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Erythrocyte aggregation (examined microscopically in diluted blood), lipid and protein plasma profiles, and fibrinolytic activity were studied in endurance athletes. Division of the athletes into two subgroups by cluster analysis showed that a higher level of fitness was associated with a lower plasminogen activity; enhanced fibrinolysis; increased blood fluidity; lower fibrinogen, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels; a relatively low erythrocyte aggregation index; and high suspension stability of the blood. Fibrinogen was the key plasma factor determining erythrocyte aggregation. Its level was closely correlated with plasminogen activity. Discriminant analysis showed that most differences between groups of athletes were connected with plasminogen activity, the von Willebrand factor, and fibrinolytic activity.  相似文献   

目的:研究右美托咪定(DEX)对离体红细胞变形性的影响,探讨其作用机制。方法:采健康志愿者人血5 m L制成2%红细胞悬液,分成空白对照组(C组),低浓度DEX组(DL组)、中浓度DEX组(DM组)、高浓度DEX组(DH组),单纯育亨宾(Y组)以及育亨宾+DEX组(YD组),每组9例。将各组样本放入37℃恒温震荡培养箱中60 min后取出,测定红细胞变形性指数(EI)、红细胞内一氧化氮(NO)含量以及内皮型一氧化氮合酶(e NOS)含量。结果:与C组比较,DL组、DM组、DH组及YD组中EI、红细胞内NO、e NOS的含量增高(P0.05);Y组含量差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。与YD组比较,DM组EI、红细胞内NO及e NOS含量增高(P0.05)。结论:DEX可以提高离体红细胞的变形能力,其可能机制是通过激活红细胞膜上肾上腺素受体,激活红细胞内e NOS使细胞内NO增多有关。  相似文献   

Blocking Plasmodium falciparum transmission to mosquitoes has been designated a strategic objective in the global agenda of malaria elimination. Transmission is ensured by gametocyte-infected erythrocytes (GIE) that sequester in the bone marrow and at maturation are released into peripheral blood from where they are taken up during a mosquito blood meal. Release into the blood circulation is accompanied by an increase in GIE deformability that allows them to pass through the spleen. Here, we used a microsphere matrix to mimic splenic filtration and investigated the role of cAMP-signalling in regulating GIE deformability. We demonstrated that mature GIE deformability is dependent on reduced cAMP-signalling and on increased phosphodiesterase expression in stage V gametocytes, and that parasite cAMP-dependent kinase activity contributes to the stiffness of immature gametocytes. Importantly, pharmacological agents that raise cAMP levels in transmissible stage V gametocytes render them less deformable and hence less likely to circulate through the spleen. Therefore, phosphodiesterase inhibitors that raise cAMP levels in P. falciparum infected erythrocytes, such as sildenafil, represent new candidate drugs to block transmission of malaria parasites.  相似文献   

Equations of mechanical equilibrium are applied to the erythrocyte membrane in the normal, hypotonically swollen, and sphered configurations. The hydrostatic pressure drop across the normal cell membrane is shown to be zero for all biconcave shapes if the membrane thickness is uniform. This result leads to the conclusion that the membrane tension is uniform and is a function of membrane potential. A two-dimensional fluid film model for the membrane is introduced to describe the unusual deformability of the erythrocyte during sphering in hypotonic solutions. The model predicts a smooth transition from the biconcave shape to a perfect sphere.  相似文献   

The relationship between the rheological blood properties and several indices of age-related erythrocyte structure was established in endurance-training athletes (n = 21). Unlike nonathletic subjects, the athletes had a shift in the age-related structure towards younger erythrocyte forms: reticulocytosis, increased erythrocyte resistance, increased percentage of cells with a diameter exceeding 8 m, and decreased percentage of cells with a diameter of less than 7 m. The established correlations between total reticulocyte concentration, mature and immature reticulocyte concentrations, and percentage of cells with a diameter either exceeding 8 m or less than 7 m, on the one hand, and hemorheological parameters (blood viscosity, erythrocyte suspension viscosity, erythrocyte aggregation, and surface/volume ratio) and physical work capacity, on the other hand, revealed a significant effect of younger erythrocyte forms on hemorheological indices in athletes.  相似文献   

