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Heavy metal (HM) tolerance, effects on maize growth, heavy metal absorption and accumulation by endophytic Peyronellaea from HM-contaminated and uncontaminated sites were studied to evaluate the hypothesis that endophytes from HM-contaminated sites would enhance HM-tolerance in hosts. Although we found that certain endophytes improved tolerance of plants to heavy metals, isolates from the HM-contaminated site were not more tolerant to heavy metals than those from the uncontaminated site. Pot experiments indicated that growth and heavy metal absorption and accumulation by host plants in HM-polluted environments could be affected by inoculation with HM-tolerant endophytic fungi, and isolates showed a high intraspecific variability. However, there was no significant difference in growth between the maize inoculated with the endophytes from the HM-contaminated site and uncontaminated site under lead stress. Similarly, the HM content in the shoots and roots of maize inoculated with the isolates from the HM-contaminated site was not always higher than that in maize inoculated with endophytes from the uncontaminated site. Therefore, based on our experiments it is suggested that HM-tolerance due to endophytes and their effects on host plant growth and heavy metal absorption and accumulation were not correlated with origin of the endophytes.  相似文献   

采用盆栽方法,研究了Cu(0~1500 mg·kg-1)和酸雨(pH 2.5~5.6)复合胁迫对酸模Cu富集、生长和抗氧化酶系统的影响.结果表明:酸模根和地上部Cu的积累量随土壤Cu浓度增大而增加,且根>茎叶,酸雨能促进酸模对Cu的吸收;随着土壤中Cu浓度和酸雨强度的增加,酸模的生物量逐渐下降,根和叶中MDA含量增加,且与Cu处理浓度显著正相关,根和叶中SOD和POD活性则均呈先上升后下降的趋势.酸模对Cu和酸雨有很强的耐受能力,在酸雨地区Cu污染土壤修复中具有很好的应用潜力.  相似文献   

以来自铜矿区(CS)和非矿区(UCS)两个海州香薷种群为对象,通过室内水培实验,分析了两种群幼苗在铜及营养缺失胁迫下植物生长、铜富集及矿质营养含量的差异.结果显示,铜、低营养胁迫及其相互作用对非矿区种群生长具有明显的抑制作用,而对矿区种群的影响则远比非矿区种群小,且较低铜浓度(25μmol/L Cu)明显促进了矿区种群的生长;从耐性指数结果看,矿区种群铜耐性指数和营养胁迫耐性指数均高于非矿区种群.这表明矿区种群不仅进化为铜耐受种群,同时也进化成营养胁迫耐受种群.低营养胁迫明显促进了植物对铜的吸收和运转,如在低营养胁迫和25 μmol/L Cu复合处理下,矿区种群根铜含量约为单一铜处理的25倍,非矿区种群是单一铜处理5倍多.低营养胁迫和过量铜显著减少了非矿区种群矿质营养元素如P,Mg,K和Mn的吸收积累,而矿区种群则仍然能保持相对稳定;在铜和营养缺失复合作用下,两个种群矿质营养除Ca和部分Fe外,均显著减少,但矿区种群减少程度明显比非矿区种群小.这些结果表明,矿区种群在胁迫条件下具有保持营养相对稳定和平衡的能力,这种能力使其能在高铜污染和营养缺乏的土壤中正常生长和定居.  相似文献   

