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Abstract: This is a study of the effects of a single “therapeutic” dose of glycerol [2 g(22 mmol)/kg i.p.] on brain carbohydrate and energy metabolism in normal nursing weanling mice. Findings were correlated with brain water and electrolyte content and with metabolite changes in plasma, red blood cells, and liver. Plasma glycerol levels peaked at 21 mM 7.5 min after injection and returned to the control value, 0.16 mM, by 2 h. Plasma Na+ concentration decreased and plasma protein increased for as long as 2 h after injection. Although red blood cells were freely permeable to glycerol, there was no evidence for glycerol metabolism in these cells. Glycerol levels in liver paralleled those in plasma. Glycerol injection increased liver glucose concentration 23% and doubled hepatic glycerol-1-phosphate levels. Liver ATP levels were reduced 24% after glycerol injection. Brain water concentration was significantly reduced from 7.5 min to 30 min after glycerol injection; brain Na+ and K+ levels were unchanged. There was no evidence for glycerol entry into brain (the amount detected in brain tissue could be explained by the glycerol content in the blood of the brain). While plasma glucose increased 33%, brain glucose increased 87%. Concomitantly there were statistically significant increases in fructose-1,6-diphosphate, lactate, α-ketoglutarate, and malate levels. The disproportionately high brain glucose value suggests increased transport of glucose from the blood to the brain. Increases in fructose-1,6-diphosphate, lactate, α-ketoglutarate, and malate are compatible with an increased metabolic flux in the glycolytic pathway and Krebs citric acid cycle. As has been previously shown for urea and/or mannitol, these changes may result from the effects of the hyperosmolar glycerol solution on the blood-brain barrier and on cerebral glucose utilization. The sustained lowering of plasma Na+ concentration after a single “therapeutic” glycerol injection suggests a need for monitoring plasma Na+ levels in the clinical situation. Possible lowering of hepatic ATP levels by the use of glycerol in humans is another concern.  相似文献   

In 72 pregnant women with culture-proved vaginal candidiasis, and an equal number of controls matched for parity, size, stage of gestation and age, the intravenous glucose tolerance curves were compared using Silverstone''s method. The results in both study and control groups did not differ and resembled closely those in Silverstone''s series. Half the study group were treated using nystatin alone, while the other half also received tolbutamide. The cure rate was equal in the two groups. Candidiasis in pregnancy does not appear to be related to altered glucose metabolism nor does the addition of this hypoglycemic drug (tolbutamide) improve results. No ill effects, fetal or maternal, were apparent following the use of tolbutamide.  相似文献   


Background and Purpose

Although total cerebral blood flow (tCBF) is known to be related to age, less is known regarding the associations between tCBF and the morphologic changes of the brain accompanying cerebral aging. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether total cerebral blood flow (tCBF) is related to white matter hyperintensity (WMH) volume and/or cerebral atrophy. Furthermore, we investigate whether tCBF should be expressed in mL/min, as was done in all previous MR studies, or in mL/100 mL/min, which yielded good results in precious SPECT, PET and perfusion MRI studies investigating regional cerebral blood flow.

Materials and Methods

Patients were included from the nested MRI sub-study of the PROSPER study. Dual fast spin echo and FLAIR images were obtained in all patients. In addition, single slice phase contrast MR angiography was used for flow measurements in the internal carotids and vertebral arteries. tCBF was expressed in both mL/min and mL/100 mL/min.


We found a significant correlation between tCBF in mL/min and both age (r = −.124; p = p≤.001) and parenchymal volume (r = 0.430; p≤.001). We found no association between tCBF in mL/min and %-atrophy (r = −.077; p = .103) or total WMH volume (r = −.069; p = .148). When tCBF was expressed in mL/100 mL/min the correlation between tCBF and age was no longer found (r = −.001; p = .985). Multivariate regression analyses corrected for age showed a significant correlation between tCBF in mL/100 mL/min and WMH volume (r = −.106; p = .044). No significant association between tCBF in mL/100 mL/min and %-atrophy was found.


