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Mitochondrial Function in Apoptotic Neuronal Cell Death   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Apoptosis can be defined as the regulated death of a cell and is conducted by conserved pathways. Apoptosis of neurons after injury or disease differs from programed cell death, in the sense that neurons in an adult brain are not "meant" to die and results in a loss of function. Thus apoptosis is an honorable process by a neuron, a cell with limited potential to replace itself, choosing instead to commit suicide to save neighboring cells from release of cellular components that cause injury directly or trigger secondary injury resulting from inflammatory reactions. The excess of apoptosis of neuronal cells underlies the progressive loss of neuronal populations in neurodegenerative disorders and thus is harmful. Mitochondria are the primary source for energy in neurons but are also poised, through the "mitochondrial apoptosis pathway," to signal the demise of cells. This duplicity of mitochondria is discussed, with particular attention given to the specialized case of pathological neuronal cell death.  相似文献   

Abstract: We examined the ability of ceramide and sphingomyelinase (SMase) to prevent neuronal programmed cell death (PCD). We found that a cell-permeable ceramide analogue prevented neuronal PCD when applied to established sympathetic neuron primary cultures at the time of nerve growth factor (NGF) deprivation. Other amphiphilic lipids such as oleic acid failed to prevent cell death. Exogenous SMase also showed the same effect, probably by raising the intracellular ceramide level by sphingomyelin (SM) breakdown. Phosphocholine, another hydrolytic product of SM by SMase, did not prevent cell death. Other phospholipases, such as phospholipase C and phospholipase A2, could not prevent cell death. Given the recent findings that the SM cycle is activated to increase the intracellular ceramide level on NGF binding to the low-affinity NGF receptor (LNGFR) and that NGF binding to LNGFR suppresses apoptosis in neural cell lines, our results suggest the possibility of the SM cycle as a signaling mechanism transducing the PCD-preventing activity of NGF.  相似文献   

Methamphetamine (METH) induces neurodegeneration through damage and apoptosis of dopaminergic nerve terminals and striatal cells, presumably via cross-talk between the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria-dependent death cascades. However, the effects of METH on neural progenitor cells (NPC), an important reservoir for replacing neurons and glia during development and injury, remain elusive. Using a rat hippocampal NPC (rhNPC) culture, we characterized the METH-induced mitochondrial fragmentation, apoptosis, and its related signaling mechanism through immunocytochemistry, flow cytometry, and Western blotting. We observed that METH induced rhNPC mitochondrial fragmentation, apoptosis, and inhibited cell proliferation. The mitochondrial fission protein dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1) and reactive oxygen species (ROS), but not calcium (Ca2+) influx, were involved in the regulation of METH-induced mitochondrial fragmentation. Furthermore, our results indicated that dysregulation of ROS contributed to the oligomerization and translocation of Drp1, resulting in mitochondrial fragmentation in rhNPC. Taken together, our data demonstrate that METH-mediated ROS generation results in the dysregulation of Drp1, which leads to mitochondrial fragmentation and subsequent apoptosis in rhNPC. This provides a potential mechanism for METH-related neurodegenerative disorders, and also provides insight into therapeutic strategies for the neurodegenerative effects of METH.  相似文献   

线粒体在控制细胞死亡中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
细胞死亡由细胞坏死或细胞凋亡所致。细胞坏死时 ,细胞质膜形成疱 (突起 ) ,疱破裂释放细胞内容物 ;细胞凋亡时 ,细胞内容物不释放到细胞外。细胞坏死时 ,细胞内ATP耗竭 ;凋亡时 ,细胞需利用ATP完成凋亡过程。1.线粒体外膜释放凋亡活性物质细胞凋亡过程中 ,原先位于线粒体膜间隙的某些与凋亡有关的活性物质释放到胞液中 ,这些物质包括细胞色素c(Cytc)、凋亡诱导因子 (apoptosis inducingfactor ,AIF)、线粒体胱天蛋白酶 (caspase)2 ,3,9、hsp10、hsp6 0、Bcl 2家族成员等。细胞受到凋…  相似文献   