The selection of appropriate seeds is essential for the success of phytoremediation/restoration projects. In this research, the growth and elements uptake by the offspring of mesquite plants (Prosopis sp.) grown in a copper mine tailing (site seeds, SS) and plants derived from vendor seeds (VS) was investigated. Plants were grown in a modified Hoagland solution containing a mixture of Cu, Mo, Zn, As(III) and Cr(VI) at 0, 1, 5 and 10 mg L−1 each. After one week, plants were harvested and the concentration of elements was determined by using ICP-OES. At 1 mg L−1, plants originated from SS grew faster and longer than control plants (0 mg L−1); whereas plants grown from VS had opposite response. At 5 mg L−1, 50% of the plants grown from VS did not survive, while plants grown from SS had no toxicity effects on growth. Finally, plants grown from VS did not survive at 10 mg L−1 treatment, whilst 50% of the plants grown from SS survived. The ICP-OES data demonstrated that at 1 mg L−1 the concentration of all elements in SS plants was significantly higher compared to control plants and VS plants. While at 5 mg L−1, the shoots of SS plants had significantly more Cu, Mo, As, and Cr. The results suggest that SS could be a better source of plants intended to be used for phytoremediation of soil impacted with Cu, Mo, Zn, As and Cr.  相似文献   

Wei C  Deng Q  Wu F  Fu Z  Xu L 《Biological trace element research》2011,144(1-3):1150-1158
Arsenic (As), antimony (Sb), and bismuth (Bi) are metalloids that share similar chemical properties, the objective of this study was to characterize the uptake and accumulation of these metalloids by plants colonized on heavy contaminated sites in an old Sb mine. Sixty-five plant samples from seven species as well as the associated soil samples were collected at ten sites of Xikuangshan (XKS), Hunan province, China. Concentrations of As, Sb, and Bi in plants and soils were measured. As, Sb, and Bi were found to be evidently elevated due to the long history and intensive mining and smelting activities; the respective ranges for the levels of As, Sb, and Bi at the sites were 40.02-400.2?mg?kg(-1) As, 610-54,221?mg?kg(-1) Sb, and n.d. to 1,672?mg?kg(-1) Bi. No correlation was found between As and Sb at the sites, while Bi was found to be positively correlated with As whereas negative with Sb at the sites. In general, the contents in the plants in XKS were in the order of As?>?Sb?>?Bi, and the contents of As was positively correlated with Sb and Bi in plants. The highest contents of As and Sb recorded was 607.8?mg?kg(-1) As in Pteris vittata and 90.98?mg?kg(-1) Sb in Hippochcaete ramosissima, while the highest Bi content as 2.877?mg?kg(-1) Bi was measured in Buddleja davidii. Bioconcentration factors defined as the ratios of metalloids in shoots of plants to those in soils for various plants were lower than 1. The results showed plants colonized at the heavy contaminated sites in XKS had great tolerance to As, Sb, and Bi, and demonstrated similarities in plant uptake and accumulation of these three elements.  相似文献   

【背景】深色有隔内生真菌(dark septate endophyte,DSE)广泛定殖于镉(Cd)污染生境的植物根系,具有增强植物镉耐性的重要生态功能,但人们关于DSE对镉胁迫的生理响应的了解有限。【目的】研究一株DSE嗜鱼外瓶霉(Exophiala pisciphila)对镉胁迫的矿质营养与低分子量有机酸分泌的响应。【方法】采用液体培养法,研究不同浓度(0、25、50、100、200、400 mg/L)镉胁迫对DSE菌丝生长、矿质元素(氮、磷、钾、硫、镁、铁、钙)与镉含量、草酸分泌的影响。【结果】随着镉胁迫浓度增加,菌丝生物量显著下降,降幅为22.8%−90.6%,菌丝的氮、钾和铁含量分别减少26.0%−52.8%、53.8%−92.9%和12.8%−34.3%,而磷、镁和钙含量分别增加15.4%−111.4%、20.4%−31.4%和35.1%−62.5%,硫含量在100 mg/L镉胁迫时增加25.1%。镉胁迫还导致培养液pH值下降,草酸浓度及单位菌丝草酸分泌量显著增加。相关分析发现,菌丝镉含量与硫呈显著负相关(P<0.05),与菌丝钾含量呈极显著负相关(P<0.01),与草酸分泌量呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。【结论】镉胁迫显著抑制DSE的生长,改变矿质元素的吸收,促进草酸分泌。  相似文献   

