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Cell-free translation of polyadenylic acid-selected, denatured virion 70S RNA of the Schmidt-Ruppin strain of Rous sarcoma virus (subgroup A) yields a 64,000-Mr polypeptide which is specifically immunoprecipitated by a group-specific serum raised against envelope glycoprotein gp85. This polypeptide is not synthesized from the virion RNA of the replication-defective mutant rdNY8SR-A, which contains an extensive deletion within the envelope (env) gene. From this genetic evidence we conclude that the 64,000-Mr polypeptide represents the nonglycosylated product of the env gene and propose the designation of P64env. The 64,000-Mr polypeptide is translated from a 26S to 28S polyadenylated RNA species, whereas the p60src product is synthesized from a 20S to 22S RNA, and both Pr76gag and P180gag-pol are synthesized predominately from 34S RNA. The product of the env gene of Rous-associated virus-2 was also identified by cell-free translation.  相似文献   

Two inhibitors of glycosylation, 2-deoxyglucose and tunicamycin, depressed the synthesis of infectious Rous sarcoma virus greater than 100-fold. Under the same conditions only a two- to threefold decrease in the production of virus particles was observed. The noninfectious particles had a lower density (1.145 g/ml) in isopycnic sucrose gradients and lacked the two virion glycoproteins, gp85 and gp37, found on infectious virions. The four internal structural proteins of the virus, p27, p19, p15, and p12, appeared to be assembled normally into the noninfectious virus. Polypeptides related to the Rous sarcoma virus glycoproteins were immunoprecipitated from pulse-labeled Rous sarcoma virus (Prague strain, subgroup B)-transformed cells. pr95gp, the polyprotein precursor to gp85 and gp37, was the major protein precipitated from untreated cells. PR95GP, THE POLYPROTEIN PRECURSOR TO GP85 AND GP37, WAS THE MAJOR PROTEIN PRECIPITATED FROM UNTREATED CELLS. This was absent in both tunicamycin- and 2-deoxyglucose-treatec ells, and a new polypeptide of molecular weight 57,000 to 58,000 was the major species precipitated. In tunicamycin-treated cells this product was unstable and was degraded during a 2-h chase; in 2-deoxyglucose-treated cells, on the other hand, the polypeptide appeared to be more stable and underwent partial glycosylation. The synthesis and processing of pr76, the polyprotein precursor to the internal structural proteins of the virion, occurred normally in both treated and untreated cells. It is concluded that the unglycosylated env gene product is a polypeptide of molecular weight 57,000 to 58,000.  相似文献   

Characterization of the Rous sarcoma virus transforming gene product   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This report describes quantitative results of in vitro phosphorylation of the Rous sarcoma virus transforming gene product, pp60src, using ATP or GTP as phosphate donors. The Km values for the phosphorylation of pp60src by ATP and GTP were similar (10-36 and 25-36 microM, respectively) and the Vmax values were different (5-7 and 1.5-1.7 nmol min-1 mg-1 of pp60src, respectively). The radiolabeling of pp60src by [gamma-32P] ATP was inhibited by ADP and dATP at 20-fold higher concentrations by 75 and 83%, respectively. Other nucleotides served as weaker inhibitors under the same conditions. The radiolabeling of pp60src by [gamma-32P]GTP had lower specificity for this nucleotide, since ATP, dATP, ADP, dGTP, GDP, and TTP had at least a 50% inhibitory effect. The phosphorylated products of approximate Mr = 60,000 that were produced with ATP or GTP were shown to be the same protein molecule since they both could be immunoprecipitated with antibody raised against p60src produced by bacterial recombinants. Structural analysis revealed that the use of GTP resulted in phosphorylation of a tyrosine residue on the COOH-terminal region of pp60src, apparently the same site which contains the tyrosine phosphorylated in infected cells. In contrast, the use of ATP resulted in phosphorylation of several additional tyrosine residues on the NH2-terminal region of the molecule. In thermolability studies, the t1/2 values for the phosphorylation of pp66src in preparations from wild type virus-infected chicken cells were 5.1 min for both ATP and GTP, whereas the t1/2 values for the phosphorylation of pp60src in preparations from temperature-sensitive transformation mutant-infected cells were 1.1 min for both phosphate donors. Similar observations were found with alpha-casein as substrate.  相似文献   

D Bonnet  P F Spahr 《Journal of virology》1990,64(11):5628-5632
In avian cells, the product of the gag gene of Rous sarcoma virus, Pr76gag, has been shown to be targeted to the plasma membrane, to form virus particles, and then to be processed into mature viral gag proteins. To explore how these phenomena may be dependent upon cellular (host) factors, we expressed the Rous sarcoma virus gag gene in a lower eucaryote, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and studied the behavior of the gag gene product. We show here that Pr76gag is processed in yeast cells and that this processing is specific, since it is abolished in a mutant in which the active site of the gag protease has been destroyed. In this mutant, the uncleaved precursor is found associated with the yeast plasma membrane, yet no virus particles were detected in cells or in the culture medium. From our results, we can speculate either that in yeast cells, a host protease initiates Pr76gag processing in the cytosol or that in avian cells, an inhibitor prevents the processing until the viral particle is formed.  相似文献   

