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Summary In crosses between T. tauschii (D t) accesions, their polymorphic gliadin forms were inherited as blocks of gliadin components -Gli-D t1, Gli-D t2 — as single Mendelian characters. From the progeny of four tri-parental crosses (test-crosses), HMW glutenin subunits derived from T. tauschii (Glu-D t1) segregated as alleles of the Glu-D1 locus in bread wheat. In three of the tri-parental crosses, a small proportion (2.5%) of the progeny with atypical segregation patterns, were identified through somatic chromosome counts, to be aneuploids (1.9% hypoploids and 0.6% hyperploids). Chromosomal mapping studies revealed that the synteny of genes for HMW glutenin subunits and gliadins in T. tauschii are conserved in the D genome homologue (chromosome 1D) of T. aestivum. The map distance between the Glu-D1/-D t1 and Gli-D1/-D t1 loci was calculated to be 63.5 cM, while a linkage to the centromere of 7.7–9.7 cM was estimated for the Glu-D1/-D t1 locus.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology - The chloroplast genome phylogeny of Aegilops tauschii was studied. The sequences of four regions of non-coding chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), about...  相似文献   

Summary Isoelectric focusing of seed esterase (Est-5) isozymes in 79 T. tauschii accessions from diverse sources revealed the presence of six different seed esterase phenotypes. In one of these phenotypes, exclusive to a var. meyeri accession (AUS 18989), no detectable enzymatic activity was observed. Segregation in crosses between T. tauschii (Dt) accessions confirmed three of the seed esterase phenotypes to be alleles of the designated Est-D t5 gene locus; the inheritance pattern of these isozymes was not affected by the subspecies differences between the parents. On the bases of variation in Est-5 and their Glu-1 and Gli-1 gene loci (in a previous study in this series), only three strangulata accessions showed consistent homology with their prevalent gene expression in the D genome of hexaploid wheat. The implications of these observations for further interpreting the phyletic nature of the D genome donor in natural hexaploid wheat synthesis are also reported.  相似文献   

Overall, 253 genomic wheat (Triticum aestivum) microsatellite markers were studied for their transferability to the diploid species Aegilops speltoides, Aegilops longissima, and Aegilops searsii, representing the S genome. In total, 88% of all the analyzed primer pairs of markers derived from the B genome of hexaploid wheat amplified DNA fragments in the genomes of the studied species. The transferability of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers of the T. aestivum A and D genomes totaled 74%. Triticum aestivum-Ae. speltoides, T. aestivum-Ae. longissima, and T. aestivum-Ae. searsii chromosome addition lines allowed us to determine the chromosomal localizations of 103 microsatellite markers in the Aegilops genomes. The majority of them were localized to homoeologous chromosomes in the genome of Aegilops. Several instances of nonhomoeologous localization of T. aestivum SSR markers in the Aegilops genome were considered to be either amplification of other loci or putative translocations. The results of microsatellite analysis were used to study phylogenetic relationships among the 3 species of the Sitopsis section (Ae. speltoides, Ae. longissima, and Ae. searsii) and T. aestivum. The dendrogram obtained generally reflects the current views on phylogenetic relationships among these species.  相似文献   

 Polymorphism in the lengths of restriction fragments at 53 single-copy loci, the rRNA locus Nor3, and the high-molecular-weight glutenin locus Glu1 was investigated in the D genome of hexaploid Triticum aestivum and that of Aegilops tauschii, the source of the T. aestivum D genome. The distribution of genetic variation in Ae. tauschii suggests gene flow between Ae. tauschii ssp. strangulata and ssp. tauschii in Iran but less in Transcaucasia. The “strangulata” genepool is wider than it appears on the basis of morphology and includes ssp. strangulata in Transcaucasia and southeastern (SE) Caspian Iran and ssp. tauschii in north-central Iran and southwestern (SW) Caspian Iran. In the latter region, Ae. tauschii morphological varieties ‘meyeri’ and ‘typica’ are equidistant to ssp. strangulata in Transcaucasia, and both belong to the “strangulata” genepool. A model of the evolution of Ae. tauschii is presented. On the geographic region basis, the D genomes of all investigated forms of T. aestivum are most closely related to the “strangulata” genepool in Transcaucasia, Armenia in particular, and SW Caspian Iran. It is suggested that the principal area of the origin of T. aestivum is Armenia, but the SW coastal area of the Caspian Sea and a corridor between the two areas may have played a role as well. Little genetic differentiation was found among the D genomes of all investigated free-threshing and hulled forms of T. aestivum, and all appear to share a single D-genome genepool, in spite of the fact that several Ae. tauschii parents were involved in the evolution of T. aestivum. Received: 17 November 1997 / Accepted: 17 March 1998  相似文献   