铜、镉对三种豆科植物生长及氮磷钾含量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解豆科植物在Cu、Cd单一污染土壤中的生长状况及对土壤养分的吸收利用特点,采用盆栽实验研究了Cu~(2+)、Cd~(2+)单一污染下紫花苜蓿、红三叶、沙打旺3种豆科植物的株高、根长、生物量和叶、茎部N、P、K、Cu和Cd含量的变化情况.Cu~(2+)、Cd~(2+)处理浓度分别为:0、400、800、1200 mg·kg~(-1)和0、1、10、20 mg·kg~(-1).结果表明,3种豆科植物对Cu和Cd均有较强的吸收能力,除红三叶叶片中Cu含量外,3种豆科植物根、茎、叶中Cd和Cu的含量均与土壤中重金属添加量呈显著正相关.3种豆科植物在严重Cd~(2+)污染的土壤中均能正常生长.在Cu~(2+)添加量≤1200 mg·kg~(-1)时,红三叶能正常生长,而紫花苜蓿的生长则受到显著抑制作用,沙打旺在Cu~(2+)添加量≥800 mg·kg~(-1)时生长受到抑制.土壤Cu~(2+)添加量≤1200 mg·kg~(-1)时,能促进紫花苜蓿对N、P、K的吸收;Cu~(2+)添加量≤800 mg·kg~(-1)时,对红三叶N、P、K含量没有明显影响;Cu~(2+)添加量≤400 mg·kg~(-1)时,可提高沙打旺中N、P、K含量,但当Cu~(2+)添加量≥800 mg·kg~(-1)时则显著降低.土壤Cd~(2+)添加量≤20 mg·kg~(-1)时,对紫花苜蓿和红三叶茎叶以及沙打旺茎部的N、P、K含量有促进作用,但对沙打旺叶片的N、P、K含量起抑制作用.总体来看,3种豆科植物对Cu~(2+)和Cd~(2+)均有一定的耐性,红三叶对Cu~(2+)的耐性较好,紫花苜蓿对Cd~(2+)的耐性较好.
Aimed to understand the growth status and nutrient uptake of leguminous plants under soil copper-or cadmium contamination, a pot experiment with Medicago sativa, Trifolium pre-tense, and Astragalus adsurgens was conducted, with their plant height, root length, plant bio-mass, and N, P, K, Cu and Cd contents in leaf and stem measured. The application amounts of Cu~(2+) and Cd~(2+) were 0,400, 800, and 1200 mg·kg~(-1), and 0, 1, 10, and 20 mg·kg~(-1), re-spectively. All the test three leguminous plants had strong capability of absorbing Cu and Cd.The Cu and Cd contents in their roots, stems, and leaves, except the Cu content in T. Pratease leaf, were significantly positively correlated with the application amounts of Cu~(2+) and Cd~(2+). Un-der the application of Cd~(2+), all the three leguminous plants grew normally. When the application amount of Cu~(2+) was≤1200 mg·kgM-1, T. Pratense grew normally, while the growth of M. Sativa was significantly inhibited. The growth of A. Adsurgens was inhibited when the application amount of Cu~(2+) was≥800 mg·kg~(-1). An apphcation amount of≤1200 mg·kg~(-1) of Cu~(2+) pro-moted the N, P and K absorption of M. Sativa, but applying≤800 mg·kg~(-1) of Cu~(2+) had little effects on the N, P and K absorption of T. Pretense. The N, P and K contents of A. Adsurgens in-creased when the application amount of Cu~(2+) was ≤400 mg·kg~(-1), but decreased significantly when the Cu~(2+) application amount was≥800 mg·kg~(-1). When the application amount of Cd~(2+)was≤20 mg·kg~(-1) , the N, P and K contents in M. Sativa and T. Pratense stems and leaves and in A. Adsurgens stem increased, while those in A. Adsurgens leaf decreased. As a whole, the three leguminous plants all had certain tolerance to Cu~(2+) and Cd~(2+) stresses, especially T. Prat-ease to Cu~(2+) and M. Sativa to Cd~(2+).  相似文献   

