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1959年秋,中苏古生物工作者在內蒙古烏兰察布盟烏尔丁鄂博漸新統地层中,采得一近乎完整的巨犀下頜骨,代表巨犀类的一个新属。我們将它訂名为烏尔丁巨犀——Urtinotherium gen. nov.。就目前对巨犀化石的了解,烏尔丁巨犀在許多方面,例如下頜联合部的結构,門齿、犬齿的大寸、形状及数目的变化等,都有一些独特的性貭,在了解巨犀类下頜骨及牙齿的結  相似文献   

陈瑜 《化石》2010,(2):12-20
巨犀是亚洲士著犀类,最早于始新世出现,一直延续到早中新世才灭绝,生存时间长达1800万年,是犀类家族里相当成功的一个分支。巨犀的分布非常广泛,但主要分布在亚洲的哈萨克斯坦、蒙古国、巴基斯坦和中国。在欧洲只在土耳其、罗马尼亚、格鲁吉亚等地有零星的出土,其他地区没有发现,可能因为生态上的某些原因,巨犀也没有进入非洲和北美洲。  相似文献   

甘肃临夏盆地的渐新世巨犀化石   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
描述了 2种巨犀化石 :霍尔果斯准噶尔巨犀 (Dzungariotheriumorgosense)和牙沟副巨犀(新种 ) (Paraceratheriumyagouensesp .nov.)。新种的主要特征是 :个体小 ;上颊齿齿冠高 ,有薄层白垩质覆盖 ;DP2~M1反前刺大 ,原尖后收缩沟明显 ,次尖有深的前收缩沟 ,中谷和后凹中常有附属小柱等。巨犀的演化历史可能比过去想象的更复杂。Indricotherium、Dzungariotherium和Paraceratherium为代表不同进化水平和支系的 3个属 ,不应合并为Paraceratherium一属。牙沟含巨犀化石层位的地质时代为晚渐新世。  相似文献   

记云南罗平的巨犀化石并論葛氏巨犀的性貭   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1960年底古脊椎动物与古人类研究所高等脊椎动物研究室云南工作队在罗平(原师宗)采到了少量巨犀化石。鉴定后,认为这批材料的发现对于我国早第三纪地层分布、巨犀类的系统发育及其分布范围的了解都有一定的意义,因此在这里予以简短地报导。在对比罗平和我国其它各地所发现的巨犀化石时,还遇到了对葛氏巨犀,Indrico therium(Baluchitherium)grangeri(Osborn),性质的认识问题。过去一部分学者认为它  相似文献   

新疆准噶尔盆地的巨犀化石   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1964年中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所新疆考察队在准噶尔盆地南缘进行调查时,根据新疆石油管理局的同志们所提供的线索,从玛纳斯系褐色层的中部采集到一个相当完整的巨犀头骨和下牙床,这是迄今为止世界上保存最完好的一枚巨犀头骨。在同一层位的另一地点还找到了一段蝽齿鼷鹿的下牙床。这些化石对于确定一直没有化石依据的褐色层的地质时代很有意义。嵴齿鼷鹿化石已经研究发表(邱占祥,1965,古脊椎动物与古人类,九卷四期);本文是对上述巨犀材料的研究。准噶尔巨犀 Dzungariotherium orgosensis gen.et sp.nov.(图版Ⅰ—Ⅲ)  相似文献   

本文记述了准噶尔巨犀(Dzungariotherium)的一个新种。标本为中苏古生物考察队1960年在内蒙古沙拉木伦地区额尔登敖包的早渐新世乌兰戈楚组内所采。由于这一新种的时代为早渐新世,因而有可能是发现于新疆的晚渐新世霍尔果断准噶尔巨犀(Dzungariotherium org-osensis)的祖先类型。  相似文献   

正2021年6月17日,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所邓涛团队主导的、由美国哈佛大学和甘肃和政古动物化石博物馆等多家单位参与完成的研究成果"An Oligocene giant rhinoprovidesinsightsinto Paraceratherium evolution"在Nature子刊在线发表。研究人员根据从甘肃临夏盆地发现的巨犀新材料建立了巨犀属的新种临夏巨犀,扩大了该种的地史分布,  相似文献   

1964年古脊椎动物与古人类研究所新疆考察队在准噶尔盆地南缘进行调查时,在同一层中发现了一个属于Paraceratherium型的巨犀头骨、少量肢骨及一段偶蹄类的下牙床。巨犀化石将茌另文报导;偶蹄类化石,经研究,证实应属于一类原始的鼷鹿化石——嵴齿鼷鹿(Lophiomeryx)。原始鼷鹿化石在我国极少发现,过去仅在内蒙乌拉乌苏发现过一种  相似文献   

巨犀类(Indricotheriinae 亚科)是真犀科(Rhinocerotidae)内比较原始,但相当特化的一支。这类化石的研究具有很大的生物学和一般的兴趣,因为在这一类中的一些典型的种是现今知道的最大的陆生兽类,同时也是除了一些大型的蜥脚类恐龙以外,地史上最大的陆生动物。根据已有的资料分析,亚洲中部地区可能是巨犀类起源和进化的中心。关于巨犀类  相似文献   