Aegilops tauschii Coss. is the D‐genome progenitor of hexaploid wheat. Aegilops tauschii, a wild diploid species, has a wide natural species range in central Eurasia, spreading from Turkey to western China. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis using a total of 122 accessions of Ae. tauschii was conducted to clarify the population structure of this widespread wild wheat species. Phylogenetic and principal component analyses revealed two major lineages in Ae. tauschii. Bayesian population structure analyses based on the AFLP data showed that lineages one (L1) and two (L2) were respectively significantly divided into six and three sublineages. Only four out of the six L1 sublineages were diverged from those of western habitats in the Transcaucasia and northern Iran region to eastern habitats such as Pakistan and Afghanistan. Other sublineages including L2 were distributed to a limited extent in the western region. Subspecies strangulata seemed to be differentiated in one sublineage of L2. Among three major haplogroups (HG7, HG9 and HG16) previously identified in the Ae. tauschii population based on chloroplast variation, HG7 accessions were widely distributed to both L1 and L2, HG9 accessions were restricted to L2, and HG16 accessions belonged to L1, suggesting that HG9 and HG16 were formed from HG7 after divergence of the first two lineages of the nuclear genome. These results on the population structure of Ae. tauschii and the genealogical relationship among Ae. tauschii accessions should provide important agricultural and evolutionary knowledge on genetic resources and conservation of natural genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Aegilops tauschii is the diploid progenitor of the wheat D subgenome and a valuable resource for wheat breeding, yet, genetic analysis of resistance against Fusarium head blight (FHB) and the major Fusarium mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) is lacking. We treated a panel of 147 Ae. tauschii accessions with either Fusarium graminearum spores or DON solution and recorded the associated disease spread or toxin-induced bleaching. A k-mer-based association mapping pipeline dissected the genetic basis of resistance and identified candidate genes. After DON infiltration nine accessions revealed severe bleaching symptoms concomitant with lower conversion rates of DON into the non-toxic DON-3-O-glucoside. We identified the gene AET5Gv20385300 on chromosome 5D encoding a uridine diphosphate (UDP)-glucosyltransferase (UGT) as the causal variant and the mutant allele resulting in a truncated protein was only found in the nine susceptible accessions. This UGT is also polymorphic in hexaploid wheat and when expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae only the full-length gene conferred resistance against DON. Analysing the D subgenome helped to elucidate the genetic control of FHB resistance and identified a UGT involved in DON detoxification in Ae. tauschii and hexaploid wheat. This resistance mechanism is highly conserved since the UGT is orthologous to the barley UGT HvUGT13248 indicating descent from a common ancestor of wheat and barley.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric sorting of individual chromosomes and chromosome‐based sequencing reduces the complexity of large, repetitive Triticeae genomes. We flow‐sorted chromosome 5D of Aegilops tauschii, the D genome donor of bread wheat and sequenced it by Roche 454 GS FLX platform to approximately 2.2x coverage. Repetitive sequences represent 81.09% of the survey sequences of this chromosome, and Class I retroelements are the prominent type, with a particular abundance of LTR/Gypsy superfamily. Nonrepetitive sequences were assembled to cover 17.76% of the total chromosome regions. Up to 6188 nonrepetitive gene loci were predicted to be encoded by the 5D chromosome. The numbers and chromosomal distribution patterns of tRNA genes suggest abundance in tRNALys and tRNAMet species, while the nonrepetitive assembly reveals tRNAAla species as the most abundant type. A comparative analysis of the genomic sequences of bread wheat and Aegilops chromosome 5D indicates conservation of gene content. Orthologous unique genes, matching Aegilops 5D sequences, numbered 3730 in barley, 5063 in Brachypodium, 4872 in sorghum and 4209 in rice. In this study, we provide a chromosome‐specific view into the structure and organization of the 5D chromosome of Ae. tauschii, the D genome ancestor of bread wheat. This study contributes to our understanding of the chromosome‐level evolution of the wheat genome and presents a valuable resource in wheat genomics due to the recent hybridization of Ae. tauschii genome with its tetraploid ancestor.  相似文献   

