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Two RNA sequences, AAA and AUG, were studied by the conformational search program CICADA and by molecular dynamics (MD) in the framework of the AMBER force field, and also via thorough PDB database search. CICADA was used to provide detailed information about conformers and conformational interconversions on the energy surfaces of the above molecules. Several conformational families were found for both sequences. Analysis of the results shows differences, especially between the energy of the single families, and also in flexibility and concerted conformational movement. Therefore, several MD trajectories (altogether 16 ns) were run to obtain more details about both the stability of conformers belonging to different conformational families and about the dynamics of the two systems. Results show that the trajectories strongly depend on the starting structure. When the MD start from the global minimum found by CICADA, they provide a stable run, while MD starting from another conformational family generates a trajectory where several different conformational families are visited. The results obtained by theoretical methods are compared with the thorough database search data. It is concluded that all except for the highest energy conformational families found in theoretical result also appear in experimental data.

Registry numbers:

adenylyl-(3′ →5′)-adenylyl-(3′ →5′)-adenosine [917-44-2]

adenylyl-(3′ →5′)-uridylyl-(3′ →5′)-guanosine [3494-35-7]  相似文献   

Today the Fourier Transform is also used in the analysis of biological time series with periodical parts. For N = 2M EEG sampling values the Fast Fourier Transform algorithm of COOLEY and TUKEY is applicable. For this a FORTRAN IV program EEG-FFT has been developed for computation of power spectrum. At the data processing equipment EC 1040 the CPU-time for 210 = 1024 EEG sampling values is smaller than 1.5 s. The FORTRAN IV program can be applied both in offline and online data processing.  相似文献   


The interaction of DNA and RNA with Cu(II), Mg(II), [Co(NH3)6]3+ [Co(NH3)5Cl]2+ chlorides and, cis- and trans-Pt(NH3)2Cl2 (CIS-DDP, trans-DDP) has been studied by Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and a correlation between metal-base binding and conformational transitions in the sugar pucker has been established. It has been found that RNA did not change from A-form on complexation with metals, whereas DNA exhibited a B to Z transition. The marker bands for the A-form (C′3-endo-anti conformation) were found to be near 810–816 cm?1, while the bands at 825 and 690 cm?1 are marker bands for the B- conformation (C′2-endo, anti), The B to Z (C3-endo, syn conformation) transition is characterized by the shift of the band at 825 cm?1 to 810–816 cm?1 and the shift of the guanine band at 690 cm?1 to about 600–624 cm?1.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate the variability of the roller compaction process while monitoring in-line with near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. In this paper, a pragmatic method in determining this variability of in-line NIR monitoring roller compaction process was developed and the variability limits were established. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis was used to study the source of the systematic fluctuations of the NIR spectra. An off-line variability analysis method was developed as well to simulate the in-line monitoring process in order to determine the variability limits of the roller compaction process. For this study, a binary formulation was prepared composed of acetaminophen and microcrystalline cellulose. Different roller compaction parameters such as roll speed and feeding rates were investigated to understand the variability of the process. The best-fit line slope of NIR spectra exhibited frequency dependence only on the roll speed regardless of the feeding rates. The eccentricity of the rolling motion of rollers was identified as the major source of variability and correlated with the fluctuations of the slopes of NIR spectra. The off-line static and dynamic analyses of the compacts defined two different variability of the roller compaction; the variability limits were established. These findings were proved critical in the optimization of the experimental setup of the roller compaction process by minimizing the variability of NIR in-line monitoring.  相似文献   


Conformational switching in the secondary structure of RNAs has recently attracted considerable attention, fostered by the discovery of ‘riboswitches’ in living organisms. These are genetic control elements that were found in bacteria and offer a unique regulation mechanism based on switching between two highly stable states, separated by an energy barrier between them. In riboswitches, the energy barrier is crossed by direct metabolite binding, which facilitates regulation by allosteric means. However, other event triggers can cause switching to occur, such as single-point mutations and slight variations in temperature. Examples of switches with these event triggers have already been reported experimentally in the past. Here, the goal is to computationally design small RNA switches that rely on these triggers. Towards this end, our computer simulations utilize a variety of different similarity measures to assess the distances between an initial state and triggered states, based on the topology of the secondary structure itself. We describe these combined similarity measures that rely on both coarse-grained and fine-grained graph representations of the RNA secondary structure. As a result of our simulations, we provide some candidate sequences of approximately 30–50 nt, along with the exact triggers that drive the switching. The event triggers under consideration can be modelled by Zuker's mfold or the Vienna package. The proposed methodology that rely on shape measures can further be used to computationally generate more candidates by simulating various event triggers and calculating their effect on the shape.  相似文献   