<正> 一九七九年八月,中国地质科学院地质力学研究所的张国铎和王长利两同志在宣威一带进行地质考察时,采集到一个近于完整的犀类牙齿化石。产化石地层是一套由紫红色砂岩、砾岩和夹a有泥岩夹层的含砾砂岩所组成的岩层,时代过去认为是早第三纪,但没有可靠的化石做依据。小巨犀化石的发现为确定地层时代提供了可靠的证据。化石只有一颗左第三上臼齿,保存完好。从牙齿的大小、形状及结构等来看,宣威发现的这个化石与周明镇描述的云南路南小屯组中的小巨犀  相似文献   

安徽潜山新发现的钝脚类头骨化石   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
本文记述了发现于安徽潜山盆地中古新统望虎墩组上段的一件较为完整的钝脚类头骨化石,将其归入 Altilanbda 属中,并建立—新种——余井高脊兽(A. yujingensis sp. nov.).  相似文献   

河南淅川始新世核桃园组獏化石   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
这里记述了河南淅川核桃园组中五种獏化石:Breviodon minutus,Schlosseria hetaoyuanensissp.nov.,Deperetella sichuanensis,Teleolophus danjiangensis sp.nov.,Pachylophus xui gen.etsp.nov.,并认为其时代大体相当于伊尔丁曼哈阶。文中也对脊齿獏亚科的分化和Teleolophus与Deperetella两属系统关系作了一些探讨。  相似文献   

<正> 呼和勃尔和陡坎,位于二连浩特市西南40余公里,在苏尼特右旗额仁诺尔公社所在地——毛登正东20余公里,即美国自然历史博物馆中亚考察团所谓“马捷茨营地”(CampMargetts)之所在地区(见 Radinsky,1964)。过去在此地区发现的早第三纪化石哺乳类,屡有报道,唯所记述之化石均注以“伊尔丁曼哈组(或层)”,莫一例外。1975—1977年,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所、内蒙古区测队以及内蒙古  相似文献   

江苏发现卢氏兔和细齿兽的意义   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
江苏溧阳县发现一始新世哺乳动物群,包括12个目.根据其中发现的洛河卢氏兔与卢氏细齿兽,认为该动物群的时代与河南卢氏动物群大致相当,为中始新世末期或晚始新世初期.  相似文献   

河南新安中中新世利齿猪一新种   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文记述了河南新安中中新世利齿猪一新种: Listriodon xinanensis sp. nov.,讨论了中国各种利齿猪的分类位置和新种的变异; M. Pickford 和 A. F. Wilkinson(1975)把印度不同大小的两种猪 Listriodon pentapotamiae 和 Listriodon theobaldi 看作是不同性别的同一种的观点,可能是不正确的.  相似文献   

This is the second paper on the Syllidae (Polychaeta) from hard substrata of the Coiba National Park (Pacific coast of Panama) (the first paper treated Syllinae). On this second paper nineteen species belonging to eleven genera of the subfamilies Autolytinae, Eusyllinae and Exogoninae (Syllidae: Polychaeta) are reported. The samples were collected by SCUBA diving, either by removing 4 kg blocks of dead coral (Pocillopora spp.) or scraping off 25 x 25 cm quadrats of Telesto multiflora or algae (Dyctiota cf. flavellata, Padina cf. durvillaei and another currently unidentified species). They were collected during four expeditions carried out between 1996 and 1998. Four species are newly reported for the Eastern Pacific: Eusyllis lamelligera Marion & Bobretzky, 1875, Exogone exmouthensis Hartmann-Schr?der, 1980, Proceraea cf. cornuta (Agassiz, 1863) and Sphaerosyllis (S.) magnidentata Perkins, 1981. Ten species are reported for the first time from the Central America Pacific coast: Amblyosyllis cf. granosa Ehlers, 1897 (sensu Westheide 1974), Amblyosyllis speciosa Izuka, 1912, Autolytus multidenticulatus Westheide, 1974, Exogone naidinoides Westheide, 1974, Grubeosyllis concinna (Westheide, 1974), Odontosyllis fulgurans (Audouin & Milne Edward, 1833), Opisthodonta mitchelli Kudenov & Harris, 1995, Pionosyllis articulata Kudenov & Harris, 1995, Sphaerosyllis (S.) californiensis Hartman, 1966 and Syllides cf. reishi Dorsey, 1978. The family Syllidae is represented in the Coiba National Park by 14% of cosmopolitan species, 14% of circumtropical species, 22% of Atlantic and Pacific species and 25% of Pacific species restricted to warm waters. In samples of dead coral the dominant species are S. armillaris (Muller, 1771) and S. gracilis (Campoy, 1982); in samples of telestaceans Grubeosyllis concinna dominates.  相似文献   