Although required for life, paradoxically, mitochondria are often essential for initiating apoptotic cell death. Mitochondria regulate caspase activation and cell death through an event termed mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP); this leads to the release of various mitochondrial intermembrane space proteins that activate caspases, resulting in apoptosis. MOMP is often considered a point of no return because it typically leads to cell death, even in the absence of caspase activity. Because of this pivotal role in deciding cell fate, deregulation of MOMP impacts on many diseases and represents a fruitful site for therapeutic intervention. Here we discuss the mechanisms underlying mitochondrial permeabilization and how this key event leads to cell death through caspase-dependent and -independent means. We then proceed to explore how the release of mitochondrial proteins may be regulated following MOMP. Finally, we discuss mechanisms that enable cells sometimes to survive MOMP, allowing them, in essence, to return from the point of no return.In most organisms, mitochondria play an essential role in activating caspase proteases through a pathway termed the mitochondrial or intrinsic pathway of apoptosis. Mitochondria regulate caspase activation by a process called mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP). Selective permeabilization of the mitochondrial outer membrane releases intermembrane space (IMS) proteins that drive robust caspase activity leading to rapid cell death. However, even in the absence of caspase activity, MOMP typically commits a cell to death and is therefore considered a point of no return (Fig. 1). Because of this pivotal role in dictating cell fate, MOMP is highly regulated, mainly through interactions between pro- and antiapoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family. In this article, we begin by discussing how mitochondria may have evolved to become central players in apoptotic cell death. We then provide an overview of current models addressing the mechanics of MOMP, outlining how this crucial event leads to cell death through both caspase-dependent or -independent mechanisms. Finally, we discuss how caspase activity may be regulated post-MOMP and define other processes that allow cells to survive MOMP and, in effect, return from the point of no return.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Mitochondrial regulation of cell death. Bax/Bak-mediated mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP) can lead to caspase-dependent apoptosis (left) or caspase-independent cell death (right). Following MOMP, soluble proteins are released from the mitochondrial intermembrane space into the cytoplasm. Cytochrome c binds to monomeric Apaf-1 leading to its conformational change and oligomerization. Procaspase-9 is recruited to heptameric Apaf-1 complexes forming the apoptosome. This leads to activation of caspase-9 and, through caspase-9-mediated cleavage, activation of the executioner caspases-3 and -7. Release of Smac and Omi from the mitochondrial intermembrane space facilitates caspase activation by neutralizing the caspase inhibitor XIAP. MOMP can also lead to nonapoptotic cell death through a gradual loss of mitochondrial function and/or release of mitochondrial proteins that kill the cell in a caspase-independent manner.  相似文献   