From this study we conclude that, when evaluating tCBF alterations due to various pathologies, tCBF should in mL/100 mL/min instead of mL/min. Furthermore, changes or differences in WMH volume should be accounted for.  相似文献   



Fever of unknown origin (FUO) remains a challenge in clinical practice. Fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) is helpful in diagnosing the etiology of FUO. This paper aims to develop a completely automatic classification method based on PET/CT data for the computer-assisted diagnosis of FUO.


We retrospectively analyzed the FDG PET/CT scan of 175 FUO patients, 79 males and 96 females. The final diagnosis of all FUO patients was achieved through pathology or clinical evaluation, including 108 normal patients and 67 FUO patients. CT anatomic information was used to acquire bone functional information from PET images. The skeletal system of FUO patients was classified by analyzing the standardized uptake value (SUV) and the PET index of bone glucose metabolism (PIBGM). The SUV distributions in the bone marrow and the bone cortex were also studied in detail.


The SUV and PIBGM of the bone marrow only slightly differed between the FUO patients and normal people, whereas the SUV of whole bone structures and the PIBGM of the bone cortex significantly differed between the normal people and FUO patients. The method detected 43 patients from 67 FUO patients, with sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy of 64.18%, 95%, 93.48%, 72.73%, and 83.33%, respectively.


The experimental results demonstrate that the study can achieve automatic classification of FUO patients by the proposed novel biomarker of PIBGM, which has the potential to be utilized in clinical practice.  相似文献   

目的:探讨孕前体重指数与妊娠期糖代谢异常发病及其临床特点的关系。方法:采用病例-对照研究的方法,对孕期在我院进行健康保健确诊为糖代谢异常并已完成分娩的孕妇130例作为病例组,同时随机抽取同期分娩的260例糖代谢正常孕妇作为对照组。用Logistic回归模型对孕前体重指数进行单因素分析;计算其相对危险度。结果:病例组孕妇孕前BMI指数大于25者占80.77%,明显高于对照组的(19.23%),差别有统计学意义(X2=30.469,P<0.05)。logistic回归结果显示相对于BMI小于25者,BMI>25组发生糖代谢异常的相对危险度是3.90,95%CI为2.23-6.41。结论:孕妇孕前体重指数是妊娠期糖代谢异常的独立危险因素,因此孕前控制体重指数是降低孕期糖代谢异常发生的关键因素。  相似文献   

张健  宋金莲  丁伟  王亚秋  牟文凤 《生物磁学》2011,(19):3648-3650
目的:探讨孕前体重指数与妊娠期糖代谢异常发病及其临床特点的关系。方法:采用病例一对照研究的方法,对孕期在我院进行健康保健确诊为糖代谢异常并已完成分娩的孕妇130例作为病例组,同时随机抽取同期分娩的260例糖代谢正常孕妇作为对照组。用Logistic回归模型对孕前体重指数进行单因素分析;计算其相对危险度。结果:病例组孕妇孕前BMI指数大于25者占80.77%,明显高于对照组的(19.23%),差别有统计学意义(X2=30.469,P〈0.05)。logistic回归结果显示相对于BMI小于25者。BMI〉25组发生糖代谢异常的相对危险度是3.90,95%CI为2.23—6.41。结论:孕妇孕前体重指数是妊娠期糖代谢异常的独立危险因素,因此孕前控制体重指数是降低孕期糖代谢异常发生的关键因素。  相似文献   



Having children creates career interruptions and reductions in labor income for women. This study documents the relation between the age at first birth (AFB) and women’s labor income. We study these dynamics in the short run (i.e. ratio between labor income at AFB and two years prior to AFB) and long run (i.e., positive/negative differences in total lifetime labor income).


Using unique Danish administrative register data for the entire Danish population, we estimate the age-income profiles separately for college and non-college women conditional on marital status, and mothers’ age at first birth (AFB). We compute the lifetime labor income differentials by taking the differences between the labor income of women with and without children at each AFB.