Efficient N2-fixing Leguminosae nodulating bacteria resistant to As may facilitate plant growth on As-contaminated sites. In order to identify bacteria holding these features, 24 strains were isolated from nodules of the trap species Crotalaria spectabilis (12) and Stizolobium aterrimum (12) growing on an As-contaminated gold mine site. 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed that most of the strains belonged to the group of α-Proteobacteria, being representatives of the genera Bradyrhizobium, Rhizobium, Inquilinus, Labrys, Bosea, Starkeya, and Methylobacterium. Strains of the first four genera showed symbiotic efficiency with their original host, and demonstrated in vitro specific plant-growth-promoting (PGP) traits (production of organic acids, indole-3-acetic-acid and siderophores, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase activity, and Ca3(PO4)2 solubilization), and increased resistance to As, Zn, and Cd. In addition, these strains and some type and reference rhizobia strains exhibited a wide resistance spectrum to β-lactam antibiotics. Both intrinsic PGP abilities and multi-element resistance of rhizobia are promising for exploiting the symbiosis with different legume plants on trace-element-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Plant genotypes differ in their uptake, translocation, accumulation, and use of mineral elements. Examples of genotype differences to iron, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, boron, copper, zinc, and molybdenum are discussed. Current knowledge is sufficient to indicate that many crop plants can be improved for the efficient use of mineral elements and better adaptation to mineral stress conditions.  相似文献   

增铵营养对小麦氮及矿质营养含量和积累的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
1 引  言增铵营养 (EAN)即混合形态N营养 ,是相对于单一NO-3 营养而提出的旱地作物N营养的新方法 .旱地作物在NO-3 营养下生长优于NH+ 4 营养[6] ,但在增铵营养下小麦等旱地作物的干物质积累和产量显著高于两种单一形态N营养[1~ 3 ,5,7] .同时 ,我们的研究表明 ,增铵营养对小麦生长的促进效应具有明显的基因型差异[3 ] ,但其生理基础尚不明确 .由于植株对两种形态N的吸收和积累也影响对其它无机离子的吸收 ,因此 ,在增铵营养下 ,不同小麦基因型对N及P、K、Ca、Mg等营养元素的吸收和积累也会存在差异 ,可能影响小麦…  相似文献   

城市污泥等废料可以用于调理稀土矿废弃地土壤,而能源植物麻疯树有望成为稀土矿废弃地的先锋植物。本研究通过向稀土矿废弃地土壤中添加污泥(T1)、污泥+蔗渣(T2)、污泥+蔗渣+钝化剂(T3),并以矿区土壤为对照(CK),研究盆栽条件下各处理对麻疯树生长和元素吸收的影响。结果表明: 与CK相比,T1仅显著提高麻疯树株高,T2、T3显著提高麻疯树株高、地径和生物量,其中总生物量提高184.7%以上;3个处理均显著促进麻疯树对N、P、K、Cu的吸收;T1、T2显著提高基质中可交换态Zn、Cd、Ni比例,T3则相反,并显著降低Zn、Cd、Ni在基质中的迁移系数和活性系数,抑制麻疯树对Zn、Pb、Cd、Ni的吸收,抑制率达36.1%以上。隶属函数综合评价结果表明,各处理对麻疯树生长的促进顺序为T2>T3>T1>CK,对麻疯树吸收Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Ni的抑制顺序为T3>CK>T2>T1。混施污泥和蔗渣显著促进麻疯树生长和元素吸收,进一步加入钝化剂则显著抑制麻疯树对重金属的吸收,但不影响麻疯树生长。  相似文献   

