humid tropics, and the information could contribute to improved control strategies.  相似文献   

1. In unshaded, nutrient-rich streams, prolific growth of stream macrophytes often results in flows that over-top the banks and in high primary production and respiration that may result in extreme diel variations in dissolved oxygen. Consequently, water protection authorities commonly remove macrophytes periodically.
2. We investigated the effect of plant removal on stream metabolism and oxygen balance in two Swiss streams with a high macrophyte biomass. We monitored the concentration of dissolved oxygen before and after macrophytes were removed by cutting and dredging, and calculated rates of gross primary production and ecosystem respiration by means of diel oxygen curves.
3. The removal of plants, which had reached a dry biomass of 320–420 g m−2 immediately before plant removal, had a different impact on stream metabolism in the two streams. In the first (plants removed in May), neither primary production nor ecosystem respiration were significantly affected. In the second (plants removed in late July), gross primary production and ecosystem respiration were reduced by about 70%. In this latter stream gross primary production increased in the first 2 weeks after plant removal but never recovered to pre-disturbance levels.
4. The removal of plants coincided with only a moderate increase in nocturnal oxygen concentration (+1 mg L−1). This, and the rapid partial recovery of stream metabolism in the second stream, suggests that an increase in the oxygen concentration after plant cutting is transient in unshaded, nutrient-rich streams.  相似文献   

Between July 1974 and April 1977, appreciable numbers of 0 group twaite shad, Alosa fallax , have been collected from the cooling water intake screens of the Nuclear Power Stations at Oldbury-upon-Severn and Berkeley on the Severn Estuary and at Hinkley Point on the Bristol Channel, England. Young of the year first appeared at Oldbury in July at a size of approximately 32 mm standard length, and grew to approximately 61 mm by October. The downstream migration in the late summer and autumn appeared to be closely correlated with water temperature since movement reached a peak soon after the temperature in the Estuary had declined below 19° C, and ceased altogether below 9° C. Thereafter, there was virtually no movement of shad until temperatures rose sharply above 7° C in the spring. Maturing adult twaite shad were captured in late April and May as they moved into freshwater to spawn, probably in mid-June. Males were recorded slightly earlier during the migration and were generally younger than females. Furthermore, mean lengths and weights for individuals belonging to the different age classes indicated that males were also smaller. Logarithmic relationships between length and weight of young and adult A. fallax and for the variation with size in the number of rakers on the first gill arch are presented.  相似文献   

1. Seedling emergence patterns of triazine-susceptible and triazine-resistant Solanum nigrum in the field were studied in Wageningen, the Netherlands. Emergence patterns were similar in the first year, but in the second year resistant seedlings emerged faster and the number of resistant seedlings was higher. To explain emergence patterns, a germination experiment was carried out.
2. Seeds from two populations with triazine-susceptible and -resistant biotypes were buried in late autumn and exhumed monthly during spring. Germination was assessed in incubators at different constant temperatures.
3. The lowest temperatures for germination of seeds from the Achterberg population ranged from 20°C on 1 February to 10°C on 1 May for the susceptible biotype, and from 15°C on 1 February to 10°C on 1 May for the resistant biotype. The lowest temperatures for germination of seeds from the Zelhem population ranged from 25°C on 1 February to 10°C on 1 May for the susceptible biotype, and from 15°C on 1 February to 10°C on 1 May for the resistant biotype. The minimum germination temperature of seeds from the resistant biotype appeared to be lower than that of the susceptible biotype.
4. Emergence patterns in the field could be explained by soil temperature and different minimum germination temperature requirements of seeds from the triazine-susceptible and -resistant biotype. This knowledge can be used to manage triazine-resistant biotypes of S. nigrum by the timing of soil cultivation.  相似文献   

Abstract. Pre-settlement events play an important role in determining larval success in marine invertebrates with bentho-pelagic life histories, yet the consequences of these events typically are not well understood. The purpose of this study was to examine the pre-settlement impacts of different seawater temperatures on the size and population density of dinoflagellate symbionts in brooded larvae of the Caribbean coral Porites astreoides. Larvae were collected from P. astreoides at 14–20 m depth on Conch Reef (Florida) in June 2002, and incubated for 24 h at 15 temperatures spanning the range 25.1°–30.0°C in mean increments of 0.4±0.1°C (±SD). The most striking feature of the larval responses was the magnitude of change in both parameters across this 5°C temperature range within 24 h. In general, larvae were largest and had the highest population densities of Symbiodinium sp. between 26.4°–27.7°C, and were smallest and had the lowest population densities at 25.8°C and 28.8°C. Larval size and symbiont population density were elevated slightly (relative to the minimal values) at the temperature extremes of 25.1°C and 30°C. These data demonstrate that coral larvae are highly sensitive to seawater temperature during their pelagic phase, and respond through changes in size and the population densities of Symbiodinium sp. to ecologically relevant temperature signals within 24 h. The extent to which these changes are biologically meaningful will depend on the duration and frequency of exposure of coral larvae to spatio-temporal variability in seawater temperature, and whether the responses have cascading effects on larval success and their entry to the post-settlement and recruitment phase.  相似文献   