The short-run loss in labor income, defined as the difference in percentages between the income earned two years prior to AFB and income earned at AFB, ranges from 37% to 65% for college women and from 40% to 53% for non-college women. These losses decrease monotonically with respect to AFB for both education groups. Our results on the lifetime labor income differentials between mothers and women without children also show a net effect that is monotonic (from negative to positive) in AFB. With AFB<25, the lifetime labor income loss for college women is -204% of their average annual labor income and this figure is -252% for non-college women. There are lifetime labor income gains with AFB>31. The largest gains for college women are 13% of their average annual income and this figure is 50% for non-college women.


Women have a large and unambiguous short-run reduction in labor income at their AFB. In terms of lifetime labor income, both college and non-college women, compared to childless women, are associated with lower income of more than twice their respective average annual income when bearing a child at AFB<25. In other words, women with AFB<25 are associated with a lower lifetime income of more than two years of annual labor income. The lifetime labor incomes for college and non-college women associated with AFB>31 are relatively higher.  相似文献   

Abstract: The relative cerebral cortical metabolism of glucose (GLU) and 2-deoxy-D-glucose (DG) was measured in vivo in control and insulin-treated hypoglycemic rats. The ratio of the utilization rate constants for the two hexoses, i.e., K DG/ K CLU is defined as the Hexose Utilization Index (HUI). The HUI was found to be invariant in rats whose cerebral glucose content exceeded 1 μmo1.g−1 wet weight (HUI = 0.48 ± 0.07). Severe hypoglycemia (plasma glucose <2 mM) effected a shift in the HUI to 1.04 ± 0.21. The results are consistent with a model in which the interpretation of the HUI is determined by the rate of transport into brain, or subsequent phosphorylation, as the rate-limiting step for hexose utilization.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus is known to impair glucose metabolism. The fundamental mechanism underlying hyperglycaemia in diabetes mellitus involves decreased utilization of glucose by the brain. However, mechanisms responsible for progressive failure of glycaemic regulation in type I (IDDM) diabetes need extensive and proper understanding. Hence the present study was initiated. Type I diabetes was induced in albino rat models with alloxan monohydrate (40 mg/Kg iv). Cerebral cortex and medulla oblongata were studied 48 h after alloxanisation. Diabetes caused an elevation in glucose, glutamate, aspartate, GABA and taurine levels and a decline in the glutamine synthetase activity. The activities of brain lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) exhibited significant decrease during diabetes. Ammonia content increased (P < 0.01) as a function of diabetes. Na(+)-K(+) ATPase showed an elevation (P < 0.01) and Ca(++)-ATPase activity decreased (P < 0.01). Calcium content enhanced (P < 0.05) in the brain of diabetic rats. A General increase in the brain AMP, ADP and ATP was found on inducing diabetes. Impaired cerebral glucose metabolism accounts for the failure of cerebral glucose homeostasis. The impairment in the glycaemic control leads to disturbances in cerebral glutamate content (resulting in calcium overload and excitotoxic injury) and brain energy metabolism as reflected by alterations occurring in adenine nucleotide and the ATPases. The failure in the maintenance of normal energy metabolism during diabetes might affect glucose homeostasis leading to gross cerebral dysfunction during diabetes.  相似文献   

线粒体是人体内的能量代谢工厂,而脑是人体内能量代谢最活跃的部位。神经元和胶质细胞是脑内主要的细胞。本文对线粒体在能量产生的作用进行综述,同时比较神经元和星形胶质细胞能量代谢的异同及密切联系,并对神经退行性变中能量代谢障碍与线粒体可塑性改变进行了回顾。以三种神经退行性疾病帕金森、阿尔兹海默和脊髓侧索硬化症为例说明线粒体在神经系统疾病和脑能量代谢之间的重要作用。从而进一步系统的认识,脑内的线粒体在生理和病理状态下对能量代谢的影响。深入了解其机制,为研究神经系统退行性疾病提供新的治疗策略。  相似文献   