The relationships between some parameters of electrolyte balance and blood rheological characteristics are studied in healthy young subjects and athletes. In the total group of subjects (n = 41), the viscosity of whole blood is positively correlated with the sodium ion concentration and negatively correlated with the inorganic phosphorus concentration. The blood concentration of inorganic phosphorus is increased in the athletes and is positively correlated with deformability of erythrocytes and negatively with their aggregability. The serum concentration of potassium ions is related, via its relationship with MCV, to erythrocyte deformability. In the athletes (n = 27), the erythrocyte deformability is decreased and the blood concentrations of iron and magnesium are increased. It is conceivable that the state of electrolyte balance in healthy young humans is related to their blood rheology.  相似文献   

目的:探讨低强度氦氖激光对临床中风等缺血性疾病患者红细胞变形能力影响情况。方法:临床采集不同缺血性疾病患者新鲜血样,检测各组红细胞变形能力情况。对中风患者血样进一步分组,给予不同剂量的氦氖激光处理,讨论临床低强度氦氖激光量效关系,探讨具有临床疗效的有效剂量情况。结果:各疾病病组红细胞变形能力较正常对照组红细胞变形能力为低;缺血疾病组样品经低强度氦氖激光照射后,其红细胞变形能力较未经激光照射组有显著不同。结论:显示体外人红细胞变形能力因患者疾病情况、红细胞状态、低强度氦氖激光临床治疗输出功率等因素有不同。  相似文献   

目的:通过研究红细胞膜流动性以及红细胞骨架结构的改变,进一步探讨高脂血症大鼠红细胞变形能力改变的机制。方法:16只Wistar大鼠随机分为两组:高血症组和对照组。高脂组给予高脂饮食。16周后,腹主动脉采血,采用酶比色法检测血浆甘油三脂、胆固醇含量;并利用激光衍射法测定红细胞变形指数、取向指数,荧光偏振法测定红细胞膜流动性,激光共聚焦显微镜观测红细胞骨架改变和红细胞F-actin的含量。结果:发现高脂血症大鼠红细胞的变形指数、取向指数以及红细胞膜的流动性显著降低(P<0.05),红细胞形态和骨架发生改变,F-actin含量显著降低(P<0.05)。结论:高脂血症大鼠红细胞变形能力降低与红细胞膜结构改变有一定的关系。  相似文献   

The adsorption of high-molecular-weight plasma proteins on erythrocyte membranes was studied in athletes after prolonged exercise under competition conditions. The adsorption of individual high-molecular-weight protein fractions depended on their concentration. The adsorption index changed biphasically at submaximum exercise. The adsorption of plasma high-molecular-weight protein fractions was associated with the fluidity of concentrated erythrocyte suspensions. The adsorbed high-molecular-weight globulins and fibrinogen had different effects on the parameters of erythrocyte rheology.  相似文献   

The effects of magnesium supplementation on plasma magnesium, zinc, and copper levels were determined in young adult tae-kwon-do athletes and sedentary controls at rest and exhaustion. After a 4-week supplementation period with 10 mg/day/kg Mg, the plasma magnesium, copper, and zinc levels significantly increased in sedentary and training (90–120 min training 5 days a week) subjects when compared to nonsupplemented controls (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