There has been some disagreement about the number of myosin molecules in vertebrate skeletal myosin filaments calculated from the myosin to actin weight ratio determined by quantitative sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (Tregear &; Squire, 1973; Potter, 1974; Morimoto &; Harrington, 1974). In this work it was found that (1) thoroughly washed fibrils are required to obtain the true value for the myosin to actin weight ratio. (2) Neither actin nor myosin is extracted preferentially during the required washing procedure. (3) There are four myosin molecules per 14.3 nm interval along the myosin filament or about 400 myosin molecules per filament.From published estimates of the number of molecules of C-protein per myosin filament (Offer et al., 1973; Morimoto &; Harrington, 1974) and the findings in this work, we conclude that there are four molecules of C-protein at each of the 14 C-protein binding positions along the filament, i.e. one C-protein molecule for each of the four myosin molecules contributing to the cross-bridges at each position.  相似文献   

Introduction to Biophysical Plant Physiology P. S. Nobel Pp. xii +488+66 figs. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman &; Co. 1974 $13.50. £7·0 Reviewed by D. O. Hall

Handbook of Micromethods for the Biological Sciences G. Keleti and W. H. Lederer Pp. xvi + 166 New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. 1974. £6·95 Reviewed by A. Darbre

Experimental Psychology: An Introduction for Biologists The Institute of Biology's Studies in Biology No. 47 MALCOLM JEEVES Pp. iv+59; no index. London: Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd., 1974. Hardback £1·70; paperback 85p Reviewed by F. Neil Johnson

Enzymes and Equilibria J. C. Marsden and C. F. Stoneman Pp. 116+58 figs. London: Heinemann Educational Books, 1974. £2·00 Reviewed by F. W. E. Diggins

Immunochemistry M. W. Steward Pp. 64+27 figs. + 16 tables. London: Chapman &; Hall Ltd. 1974. 95p Reviewed by J. L. Tring

Nature Reserves and Wildlife E. Duffey Pp. vii+130. London: Heinemann Educational Publications, 1974. £200 Reviewed by J. K. Barber

The Living Community Rosemary Kelsch Pp. 64+26 photographs and line drawings. Collier-Macmillan Science Studies, 1974. 75p. Reviewed by C. Greatrell

Biology, Man and Society Alan Cornwell Pp. 219. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill, 1974. £2·25 Reviewed by John Mattocks

A Programmed Approach to Human Genetics A. Vegotsky and C. A. White Pp. ix+154. USA: John Wiley &; Sons Inc., 1974. £1·80 Reviewed by G. W. Shaw

A Concise Human Biology and Hygiene P. M. Minett Pp. viii+160+84figs. London: Mills &; Boon, 1974. £1·20 Reviewed by J. W. Loryman

Biology of Sex Charlotte J. Avers Pp. xii+280+69 figs. New York: John Wiley, 1974. £3·80 Reviewed by Margarent Nanson

Small Mammals Pp. ix+59+22figs. 75p Animal Accommodation for Schools Pp. iv+44+29 figs. 60p J. D. Wray and J. F. Gaitens Schools Council Educational Use of Living Organisms Project London: English Universities Press, 1974 Reviewed by Colin Stoneman

Biology: An Environmental Approach—Teachers' Guide Adapted from Highschool Biology—Green Version by Perrot, Campbell and Hughesevans Pp. viii+216. London: John Murray Ltd., 1974. £1·75 Reviewed by Brian Jones

Biology, A Functional Approach, Students' Manual M. B. V. Roberts Pp. 450, about 400 illustrations. London: Nelson, 1974. £3·25 Reviewed by John H. Gray

Hulton Group Keys Ed. by Antony R. Kenney Amersham: Hulton Education Publications Ltd. 1974. £1·20 each Identification of the British Mollusca G. E. BEEDHAM Pp. 236+87 figs. Reviewed by A. South

Identification of Animal Parasites R. A. Avery Pp. 182+86 figs. Reviewed by F. E. G. Cox

Identification of the Larger Fungi Roy Watling Pp. 281 +81 figs. Reviewed by G. Ayerst

Vertebrate Structures and Functions Readings from Scientific American. Introduction by N. K. Wessells Pp. iv+440+figs. W. H. Freeman &; Company, 1974. £6·30 cloth, £3·30 paper Reviewed by G. E. Beedham

The Biology of Lichens M. E. Hale 2nd Edition, Pp. viii + 181+58 figs. + 16 monochrome plates. London: Edward Arnold, 1974. £5·50 (£2·75 paperback) Reviewed by D. J. Hill  相似文献   

l.Weoriea1revlewl)PaatolambdodontidaeFossilsfoundbytheAsianExpeditionofAmericanMuseumofNaturalHistoryinSharaMurunarea,NeiMongolinl925andl928forthefirsttimeweredescribedbyGrangerandGregory(l934)asnewgenusandspe-cies,PantolambdodoninermisandP.lortis,andforwhichanewfamily,Pantola-mbdodontidae,wascreatedatthesametime.Inl978Tongdescribedafragmentary1owerjawwithm2andtrigonidofm3fromtheLatePaleoceneTaizicunFormation,Xinjiangandestablishedanewgenusandspecies,Dilambdaspeciosa.InthesameyearCho…  相似文献   

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