It has been shown that the population average blood glucose level of diabetes patients shows seasonal variation, with higher levels in the winter than summer. However, seasonality in the population averages could be due to a tendency in the individual to seasonal variation, or alternatively due to occasional high winter readings (spiking), with different individuals showing this increase in different winters. A method was developed to rule out spiking as the dominant pattern underlying the seasonal variation in the population averages. Three years of data from three community-serving laboratories in Israel were retrieved. Diabetes patients (N?=?3243) with a blood glucose result every winter and summer over the study period were selected. For each individual, the following were calculated: seasonal average glucose for all winters and summers over the period of study (2006–2009), winter-summer difference for each adjacent winter-summer pair, and average of these five differences, an index of the degree of spikiness in the pattern of the six seasonal levels, and number of times out of five that each winter-summer difference was positive. Seasonal population averages were examined. The distribution of the individual's differences between adjacent seasons (winter minus summer) was examined and compared between subgroups. Seasonal population averages were reexamined in groups divided according to the index of the degree of spikiness in the individual's glucose pattern over the series of seasons. Seasonal population averages showed higher winter than summer levels. The overall median winter-summer difference on the individual level was 8?mg/dL (0.4?mmol/L). In 16.9% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 15.6–18.2%) of the population, all five winter-summer differences were positive versus 3.6% (95% CI: 3.0–4.2%) where all five winter-summer differences were negative. Seasonal variation in the population averages was not attenuated in the group having the lowest spikiness index; comparison of the distributions of the winter-summer differences in the high-, medium-, and low-spikiness groups showed no significant difference (p?=?.213). Therefore, seasonality in the population average blood glucose in diabetes patients is not just the result of occasional high measurements in different individuals in different winters, but presumably reflects a general periodic tendency in individuals for winter glucose levels to be higher than summer levels. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

在很多"之歌"中,我非常喜欢《长江之歌》,歌中唱道"你从远古走来,……你是无穷的源泉".正值《生物化学与生物物理进展》创刊40周年的日子,我愿意唱一首心中的歌——"脑之歌".人类大脑就好比是一条历史长河,它从远古流到了今天,又将从今天流向未来,是自然通过漫长进化所产生的最精细、最复杂、最优美和最成功的器官,是智力演化的最伟大奇迹,是人类智力产生的源泉,是人类灵性的家园.人脑以其非凡的能力造就了人类知识和文明的社会传承.可是到如今,我们还不知道人脑在整体上是如何工作的.脑功能神经组学或许是破解脑的奥秘的钥匙.  相似文献   

目的:探讨前列腺活检患者的血糖与前列腺癌患者的关系。方法:前瞻性收集416例初次经直肠超声引导下前列腺穿刺活检患者的血糖、前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)和Gleason评分等临床资料,所有患者以血糖浓度6.1 mmol/L为界分成两组,比较高血糖组和正常血糖组前列腺癌检出率和Gleason评分的差异。结果:416例前列腺活检患者中,检出前列腺癌165例,高血糖组38例(40.00%),正常血糖组127例(39.56%),差异无统计学意义(P0.05);低级别前列腺癌(Gleason7分)患者的构成比分别为0.184、0.071,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),Spearman等级相关分析显示前列腺癌患者的血糖值与Gleason评分呈负相关(r=-0.228,P0.05)。结论:血糖对前列腺活检患者中前列腺癌检出率没有影响,但提高了低级别前列腺癌患者的构成比,血糖是影响前列腺癌Gleason评分的一个独立因素。  相似文献   