Duchemin  M. B.  Audet  C.  & Lambert  Y. 《Journal of fish biology》2004,65(S1):328-328
The winter flounder is an in‐shore flatfish living in shallow waters on the east coast of North America from Labrador to Georgia. In the St Lawrence estuary, the reproductive season is May and June. Our objective was to test the effects of winter‐spring photoperiod and temperature conditions on the timing of sexual maturation in both males and females. Groups (16 animals each) of winter flounder breeders were maintained from mid‐January to mid‐May under five different experimental conditions: (1) natural photoperiod and temperature conditions; (2) natural photoperiod, 6° C; (3) 15L : 9D, natural temperature conditions; (4) 15L : 9D, 6° C; (5) accelerated photoperiod increase from winter to spring conditions, 6° C. Natural photoperiod and temperature conditions correspond to a gradual increase in light period from 8L : 16D (January) to 15L : 9D (May) and in temperature from −1° C (January to April) to 6° C (May). GSI and condition factor did not differ among the treatments ( P  > 0·05). In males, milt production occurred simultaneously in the different treatments and histological examination did not indicate any significant effect of either photoperiod or temperature on testes development. In females, seven stages of oocyte development were observed. Both the number of oocytes at the cortical alveoli stage and number of atretic oocytes increased at 6° C (warm temperature conditions). Overall, neither photoperiod nor temperature modified the reproductive period. Warm winter‐spring temperature conditions, however, may decrease egg numbers and egg quality.  相似文献   

This paper shows that, within Central Europe, parasitism of the European corn borer (ECB) by the tachinid parasitoid, Lydella thompsoni (LT) increased from 0.47 to 1.49% in south-western Poland (51°03'N), to 4.31–21.95% in eastern Slovakia (48°20'N). The synchrony between the parasitoid LT and its primary host, the ECB, was studied in Central Europe under conditions where the host is univoltine, but the parasitoid is bivoltine. A cumulated total of more than 400 LT was field-collected from overwintering ECB larvae. The parasitoid hibernated as larva inside the host. Pupation started in the second half of the following March and 50% of pupation was surpassed in the first half of April. The first parasitoid adults emerged at the end of April and the majority at the beginning of May. Development threshold temperatures for 50% pupation was determined to be 2.7°C, and for 50% adult emergence 5.0°C; the respective thermal constants were 178.8–179.8 and 237.7–251.8 Celsius degree-days. Emerged adults did not parasitize overwintered ECB larvae in spring, hence there must be an alternate host for the first generation of LT in areas of univoltine life cycle of the ECB. Parasitization of the ECB larvae by LT continued until the end of July. The first parasitoid adults from this second generation emerged in the second half of August. By the end of the season, nearly one-third of LT adults had emerged. The rest of this generation apparently overwintered in the larval stage.  相似文献   

Seeds or fruits of 10 weed species were collected in each of 3 years and mixed with the top 7·5 cm of sterilised soil which was confined in cylinders sunk in the ground outdoors and cultivated three times yearly. The numbers of seedlings emerging were recorded for 5 yr and the numbers of viable seeds remaining then determined. Few, if any, seedlings of Atriplex, Chenopodium or Polygonum spp. emerged in the autumn of sowing; the main emergence was consistently in March–May (A. hastata, A. patula), April–May (P. lapathifolium, P. persicaria), April–June (C. polyspermum), May–June (C. rubrum) or June–August (C. hybridum). When sown before November, some seedlings of Rumex crispus, R. obtusifolius and R. sanguineus appeared immediately. Most emerged in April in subsequent years. Seedling emergence was usually greatest in the first year; thereafter, with all species, seedling numbers decreased approximately exponentially from year to year. The mean numbers of seeds found to be viable after 5 yr ranged from 2·5% (R. sanguineus) to 16·6% (C. rubrum) of those sown.  相似文献   

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