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We isolated a rice cDNA clone (T151) which encodes an open reading frame of 262 amino acids. This clone is similar to the S-phase-specific cyc07 gene of Catharanthus roseus. Expression of this gene is much higher in callus than in seedlings and regulated by external stresses such as high osmotic pressure, salinity, low temperature and submergence.  相似文献   

Salt-responsive genes in rice revealed by cDNA microarray analysis   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Chao DY  Luo YH  Shi M  Luo D  Lin HX 《Cell research》2005,15(10):796-810

cDNA芯片阳性对照的制备及在芯片敏感性分析中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
cDNA芯片是一种高通量基因表达谱分析技术,在生理病理条件下细胞基因表达谱分析,新基因发现和功能研究等方面具有广阔应用前景。CDNA芯片阳性对照的选取以及CDNA芯片检测敏感性是芯片成功应用的关键问题之一。以在系统发育上与人类基因同源性小的荧火虫荧光素酶基因材料,制备了用于人类和其他动物基因表达谱CDNA芯片的通用型阳性对照探针和相应的mRNA参照物,经反转录对mRNA参照物进行Cy3荧光标记并与DNA芯片杂交后发现,mRNA参照物能特异性地与荧光酶基因cDNA片断杂交,而与人β-肌动蛋白基因,人G3PDH基因以及λDNA/HINDⅢ无杂交反应。把mRNA参照物以不同比例加入HepG2总RNA中,以反转录荧光标记后与CDNA芯片杂交,结果发现当总RNA中的MRNA含量为1/10^4稀释(即mRNA分子个数约为10^8个)时,CDNA芯片基本检测不出mRNA标记产物的杂交信号。而且,cDNA芯片检测的信号强度与芯片上固定的探针浓度密切相关,当探针浓度为2g/L时,杂交信号最强,随着探针浓度下降芯片的杂交信号趋于减弱。CDNA芯片通用型阳性参照物的制备以及应用于CDNA芯片检测敏感性研究为CDNA芯片应用于人和其他动物基因表达谱高通量分析和新基因功能研究提供了技术基础和理论依据。  相似文献   

AIMS: The purpose of this study was to examine the gene expression profiles of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae subjected to straight-chain alcohols. METHODS AND RESULTS: Lipophilic alcohols with high log Pow values were more toxic to yeast than those with low log Pow values. Morphological changes after exposure to ethanol, 1-pentanol, 1-octanol were observed, whereas n-pentane as a model hydrocarbon affected the surface of the outer membrane, with little change in organelles. Using cDNA microarrays, quite a few up-regulated gene categories were classified into the category 'cell rescue, defence and virulence' by ethanol, and the category 'energy' and 'metabolism' by 1-pentanol. Meanwhile, the characteristic genes up-regulated by n-pentane were not observed, and the expression profile was distantly related to ethanol, 1-pentanol and 1-octanol. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that gene expression profiles at the whole genome level were intimately associated with the cell growth inhibition and morphological changes by straight-chain alcohols with differing log Pow values. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The study of comprehensive gene expression profiles by cDNA microarrays elucidates the straight-chain alcohol adaptation mechanisms.  相似文献   

应用cDNA微阵列技术筛选大鼠脊髓损伤修复相关基因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Xiao L  Ma ZL  Li X  Lin QX  Que HP  Liu SJ 《生理学报》2005,57(6):705-713
脊髓损伤是一类常见的、高致残率的中枢神经系统疾病,由于多种复杂因素影响其损伤后的修复过程,损伤脊髓的再生能力非常有限。本研究采用cDNA微阵列技术筛选大鼠脊髓损伤后出现的差异表达基因。实验组动物在T8-T9进行脊髓全横断手术,对照组动物只打开椎板;4.5d后取脊髓进行RNA提取并在反转录过程中进行Cy3/Cy5标记,然后与预制的、带有4041条特异性探针的芯片进行杂交。Cy5/Cy3信号比值≥2.0视为脊髓损伤后出现差异表达的基因。通过筛选,我们得到了65个上调表达基因(21个已知基因,30个已知EST和14个未知基因)和79个下调基因(20个已知基因,42个已知EST和17个未知基因)。进一步通过半定量RT-PCR对其中的5个上调已知基因(Timpl,Tagln,Vim,Fc gamma receptor,Ctss)和三个下调已知基因(stearyl-CoA desaturase,F2,Ensa)的表达情况进行了验证,结果显示与芯片结果一致。这些基因可能在脊髓损伤后的修复过程中起一定的作用,对其深入研究将有助于揭示脊髓损伤修复的分子机制。  相似文献   