Triticum urartu, Aegilops speltoides and Ae. tauschii are respectively the immediate diploid sources, or their closest relatives, of the A, B and D genomes of polyploid wheats. Here we report the construction and characterization of arrayed large-insert libraries in a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) vector, one for each of these diploid species. The libraries are equivalent to 3.7, 5.4 and 4.1 of the T. urartu, Ae. speltoides, Ae. tauschii genomes, respectively. The predicted levels of genome coverage were confirmed by library hybridization with single-copy genes. The libraries were used to estimate the proportion of known repeated nucleotide sequences and gene content in each genome by BAC-end sequencing. Repeated sequence families previously detected in Triticeae accounted for 57, 61 and 57% of the T. urartu, Ae. speltoides and Ae. tauschii genomes, and coding regions accounted for 5.8, 4.5 and 4.8%, respectively.  相似文献   

Microsatellites were isolated from a Aegilops tauschii (the D-genome donor of bread wheat) library enriched for various motifs. Primers generated from the flanking region of the microsatellites were used successfully to amplify the corresponding loci in the D genome of bread wheat. Additional amplification sometimes also occurred from the A and B genomes. The majority of the microsatellites contained (GA)(n) and (GT)(n) motifs. GA and GT repeats appeared to be both more abundant in this library and more polymorphic than other types of repeats. The allele number for both types of dinucleotide repeats fitted a Poisson distribution. Deviance analysis showed that GA and GT were more polymorphic than other motifs in bread wheat. Within each motif type (di-, tri- and tetra-nucleotide repeats), repeat number has no influence on polymorphism. The microsatellites were mapped using the Triticum aestivum Courtot x Chinese Spring mapping population. A total of 100 markers was developed on this intraspecific map, mainly on the D genome. For polyploid species, isolation of microsatellites from an ancestral diploid donor seems to be an efficient way of developing markers for the corresponding genome in the polyploid plant.  相似文献   

Aegilops tauschii is the diploid D-genome progenitor of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell, 2n=6x=42, AABBDD). A genetic linkage map of the Ae. tauschii genome was constructed, composed of 546 loci. One hundred and thirty two loci (24%) gave distorted segregation ratios. Sixty nine probes (13%) detected multiple copies in the genome. One hundred and twenty three of the 157 markers shared between the Ae. tauschii genetic and T. aestivum physical maps were colinear. The discrepancy in the order of five markers on the Ae. tauschii 3DS genetic map versus the T. aestivum 3D physical map indicated a possible inversion. Further work is needed to verify the discrepancies in the order of markers on the 4D, 5D and 7D Ae. tauschii genetic maps versus the physical and genetic maps of T. aestivum. Using common markers, 164 agronomically important genes were assigned to specific regions on Ae. tauschii linkage, and T. aestivum physical, maps. This information may be useful for map-based cloning and marker-assisted plant breeding. Received: 23 March 1998 / Accepted: 27 October 1998  相似文献   

Homoeologous metaphase I (MI) pairing of Triticum aestivum × Aegilops geniculata hybrids (2n = 5× = 35, ABDUgMg) has been examined by an in situ hybridization procedure permitting simultaneous discrimination of A, B, D and wild genomes. The seven D genome chromosomes (and their arms, except for 6D and 7D) plus some additional wheat chromosomes were also identified. Wheat-wild MI associations represented more than 60% of total, with an average ratio of 5:1:12 for those involving the A, B and D genomes, respectively. A remarkable between-chromosome variation for the level of wheat-wild genetic exchange is expected within each wheat genome. However, it can be concluded that 3DL and 5DL are the crop genome locations with the highest probability of being transferred to Ae. geniculata. Hybrids derived from the ph2b wheat mutant line showed increased MI pairing but identical pattern of homoeologous associations than those with active Ph2.  相似文献   