de la Rosa  T.M.  Aphalo  P.J.  Lehto  T. 《Plant and Soil》1998,201(1):17-25
The effects of supplementary far-red sidelight on the formation of mycorrhizas and on the accumulation and allocation of dry weight and mineral nutrients were studied in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings. Starting one week after germination the seedlings were subjected to two different light quality regimes: control and simulated sparse-canopy conditions (FR+). In the FR+ regime, light reflected by neighbouring plants was simulated by means of supplementary far-red light sources, which reduced the horizontal red/far-red photon ratio (R:FR) without affecting PAR. Seedlings were harvested after three months of treatment. FR+ increased stem height and decreased the total dry weight of seedlings. Dry weight allocation to needles was not affected, whereas dry weight allocation to roots was reduced and that to stems was increased in FR+ treated seedlings. The total number of short root tips and developing mycorrhizas per seedling were lower in FR+ than in control plants. Most short roots were developing mycorrhizas, while non-mycorrhizal short roots and mycorrhizas with mantle or external mycelium were very scarce. Changes in the allocation of nutrients in general followed the changes in dry weight allocation, and changes in nutrient content followed those in total dry weight. However, mismatches among these changes resulted in significant changes in nutrient concentrations in some organs: the concentrations of nitrogen and potassium in needles and the concentration of nitrogen in stems were higher in FR+ than in control seedlings. Changes in biomass and nutrient allocation under low R:FR may promote rapid height growth during early development in stands of Scots pine seedlings, but concomitant reductions in growth of the root system and mycorrhizas may negatively affect tree performance over the long term.  相似文献   

Abdel Latef AA 《Mycorrhiza》2011,21(6):495-503
The effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi inoculation on pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Zhongjiao 105) plant growth and on some physiological parameters in response to increasing soil Cu concentrations was studied. Treatments consisted of inoculation or not with Glomus mosseae and the addition of Cu to soil at the concentrations of 0 (control), 2 (low), 4 (medium), and 8 (high) mM CuSO4. AM fungal inoculation decreased Cu concentrations in plant organs and promoted biomass yields as well as the contents of chlorophyll, soluble sugar, total protein, and the concentrations of P, K, Ca, and Mg. Plants grown in high Cu concentration exhibited a Cu-induced proline accumulation and also an increase in total free amino acid contents; however, both were lower in mycorrhizal pepper. Cu-induced oxidative stress by increasing lipid peroxidation rates and the activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase, and AM symbiosis enhanced these antioxidant enzyme activities and decreased oxidative damage to lipids. In conclusion G. mosseae was able to maintain an efficient symbiosis with pepper plants in contaminated Cu soils, improving plant growth under these conditions, which is likely to be due to reduced Cu accumulation in plant tissues, reduced oxidative stress and damage to lipids, or enhanced antioxidant capacity.  相似文献   

A physico-chemical process has been developed to transform and enhance lignocellulosic waste in liquid humic extracts: humic-like substances (HLS). The aim of this study was to determine the effects of HLS on plant physiology in order to consider their agricultural use as organic fertilizers. The effects of HLS were evaluated on maize seed germination, and their impact on growth, development and mineral nutrition was studied on maize plants cultivated under hydroponic conditions. The experimental results showed that HLS do not increase the percentage and rate of germination but enhance the root elongation of seeds thus treated. Positive effects were also observed on the whole plant growth as well as on root, shoot and leaf biomass. These effects can be related to the high water and mineral consumption of plants undergoing this treatment. The high water efficiency indicated that such plants produce more biomass than non-treated plants for the same consumption of the nutrient solution. Furthermore, the use of HLS induced a flowering precocity and modified root development suggesting a possible interaction of HLS with developmental processes. Considering the beneficial effect of HLS on different stages of plant growth, their use may present various scientific and economic advantages. The physico-chemical transformation of sawdust is an interesting way of enhancing organic waste materials.  相似文献   