In this study, microarray technique was employed to analyze the gene expression at the RNA level between haploids and corresponding diploids derived from a rice twin-seedling line SARII-628. Differ- ent degrees of expression variations were observed in the plant after haploidization. The main results are as follows: (1) after haploidization, the ratio of the sensitive loci was 2.47% of the total loci designed on chip. Those loci were randomly distributed on the 12 pairs of rice chromosomes and the activated loci were more than the silenced ones. (2) Gene clusters on chromosome were observed for 33 se- quences. (3) GoPipe function classification for 575 sensitive loci revealed an involvement in the bio- logical process, cell component and molecular function. (4) RT-PCR generally validated the result from microarray with a coincidence rate of 83.78%. And for the randomly-selected activated or silenced loci in chip analysis, the coincidence rate was up to 91.86%.  相似文献   

We have performed a comprehensive analysis of the expression profiles in 25 adult and 4 fetal human tissues by means of a cDNA microarray consisting of 23,040 human genes. This study revealed a number of genes that were expressed specifically in each of those tissues. Among the 29 tissues examined, 4,080 genes were highly expressed (at least a five-fold expression ratio) in one or only a few tissues and 1,163 of those were expressed exclusively (more than a ten-fold higher expression ratio) in a particular tissue. Expression of some of the genes in the latter category was confirmed by northern analysis. A hierarchical clustering analysis of gene-expression profiles in nerve tissues (adult brain, fetal brain, and spinal cord), lymphoid tissues (bone marrow, thymus, spleen, and lymph node), muscle tissues (heart and skeletal muscle), or adipose tissues (mesenteric adipose and mammary gland) identified a set of genes that were commonly expressed among related tissues. These data should provide useful information for medical research, especially for efforts to identify tissue-specific molecules as potential targets of novel drugs to treat human diseases.  相似文献   

To identify salt stress-responsive genes, we constructed a cDNA library with the salt-tolerant rice cultivar, Lansheng. About 15000 plasmids were extracted and dotted on filters with Biomeck 2000 HDRT system or by hand. Thirty genes were identified to display altered expression levels responding to 150 mmol/L NaCl. Among them eighteen genes were up-regulated and the remainders down-regulated. Twenty-seven genes have their homologous genes in Gen-Bank Databases. The expression of twelve genes was studied by Northern analysis. Based on the functions, these genes can be classified into five categories, including photosynthesis-related gene, transport-related gene, metabolism-related gene, stress- or resistance-related gene and the others with various functions. The results showed that salt stress influenced many aspects of rice growth. Some of these genes may play important roles in plant salt tolerance.  相似文献   

To identify salt stress-responsive genes, we constructed a cDNA library with the salttolerant rice cultivar, Lansheng. About 15000 plasmids were extracted and dotted on filters with Biomeck 2000 HDRT system or by hand. Thirty genes were identified to display altered expression levels responding to 150 mmol/L NaCl. Among them eighteen genes were up-regulated and the remainders downregulated. Twenty-seven genes have their homologous genes in GenBank Databases. The expression of twelve genes was studied by Northern analysis. Based on the functions, these genes can be classified into five categories, including photosynthesis-related gene, transportrelated gene, metabolismrelated gene, stress-or resistancerelated gene and the others with various functions. The results showed that salt stress influenced many aspects of rice growth. Some of these genes may play important roles in plant salt tolerance.  相似文献   

为解析骨髓间充质干细胞(MSCs)自发恶性转化的遗传学基础, 探讨其临床可用性和安全性。采用密度梯度离心法和贴壁筛选法分离大鼠MSCs, 流式细胞仪分析细胞同源性, 体外培养6个月后获得自发恶性转化的MSCs。应用基因芯片分析自发恶性转化的MSCs中差异表达的基因,进一步采用实时定量RT-PCR验证芯片分析结果。MSCs发生自发恶性转化后, 有44条差异表达基因, 其中21条基因表达上调, 23条基因表达下调。经实时定量RT-PCR检测差异表达基因结果与芯片分析结果一致。Wnt、SHH、Notch、TGFb/BMPs等信号转导通路上的若干基因在MSCs自发恶性转化中起到重要作用。  相似文献   