Cancer incidence increases with age and is driven by accumulation of mutations in the DNA. In many so-called premature aging disorders, cancer appears earlier and at elevated rates. These diseases are predominantly caused by genome instability and present with symptoms, including cancer, resembling “segments” of aging and are thus often referred to as “segmental progerias”. Two related segmental progerias, Cockayne syndrome (CS) and trichothiodystrophy (TTD), don’t fit this pattern. Although caused by defects in genome maintenance via the nucleotide excision DNA repair (NER) pathway and displaying severe progeroid symptoms, CS and TTD patients appear to lack any cancer predisposition. More strikingly, genetic defects in the same NER pathway, and in some cases even within the same gene, XPD, can also give rise to disorders with greatly elevated cancer rates but without progeria (xeroderma pigmentosum). In this review, we will discuss the connection between genome maintenance, aging and cancer in light of a new mouse model of XPD disease.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate pro-oxidant-antioxidant balance in two series of examinations with two types of stressors (exogenous heat and the combined exogenous and endogenous heat) in trained and untrained men. The exogenous stressor was provided by Finnish sauna session, whereas the combined stressor was represented by the exercise in elevated ambient temperature. The men from the two groups performed the physical exercise on a cycle ergometer with the load of 53±2% maximal oxygen uptake at the temperature of 33±1°C and relative humidity of 70% until their rectal temperature rose by 1.2°C. After a month from completion of the exercise test the subjects participated in a sauna bathing session with the temperature of 96±2°C, and relative humidity of 16±5%. 15-minutes heating and 2-minute cool-down in a shower with the temperature of 20°C was repeated until rectal temperature rose by 1.2°C compared to the initial value. During both series of tests rectal temperature was measured at 5-minute intervals. Before both series of tests and after them body mass was measured and blood samples were taken for biochemical tests. Serum total protein, serum concentration of lipid peroxidation products and serum antioxidants were determined. The athletes were characterized by higher level of antioxidant status and lower concentration of lipid peroxidation products. Physical exercise at elevated ambient temperature caused lower changes in oxidative stress indices compared to sauna bathing. Sauna induced a shift in pro-oxidant-antioxidant balance towards oxidation, which was observed less intensively in the athletes compared to the untrained men. This leads to the conclusion that physical exercise increases tolerance to elevated ambient temperature and oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The effects of a 1-month exercise program and magnesium supplementation on the adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol levels were studied in young tae-kwon-do and sedentary subjects both at rest and exhaustion. The hormone levels were compared before and after supplementation with 10 mg of magnesium (as magnesium sulfate) per kilogram of body weight. Both exercise and magnesium supplements caused significant increases of the adrenocorticotropic hormone (p < 0.05). The cortisol levels were increased in training subjects receiving supplements (p < 0.05) but not so in subjects that either trained or received magnesium supplements in an independent manner. The cortisol levels measured in resting individuals were higher in the supplemented and non-supplemented athletes than those in sedentary subjects (p < 0.05). The results of this study show that exercise and/or magnesium supplementation causes a rise of the adrenocorticotropic hormone, whereas cortisol is increased only as a result of combined exhaustion and magnesium supplements.  相似文献   

This study was performed to assess how 4 weeks of magnesium supplementation and exercise affect the free and total plasma testosterone levels of sportsmen practicing tae kwon do and sedentary controls at rest and after exhaustion. The testosterone levels were determined at four different periods: resting before supplementation, exhaustion before supplementation, resting after supplementation, and exhaustion after supplementation in three study groups, which are as follows: Group 1—sedentary controls supplemented with 10 mg magnesium per kilogram body weight. Group 2—tae kwon do athletes practicing 90–120 min/day supplemented with 10 mg magnesium per kilogram body weight. Group 3—tae kwon do athletes practicing 90–120 min/day receiving no magnesium supplements. The free plasma testosterone levels increased at exhaustion before and after supplementation compared to resting levels. Exercise also increased testosterone levels relative to sedentary subjects. Similar increases were observed for total testosterone. Our results show that supplementation with magnesium increases free and total testosterone values in sedentary and in athletes. The increases are higher in those who exercise than in sedentary individuals.  相似文献   

Silicon (Si) is important for the growth and development of bone and connective tissues. Several studies have reported that Si supplementation improved bone mineral density (BMD) in female ovarectomized rats. However, few studies have investigated the effects of Si supplementation on bone status and bone metabolism in male animals. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Si supplementation on BMD and balance of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) in adult male mice. Si was administrated orally through demineralized water containing different contents of Si as a form of sodium metasilicate (0 %, control; 0.025 %, Si50; 0.050 %, Si100; and 0.075 %, Si150) to 9-week-old male mice for 4 weeks. Si supplementation did not alter weight gain or BMD of femur and tibia in male mice. However, a high level of Si (0.05 and 0.075 %) supplementation significantly decreased Mg retention without changing Ca retention. Serum alkaline phosphatase of Si-supplemented groups significantly decreased compared with that of the control. According to these results, short-term Si supplementation did not affect BMD but showed a possible effect on increasing the need for Mg in adult male mice.  相似文献   

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