Recent developments in modern computational accelerators like Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and coprocessors provide great opportunities for making scientific applications run faster than ever before. However, efficient parallelization of scientific code using new programming tools like CUDA requires a high level of expertise that is not available to many scientists. This, plus the fact that parallelized code is usually not portable to different architectures, creates major challenges for exploiting the full capabilities of modern computational accelerators. In this work, we sought to overcome these challenges by studying how to achieve both automated parallelization using OpenACC and enhanced portability using OpenCL. We applied our parallelization schemes using GPUs as well as Intel Many Integrated Core (MIC) coprocessor to reduce the run time of wave propagation simulations. We used a well-established 2D cardiac action potential model as a specific case-study. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to study auto-parallelization of 2D cardiac wave propagation simulations using OpenACC. Our results identify several approaches that provide substantial speedups. The OpenACC-generated GPU code achieved more than speedup above the sequential implementation and required the addition of only a few OpenACC pragmas to the code. An OpenCL implementation provided speedups on GPUs of at least faster than the sequential implementation and faster than a parallelized OpenMP implementation. An implementation of OpenMP on Intel MIC coprocessor provided speedups of with only a few code changes to the sequential implementation. We highlight that OpenACC provides an automatic, efficient, and portable approach to achieve parallelization of 2D cardiac wave simulations on GPUs. Our approach of using OpenACC, OpenCL, and OpenMP to parallelize this particular model on modern computational accelerators should be applicable to other computational models of wave propagation in multi-dimensional media.  相似文献   

The conformational preferences of peptide T (ASTTTNYT) were analysed by means of computational methods. A thorough exploration of the conformational space was carried out within the framework of the molecular mechanics approach, using simulated annealing as a searching strategy. Specifically, in order to obtain a subset of low-energy conformations with energies close to the global minimum as complete as possible, a simulated annealing protocol was repeated several times in a recursive fashion. The results of the search indicate that the peptide exhibits a α-helical character although most of the conformations characterized, including the global minimum, can be described as bent conformations. Conformations exhibiting β-turn motives previously proposed from NMR studies were also characterized, although they are not very predominant in the set of low-energy conformations. © 1997 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Diatoms are photosynthetic unicellular microalgae and are nature’s hidden source of several biosynthetic metabolites with their use in biofuel, food and drug industries. They mainly contain various lipids, sterols, isoprenoids and toxins with their use in apoptotic, fertility controlling and cancer drugs. Chemical studies on diatoms are limited due to various limitations such as variation of nutrients, contaminants and change in seasonal factors in the environment. To overcome these limitations, we obtained axenic cultures of 12 fresh-water diatom strains on the 22nd day of inoculation having a dry weight of 1 mg each and performed their Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) study for the detection of functional groups responsible for their chemical moiety. The spectral mapping showed a varied level of polyunsaturated fatty acids, amides, amines, ketone bodies and esters for their applications in various pharmacological, food and biofuel industries in the exponential phase of their growth in f/2 media. The FTIR study of the 12 diatom strains showed various similarities in the form of some common peak patterns ranging from 3000 to 3600 cm?1 for νO–H absorption. The symmetric stretching vibration frequency of Diadesmis confervaceae (V2) type species showed different behaviour than others in the spectral region starting from 1600 to 1700 cm?1. The absorption between 1500 and 1575 cm?1 reflects the presence of the –N–H group. Infrared (IR) absorptions falling between 1600 and 1700 cm?1 reflect the presence of amide’s νC=O in all species. Placoneis elginensis (V8) type species showed an additional absorption band which is centred around 1735–1750 cm?1 which perhaps reflects the presence of ester’s νC=O. Diadesmis confervaceae (V2), Nitzschia palea (V4), Placoneis elginensis (V8), Nitzschia palea var. debilis (V6), Nitzschia inconspicua (V10), Gomphonema parvulum (V11) and Sellaphora (V12) showed distinct structural features with important key functionalities that can make them essential drug markers in the pharmaceutical industry.  相似文献   