 Homoeologous pairing at metaphase I was analysed in the standard-type, ph2b and ph1b hybrids of Triticum aestivum (AABBDD) and Aegilops speltoides (SS). Data from relative pairing affinities were used to predict homoeologous relationships of Ae. speltoides chromosomes to wheat. Chromosomes of both species, and their arms, were identified by C-banding. The Ae. speltoides genotype carried genes that induced a high level of homoeologous pairing in the three types of hybrids analyzed. All arms of the seven chromosomes of the S genome showed normal homoeologous pairing, which implies that no apparent chromosome rearrangements occurred in the evolution of Ae. speltoides relative to wheat. A pattern of preferential pairing of two types, A-D and B-S, confirmed that the S genome is very closely related to the B genome of wheat. Although this pairing pattern was also reported in hybrids of wheat with Ae. longissima and Ae. sharonensis, a different behaviour was found in group 5 chromosomes. In the hybrids of Ae. speltoides, chromosome 5B-5S pairing was much more frequent than 5D-5S, while these chromosome associations reached similar frequencies in the hybrids of Ae. longissima and Ae. sharonensis. These results are in agreement with the hypothesis that the B genome of wheat is derived from Ae. speltoides. Received: 8 January 1998 / Accepted: 4 February 1998  相似文献   

Synthetic hexaploid wheats (2n=6x=42, AABBDD) involving genomes from Triticum turgidum (2n= 4x=28, AABB) and Aegilops tauschii (2n=2x=14, DD) have been produced as a means for introducing desirable characteristics into bread wheat. In the present work we describe the genetic variability present at the Glu-D t 1 and Glu-D t 3 loci, encoding high- (HMW) and low-molecular-weight (LMW) glutenin subunits respectively, derived from Ae. tauschii, using electrophoretic and chromatographic methods, in a collection of synthetic hexaploid wheats. A wide variation both in mobility and surface hydrophobicity of HMW glutenin subunits was observed between different accessions of Ae. tauschii used in the production of the synthetic hexaploids. A combination of electrophoretic and chromatographic methods improves the identification of HMW glutenin subunits; in fact subunits with identical apparent mobility were revealed to have a different surface hydrophobicity by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. None of the Dx5t subunits present in Ae. tauschii showed the presence of the extra cysteine residue found in the HMW glutenin subunit Dx5 of Triticum aestivum, as revealed by selective amplification with polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The wide variability and the high number of subunits encoded by the Glu-D t 3 locus suggests that Ae. tauschii may be a rich source for enhancing the genetic variability of glutenin subunits in bread wheat and improving bread-making properties. Received: 3 March 2001 / Accepted: 23 March 2001  相似文献   

Aegilops tauschii, the diploid progenitor of the wheat D genome, is a readily accessible germplasm pool for wheat breeding as genes can be transferred to elite wheat cultivars through direct hybridization followed by backcrossing. Gene transfer and genetic mapping can be integrated by developing mapping populations during backcrossing. Using direct crossing, two genes for resistance to the African stem rust fungus race TTKSK (Ug99), were transferred from the Ae. tauschii accessions TA10187 and TA10171 to an elite hard winter wheat line, KS05HW14. BC2 mapping populations were created concurrently with developing advanced backcross lines carrying rust resistance. Bulked segregant analysis on the BC2 populations identified marker loci on 6DS and 7DS linked to stem rust resistance genes transferred from TA10187 and TA10171, respectively. Linkage maps were developed for both genes and closely linked markers reported in this study will be useful for selection and pyramiding with other Ug99-effective stem rust resistance genes. The Ae. tauschii-derived resistance genes were temporarily designated SrTA10187 and SrTA10171 and will serve as valuable resources for stem rust resistance breeding.  相似文献   

Molecular mapping of genes for crop resistance to the greenbug, Schizaphis graminum Rondani, will facilitate selection of greenbug resistance in breeding through marker-assisted selection and provide information for map-based gene cloning. In the present study, microsatellite marker and deletion line analyses were used to map greenbug resistance genes in five newly identified wheat germplasms derived from Aegilops tauschii. Our results indicate that the Gb genes in these germplasms are inherited as single dominant traits. Microsatellite markers Xwmc157 and Xgdm150 flank Gbx1 at 2.7 and 3.3 cM, respectively. Xwmc671 is proximately linked to Gba, Gbb, Gbc and Gbd at 34.3, 5.4, 13.7, 7.9 cM, respectively. Xbarc53 is linked distally to Gba and Gbb at 20.7 and 20.2 cM, respectively. Xgdm150 is distal to Gbc at 17.9 cM, and Xwmc157 is distal to Gbd at 1.9 cM. Gbx1, Gba, Gbb, Gbc, Gbd and the previously characterized Gbz are located in the distal 18% region of wheat chromosome 7DL. Gbd appears to be a new greenbug resistance gene different from Gbx1 or Gbz. Gbx1, Gbz Gba, Gbb, Gbc and Gbd are either allelic or linked to Gb3.  相似文献   

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