Autophagy is implicated in the pathogenesis of major neurodegenerative disorders although concepts about how it influences these diseases are still evolving. Once proposed to be mainly an alternative cell death pathway, autophagy is now widely viewed as both a vital homeostatic mechanism in healthy cells and as an important cytoprotective response mobilized in the face of aging- and disease-related metabolic challenges. In Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and other diseases, impairment at different stages of autophagy leads to the buildup of pathogenic proteins and damaged organelles, while defeating autophagy’s crucial prosurvival and antiapoptotic effects on neurons. The differences in the location of defects within the autophagy pathway and their molecular basis influence the pattern and pace of neuronal cell death in the various neurological disorders. Future therapeutic strategies for these disorders will be guided in part by understanding the manifold impact of autophagy disruption on neurodegenerative diseases.Soon after the discovery of lysosomes by de Duve in the 1950s, electron microscopists recognized the presence of cytoplasmic organelles within membrane-limited vacuoles (Clark 1957) and observed what appeared to be the progressive breakdown of these contents (Ashford and Porter 1962). Proposing that “prelysosomes” containing sequestered cytoplasm matured to autolysosomes by fusion with primary lysosomes, de Duve and colleagues (de Duve 1963; de Duve and Wattiaux 1966) named this process “autophagy” (self-eating). Neurons, as cells particularly rich in acid phosphatase-positive lysosomes, were a preferred model in the initial investigations of autophagy. Early studies of pathologic states such as neuronal chromatolysis (Holtzman and Novikoff 1965; Holtzman et al. 1967) linked neurodegenerative phenomena to robust proliferation of autophagic vacuoles (AVs) and lysosomes. Although de Duve appreciated the importance of lysosomes for maintaining cell homeostasis, he was especially intrigued with their potential as “suicide bags” capable of triggering cell death by releasing proteases into the cytoplasm. Despite some support for this notion (Brunk and Brun 1972), the concept was not significantly embraced until many decades later. Instead, for many years, lysosomes and autophagy were mainly considered to perform cellular housekeeping and to scavenge and clean up debris during neurodegeneration in preparation for regenerative processes. The connection between autophagy and neuronal cell death reemerged in the 1970s from observations of Clarke and colleagues, who presented evidence that the developing brain deployed autophagy as a form of programmed neuronal cell death during which autophagy was massively up-regulated to eliminate cytoplasmic components, at once killing the neuron and reducing its cell mass for easy removal. Self-degradation was suggested as a more efficient elimination mechanism than apoptosis, which requires a large population of phagocytic cells and access of these cells to the dying region (Baehrecke 2005). Indeed, the best evidence for this process is in the context of massive cell death, as in metamorphosis and involutional states (Das et al. 2012).Clarke proposed that autophagic cell death (ACD)—type 2 programmed cell death (PCD)—could be a relatively common alternative route to death distinct from apoptosis—type 1 PCD (Clarke 1990)—or caspase-independent cell death—type 3 PCD (Fig. 1). The distinguishing features of ACD are marked proliferation of AVs and progressive disappearance of organelles but relative preservation of cytoskeletal and nuclear integrity until late in the process (Schweichel and Merker 1973; Hornung et al. 1989). In this original concept of ACD or type 2 PCD, death is achieved by autophagic digestion of organelles and essential regulatory molecules and elimination of death inhibitory factors (Baehrecke 2005). With the advent of the molecular era of autophagy research in the 1990s, it became possible to verify the most important implication of ACD, namely, that the death could be prevented by inhibiting autophagy genetically or pharmacologically. Meanwhile, reports of prominent lysosomal/autophagic pathology in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) (Cataldo et al. 1997; Nixon et al. 2000, 2005) and other neuropathic states (Anglade et al. 1997; Rubinsztein et al. 2005) raised important questions about whether autophagy pathology signifies a prodeath program or an attempt to maintain survival—a critical question for any potential therapy based on autophagy modulation. In this article, we will examine evidence for the various neuroprotective roles of autophagy and review our current understanding of how specific stages of autophagy may become disrupted and influence the neurodegenerative pattern seen in major adult-onset neurological diseases. We will particularly focus on how neurons regulate the balance between prosurvival autophagy and well-established cell death mechanisms in making life or death decisions.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Neuronal cell death: three general morphological types of dying cells in the developing nervous system, as initially classified by Schweichel and Merker (1973) and later Clarke (1990). (A,B) Type 1 (“apoptotic”) cell death: (A) A neuron, from the brain of a postnatal day 6 mouse pup, in the middle of apoptotic degeneration showing cell shrinkage, cytoplasmic condensation, ruffled plasma membrane, and a highly electron-dense nucleus. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is still recognizable and some are dilated. A small number of autophagic vacuoles (AVs) can be seen (arrows). (B) A late-stage apoptotic neuron displaying electron-dense chromatin balls (CB), each surrounded by a small amount of highly condensed cytoplasm. (Panel from Yang et al. 2008; reprinted, with permission, from the American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists.) (C) Type 2 (“autophagic”) cell death: a deafferented isthmo-optic neuron in developing chick brain after uptake of horseradish peroxidase to highlight (electron dense) endocytic and autophagic compartments. The cell death pattern features pyknosis, abundant AVs, and sometimes dilated ER and mitochondria. (Panel from Hornung et al. 1989; reproduced, with permission, from John Wiley & Sons) (D) Type 3 (“cytoplasmic, nonlysosomal”) cell death: a motoneuron displaying markedly dilated rough ER, Golgi, and nuclear envelope, late vacuolization, and increased chromatin granularity. (Panel from Chu-Wang and Oppenheim 1978; reproduced, with permission, from John Wiley & Sons) Scale bars, 1 µm (A,B); 2 µm (C,D).  相似文献   