Methods for efficient and accurate prediction of RNA structure are increasingly valuable, given the current rapid advances in understanding the diverse functions of RNA molecules in the cell. To enhance the accuracy of secondary structure predictions, we developed and refined optimization techniques for the estimation of energy parameters. We build on two previous approaches to RNA free-energy parameter estimation: (1) the Constraint Generation (CG) method, which iteratively generates constraints that enforce known structures to have energies lower than other structures for the same molecule; and (2) the Boltzmann Likelihood (BL) method, which infers a set of RNA free-energy parameters that maximize the conditional likelihood of a set of reference RNA structures. Here, we extend these approaches in two main ways: We propose (1) a max-margin extension of CG, and (2) a novel linear Gaussian Bayesian network that models feature relationships, which effectively makes use of sparse data by sharing statistical strength between parameters. We obtain significant improvements in the accuracy of RNA minimum free-energy pseudoknot-free secondary structure prediction when measured on a comprehensive set of 2518 RNA molecules with reference structures. Our parameters can be used in conjunction with software that predicts RNA secondary structures, RNA hybridization, or ensembles of structures. Our data, software, results, and parameter sets in various formats are freely available at http://www.cs.ubc.ca/labs/beta/Projects/RNA-Params.  相似文献   

During the past year, major improvements have been made in methods used to solve RNA structures from crystals, find RNA patterns in sequence data and determine RNA secondary structure. Computational methods for assisting an interactive computer graphics human modeler, searching the conformational space of RNA tertiary structure, studying the dynamics of complexes involving RNA and simulating RNA catalytic activities have also been advanced.  相似文献   

We suggest a new algorithm to search a given set of the RNA sequences for conserved secondary structures. The algorithm is based on alignment of the sequences for potential helical strands. This procedure can be used to search for new structured RNAs and new regulatory elements. It is efficient for the genome-scale analysis. The results of various tests run with this algorithm are shown.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Homology search for RNAs can use secondary structure information to increase power by modeling base pairs, as in covariance models, but the resulting computational costs are high. Typical acceleration strategies rely on at least one filtering stage using sequence-only search. RESULTS: Here we present the multi-segment CYK (MSCYK) filter, which implements a heuristic of ungapped structural alignment for RNA homology search. Compared to gapped alignment, this approximation has lower computation time requirements (O(N?) reduced to O(N3), and space requirements (O(N3) reduced to O(N2). A vector-parallel implementation of this method gives up to 100-fold speed-up; vector-parallel implementations of standard gapped alignment at two levels of precision give 3- and 6-fold speed-ups. These approaches are combined to create a filtering pipeline that scores RNA secondary structure at all stages, with results that are synergistic with existing methods.  相似文献   

We suggest a new algorithm to search a given set of the RNA sequences for conserved secondary structures. The algorithm is based on alignment of the sequences for potential helical strands. This procedure can be used to search for new structured RNAs and new regulatory elements. It is efficient for the genome-scale analysis. The results of various tests run with this algorithm are shown.  相似文献   

以全自动生化分析仪测定结果为参考值,采用傅利叶变换近红外透射光谱技术,结合偏最小二乘法,建立人血清中胆固醇和甘油三酯的定标模型。利用内部交叉验证和自动优化功能对预测模型进行了优化,确定了最优建模参数。模型对人血清中胆固醇和甘油三酯定标样品集的预测值与参考值的相关系数r分别为0.9011、0.9593,预测校正标准误RMSECV分别为15.0mg/dL,21.6mg/dL。表明利用近红外光谱分析技术实现血清中胆固醇和甘油三酯快速检测是可行的。  相似文献   

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