Abstract: Previous studies have shown that a reduction in the O2 tension of the blood from 120 torr to 57 torr (hypoxic hypoxia) decreases brain acetylcholine (ACh) synthesis. To determine if this decrease is due to a direct impairment of ACh metabolism or to an indirect effect mediated by other neurotransmitter systems, we studied ACh formation in rat brain slices and synaptosomes. At O2 tensions ranging from 760 to less than 1 torr, 14CO2 production and [14C]ACh synthesis from [U-14C]glucose, the levels of lactate and ATP, and the ATP/ADP ratio were determined. In slices, the first decreases were observed in the rate of 14CO2 production and [14C]ACh synthesis at an O2 tension of 152 torr. The ATP level started to decline at 53–38 torr, and a reduction in the ATP/ADP ratio was first found at and below 19 torr. Lactate formation was maximally stimulated at 38–19 torr. Synaptosomes responded differently than brain slices to reduced O2 tensions. In synaptosomes, 14CO2 production and [14C]ACh synthesis from [U-14C]glucose, the levels of lactate and ATP, and the ATP/ADP ratio were unaltered if a minimum O2 tension of 19 torr was maintained. Despite the difference in sensitivities to decreases in O2 levels, there is a curvilinear relationship between [U-14C]glucose decarboxylation and [14C]ACh synthesis at various O2 tensions for both tissue preparations with a high coefficient of determination (R2= 0.970). The difference in the metabolic sensitivity of slices and synaptosomes to a reduced O2 level may be explained by the greater distance O2 must diffuse in slices. The results are discussed in comparison with hypoxia in vivo.  相似文献   



Internationally there is limited empirical evidence on the impact of overweight and obesity on health service use and costs. We estimate the burden of hospitalisation—admissions, days and costs—associated with above-normal BMI.


Population-based prospective cohort study involving 224,254 adults aged ≥45y in Australia (45 and Up Study). Baseline questionnaire data (2006-2009) were linked to hospitalisation and death records (median follow-up 3.42y) and hospital cost data. The relationships between BMI and hospital admissions and days were modelled using zero-inflated negative binomial regression; generalised gamma models were used to model costs. Analyses were stratified by sex and age (45-64, 65-79, ≥80y), and adjusted for age, area of residence, education, income, smoking, alcohol-intake and private health insurance status. Population attributable fractions were also calculated.


There were 459,346 admissions (0.55/person-year) and 1,483,523 hospital days (1.76/person-year) during follow-up. For ages 45-64y and 65-79y, rates of admissions, days and costs increased progressively with increments of above-normal BMI. Compared to BMI 22.5-<25kg/m2, rates of admissions and days were 1.64-2.54 times higher for BMI 40-50kg/m2; costs were 1.14-1.24 times higher for BMI 27.5-<30kg/m2, rising to 1.77-2.15 times for BMI 40-50kg/m2. The BMI-hospitalisation relationship was less clear for ≥80y. We estimated that among Australians 45-79y, around 1 in every 8 admissions are attributable to overweight and obesity (2% to overweight, 11% to obesity), as are 1 in every 6 days in hospital (2%, 16%) and 1 in every 6 dollars spent on hospitalisation (3%, 14%).


The dose-response relationship between BMI and hospital use and costs in mid-age and older Australians in the above-normal BMI range suggests even small downward shifts in BMI among these people could result in considerable reductions in their annual health care costs; whether this would result in long-term savings to the health care system is not known from this study.  相似文献   

Modelling of the Coupling between Brain Electrical Activity and Metabolism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In order to make an attempt at grouping the various aspects of brain functional imaging (fMRI, MRS, EEG-MEG, ...) within a coherent frame, we implemented a model consisting of a system of differential equations, that includes: (1) sodium membrane transport, (2) Na/K ATPase, (3) neuronal energy metabolism (i.e. glycolysis, buffering effect of phosphocreatine, and mitochondrial respiration), (4) blood-brain barrier exchanges and (5) brain hemodynamics, all the processes which are involved in the activation of brain areas. We assumed that the correlation between brain activation and metabolism could be due to either changes in the concentrations of ATP and ADP following activation of Na/K ATPase that result from the changes in ion concentrations, or the involvement, in different phases of metabolism, of a second messenger such as calcium. In this article, we show how this type of model enables interpretation of MRS and fMRI published data that were obtained during prolonged stimulations.  相似文献   

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