Cruz  Pablo 《Plant and Soil》1997,188(2):227-237
The effect of shading by a shrub legume on the growth and nutrient uptake of a C4 tropical grass was studied during four regrowth cycles. Regrowth periods were characterised by contrasting soil water availability. Dichanthium aristatum (Poir.) C. E. Hubbard swards were grown in full sun and under Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp. and Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit with a light transmission level ranging from 80 to 30% of the incoming photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), depending on shrub regrowth. A treatment with high N and water supply was included in one of the cycles to quantify the effect of shade alone on potential growth.Aboveground biomass (DM) and leaf area index (LAI) of swards were not depressed by the reduction of incoming PAR. The reduction in transmitted PAR by shrubs was compensated by an increase in the radiation use efficiency (RUE) of shaded swards. Higher RUE of unfertilised, shaded stands may be explained by higher levels of N availability in the soil. This is supported by the analysis of curves relating sward N accumulation to sward DM accumulation. In fact, for similar measured biomass the accummulated N was higher in shaded stands, a consequence of their higher N concentrations. This allowed shaded leaves to improve their CO2 assimilation rates on a leaf area basis. Higher RUE reported on shaded stands may be the consequence of higher leaf CO2 assimilation rates and also possible changes in the shoot:root ratio. As with N, the amount of K taken up by the sward was higher under shade, whereas P data were higher under shade only during the driest cycle. A positive water balance, alone or in combination with high N fertilisation, eliminated the improvement of the N nutrition of shaded stands. Thus, the positive effects of shade may be only observed when N and water are limiting sward growth in the open.  相似文献   

以低浓度(50 mmol.L-1)和高浓度(150 mmol.L-1)NaC l处理弗吉尼亚栎(Quercus virginiana)2年生扦插苗,研究了弗吉尼亚栎生长和根系形态学参数变化以及Na+、K+、Ca2+、Mg2+、NO3-等矿质离子在不同器官的吸收、运输和分配。结果表明,盐胁迫不同程度促进了地上部和根系生长,地上部和根系干重、根长、表面积和体积在低浓度盐胁迫下明显增加(P0.05),而在高浓度盐胁迫下变化不大。随着根系对Na+和C l-吸收的增加,K+、Ca2+、Mg2+在根部和茎部的积累明显降低,矿质离子由根部向茎部运输的能力在低浓度盐胁迫增加而高浓度下受到抑制。叶片在低浓度和高浓度盐胁迫下对K+、NO3-具有很强的选择吸收能力,这对于维持叶片离子平衡和正常的光合作用及代谢过程具有重要意义。Na+和C l-在根部的浓度远远大于地上部,说明弗吉尼亚栎根系对盐离子具有较高的耐受性,而减少盐离子在地上部的积累,对于维持地上部的正常生长具有重要意义,这也是弗吉尼亚栎对盐胁迫的适应机制之一。  相似文献   

Growth, cadmium accumulation and potassium and calcium status were studied in two halophytes from Aizoaceae family: Sesuvium portulacastrum and Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. After multiplication, the seedlings were cultivated on nutrient solution supplemented with NaCl (100mM) and CdCl2 (0, 50, 100, 200 and 300 microM). After 1 month of treatment, plants were harvested and the dry weight, as well as the Cd, K and Ca concentrations in tissues were determined. Results showed that S. portulacastrum, a perennial halophyte with slow growth, is significantly more tolerant to Cd than M. crystallinum, an annual plant. Cd severely inhibited Mesembryanthemum growth even at the lowest Cd concentration in culture medium (50 microM), and did not modify significantly that of Sesuvium. For both halophytes, Cd accumulation was significantly higher in the roots than in the shoots. However, Cd concentration reached 350-700 microg g(-1) DM in the shoots, values characteristic of Cd hyperaccumulator plants. The addition of Cd in the culture medium led to a disturbance of Ca and especially K nutrition, suggesting the possibility to improve plant growth and Cd phytoextraction of both halophytes by increasing nutrient availability in the culture medium.  相似文献   

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