The envelope proteins of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) are synthesized from a subgenomic 24S mRNA as a 75,000-dalton glycosylated precursor polyprotein which is eventually processed to the mature glycoproteins gp52 and gp36. In vivo synthesis of this env precursor in the presence of the core glycosylation inhibitor tunicamycin yielded a precursor of approximately 61,000 daltons (P61env). However, a 67,000-dalton protein (P67env) was obtained from cell-free translation with the MMTV 24S mRNA as the template. To determine whether the portion of the protein cleaved from P67env to give P61env was removed from the NH2-terminal end of P67env and as such would represent a leader sequence, the NH2-terminal amino acid sequence of the terminal peptide gp52 was determined. Glutamic acid, and not methionine, was found to be the amino-terminal residue of gp52, indicating that the cleaved portion was derived from the NH2-terminal end of P67env. The NH2-terminal amino acid sequences of gp52's from endogenous and exogenous C3H MMTVs were determined though 46 residues and found to be identical. However, amino acid composition and type-specific gp52 radioimmunoassays from MMTVs grown in heterologous cells indicated primary structure differences between gp52's of the two viruses. The nucleic acid sequence of cloned MMTV DNA fragments (J. Majors and H. E. Varmus, personal communication) in conjunction with the NH2-terminal sequence of gp52 allowed localization of the env gene in the MMTV genome. Nucleotides coding for the NH2 terminus of gp52 begin approximately 0.8 kilobase to the 3' side of the single EcoRI cleavage site. Localization of the env gene at that point agrees with the proposed gene order -gag-pol-env- and also allows sufficient coding potential for the glycoprotein precursor without extending into the long terminal repeat.  相似文献   

The envelope glycoproteins of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), gp85 and gp37, are anchored in the membrane by a 27-amino acid, hydrophobic domain that lies adjacent to a 22-amino acid, cytoplasmic domain at the carboxy terminus of gp37. We have altered these cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains by introducing deletion mutations into the molecularly cloned sequences of a proviral env gene. The effects of the mutations on the transport and subcellular localization of the Rous sarcoma virus glycoproteins were examined in monkey (CV-1) cells using an SV40 expression vector. We found, on the one hand, that replacement of the nonconserved region of the cytoplasmic domain with a longer, unrelated sequence of amino acids (mutant C1) did not alter the rate of transport to the Golgi apparatus nor the appearance of the glycoprotein on the cell surface. Larger deletions, extending into the conserved region of the cytoplasmic domain (mutant C2), resulted in a slower rate of transport to the Golgi apparatus, but did not prevent transport to the cell surface. On the other hand, removal of the entire cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains (mutant C3) did block transport and therefore did not result in secretion of the truncated protein. Our results demonstrate that the C3 polypeptide was not transported to the Golgi apparatus, although it apparently remained in a soluble, nonanchored form in the lumen of the rough endoplasmic reticulum; therefore, it appears that this mutant protein lacks a functional sorting signal. Surprisingly, subcellular localization by internal immunofluorescence revealed that the C3 protein (unlike the wild type) did not accumulate on the nuclear membrane but rather in vesicles distributed throughout the cytoplasm. This observation suggests that the wild-type glycoproteins (and perhaps other membrane-bound or secreted proteins) are specifically transported to the nuclear membrane after their biosynthesis elsewhere in the rough endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

We have studied steady state kinetics of phosphorylation of [Val5]angiotensin II by pp60src, the transforming gene product of Rous sarcoma virus. Results of initial rate studies at varying substrate concentrations indicated that the mechanism was sequential; Michaelis constants for ATP and peptide were 7 microM and 0.24 mM, respectively, and Vmax was 1.0 nmol/min/mg. The end product ADP and the ATP analog AMP-PNP were competitive inhibitors at varying ATP concentrations and noncompetitive inhibitors at varying peptide concentrations. A dead-end analog of angiotensin II, [delta Phe4]angiotensin II, was a noncompetitive inhibitor at varying ATP concentrations, but induced substrate inhibition at varying peptide concentrations. The kinetic data allowed us to conclude that the reaction proceeded via an Ordered Bi Bi mechanism with ATP as the first binding substrate. We also presented evidence that, while pp60src contained essential histidine and/or lysine residues in its active site, the mechanism does not involve a phosphoryl enzyme intermediate.  相似文献   