Apoptosis-associated tyrosine kinase (AATYK) is up-regulated by phosphorylation in cultured cerebellar granule neurons (CGN) undergoing apoptosis upon switch to low KCl-containing medium. However, the underlying signaling pathways remain to be fully characterized. When CGN at culture day 7 were switched from 25 mM KCl (K25) to 5 mM (K5) medium, AATYK band migration on SDS–PAGE shifted to a more slowly migrating position expected for the hyperphosphorylated protein. The apoptosis-inducing agent C2-ceramide also caused a mobility shift of the AATYK protein. Exposing CGN (K25) to L-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel antagonists shifted the AATYK band to the K5-induced position, while the Ca2+ channel activator FPL-64176 had the contrary effect. FK-506, a calcineurin inhibitor caused AATYK hyperphosphorylation under high KCl conditions. CGN death in K5 medium is linked to inhibition of the PI 3-kinase/Akt survival pathway and concomitant activation of the pro-apoptotic downstream target glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3). GSK-3 inhibitors blocked the K5-induced mobility shift of AATYK. Moreover, CGN cultured from AATYK-deficient mice remained sensitive to death in K5 medium. Thus, AATYK activation may not be a physiologically relevant principal regulatory target of the GSK-3 death pathway in KCl-deprived CGN.  相似文献   

1. We have investigated the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cell death induced by ischemia or application of the excitatory amino acid agonist, N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) or kainate (KA), in acutely isolated rat cerebellar granule cell neurons, studied by flow cytometry. Various fluorescent dyes were used to monitor intracellular calcium concentration, ROS concentration, membrane potential, and viability in acutely dissociated neurons subjected to ischemia and reoxygenation alone, NMDA or kainate alone, and ischemia and reoxygenation plus NMDA or kainate.2. With ischemia followed by reoxygenation, ROS concentrations rose slightly and there was only a modest increase in cell death after 60 min.3. When NMDA or kainate alone was applied to the cells there was a large increase in ROS and in intracellular calcium concentration but only a small loss of cellular viability. However, when NMDA or kainate was applied during the reoxygenation period there was a large loss of viability, accompanied by membrane depolarization, but the elevations of ROS and intracellular calcium concentration were not greater than seen with the excitatory amino acids alone.4. These observations indicate that other factors beyond ROS and intracellular calcium concentration contribute to cell death in cerebellar granule cell neurons.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial Genome Mutation in Cell Death and Aging   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This article reviews the concept, molecular genetics, and pathology of cell death and agingin relation to mitochondrial genome mutation. Accumulating evidence emphasizes the role ofgenetic factors in the development of naturally occurring cell death and aging. The ATPrequired for a cell's biological activity is almost exclusively produced by mitochondria. Eachmitochondrion possesses its own DNA (mtDNA) that codes essential subunits of themitochondrial energy-transducing system. Recent studies confirm that mtDNA is unexpectedly fragileto hydroxyl radical damage, hence to the oxygen stress. Cellular mtDNA easily fragmentsinto over a hundred-types of deleted mtDNA during the life of an individual. Cumulativeaccumulation of these oxygen damages and deletions in mtDNA results in a defective energytransducing system and in bioenergetic crisis. The crisis leads cells to the collapse ofmitochondrial trans-membrane potential, to the release of the apoptotic protease activating factors intocytosol, to uncontrolled cell death, to tissue degeneration and atrophy, and to aging. Thetotal base sequencing of mtDNA among individuals revealed that germ-line point mutationstransmitted from ancestors accelerate the somatic oxygen damages and mutations in mtDNAleading to phenotypic expression of premature aging and degenerative diseases. A practicalsurvey of point mutations will be useful for genetic diagnosis in predicting the life-span ofan individual.  相似文献   

Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a severe form of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease characterized by lobular inflammation, hepatocellular ballooning, and fibrosis with an inherent risk for progression to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Mitochondrial dysfunction appears to play a role in the progression from simple steatosis to NASH. L-carnitine (L-b-hydroxy-g-N-trimethylaminobutyric acid), an essential nutrient that converts fat into energy in mitochondria, has been shown to ameliorate liver damage. The aim of the present study was to explore the preventive and therapeutic effect of L-carnitine in NASH model mice. Eight-week-old male STAM mice, a NASH-cirrhosis-hepatocarcinogenic model, were divided into 3 experimental groups and fed as follows: 1) high-fat diet (HFD) (control group); 2) HFD mixed with 0.28% L-carnitine (L-carnitine group); and 3) HFD mixed with 0.01% α-tocopherol (α-tocopherol group). After 4 or 8 weeks, mice were sacrificed. Blood samples and livers were collected, and hepatic tumors were counted and measured. Livers were subjected to histological study, immunohistochemical staining of 4-hydroxynonenal and ferritin, determination of 8-OHdG levels, mRNA and protein expressions for multiple genes, and metabolomic analysis. The intestinal microbiome was also analyzed. L-carnitine increased hepatic expression of genes related to long-chain fatty acid transport, mitochondrial β-oxidation, and antioxidant enzymes following suppression of hepatic oxidative stress markers and inflammatory cytokines in NASH, and mice treated with L-carnitine developed fewer liver tumors. Although α-tocopherol resulted in NASH improvement in the same manner as L-carnitine, it increased periodontitis-related microbiotic changes and hepatic iron transport-related gene expression and led to less effective for anti-hepatocarcinogenesis.


L-carnitine prevents progression of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in a mouse model by upregulating the mitochondrial β-oxidation and redox system.  相似文献   

Abstract: Excessive nitric oxide/peroxynitrite generation has been implicated in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis, and the demonstration of increased astrocytic nitric oxide synthase activity in the postmortem brain of multiple sclerosis patients supports this hypothesis. Interferon-β is used for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, but currently little is known regarding its mode of action. Exposure of astrocytes in culture to interferon-γ plus lipopolysaccharide results in stimulation of nitric oxide release. Using a coculture system, we have been able to use astrocytes as a source of nitric oxide/peroxynitrite in an attempt to "model" the effects of raised cytokine levels observed in multiple sclerosis and to monitor the effect on neurones. Our results indicate that stimulation of astrocytic nitric oxide synthase activity causes significant damage to the mitochondrial activities of complexes II/III and IV of neighbouring neurones. This damage was prevented by a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, suggesting that the damage was nitric oxide-mediated. Furthermore, interferon-α/β also prevented this damage. In view of these results, we suggest that a possible mechanism of action of interferon-β in the treatment of multiple sclerosis is that it prevents astrocytic nitric oxide production, thereby limiting damage to neighbouring cells, such as neurones.  相似文献   

Although neuronal cell death through apoptotic pathways represents a common feature of dysferopathies, the canonical apoptotic changes familiar from nonneuronal cells are late events. Loss of neuronal function occurs at a much early time, when synaptic-based neuronal connectivity fails. In this context, apoptotic pathways may normally serve a cleanup role, rather than a pathogenic one. Reframing the consideration of cell death in the nervous system to include the early stages of axonal degeneration provides a better understanding of the roles played by various apoptotic signaling pathways in neurodegenerative diseases. Focusing on disease-specific mechanisms that initiate the sequence that eventually leads to neuronal loss should facilitate development of therapies that preserve neuronal function and neuronal numbers.  相似文献   