基于cDNA芯片的梨品种S基因型鉴定及新S-RNase基因进化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梨品种S基因型鉴定对梨栽培中授粉品种选择和遗传育种都具有重要意义。本研究利用梨S-RNase基因荧光标记的特异引物PCR扩增获得梨品种荧光标记的cDNA特异产物;进一步完善梨S-RNase基因cDNA芯片,以被检测梨品种cDNA特异序列与梨S-RNase基因cDNA芯片杂交检测不同梨品种S基因型,并发现新的S-RNase基因。结果表明:利用梨S-RNase基因cDNA芯片鉴定了泸定王皮梨、兴山24号、弥渡百合等35个未知S基因型梨品种,确定了各品种的S基因型。结合PCRRFLP及DNA克隆和测序等技术,发现了7个新的S-RNase基因资源,获得了新S-RNase基因序列。序列分析表明各新S-RNase基因均具有S-RNase基因特异区域序列的典型特征;进化分析显示7个新S-RNase基因主要属于蔷薇科苹果亚科S-RNase类群,且存在种间和属间比种内和属内进化关系更近的现象。7个新的S基因分别命名为:PpS_(53)(Pyrus pyrifolia S53)、PpS_(54)、PpS_(55)、PpS_(56)、PpS_(57)、PpS_(58)和PpS_(59),GenBank登录号分别为:KX581753、KX581754、KX581755、KX581756、KX581757、KX581751和KX581752。  相似文献   

Two rice cDNA clones (COS6 and COS9) were isolated, corresponding to genes that were highly expressed in roots from seedlings and mature plants. A genomic clone (GOS9) corresponding to cDNA clone COS9 was isolated and the intron/exon structure was determined by comparing the nucleotide sequences of the mRNA and the genomic clone. 5 ends and 3 ends of the mRNA were determined by primer extension and S1-nuclease mapping respectively. The open reading frame present in GOS9 potentially encodes a protein (14kDa) that does not show any significant homology to other proteins in databases.  相似文献   

We have constructed cDNA microarrays for soybean (Glycine maxL. Merrill), containing approximately 4,100 Unigene ESTs derived from axenic roots, to evaluate their application and utility for functional genomics of organ differentiation in legumes. We assessed microarray technology by conducting studies to evaluate the accuracy of microarray data and have found them to be both reliable and reproducible in repeat hybridisations. Several ESTs showed high levels (50 fold) of differential expression in either root or shoot tissue of soybean. A small number of physiologically interesting, and differentially expressed sequences found by microarray analysis were verified by both quantitative real-time RT-PCR and Northern blot analysis. There was a linear correlation (r2 = 0.99, over 5 orders of magnitude) between microarray and quantitative real-time RT-PCR data. Microarray analysis of soybean has enormous potential not only for the discovery of new genes involved in tissue differentiation and function, but also to study the expression of previously characterised genes, gene networks and gene interactions in wild-type, mutant or transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Characterization of a rice gene family encoding root-specific proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two cDNA clones (RCc2 and RCc3) corresponding to mRNAs highly expressed only in root tissues of rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings were characterized. Respectively, they encode polypeptides of 146 (14.5 kDa) and 133 amino acids (13.4 kDa) that share high (<70%) sequence similarity with a polypeptide encoded by a cDNA (ZRP3) encoding an mRNA preferentially expressed in young maize roots. Genomic DNA blot analysis revealed that they are members of a small gene family and RCg2, the gene corresponding to RCc2, was isolated. A 1656 bp 5-upstream sequence of RCg2 was translationally fused to a -glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene and stable introduction of the chimeric construct into rice was confirmed by PCR and genomic DNA blot analyses. Histochemical analysis of transgenic rice plants containing the full-length chimeric gene showed high levels of GUS activity in mature cells and the elongation and maturation zones of primary and secondary roots, and in the root caps, but no GUS activity was detected in root meristematic regions. Surprisingly, high GUS activity was also detected in leaves of the same plants. This raises the possibility that the RCg2 5-upstream element may not be sufficient for the proper spatial control of root specificity in transgenic rice.  相似文献   

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