Subgroup D avian sarcoma and leukosis viruses can penetrate a variety of mammalian cells in addition to cells from their natural host, chickens. Sequences derived from the gp85-coding domain within the env gene of a mammal-tropic subgroup D virus (Schmidt-Ruppin D strain of Rous sarcoma virus [SR-D RSV]) and a non-mammal-tropic subgroup B virus (Rous-associated virus type 2) were recombined to map genetic determinants that allow penetration of mammalian cells. The following conclusions were based on host range analysis of the recombinant viruses. (i) The determinants of gp85 that result in the mammal tropism phenotype of SR-D RSV are encoded within the 160 codons that lie 3' of codon 121 from the corresponding amino terminus of the gp85 protein. (ii) Small linear domains of the SR-D RSV gp85-coding domain placed in the subgroup B background did not yield viruses with titers equal to that of the subgroup D virus in a human cell line. (iii) Recombinant viruses that contained subgroup D sequences within the hr1 variable domain of gp85 showed modest-to-significant increases in infectivity on human cells relative to chicken cells. A recombinant virus that contained three fortuitous amino acid substitutions in the gp85-coding domain was found to penetrate the human cell line and give a titer similar to that of the subgroup D virus. In addition, we found that the subgroup D virus, the mutant virus, and recombinant viruses with an increased mammal tropism phenotype were unstable at 42 degrees C. These results suggest that the mammal tropism of the SR-D strain is not related to altered receptor specificity but rather to an unstable and fusogenic viral glycoprotein. A temperature sensitivity phenotype for infectivity of mammalian cells was also observed for another mammal-tropic avian retrovirus, the Bratislava 77 strain of RSV, a subgroup C virus, but was not seen for any other avian retrovirus tested, strengthening the correlation between mammal tropism and temperature sensitivity.  相似文献   

We isolated 28 recombinants of Rous sarcoma virus at early (24 h) and late (7 days) times after infection. These recombinants were selected for wild type in the pol and src genes and analyzed for their env and gag phenotypes. We were unable to show strong linkage between any two markers, including two markers within a single gene (gag).  相似文献   

This communication provides biochemical, immunological, and genetic evidence that pp60src, the Rous sarcoma virus transforming gene product, is associated with glycerol kinase activity. Our investigations demonstrated that the compound phosphorylated by pp60src or by glycerol kinase (EC from Candida mycoderma share the same electrophoretic and chromatographic mobilities. The glycerol kinase and protein kinase activities of pp60src were inhibited similarly by preincubation with immune IgG. Both activities were reduced 6-9-fold in pp60src preparations derived by immunoaffinity chromatography from cells which were infected with NY68, a temperature-sensitive transformation mutant of Rous sarcoma virus. The thermolability at 41 degrees C of the glycerol kinase activity of pp60src from the mutant virus-infected cells was greater (t/2 = 1.3 min) than the same activity in pp60src preparations from wild type virus-infected cells (t/2 = 4.8 min).  相似文献   

F/St mice are unique in producing high levels of both ecotropic and xenotropic murine leukemia virus. The high ecotropic virus phenotype is determined by three or more V (virus-inducing) loci. A single locus for inducibility of xenotropic murine leukemia virus was mapped to chromosome 1 close to, but possibly not allelic to, Bxv-1. Although the high ecotropic virus phenotype is phenotypically dominant, the high xenotropic virus phenotype was recessive in all crosses tested. Suppression of xenotropic murine leukemia virus is governed by a single gene which is not linked to the xenotropic V locus.  相似文献   

Raji cells, collected at various times from a synchronized culture, were gently lysed, and the high-molecular-weight DNA was enriched ca. 10-fold for latent Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) genomes by equilibrium density gradient centrifugation in neutral CsCl. The heavy-density DNA pool, which included more than 90% of the total intracellular EBV DNA sequences, was further fractionated by velocity sedimentation on neutral glycerol gradients, and material from fractions containing potential EBV DNA replicative forms was examined in the electron microscope. Early in the cellular S phase, when the EBV DNA content was found to be doubling in parallel with host chromosome replication, half of the 50- to 55-micron circular EBV genomes were observed to have two or more DNA branch points or forks. Most molecules were in a relaxed theta configuration, indicative of the Cairns mode of DNA replication. In the supercoiled state, the two daughter strands of the partially replicated molecules were seen to be wrapped around each other. Two theta structures had more than two DNA forks, indicating that DNA replication can initiate more than once on the same DNA molecule. Late in the S phase, the EBV DNA sedimenting at positions where theta structures were found with early S phase samples was composed of catenated dimers rather than partially replicated genomes. It is concluded that the circular EBV genomes, which are the major intracellular form in latently infected cells, are maintained as independent replicons and are not synthesized from an integrated template.  相似文献   

Human foamy virus (HFV) proteins were identified in human cells cultured in vitro by immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting with specific antisera. Among several viral polypeptides, four glycoproteins of approximately 160, 130, 70, and 48 kDa were identified in HFV-infected cells. gp130 was shown to represent the intracellular env precursor, and gp70 and gp48 were shown to represent the external and transmembrane env proteins, respectively. The nature of gp160, which shares sequences with the env, bel1, and bel2 proteins, is not yet resolved. In addition, a p62 identified with bel1- and bel2-specific antisera likely corresponds to the bet gene product.  相似文献   

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