Clusterin, a protein associated with multiple functions, is expressed in a wide variety of mammalian tissues. Although clusterin is known to be involved in neurodegenerative diseases, ageing, and tumorigenesis, a detailed analysis of the consequences of gain- or loss-of-function approaches has yet to be performed to understand the underlying mechanisms of clusterin functions. Since clusterin levels change in neurological diseases, it is likely that clusterin contributes to cell death and degeneration in general. Zebrafish was investigated as a model system to study human diseases. During development, zebrafish clusterin was expressed in the notochord and nervous system. Embryonic overexpression of clusterin by mRNA microinjection did not affect axis formation, whereas its knock-down by anti-sense morpholino treatment resulted in neuronal cell death. To analyze the function of clusterin in neurodegeneration, a transgenic zebrafish was investigated, in which nitroreductase expression is regulated under the control of a neuron-specific huC promoter which is active between the stages of early neuronal precursors and mature neurons. Nitroreductase turns metronidazole into a cytotoxic agent that induces cell death within 12 h. After metronidazole treatment, transgenic zebrafish showed neuron-specific cell death. Interestingly, we also observed a dramatic induction of clusterin expression in the brain and spinal cord in these fish, suggesting a direct or indirect role of clusterin in neuronal cell death and thus, more generally, in neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Pyruvate-supported oxygen uptake was determined as a measure of the functional capacity of mitochondria obtained from rat brain during unilateral middle cerebral artery occlusion and reperfusion. During ischemia, substantial reductions developed in both ADP-stimulated and uncoupled respiration in tissue from the focus of the affected area in the striatum and cortex. A similar pattern of change but with lesser reductions was seen in the adjacent perifocal tissue. Succinate-supported respiration was more affected than that with pyruvate in perifocal tissue at 2 h of ischemia, suggesting additional alterations to mitochondrial components in this tissue. Mitochondrial respiratory activity recovered fully in samples from the cortex, but not the striatum, within the first hour of reperfusion following 2 h of ischemia and remained similar to control values at 3 h of reperfusion. In contrast, impairment of the functional capacity of mitochondria from all three regions was seen in the first 3 h of reperfusion following 3 h of ischemia. Extensive infarction generally affecting the cortical focal tissue with more variable involvement of the perifocal tissue developed following 2 h of focal ischemia. Thus, mitochondrial impairment during the first 3 h of reperfusion was apparently not essential for tissue infarction to develop. Nonetheless, the observed mitochondrial changes could contribute to the damage produced by permanent focal ischemia as well as the larger infarcts produced when reperfusion was initiated following 3 h of ischemia.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are frequently the target of injury after stresses leading to necrotic and apoptoticcell death. Inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation progresses to uncoupling when opening ofa high conductance permeability transition (PT) pore in the mitochondrial inner membraneabruptly increases the permeability of the mitochondrial inner membrane to solutes of molecularmass up to 1500 Da. Cyclosporin A (CsA) blocks this mitochondrial permeability transition(MPT) and prevents necrotic cell death from oxidative stress, Ca2+ ionophore toxicity,Reye-related drug toxicity, pH-dependent ischemia/reperfusion injury, and other models of cell injury.Confocal fluorescence microscopy directly visualizes onset of the MPT from the movementof green-fluorescing calcein into mitochondria and the simultaneous release from mitochondriaof red-fluorescing tetramethylrhodamine methylester, a membrane potential-indicatingfluorophore. In oxidative stress to hepatocytes induced by tert-butylhydroperoxide, NAD(P)Hoxidation, increased mitochondrial Ca2+, and mitochondrial generation of reactive oxygen speciesprecede and contribute to onset of the MPT. Confocal microscopy also shows directly thatthe MPT is a critical event in apoptosis of hepatocytes induced by tumor necrosis factor-.Progression to necrotic and apoptotic cell killing depends, at least in part, on the effect theMPT has on cellular ATP levels. If ATP levels fall profoundly, necrotic killing ensues. If ATPlevels are at least partially maintained, apoptosis follows the MPT. Cellular features of bothapoptosis and necrosis frequently occur together after death signals and toxic stresses. A newterm, necrapoptosis, describes such death processes that begin with a common stress or deathsignal, progress by shared pathways, but culminate in either cell lysis (necrosis) or programmedcellular resorption (apoptosis) depending on modifying factors such as ATP.  相似文献   

Acidosis is a common feature of many neuronal diseases and often accompanied with adverse consequences such as pain and neuronal injury. Before the discovery of acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs), protons were usually considered as a modulator of other ion channels, such as voltage-gated calcium channels, N-methyl-d-aspartate, and γ-amino butyric acid(A) receptor channels. Accordingly, the functional effects of acidosis were considered as consequences of modulations of these channels. Since the first cloning of ASICs in 1997, the conventional view on acidosis-mediated pain and cell injury has been dramatically changed. To date, ASICs, which are directly activated by extracellular protons, are shown to mediate most of the acidosis-associated physiological and pathological functions. For example, ASIC1a channels are reported to mediate acidosis-induced ischemic neuronal death. In this article, we will review the possible mechanisms that underlie ASIC1a channel-mediated neuronal death and discuss ASIC1a channel modulators involved in this process.  相似文献   

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